Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Apr 1965, p. 15

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THE VIBRANT JOY OF EASTER By CANON F. G. ONGLEY 6t. George's Anglican Church Tomorrow, Christians around the world will be saying to each other, in terms of wonder and sheer joy, "He is Risag". We will be telling again all the events of that first Easter morn- ing; how, even before daylight broke, a group of ministering women hurried to perform their last act of love for their friend and master in the anointing of His dead body and then to dis- cover the great stone rolled away and the tomb empty. We will run again with Peter and John to the tomb, caught between an agony of unbelief and yet of breathless excite- ment, to find out for them- selves. We will stand in the shadows of the garden to hear again the word "Mary" and the SAA NEWS FROM CHURCHES ee Re Efforts Towards Union Gain But Need Urgent Movements towards union of the world's Protestant churches were discussed here Monday by 22 ministers, members of the Oshawa Ministerial Association. 'Rey. Frank Short, executive- secretary of the Conference of Missionary Societies of Great Britain and Ireland and a mem- ber of the executive of the Di- vision of World Mission and gasp of recognition "Rabboni" --"Master". It is probable that each of us has his own favorite Easter in- cident. It may be walking back home to Emmaus with Cleopas and his friend to be joined by a fellow traveller who, by his amazing grasp of the Old Testa- ment scriptures cleared up so many things not understood about the Cross and the suffer- ing servant. Then, as He broke bread by the flickering oil lamp you realized it was the Lord, risen and present. Perhaps you like to dwell on the excitement in the Upper Room as Cleopas and his friend burst in. to tell their news and find everyone talking at once about their un- believable, wondrous experi- ence. In the midst of it all you realize He is there and each heart thrills to the familiar tone and words 'Peace be unto you". What does this say to us on Easter Sunday 1965? Perhaps the most important thing for us, is to be caught up anew in the excitement and the vibrant joy of realizing that the friend and master who hung on the Crdss in agony on Friday is, on this day, alive! Easter is first and foremost a day to rejoice the victory of Jesus Christ over death. As we rejoice, some of the implications begin to seep through; that this is God's gra- cious way of making available to us His victory on the cross; that man need never more live separated from God or his fel- low man because of his sin; that death can be an exciting adven- ture heading onward into Life, As the soul feels the tug of the power of the Resurrection, the glad cry rings out "Alleluia!" gape specgnetae ts eS | MP Composes 'Pledge To Flag | OTTAWA (CP) -- A Liberal| CHURCHES BUSY 'MP has composed a pledge to} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Clearer Day Forecast [iiss contrast. For Canada On Easter Reconsidered | MONTREAL (CP)--The: | By THE CANADIAN PRESS |Council predicted that at least] It rained most of Friday in or bec ype boben lab Southern Manitobans spent a!40 weekend road deaths. |Montreal, while Roman Catho-|8C200! commission announced) 'ltense Good Friday watching) Last Easter weekend 42 per-|lic, Anglican, United, Presby-\Ftiday it will or its! rising water levels in the Red|sons were killed in traffic acci-|terian, Orthodox, Lutheran and|SusPension of Brother Rene La- River and weekend weather dents. |Baptist churches joined in a bi- haie, a beg who contrasted forecasts. | Roman Catholics are wor-jlingual ecumenical service con- Christ and Hitler in the cant, While most of Canada carried|shipping with the new liturgy"ducted by laymen. me oss i brief! out its pre-Easter activities in} and choirs in all provinces will) The clergy took part omy in 7 foc ir ae aid tt en | either cloudy or rainy weather,|be singing English masses Sun-|opening and closing phases. nee ages Sapa a pe eal Manitoba had mostly sunny con- day. There are liturgical serv-| The Atlantic Provinces re- B ih I - ie' i lores ditions with temperatures fromjices only on Good Friday in ported rain, cloud, snow and\p. her RUBIES WO: SUpetsOtS : 40 to 45. /Catholic churches, with the de-|dropping temperatures Friday, ore pal ged spent igor The forecast is for clear) votion of the Way of the Cross' byt there were good turnouts atl ante 9 Ge a ain ' oar th weather and 40-degree tempera-| Friday night. | church 'services. aiid waa. » director of the r 4 rt 18 fans will celebrate part of their! nected warm sunny forecast diditures of Christ and Hitler in pected _ Petes by ine § Easter weekend with the return! not materialize, Anglicans had his classroom and told his: Premier Duff Roblin said flood-|of professional baseball. The/g special children's service in|Grade seven pupils that the two! ing predictions are based on the) Vancouver Mounties play their|st, John's Friday morning fol-lmen had exceptional qualities, | assumption there will be NO/first game of the season today jowed by an evening chremony|the bch dblng thei BOE G00 the heavy snow or rain for the next/in the Pacific Coast League. | of the Blessing of the Lights go-lother for evil. tency two weeks. The Shriners and the Pacific) ing with baptism. ' Protests against the action of] Despite gloomy weather in| ; Bears 4 | National Exhibition will hold a most of Canada, many took ad: sunrise service Sunday morning vantage of their day off andi, Empire Stadium, with 8,000 (Eastern Canada Synod) went boating and camping in British Columbia, where tem-| Persons expected. peratures hit 45 in the south,| Weather in Alberta and Sas- land skiing "in Alberta, where|katchewan was generally sunny, |} nearly a foot of snow fell with|but cool, Alberta's temperatures more expected. were 15 to 20 degrees below! : ormal with a further drop fore-| ast. ! Pastor: THE REV, HENRY FISCHER Ontario's 725-2755 \ {¢ Most businesses were closed weather was would like adopted for use in wide open for the first of serv-|cool in most regions, Saturday, schools across the country. ices marking the crucifixion and| but train service from Toronto ee Yi who repre-| resurrection of Christ. has been tripled for an ex- . : sents the riding of Gaspe in the) Friday night at sundown, the! pected outing of 25,000 persons 135th Race conference of the Commons, said in an interview! Jews of Canada celebrated the|- At Sharbot Lake, Ont., 45 hte Wich urch in Salt Lake|Canadian children should be| first night of Passover, an eight-| miles northeast of Kingston, 100 ae neiierade : held taught to love and respect their|day religious festival marking| Protestant and Roman Catholic 'he nce was held in'fiag. Daily recitation of a|the exodus of the Israelites from) high school students joined in a e famous tabernacle on/pledge--like the one used in| Rgypt. lre-enactment of Christ's walk to Tabernacle Square where thou-/U.S. schools--might be the an-| 'Transportation services pre-|Calvary, carrying a 100-pound sands of delegates heard David swer. |pared for increases in traffic,/cross a mile through the village 0. MacKay, the prophet, and} Mr, Cyr's pledge reads: iwith Air Canada scheduling 175/streets to a Good Friday public the Quorum of the 12 speak. "To my flag and to the coun-/flights throughout: the country) service. Bishop Sayers said that the try it represents, I pledge re-| with seats for 11,500. Extra train ------ ex- the Canadian flag which he!pyiday but church doors were,pected to remain cloudy and | church's population totals spect and loyalty. 2,234,916, which includes more S Were with pride from sea to than 16,000 missionaries. sea and within your folds keep us ever united. R. "Ted Anderson of White-| "Be for all a symbol of free- horse, Yukon, addressed aldom and justice. God keep our meeting of the Baha'i World/flag. God protect our Canada." Faith here recently. The last two sentences of the j He has been on a_lecturejpledge were used by Prime # tour of Ontario and will attend|Minister Pearson in his address the church's Canadian nationalion Parliament Hill when the! convention in Winnipeg this/new maple leaf flag was flown| month where a national assem-'for the first time. bly will be elected. " mee Evangelism of the World Coun- cil of Churches was guest speaker. He said: One of the most successful church union ventures was the Church of South India, which has brought together the Angli- can, Presbyterian, Congrega- tional, Methodist and Reformed Church of America. A similar union has been worked out in North India between the Pres- ie. byterian, Congregational and. | He says the world '"desper- i Baptist churches. | ately needs" a unifying force| Injury To Ducks Plans are nearing completion|the rational man only insofar|"freed of all the limitation and) ; | in Nigeria for the union of the|#s they make it possible for him|prejudices that hamper the| Verdict Upheld | Presbyterian, Methodist and|to maximime his personal hap-|world's traditional _religious' | Anglican churches. piness. Originally, he owes noth-|denominations." ,. TORONTO (CP)--An Ontario While the Church is in better)ing to society, in fact, he in a) He said: Supreme Court justice has up-| position to make an impact on|sense creates society by enter-| "If you forget all else that I|held the verdict of a North Bay) the non-Christian world as a re-\ing into a contract with other|say, remember to associate the|/Magistrate who convicted al sult of union, he continued, cer-|men to construct a government/Baha'i Faith with that word,|man of causing unnecessary tain difficulties arise in that sev-)and obey the laws." 