16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 14, 1965 CHILD GUID ANCE d [st ae ee rae THE STARS SAY " aig depend the successes!mance: August and Septem-|sive and domineering in certain ; Mark ber. \situations, ANN LANDERS ed A Sch ] part. in conversation. oe Ee 'A Next beneficial periods for) Household and family mat-) A child born on this day will ata t 00. Some parents reading this/FOR TOMORROW monetary affairs: December|ters should run smoothly forjhave a fine mind and will be . may resolve os saa 1g eo Restionsnens will case de through mid-January. Be espe-imost of the year ahead but do/extremely progressive in his i + 7 re going to ask their childjto s e "'new"--anything tojcially conservative during that\try to avoid fri thinking. F F H Discuss - y g ty to avoid friction in close His Right To Ask Is or riome 10n often at dinnertime what he Ser ean wate sees ke period; also during the first/circles for the balance of this MANY LIKE SWEETS By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD |not be interested in at all, and learned at ea: cos ae frown on chance-taking, re of grease week, in early May and early] The British candy industry's \ ' : Children in the third grade,|so unaccustomed to learn any- questions meant he tel? direct those excess energies) ~"¢ Be une-early Septem-iJune. This you can do if youl1964 sales to Canada were just H r To Refuse junior and senior high, learn|thing from him or with him, useful, easily can neon Tit€linto constructive channels only. vo pe _ will be highly auspi-idetermine to curb your innate|under $7,000,000, up $2,200,000 'mers some things at school they may|that we become inclined to be and boring as if coming from a cious for occupational and-orltendency to be overly aggres-ifrom the 1963 total, i like to talk about at home, If|dcaf or indifferent when he re- playing record. "Vice owe 6 ha beatae riggs shee Rt: psn? ae ne a ' ' they discover the parents are|ports iniurmation, however in- ay, of a8 ity 0 Pt AS eT. 'Dear Ann Landers: Maybe) out shut and mind your own tracested they are tikely to re-/Significant, in our presence. Mie Cee nines ats it al woul ten cet tcrrig epee ikelligg Raga rgfiemabaggd" 5 THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! J blood pres- oy . * . would be advisable for you tojprestige in the process. Mid- I'm a nut but my Pres-| business." I wish I hadn't seen|port these matters in a relaxed) The best thing we can do to/ritual to ask his kindergartenitake advantage of all available|May will also be good for con- sure zooms about 50 points|what goes on but now that I|family circle, especially when/cause the child to talk of the/daughter each evening what she/onportunities to advance your|cluding important business SPACIOUS CEILING Gi when I see my wife smoke ajhave seen it I feel like a lousejall members are together at things he has learned at school,/had learned at school that day./occupational status and im-|transactions, Occupational in- ot Fe ELECTRIC cigaret looking the other way and let-/mealtime. Often they may bejor from TV, newspapers, maga-'Nearly always the youngster|prove your financial standing in|terests should also advance in BEDROOM ! s . s | ting him steal from a companylable to tell of things they|zines or other sources, is to be could not think of a thing. ASithe immediate present, even|November. s : SUITES CABLE \Although I don't smoke MY-\that's been awfully good to mejlearned at school with which|humble listeners and learners.|time progressed the child felt though results of your efforts * RADIANT self I know a lot of good people|--and to him, too. What should|their parents are partly or|Sometimes then we can recall|so exasperated at her father she] wi)! probably not be immediate. |} The late June or ee ao HEATING who do. I am not opposed to!! do?