20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Frdey, April 2, 1965 20--Real Estate for Sale (26--Apartments for Rent 28--Room and Board 30--Automobiles for Sale 30--Automobiles For Sale 30--Automobiles for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estete for Sale ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED OVER © $500,000. SOLD in March '65 DOWN $4,000.00 Oshowo's choicest district, beautiful 4 bedroom home, two bathrooms. Large rec room with natural fireploce. Built-in stereo speaker, At- tached garage. Contact 728- 5157 for. inspection. TRI-LEVEL Four bedrooms in this nearly new home. 3 entrances, Hol- lywood kitchen, vanity in bathroom. Full price only $19,900.00, Dial 728-5157 for details tag peor it carta. This home } sorry a 35 $ Summer St. INCOME HOME $15,900 Duplex of brick construction close to downtown in very good = condition. Separate opartments. Garage. Dial 728- 5157 for. appointment. $14,500.00 COME AND SEE This lovely 3 bedroom brick bungalow in residential areo. North of Rossland Rood. Near all schools. Dial 728-5157 for inspection. Aa genera: tian "is MORTGAGES ARRANGED ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 Melrose Street ELECTRIC HEATED | HOMES SOLD | with garages and car ports THREE BEDROOM BUNGALOWS PREPAID SERVICES FULLY DECORATED Open 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY $500.00 OFF For winter works bonus LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED DIAL 728-4678 W. J. NORRIS REALTOR 942-3364 $5000 FULL PRICE $500 Down $50 Monthly Four room bungalow. Full basement. Gas furnace. Wat- er on pressure. Paved road Pickering area. $9000 CASH Or Good Down Payment Mortgage Arranged Older style 2 storey home. Three lorge bedrooms, bath- room, dining room, living room, kitchen, Full basement Oil furnace. Garage. Large lot. ASK FOR NORM WOOD AJAX 942-3364 "RANCH BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms. Ya 'ocre lot. Taunton Rd. at Zion. middie of April. dining room, Possession Private Hampton 263- 2474 FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. 728-5157 Two. SUITE "APARTMENT building, shopping. close to church, school and prices. Hurry on this one by calling S. D J Only four years old. Owner being trans-|\tivman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286 ol Bn Spee Cees AN 7 on Gays 9 weeks Telephone 959 PONTIAC station wagon, four-door | vil:e ferred, For more information contact Joe! 101 of Parisienne V-8, automatic, power steer. Crawford, 723-102). Joseph Bosco Realtor, SPOTLESS! Three-bedroom brick. bun- errr mieten ROOM and board, in Whitby, fivesday|inu, urakes and. ailqate, gooo tires, |1962 PONTIAC Strato Chiet, four 79-7377. aalow choice lacation, with rae 25-----Houses for Rent week, Suitable gentleman, shift workers| Ideal family car, 728-4779 an, six cylinder, standard transmis iS ntitia ravine lot. Completely finished « base : leale Dia! 668-5287 Sh fee cncillhae lal Mine tb cele Seb 25 ACRES. House with barn, creek, 20)ment Owner - leaving country. $14 800 | TWO - BEDROOM house, $85 monthly. | ome 1958 PONTIAC sedan, radio, "standard. | trim Excellent running j miles west of Oshawa $12,500, Terms.) with terms. Cail "Bob' Young, 723-2102.| Available immediately. Apply 109 Kaiser ROOM with or without board. "Apply Miss | Best offer Telephone Bowmanville| Terms available. Gus Brown Motors Ltd.,| mileage, "q Write Box 939 Oshawa Times. (Joseph 'Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. i Crescent Napoli, 286 Frontenac, Phone 726-3478, | 623-7192. | 725-6568, METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 NORTHWEST Large six room brick with stone front bungelow with ot- tached garage 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms built in stove large finished recreation room, sep- arate dining room, broadioom in living room, plus many ex- tras take a look now, you will be glad you did. NORTHWEST Very nice six room bungalow with attached garage, sunken living room, very nice lot and in o high demand area, Priced reasonoble, call today for ap- paintment. CLOSE