16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, May 15, 1965 DENTISTRY A graduate of the Univer- sity of Toronto's Faculty of Dentistry, Gary E. Gales is returning to Oshawa to es- tablish a general practice at 211 Simcoe st. s. He will be attending convocation exer- cises to be held in Toronto on May 28. A graduate of O'Neill Collegiate he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. § _Gales Skey's Fear. And Loyalty Silence Him TORONTO (CP)--Loyalty to; a friend end fear of what he| might do in revenge prevented! Lawrence Richard Skey, 24 from telling police about a bank! robbery and killing, Skey testi fied Friday Skey, charged as an accom- plice to murder in connection with the killing of Jack Blanc, | who exchanged gunfire with a fleeing bank robber last July) 24, testified at the capital mur- der trial of Matthew Smith, 24 Skey was given the protec- tion of the Canada Evidence} Act before testifying. The act! provides that testimony given! by a person cannot be used against him DEPOSITS MONEY Skey said he deposited $9,785, ll SHOP THIS PAGE FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS FOR THE BEST VALUES ... BEST BARGAINS ...BEST SELECTION DECORATING... e@ Draperies @ Broadloom @ Carpets @ Sunworthy & Imported Wallpapers Gp Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron Street South, WHITBY 1 Block West of 4 Corners -- Turn South @ FREE DELIVERY @ Phone 668-5862 -- Open Fri, 'til 9 p.m A CALL TO OUR STORE DELIVERS IT RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR given him by Smith, in several WHATS IN A HOUSE (This ts the first in a weekly series providing a selection of suggestions on.. home building supplied by the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation.) Understanding Plan The construction of a house is} a complex undertaking involving]. many details. In order to chart Inspections During the course of construc- Corporation will not endorse ajdescription of the work to be "on the homeowner should | check for himself, or have jchange in an approved plan if|done. In general, they cover ail checked be Wis avehitect is it is likely to alter the lending|the features of the work which | njicable, that the senditione "ce | Value on which a National Hous-|are not shown on the plans, such|laid down by the specifications ing Act loan is based Minor|®§ the quality of material, the/are being complied with. Inspec changes can be made after hav-| jnature of standard of workman- ition firms offer this service to |ship and should be read as care-|the homeowner in some of our ing first obtained the Corpora-|fylly as the plans. They supple- larger communities. Since 'a the course construction will take tion's approval, but care shou!d/ment the plans, as the specifica-| house is in many cases the larg- and to help the individual under-|b€ exercised when making tions furnish the instructions the|est single investment many fam- stand and visualize the details|changes to plans to ensure that}2/@"8 40 not and the plans showjilies ever make, the additional involved plans are produced.|no other what the specifications cannot. |fee required to retain an archi Such plans are drawn to scale,| Where a prospective home-|tect or inspection firm to do the P ets ale, *iwill be affected by the ch which in the maiccity of cases) ie change.|owner engages an architect to|inspections can be a very sound for house construction represent| °F example, enlarging a room draw his plans the specifications! investment. It is cheaper to pre- one quarter of an inch, to equaljcould possibly result in the sup- aler me Prepared by We archi) |vent errors in construction than each foot in width, length and porting joists being over their itect, however where ' prospec-|to correct mistakes later on. If height of the house. Svmbols desiaved an limit. 4 tive homeowner is having 4 the house is bei ng built with Na- are shown to indicate the dif-| 8 span limit. Many NHA/house built by a builder he willjtional Housing Act financing, ferent component parts, so with|@PProved plans are available. jbe responsible' for completing) CMHC's compliance inspectors the help of the scale and sym-|Central Mortgage and Housing| (V6 specifications himself. He/will inspect the house at vary- bols the average. person is able|/Corporation offers a good selec- should therefore enter intvling stages of construction, but to understand the size of win-|tion at nominal prices in a cat-| jevery phase of the specifica-|only in order to ascertain that dows, rooms, halis, closets, etc.,;alogue entitled "Small House| tions with his builder before con-|the relevant section of the Na- and to visualize the unit as a/Designs" which can be obtained|®!Tuction begins. Such items asjtional Building Code of Canada concrete strength, lumberis being complied w:th. It is the whole free of charge. This book and} ; Ensure that the particular)many