--Chicken wholly familiar, and report other related infor-isaid, 'Just you wait till I learn|The 'period between late June\ qe ney with interest | PENTHOUSE Pe at ee a aoe mcs: Tam a grea At Sch fimet, AC 6 parenl(maton ne may have acqred|eming snd wil tell You land. Bid Sepember wt be ee see mee eet May * i ti j | 8s ae ee ad as wiht res believer in keeping your mouth age Paadt gy g ohh wilt TALKING TO GUESTS Let us hope that such @ --_ = along. both these lines,|jines but also where social ac- on . MODEL SUITE y v9 : shut and minding your ownl)).0) wo thy, feel he is talking) You parents who often enjoy did come and that the c ut upon the foundation you lay tivities and sentimental inter-| UNOERGROUND § * worse than most. business--but not in matters f hin ite i tant |hearing your school child report volunteered a report on what) ests are concerned, | PARKING 'Ethel talks when she smokes./that involve criminal practices. |¢, bey matt A atte mportant. |v exciting knowledge he has|She had learned. That was the|PARENTS' QUESTIONS | Other good months for ro-| By Appointment The cigaret just dangles in the! Keep your eye on the fore-leior in the first sixth on tentnacquired, can right now recall|strategic moment for the father, @: What fabric of children's | * Hye corner of her mouth and she| man. Ores ciel (ine he hath ng i aie Bt gy God grpe anny a hase 'realtime rich in|and mother to prepare this/clothes is most flammable? ADULT 723-1712 lots ke pool shan tthe ot 'ierehandse speak ap. Telltgreing' he. knows someting sorereaton ver al sorts of MIG 10, make, such rpms, According american] ROWALD W. BILSKY, Dt, |} -- sumBIe Md rsdn. he smoke curls up into her face him you've seen him do this/his parents don't, and that they|Profitable wisdom and experi-' te aca on how her parents|of fabrics reveal that cone 'andl i if : i Ala re atl ihe(Defore. If he doesn't put the/enjoy hearing him tell about it.|ences. You may recall When eee ne ed rayon are th Saeahte! CHIROPRACTOR ||} G@ORGI pe squints her ey jstuff back make it clear you'll your <*'Id reported, while an|responded. jrayon are the most flammable an mansions mascara begins to run. report him. |VALID INFORMATION appreciative guest was present,| The more earnestly and en-|fibres, with synthetics varying 'Ethel smokes filter tips.! t's not enough to be for what}, When your child or mine en-\some things he had learned at\thusiastically they listened, thejin flammability, and wool being] 100 King St. E, --- 728-5156} 124 PARK ROAD NORTH; OSHAWA Sometimes she absent-mindedly|i, sight and honorable. You|J0YS telling us of some informa-|school. lmore she enjoyed telling what/the least flammable. lights up the wrong end of the/must also be against what is tion he has learned at school,, How wonderful when this\she had learned, and the more aaa een <= cigaret and the house smells| wrong and dishonorable. Fur-|"¢ supposes such learning at/guest enjoys your child's bub-|she kept thinking at school of like the wind is coming from| thermore, you. must have the the packing house in Omaha. courage to put your mouth up school is really worthwhile.|ling over with enthusiasm about! good things to report at home.) School takes on a richer mean-|the facts and ideas in his head|This principle applies likewise 'I don't want to get into a thing) where your principles are. ing for him then. land when the guest exchanges|to the older child. Have we been with Ethel about her smoking, | | Our trouble as parents is that information and learning exper-|"talking" here of something im- | f;|We are so accustomed to give/iences with him. As you and I)portant? What have been your but I sure wish she'd quit. Do} Confidential to Hate Mysel : . ' Pre ate you think I have the right to/[t's awfully hard to "stand on|him information which he may'well 'know, a guest may follow/observations? ask her?