THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 29,1968 97 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuel Chempionship Pley) JULIET JONES South dealer. Both sides vuinerable, ., NoeTa a6 @A10972 AES3 Aw" 109542 THEYRE EMPTY WORDS. WHEN anon MORE 15 DONE, SEVEN OF 'A DRASTIC ONE @Ks4 gi6s HI8 MINISTERS ASSEMBLE. . @74 o¢ ' HQI952 ESTs outs @AKT 995 OO310952 463 'The bidding: South West North Hasd | 1@ # Pass re 4 Pass BOWELL 3@ Pass Pass | EVERY TER IN CANADA 6@ Pass $3 WITH Hi® INDECISIVENESS ¥ Opening lead--queen of clubs, A declarer certainly has a | right to assume that his oppo- ; nents are trying their best te damage him, He can gurely base at least some of his plays on the method of defence adopted by one or both defend- ers, and this reliance upon the - opponents' plays will often prove of assistance to him in a diffi- cult situation, Take a case like this one, where South is in six diamonds j and West leads a club. On the | surface it looks as though South j must go down one, since he has a heart and a club to lose, but South can make the contract if he plays correctly. YOU WILL NOTE THE f REMARKABLE CONDITION OF YES MR.FLING~ Ii THE STONEWORK IN SPITE ANO I BELIEVE OF ITS AGE~ YOU WILL FIN? IT SURPRISINGLY COMFORTABLE ~ ©. King Fearares Spadicete, ine, 1965. World sighas vessrved DARRELL Oeclune my Kung Doncereg Spodvenve, inc, 1900, World. rakes teeer THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY He wins the few with the ace, | ' draws two rounds of * j ARE YoU SURE you Gust BECAUSE IM WELL +0 AREN'T YOU ree T SEE YOUR \ AND ROD HAS ARRANGED cashes the A-K of spades, rutfs WANT TO PLAY? 00 YOU A GIRL YoU DON'T "Te Bid. hyd LUXURY ISLE I6 CLEAN -- has FOR IT6 INSTALLATION Too! |! : a spade, and then plays the ten { KNOW THE : CREDIT FOR o ICH MEANS THE DOPE i : yi of clubs, ¥ Ow GIVE ME I WHI . CERTAINLY 2 KNO KNOWING ANYTHING > IS HIDDEN IN VAN = RET This succession of plays ren- THE RULES // ABOUT $P0R75// WINTER'S TROPHY at Van ders the defence helpless. The Foal Ee ' } : club play gives East the option a = of winning the trick with the | king or permitting his partner i g to win the trick with the jack, | but whichever way East chooses | Fe to exercise the option, declarer j By makes the contract. os First, let's suppose that East (=) ducks, allowing West to win with | a the jack. In that case, West i must yield a ruff and discard or f else Kyron a aps permitting South to score queen. NO Second, let's suppose that PEDDLERS East takes the ten of clubs with ALLOWED the king. He also must yield a ) Channel 2--Buttale $-2--Kratt Theatre 12:30 P.M, WHATS WRONG ruff and discard or return @ i ° Pnpeeee 3--Barrle | 7--Dick Powell | 9~1 Love Luey } WITH YOU, LOUIE? heart. Obviously, his best return bs Ra) Channel 4--Buffalo | &3--The Rogues | &-2----I'll Bet 4, Fy FIGHT BACK! is a heart, which has the advan- i = p Channel F--Butlslo | she pak, | tSeareh tor Tomorrow AAA. tage of giving declarer achance =| ae Chane! 8--Rochester | 11-9-6-7-6-43-2--News, 3--Noonday Report to go wrong in deciding whether ' i 7 .--Toron' ss eitea chica | | soviet SMACK! "*douth should play the five, on RE RS | 9--Metro 'Final 1:00 PLM. th ah vr DAY sve. | 2 e assumption that if East had QZ iia | amen, | (oe oe the king, he would have allowed S H--Family Theatre \1--4--Late Show | $--Matines shies West to win the club trick. 