1 THE cmHAWA Tes, Tuner, Ao 29, 1948 Vincent Massey |s1,,2,"2%,.2pt 9" Junior Garden Club's, "£2", - this film as was done two years : P story form, usui- wi Home and Schoo ago quite successfully. April Meeting drawing and pictures, iJustrat | 5 Mrs. Roe introduced Miss ing the life cycle of a flower Annual Meeting Elizabeth Schaefer, of the Osh-| An enthusiastic group of, The senior group -- 11-16 1 ti { the 2¥4 Board of Health, who: gavejyoung gardeners, known as the years old -- posters will fea- ane ieee ao" ae " aan outline of her experiences Junior Garden Club of Oshawa'ture the life of a tree, "Trees fncen comestt vio at \with the use of this and other|met at the Children's Arena for of Ontario," using seeds, meal 0 gaa carri|films and:stated that she found/their monthly meeting. leaves, caption and pictures of io'; Taident, 'gpeaiiine : The the films quite useful in present-/ Further instructions were each variety of tree. Sanval treasurer's 'report was|ing this information to the chil-igiven in regard to the bottle The main feature of the meet- eead and accepted. Mrs, W. D.|dren. She: answered questions|garden which the children arejing was a talk on the life of a Skinner reported on the success|{fom the parents and the par-)growing and will be one of the seed, by director Mrs. Farle | lof the bake sale held recently. ents decided to have the pro-|main features on display at Sandford. The annual reports were pre-\Posed children see the film asithe Spring Flower Show which) Jane Powell gave an inter lsented in printed form, and|S00n as arrangements could be is being held in the E. A. esting account of the March ener Pegg thicnont wise elven made after Easter holidays.|Lovell School, May 29. meeting. Attendance doo? prizes lan opportunity to check them Miss Schaefer was thanked by) Two new Provincial competi- were won by Pauline Vaillan- were accepted as printed, Mrs, Gerald Hudson. jtions were introduced, and ex-\court and Susiemay Brewer. The proposed slate of officers) Mrs. Garrison thanked all the|amples and information were) ~ = -- = was read by Mrs. Gerald Hud-\Committee chairmen for theirjgiven by Mrs. Earle Sandford LEVEL FOOD PRICES lson and accepted as presented.\co-operation and assistance dur-|These competitions are open to The European Common Mar linst Mlatior oil Soy lace at ing the year Refreshments were all girls and boys in Ontario, ket is planning to equalize food ie Sees served by the mothers of Miss from 8 to 16 years of age. Each prices, which vary 25 per cent § > ting ; G9 He, F : 3 ig ee ee the Johansen's and Mrs. Sawyer'sicompetition is a poster -- for| between France and Germany ay j classes under grade mothers|- ster -- \May meeting would be a pot Huck supper and social evening, Mrs. D.,.A, Self, and Mrs. Leslie ' Gray and social convener Mrs. under the social convener, Mrs. . @) HF F S FO Arthur Stone. Mr. Gerald Har- Arthur Stone. AN T R IR 7 R per, principal, announced that MAA learuke'ins year, wil be: done| Enjoy maple dumplings this CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES ' ion May 12, with the tests being) spring, when fresh Ontario read on May 17. He announced maple' syrup is on the market. that the Board of Education had pogch dumplings in hot maple FROM L G F |substantially increased its granticsyryp for about 15 minutes. oWakee to the school for library books Turn once to make certain the y his r, and that he felt that ontiy dumpling is . cooked MARRIED 60 YEARS [ae interest shown by aarti re ith chooks eis. por SELF CLEANING ' a library in the school had con-|serye hot, P ibuted to this decision, Mrs.'/-- " ; ; Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zubkavich 'ern reads sn: aten oe renongy the kindergarten classes unti . phn wens U,W, school closes June. Celebrate Golden Wedding ars. Horada ihe. denlained OPTOMETRIST the film to be shown --"Human Mr, and Mrs. Steven Zubka-|gratulatory speech was made Growth'* and reminded -- the 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA vich celebrated their golden/by their godson, Mr. John members present that they PH. 723-4811 wedding anniversary recently|Stezik, who presented them| would be asked for. an opinion with a dinner held in their/with a large wall mirror on honor at the home of their behalf of himself and his fam- ; P ? y" : i ree a granddaughter, Mrs, Ronald ily OSHAWA FURRIERS E L ; a ee. \ | Smith (Joan). Miscellaneous gifts were re- a ; Mr. and Mrs. Zubkavich were|ceived from friends and rela- Q U AL IT Y Smessaceaanaiccuamniiaer married in Cornwall, Ontario,|tives from Oshawa and Wind- Ny ; : on April 26, 1915, moved to'sor. Congratulations were fe- FUR STORAGE Ps Oshawa in 1919 and have re-\ceived from the Prime Minis- y Y q sided here ever since. ter of Canada, the Honorable , oe : : ° Lester B. Pearson, the leader Your furs ore given expert ex- \* x Upon arriving at the home of ; their granddaughter, Mr. and of the Opposition; the Right aminotion before being placed Mrs. Zubkavich were. greeted Honorable John Diefenbaker; on an individual. hanger ond at the door by their son, Mr.\the Honorable Michael Starr and stored in our modern Cold Joseph Zubkavich, with the| Mrs. Starr; the Prime Minister Storage Vaults Jos A ay ; regulate Ukrainian traditional greeting|/0f Ontario; the Honorable John Here, sclentitically pap aes ' Pe & ' : J | i of bread and salt, and pre-Robarts; the Provincial Secre adil taba bear Ab abel pile \ sented with a corsage and bou-|'4r and Minister of Citizenship, tv of Ute bfirly 1su tonniere by their granddaugh-|the Honorable John Yaremkoy ONG: SUSE IITY f 7 ' | ters. Joan Smith and Josephine|and Mr. Albert V. Walker, FREE PICK-UP Zubkavich : MLA for Ontario Riding AND DELIVERY ' E i - Mr. and Mrs. Zubkavich pre- A gold covered guest book CLEANING j J sided at a table centred with a| was signed by friends and rela : é two-tier wedding cake and golditives, and on behalf of the Re-Styling - Repairing candies, Grace was said by the family and friends, Mr, Mike By our expert Furrier with Reverend Rostyslau Panczenko. Kalynko thanked everyone for 35 Years: Experience After the dinner Mr. and Mrs.jhonoring Mr, and Mrs @ FREE ESTIMATES @ Joseph Zubkavich and daugh-| Zubkavich. ter, Josephine, and Mr, and 3 . ERS Mrs. Smith presented the) TOES NEED PROTECTION OSHAWA FU RRI prvi ga Pe soho aro big Besides keeping children Zubkavich with a gold' watch |@Way, adults should make sure 51 KING ST. EAST 728-8322 and Mr. Zubkavich with anjthey wear heavy shoes while (corner of Albert) electric shaver, A brief con-operating a power mower per "pe pr. ie ae j es : as . tae & Fr Dr, gm | A DRAMATIC NEW i | WF OVEN THAT oh iw .. CLEANS ITSELF ; ELECTRICALLY : Yes of by Itself! See this revolutionary oven on disploy at Northminster United Church, the U.C.W. Bride's Bazzar 676 Simcoe St. N. Wed., May 5, 6 P.M. re No scrubbing! No cleanser of ony kind needed, Just set the dials. It cleans itself. No smoke, no fumes. Costs only @ few pennies, see it now, Now Is the time to plan for our Centennial Year, Plant =~ TALISMAN MODEL 148L51 an ALMEY FLOWERING CRABTREE this week, It will 14 Cu. Ft. FROST-GUARD be flowering for our Centennial in 1967. v8 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER Featuring C.G : ' a4 E.'s Conditioned The Almey Crabapple was named and introduced by the Morden Experimental Form in ceatiiaieess F --Air FROST. 1945 and has now become one of the most popular crabapple on this continent. Its fome Be ase ecacamnneets GUARD $ spreading rapidly to Europe also system t for maximum This extremely hardy tree was selected from among 306 second generation hybrid seed- j ¢ ae. efficiency in lings of @ cross between Redvein and Siberian crabapples by Dr. W. R, Leslie, then Super- te intendent of the Morden Experimental Farm, Morden, Manitoba. The name honours R, a > Almey, well known Canadian Horticulturist of Winnipeg, who considered this seedling to ; : Hines a tion be the most striking of nearly 2,000 seedlings in bloom aythat time e I 4 food preserva- i, ; \ @ No defrostine mey' grows vigorously and commences to flower very early \ ' in refrigerator er t produce an ebundance of bloom and fruit. It will eventua tr ou ég a4 Y and somnewhat pendulous habit 20 feet high with v trong 's jing branch % trsexet R Lf Ve To 29. 98 leaves ore purplish-red at first and later turn t sht nzy areer ate i ae e e s Sy @ 131 pound rell e flowers ore borne very profusely on long stems, ¢ ter has 5 to 7 bu . . out' freezer, very large reddish purple blooms : or effect 6 : ie > * @ Adjustable fruits are 34 inch; red, oval shape ther like te they ripe " i ; wes "eee swing-out shelves S $ eptember and remain most of nter umt t $ Se! ah. "| i. ond F * nel meat drawer, Available From Your Local Member of i -- Ss eh eens ONTARIO NURSERY TRADES ASSOCIATION Wring The Air " 4 Don't miss this great money-saving opportunity te pick up @ : beautiful spring coat, Wide selection of styles, colors and fabrics. VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING COMPANY == Dry with AGE, im | Weols, tweeds, all:woo! laminates, mohair and wools and laminated Stevenson's Rd. North of Airport 725-9642 'Baer ee crepes in the group. Petite, junior and misses sizes. BROOKDALE KINGSWAY NURSERIES DEHUMIDIFIER 145 Duke St., Bowmanville 623-3345 Producers of Highest Quality Nursery Stock" Ideal for damp basements ' Playrooms and workshops. Rae i eek nan awe i Feat i: o RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE A must for comfort } in 1015 King St. B., Osthewe 725-6551 & + everyone's home. eee | Wy. a LK EE R' 7 J, A. JANSSEN & SONS LIMITED 843 King St. W., Oshawa 728-9429 ' we YN E Where Good Taste In Fashion Is Not Expensive Gorden Centre & Landscor Pontract i ' VAN BELLE GARDENS : OSHAWA Open 9:30 a.m, te 6 p.m. Daily Highwey Ne. 2, 3 Miles Lest of Orhawe | APPLIANCES & FURNITURE | CENTRE Open 9:30 a.m. yer lg & Friday Friend Sarden Ceritre 78 SIMCOE ST, NORTH 723-1411