Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 26, 1965 "Spring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't Needs Here' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| "4 , jectric, complete Accountonts Barristers Gardening and Supplies (Janitor Service down paymmant, $18 month at Honest |five-galion tank, $175. witby sab seat. Chartered|JOSEPH P MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. p ; .| 14--Busin niti LSOUARD, SOS" alone Gohawe thar |hianey to loon, Ofticns ais, hig" Sirest ny / W Ae Fist fine, (WE y te ae "ihe oy as cat = he na ae ping Contre, 725-9953. East, Oshawa, 728-8232. G ARDEN Rn OF avi Freding Pest Sore, Simcoe Street seals 24, good living quarters, five- WILSON end BURROWS, Chartered|McGIBBON end BASTEDO, 8. 5 = i 'oom house, garage ali up to date. House Account: 114 King Street Best, Ostr| Solicitors. Clients' funds availabie, EAS MO! uh 2--INCH TE iN, in very good! pee wa ys een with conveniences. Apply awe; F, D. Wilson, CA; G. National Trust Building, 32 " JANITOR SERVICE MES 5 oro WIG working order, Telephone 728-1742, |S, Hussel. Restaurant nine mines north) CA, 72-7554. Simcoe Street South, 728-7336; Charles C. SUPPLIES BEAUTY SALON equipment. Two Grand jot Lindsay, two miles past Cameron on QC; Edger F. Bastedo, Qc. GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- pede) ee Pgs 4 East. Telephone to. The Commercial Bulldi Eyarrored Accountants, Clcanged Trustees] Oshawa. Ontario Cl abie, 725-4716 or 725-4717, 4AMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar- rister and Solicitor and ae Public, ing West, pect aval Building Trades 4m Bankruptcy, 44 King Street East, * 728-7371. MONT! RIBHL, WA' end Co, Chertered ocount 7-152]; Oshawa Suite 215E, Ajax, $s ing Centre, 942. i; Whitby 668-413) WALL, PERKIN AND CO., Chartered pager? 3%" King Street East, Osh- 725-659; David G. Perkin, CA, King Street. Newcastle, 987-4240; William King $p 8. Comm. CA. HOPKINS, saxoue AND €0., Che ai Financial Trade Build: Street East, Oshawa, On- 3 §, T. ag CA; H. E. Beedie, CA; E. Lukow, CA. 808 CLANCY'S Aeconiies Service. Complete bookk service. a Bond Street West, |. Res. 723-7605. ACOERT HOSMAR, Chartered Aan tent, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone 723- 723-1221, ACCOUNTING SERVICE -- Bookkeep- ing, specializing in smell businesses, Pickup and delivery. Phone 725-0829. Barristers oneen AND KELLY, wor you Barristers, Solici- Street East. Dial J. M. Greer, "4 SPRING SPECIAL 10% Discount On All Orders Placed before May 15 Remodelling, carpentry, tiling, pointing, plumbing, electrical | eavestrough- ing, plastering, cement work of all kinds. Aluminum doors ond windows, siding. 20 skilled men ready to serve k, roofing, NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa -- 728-2061 Peterborough -- 745-2184 pulginen . &e, 195-3968) Terence V. Kelly, RA.BCL, 725-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB,| (668-3895. CREIGHTON, ORYNAN, MURDOCH, and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Buliding, 5 ara | Street North, 723-3446; T, Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K one man, QC; 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, QC, 723-4768; J. © Victor, 985-711. Mortgages Bnd Agreements of Sale bought and soid, and erranged HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King | Street East, Oshawa; R. DO. Humphreys. Qc; G. * Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB; J. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: | 725-1177; P acslanent 725-4604}. Whitby| 668-2761; 728-4326, 723-5133. NHA and other first mortgage funds avaliable, Hou Classified Rates HARLEIGH MFG. CO. se remodelling. ond bathroom planning. Wall tiling. Modernfold doors, Free Estimates. 723-7589 WELDING Acetylene @ Arc @ Helearc also @ Torch Cutting 283 DEAN AVE 723-6601 Call anytime Kitchen etc, WORD ADS Cosh--! insertion of 24 words $1.08 additional words st ove ecch; 3 con- secutive insertions of 24 words = 88 additional words 12¢ each, 6 ¢ secutive insertons of 24 words $4: 2, additional words Bag each, Charge -- 10 cent 5 oats! charge if not Pa with! days, Method of counting -- poll then 24 words counts as 24 words; each word, initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one word; number counts two words. BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES sma Quality Carpentry and General Repairs We do everything, large or Il, Use our low ra ment plan, with years to pay. Call: 725-85 The R. H. CABINET CO. te poy- 76 C.1.L. 10-6-4 CLL. Evergreen C.