other publications of as-|8'ades. electrical outlets, door/homeowner's responsibility to chimes, finish flooring, exterior|see that construction of the plan chosen suits your purpose,|sistance to a prospective home-| as changes after constructionjowner may be obtained from|{inish should al! be designated/house is in strict accordance start can be costly. When alany CMHC office. Should the re-/@¢ understood by both parties)with plans, specifications and house is being constructed with|quirements of the Building by-|P™ior to commencement of work all local ordinances Nationa! Housing Act financing,|law of the community in which eT sea ia fe alterations to plans have to be|you live be stricter than the DIE IN FIRE day night, the official East Ger- approved to ensure that they/relevant part of the National) BERLIN (AP) -- Seven chil--man news agency ADN re- conform to the required stand-'Building Code of Canada the'dren burned to death in a ported. It said the blaze was ard of the relevant part of Na-local bylaw wil! take prece- boarding school for the retarded caused by a 15-year-old student tional Building Code of Canada.\dence Jat Jena, East Germany, Thurs-\of the schoo Specifications Specifications are the written Altering Plans =| Central Mortgage and Housing Part of the structure} SETTING THE PACE FOR OSHAWA Beautiful Breemor Is perfect. for family living packed with the most features that will deligt discriminating or economy minded home seekers designed to offer you the maximum for the minimum oe in braemor gardens (Stevenson Rd. N and Annapolis) bank accounts. He testified he knew Smith obtained the money by robbing a bank and killing Jack Bianc Skey said he bought an apart-| ment building in nearby) Brampton in partnership with! Smith and Mrs, Eileen Grif- | fiths, with whom they were} living at the time of the rob- bery. He stated that he knew sev- eral days before July 24 that Smith was planning to rob the branch of the Canadian Imper- ial Bank of Commerce Vaclav Krema, ballistics ex pert from the attorney - gen- eral's laboratory, testified that shell casings found at the rob- bery scene "beyond any} shadow of doubt" were fired by a rifle and automatic pistol found among the weapons in the Smith's home The trial continues Monday. OFFER BEST WISHES TORONTO (CP)--The execu tive of the Ontario Hockey As sociation, at its annual meeting Friday night offered best wishes to its secretary of 63 years, W. A. H. Hewitt, who will be 99 today. Mr. Hewitt, father of Foster Hewitt and| grandfather of Bill Hewitt, both hockey announcers, has been secretary of the association since 1903 Leip eae MONDAY 10 a.m. SPECIAL Zeller's Thrifty Priced POWER MOWERS CHARGE-IT y for Zelier's with 2 hp. Tecumseh engine 9" rotary blade; DOWNTOWN SIMCOE STREET SOUTH Built ex 2 rope starter wheels With chrome -T-hand'e, red deck. Front side discharge OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE HOLLAND LUMBER CO. cottage BUILDER'S CENTRE the latest, most modern design pians; expert advice, and the finest products selection available to, make your "Do-it-yourself" building easier! Why not come in. today and let us help you with your moterials selectior We don't bu FOR SPRING DECORATING choose from Oshawoa's largest selection of the newest fabrics smartest designs. . . over 2,000 pair ready-to-hang lined drapes at $10.98 pair and up .also the. incomparable "Life-Time"' Fibergles! WARD'S 725-1151 COTTAGE BUILDER'S SPECIAL V4" Sanded Knottey Pine PLYWOOD 3-95 HOLLAND LUMBER (0. Full 4' x 8' R.R. No. 1 Oshawa at 5-Points 725-4709 Simcoe St. $. at Athol Home. MAINT WALLPAPER DISTINCTIVE BEAUTY pariit with Pratt « Lambert HOUSE PAINT AT EDGAR'S DECOR CENTRE "ASK US OR--WE'LL HELP YOU" 34 KING ST. W. 723-7351 The newest, ment stein way to heat yer home ... clean and economicel even heat ---- heating keeps your home = healthfully warm with greater ease and convenience Uniform, electric this new conven- home, to get ience for your come see us 723-9363 OR 723-1863 @ ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS @ RENTAL TANKS ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC 52 Fernhill Bivd, Oshawa ASPHALT PAVING Commercial @ Residential ALL TYPES Het Mix... For Streets, Reads, Driveways, Service Stations, Parking areas, etc. PHONE 128-4661 1290 Somerville BIG SAVINGS AT OUR Garden Centre @ MIDTOWN PLAZA @ K-MART PLAZA MIDTOWN DR. AT KING ST. HWY, No, 2 WHITBY VALUES EFFECTIVE AT DOMINION 149 MIDTOWN DRIVE AND HWY. NO. 2 WHITBY UNTIL CLOSING TIME SAT. MAY, 22 PLANTS 43° DOMINION ASSORTED VARIETIES sue ekines a eehieeen ten . 3 H.P. BRIGGS & STRATTON MOTOR 20 INCH CUT 995 AVAILABLE AT DOMINION MIDTOWN PLAZA ONLY A Se A cS co Floral Pattern Padded CHAISE LOUNGE 18.95 PATTE'S PAINT GP PAINT @ip Lucite: Reg. TM. "The Firm You Can Trust For Paint" PATTE'S AT 85 SIMCOE ST PAINT and WALLPAPER $4 YEARS NORTH Oshawa 725-3529 Oshawa