1Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 7, 1965 'Spring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't Needs H Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY _-- Barristers Money To Loan Mo f h eT nt-|MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, 1 WILL loan you up fo $5,000 at @ rea- icite Cilents' funds avaliable, mort- sonable rate of interest {o consolidate} a or Nations! Trust Buliding, 32 your bills or for any other worthwhile With Love * ere 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles For Sale 13 ft, 6 inch mouided plete with ineeneld and condition. Telephone 14" "RIDER" power new Telephone 72-90 9---Market Basket APPLES McINTOSH & SPY§ $1.50 per Bu. ALGOMA CHARDS nsw \ a lown mower. ike A GieT:.. FIT FOR A QUEEN Buy Her A "Filter Queen" Make Her Work Easier FILTER QUEEN SALES & SERVICE 323 KING ST.W. 728-7552 For free home demonstrotion Accountents HOSMA: Chartered Accou poy on Sirens ula 4 Oshawa,| Ontario, Telephone Chartered | LEONARD Fee gpg = aaron ping Centre, NLSON ond BURROWS, sé "4 King Street Wasi, ae awa Wilson, CA) G. Eamona Gardening and Supplies Garden Supplies "Bulk" Garden Seeds Flower Seeds and Bulbs Roses Flowering Shrubs Garden Tools Tank Sprayers Bird Baths Water Fountains Windmills Peat Moss | Weed and Feed Fertilizer Grub Killer Fertilizer | C.1.L. 10-6-4 C.I.L. Evergreen 6-9-6 C.LLL. Golfgreen 12-6-6 So-Green 7-7-7 Garden So-Green So-Green 21-7-7 Milorganite | Bone Meal | Sheep Manure Lawn Seed t Cornitete Garden fihese Street South, 728-7336; Cheries C. Purpose providing you are pentily er McGibbon, OC; Edger F, Bastedo, QC. fia and have good credit, Telephone! 1 @, ; nena MACON MD, BA, Mortgages een MORTGAGE LOANS Central Ontario Trust Building Trades : SPRING SPECIAL & Savings Corporation INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS 10% Discount On All Orders Placed Before May 15 Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, ond PRIME SECONDS MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS Purchased LOANS ON MORTGAGES tis, OR' THICKSON RD, NORTH WHITBY ° F. Burrows, eh, 728-1984, JOSEPH GUTMANN, Sheree Aco " parking avall- JANSSENS COUNTRY DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET Fresh fruit and vegetebles daily, Apples sold by the bushel, Host of imported pre- ducts, "|_843 KING W, 728.9429 _ 1. ROTA ATOuS -- _ 7p $4.00, Gelivered, Cell evenings. aPC RUP tor inie, Toke Highway 5 trom 401 fe Concession 12 Manvers. Andrew _Heaslip, nslip, Bethany VRAIN, tent, Ulesnees T Bond Sireet FASHIONABLE Shoes By @ Joyce without obligation ROSES. FOR MOTHER'S DAY $6 - $7.50 - $10. A DOZEN REED'S FLORISTS DOWNTOWN AND BLOOR STREET WEST Telephone 728-7386 MOTHER'S DAY SAVINGS up to 30% all colognes, perfumes, dusting powders, etc, Large selection of Mother's Day cards, Come in end browse around. RITSON CENTRE 438 RITSON S. Next te Coin Leundry) Open All Dey Sundey JANSSEN'S POWER EQUIPMENT CENTRE WHAT BIRD BUILDS HEGTS 91K FEET Low 7 mt Gian OMOLE & SOUT AMERICA nga "up and dellv in eaibis , AND €0., Char- noni Actuumtents. Financiel Tred Sole ing, 187 Ki East, Oshawa, On- tario, 725-3509) 7. Hopkins, CA; HE. Beadle, CA; E. now" ; SRIEBLANGER ane 66, Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East.) hee 1 ia, my fe pustaonaes.| » Phone 725-0829. painting, plumbing, electricol work, roofing, eavestrough- ing, plastering, cement work of all kinds, Aluminum doors and windows, siding 20 skilled men ready to serve you, NELLS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa -- 728-2061 Peterborough ---- 745-2 184 CUSTOM HOME REMODELLING Roofing, Painting, Siding, Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec. Rooms, Cupboards and Gen- eral Carpentry work. All Work Guaranteed, CALL 725-8576 @ DRIVEWAYS @ PLAZAS @ PARKING LOTS, ETC. | WORK GUARANTEED SCOPE ASPHALT Paving Limited _723- 5593 or 942- 0994 'HARLEIGH MFG. CO House remodelling. Kitchen | Ting; Mesamiod acne: | NAAPLE LEAF | tiling, Modernfold doors, ete, Free Estimates. Call anytime: LANDSCAPING & GARDEN SERVICE | cores FIRES IF HEY ARE Kot ENOUGN OF fem PRODUCE RAIN AND THUNDER STORMS THAT PUT HE FIRE, THAT PRODUCED