}.L, Golfgreen So-Green Garden So-Green So-Green 21-7-7 Crobgross Preventer Milorgonite Bonemeo! Sheep Manure 10-10-10 4-12-10 No. | Fine Grass Mix Parklawn Fine Grass Suburban Grass Mix Peat Moss Fencing Hedge Shears Tonk Sprayers Bug Killers Complete Garden Supplies | SINCE 1909 'Cooper Smith Co. 16 Celina St 723-1139 UTCH Sand, gravel pit-run, sand fill, excavating, grading. DUTCH SAND & GRAVEL Call 728-2871 Spring Clean Up Rolling, Fertilizing, Pruning ond Complete Landscaping No job too big or too. small, For clean floors --~ Call Mac's - Dunbarton 839-5957 ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- nomica! ceiling, wall cleaning done by modern machine. Free estimates. Work |guaranteed. 728-7736. EVERYTHING from yards to basements | i | evel! cleaned, also scrap taken sway i Joe 7 2368, FRED'S WINDOW and general cleaning. po 3 et PHE_GODS TAUGHT Call Ajax 942-5603, for all wind bn 'fosn Free "estimates. was siege AEM HOW To ARRANGE THEIR HAIR. AN UNMARRIED SCRAPS. 8--Articles For Sale | 13--Articles for Rent 17--Female Help Wanted TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4 foot tower|CHAIRS, card and febles, church structure al-channe! antehina installed,|aisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 bey Oshewa TV ig Limited, 361) Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, Gener. SaM: sive | ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one honares TYPEWRITERS, addi 'adding tr machines rare panei Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- fime ciocks, new and rebulit. One year i parties, weddings, anniversaries. guarantee. Outstanding good buys. Jen facilities. bar, kitchen, parking, Ree- kins Business Machines, Sales and ser-| sonable rates. 726-6315, vice 128-7783. Open evenings, THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50, dow! _.. | 1956 MERCURY outboard, Mark 2%, 20 0. No|HP, ek controls and Prix dryers and chairs, used six aaatee | (35 5 Highway. Phone Cameron 35R1), iiiness forces sale! Dial Bowmanville REPAIR SHOP -- Three-bay garage and 623-2743, ishowroom or independent service garage ADDING machines, fs Typewriters, cashiers, si with two self-contained apartments, semi-| CISD duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, | detached. Northeast end of city. $8,000) ' chairs. We buy. sell, rent, service and|9own balance on easy terms. 728-9466,) trade with budget terms. New and uw: sed. | Stev® Zurba Realtor, 2s Bond West. i Low, low prices Bill Hamilton, Rovier: '| ATTENTION MECHANICS! two large! WEDDIN an jh, head-| service bays and stock roorh in well Wanoine sown full Jonah, Saas babyy eong Privately owned service sta-| ink tt % 'i con! tion. Good opportunity for the right man.) 2 Gitlon' Call 259807, cue (Appiy in person, Ferguson's BA, Hamp-| ct A ton. PIANO, upright, good condition. heir |e BaTABL AsO "Beauly Salon! 24% Wilson Road South (beck door) with living quarters, Ample tree park-| ECE sectional ches! ing. Ten dryers, For further information| livingroom drapes; book cabinet. write Box 635, Oshawa Times. condition. Telephone 723-5956, = SAC IH AKE.SIDE ? THREE - in good CRAMPS 1H THE _|SHOE SALE ana repair store, Pickering Money To Loan iit patel WOMAN LEfS OME LONG MUSCLES BEAWEEH HARMONY GUITAR with case and elec: Township. Ill-heaith forces sale. Low PT hac . "4 i Fa GR er f ME RIB tric pick-up atfachment, three outputs; $0|down payment. Cail Bay Ridges, €39-1073) Two ANTER CONTROLLED «= 7 PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? 1 vay Ravel fo: Row PLANER coi HER SHOULDER. 