Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Apr 1965, p. 21

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rn Caen ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 17, 1965 20 BRIDGE. By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mastera' Individual Championship Ploy) North dealer. Both 'sides vulnerable. World sights 1905 JULIET JONES NORTH @K1075 98 t g Aer AS AN HONOR BUT AS A YSTASTEFUL DUTY, J.C. ABBOTT AGREES TO BECOME CONSERVATIVE PARTY LEADER AND CANADA'S THIRD PRIME MINISTER. 'GOT UM PLENTY HERES? ME ENVY YOUR ~$!GHI!= FAMBLY.' x ECTING THE ILL REPUTE OF. ANADIAN POL/TICIANG, A LiS- PAPER. CHARGES THAT A FEW MILLION DOLLARS PLACED IN THE RIGHT. HANDS COULD BUY CANADA'S: ANNEXATION . . SHECKS/?-YO COULD HAVE. ? 4 ONE: O' YOUR OWN, IN NO 'The bidding: North East South West 1@ Pass 1@ Pass 2@ Pass 4@ BAS raf lif Opening lead -- king of hearts. IT'S TRUE off The declarer's frame of mind : -- his approach to the play--has a tremendous amount to do with the success of his efforts. If he plunges ahead. with the blind hope that finesses will work and that suits will break favorably, and makes no provi- sion for the possibility that things may not work out the way he would like them to, he is bound to find himself in hot water from time to time. What declarer should do is try to shape his play so that he not only accomplishes his pur- pose if everything goes normal- ly, but also accomplishes his purpose if matters develop ab- normally. This hand illustrates the point. South can see that he is cer- tain of making four spades if the diamonds are divided 3-2, All his thoughts should therefore be designed to overcome a 41 or 5-0 break, if it exists. He does this by ruffing the second heart lead, drawing three rounds of trumps, and then play- ing a diamond to the king. At this point he is certain of mak- ing the contract regardless of the adverse distribution. South no longer cares how the diamonds are divided because -he can deal successfully with every possible combination. He assures the contract by leading the A-K and another club. By now both dummy and de- clarer each have three diamonds and a trump. The opponent who wins the club will have to return a diamond or else yield a ruff and discard. In the actual case, it is prob- ably West who wins the club, If he returns the queen or jack of diamonds, declarer ducks and West is endplayed, If West re- turns the nine instead of the queen or jack, declarer likewise plays low from dummy,° again being certain of the outcome. If East is the player with the diamond length and wins the club, he runs into the same dead end. There is no escape. THE GIANTS WAH! NOW THAT THEY VE ALL PULLED UP) STAKES, LIKE / FIGURED, /1L SHOW are THEM THAT / CAN STOP. os PROGRESS/ AN'I GUESS THiS TRIP IG FOR BUSINESS, TOO, HUH ? WHEN I HAVE THE TIME FOR [T-- BUT AS THE MASTER OF FLING'S. FAR-FLUNG TIMES I WIGH I WERE HOUR-- WE'LL SOON BE IN Ei POOR ANP ONLY HAP PUERTO RICO ANNIE--THIS VACATION IER A a. ene THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY NOW, REMEMBER, TATER +» ALL YOU GOTTA DO |S YELL BACK LP WHAT= EVER ANYBODY YELL: POWN TO YOu! "BEATE A COMMERCIAL AIRLINER, DOGEN'T IT, MISS MAREHALL € Ne Me A CORPORATION (JET ANY TIME, MR. VAN WINTER ! { TATER ISA STUPID DOG! : J THEN YOULL HIRE GOMBONE To : . = HANG IT FOR You % SECRET AGENT X9 King Peoveres Spodcata Tans T505, World vaghts reserved. TELEVISION LOG | _ DONALD DUC Channel 2--Buftalo | SUNDAY 4:00 P.M. . Channel 3--Barrie 9:00 A.M. 1l--Dennis The Menace Channel 4--Buffalo 11--Cathedral Chimes 8-2--Sporis Channel é--Toronto 7--Herald of Truth 7--Saga of Western Man Channel 7--Buffalo 4 Popeye's Playnouse 6--Four British Castles Channel 8&--Rochester 4--B'wana Don 4--Planet Earth Channel %--Toronto ' Channel 11--Hamilton 9:30 A.M. 4:30 PLM. a 1--Italian 'Journal 11--Tiny Talent Time 7--Tennessee Tuxedo 9--Bilko 2--The Answer 6-3--Wild Kingdom 10:00 A.M 4--Bishop Visits Your 1--Carasello Home $--Mr. Magoo &--The Bible Answers -- | 2:00 PLM. 7~The Big Show ef the 7--Rocket Ship 7 }ll--Family Theatre Week 4--Easter Special 9--~Afier Four 2--Church_ Invitation #-2--Wild Kingdom . 