THEM, © Rene Fesrore hmtinen tp. 194. Word sige seme @ Naturalizer @ Cloud Soft @ Murray-Selby | ee FOR SALE -- Allis-Chaimer: "VWreclore, one vim cultivator, one with seuffier; alto formato planter and 'ayer, T phone 725-7786 rere 9 APPROXIMATELY 10 ac for rent, Rossiand Road Whitby 666-2194, gp ROTTED horse and Son manure, per load, or ® bushe weres, TAS-4994 oF 723-7330, DEAD ond crippled Varm ah UP promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Telephone Collect Hampton, Licence 389-C-6 SEED OATS, ier Clea oa and treat ¢d. Telephone Whitby 2 oF 668-4009, SEED ciean oats for sale, $1 bushel, Bowe manville 623-2242, TRACTOR four wi den with lmple ments, $160, For information telephone 726- 1306. G. Perkin, CA,| King Street, Newcastle, 987-4240; William!) €. Hall, B.Comm, CA. Barristers JOSEPH P. MANGAN, GC, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street Ea shawa, 728-8232 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Sollc- tors, etc, 114 ning ee "ot Dial 723-2278. Residence Phones: «J, Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, Member, bead Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, \Septic Service FOR COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION And Other Trenching CALL K and L BROOKLIN 655-4744 |Surveyors DONEVAN end FLEISCHMANN, Land Surveyor. Commercial bive {1) Ontario Street, 725-5632 |H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario surveyors 112 Bigin Street East, 5-608) |5--Traile "l-"GO0K'S TRAILER SALES NEW LOCATION SIMCOE ST. NORTH Oshawa --~ 723-9534 Authorized dealers for @ GLENDETTE e GLENDELLE @ CITATION @ CANADIAN @ EMPEROR TENT TRAILERS All trailer parts and service nts GLENDETTE |5-foot travel tralier, sleeps) \five adults, Good condition, fully equipp- ed. Telephone 725-996) u mmyTRaae HOME, 23 ft, deluxe, "Glend- ete,' fully equipped, extras. Save $1,000. Used 10 months Bargaini Bowmanville | 625- "5100 a 6--Marine | Equipment -- 'We Carry . @ Owens @ Crestliner @ Grew @ Evinrude See them ot... OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Harbour Road Me 723- 1901 art, "HARRON cedar strip. boat, | | Immediate Service From Our Head Office 19 Simcoe St, N., Oshawa Phone 723-5221 MORTGAGE LOANS neys for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7¢ No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hennick jand Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street | East, 723-1732, hi 77) COMFORTABLE Slippers By; @ Oomphies Supplies | ; SINCE | 'Cooper-Smith Co, 16 Celina St, 723-1139 |Spring Clean Up | Pruning caping 1909 enBIonFORt DRYNAN, MURDOCH | VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Noteries, Simone rf Creighton, ec; or residences: G, K, Dry- nan, QC; 728-0554; G. L. Murdoch, QC,/ 773-4768; J. C, Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought and sold, ed. M 11--Pets and Livestock TOV POODLE puppies for sale) Pek ese stud verve. punely Kennels, Tow line Road N Telephone 723-6216, CABRADOR | Fr _ weeks old, Perfect ag fa "nna 6 and $10, Bowmanvil rrenimat | ene halt-pri ie oi ae mimatety es! an . ate) | 8 i-price, Tele SPARE RE a oe on j Ph BOYCHYN, and HILL- Solicitors, Oshawa; R, D, © boc, QC; W. A, Hillman, LLB; ef D. Humphr BA, LLB, Office 725-1177; _ Residence 725-4604; Whitby 668-2761) Hacieag a La a NHA and other first mortgage ble. Classified nies WORD ADS Cesh--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 | additional words 4c each; 3 con- secutive insertions of 24 words #200 88 additional words 12¢ 6 TV--Rodio 'Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your TERMS ARRANGED. @ Foamtvead @ Packard Fertilizin mplete Lanc >ervice Rolling and Cc stock, registered, POODLE -- biack i mintature slahi weeks old, ¢ Cozv-s WANEH Kennels, horses, goats, in 1) PUR. boarding, Ashburn, 723-7589 From: kids, registered Germa pies, Stud Services, secutive insertons of 24 words $4.33, additional words 18¢ each. Charge -- 10 per cent additione! cherge Wf not paid within 8 Method ef counting --- Less then 24 words counts os 24 words; each word, initial, figure or abbreviation The R. H. CABINET CO, 182 THICKSON RD, N 728-0232 counts @8 one