424] |<vcI¢ amplitier and microphone with fleor|efter 7 p.m. " ory , alf ¢ ie ~ i. © Ney Percane Pode ben 106) Cand eee comm iL 2 music stan @aeeage Gition ch gay, Gertteatale pursolek Tete plete $220 or best offer, Dial 2602323, '15--Employment | Wonted | phone Toronto 491-5209 [FURNITURE ar Three rooms, 'new qual |SPRING CLEANING--allics, eee | = ity furniture, only |, includes complete | ANY " TWILL loan you up to $5,000 | ate TV nes ao 'i garages, etc. Reliable man wi cle sonable rate of Interest to consolidate Radio Repairs HF ss Articles For Sale Foedegete I py Bo. aig {th ea dh cinigrclooet and haul away anything. Reasonable. | your bills or for any other worthwhile scuseuucrmecte mem str aes a ay "| Barons' Home Porsubinge 424 Simi vel; Whitby ¢ 668-8954 | purpose providing you are steadily em- | CONSOLIDATED | South. Coe TORK WANTED: | "Painting, > papering,| ployed and have good credit. Telephone V T F . sabintinaiiieiaiaaiitiitaaailidiaetamtdiaiaiwinitaguilatasies irs } T } HEATING FIBERGLAS CANOE, sectional leather-|Corimateq"° No' joh too sent Tel phone] - $$ rn | AIR CONDITIONING ette chesterfield, hand lawn m yi | / jaway bed, mapie bookcase, bridge set.) Mortgages: BONS ECONOMY AND LTD Telephone 725-3276. iM | PRACTICAL C NURSE desires home "a DELUXE FURNACES - DRYERS _ |SIMPSON'S Shetland floor pollsher, $12.50 ony. iter cet Sen paren jand two white chenille continental single bea Biiess dn alk wok hudoat WATER HEATERS |bed spreads, $10. or best offer. Call be-| RELIA LE WOMAN ¥ wil I care for one er | of a STOVES {tween 68 p.m, 723-9328. i two pre-school children in ive- ; TERMS ARRANGED MATTRESSES,-smooth Top coment ee Sold ---- Installed --~ Guaron- [hundreds of coils. Tremendous savings, teed --~ Payable on Gas Bill, | $26.88. Bunk beds, $57. Wlison's Furniture,| WILL DAY CARE Monday to Friday 'er | OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED "| 361 GIBBONS ST 128-8180 Central Ontario Trust j The protot | & Savings Corporation | ELECTRONICS No Bonus HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED | by, by talented 'Art Jones", A INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS | TV TOWERS | This additional device for JANSSEN'S COUNTRY ~ DEPARTMENT and PRIME SECONDS i beard | your piano can be purchased MORTGAGES ond ARE THE BEST! from Sebastian Hohmann, in- | Fresh fruit, ond vegetables CLERK | AGREE Are > OF j WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! |. ventor, manufacturer. Phone daily. Apples sold by the | GREEMENTS Purchased | - + 725-7001 bushel. Host of imported pro- Th Times advertising San woe oe ducts. ie m Vv LOANS ON MORTGAGES | T R @) SMILE d | } lepartment, has an open- hy é 843 KING W 728-94 : Phar ; tinesadinta Gan ics ie You're lin Valley Creak Ruri: T ROAWAE nee tae eae ing for an_ intelligent From Our Head Office TELEVISION ture where they pay the most, {delivered Call evenings, B rooklin| woman capable of hand- S Corner Bond & Divisio } sell the cheapes sell- : aii i i 19 Simcoe St. N f Oshawa sles é diy } ing or buying used furniture |MAPLE SYRUP fog sale. Take Highway ling ' F highly detailed Phone 723-5221 728- 5143 | ond appliances' phone 728- 38 arom uf! ie concession 3 Manvers, position. % sista Piva AO ae e |Andrew Heaslip, Bethany A 4401 or come to the store |-------- Gay, SERVICE D f | * The person best suited for 16Y% Bond W 10--Farmer's Column this | 1972 | ome rt job would be a woman LOANS | DAY OR EVENING . Gr 'aval '@ Scad m Sa ~| DEAD and erippied 1 ann place pice with several years experience and p rowill ' i M | 728-5286 %" Mulch @ Building Materials Te aghens vaea Hentaton tin| in office or other detail work. oneys for first mortgages | TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL |Licence s8-C-65 i i Open Mortgages | OSHAWA Free 24-hr. Burner Service |MANURE FOR SALE. By the ioed or cea hace pri aig . | & 4 ' ' io Bonus | Whitby's Only Local [Chevrolet r, Dial 71410, "0 * '3) "Monday through Friday week, | OSHAWA 723-6112 DUNBARTON 839-1682 [Between the hours of 4p. Boge 7617 --Female Help Wanted | PIANO ATTACHMENT "The Hohrr nightly at Royal Hotel, Whit- _ Texaco Dealer 20 Church Street. For in- lone child while mother works, |BEST OFFERI hate formation call "General electric 40") © [AUTOMATIC washing machine. Pe ae Lee TE | phone Whi iby 668 59. 