TO HOUDAILLE INDUSTRIES Very nice 3 year old bunga- low paved streets, close to bus, schools, very nice lot and in beautiful condition priced ot $14,500.00 which 'is very reasonable in this area. NEW HOMES TWO LOCATIONS DOWNSVIEW PARK Electric heated, garoges, cor ports, lots fully sodded, under ground services, architectural- ly controlled, prepaid services. Priced from $20,900.00 and up. BELLA VISTA GARDENS Electric heated, garages and carports, fully serviced pre- paid, fully decorated, Winter Works $500.00 rebote, early possession. From $16,445.00 up to $17,445.00 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 | JACK OSBORNE | BOB JOHNSTON DICK BARRIAGE JOE MAGA KEN HANN MEMBER 0.D.R.E:B. braemo Stevenson Rd. N. at Annapolis St. | Beautiful three and | four bedroom homes | for immediate pos- session. Open Daily for your Inspection 2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 TRADES ACCEPTED on five new homes: by Hogen- boom Construction starting -at $17,265 on Wilson Road North Ss. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 REDUCED $4,000 Country Whitby living on 1% acres trees, custom-built, 2 bathrooms, 2 $35,000. Terms. Whitby 668-2364 WEST SUBURBAN -- An extra good six 'ocm brick bungalow on edge of stream, 7 rooms, fireplaces, Call owner. f | "OPEN gardens s HOUSE large treed and PRIVATE -- $13,800, six-room solid brick bungalow, close to south plant, 6' "ah cent CMHC mortgage. Fila pe A Ba THE CAVALIER --------iCall Mr. Marsha $800. DOWN, $75 per ee at five-room bungalow, paved drive. Close to The Most Modern ping Centre. Taxes $142. Steve Medium Rental Zurba, Realtor, 7: Bound TEN ACRES. 'Seven 'miles trom Oshews Apartments on paved road, close to scl s . Stradeski Realior 728-8423. in Oshawa LARGE eight room home, two apart FEATURING ments, separate entrance. Double garage. Low down payment. Call Bob Johnston, 725-9265, Lloyd Metcalfe Real Estate. Exclusive decorating : @ Electric heating with fin- 20a--Summer Properties gertip control, in each For Sale or Rent room at no extra cost. RICE LAKE year round cottage, fully) @ Convenient to shopping insulated, two bedrooms, large living and bus. room, kitchen. three-piece bahtroom, lots # of cupboard space; workshop and peraoei e@ Plenty of free parking {ot 120 by 'approx. 110 deep. Must be seen) - Professional full: time man- pyre ane heating, ie foae neasheaths agement, that cores for 7 ring 12. Bes Ene your comfort, FOR RENT -- On Balsam Lake, two cot-| @ Numerous 'other features, tages, furnished, conveniences; safe, clean shore. Large cottage sleeps 10; smaller available. Writs Times. MODEL SUITE FURNISHED by Reliable Furniture Open from 2 p.m, till 9 p.m, daily At 400 Grenfell Street at end of Marland Ave, (off Park Rd. S$.) 725-9934 - 728-4283 LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT Check our ads under 'Real Estate For Sale", LAKE FRONTAGE. Lake Scugog, ¢ 2,500 feet. Partly 'developed. Over acres. 5,700 ft. road frontage. Reasonable terms. Contact Box 11, Station K, Toronto FOR RENT -- Port Loring Modern lake- |front cottages, housekeeping, or American Plan. Safe beach, fishing. A. -Wright, | Whitby 668-8967. | (22 Lots for | Sole THIRTY FIVE ACRES WITH TROUT STREAM North end of Oshawa. Very scenic property. Plenty of privacy. Priced at $635 per | | Contact Bill Millar REALTY LTD. 725-1186 Realtors W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd LUSANNE VILLA SPANISH PROVINCIAL DECOR ECL eee : Electric Heating, Controlled TREED LOT on paved road in north east} Entrances, Laundry on each outskirts, 66 feet x 660 feet, $1,500. Will | |consider trade on boat. -Telephone| f!00r, Broadloom Corridors, 1725-5162 Elevator Service, Dinette and Dining Poom, Ceramic Tile Bath, Vanity, Well maintain- ed 330 GIBB-ST. GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite ADULTS ONLY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2811 For Appointment PARK LANE APTS. Future Vacancies CONTACT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE | 725-7732 MODERN two-bedroom apartments, elec-| trically heated; close