word; phone number | counts two words BIRTHS -- DEATHS SOCIAL NOTICES Kitchen cabinets. Vanities Custom built cabinets | HAMPTON 263-22 14 fll ~ CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES, ETC WHITE BIRCH A|! sizes, Nice Cluste Rail Fence Posts, and P of all lengths SMITH -- Newtonville tea PRIVATE | and 00 corporate m monies . for aii ™ | mortgages, Mortgages and agreements) jof sale purchased. Creighton, Dryn, Murdoch and Victor, {See "Barrister Optometrist F, RICHARD BLACK, 0D, 136 Simcoe Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Tele |" |phone 723-4191 OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED _ | praia, steering wheel one windshield, 7: lead LASS boat, ~yrelier Evinrude motor, $11000, Also 60 Scott equipped, $300 Telephone 725-9704. PONTOON BOAT, aluminum, # x Vt 6! jnew condition, Reasonable price, Tele | phone 728-8694 after 4 pm. 1SFOOT moulded piywood boat) 38 HP Johnson motor; also one 50 HP Johnson DAVIDSON SHOE STORE (OSHAWA) LTD 843 King West _ Toro, Moto-Mower Massey~ . Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on all power equip. ment, Licenced mechanic on duty, 728-9429 SMILE 655-4662, evenings, a Ag rain ing strain, Ay ' Broad, 114 ne, Bey pply Mre i An cna a a Telephone en " DB Samoy ey. Pour months -- old sone" Prekan' Telephone TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! Leh Q, TELEVISION Corner Bond & Divisior 728-5143 oe Ue "HOUSE CLEANING TIME T.V, CLEANING TIME by wR OD TELEVISION 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA a A TOWERS RON'S TV 12 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 723-7521 [RON BRIGHTLING 9 A.M,-9 P.M, |3 asin tin CITY TV TOWERS, ani ; al | 723-2798 patra, All. work Ra antennas. 6 sh CUSTOM BUILT box iraller, site 4 by 4 A )_725-0500, by 3, all steel frame work, 1sInch | --~aennnnmmee (wheels, light weight. Best offer er will snd apelienses Goold's Well Drilling--Digging trade for Reaiviane cutting torch, Tele phone 723-5387, slered and re-|'WELL DIGGING by machine" Specializing materiaijin 30-inch tile, W Ward, 204 Chestnut} 7--Swap and Borter Jpholstering, 75 Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-. p3809 obiakd PRESSURE systems, | 86: sinks, cabinets, space heaters, in |tratlers, rs Reg. South You're in Valley Creek Furnle ture where they poy the most, sell the cheapest, When sell+ ing or buying used furniture and appliances phone 728- 4401 or come to the store 16% Bond W, @ Gravel @ Sand @ Stone © %" Mulch @ Building Materials TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24-hr, Burner Service Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer Call 668-3524 SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, South Pi geen |VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, PALOMINO gelding, five years. TYPEWRITERS, ad sang mac ines ind brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0219, /hands. Pinto gelding, 13.2 hands, buys Jen-|Rleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Hage Also quiet. ponies for " serve | Pickering. my Markham 294-1820, |FURNITURE = three pga ty furniture, ny oe | ete bedroom, living room, isembles, Pay only $3, weekly, Unbeat- able vaivel Barons' Home Furnishings, MATCHED "TEAM 424 Simcoe South, Wes WHITE BIRCH, any size, one, two ena|tH $lthree clusters, 8 Up, Also cedars, Woe. call peveninga at se h and up. Apply 372 King Street 720-9830. t oF telephone mee 12--Article Wanted BEDROOM SUITE, three-piece varound swing wal, Tele WANTED YO BUY --~Busl lwo with mattress and springs, $80; nm oni evision, $50, 728-1006 lever trol box and two 13ft. cables for in price paid, Call Sebastian Hohmann, Merc Mark 25, Phone 725-4434, 725-7001, breter Metulleeh, WANTED --"P Siena Tepalr-needy. RETO wanted, ® iy|CAR TOP BOAT -- Ply- WANTE VEO TO BUY -- i te 16 ry lee box (MUD PROBLEMS! - Easily overcome SPHALT DRIVE, ranged to suit, | Telephone 723-1 891 WELDING Acetylene @ Are @ Heleore olso Torch Cutting 283 DEAN AVE 723-6601 PLASTERING New and Repairs Ceramic tiles D. & R. ROBINSON 725-0330 HOME" IMPROVEMENTS, _ Tooting, and |eavestroughing, carpentry work, pal Inting| and genera! repairs. All work guaranteed. P Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-206) . NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, sidewalks, re-modeliing, rec-rooms. Free esti A. ©, Woods, 728-3420 or 728: 4717 ROOFING FLAT. new repair jobs; chimney: ined. Os Rooting and Sheet Met 483 Wilson Road North, 728-6507. Res, 728-2438 REMODELLING or renovating? 