7 2) N\ tan ea |63--Movie. Matinee East's willingness to take the v 6--Magilla The Gorllle |11--wrestling 4--Meet The Millers lead strongly suggests that he Yoo! Bear | 9---Plerre Berton Silke. Dovel: "Stee does not have the king. To play an ee |&=Gunsmoke saciid eae weetli the queen under stich conditions AND THANKS FOR YOUR --] 5:39 PM 3--Movie Peary eal would be foolish, and South CO-OPERATION, MR, SAWYER, ye na FRIDAY 4--As The World Turne therefore plays the five, As are- LET THEM SMUGGLE IN WE APPRECIATE YOUR ASSISTANCE Maverick | eM anette cme cull, be mats is Gata, MUNITIONS AND THE LIKE, yf ocean i 4:00 PM. 4--Captain Kangaroe | 7--Flame In The Wind | [C'AQN NOW! WHAT WOULD] | BUT Im HE WAS MAY i OE . 7--~News Central | £:30 A.M. 4--Password YOU DO IF HE WAS YOUR. BEST FRIEND, ' . ' Shwe, Spore wim | SNewn:, Miss Holon | 2-Momery @ Trvm | [WORST ENEMY? OO SBELTIN Canadian Red Chuck Healy | PED dig Eucd $--Four ot @ Kind . j pee | 7--Dlaling for Dollars | #3-The Doctors i * J Girl Talk --Day In Cou R h USSR a Tees! aaa # ges Giowa | Saame Yo eacnes eacHuntiey-Brinkiey | 1:30 AM, fitileceegt esa LONDON (Reuters)--A Cana- 1--Highway. Patrol 'Meee | People in' Confttet dian Communist delega- baal cron Ginsie é--Musical Interlude 4-2--Another World tion has arrived 'oscow at 7:00 P.M. | Sane Moen meee | excuenet ar orth the invitation of the central ed t ie i ttee of the Communist h Scuitiont Hobe" ica ie ye aby bie sary of te tevin aaa' se Cilantro im by |) oan Russian news agency Tass te = | | t " a" bie Br THIS TIME....26 Be Matern a Spence ely oy } ' . gy by Harry j TLL JUST CHECK BEYOND WHERE P| 1 ANYBODY 15 TRACKIN' ME. coe || gopaenelor 'rather ais aca eons or Night ! : Hunter of Hamilton, a member ' THE SAND GIVES OUT. gyre: oN Seat wiran TOU fT Bibae 18 OM. icceainae Raat wast 4:00 P.M. CROSSWORD of the party's national execu- << ° '. rr al 0 Bee 1) nia ta banie "Boone Sheri UTE ad a "EMnSeey Meu che ahd : 5 a ecandia" Camera ie ray Poe oe Fongeketnip. ges . CATCH LESS FISH i a going regaen | am toleret sie ACROSS -- &. Thorough- 20.mtfere MESTREMCETEM | cn sercial fishing in Ontario Ncdnaual aes Albert J Steed 2--Rocky And His Friends | 1, Sailor are ves- yielded 9,441,196 pounds less in 9--Andy Williams $eConcenttation 4:0 P.M, 6, Foundation 8. Citrus fruit cent 1963 than 1962's 63,783,597-pound 7---Donna Reed Show [fs eriamiin Grant 9--Sea Hunt 9. Across 4. Svelte liquor: in 6 69,789, reese [taney et Mevtwry | EGER Seng | 0.Rinkers = B.Large Caen catch, but was worth three per = mere Nee ars | S-Mereuiee ae fi 6.Hermit } 21, Rub ee =e 9--Maria De Nagay's 2 refix . He ' . ' $-2--Dr. Kildare tT Se rm egy eI Rome | Pua evan | aR ln Fond! ue SALLY'S SALLIES Montreal at Chicago | 11:38 A.M. \1--Family Theatre 13,Diseaseof '8, Before 25, Skull 9:00 P.M. lssieweray Caen children 14. Stuffy,as 28. Kindot MEDEINMISPIEID »-Peyton Place. 7 Price Is fn ¢-The Kings Ovutiew eo @room hound Yesterday's Answer utternut Squ ov! ending 16, Melodies 29. Cli er 85, Ins' $3--The Detend assifi tigate a lo ee me eam 18 Stupety 17, Negotiate BL Estate | 86, French * ' . --Leave 0 Beaver . Animal's Crown pronoun = ina foboma Rete essay _-- claw head 38, Donkey i i fal phcoe | 4--Elwood Glover &--Meot The Press roc ry Ya ; 6 eedusily Come bane og het dale a 7--News Central 23. Type of Gr gee be Ge : ] i i=) 10:00 P.M %-Popeye and Pals | 4 News, Sports with short film VFS Za Y --- 11--Steve Allen Show | 12:15 P.M, | Chuck Healy 24, Compass Y) Yj Y, 9--Jack Paar | 4-Speaker of the House | 2--Today, 1965 point oo Ons Y > RULE Coe ee re TT aeemaaaa Seana Y) Y Yj, TH disorder of | VA 7 a 7, children YAW, Yh WAV, 26. Music note *€ oa a 6 26121 =I 27, Archangel V4 . . 29. Little girl - Drinking Of Coffee sori | | Oe . 74 7 V//jie Individual Matter ee eZ A | =e . 