THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 7, 1965 2] Start Work Soon SAVE $ $ ON Industrialists Reject Onfiax Project | AUTO INSURANCE Liverpool Corners Site sete ma un ce hus Me a BROUGHAM "IT regret toyreport omplete with aerial el igen tc penboncecadi va os Re f lex at Harwood avenue, near i say that the proposers of the/views and maps, and said that Papoths street, The job will be $18.00 on your auto insurance. shopping centre at Liverpool rd.jthe whole parcel was worth done by owner-builder, Fred See and Highway 2 have rejected/$22,500. : : Gregoris, under the direction of our offer because of adverse} "The points take in 10 sep-|the architect, Paul Meschino, publicity," Reeve C. W. Laycox|arate properties that have been|4g31 Yonge street, Willowdale. told Pickering Township Counciljsold or listed," said the Reeve. Plans call for the complex to ms ie sh fuuure when: selling. Jad," ultimate total of 400 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY Mr. Laycox recalled the con-jhe continued, "I think we can troversy over the price of the/he guided by this report. It}apartment suites, complete with land which was offered to Cor-|would seem adverse wey swimming pool and various re- DIAL rer gee ae and Sg Pog' lost us this chance." |creational facilities. ' im of| « lebate which accuse May I 'Suggest that the issue| The consulting structural en- 668 8831 offering it for too little -- $25,000|i; closed," said Councillor New-| for 4.994 acres. man, and the matter was not|gineer is Heinz Urbat, of Is- Councillors suggested that ap-|further rther discussed, lington. praisals be made. Reeve Lay- SUS US ens eee cox reported that two ap- praisers had since suggested proper values. Gyril Morley, of Pickering Vil- lage, appraised the land at $7,500 per acre. There was noth- ing but a letter, Mr.. Laycox said, and no supporting evi- GETTING A LOAD ON wy as to the reasons for this | xe re Ce) G eS i & re a Ay HOW DO YOU get a 295- movements down and back of the load to read dials be- tinue to late April to help | The Associated Property Ap-| ton weight on--and off--a up are measured by worker side the jack. The jack decide which to use, and |praisers Limited, which, the steel test pile barely a foot Bob Johnson of Canadian never really supports the the test design of footings |reeve stated, had made many) square? It's vital in plan- Dredge and Dock Lid, weight, which sits on tim- for the $266 million plant. |appraisals for industrial prop- ning construction of On- (right), huddled in the heart ber "bunks."' Tests will con- --Ontario Hydro Photos rerfies submitted a many- -_ pecia § 00 . i pri tario Hydro's Pickering eet tation a aes nae en Generating Station. Various j kinds of piles were driven | rr Oe Oe Sproule's down 50 feet and more to ; see which would best sup- Red and White hota iui, Slenderline | o 12'S port ag tategpnteh thon vod é Corner Simeoe at phere s as a sl ie plant. Se | e wil | imam teeamnere | Se vw | | KOT 3 FEMININE NAPKINS 39: pile pushed up on a 300-ton | f : B Red and White load (left) with a force of | 4 Wilson Rd. S. - Shopping Ploze PPA arr Bonus-Pak 1.25's, 295 tons, thus forcing the cack | ' pile down, The test pile's ; Brown's | PHOSPHO LECITHIN 16 or. Suse: 47 PARAMETTES whol 1.23 3.99 Perret os em ee, Refictin, om. | || RESDAN Hair Lotion 'ch i 1.09 | BATH SALTS Jeanette = ra"sir 88 Brooklin, Ont. Six Break-ins x Srove 5 eres Maple rorte| || POLY-VI-SOL socesucs. 4.99 | MILKOF MAGNESIA 12 no's" ATE ver |! = . aay eae TONETTE Home Permanent '"*%s* 1,39 | DELSEY Bathroom Tissue ,, 2 rolls 27¢ BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- bs Town police investigated six/ me break-ins, three assaults and a) Specially Selected--Value Check'd car theft last month, it was re-| [ype nape night's coun-| i : M ' BRANDED Lady Patricia 11 oz., SUGG. LIST 99¢ The department also ligne : ' i ee gated three thefts under $50 ani ; a a fraud involving a man and oF fies : : with lanolin SPECIAL c woman which resulted in two charges being. laid. Police department accounts aim ey le ii Bee ge th SS Lady Patricia SUGG. LIST 98¢ The accounts included a| 2 " o : $205.33 bill for ties, gloves and| 2 : é : if. shirts and an $89.87 bill for rub- i Regulor or bers and boots. The remainder é Extra Dry of the accounts included sup- plies, gasoline and car repairs. Whitby District SHORT RIB ROAST or "THE KING OF ROASTS" -- | Prodon Aerosol SUGG. LIST 99¢ Bowling Scores SHORT CUT -- CHEF STYLE -- STANDING rz sons ae wvaxcrurr || ROLLED SHOULDER AIR FRESHENER <x Qi] Whithy Mixed Bowling League RIB ie "Standings -after Mar. 29: 5 ote 1, * Beaties 7, us; Hot Specially Selected ¢€ C . 4 rikers i. > Nuts 0, 25; No Names 0, 25: Lean and Tender ... lb. ROAST lb | SYLVANIA AG-1 or M2 Clear Go-Getters 3, 24; Spitfires 4, 18; 7 Mice 4, 16; Hot 'n' Tots INDIVIDUAL HIGH SCORES : [ Ladies 500 Triples and over: = _ ASH ik hy BS TOOTH PASTE Fran Scatzman 601, Mary Bi- beau 597, Mary Forbes 597, San- = ] ; on Mn ged Ps on Majcher r Me y ay | / 12' » Pat Sullivan 553, Lorraine : s i i Bronishewski 552, May Lavally HE EETS eee) Be fe : te SUGG. LIST 1.68 he -- Ladies 200 singles and over: Brontshowsht, 365) Fran soca SUNSHINE SWEET GOLDEN ; ONTARIO man 247, Mary Bibeau 242, Pat CALIFORNIA Williams trac a Sal FRESH HOTHOUSE New! BAN | Sh ped 550 Triples and over: f R A N ( ES Aerosol Deodorant ectric ave CUCUMBERS e Goes on instantly 3-oz. 88° Allows any electric shaver to glide over the face Jack Veitenheimer 770, Tom| Hammond 688, Ed Samanski| A A A U 646, Jim Smyth 627, Harold It entrate Ss List 99c pokye hae fg oe a ' id : _ mirated uss easier to shear whiskers closer. 3-oz ly 589, Ted Ka uscinski 586, NO. 1 C NO, 1 @ Dries instantly 5-oz, 1. 23 i , Sigh 'Oecton rn @ 24 hour protection Sugg. List 1.39 Sugg. List: BOG esis ass eutene wanes € Men 200 singles and over: Jim Smyth 275, Jack Veiten-| heimer 268, 261, 241; Tom Ham-| mond 257, 220, 211; John Maj- : C 07 C cher 255, Ted Kapuscinski 253, . Bill Schroer 249, Ed Samanski| lb. . for 5 blades 248, 226, Dick Copley 242, Ray| SUGG. LIST 75c Wadden 238, Harold Forbes 219, Bob Edwards 212, Don Kennelly 20, 200; Allan Oerton 206, Abb| yo Samanski 202, Al Taylor 201, STAIN LESS STEEL RAZOR BLADES *% re, Mike Reuter 200. BEST BUY!--Save 8c!--DELUXE KRAFT LEGION SUNDAY NITERS 16-0Z, FROZEN FOODS ! | The blade that lasts and lasts. Changed the shaving habits of nenamune uence" | peat | CHEESE SLICES =... 59° millions vgs et th Headpins 4 (33), Tigers 3 (29),| STAINLESS BEST BUY!--Save 9c!--VEGETABLE SUPREME Kingpins 4 (27), Dogpatchers 3 10-0Z. ¢ : (15), Demons 7 (36), Snatchers) TABLEWARE AYLMER SOUP TINS 49 0 (15), Aces 4 (22), Stinkers 3) GREEN BEANS (19). BEST BUY!--Save 12c!--IN FLAVOTAINER BAG SPECIAL OFFER from . Section Winners -- Kingpins, PER ¢ Demons, Tigers, Headpins. | NABOB COFFEE Ol 2-lb. Bag c Ladies' High Singles -- M. Skeltor 326, 237, M. Hart 218,) BEST BUY!--Save 6c!--LIQUID C, Mirowski 201, M. Vaughan) JAVEX BLEACH 64-0Z. 43: ans OF me ORB i es = Ladies' Fashioned 3D Watch Reg. 14.98 Ladies' High Triples -- M. BEST BUY!--Sove 34c!--20c OFF PACK DRAGON Fimmo Bt, Hayes 1 : FAB DETERGENT ed 59° CHICKEN Plus the front panel from any Listerine Carton 59c Men's High Singles -- J. Perry 345, D. Hart 219, T. Mirowski BEST BUY!--Save 20c!--GLIDE us 253, S. Johnson 223, 200, D. Row-| OZ. : gee i as toe ie Kine Se | : SPRAY STARCH '7 49¢ CHOP SUEY FRUIT-A-TIVES | New Mentholatum M.P.0, 4-way medica. | NOW! FALSE TEETH 28%, B. Shearer 225, 219, 218, R FIT BEAUTIFULLY! ustar 1D, . ayes. ae Brush 234, 200, L. Hicks 213, R. BALLET TISSUE 4 ous 39° con 1H, Dy Baek OX Paes Constipation 2. Shrinks hemorrhoids 4. Fights infection refits loose dentures to hold 223, A. Mayall 209, O. Moore 248, . ; e 23, B. Shearer 225, 219, 218, R. 3! BEST BUY!---Save 15c!--WHITE OR COLOURED | ff 14-02. pkg. 99c Say Goodbye pile remedy Carswell 214. ' : to ; : Haines: CUSHION GRIP Men's High Triples -- D. Row- ' 1, Relieves pain fast 3. Eases 'irritating itch Amazing dental discovery 636, O. Moore 664, B. Shearer, 662, J. Perry 648. FRESH BAKED! AUNT MARY'S 24-0Z. LOAF: Fresh Fruit Extract No Odor -- Won't Stain snug as @ dentists' mold! Listerine Antiseptic 7 oz., Sugg. List 73¢ Genuine All Swiss Men's Calendar Watch 5 9 8 SPECIAL Only Lemon Leaguers -- A, John- son 98, 92, R. Dale 96, H. Court- oe tS SLICED Nature's Herbs M.P.O. S hicaat "5 too beeen eat doping 1 of ienad see ag Carswell HOT CROSS Vitamin Bl ; sdivakid x uppositories @ One application lasts weeks Please don't forget that our BREAD . playoffs on April 11 start at DINNER BUNS ; Cc 39c 75c 12's 1.49 24's 2.50 98c 2.25 7 p.m. FORK UNSEEN WAGES RISE w $ ; PINT BRICKS--SUNSPUN eston or Sunbeam--Old Fashioned Eastview Pharmacy Law's Karn's Mitchell's Supplementary labor income-- ICE employers' contributions to pen- mare OATMEAL Reg. 35¢ a] 27 573 King St. E. 725-3594 | 1204 Wecker Dr. 725-3525 | 28 King St. E. 723-4621 | 9 Simcoe St..N. 723-3431 $5 Purchase CREAM Jamieson's McCordick's Lane Pharmacy Ltd. | N. Simcoe Pharmacy Ltd. employment insurance -- in- 4 ' ' creased in Canada from $156,- COOKIES Pkg. of 15 000,000 in 1945 to $876,000,000 in 241 King St. E. - 725-1169 | 360 Wilson Rd. S. 725-8711 1 302 Stevenson Rd. N. 723-1131-2 | 907 Simcoe St. hip 723-3418