'Adding a room or garage? For a tree astimate $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad- ditional charge if net paid with-in days, iN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se each thereafter, plus 12c per line of 'verse 25¢ additional charge if not pold yd : ate CARDS O IANKS $2.00 for mu ety 38 words ond B« soch thereatter, with 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 days. COMING EVENTS | 2.10 per inch (display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and Se each there ofter. (Werd Ads, AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per insertion DEADLINES WORD ADS S p.m. dey previour LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m. day of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS a.m, day of publication conan DISPLAY | column == 4 p.m. doy previous 2 column or larger -- 10 a.m, doy previous CORRECTIONS AND CORRECT: 96 ory 8 ot ea th ion box NUMBER RENTAL -- 80¢ ile every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers a: soon as possible we accept no fiability in respect of loss or domage alleged to arise through either foilure or dela forwarding such rep however coused whether by negligence or otherwise, The Times wil! not be re- sporalbie for replies uncalled for in O days REGULATIONS The Oshowe Times will not be re- sponsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing not for more than one inser- tion of ony advertisement, nor be- yond the price charge for a single nsertion of the advertisement in which error occurs The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according te ite proper classification. tin the case of display advertisements The Times will not be held respon- sible for more space than in whick the actual error occupies, The pub- lishers endeavor to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but as- sume no liability of odvertisement if any inaccuracies form are onteined therein advertisement cancelled beto: publication will be charged one day's nsertion rr nae, oi year-old iding } quiet, RR 1, Tyrone -- SADDLE -- Western vr roping, large steel horn, excellent condition, Call Orono 3 Lira REGISTERED Dachshund male pup, six tronths old, Has Kad all needies, Trained. Telephone 725-6915, All ticles in condit) Telephone -- and | Decorating -- eo, Le hope 786-2283 Collect ss SPRING CLEAN-UP Pruning, Fertilizing, Rolling Complete landscape service, HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 725-1721 NO. | TOP SOIL Oshowa Garden Centre 1259 Simcoe North 723-1161-2 EVERGREEN SALE SHADE TREES FLOWER- ING SHRUBS, Get your card White Rose Garage - Bow monville entitles you to free full grown flowering shrub ~ 623-3180 "bveroresta, "Shade wering shrubs, fer fisit your local 31 Simcoe St, N, Telephone 725-3312 nd Arson tra Phone 720-5547 eve 12FT, PLYWOOD boat er; need painting nings | KYAAK, 20-1, collapsibie, Good condition, | | Telephone 723-9350 after § pm, | HOUSEBOAT 28 feet long, Ghrysier crown lengine, Priced reasonable for quick sale, hone 725-0744, |16-FT, PLYWOOD 'Boal, jelectric, Tee Nee tralier, 129 Melrose. SKI BOAT Merc. and trai 725-8729. with on | Terms ar- ~~ Oshawa Live Bait Co, WORMS FOR SALE Wholesale and Retail Everyday from 5 a.m, to 8 p,m, 859 NELSON STREET corner of Wolfe 723-7112 or 728-3222 BUGGY With fod down naar * 'excellent CAnRaoon FAETRIGVER bi age Phone Yast Sanet Three your old, FOR MODERN PAINTER | @ PAINTING @ DECORATING | e INTERIOR & EXTERIOR @ FREE ESTIMATES FERDINAND SCHMIDT 293 FESTUBERT 725.9572 PAINTING and DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 GENERAL PAINTING « ond ng, wall papering, furniture refinished, "Tele-| [ph me 725-7175 | 4% HP Johnson $1200, Apply veri Woh aan" ceil hand lete, iroontin'"4 455-3706" wre Tete mer trerene, snrer with ho 13 fi. Fibregiass, a HP » Telephone after 5 p.m FFT, PLYWOOD boat, | (ibergiass) trall- rait| er and 5 hp Johnson motor, $195. Tele-| USEO VACUUM clesners and polishers, phone 720-0544, |good condition, $10, up. Telephone -728- |JOHNSON 18 HP oculboard motor with) 56 |all controls, excelient' condition, $200 or| yr best offer, Telephone 728-6848 Tee bs alyl a 'Weller, Tei 4 after cm pLvwoee way 14 Yeet, Yibregioased| with 35 Evenrude electric motor, Tee Nee trailer, Uxbridge 852-3923, BOAT, motor and tr for 'sale, |sell motor separate lephone after 4 pm. 723. 