--Sparky |your own two feet" when one) | 'Dear Sparky: Of course you foot is in your mouth. Only) do. And she has the right to do| when you learn to exercise self-| ds she pleases, If a woman|control and judgment will doesn't mind discoloring her|things get better for your. } teeth, fouling her breath, smell-| ihg up her hair, setting fire to a| Confidential to Don't Know) few hundred dollars every year,|What To Believe: In the ab-| j burning small holes in her clo-|sence of better proof than | thes and the furniture, and fi-|you've been able to produce in| nally, if she choose to ignore|your letter, I hope you will be- the evidence that there is a link|lieve she is telling the truth. A f between lung cancer and cigaretiwoman doesn't have to run rom smoking--well, that's her busi- after a man to catch him--for ness. precisely the same reason a) trap doesn't have to run after) & Res Dear Aun Landers: I work inja bear. "4 E- a warehouse. My foreman is = | ; stealing merchandise by the} INC 0 E } Pa carload and it burns me up. I TAX OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE and DOWNTOWN SIMCOE S. have seen him put the stuff in| his truck twice. Others in this} Completed department have seen him, too, | T. 1. Short Form vaw, vat || Up to 2 Years to Pay Zeller's Collection is 'Way Ahead ... Sensational Millinery Headed For Summer! ZELLER'S Lisht-rearted, light-headed Summery Straw Creations ZELLER RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS For wear from now and inte summer... q charming collection in the new Poris manner Shaped in imported lacy sewn summer braids . .. and reflecting the new trend to delicate brims ond back interest! White, subtle postels er cool black. PRODIGIOUS PROGENY |, The opossum, America's only) pouched animal, is the fastest-| reeding mammal known, with) a gestation period of 13 days. and we have talked about it but Bond Eest nobody wants to stick his neck/ Public Welcome out. If this man denied it and 8 On All Purchases ! got off, it could mean our jobs. pis am ce fee a the bookies almost every day.) PLAN YOUR EASTER SHOPPING ON A ZELLER'S CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT ! He bets the horses on three and By Phone four different tracks all over the | New Accounts just call country ... . and not small, amounts either. | Downtown Store -- 723-2294 or My wife tells me not to be a hero. Her advice is "Keep your| Oshawa Shopping Centre Store--723-1911 and we will have your account ready to purchase within a few minutes New Easter Paradables -- by BUSTER BROWN. Fascinating Straws, Frothy Organza... Easter Hats with a Future! The trend is to gentle-mannered hats .... and expressing this beautifully, our collection of lacy $9 foncy straws and soft organzas! Utterly fascinating & shopes, including turbans, Bretons, toques, bon- nets... In summery whites, delicote pastels or bewitching black. : FASHION SHOP FROM HEAD TO TOE AT ZELLER'S AND "CHARGE-IT'! 3 CONVENIENT CREDIT PLANS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET | By Mail Just fill out the Coupon below and mail to store FIRST NAME OF FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME LAST NAME WIFE OR HUSBAND "ONE STEP VISIT" MR, MRS. + «+ To Dreams of Fashion MISS by the bag full Match or contrast your Spring | ADOAMS a i wardrobe with one of Spring's | ° CCRC ES bea es eeeeeeee BEST COLLECTION of CY 3 vc rr er reer ee ere ae PHONE eke Handbags > AT ZELLER'S THEY'RE SMARTER THAN r) 30 DAY CHARGE ACCOUNT TWOULD PREFER -- VonTHLY BUDGET ACCOUNT 1 HAVE ACCOUNTS AT" EMPLOYMENT Store | Open | Closed] Firm | How Long | EVER THIS EASTER, | Spring and Summ ing i a ae 100 tio ona 5 00 = pring Summer Sees You Enchanting in Me We st ea ee es ' . OWL ous sé L MONTH Cl d { C s a ouds of Crisp Organza e IN PURCHASES ee $300.00 ae" $15.00 fv RO Barely there ... . but sure of rave notices! Little organza whimsies, so pert in shell hats, shirred pill-boxes and veiled rosette demi hats . . . what could | float prettier atop a'spring or summer outfit? Irresistibly charming . . . you'll want fern in pure white, or dainty pastels of beige, pink or blue. Note the tiny price! What child could resist the charm of these \ * | | i shiny new shoes, But more important, Buster CHARGE iT" Brown gives you top quality in the form of Same nemnndieers ff LE Neate iio" [181.25 WEEKLY BUYS UP TO $100 USE YOUR CREDIT FOR YOUR EASTER SHOPPING Zeller's will be Open to 9 p.m. Thursday UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY ON ALL PURCHASES Oshawa Z = i Downtown Shopping Centre Simcoe St. South OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Closed Good Friday -- Open to 6 p.m. Saturday