940 9--Market Basket ae ADVERTISING | Tele- nann Harpsicord" ype demonstrated Bp gy Ba Medical Benefits, Hospitali- EXPERIENCED PART-TIME CASHIERS Apply to: POWER SUPERMARKET 564 King St. East SECRETARY REQUIRED FOR LAW OFFICE Good salary, pleasant working conditions. Legal experience preferred. Write Box 144 Oshawa Times CLERK-TYPIST required for the Clerk - Treasurer's Department. Fast ac- curate typist, good at figures. Apply to: Wm. G. Manning Clerk-Treasurer, County of Ontario, 605 Rossland Road East, WHITBY, Onterio Several interestin tions available perienced Secretaries and Clerk Typists Oshawa, Whitby end Ajex Area. For appointment call 668-8181 Secretarial Overload Services No charge to opplicontl EXPERIENCED -- SALESLADY posi- 'Or eX $2.00 per insertion with 23 cents ed- 182 THICKSON N |SEED OATS, Rodney. Cleaned end treat: ditional charge if ot pald within | vate Service ed aera ody -onrennrne TV TOWERS Call 668-3524 ed. Telephone. Whitby 668-2992 or 668-4089. zation and paid holidays. days. CALL wochaced | \oreements. | AERIALS © ROTORS @ REPAIRS | SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED lq Boss ong Livestock APPLY IN _MEMORIAMS | P | ' Purcne 244 Brock St. South ora n ivestoc sath trariatins, pus tae bor ine ot | Custom built osbl 'ps MA | ih lide agi Moreeaye . ee , | PUPPIES FOR SALE t Applications in Writing Only to; FOX'S each thereafter, plus 12c per line of | Custom built cabinets. | Fast service. | |WRECKING the nurses! residence lbred Labrador A A nd ee 'verse 25¢ additional charge if not | lax « Pickering General Hospital 2' x 3 hs * 'a whine Go 7 SIMCOE SOUTH paid within 7 days, LANDSCAPING & | M F. SWARTZ 12 Yeors Eperience ; x e, wood trusses, 32 feet, All sizes ys 725-0520 or apply 98 Wilson : B. LEITH s : and 2 ressed lumber, copper and -- CARDS OF THANKS | ceenegg |MUD PROBLEMS! uAgeerend ane 26% King St. East } All Work Guaranteed steel pipes, radiators, insulation, asbes--BOSTON TERRIER pups, $45, $65, INTERVIEWERS j 99 i H ng, } r , $75. Registered, Also black uslature| each thereafter, with 25¢ additional | | 2214 Oshawa, Ontario pA WOne Meneling, aretha Rat eicd taal ADVERTISING DIRECTOR and theroe Mt not Bald within F'daya" | Easily overcome with an | -- 723-4697" - Sclenman en ab tcoe" doy to densest. ne Sr meme on Bl SUPERVISORS ; F ees mon ie : S10 for the ASPHALT DRIVE, Terms ar- | NO. ] PRIVATE and cor RON BRIGHTLING 9 A NM 9 PM ay From | _..... |COSY-J-RANCH Kennels, horses, goats, | The Oshawa Times Part time, for market research pe spidy | "and corporate monies for all kids, registered Ge: Shephi | sutveys. Write giving educa- first 20 words and 5¢ each there- | ranged to suit, TOP SOIL mortgages. Mortgages and agreements) ":|MONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- eh cronies rman Shepherds, PUP| : ite g ofter : of sale purchased" Creighton," Drynen,| ances. Name brands at biggest discounts ein Vd services, boarding. Ashburn | tion, interviewing or super- (Word Ads Tele Lon 723 1891 | Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barri PLAY-OFF TIME |anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever-| a. evenings. ----------~----------=|_ vising experience to Edsall ] - @ 4 lv tt ; AUCTION SALES phone | Oshawa Garden Centre FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale| T.V. CHECK-UP TIME icq Genesio. catego ca poli ying Rg ond| |. Rewearch Ltd... 2049 Bishop -10 per per insertion [our sbeciatiy." New foors, ha) resting.) 1259 Simcoe North pe tage Piparristors, a1" King Street | ; y 424 King Street West, 728-9191, Sealpoints, Easy credit terms. Call Gei- NURSE |__St., Montreal 25, : | repairs. d. Hennic ma ae 'ie DEADLINES Crom and arial fabs and |. Reetng| TIIATGIAO East, 723-7292 | TRIO FURNITURE -- three rooms, new quale|-e cores 20 a % INTERVIEWERS -- EXPERIENCED. WORD ADS jand Construction, RR 3, 725-693 -- -- Optometrist reer ELEVIS) | hetg eurtonh, Weld teen ins com | REAUTIPCL bey | bd Apaly. ed ter lives wines se eotuel "eames tf |Your LOCAL CHIMNEY Cleaner. Chim TELEVISION |plete bedroom, living. room, kitchen en- a4 : 0 ; ri . ° th tl 4 5 p.m. day previous |neys built and repaired; gas linings in-| "CEDAR TREES -- F RICHARD "BLACK, OD, 136 Simese 728-5143 ile veluel"® si a o Prnlenines | Was RIDING terse weauanable IT | Ai e ourse vevs. Interviewers from tarmy rurel wa LOST AND FOUND stalled) roots repaired. Free estimates.| FOR HEDGES, ETC Street North, Suite 6, Osh sive! Barons' Home Furnishings,| TWO RIDING horses, Reasonable, J. H.