2626, lie FT. Larson Cruiser, fibreglass, si two, 75 horsepower fo Enrve fully equip. | Ped. Telephone 7: 5 HORSE pewan Gs oan motor, 12 #f - Fe trailer, Apply 1188 in | To henge hot, Tele 43 Good 942. |king 'Business Machines, | lee, 728 pen evenings |NEW AND USED TV's s 'and appli General Electric we Phillips, Wayne' ae jms Simcoe North, Telephone 723-141), MOVING Reirigerator, Keivinator, top freezer; stove, Kelvinator, automa- tic, 30-Inch, excellent condition; sate S\three widths; orneien Encyclopedia, | \Fo-vear 726-666 TV Towers | +8 ala sence et alhehannel antennae Tv Sueely See Gibbons Street, 728-8 BOARD SLOOP, "codar| Wa BUY, sell and = @ Used furni-| 88 deck, mahogany trim. jture or anythin you neve. The Clty Trading. re Store, 446 Simeoe St; ret new qual wg Spaniels delivered, Port -- "ot Palominos and | Dial 728-1070, od homes. [Plumbing ond Heating 7 JALL PLUMBING and heating supplies | Telephone 725-3521, Harold H, Stark Ltd., |Piumbing, Heating and Engineering, 225 | Simcoe Street South Bowmanville ae For Trees, tilizer gorde 1 centre J, A. Janssen and Sons Ltd. 843 KING ST. W. 728-9429 "GARDEN CENTRE & LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" NURSERY sod and field delivery, Free estimates e552 or 723 23-9910 MANURE - Gravel, "Stone, 1 Fill, Any: |time, Anywhere! Dial Hampton 263-2445, |POWER MOWER tuneup and service to all makes. Pick-up and delivery tele phone 728-9217 rRee TO TRIM? Cail Sim Free estimates. it tower! installed, Limited, 361 . boat f Ritson 'Road laut TYPES of repairs remodeling, new and used pa he tg Reasonable rates, Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley [Sua-Vohemery Servis OSHAWA CLEANERS and Upholstery Clean- At our plant or in your E ! special boat cover, Can be used . Over South, 723-16) menier, Refinished and ready for iaunch- ing. Complete price Including treller '| PIANO FoR one 723-2995, -- | Tel R 1943 avnauee 'electric, 1H, Pelerbor- [Feinone ta controls, $400, SEVERAL nee tratier,|@nd blouses, Will sell separately, Brook. /S!zes 10-12; like new, GO-CARTS ' 7 clorybullt Telephone 728-0192 then tbe 5 pm, Wood, 12 ft, Good condition, 85 Ibs, Dep "119, Beam 48", Apply 481 Palrleigh Ave., teller Must sas water tank, Cc ty Phone | $3940 13--Articles for Rent dies' si Rah ONT 1956 OLDSMOBILE Wonders severe! Biv Wi Nenager radio, Also four barrel centre nese otk very reasonable, Telephone cArburetor for sa 63-2541, | SANDING MACHINES 1 'ELU8E on get ot ett ry four ID SELL -- Good aed furnilure (rons. two 'ete 7 putter and Oscillating sanders, disc sond- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- Furniture, 215 py at axes a cenatticn Telephone sizes : 10-12, _---- Th good | RE-cONDITI TV's, 10 ready ers, oe ne + k 'oad North, Ss and up, pool Cal's Romine. A} PLUMBER'S TOOLS 'in West, 220-9191 OCCASIONAL chair; Indusirial" Singer! © piece batha, |Sewing-machine: Zephyr' sewin singer NEW REFRIGERATOR and fourcburner filters, |¢hines RCA 23" television: Harmony gul-|Stove. Only $298 or $15 monthly, Honest motors, /'@r and case; deep well pumps 1955 Pon-|Cal's Furniture, 424 King West, 728-9191, Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, Park och quantity of new fishing tackle. ROUR-BURNER gas renee, ol "condi: tlon, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT y 668-4142 @ oft ler 6 Best offer, elephone 72: BEDROOM sulle, kitchen Tasik two bath Steplodders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, Stools, as new, Leaving country end of _jMay, Telephone 723-9350 after 5 Bm. steel scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns. wallpaper INCH unpainted twin beds with book- case headboards and. springs, Two light Steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. ne Foapon Reng: Bs doors, all in new condition. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp, electric welders. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, oir compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas onry saw, building jocks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, choig hoist, miter saws, elec- tric plone, tarpaulins, 14° band saw, 4" joiner, send blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Tables Chairs Linens Dish- Cutlery, Glasses, Coftee Urns, Punch. Bowls, Brida! Weor, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, poet eden S RENTALS L | 1) 30d, | Prompt Telephone 725 new work and Free estimates Telephone 723-189 i ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing, our specialty, New work and repairs Large and smal! jobs. L. and H Rooting and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937 (ASPHALT = yo driveway |rates, work fully guaranteed " Arnold Paving repairs, CALL 725-9961 74 BRUCE STREET CHESTERFIELDS reuphc styled estimate for re-coves Daltor Charles Street, 723-7212 RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- |1--Women' s Column lished 17 years, Complete range of mate-lsPENCER Foundallo 1s. Workmanship guaranteed five years ldividually designed Free estim redit terms Mattresses Corset er, Mrs pre-built F efinished Oshaws miral Road, Oshav Uphoister 287 Dean Avenue, 125 PERMANENTS on dressing, 394 Pine CHSSTRRFIRLDS chairs, re-| 725-536) 'overed like Ge the best for tess at Modern Upt meoe Street] wt 2---Personal_ Lau 726 648) Free . mates. Or Til cut 25-5118 or Free ur nice iy Reasonable } Mita eo Instruction seals LEARN TO DRIVE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S School of 14 ALBERT G "four softeners, mowers, boats, H, Chinn, Hillside, ~Garme ta, 80 Splreila dershot, 124 |Your LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner u neys bullt and repeired; gas | stalled; roots repaired. Fre | 723-2997 CUSTOM HOME obuliding and remodel ing. Framing, trimming, cupboards. Over! as years' experience in building trades Call 728-28 3 FOR ROOFING, chimneys Sement work. Frank McCai Oshawa, Brookiin 658-3061, | Cartage JOHN'S MOVING Storage and Reasonable rate fully insured 720-3661, Ajax 942-2090. CITY CARTAGE, moving and sloring furniture; also cellar and 'ds cleaned. | Apply ws witiiem Street ? or tele-| | Phone 725-262 lenehey |BIALEK, OR. C. B., Dental Surgeon, 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For | @Ppolntment, 728-5843 or Res 728-844) Chim ; -- "| TELEVISIONS and sewing machines, We! 8-- Articles For aes rent at reasonable rates, Honest "ear | 2a King Wi TBSP Page Halr- i961 VOLKSWAGEN motor, compiete and Bull ~ Telephone in excellent condition, $85 or best offer, ADDING machines, typewriters, cas _.| Telephone 7 725-1770 SUplleetrs, chequewriters, pr desks, | chairs. e buy sell, rent, service bay | WEDDING gown, trade with tt also _crinoline, : hag bridesmaid dress, floor iow, tow pr! Bill length, green, both In excellent condi. . line Ad Hamilton, Regian ely size 9-10, Very reasonable, Telephone BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture 723-5646. and appliances One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, LADIES' dresses, gs in estimates irniture | ng Company apectal | Avenue. Safe Driving ST SHAWA Licensed Personalized Service OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL 10 years teaching driving outomatic and standard cors. Professional instructors 728-0091 ___ ANYWHERE - ANYTIME in any ne' head piece and veil ernment South An nie mg of pg? nn, 3 "Removal of "superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa May 17th, 18th, and 19th, Phone Genosha Hote! on these dates for appoint ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 ~ LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) CUSTOM TAILORING Suit and Dress Alterations Invisible Mending 10 PRINCE ST 728-5311 LEAVING for Halifax, May 8 have room for three, share oxpenees Telephone | 725-772 METAL tA cabinets, sale, Toy Collies, Terriers, Spanielé and Adweil l0-key electric scene machine, $125; Frigidaire refrigerator, large, good size 12-14, good condi-|condition, suit survive cortege. vant tac, new plates; box trailer: fridge: |tion. Also boy's clothing, size 46, Tele.