2 _ | oe ¢ ee Us OSHAWA WHILE I RUNA «LL MAKE TWO i influence Eo GA NICE, RESTFUL SIGNS TO INSURE HELP | |By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD/forego my doctor-type language] 7 theater Y LE THEATRE BUBBLE BATH... Ace YOURSELVES | | 'Dear Dr. Molner: You .wrote|in reply. group i ierke " i LITT ' KIDS... not long ago that too much} You're exaggerating a bit.) go, Adhesive ZY YY Y rane |But I'll gi y t an- ves ow THEN eer cat of on Jan. sina obi ios Gea a.Digite i /, ZA "a e aa His quota is 20 to 30 cups of| First, you haven't been read-| 41, Precious 2) Chor 4 Y asni coffee daily--with cream andjing my column as regularly as stones YA 4, V4, : sugar. He starts off at 5 a.m.,/you a gpl et I've writ- bagge = Wu Y ae Y and the last cometh at 9 p.m.,/ten before, and now I'm repeat- A, Mt TONITE his bedtime. When he hits the|ing it, that what is too much} 2-Callforhelp , Oo sack the house could burn down|coffee for one person may be 8:30 P.M. a and he wouldn't know it. jjust right for another. People 2 When he was a mere young-jhave different tolerances. One/doctor began to suspect that} If I run into somebody whol] MeLaughlin Library Theatre M "+ ster of 75 he had a prostate rl te of coffee is rg _ ad there might be something good complains that "4 "is vg | rf TICKETS at the DOOR eration and sneaked out of the}some; one cup isn't enoug tt atients up as/ters and his heart skips a beat, ¥6 = hospital the following morning / others. ' " eat co ni pauinie naieal of beep: and he has to pe ae oe SES ; IN FACT, YOU MIGHT SAY because his nurse wouldn't let} I won't question your testi-|; lying on their backs/a night to go to the bathroom, & GRAMPS, = MY FAMILY WERE PIONGERS holow waar mk dhe UST shane Sacornaer? | him have coffee. The doctor;mony about Pappy walking out unit thetr "circulation became/then I say, 'Well, let's cut down COLBORNE FE WERE You IN THE POVERTY FIELD... MUCH ? ADIME, re ie OLOGY' then prescribed 30 cups a day of the hospital because the stagnant and their muscles lost/on the coffee and tea." GROCETERIA EVER Poor? a ; GRANPS | Ure --believe it or not nurse refused him Bae pi db tone. And I'll surely be right. Cdhersi A a aes ©, i= oR So--how much coffee is too -- of a ae a What I doubt about your story] But if such symptoms are not a ms yee nk when you the Rengliclal principle of early|iS that "'the doctor then pre-/present, I wouldn't think of cut- 728.6341 S.: ve the > J i iy i z : are 90 you are as frisky aslambulation involved a head-|SCtibed 30 cups a day.' ting off anybody's coffee. But BREN Ses . z Pappy. -- Bs lstrong, but instinctively bril-| As we used to say in the 4th|neither -- . 4 eg be of P.P.S.: Do you think the|liant man who insisted on walk-|grade, bushwash? No doctor is cause some friend's Pappy DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. coffee will kill fim? ling up and down the corridorjsmart enough to decide how/thrives on coffee that every- Sevan Oise a Wack Go Well, friend, don't expect me|the day after an operation to|many cups is right ~~ oe body should follow suit. " 9 to believe everything you write.|remove his appendix. Thellf the doctor said, "Let him P.S.: I hope that when I'm aa © Fresh Fruits oO } | yi h coffee as he © Groceries = I see by your stationery thatinurses (and almost all of the = 8 Pager 1 hatha him 99 I'm as frisky as Pappy. © Vegetables a Manis jyou are a lawyer, but you dociors) thought it. was fool-jwants if Goes : ag ee . a hae = aren't using your legal - type|hardy. But the patient recov-j--ever if it's 30 cups a day, | P.P.S.: No, 1 don't think cof-| FREE DELIVERY language, I'm a doctor, but willlered se quickly that his own'that makes sense, fee will kill Pappy. &