cs words larger. We don't want to|famlly living, or start a finan-;women must strive for this, SOCIAL NOTICE W hy Does Matron merely ai » our time. We'cial backlog of our own, | The fifth reason is that qual- 7 ; want to igger needs. | Our fourth reason, perhaps,jity of restlessness that makes | yg reign ia Leave Cosy Home Seconds, lots of us need extrajis an over worked but noi/many women want to see what a Me. and ; em i rin we a {cash to help support the fam-jundertated term, Its self - ful-|they can do with what ability a Whitby, be Fe Bhnge i. ng i, y age any Sue = ily, educate the children, payjfillment. But it's a human need|they have. They need that out- é oe & r y i te go . 0 ae Spiro s r4 off the mortgage, build a new|we have to have--ejther on ajiet for their self-respect as well a] ter, Jenene Grace, to i jhas a house and family andiroom, provide fringe benefits in'paid or unpaid basis, And most!as for job experience % eg ng ag yt an -- - -- to mg her|---- ars Pcs Seki Saka MeN ee y rs. Ross Epps, Ajax, Ontario. jbusy at home?" a male ac- 4 The wedding will take place oo |quaintance asked me at a party : 4 Saturday, June 12, 1965 at 1.3 ithe other night. a p.m. in St. Mark's United | 'Take my wife," he told me. | # Church, Whitby. 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 29, 1965 \"She could: keep busy. trom | a 'morning till night and find) ways to fill up her time. But | ENGAGEMENT H ' Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Tanner SOCIAL & PERSONAL im she has this job bug) wish to announce the engage- and wants to get out and work. | ment of their elder daughter, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor | "I don't understand her," he | Lynda Diane, to Mr. Roy Beg- \finished. "My mother always ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department found things to do. Why can't F liam A. Begner, all of Oshawa. |my wife do the same?" ; Wedding plans will be announc-| Colonel R, 8, McLaughlin is}; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biddulph.) The answer to this is simple-- Be ed later. in residence at Parkwood, hav- ing returned Easter Sunday FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |from his winter home in Ber-|cation at Laguna Beach, Cali-/ But women today get out to| Simcoe street north, returnedisg simple, perhaps, it's com- | Monday from a four-month va-|pjex, | SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE FURTHER DRASTIC | REDUCTIONS TOMORROW and SATURDAY REGULAR y PRICE cme, ag and a T.| muda, fornia, about 60 miles south of|work for at least eight very ; MRS. A. L. HANSON olmes, Oshawa, Wish 10 an- |Los Angeles. Towards the latter| good reasons. MRS. poet ~saieaeom (Retiring) nounce the forthcoming mar-| When the Retail, Wholesale|part of their vacation, Mr, and) First of all, in a world that's | (Incoming riage of their daughter, Bar-| Department Store Union held its|Mrs, Ewart Clemence, Mrs.\expanding into more opportun- | bara Joyce, to Mr. Peter Elliott!13th convention in Niagara|Ross Flintoff and Mrs, Fredjity for each generation of | Kennedy, son of Mr. and Mrs.|Falls, Ontario, Monday and/Starr joined them for a few|women, lots of us who treasure | Mrs. John z § Mullen Is Elected E, Kennedy, Port Credit. The/Tyesday of this week, the dele-|weeks, before returning to Osh-|life want to expand our own op: | ceremony will take place On) gates from the Oshawa Local|awa about a week ago. portunities and make our own| i pum. in Harmony United Church |enegion aveone coat May tae op President of Holy Cross CWL = ian sic. wis} QUEEN'S GRADUATES TO BE WED _, las Glide, Bruce street. Mrs.) 5 'ORTHCOMING MARRIAGE ¢ % | Mrs. John TT. Mullen wasjand thanked the members who hae Mrs. Radoiph Graham was elected to the ex-| elected president of the Ho! y/helped in the Tuck Shop at Hills- Gam ; : ecutive board for a period of| ; pa, Oshawa, announce the), : sent the| Co i oa ee eens in re nary aliorincoming mavriage of theirlEweedmn Catario area, | if daughter, Doreen Yvonne, to : meeting held in the parish hall.|success. The various annual re- godt , 14 Mr. Robert Hamilton Souch, son hiv and Se Pee G.