|Weed Sprayer, $8.50; two rope Dlock an jwashing machine; washable stair yo phone 726-6070 Sih.|, two sete ieee stocks j hail runner; white kitchen wall cupboard; | |ONE-OWNER, bye S28. te ved reer 4 humidifier; extra large st ated cena ton, new, T a could be used as play house - | aolld work bench with shelves 25 |FENDER Jazzmasier guiter ed "concert | by Y 7) Colliers Encyclopedia 20 vol-|amplifier, separate reverb unit, dag --|snes Hand made lamps, 179 King/ toy 668-4897 ; Bast. 729-5453. |Sales and Service GARDEN tracior, with accessories saw stand and motor, tike new T'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AO Call Classified Direct band- 49 Pon- artage Ca Condition Your | Car For Spring' | % MINOR & MAJOR EN-! GINE TUNE-UP | All engines electricaliy analyzed.) BRAKE SERVICE TIRES & BATTERIES. WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCE SEE YOUR SERVICE SPECIALIST "AT | GENERAL TIRE | OF OSHAWA se4 RITSON RD. SOUTH 2 North 401 Hwy.) Call 728-6221 Work (GUARANTEED repairs to washers and ranges 778-1742 n | tackle, in| Pot dies, e224 ng 839-2224 pe BODY HARDWOOD, iéin lengthy x cellent for fireplace, $7.50 single ord. Phone 723-2315. \puYiNe" OR SELLING furniture oF , ae pliances, Cali Elmer, Hampton 243-2294 or | 263-2695. junior size 2 le, Cae by sabe INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Wemen'e Column ee Column 5--Trailers $--Mari ine Equiprnent WHITBY | DRIVING SCHOOL New duo! controlled cars Personal court Fully licensed o Dial 668-4176 OSTERHOUT, Owner _ VAUGHAN ORIVING ae id fess __. | HEAVY "DUTY RANGE and retrigerater RANGE, eleciric, Frigidaire, Shrome| Suitable for summer cottage. $70, Tele- tkitchen set, two carpets, 10° 6" phone 725-913) between 8 a.m, and 6 p.m %. Many other items. 7 Telephone naa ADMIRAL tetrigerator (medium: size); | $308. FOR THREE ROOMS of i045 furni- t) WAL oli paintings -- landscapes, | |steel double bed, Springs, new mattress:lture. Here's quality at sensational sav: |portraitures -- also custom picture tram: single steel bed, springs. All in good con-|ingsi $3, weekly. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Ing. Call Clark Studio, Days 728-0432, | dition, 728-6879 or 24 Colborne Street East |Church Street, eves, and week-ends 648-4497, 325 Brock! i947 MeCLARY-EASY frig. and stove and SOMETHING . jNorth, Whitoy 1964 Beatty washer. in excellent condi | Baby budgies, |" PHILCO console TV, RCA Victor|tlon, Reasonable, Telephone 728-1912 rare species and colors, Airs, |combination radio-record player, cabinet, HAMMOND ORGAN, large size. Cash, 114 Elgin East, 723-976? buffet, power lawn mower. Telephone| | trade, terms, $53 mor 723-638 GARDEN tractor and all th |CONSOLE" HI Tag fet, Also 28 long|ments for sale, Cheap, Need space ROTARY Telephone playing albums, Sony transistor radio, Green Street, Whitby After 4.30 p.m | pat Microphone and stand, Poker table, 72% MATTRESSES, smooth top construction FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS! Thou 2927. jhundreds of coils. by ene Mh om Sands of yards, many pretty colors, and gp "1 | $26.88, Bunk beds, $57. Wilson's Furniture, patterns. Clearing from 2?c. per ft ORGAN styles" in 'Good "condition, [20 Church Street, son's Furniture, 20 Church St j Dressmaking |CADINS, THINK THRIFTYI Alterations mending and style changing. Reasonabie tates. For appointment: telephone | 728-1823 DRESSMAKING,-- wear, drapes phone 723-6475 DRESIMAKING -- = All kinds of indies' ear, Higt nit Dressmak ng. 668 4463 DRESSMAKING alterations, siip |specialty. Mrs Gardening and Supplies Phone 723-2696 or 725-1501 e Company, residential and tn petri f stall Fr , . . Telephone TE ne Cree estimates. Janitor Service ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fasi, ecor M + o 5 8 lg ag eee sal, 8, bar Yard. Teleohone, 90h, ™ bonis i rs wail cleaning done b 7 lent modern mac fl iB--Room end Board REEL TYPE awn mower, sharpening {gu 29---Wented to. Rent snd repeir. Phone 728-4679 or 24 Colborne ava RY TWIN hroe-yarar7 30----Automobi i z mune CloaNed, also scrap taken 3i--Compact Core for Sele GARDENS, lawns rote-tilied, "ready tor | Joe 723-2348, : 2--Trucks for ae planting. Glen Munro, 414 Park Road '3----Automebil ' H--Avtomebil' Reval SAKOENS PLOUGH nnn aa ond " WED. om" PAYMENTS 160 WIGHT ya have Septic Service goed credit 1'l! lend you' up to $5 ram pr . tractor. Phone Brooklin 7--Auctions [aeee QUALITY "manure. ut payments in half or tess for consol! jation of any worthwhile purposes, The 4a) -5a09, fread revel, delivered, ,: My phone Terente «@ 76 + MOTHER will love! wonderful assortment of T. Broad, 7 and Barter. 8--Articles for Sole 9--Market Basket 1O--Fermer's Column li--Pets and Livestock si JA alterations. Reasonadie Children's "the attach, S---Sparteman'a Column tiller, like new |1961 WILLMAN Deluxe, automatic. Radio, whitewalls, clock, Excellent condition. lYoeat ladies or second car. $850. Tele jee 60-4193, 5 |TYPEWRITER, standard. $28.) portabl | Trailers jelectric standard, Adding machine, |FRAILER FOR SALE. Will sleep four,|two total cash register, oaiculator, nse pr insured. nal thy ~ Sults, coats, dresses overs, drapes Toms, Whitby, pedal Wik ¢50. Call 725-400 |BoaT TARR "FOR SALE™ wench, $80. Good shape. After 4 o'clock,|down payment, apply 188 Conant Street or telephone!Cal's, 424 King West, 728-919), oe | 728-0846 FURNITURE -- Three rooms, new qual-| ' wre division, 723-443 easy fe haul. Also 2)" TV new picture division, 723-4434 nvaR lumps and. \ty furniture, only $299, Includes complete) tube, one 2 HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil singles Reasonabie. bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembies. 424 Simeoe! Courtec in- ructior _ | THREE ROOMS of furniture, $296.50. No cz oo oy $15 manthly, et Honest Estate for Sole $25; Ml Properties with BIRCH trees, Q i ' Good assortment 1944, 16 FT. Rambier tralier, sleeps six,|ances. Name brands at biggest discounts Get them while they last, Telephone/Pay only $2 weekly. Unbeatable value! used only one month, Apply 216 Centre| anywhere. We carry Restonic and ever | 723-5364 or 321 Oshawa Blvd, South, Barons' Home Furnishings, Street South, Whitby. Vv mattress furniture tines. Your author South ; tac a LEONARD RANGE four-burner, | - 1943 DETROITER mobile home, twobed: 0' GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's at go y WILL TRADE a 91 cu. fi, Glison freezer 424 King _ Street West, 728-9191, ed. Al all wringer rooms, three-piece bath, tiving room and Be oe Sn 4295 3495, {for the bes? half-ton truck offer 80 Free estimates. Callikitehen. 50 x 1 spano that'GUNS -- Bought, soki, traded, repaired one large refrigerator, suitable for @ folds out off the room. Phone at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, = cottage, $20. Phone 725-2355. | 723 6200 Oshawa. | 720-9731, |WEAVY | DUTY Waler pressure system 30. Telephone 725- itores, Offices and Storege Rent Free estimates. es x Rt tivi "R) sis jectr' " and) lengths. Itive-ga hon tank, $175, whitby east Travel trailers at Subway 'Trailer Park Excellent for fireplace. $7.75 single cord, SIX WOODEN storm windows and Sales, 1010 Dundas Street East,|Dial 723-228) after 4 p.n imately 28° x S58, $1 each. Two wooden SNRCE TE a Whitby. Sales, Service, Parts, Accesso combination doors, complete, $2 each FURNACE, new ar 63 5.3338 " * SINGER automatic "washer, suds. saver, in Goad condition Telephone 725-054, 305 up. Telephone 2 be fully automatic. Can be seen at 216 -------- -- - 7 oye or "Jone, con-| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walke: ® supric TANKS cleaned. promot service| BARGAIN I6" x 41" General house us| Seeennt elgg Piel hy as sb rear . Bao gy B ditions '$38. bn i on TE Also| reducing onan alck room 8Ui ae t i i n six months. , or ephone 7268 at ee Were 204 Chestnut Street] 1959, fully bo pped. + A ta av. [etter retused. Cone hi m al Dawe pla we my 1 723-9179. loelly du $5. Tel e 145, jails Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, awey a) awnings, curtains, cea e Free estimates. 3 anytime. Used, gas and oil ~ 4112 td. 3