7--Polka Time With The te New Yorkers 1--OHA Junior A Hockey 45° show on Shows BIT ABOUT THE REAL MILA APPLY A FEW DROPS 9 _petwings vs, Oshawa | "4A Memorial Concert MORGAN... SEE, I HAVE TO YOUR WRIST, Ueestar. Route 4--Uncle J :U PN see ST, ee _ errys Club adv. SOME PERFUME HERE, Be ores fe Batten | 6 inca %--Cartoon Playhouse ; 6--Fiim From Europe nike A.M. 8-2--G.E. College Bow! in ' ase) | ' cena oe 3-Ripcora 9--Meta Presents et va ae Usk Dimer Produ [BUT YOUNT CAN'T HELP rT! FOUND PEACE IN PRISON as Bak. &--Palm Sunday Service 3--Gillican's Isiand orld nie Baas, | SuST HAD) SUDDENLY aoe Pog P.M. j 7) (LUNCH! ham HUNGRY! Flipper i ant : | 7--wig Show of Week gen (4) |_ NEW DELHI (AP) -- India's | 6--Stingray ' 3 4 i 4 wt if " yt fal) \t be a » " , SATURDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M. 11--Championship Bowling Duatribateg Gy Wag Features Syndicate 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--Shannon %--Man From UNCLE 6:30 P.M. : Z HAPPEN TO KNOW QUITE A NOW, WY DEAR, WE'LL N| GENERAL, 1 THINK OH, NO, YOU a) SHE'S TRYING 70 IM GETTING OUT! 7--Holy Mass 6-4---Church Service 2--Frontiers of Faith 7:0 PM. V--Club 11 Dance Party 11130 AMA. 63--Beverly Hillbillies 9--$pectrum 4--UB Round fable Pane! 7--Discovery 2--Have Gun Will Travel 12:06 NOON 7:30 PM. 9--Italian Album TV 9--Johnny Quest §--Felix The Cet $-2--F lipper 7--Challenge 7--The King Family é-tunday, bchos. 6--The Saint 4--News; Weather 4--Jackie Gleason Show Spars 3--Take @ Chance 2--Bishop Sheen 4:00 PM Academy Performance 12:18 PM, $-2--Kentucky Jones 4--Congress 8:20 P.M. #-2--Mr. Magoo t-- Lawrence Welk Show | &3--NHL Hockey-Toronto Al Montreal 4--Gilligan's isiand Comedy 9:08 P.M. Sports 9-64-3--News; Weather) &-Twentieth Century | |Prime Minister Lal Bahadur 3--The Saint | {Shastri has partially fond mem- ten Aries ories of the nine years he spent 6: .! : * * ScWsil Blaney" Meabants in prison during the indepen- 8-2--Profiles in Courage dence campaign against the s-fome OF Those Daye) ia ees a British. He says he hasn't had | 1:00 PLM. = & we ay : enough time for reading since : = , | |then. 11--Movie 63--Patty Duke Show 4--Marineland Carnival 1:30 P.M, : 9--Mr. Novak (229 PM $-2--Disney's World of 1--Father Meehan | Color Pleasures of Life |" 7--Wagon Train &--Mr. Wizard 6-3--Flashback | 7--Bullwinkle 4--My Favorite Martian | Zseiwine | My revere CROSSWORD | 4--Face The Nation 64-3--Ed Sullivan Show 3--Cartoons 6:30 P.M. 2--Family Playhouse 1:00 P.M. Quick As WE J] [ saucK YOUR GUN BELT BEN... AN CAN / QOME ON, || COME ALONG, WELL BE SEFIN' HELEN. JANE. THE COUNTY SHERIFF SALLY'S SALLIES 1--Special Movie %--Man From U.N.C.L.E. §-2--Branded 7--Broadside 'O| DOWN 1, An allowance, as during wartime -2, Roman poet 3. Impudent 4, Fresh 5. Kind of fish 6, Afghan ) EAL MIN prince bid 7. Girl's sun god; Yesterday's Answer nickname Egypt. 36, Canadian 8, English 29, Mardi Gras geologist novelist disguise 39. Smell 11. Scare 30. Bury 40, Shabby away 32. Dangled 42. Finished 13. Prophet 33, Single 43, Norseman 15. Wandering units 45, Bishopric 19. God- dess of healing | 22. Against 23. Finish ACROSS 1, Steals . Felines 9:00 P.M. $-6-3-2--Bonanza . Affirm 7--Movie Leave 4-- For The People out 9:30 P.M. s 9--Peyton Place i. ore 12, Takes dinner 14, Concealed | 4~Candid Camere 16. Infrequent | 10:30 P.M. 17, Hawaiian nN Pola es People bird 92 - pati ray Line 18, Foot digit 11:00 PLM. 20, Compass 11-9-8-76-4-3-2-- News) point Weather, Sports 21, At one 11:20 P.M, time 7-4-3--Late Show aware Tent . aoe 1 je ff Ys T [8 1l--Slatterys People 27, Canadian Y All line of 728-7515 9--Metro Final province ; Insurance 725-7413 1:30 P.M. 1i--Joe Carlo At Organ 29, Di a 'A Res. 725-2802 or le ip he S, 31, Game od | #3--Movie | d--Secret Agent 11--Continental Miniature 9:30 PLM. 1 9--Bud Sherman Show 7--Hollywood Palace 7--FOR whi : | Prairie Profile lk aenae per" 4--Ted Mack Amateur 9--Burke's Lew 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 PLM. | é3--Julietie | 10:30 P.M. | | ol Biss Ob Sensi Oa | Oma Z\~ | NERA | Pl our 3--Nature of Things 1:30 PLM. 11--Spotlight 9--House On The Hill 10:00 P.M. 7--Science All Stars | 9--Musical Showcase 6-3--Country Calendar $-2--The Rogues 4--Bowling | 63--This Hour Has | Seven Days Ol>| 0 >| Z|>|O Z/O} Fs) OG) Eee > |< ORR Z| ORE> Ol > K () T '0 fe) U. R 1i--Biockbuster 7--Jimmy Dean Show 7:00 