| | 4 9 a.m. day of publication 723-2997, WHITE BIRCH lM ag S SAW. TONG | ernment nent www | 424 Simcoe South. |Gibson, Nestieton, | en ta dah ten ie eet BIRTHS AND DEATHS |HOME IMPROVEMENTS, fooling, ana | en Nice Cl ee - ----| Well Drilling--Digging OCCASIONAL and Lazy-boy chair; Indus- 12 To train suitable can- Idesirable but not essential. Ea rate of 9 a.m. day of publication eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting Re a ice Clusters, Painting and Decorating wact diGoING reaching specializing Ingenoenine seping rrachine) Zephyr sey --Articles Wanted : pay $1.75 hourly, Write to Box 843, Osh- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY fae as All work guaranteed. | ail Fence Posts, and Poles : nae inch W 200 Chestnut (237 eee en re, akburner: RCA) oonres ---Ranaurent squement Mon, craares" for "temporary, jawa Times jm is, 3 r j r Nest thy. 448-25 - fr : 1 § H PRUE NZ ORS 1 3 poral or eager cn 0 an ey ING and Taawraiing ; cee estl-| SMITH. . Rte lle PNITING oil A * at an us mau fishing: tact Peau at be fore, N 4 ic? alers! Coll gsbashe or Fas seen, full time duty in wards |we Require » Part re eee ae " d beishin onvi v4 w hing: tackle ¥ 668-4142 after |'¥ > dealers! Call 655 § or 725-3652 : : jevenings and all day Saturday. Typing, CANCELLATIONS AND Pg eb ttlin "cleaning. oie 786-2283 Collect nec and r- |1--Women s Column 6 3 _____|WANTED: One two-seater wooden lawn for chronically ill, On Dieasant personality ere essential. For Seema | stool nico JIECORATING ee eat Fase 7 TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL! 40-1. | swing. Telephone 728-9725 | successful completion of ip niment, contact the manager, Active 9 om. day of Biliegtion eres oe "Osh ed ieee hel For Evergreens, Shode Ih 'TERI 9 R and EXTERIOR OSHAWA FUR AND structure including alkchannel antenna, 13. ~A los for Be ee, the course employment Realty Ltd., 726-5157, s fas awa Roofing and : e jinstalled, guaranteed, by experts, 10 ---Articles for ent BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50¢ heet Metal 83 V 8' experienc ' j 4WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- housek While event endeavor oat te ade pe gid eo yk Wilson Road North, Paes! -- = } COLD STORAGE ier ne lence, $50, Trio Television td hi until 30th~ or for molar ess none, middie eged Bre t renpuimagieanintantion, Vb ' isi your ioce | rred, to live in, jays. e J the cavartiints ae heen Go peas FOR ROOFING, chimneys. nth Ce gerden centre 668-5862 | @ REPAIRS © CLEANING [SUNS -- Bought, sold. traded. repaired RENTALS eptember, 1965 728-1737, He bea' + labil ¢ ann, » Osh- hee se ~ jat Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street Wes tes cr' damn mn segs: ee awa, Brooklin 655-2061. . A. Janssen and Sons Ltd,|GENERAL PAINTING and decoratings| © SHINERIZING @ STORAGE | 720-9731, : : OF ALL KINDS Full details as to rate of pay | EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER: with through either failure or delay in |HOME DECORATING, painilingy welll 843 KING ST. W, 728-9429 | W2l! Papering. furniture re-finished, Tele: REFRIGERATED VAULTS |PLOOR COVERING BARGAINS! Thou- end terms of employment gllentele,, Apply, In, person. The v e torwardi such replies, however |papering. Home and office janitorial! dine BL Rae ss Sot jaands of yards, many pretty colors, end supplied on personal applica- : coused her by ligence or |Services, Mode prices. Insured. Dial GARDEN CENTRE & : * DIAL 723-3012 |patterns. Clearing from 27c. per tt. Wil! SANDING MACHINES : BABY SITTER to care for four children ctherwise, The Times will not be re | 484s LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" Plumbing and Heating di __.|$0n's Furniture, 20 Church $t. Sachiot Ras 4 ten to Live In. Telephone 942-6456. ag e for replies unca lor in [ALL TYPES buliding tooling repairs 6. Se? ry : |SPENCER Foundation Garments, elt ORIGINAL oll pal 5029 scillating sanders, dise sand- 2 HAIRDRESSER required, good hours day ae tarabiiie' ote . Ta: GAu UP. Rvapran We At 'LUMBING and heating supplies, | |dividually designed, Also Spirella. Reg.