'unity'. Our faith teaches that if|pain, suffering or injury to four eral mission boards supporting] On socialism, he quotes: 'The A. H. DANCEY | we understand the messages of|live ducks used in a retriever these "united" churches repre-|socialist insists that democracy|God's Holy Messengers, there is| dog trial. sent denominations in many|means a system of society, not|unity of race and religion." | Mr. Justice Leo Landreville countries that are disunited. {just government. This means; | Thursday upheld the decision of} Mr. Short could see evidence|that in principle, each should] Oddfellows of District No. 41|Magistrate N. J. Nadeau, who| ef trends towards unions in Brit-|have an equal voice in all those|will hold a church parade Sun-|found G. B. Stroud of North| ain, some European countries,'matters which influence his|day, April 25 at 11 a.m. in Bay guilty of the charge al-| America and Australia, and well-being, not just a right to/King Street United Church. most two years ago. Sentence added: vote for a political party, So-| Rev. L. Wesley Herbert, the! was suspended. "The Church cannot get on|cialist man, being now acquisi- minister, will preach. Gilbert! The ducks had their beaks.| with God's work in the world|tive, would have fewer material)|Freeman, District Deputy|wings and feet bound and were except in unity -- the churches |needs than now in capitalistic|Grand Master, will assist in the thrown into a pond as a gun| need to move more rapidly to-|societies." jreading of the scriptures. More was discharged nearby. The| wards union than at present." ae than 150 Oddfellows are €X- dogs were then released from! Rev. Dr. R. M. Bennett, sec-| The Oshawa Ministerial Asso-|pected to attend. about 300 feet away to retrieve retary of the Department of|¢iation will hold its final meet- the ducks. , Overseas Missions of the Cana-img in May before disbanding) The Salvation Army will hold = oe: - | dian Council of Churches, intro-|for the summer. a Sunrise Service at 7 a ™.s| service of thanksgiving -- The duced Mr. Short. Rey. L. Wesley Herbert, the/Easter Sunday. An Easterimucharist or the Holy Com-| president, said that details had|breakfast will follow at 8 a.m.|munion. The day will begin| The Oshawa branch of the/not been worked out as yet, but| There will be a March of Wit-\ with the first service at 7.00) Canadian Bible Society held an|that the meeting may take the,ness from the Citadel to Rich-|, m. The boys and men of the| executive meeting this week atform of a dinner-meeting, He|Mond and Simcoe streets and chojr will be present for the the home of A. H. Dancy, the|will make an announcement returning via Simcoe. second service at 8.00 a.m. The! president. Rev. W. C. Hewitt,/soon. There will be special Easter/11.99 a.m. service will be the district secretary of the Cana-| Zion Christian Reformed ™US!¢- ; : full Choral Celebration with the) dian Bible Society attended. Church of Oshawa whose! The evening service will start'Rector preaching on "Life." He said 95 per cent of allmembers now meet in the Dr jat 7 p.m. and will be precededi pis great day of reoicing will Scripture distribution in Asia,/s. J, Phillips Public School by an open-air service near the|end with Festal Evensong at Africa and Latin America is auditorium on Sunday -- wil], imtersection of King and Simcoe'7 99 p.m. The assistant, the Rev. linked with the work of the hold services in their new build. s'7eets- There will be Sunday|R G; Brooks, will preach. Bible Society. ling later this year School at 2 p.m. . . G 1 i Coutts, | -C i § Rev. D. N. Habermehl, who eneral, . #radarick outts,| The Hi-C Group of King Street, international leader of the Sal-| United Church will attend at as been the pastor for the!yation Army, will lead Easter'the Church's Easter Com- past year, says that construc-|seryjces in Massey Hall, To-,munion Service to be held Sun- tion will be finished next Sep-/ronto, Sunday. day morning at 7.30. After the tember. It will be located west, \service breakfast will be served. of the Coronation School on} Faster morning at St./There will be a 50c charge for! Adelaide avenue east. It will George's Anglican Church will|children under 12 and --75c| have a shell-shaped sanctuary) pe centred around the great|charge for adults. | The Oshawa Unitarian Fellow- }, ship heard a talk recently by J. E. Broadbent on the subject: "Liberal Morality and Social; Morality'. | He said the 20th Century its the time when these two "humanistic philosophies" are lgrandstand show at the Cana- and bus services were provided in all provinces. By 8 p.m. AST Friday, at least six persons had died in traffic mishaps across Canada The Canadian Highway Safety UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Drange Temple Bruce St., Oshawa (Upstairs) SUNDAY, APRIL 18th Terme Reached By B.C. Printers VANCOUVER (CP)--Pacific Press Limited and_ printers' representatives Friday came to terms on a settlement expected! to end the threat of a_ strike against The Sun and Province daily newspapers. | About 250 members of the International Typographical Union (CLC) will vote on the package next week. Edward Benson, general) manager of Pacific Press, said| the settlement is essentially the same as the terms of a major- ity' conciliation report previ- ously rejected by the union.| The wage recommendations/ of the majority report provided) for an increase of 37% cents an hour over 36 months, the first) increase retroactive to Dec. 1, 1964. The wage provisions will! mean an over-all increase to $3.88 an hour, taking the weekly pay to $145. AND MESSAGES Healing Intercession Is Free 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett from Teronto REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (World Headquarters, Independence, Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA 10:00 A.M.-- CHURCH SCHOOL for Children and Adults 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP ALL ARE INVITED PHONE 728-9606 BORGE SIGNS TORONTO (CP) Victor Borge, the Danish pianist-co-) median, has been signed to star in the first week. of the) UNITED PENTECOSTAL dian National. Exhibition CHURCH jning Aug. 20. serene ice \| 6 King Street East, Oshawa (upstairs) 723-6325 begin-| REHEARSALS SET STRATFORD (CP) Re- hearsals for the 13th season of the Stratford Shakespearean Festival begin Monday, the fes- tival. foundation said Friday. The festival season. of 16 weeks!} 10 A.M.--Sundoy School opens June 14. This year's} 11 A.M.--Morning Worship plays are Henry IV, Falstaff] 7:30 P.M.--Evongelistic and Julius Caesar. The popu-, lar Russian drama, The Cherry|| Wed. 8:00 ole ~Bible Study Orchard by Anton Chekhov, ond Froyer will be added on July 26, play) Set- 8:00 P.M.--Young People ing until Sept, 10. The season ends Oct. 2. The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: Future Location 320 Ritson Road South r d seat approximately 475. most openly competing on al2 - * universal scale for man's alle-.?- carne : PA hanl ae me giance. Asia, Africa and Soutn|2°° "ie wie A agai a oy America are beginning to enter, M@tkham, the general con- the modern world -- they have tractor. two humanistic traditions to The Church of Jesus Christ choose between liberalism of the Latter Day Saints gained and socialism. 117,465 new members in 1964. He quoted from Hobbes (in| Authority for this is Bishop, the 17th century) on liberalism R. Earl Sayers, leader of the as follows: 'The claims of so-|church in Oshawa and district, clety should be adhered to by who recently returned from the ANNUAL MEETING CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY of The County of Ontario and The City of Oshawa Thursday, April 29th 8:00 P.M. St. Gregory's Auditorium 190 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa Program:--Panel Discussion on -"UNWED PARENTS" PANELISTS: ie Sister $t. Augustine, Superintendent, Rosalie Holl Maternity Home Angus Dixon, Principal, O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute, : 2 place of worship in a church marks the spot where it is presumed Jesus was born. Under the star is the origin- al stone of the Bethlehem stable in which. Chric' ° as born. In Jerusaler', Mr. Haagmans followed. the route Jesus took to his place The birth place of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem is one of several. religious sites visited last week by Hans Haagmans, of Oshawa, dur- ing his week long trip to the Middle East. The silver star on the marble floor of the Cyril Greenland, Sociol Work Adviser, Ontario Deportment of Health. Or. R. D. W. Guselle, Physicion and Board Member of the Children's Ald Society Rev. John Porter, Minister, Westminster United Church @ EVERYBODY WELCOME e Refreshments Will Be Served RESIDENT VISITS HOLY SITES. EVERYONE WELCOME A Religion for Totlay's World In the language of our time To the people of our time Concerning problems of our time To Unitarians, all doctrine and belief must stand the test of enlightened 2:30 P.M.-HEALING CIRCLE || SUNDAY, APRIL 18th \W/ 11 AM.--THE SERVICE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St. Seturdey, April 17, 1968 95 the commission have come from the Alliance of Catholic Teachers of Mont real, the Brothers of Christian Instruc- tion, who run La Mennais School, and from the Alumni Federation of the Brotherhood. Some 350 parents of children at the school signed a petition Thursday night for the rein- statement of Brother Lahaie, a gal Asselin and Mr. Ge- rard. BETTE WORKS ON Bette Davis celebrated her 57th birthday in England re- cently with a quiet celebration after the first day of shooting The Nanny, her 77th film. GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rey. Philip Fiess, Minister EASTER SUNDAY SUNRISE SERVICE 6:00 @.m. 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP eee, : LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE ~~~" HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. CKLB -- DIAL 1350 You Are Invited to Worship With Us THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA 51. LUKE'S Rossland Rd. W. et Nipigon SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) Minister REV. D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A, 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 Minister Rev. G. W. C.-Brett, B.A. 454 Bader Ave 728-6122 Musical Director Matthew Gouldburn, Mr A,L.C.M, 9:30 A.M. THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, PUBLIC WORSHIP "The Day Of Resurrection" 9.45 AM CHURCH SCHOOL 11,00. A.M, "LIFE BEGINS AT EASTER" 7:00 P.M, "THE EMMAUS ROAD" Come and Worship With Us All Cordialty Invited ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N. at King St. E. Rev, Walter Jackson Minister Mr. Fronk Walter Musical Director 9:30 A.M. The Church School 11:00 A.M. EASTER SERVICE Monday 1 Corinthians Tuesday Galatians Sunday Wednesday John Enheci wee 6:25-40 5:16-21 6:11-16 4:17-24 4:13-18 10:19-25 MESSAGE She's as young as spring- time, as sweet-scented as a lily, beautifully serious with the total dedication of youth. People in church smile as they watch her, and they -walk out into the April sun- light feeling better, happier, for having seen her. They cannot, ever again, be as young as she is, but this doesn't seem to matter. For she is a symbol to them. She represents the wonder of spring when the world becomes new and fresh again, when flowers bloom as if for the first time, and when the Church retells the story of its greatest miracle --Christ's promise of ever- lasting life. This, unquestionably, was the greatest promise ever made, and the reminder of it comes at Nature's most perfect season. Be sure that you go to the church of your choice this Easter, so that you may again hear and re- member the Easter message in-all its glory. - cp + Gp + Gp + Gp + EASTER cD + oD " reason. While not discarding the tested truths of tradition, it keeps abreast of modern knowledge. Pushing aside the veils of creed and dogma, Unitarians enlist the support of education and science that man may bettel understand and Cooperate with his fellow man. 11:00 A.M. APRIL 18TH UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP O.R.C. Building 100 Gibb St Information call 723-2028) of crucifixion. Mr. Haag- mans said there are places of worship, similar to the one in the church, where Jesus was crucified and where Jesus rose from the tomb at Eastertime., Mr. Haagmans also visited Naza- reth in Israel VISSER'S BAKERY Fresh Bakery Treats Daily 141 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3586 McCULLOUGH LUMBER LTD, 1270 Simcoe North Oshawa -- .728-4688 W. R. THOMPSON | PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Whitby -- 668-5833 DEMMER CONSTRUCTION (Custom-built homes) Oshawa --- 668-4362 GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas Eest Whitby --- 668-8826 ATTEND THE 21S King W. 725-6621 Oshawe -- Ontario McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. {fuer oil) 110 King W., Oshawe CANADIAN WELDING GASES LTD, -- CANWELD Belleville - Kingston - Oshowe Peterborough ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD, General: Motor Products Courtice & Bowmanville 728-6206 Published In Support Of The Churches By The Following Business Establishments! GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD, 207 Simcoe South Oshowa -- 725-5132 ALEX'S SUNOCO SERVICE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Service JAN'S GARAGE 40 Albert Street Oshawa -- 725-8371 RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St. East Oshawa -- 725-6551 RUSSELL BRYANT RADIATOR SHOP 900 Brock N. Whitby GOODMAN PLUMBING and HEATING Oshawe -- 725-1044 Ww. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD, Whitby -- Onterie

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