PLM. 1lEaster Special Theatre | 7--Basketba!! French For Love Kildare 10:45 P.M. 63--Sports Unlimited 11:00. PLM, 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2-- Neways Weather: Sports Dr | 1215 PAM. Sai | 11--Block Buster Con- tinued 9%--Metro Final é--Night Metro 4a "When it comes to diamonds, my husband said he'd grant my smallest wish." NOUVE RETURNED 4 A REAL HERO! - | COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa 2:30 PLM. The Valiant Years Sports Events | -Doctors at Work | 8-2--Salurday Night at 3:00 PLM, | The Movies | 1:20 P.M, 7-4-3--Late Show | 6--Sports | 11:30 PLM. 9--Answering Service 6--Feature Showcase --Heritage Doctors At Work 3:0 P.M Father Knows Best 8--Bowling * 6320-20 %--Douglas Fisher 6--Alfred Hitchock Hour aruda : ye Vhs ya |e ? se BS i|s Era oe ream rae 'YOUR HEALTH : . horseback COLBORNE UN tah iS Me 34, Indefinite GROCETERIA (AND Nor BIG ENOUGH TO Necwenapradiii . COOKIES / VT is By iS © VL I tc es article Colborne St. ot Church St. MICKEY MOUSE BABY-SITTIN' WITH A TINY TOT HAS "6 PROBLEMS/ 728-6341 o---- OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days a Week Require Surgery By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD techniques and anesthesia, and | Stones In Kidney | @ Groceries @ Fresh Fruits CHA Zune 4-16 THANKS, GRANPMA.,, HERE COMES THE Tal SKIP BREAKFAST... HERE'S A SNACK.,, AL SKEETER, YOU DIDN'T TAKE YOUR PAJAMAS OFF! + TODAY'S REPORT- CARD DAY.» \_ SUPPER Yo. | aT 7 ssANO WHEN YOU SEE : iE ILL BE GONG RIGHT TO BED WITHOUT ANY _] Ul a 1 Dear Doctor: Is there a medicine that dissolves kidney |stones that are too large to Ipass? I have been told by a ifriend that surgery for their re- Imoval is very dangerous. Is this so? What causes. the stones? j---R.A. There is no medicine, taken by mouth, that will dissolve kid- ney stones. f There is a drug which can be jinserted through a tube into the 'ureter which may help dissolve them, but this is a tedious and highly technical procedure. Surgical removal is a major joperation, meaning that it isn't jthe type of procedure that can |be performed in a doctor's of- fice just any afternoon But neither is it more danger- jous than other operations which are being performed every day) in many hospitals, with modern' with negligible risk. What causes the stones? The urine becomes too concentrated and some of the materials in it crystallize into stones, It's much like making rock candy. Youl take hot water and dissolve as much sugar as the water will/ accept. Then you hang a string in the water, As it cools, sugar begins to -crystallize. It clings to the string, and gradually the crys-) tals grow into rock candy. | SAME PRINCIPLE There is no string in the kid- ney, but the principle is the same. The first way of. getting rid of stones is the hope that they are .small, enough to pass through easily with the urine.| Many such stones are, indeed,| disposed of in this manner If the stones are larger, they at . Additional @ Vegetabl © Meats . Prince Charles' sister Sea eagle 50, Require 4-16 siderable pain. Finally if thatjchemical content of the urine fails, the stones: can be suc-jand thus check the formation of ' het . stones. oereny peeves ndtv dh | ciiilch drugs th take Hepes The, Sanger ue os ne Femov"|on the particular type of stone ing the stone, quite aside from «9 which you are subject. This the pain they can cause. Such'means -chemical analysis of a stones can block the flow of|stone (and of the urine). It re- urine, lead to serious infection,|quires careful laboratory work, and ultimate kidney damage. |but it is being done constantly, So, of course, your goal is to|In some cases dietary changes prevent stones from forming|mav help rather than try to dissolve them'. What you can do 'or yourself afterwards, or keep them smallis to drink. plen'y of fiuia .o enough so they can pass read-keep the urine dilute. Copious ily. Alkali or acid drugs can be|liquids, indeed, are a_ useful may still pass, but with con-|taken by mouth to alter the|measure to combat stones, FREE DELIVERY ERNIE. CAY for WALLBOARD and PLYWOODS FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, callour N"'MBEF" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.

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