| portraitures He Lp eee ers, belt sanders, floor sand- Director of Personnel right operator, Apply in person 0. Heir : repaired, sidewalk and concrete re |shrub planting, seeding, sodding, fertillz-| piyme Heating and Engineering, 225 Corsetier, Mrs J Hendershot, 324 we ing, Call Clark Studio. Days 728-0432,| ers, Fashion Salon, 79' Simcoe Street N REGULATIONS pairs. Whitby 668-2774, Gord May ing, ie Complete landscape designing, Simcoe street South 1S) mmlral Road, Oshawe. _ laves., and week-ends 668-4497, 325 Brock PLUMBER'S TOOLS NEW PLASTERING and repair we garden maintenance, Telephone ALL rT -- |PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-|North, Whitby OSHAWA r partai i red - a ES i nd iting, part-time typist requii Tie Schone Fieeee ute Se. ie sidewalks, re-modeliing, rec-roomi Os ae a ot olan "ees jéreasing, 395 Pine Avenue. Telephone| TYPEWRITER, standard, $25.) portable Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise for evenings 5 fo 9 and all day Seturdey. ments submitted otherwise than in he ag . Weots, 7% Bao" e| 000 "GUALIEY oa manure, 3 bar rates, Estimates tree, 723-1191, J. Foley. aan iinet {electric standard. Adding machine, $25; tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe Py a Ly ol meren Real sca yin tae Tas vale thor one wuae, (eee : 2 ol A lephone ---- - em a two total cash register, calculator, with cutters ipe threadin A ing Street fas ee ee ad arlestaraT not te, | RMMABALLING Or teamvalna? Adena se ie Rug- -Upholstery Service 2 --Personal division, 723-4434, een peels ig dies, N RAL \@IRL tor lunch counter, cheng shila: yond the price char for a single |room or gerege? For. 3 free estimate Company, Residential and PSG | Re ; sie fas " SCRAP HARDWOOD one-foot Tengths. | sie ger | Apply Modern Grill, 345 Ritson South. Insert on ot the vertisement in \peipeenraa . ncing installed. Telephone OSHAWA fe eibsiaar plage aah _-- Excellent i cat $7.75 single cord.) PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Pei yen 'solicitor, parttime, tor 7 + New Work and repairs. ee - - Mart u 4 Wg in hd s | ders ad eating and appliance firm, The Oshowe Times reserves the right ates. Telgphone 723-1891, REEL TYPE lawn mower sharpening and CLEANERS Oshawa May 3, 4, and' 5th WANTED -- Plano, iaeay wel ak Sa ie eS ve |pointment. telephone 723-6112, between to classify advertising according to | ----~| repair, Phone 728-6879 or 480 Phillip Mur- ' : Phone Genosho Hotel on thes lprice paid, Call Pi or Hohmenn ension ia rs, ladder JOCKS, | and 12 a.m, ita proper classification, | Cartage a = Rug ond Upholstery Clean- deter INOShO Fiotel on these | rag 799} steel scaffolding, compres- | |UNCIMITED OPPORTUNITY os 6 Beau- in the cine Of 'dlaclay advertieoments leVT-CANTAOE ae a enue wanted. ng. At our plant or In your jotes for appointment \Waw AND Use TVS ard ap sors, spray guns. _ wallpaper | ae asa ty Counselor, flexible hours; personality he Times will not held respon- | furniture; also cellar and yards Hering | Telephone rasa) rome ELECTROLYSIS [Generel Siscine and Phillip steamers, torpaulins, blow iene Rientten! "erate!" Pane sible for more space than in which | apply #6 Willlam Street West or tele|MANURM -- Gravel, Stone, Pili, An CALL 725-99 78 Simcoe North, Telephone 723-14 torches, propane torches. | BOOKKEEPER [Sper ice, Ran RRO cae he foe eerie. [he Pu. | onan gaeaee) time. Anywhere! Dlat_ Hampton 269-2485 LAL -996) _723- 4641 iVACUUM 'repairs, all makes, hoses,| WELDING EQUIPMENT | Ls ------ oD hagpntsh * ges is > 74 BRUCE STREET a icrerineomniininnsnpl Me ik. ile ' | 3 | advert! i JOHN'S MOVING. Storage and Cartage. : > | ushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-02 8 Some no ability of edverticermant if (Reasonable rates, fully" Insured, ¢ai) Instruction RE-UPHOASTERING by experts. Estab. Eleming Vacuum Service, Main oy eaten welding outfits, | hana --Mele Help Wanted any inaccuracies in any form are | 728-366). Ajax 942-2020. Sain TUTORING ~|Iished 17 years. Complete rang mate- LEN PULLAN "| pita sles aa 200 amp, electric welders. With \ 5 | nee Fees, contained therein, -- rials. Workmanship guaranteed five years. SILVER BIRCH trees for sale, 10 to 14 #. ' ot least years @x- | Any odvertisement cancelled before Dentistry : : i Lhd ai Eopthune retioiea eee (English Tailor) ipieh len 723-5364 or apply 321 Bue BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT perience, Complete through -- A ET at hoo ag tor 3 Coll - Peholstering Company, 207 Dean Avenve.