to bus. All services paid by owner. LAKE SIMCOE -- Lakeshore lol, cleared and ready to build on; 60 miles from Osh- awa, $3,200, Telephone 728-4849, | 23--Real I Estate Wanted DO IT NOW! List your home with us and get TOP DOLLAR. We have SPOT CASH and Term Buyers. % FREE APPRAISAL % NO OBLIGATION Call 723-2265 Rent $125 monthly, Adults only, Call 725-9886. : CHOFI ELD-AKER WHITBY, grvenny two-bedroom apart. building. Electric heat. parienlonte Dial Whitby 668-5447 All LIMITED OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE | | NEED tion. One, two and three bedrooms. Start ing at $115 per month. Reserve now for | OLDER TYPE HOME June possession. Call 728-0569 for full in- formation, Steve Zurba Realtor, 25 Bond NOW ! Street West. WHITBY -- One- and two-bedroom apart- GRERAR Street, off Wilson, two-bedroom | refriger-| parking, wash apartment, in five-plex ator, drapes, broadioom, er-dryer service. Available now. No chil- dren. Telephone 726-2256 TWO - BEDROOM apartment, modern building off Lansdowne Drive. Laundry .. | facilities, ample parking. Possession May 1, Phone 725- 0278 Stove, For Cash Buyer Call ments, new building, all modern con- veniences. Telephone Whitby 668-8560 BILL JOHNSTON FURNISHED self-contained apartment Separate entrance; across from Ander- son High School, Whitby. -668-3276 FOUR-ROOM completely furnished apart Schotield-Aker Ltd. | 728-1066 cana ------|ment, Available. immediately, Telephone OR 728-0283, 4 WE WILL PAY CASH FOR | aNsDOWNE DRIVE? One-bedroom un: YOUR HOUSE. CALL furnished apartment in. duplex. fully equipped, private entrance. Vacant May Adults only. $90. Apply 441 King East JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 ONE-BEDROOM second, floor apartment, furnished or unfurnished, easy walk to Four Corners. Suit couple. Abstainers only. 723-6073 TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, centrally located, Private entrance. $60 monthly. Telephone THINKING OF 725-7279 SELLING? DREW STREET, 74 -- Three-room apart : ment, furnished, Central, adults or work ing couple, abstainers, no children, Avail -- CALL -- o-- able immediately, Sl BBY'S UNFURNISHED apariment. central. One child welcome. New home, decorated. Reol Estate Ltd. Three-piece bath, heated, hydro, stove Private entrance. Apply 467 Drew Street after four new FOUR-ROOM apartmlent for rent. 68 737,, Wayne Street, Apartment 9, Cali 725-2938 MODERN apartments available, phone 728-2841, 728-7576 LARGE BRICK HOME or duplex, condition. Send all details to Box Oshawa Times CASH BUYERS willing to pay up to $10, 000 for older properties. Phone today, no 7 D. Hyman 27--Rooms for Rent Tete obligation on your behalf. S Real Estate Limited, 728-6286, WE CAN'T SELL HOMES that are not listed. We have buyers for three- and four-bedroom homes. All cash arranged W. 0. Martin Realtor, 728-5103, 24--Stores, Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE 2nd Floor King St. E. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | FURNISHED ROOM, use of kitchen. Suit refirgerators and stoves; | . - | APARTMENTS for rent, northend loca- hedged: lot 00 x 165, Reatures 4 24° 1). : two gentlemen willing to share, . single ivinig foam: 16 fc maaan bedroan with at Ontario becs. Apply 374 Farewell Avenue, Osh its own two-piece bath, also a full four- : awa, 728-9768 piece bath, This is a desirable property F ach TWO furnish r i f uitable for 1c ished rooms, near hospital, and priced at only $17,500 for a quick! 500 sq. ft. suitable TT Oey dealt "Girls, willing focahare, - teephons @. Shown by appointment only. Cali business. Immediately a 4 23-572 : ey pee At VE. meanings) able: | For paniculats. and FURNISHED rooms, for gentlemen, will viewing. Call Mr, R. J. Dunn. .