| -- Other officers elected were:|ports were given by the coun- et Mie, Ovvilla Such. Oshawa, sprit Director, the Reverendiilory ss ive w achat amd the Inte Mr Souch, The|TaMien, Olive avenue, celebra Mi ig ig "ist vice-larship of $200 to the highest gy Alle a Mgt qo sary on Tuesday of this week. president, Mrs. Leon Legere;|dent of Grade 8 who wn tere ty hy on The day was spent quietly at| tnd vice-president, Mrs. Cornei-lattending St. Joseph's High/Pjl. i their home. lius Keppell, 3rd vice-president,| School, | i 7 Liha vend Faggots Father Darby thanked the, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE range --. of ~ ts. Frank Sheppare, : sident and executive for their, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J,/man Bird, Lupin drive, Whitby, tary, Mrs. William Patterson; a eos the eet. year andi' 207, Oshawa, wish to an-\will be interested to learn that] councillors, Mrs. Dennis Mc- k the 'Ut of Passion|Tounce the forthcoming mar-jhe is a patient at the Oshawa) Auley, Mrs. Albert | J. jagged ee Pip ae" dina the lit-|T!age of their daughter, Auror: General Hospital and will be po ee ee ot tek pel ee aie ti th English j|Mary, to Mr. Craig Dalton there for about another week. sep: avanan, cg é : : |Wood, son of Mrs. Clive Wood Taillon, Mrs, Frank Hoar and/will enable ee a "lof The Kingsway, Islington, and. When the women's groups of Mrs. James Hickey. come more aware of the les-14, Jate Mr. Wood. The cere-\Christ Memorial Church hold Mrs. A. L. Hanson presided'sons. mony is to take place in St.|their May sale and tea, next} fe : Philip's Roman Catholic Church|Wednesday, two items that will "4 : : d jon Saturday, May 29, 1965, at/attracf much interest have been; B&B Commission as tirre |12 o'clock noon planned, Following the beach! ' .., theme, old fashioned bathing} FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE 'suits from the Cole of California| . . Awareness of the Situation The forthcoming marriage i8/cojlection will be modeled by| Miss Barbara J..Holmes Holmes, Oshawa, is attend- TO i announced of Eleanor ElizabethimMrs, David St. Andrews, Mrs.| BA and Mr. Peter E, Ken- ing the Ontario College of Can din Ties Bia Writer pe ony leer Anne Mitchell, daughter of Mrs [Stanley Gales and Mrs, A, F.| nedy BA, both graduates of Education and the prospec- Th . iy canes ember ofjin "Western Canada knew. I Stefan Bukoysky, Oshawa (and) Ladd and in order to accommo-|. Queen's University, King- tive bridegroom, son of Mr. th r yal 'commteion on bilin-/knew there was a serious prot.| tte late. Mr Csi 7 Roberseon ante the many women who will) ston, will exchange nuptial and Mrs. K. E. Kennedy of DRESSES als : d biculturalism, now|lem. The degree and nature of Mitchell, to Mr. Murron Mi-lattend with small children, a| vows on Saturday, May 29 Port Credit, 1s continuing Fearing formal briefs in the se-|the problem I wasn't aware of,(rat) Kozar, son of Mims. cos (tree. baby sitting service has) {n Harmony United Church, his studies on scholarship st a shael Kozar, Foam Lake, Sas- annion 7 ry pp Ae St Iniversity, Madison, cond stage of its inquiry, says| Therefore I had a great deal rie rao and the late Mr nena: erations. Endl peeing Sha ee IN. r pl gi gi she believes it has aslready/to learn. Kozar. The ceremony is to take re . panenieiente : d SPORTSWEAR achieved a great deal. "T didn't have fixed opinions, etude on Saturday, May 1, 1965 Mr. and Mrs, Fred Cooper an "T think there is much morejand I still haven't. No member | yy 2.00 p.m. in. St George's| Were. the honored guests at a Best Selection In Town awareness throughout the coun-|of the commission has reached tj, rainian Greek Catholic farewell party at the Thornton try of the realities of the situa-|any conclusion." Church, Oshawa: Community Hall on Saturday @ CARRIAGES tion," Mrs. Stanley Laing sald) On its first round of inquiries, ------_____ -- evening when friends and neigh- © STROLLERS in an interview in Toronto. the commission visited 23 cen- 0 FOLD MERINGUE |bors presented them with a set] "Statements made in the|tres to hold open hearings which TO FOL LRINGUE of brass fireplace accessories @ CRIBS @ HI-CHAIRS early stages showed quite a de-|were the basis of its preliminary, When adding beaten ege for their remodeled farm home mixture,/at Uxbridge, where they will be @ PLAYPENS ® gree of difference from state-|report at the end of February.