| CUSTOM TAILORING | rRNA PIOBIAL "Wractor cab, excellent] Sol ag Milgpt re Sree epeces: Tracers poy. CAREER on meoe Street \North, Oshawa. Fer | mic Tutorin ege 725-03) . ractor cab, excelient roweis, wheel barrows,. elec- roll and tax returns. No seek RAat Yo PLACE A appointment, 728-584~pr ay) ages, gnce® or ing |EHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re- Suit and Dress Alterations a So paid potash bg opal beige pa RY cc 'i TIMES ACTION WAN® AO eading, at nglish, | covered like new. Get the best for less at Invisible Mending Ben reece ac immers, hand trowels, working conditions, All usual 'Dressmaking_ Science, etc. From student's |Médern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street SELLING OUT: Sige nara woter pumps, portable heat- 0 OPPORTUNITY 10 PRINCE ST. good condition, Cail 728-64 fringe benefits. Cell Classified Direct § re kk ' South. Cal) 728-6451, Free eatimates, 10 PRIN 728-5311 . PECIALIZING IN own: tetiooks, private. OF CHESTERFIELDS reupholstered and fe:| ACRES, three miles east of Claremont|USEO VACUUM Cleaners "aa Pollshers,| S0* ate alte, Siantne : pes pholstered and fe 'emont | ood jenerator, t, | Telephone ef writ CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES group, styled. Free estimate, See our material\°" %h concession: 15 cleared and work. Condition, $10, up, Telephone 728- i? be Feamnees, PEWEE fOr ere nbs ae S ne enone - ACADEMIC for recovering Uphoistering, i able, five acres bust. Moore's Grocary, ers, electric hammers, mas- | Bed reads, slipcovers, acces j= oP dba vor AbaeasanBiclill lL TYPEWRITERS. , adding machines and|. Onry saw, building jacks, --Mr. Vaudrey-- $i ipcovers, ac io ------ne | VOUN A } ime clocks, new and rebuilt. O1 INDEX TO | gories, Also alterations on TUTORING COLLEGE | |Sales and Service mi . Brooktin' leaving at 530" pam, ed Ne Belg Pad eee buys. en chin alate Wier soma giet ' lephor ins B Machines. Sales and. serv- 1 CLASSIFICATIONS clothing, Reasonable rates, CALL 723-6701 GUARANTEED repairs to ail wrin ape ante a 728 Poesia hos aoa tric plane, tarpaulins, 14? ROWE BROS i a -- t --$-------- 1 tat e bd \.AAiaaads Cami | Whitby 668-8468 for apt. VAUGHAN me] washers and ranges. Free estimates Call leaving. Whitby shy, fe, "Oshawa, Y AND SELL -- Good used turnitur band saw, 4" joiner, sand wert i |__in_your home. ene ---- sin Phone Whitby 668-5393, and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215] blaster, power tamper, power 3----Sportsman's Column DRESSMAKING, alteration: Children's DRIVING SCHOOL | Complete vin Fine ina, cannes: : Pate [ewer eos A hi AL y post hole oiae 5--Trai wear, drapes, Reasonable rates. Tele ' Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime 5--Trailers [COTTAGE TENT -- two-room (green), | r phone 723-6475 Fully: licensed and insured. | 2°neks 728! rts ROO Bt a= $12' X 15', new condition. Telephone Whitby STAN'S | (Canada) Ltd &--Articles for Sal ORESSMAKING -- All Kinds of ladies} Courteous professiono! in- |Septic Service fs 00 Kc? S LOWREY ORGAN Vo fe S----Articles for, Sale wear. High quality work. Call Agnes| struction, ; ' ah LOWREY ORGAN, Holiday model. 1 year) Sharpening & Rentals Ltd AJAX ONT iputoriere tele Dressmaking, 668-8463, Whitby. Pho FOR COMPLETE | = TRAILER SALES _[2i, _Equipea_with Leslie speakers 'and | >" 101 q rai D . 1i---Pets and Livestock LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Allerations,| ne 723-2696 enae jautomatic orchestra control. Matching 23 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE }2---articles Wanted mending. and style changing: Ressonabie| or 725-1501 SEPTIC TANK NEW LOCATION [Gee eee Oot Perry PHONE 723-3224 13--Articles for Rent rates ror appointemen: lephone WHITBY INSTALLATION SIMCOE ST. NORTH eee than one year old.|__ ae: 942- 6500 i eten Goce J s xcelient condition. $150. Call 985-7790 To Ww iacemolovnent Wi ORWESMARING = Sulla, Conley areeass, And Other Trenchin : BP Mal ; aping, Weddings recorded, |__| 1é---Agents Wanted hersiee te aie esis! © DRIVING SCHOOL Atl 9 Oshawa -- 723-9534 | cesteRrinus, used? iwopiecey wauk| tape recorders, record ploy- | ji-tenals Help Wanted peciaity. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, New duo! controlled cors Authorized dealers for bs Pa gaae le asl aeobin set, tables ers, projectors, M.C. work, SARAH COVENTRY | aarp fog Babi A Wonted DRESSMAKING. | Specializing in chil- Personal ourteo , K and L | © GLENDETTE GLENDELLE |Taneo. thems Owners. moving. aulot| P-A. systems, Mobile . PA, 20--Real Estate for Sale hiren's clothing. Reasonable rates, Tele- * sppetndhcarmehipiiten diane son | @ CITATION @ CANADIAN' |town. Bargains for cash. Apply 648 An- broadcasting background REQUIRES 0 ea) a' bd [phone Brooklin 655-4539, Fully licensed and insured _ , j 5 te fecha nes oe ed i i o---Summer Properties i Diss a : BROOKLIN 655-4746 ° | © EMPEROR: TEN TRAILERS | Mepolis 728-7419 : music, donees, Hi-Fi Equip- Farms for Sole 'Gardening and Supplies Dial 668-4176 Alt tllak carcond $288. FOR THREE ROOMS of 1965 furnl-| ment. Free delivery 8 ladies, 4 full, 4 part time, cts tor Sale SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, promp! service parts an id id ture. Here's quality at sensational sav to sell exclusive jewelry, on tores, Offices and § uses for Rent SPRING CLEAN-UP artments for Rent } Fertilizing, Rolling, | ese res For E senieh Complete landscape service So--Automobiige for' Sale HARDSAND 2 a dey a Sole LANDSCAPING 33--~Automobiles Wanted 725- 1 72\' 34--Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found 36--Lega! 37--Auctions e--Coming Eyente 728-0610 TREE TO TRIM? them down Cal % Free estimates jaanys MANURE. weil al rae. ca SE ee Te | J, A. OSTERHOUT, Owne LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawe Driving Schoo! reasonable rates, standard end automatic cors Professional instructors 728-0091 AWA and WHITBY @ home of your own from the great selection offered dally in) osirs the Reel Eetete Fer Sale esiumn, on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street SMALL HOME made "camping trailer, |'Mgs! $3. weekly Gat GUDGEON ASSOCIATES ms Furniture the party plan. If you are looking for a future in rewarding busi- ness with a large progres- sive' organization, this is the position that offers that opportunity. You will be working in an esseritial, vital business that is constantly raising . the Nation's standard of living. Your work will be challeng- ing and exhilerating If you ore between the ages of 19 and 22, willing to work from the ground up wit ellent training, please write to BOX 140 iWest, Whitby 668-254 Will sleep 2 adults and 3 small Bee Church' Street OUND _£Q UIPMENT--7 23- 5121 OSHAWA TIME 5 ---- --------|Price $295. Phone 725-8003 e BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap. meeeetiereneins Use of car essential, no in- s burveyors 7 Swap ond Barte Pe Call Elmer, Hampton 243-2294 or Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- vestment, no delivery or col Oshawa, Ontario iH. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land mat rl Ee Seen eae areas | es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee lections. Top commission and CLERK f 1 here Surveyors, 112 Bigin Street East. Phone FOUR-PIECE bath, sinks, cabinets, show-|SUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture] Urns, Punch Bowl Bridal opportunities. ior retail hardware store. Full {725-6881 ers, pumps, pressure systems, ff and appliances One location only. Pratty| : Owls, rica time employment, ony Me Alex Hare- ------ |motors, boats, trailers, cars. H, Chinn,| Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271.__| Wear, Men's Formals, White Write Mr! Lee Briond jware, Alax Shopping Ceritr ; TV. hedle. Repairs Park Road South at Hillside. TELEVISIONS and sewing machines, We| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. 252 Pincad k . BUTCHERS end 6 courier mw Full and WILL TRADE 1952 Buick Special, In ex-/ "er! 4° reasonable rates. Honest Cal's. | ve., part-time. salary @ benefits. Ap- GOLD'S TW towers and aerial servica. content mechanical condition Yor' paver Kine Wee 720100 SARGEANT'S RENTALS NILLOWDALE, Ontorid.. 197 7S eee Re 2 ae vs bat Whitby 668-548) plano. Telephone 728-9725 SPORTSMEN -- We have the watch made 463 'Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 EXPERIGNCED "electric welder required UNLOAD UN-NEEDABLES with Times |vst for you. Easy credit terms. Low : _ "or particulars manufacturer. Phone Aj @x CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, aiso "re prices. We have All work guaranteed, 81] Dean| Action Went Ads, Like to sell something? 725-0800, | lAvenve, Telephone Telephone 723-2493. Watch World, 24 the largest Prince Street, 723-6922.! Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, selection| WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, lageunrences halrdresser required for 942-6100 of special oa Yap wetches in Oshawa.|reducing machines, sick room ipsam' Rose Beauty Salon, Brooklin, 655-\GRADER operator wanted "immediately (Telephone 728-0502,

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