Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Apr 1965, p. 3

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ee 'Formula-To-Law Quickly, PM Aim before bringing it before Parlia- By KEN KELLY ment for action. OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min- ister Pearson remains publicly| optimistic that the proposed constitutional amending formula will be placed before Parlia- ment and ratified at the next session. However, there is consider- ably less optimism in govern- ment circles in the face of a serious snag in Quebec's legisla- tive action on it. It is understood that the fed- eral government is disturbed at the possibility that the current constitutional amending proce- dure--asking the British Parlia- ment to make the changes-- may remain in effect for some time to come. S There is even mention of the possibility of re-negotiation of the formula should legislative SIX SAY 'YES' So far, the formula has been approved by six legislatures: Ontafrio, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Alberta and British Columbia. Newfoundland approved it by cabinet order-in-council, It was not brought before the legisla- ture even though a debate on it was requested by Conservative Opposition Leader James Greene. A motion to approve the for- mula still is before the Sas- katchewan legislature and_ it still has to be presented to the Manitoba House. In Saskatche- wan, the motion asks that the formula be submitted to a Com- mons or Senate committee for public hearings. . The formula is the product of) action on it break down com- pletely. a series of federal-provincial Prime Minister Pearson was|conferences going back to 1960,/ questioned in the Commonsjbefore the Liberal government) jay Wednesday about legislative de-\came to power in 1963, It was) lays on the formula in the Que-jagreed to by the 11 governments bec legislature. lin its present form at a confer- "Perhaps by the time thejence at Charlottetown last sum- House (of Commons) has recon-|mer. | vened (after Easter) and the} It would require the British) speech from the throne is over|Parliament to divert itself of all) there will be no delay," he told/power to change the Canadian) j. questioners. constitution--the British North He also said that the federal|America Act. The power government will wait until the|making changes would be vest- provinces endorse the formula'ed in the federal Parliament. Complex Plan Includes Provincial Participation The formula on which thesejgovernment of Conserva- changes could be made in-'tive Leader John Diefenbaker.| cludes: | He has attacked it as a step} 1. Use of English or French,|leading to the "balkanization"| and provincial rights now gua-jof Canada. The government has| ranteed by the constitution,|denied in a white paper that the} could be altered only with the|formula makes it possible for aj} concurrence of all provinces. |province to go its own way out! 2. No constitutional change atlot confederation. fecting. one or more provinces}; On the other hand, the for- could be made without the| mula has been attacked as too agreement of the provinces af-|rigid--inside Quebec by the op- fected. |position Union Nationale party, 3. The federal Parliamentiand in that province and else-| could make changes in purely|where by federal. and provincial! federal matters only within cer-|/New Democratic parties. tain specified limits. Federal authorities doubt 4. In matters on which Parlia-|whether it would ever be pos- ment and the provinces|sible again to get agreement of share legislative responsibility,;\Quebec to delegation of powers a change would require the con-|on the basis of approval of four currence of seven of the 10\provinces and the federal Parl- provinces representing half the|iament population of Canada. For that reason, they do not 5. The federal Parliamentirelish the prospect that re-ne-| could nso over to a gto gotiation might become neces- or provinces certain federal|sary. is powers only if four provinces} Mr. Pearson is said to be pin- id -- ae and Parliament approved. Thejning his hopes on Quebec's Lib- The 20 or more men who same requirement covers aleral Premier Lesage breaking) showed up at the city hall province delegating certain ofjdown the obstacles to Quebec) with beer mugs in hand got its powers to Parliament. legislative approval. These .) their fill. The delegation of powers wasjstacles centre on the Quebec an addition to the formulajlegislative council, which is, ' | U.K.'s Gas Use | | Shocks Labor agreed on in principle among/dominated by the opposition! the provinces and the previous|Union Nationale party. LONDON (AP) -- Left-wing Labor party members. listened in shocked silence today when N.B. Plans To Enforce Breath-Analysis Tests i six'!trer"oa, when By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Quebec is the only province|Commons that British police Drinking drivers and drinking|that permits any sale of alco-|forces overseas had used riot- on Sunday were subjects of de-|holic drinks on Sundays, Mr.|control gas 120 times in the last} bate in two Canadian legisla-|LaFrance said. However, he'five years. tures Thursday. did not believe the government! The gas was used 97 times in In Fredericton, the commit-;would change its stipulation|British Guiana, he said bt Little Charlie Brown, chi- huahua owned by James Serdon of Chicago, takes a sidelong view of big-jowled 'GRATIS BEERS ARE NO JOKE! MUNICH, West Germany (AP)--The some 20 Germans who fell for the April Fool's joke about beer being served free Thursday at city hall turned out to be the smart ones after all. The morning newspaper | earried a report that beer would be given away af city hall as part of the economic planning board program. For hygienic reasons, it added, each person should bring his own beer mug Most readers of the paper | took it all for an April Fool's joke, which it was. But directors of the West German state - owned Hof- brau Brewery also read the story and decided that even an April Fool deserved a thirst - quenching drink. So "*... AN' SO I SAYS TO DEMPSEY: LISTEN, FELLA...' Champion Sandow's Smash- er, bulldog owned by Mrs. A. R. Glass of Northbrook, Ill. The dogs are posing Education, 'Suburb Aid 'PC Planks | By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP)--Federal aid to education and a_ suburban areas develonment program will be major pianks in the election platform of the Pro- gressive Conservative party, reliable sources said "hursday. Informants say the opting-out jlegislation passed by the Com- mons Tuesday night is a key factor in the aid - to - education plank The Conservatives are ex- pected to propose large-scale federal education assistance, along lines suggested by school trustee and teaching associ- ations, under federal-provincial agreements. Provinces wanting to opt out of the programs could do so without losing the financial benefits provided by the fed- eral government. The suburban areas program is said to include a' provision to permit home owners to de- duct municipal taxes in de- termining federal income tax liability. TO EASE BURDEN The aim is to ease the tax burden on the property owner from local improvement and school taxes which have grown greatly with the post-war popu- lation shift to suburbia. Informants said the two elec- tion planks were worked out by groups in the caucus of MPs tee - of - the - whole of the New |that the drinks be served only| Some members of. Parliament Brunswick legislature approved|to customers who order meals.|have protested bitterly over the legislation to introduce breath) Highlights of other analysis tests to determine the|tures sitting Thursday: alcohol content in a motorist's ood legisla-luse of such gases by the South Vietnamese against Viet Cong) Alberta -- Members approved|Communists in Viet Nam. They} a a resolution calling on the gov-jseemed stunned to hear the} The bill empowers the regis-|ernment to establish a code of!British used them too. trar of motor vehicles to sus-|human rights. Premier E. C.| Greenwood said the gases had} pend for four months driving|Manning said his social credit|been used to disarm persons| privileges of anyone who. re-|government would work on al who ran amok, to quell jail dis-) fuses to take a test after being'code before the next session. /turbances, to arrest armed requested by a policeman Saskatchewan--Sales of pro-jcriminals and to disperse riot- In the . Quebec legislature,.|vincial savings bonds--$500,000/ ers and in the party. The aid - to - education plank is understood to have been de- veloped as a broadening of the program of federal assistance for construction and mainten- ance of technical schools initi- ated by the former Progressive Conservative government. Mr. Diefenbaker indicated that the suburban areas pro- gram is planned as something jsimilar to the Agriculture Re- and Development| |Act (ARDA) aimed at putting |Marginal tarming areas on a jmore economic basi habilitation By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP)--Fresh Cana- Operation Peacemanship': Looking Back With Relief THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 2,1965 3- Levesque Called willing or unable to meet the| challenge, confidence in the UN} would have -been seriously un-| 'Union's Puppet at International Amphi- theater in Chicago, where the 25th International Dog Show will be held this week- end. (AP Wirephoto) | PARLIAMENT dian troops now are flying to Cyprus for United Nations peace-keeping duties and offi- cials here are taking stock, with a good deal of brow-mopping, of External Affairs Minister Mar- tin's "Operation Peaceman- ship" a year ago. : The minister's brinkmanship- in-reverse resulted in formation of the UN force in Cyprus but, as one person who was in close touch with the situation put it, "'we took one hell of a chance." The chance was that the 30- man Canadian advance party would land in Nicosia March 18 and find that nobody else was coming. Officials disclosed Thursday that the Canadian government ordered the departure of the ad- vance party before telling the UN what was going on and with- out knowing whether Finland and Ireland would join in. THREATENS INVASION Mr. Martin spent most of that wild March 17 on the long-dis- tance' telephone. Turkey was threatening to invade Cyprus becuase Turkish Cypriots were being strong-armed by the more numerous Greek-Cypriots. Mr. Martin called the foreign ministers of Sweden, Finland and Ireland, urging them to send troops to Cyprus for UN duty..He got definite word only from the Swedes, Mr. Martin then called UN Secretary-General U Thant, told him about his telephoning and then informed him an interna- tional force was in being and that the Canadians were on the AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS | | THURSDAY, April 1, 1965 The Senate passed the last two major bills of the parlia- mentary session--the Canada Pension Plan and opting-out legislation. The Commons, in the 247th sitting day of its record-long session, reached its last item of business before proroga- tion -- $245,581,051 in supple- mentary estimates. The Commons approved, | after a two-day debate, an interim supply vote of $762,- 542,000 for the government to meet its bills in April and May. External Affairs Minister Martin said Canada would participate in the Soviet- proposed disarmament con- ference of all United' Nations members if one were called, _ FRIDAY, April 2 The Commons: meets at 1i a.m. to continue debate on supplementary estimates. The Senate sits at 3 p.m. Knowles Wants ITU Reply Time OTTAWA (CP) -- Stanley Knowles NDP (Winnipeg North Centre) wants to know whether time will be provided on the CBC for the Interna- tional Typographical Union to answer criticisms of it broad- cast by the publicly - owned corporation. Mr. Knowles, who holds an ITU membership card, asked in the Commons Thursday whether the union had asked for time on the CBC to give its own views on statements made last Sunday on the pro- gram This Hour has Seven Days. The program carried a docu- mentary film on the current Toronto strike of the ITU against the- three daily news- papers there State Secretary Lamontagne, |who reports to the Commons |for the CBC, said he would ask jand that Canadian troops were jalready en route. | | called. \claims for himself but he said {UN peace - keeping was stake: 'If the UN had been un- way. The Canadian Commons sat beyond normal adjournment time that night to approve Ca- nadian participation in the UN force. The advance party was! then halfway to Cyprus. | Mr. Martin then called the foreign minister of Turkey and told him of Parliament's action "TREMENDOUS EFFECT" "This had a tremendous ef- fect on Turkey," an official re- "The fact is that without Can-| ada and without Mr. Martin's nerve there would have been no UN force." Mr. Martin makes no such in an interview that Canada had to take the lead in formation of the force. The need for leadership was urgent, he said.. The future of at dermined."' Moreover, Canadian member- in NATO had obligated Canada to try to reduce the risk of a military confrontation be- tween two NATO allies, Greece ship and Turkey. Mr. Martin added that Can- ada's responsibility to partici- pate in the force was "all the country: was in a better position than al- most any other to make an ef- greater because this fective contribution." SAYS MOVE WISE The minister said that, in ret- "I am convinced the decision taken by the govern- ment was a wise one and the only one possible in the circum- rospect, stances." MONTREAL (CP) Nor- anda Mines Limited said Thurs- day that Rene Levesque, Que- bec natural resources minister, is a "puppet" of the United Steelworkers of Amer- iea (CLC), In an unsigned press state- ment released in Montreal--the firm's head office is in Toronto --Noranda said recent criticism of the company by Mr, Le- vesque is "vague and unsup- ported." During a tour of, northern {Quebec mines earlier this week, Mr. Levesque 'said "intolerable things are taking place at Nor- anda" and told Noranda mines "they should learn to civilize themselves during whatever re- maining time was left to them." tionable source of which he has become a puppet. CALLS ACTS CRIMINAL "That source is obviously thé: | Steelworkers of America, the same union that has recently" been ordered to pay $2,500, to Gaspe Copper Mines (a Nor+ anda affiliate) following crim- inal acts and damages com- mitted during the illegal strike" of 1957." The release quoted Mr,' Levesque as saying "the min- ing industry of Quebec is" amongst those which pay the. least and are the most profit-- able." It replied that Norand@ mines employees in fact re- ceive wages higher than thé* average for Quebec workers. rs jseizure of "no honorable alternative'? but| When sh The statement said bureau of. statistics figures show the average Quebec wage is $1.82, which includes all overtime and additional benefits, whereas the average Norandg miner makes $2.17, not includ- ing overtime or bonuses. an "The UN force has encoun-| The company statement said: tered difficulties and its author-| "The honorable Rene Le- ity has not always been as|yesque in his vague and unsup- great as we would have wished,|ported declarations against the but it has made a most valuable|mines of northwestern Quebec contribution to peace for which|(where oranda operates a the world can be grateful." number of mines) had been fed Authorities said the truejinformation from a very ques- worth of the force can best be} judged by assuming what would have happened if no UN grour had been established. | They said there would have| been a grave risk of hostilities) between the Greek and Turkish) communities in Cyprus growing} until Greece and Turkey had| been drawn in with the most terrible consequences for peace in the Middle East and for the NATO alliance. Civil strife between the Greek and Turkish communities in Cyprus grew out of an unwork-| able constitution after inde-| pendence from the British was achieved in 1960. | MURDERS OFTEN | This strife often took the form of cold - blooded murders -- usually of lonely shepherds) tending their flocks--and the hostages by both | NOW! 'get Hiss | tom @| sides. with cash in advance through a low-cost Royal Bank termPlan loan When you're planning to buy any major item -- a caf furnishings, fridge, washer, dryer or any important appliance -- check against other loan plans availableg see how low-cost really is. Borrow the cash ia FEET HURT? Cut this cushioning Foot Plaster to right size and shape for fast relief advance and be in the key position to get the best value, | @ ROYALBANK EXTRA PROTECTION WHEREVER FEET HURT! shoes pinch or rub, cushion feet with Dr. Scholl's Kurotex foot plaster. Thicker, softer, more ive than mole- skin--yet costs no more. Easy to cut to size. Fast relief for corns, callouses, tender spots. 'Water-repelient. |the corporation whether there 'had been such a request. AJAX (Staff) -- A rosebank man was found guilty of impair- ed driving and fined $100 by Magistrate Harry Jermyn in Ajax Magistrate's Court Thurs- Emilien Lafrance, family and|more than at the same time last| -- = welfare minister, threatened to|year--are the highest in Sas- . resign if the government allows|katchewan history, Premier C h W d the sale of alcoholic beverages Ross Thatcher. said. Sales, ras | ows on Sundays to persons not buy-'which ended Wednesday, to- - . ing meals. talled $14,300,000 Sue Air Firm BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) --the |widows of four Toronto-area killed when their Aero} e e Commander plane. crashed} m alre Driver April 1, 1964, in Manitoba, are! jsuing for $1,400,000. | The suit, filed in U.S. District) }Court Wednesday claimed the) plane was structurally unsound) and not thoroughly examined A Rouge Park youth was|COmmander's Bethany, Okla.,| found guilty of three charges| Plant six months before the ac- involving a car and liquor. -- aa ee Harry Ernest Platt, 17, plead:|. "jc. 17 tue Caren, & Pnom 4 ed guilty to driving a motor ve- a gl gi prananin gir jay. vas of Br ; y hicle without insurance on Feb. litre yacseanes Mania et ban bodes & $50. 'He also pleaded guilty tol arthur E, Fulford. Hatton is Woodview road. Huyskens 'said| inking under age and was/from Toronto, Fulford from| his car stalled as he left a store|8iven a4 three-month suspended|Brampton and Keeley from parking lot but the headlights|sentence. A guilty plea to a Scarborough, Ont. were on. Huyskens said the ac-|charge reduced from drunk to Pe naan! the suit ay i by cused held on to his car door impaired driving cost him an.(reir, widows are Rockwell-| and smelled of alcohol. jmander, and T. R. Smith, de- Pickering Township Constable Constable Hobbs said he ob-|signing engineer of the craft. Laurie Watson said he noticed|served the youth driving his car} The suit alleges that "one or alcohol on the breath of the ac-jin a weaving manner. Hubli' "shorting fallen tr sappert! pon who swayed when he/said he found a partial bottle of|the plane" and caused the A charge of making an unsafe| 3!" on the floor. of the car. crash. of Pine Ridge road, Dunbarton, : waa te LEARN TO DRIVE Dugald Thompson, of the Baseline road, testified he was travelling south on Liverpool road Feb. 26 when the Kruk ve- 725-6553 hicle, going south, made a left ' rant in front of him. He said he RUTHERFORD 'S struck the vehicle in the right ie side causing about $600 damage School Of Safe Drivin to both . 0 cars. Kruk told the court he had 41 Albert St. -- Oshewe stopped, and that he skidded on the road as he was making the |men, D $100 Fi after it was modified at Aero| Peter Crocker, of Woodview|19 on Royal road, and was fined lersstan Sherman Kesley- andl i \Standard Corp., Aero Com-| as he alighted after the accident other $50. orp left turn against Reindert Kruk, ---- ene ee na -- turn into the Tee Pee Restau- orn, | Government Licenced -- Personalized Service if Christianity can be Mon., Tues., Wed. -- Thurs., Fri. 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