|whites to another _ r ments made by the same groups' "Now in the second stage we jhandle with .care Egg-white taking up residence soon, A so- Ie ag peblems re il Rraahiy Pook wail tela fodpe. ation preven et -sapper prepared ay "Mr AN A Few Long ond 94 Length ness to the problems, more)will probably go on until the/a folding otion ) pve ' . "pa y Mrs, 4 awareness." . end of the year. Then we will|them from breaking down, With|Mervyn Allin, Mrs. J, W. Map- Genuine Real Suede Coats Gertrude Laing, who was born|start getting information from rubber spatula, gently -- cut/plebeck and Mrs, Robert Ash- Still Left At in England and grew up in/the very extensive research pro-|through centre of égg-white|more and cerved by a number FURNITURE Winnipeg, is a slender woman|gram which is being done injmixture. Turn spatula until itjof the- community's teenagers, 90 cuunen «7 oes. HALF PRICE! with an attractive smile. She|various areas--education, social|is parallel to bottom of bowl|was enjoyed, ' and her busband and two grown| structures, inter - cultural rela-.and draw it to side of bowl sons have lived in Calgary forjtions. This material now is be-and up again. Repeat motion, about 12 years. jing accumulated and will have each time turning bowl about Ih + speaking by birth,|/to be studied." one-quarter turn she said she became bilingual) Discussing the progress of the) ----_--_-----_---- a § because she liked French. "It|hearings, Mrs, Laing said: "The| IT S 9 was love at first sight. The first very process of public inquiry @eeaneenaeee: time I had a French lesson, I|should make solutions easier Rain or Shine ALL WEATHER COATS Are A Special Feature! felt that was it, and it was." |solutions proposed before prob- y Mrs. Laing studied French at\iems are understood are not! f the University of Manitoballikely to be effective. f and then privately after her) "When the commission has marriage. finished its work, the research A young-looking 59 with ajwill remain as a permanent ad- touch of grey in her hair, Mrs dition to factual knowledge, not) Laing also has shown an active |only in Canada, It is being) concern with social problems.|viewed with interest by coun-| She has been president of the|tries in other parts of the world) Calgary Welfare Council and is|with similar problems. This is} a member of the board of the/not something very much re- Canadian Welfare Council. search has been done on. . She was appointed to the) 'There isn't any 'solution' to commission in July, 1963, twoja situation as complex as this. | months before it began its work.|We will be required to name) Mrs. Laing said she accepted steps that can be taken--some the position as an honor and a|things that can be done which challenge. "I felt it was an im-|might be better than other The Savings Are Tremendous! Our Spectacular Spring-Into-Summer SPORTSWEAR Lid. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE tet \@@e¢ " portant undertaking at a vital|things. This is really an inquiry) moment a Canada's develop-|into the state of the Canadian! @ & SALE ment. I felt I could contribute nation." pig oe on with a background as| Because of the long-term as-| ® When something ¢ a teacher and in welfare." pects, Mrs, Laing said she is happy happe € _ IS THE TALK She said she had not given especially pleased that "young French - English relationships|people, everywhere we go, seem it's Bulova ¢ any special thought before her to be deeply involved and con- @ OF THE TOWN! appointment. cerned with the future of the watch time!" e | "Before I became a member country. "The Best Costs Less At' For any happy occasion, there's & % r ® a 2 2 @ ogiftiikea () lu IN | A fj E| is ame, a It's a gift you can . % a 2 ® & a ® ® ? take pride and joy in giving, take pride in owning bacause it's made with pride. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE BOYS' and GIRLS' SPRING COAT & SUIT See our Watch Experts. They'll help you choose the perfect gift from our large Bulova selection -- priced from $35.95, @Geoo: > A L a y "LEADING LADY "E" pay" Trim and tin Sizes: Infants to size 14 = mah act 23 jewels, 2 j et : $88.95 ' Ina little Spanish town -- a lot of Canadian fashion! ROSECREST by Hud- Happiness Headquarters" son shapes the look-this-way look in Arnel/cotton puffed cord by Bruck OUR SALES ARE GENUINE REDUC- Mills --- a sporty new texture for summer '65, And the Arnel tag says O BE SURE AND relax --- the care is easy, the travelling's breezy, Left: skimmer skirt, about TIONS FROM REGULAR PRICE, NO gers Chelsea bay See agg Age 1 4 Right: hip-tied blouson. and slim SPECIAL PURCHASES OR JOB LOTS ASK ABOUT OUR ermudas, about $8.95 each, Sizes 8-18. AT REDUCED PRICES -- ALL SALES FINAL A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD Open Tonight - and ANY PURCHASE _ Friday Until 9 P.M, , | OSHAWA | SHOPPING CENTRE CREDIT Terms § OSHAWA SHOPPING The CENTRE lu) G| (Fj Watch World A DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY PURCHASE Open to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday division