oe ea _-- er ee nea em epeny ap Wy ee ee Fe iano ay ae nfvaie rN MAINLY BEGAUSE OF THE MEAT! te STOKELY FINEST-HONEY POD PEAS sxc 4 HUNT'S PURE TOMATO CATSUP 2:39: Yes -- happy Easter feasting begins at Dominion, with a succulent, tender Ham deliciously garnished with pineapple that'll win you com- pliments a-plenty. Plan to visit your friendly Dominion store today and let the Man Behind the Meat Counter assist you in selecting the deli- cious Ham you want for your family, and -- if you prefer Turkey, there's an outstanding selection this week -- mouth-watering plump-breasted birds that sing with flavour and goodness! Make the move this week . . . switch to Dominion and discover for . yourself why more Canadians. shop 'there than at any other storel While it's mainly because of the meat... there are dozens of other practical reasons why you'll soon prefer Dominion to any other store! . Friendly courtesy ... atmosphere . . . variety . .. low prices are just some of them. Come today and let us help you get your Easter Feasting ul VANITY-2 PLY-WHITE-YELLOW-PINK-TOILET off to a good startl SPECIAL! MIX "EM or MATCH 'EM YORK CHOICE 15-0Z. 61.00 GREEN or WAX BEANS FANCY CREAM STYLE or 14-0z. KERNEL CORN FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD me 23° "THE FINEST" DOMINO FANCY TOMATO JUICE 'm Ole DOMINO PEANUT BUTTER 'an 39° Better Menus Ay WHadame Bi "ENCYCLOPEDIA OF © Se Your Truly Canadian Guide To Attractive Binder! LUSHUS--DESSERT--ECONOMY SIZE 6 1.00 McLAREN--SWEET Mixed Pickles Shas 69° THREE DIAMOND--MANDARIN ORANGE SECTIONS Pineapple Tidbits 2 'yn; 49° WHITE SWAN--LINEN FINISH White Serviettes WHITE SWAN--WHITE, YELLOW Paper Towels RICHMELLO--ORANGE PEKOE Tea Bags RICHMELLO Salad Dressing "4in° 59° STUART HOUSE--JELLY OR WHOLE pes s * Age or 2 49° OF "se" f) 7, 65° 15-OZ Cranberry Sauce 9 'Sv 27° JELLY POWDERS ou 19° MIR--2-24-0Z. CONTAINERS OF 6's oo oat RICHMELLO HOT CROSS BUNS -':.65° COUNTRY GIRL SPECIAL! YORK FROZEN--BEEF, CHICKEN TURKEY, STEAK AND KIDNEY MEAT PIES 5 «= 1.00 LIQUID DETERGENT PEACH PIES sox me 55° MAR. RB. W. PATERSON, ($100) 216. Groen 8. TISSUE 4 ARDMONA-FANCY-SLICED PEACHES SPECIAL! FROZEN FOOD . RICHMELLO . at age ICE CREAM SPECIAL! DOMINO--FANCY 18-02. ¢ Strawherry Halves 3» RHUBARB PIE "39° SPECIAL! 32-02. ma, 45° , YORK Mixed Vegetables HIGHLINER COD SPECIAL! FISH & CHIPS == 55° EVERYTHING GUARANTEED VALUES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING APRIL 17 35 KING ST. W., OSHAWA and K-MART PLAZA WHITBY and BOWMANVILLE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DOMINION STORES LTB.