|ing to share, single bed, accommodation, OWNER transferred, must sell' this five- close to south GM. After 5.15 telephone room smaii moder brick bungalow, dou 725-B645 ble garage, asphalt drive, finished rec, Eastern & Chartered THREE unfurnished rooms; newly a 'oom. Brigh modern family-size kit- Fooms, newly decor. ane Wek ob ed Gen a Trust Co. ated Inspection invited. Close to South /s Senera otors; also garage. Reasonably} in nenbeuiute Teun ef] Property Management Div,: Irani: cont, Get ene separately, Churchis phd bua: Clece Be Only eae 1901 Yonge St., Toronto _ | Adults only. Now vacant, Phone 728-3014 Truly a terrific buy. Call Steve Macko at 481-3443 CENTRALLY LOCATED, furnished Schotiela - Aker. Please call evenings, '€ room. 'acid 82 Nassau Street. Telephone 728-5868, ie | 725-219 CENTRAL, $12,500 for this four-bedroom TWO furnished rooms." Will suit two brick home on a treed lot. In good condi tion, this house has a kitchen upstairs, an extra stool in the basement and ga rage. See this now. Call Sibby's Estate Ltd at 725-4366. IMMACULATE five-room bungalow with| attached carport featuring paved drive, Real| at 728-7576 or Tony Zakarow jgentiemen, Near South. General. Motors. Apply 268 Malaga Road | LARGE furnished room, located. just west jof Pickering Village, on Highway 2. Tele. | phone Pickering 942-3642 anytime, $10 SHARED MOTEL accommodation; $14 single units; restaurant. Open 24 | hours. Nightly rates, $4 and $6. Telephone OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building decorating, TV tower, built-in stove and | 668-2067, oven and many other extras, choice. area owner anxious 10 sell. Call' Doug Gower CONTACT uRGE "furnished bedroom for "rent $ Hyman Real Estate Limited, Gentleman only. Shift workers welcome. 728-6286, } At e WI LSON | Apply 574 Crerar Avenue, Oshawa. 1230 ACRES with six-room house, barn, s |ONE single furnished bedroom, . Private *| garage, machine shed. $20,000 with $2.000 : horrte itby 5667, down or: will sell house "or barn sep At the Times NICE CLEAN ROOM for gentleman arately with 10 acres each, $1,000 down, ees Apply 118 Division Street : Also. ten acre lots, Oshawa district. W : McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince _ Street, 1000 SQ FEET LARGE Single room in quiet home, 723-2512 or 668-5765. x gentieman only. Apply 135 Celina Street -| LARGE five-room bungalow, with attach:| ~ Suitable for Office, storage or | FURNISHED BEDROOM for lady. Cail ed garage, wall to wall broadioom, nicely sais iter 7 p.m., 728-3869 finished recreation room, Many, many; WOrenousing SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Divi- [extras To inspect call Sally Wallace, sion Stree 725-6297, Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377 Call $1,090 DOWN with one mortgage for the v stucco home located nm walking distance of the Shopping D. Hyman Real Estate ba buys this Centre. Phone § Limited, 726-6286. FOUR-BEDROOM bungalow with atiach- ed garage listed at only $17,450. with one mortgage, builder working on iast year's CLEAN, furnished housekeeping room, in quiet home. Suit Lauda Call 723-9225 FURNISHED ROOMS, single and double, south h_ Oshawa area. _Telephone 728- 2722, 728-0651 OFFICE SPACE--fifieen hundred square feet on each of second and lower /eveis; three hundred and fifty square feet on street level, Apply premises 61-63-65 King 28--Room and Board Street West ROOM AND BOARD for three men, $18, sToRm at 688 Hortop. Self-contained, 11' weekly. Large room to share with TV WHITBY -- ad Rog oll Sontrerne to share room Single Ss, a , Winches packed, TV, -parking. Telephone ican AND BOARD eae Close to North Plant. Telephone 725-2305. 29--Wanted to Rent WANTED: A home in Whitby, to rent or share with elderly person, by May 1. Man willing to garden or make repairs. Wite could assist in e. Telephone 668-5446/ or Toronto OX 1-8686, MIDOLE-AGED COUPLE desires three to five-room apartment or house in Osh- awa or vicinity. April 15 possession. Tele- | phone 723-5521 after 4 p.m, or 728-1297 anytime. WANTED -- A t or around Whitby. 4834, three-bedroom home | "Telephone wnitby, THREE-BEDROOM house, cottage or apartment for May and June. Phone 725-2564 after 4 p.m. References. 30--Automobiles for Sale BETTER VALUES 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN Automatic transmission, radio, V-8 engine, power steering and brakes. "An Excellent Car," } | 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AIR NINE PASENGER STATION WAGON V-8 engine, automatic trons- mission, power toil gate. "Immaculate Condition." | 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA TWO DOOR HARD TOP | V-8 erigine, radio, automatic | transmission, 'The Sharpest In Town"' 1962 CHEVROLET | BEL AIR TWO DQOR HARD TOP Reliable 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission and radio. 'A Real. Nice Car," 1962 MERCURY METEOR Radio, mileage only 18,000, one owner. 'New Car Condi- tion,' 1959 CHEVROLET | SEDAN Automate transmission, radio, | "A Dandy Car." 1960: CHEVROLET = | Y% TON PICK UP | With a long box. "In Out- standing Condition." SPRING SPECIALS 1959 FORD SEDAN | 6 cylinder, radio. ot Good value $745 | 1959: CHEVROLET: | SEDAN | 6 cylinder, sion. standard transmis- $795 1960 CHEVROLET COACH Radio, A clean car $945 1960 VOLKSWAGEN | DELUXE COACH Radio. Well worth this price $495 1962 MERCURY MONTEREY TWO DOOR HARD TOP V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission, radio, power equip- ped. Real sharp. 25,000 miles, $1895 OTHER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 King Street East Gust East of Wilson Rd.) Oshawa 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 lite [ TOOT YOUR OWN HORN! GET THAT NEW CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST; LIFE-INSURED oe Sint PLAN LOAN | THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA | '| 1963 Oldsmobile' | Autematic, power steering | ond brakes. 12,900 miles. Perfect condition. Quick sale $2500. A | | Original owner, real buy | "SWING INTO SPRING WITH AN USED CAR FROM Seaway * 1963 FALCON FORDOR SEDAN Original gleaming black fin- ish with contrasting interior, Economical 6 cylinder engine ond radio, immaculate throughout. Low. down pay- ment handles. Guaronteed. 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE Honduras Maroon with ma- roon = appointments, white vinyl seats, white top, V-8 engine, automatic transmis- sion, radio, power steering, brokes and windows, white wolls, wheel covers. Factory warranty. Immaculate. 1963 FORD 300 SERIES Corithian white with red in- terior, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, A-1 condition throughout. Easy terms, 1959 METEOR FORDOR SEDAN Tutone grey and red. Econo- mical 6 cylinder engine, auto- matic transmission, radio and new white walls. A-1 condi- tion. Guaranteed, Easy pay- ments. 1961 METEOR TUDOR SEDAN Tutone black ond white. A real nice one with 6 cylinder engine, standard transmission and radio, Low down pay- ment handles. 1958 FORD TUDOR SEDAN Tutone green and green. Low mileage on rebuilt engine, au- tomatic transmission and radio, Low cost transportation and economical operation. Guaranteed. 1964 FORD CUSTOM 2 DOOR SEDAN Bronze finish with matching interior, 8,000 miles only, Factory warranty. 1963 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 HOLIDAY COUPE Oshowa blue with matching interior, automatic transmis- sion, radio, power. steering ond brakes, white walls and wheel covers, padded dash. Immaculate throughout, A-1 condition. Easy terms. 1962 GALAXIE TWO DOOR SEDAN Rangoon red with matching interior, dual range automa- tic transmission, V-8 engine, white walls. Sold new and serviced by us. Spotless. Low down payment, 1963 GALAXIE TWO DOOR SEDAN Tropical turquoise with tur- quoise interior, economical 6 cylinder engine, radio, low mileage. New car trade in A-1 condition, Drive it and you'll buy it. * MANY OTHER A-1 USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM * LOW, LOW DOWN PAYMENTS FINANCE UP TO 30 MONTHS * Seaway MOTORS LIMITED "Your Authorized Dealer For Ford's Family Of Fine. Products" 200 Dundas St. W. Whitby Courteous Salesmen To Serve You 668-5893 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M: Four BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS for a lucky guy. 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) 469 Beverley St. 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 728-8210 1960 CHEVROLET Bei sedan, 6 automatic, 27,000 original miles. Will accept trade, Dial 623-3854, Bowman-| 1960 CORVAIR, green with matching in- Air, fou! r-door| GUARANTEED USED CARS 1963 Dynamic 88 Oldsmobile 196%, BARRACUDA, V-8 automatic radio, rear speaker, remote control mir. pie Big 8,400 miles. Best offer. Private. | TOWNSHIP 1961 bem Coupe de Ville, light bive, 36,000 miles, ped with extras. s. Telephone 725-61 i958 PONTIAC Laurentian, hardtop, metallic green, V-8 automatic, Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne he converte 1965 Meteor 6 cylinder. 4 door sedan. Automatic. Two woy--power Radio. Full warranty. 1963 Dodge Sedan. 330. Standard trans- mission. harp oppeacrance. A good: buy. 1962 Acadian Automatic, Radio. Excellent throughout. 1962 Buick Convertible 6 cylinder. Stondard trans- mission, Radio. A beouty for Spring and Summer travel, 1960 Austin Sprite Customized--Try this one for! size. 1959 T.R, SPORTS CONVERTIBLE Ready for sun and fun, 1957-58 | Choice of Four at A Right Price 'Hackney Motors 1180 Simcoe North 728-0031 | Financing available. No poy- | ments until June 1, Repairs | to all makes and models by | licensed mechanic. 'Red' Mitton specialist on European and Sports Cars. SPOT CASH | | | Paid for. Good clean cars. | | Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid. 'NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED | 94 corvai | 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel | Whitby 668-3331 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off | Trade up or down | Always top quality 1962 PONTIAC, private sale by origina' owner, four - door Laurentian, 6, auto-| matic, power steering, transistor radio/| Low _Mileage. After 5 call 725-3744, \1 7 CHEVROLET deluxe, two-door, let two-door, radio, good rubber, licence. | Drive it _away, cheap. Phone 725- 1846. |1969 VOLKSWAGEN, medium blue. Ex. cellent one-owner car. Very clean terior, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1956 FORD Custom sedan, excellent con-| dition, $295. Can see anytime at 25 Park jo; clean inside and out; 1983 Chevro-| "¢ in- owner. Convertible aut , 2 way power, Radio, white walls. recy brakes, ence low mileage. Many other extras. A real (| ise wuieK, wr Bae beauty. matic, new plates, best offer, 728-0332. 1963 Mercury Hampton 263-21 Comet convertible. Radio. om CHEVROLET te ji 9 jon. a ie oppearonce and | 382593 or 137 Patricia Avenue, performonce. 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8, radio, whitewall tires, windshield washers, 14,- 600 miles. $2,250. Phone 723-1247. 1964 MERCURY automalic, hardtop, radio and power equipment. Only 10,000 miles. Like new. Must sell! Ajax 942-6444, mechanical condition, good tires. Must sell, $295 full price. 728-0558 or 137 Har- mony Road North. myles. $2,550, Telephone 723-2585. 1964 RAMBLER convertible, automatic, radio, optional big engine, 4,000 miles.' After 5 or weekend telephone 728-8609. 1959 OLDSMOBILE, four-door Dynamic 88 series. power brakes, two-tone fawn and beige. | Gus" Brown Motors Ltd., 7%8- 7375, 1957 CHEVROLET station wagon, in good | one-owner car, Pio Bite ae radio, four new whitewalls. See this one! 'auto good tires. $350 or 1961 PROMTIAG standard, $1,100. Phone 1959 venavRSLET ' two-door, standard. in Telephone 1987 CHEVROLET Sedan, radio, excellent hardtop, | Power steering and) OF CLARKE sams| TENDER FOR TRUCK Sealed Tenders will be received until 5:00 p.m. MONDAY, raaio, white win red. interior, T1000) ~=APRIL 12, 1965 For supply of one Dump fl Truck fully equipped and ] delivered to the munici- pality, condition, $675 or good offer accepted. Private. Dial 668-8545, Whitby. 1965 CHEVROLET impala, two - door Tenders must be sub- |hardtop, V-8 automatic, radio, etc. After' mitted on forms supplied 5 or weekend, telephone 726-8609 b h T nshi n 1963 ACADIAN, two - door, turquoise, DY the Township, no |matching interior, over 25 miles per lon, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. 1959 CHEVROLET impala hardtop, V-8 automatic, power brakes, Power steering, custom radio. Black with red trim. Low down payment. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. |1961 CHEVROLET four-door, radio, | er, 6 cylinder, standard shift. Reasonably priced, Phone 725-5661. four-door | heat-| others will be considered. Forms may be picked up at the Township Hall at Orono. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Bend CHEVROLET 8 cylinder, auiomatic, | fully equipped, low mileage. Owner | erien 6 months warranty, Telephone 725-1740. 31--Compact_ 'Cars for Sale | _PEUGEOT and VOLVO | SALES and SERVICE | JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE | General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa --- 728-0921 ZOLTAN - NICK & DAN'S Your authorized DATSUN DEALER Volkswagen Service 160. Simcoe South Oshawa 728-0051 "SABYAN ~ MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd, 5, 723-3461 Open Evenings R Monza Spider, with black interior. Four-speed transmis- |sion, Telephone 728-7806. 1961 VALIANT, good shape, floor shift, | $700. Telephone 728-7207, |1963 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, good condi- tion. Owner moving to the United States. | $995. Telephone 728-9978. 1963 CORVAIR convertible, four: four-speed. excellent condition. Many extras. Best offer. Telephone 723-4974. 1960 CORVAIR, radio $600. Two-tone| blue and white, very clean, 723-6008 or Drive. 1510 Lakemount "maroon | J. W. STONE, Reeve, Township of Clarke, M, L. ROSS, Road Superintendent, Township of Clarke, Box 37, Orono, Ont. |37--Auetions Auction Sale Sat., April 3 Household furniture, the Estate of the late Mrs. Wing Brown, 1013 Dun- das St. East, Whitby Dining room table and six cane bottomed chairs. Refrig- erator, Rangette, China Cab- inet, dishes, beds, dressers, Antiques, many other articles The frame, six roomed house with electric heating, on lot | 65' x 132', will be sold sub- | ject to. reserve bid. 10% | down balance in 30 days. Sale ot 1:30 p.m. Terms Cash Auctioneer Loyal Pogue 3, 38--Coming Events REED'S FLORISTS |32--Trucks for Sale 1 1953 "WHITE" tractor trailer. G Good 'eon dition, Best offer. Telephone jjatter 6.30 p.m. |1947 CHEVROLET, tow | winch 300 ft y truck, 725-9861 68-3647 power cable, Dodge truck, 1949, ton GMC Dial Hampton 263-2445 or ANNUAL Spring Flower Show And Easter Review PALM SUNDAY 1963 FORD Econoline, heavy duly, 16,000 April 11th miles. Immaculate. Best offer. Phone! ; . |Alax 942-2924 ____| REED'S GREENHOUSES 1956 INTERNATIONAL _ hail-ton, jcondition,' new fires, $350. Telephone | All Day... . Free Admission 725- 0302, | View | Bivd., 728- 1487, |1962 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible,| /33- Automobiles Wanted _ }azure aqua with atching trim, ti mate vansmasion, casiom 'age, "sia; CARS WANTED . local lady owner since new. Very low| |mileage. Previous owner's name: on re- quest. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725- 6568. 1959 OLDSMOBILE four-door sedan, in good condition. $950 or best offer. Tele Phone 725-5508. |1964 CHEVROLET Super Sport convert- ible, 327 with four-speed, Fully equipped. | [Diplomat bive with matching buckets. |Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 |MOTORS, trans, ail. car parts. Auto Wreckers. Telephone nights 725-4404 | 1959 "METEOR, "four-door automatic, take) | over payments, Can be seen 115 Celina! after 5 p.m | i963 CORVAIR convertible, Excellent condition. Extras. | Telephone 723-4974 |1959 -CHEVROLET | impala, two- | hardtop, V-8, automatic, new V-8 engin e, | custom radio. Spotless! Gus Brown! Motors Ltd., 725-6568. | 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne 6 cylinder hard- top, radio, whitewalls, $1,775. Call 723-1643, USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street | East after 4. 723-2281, Courtice! 723-5541 or "four-speed. Best offer. |1963 CHEVROLET impala, four-door | |ardtop, V-8 automatic, power steering! jand brakes, Saddle tan beige. Phone | 728-5308. |1960 PONTIAC four-door sedan, econom- lical 6 cylinder transportation, This car jhas been kept in perfect condition by | previous owner. Another nice family car!) Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375, 1961 PONTIAC, four- door Laurnetian, V-8 automatic, push bution radio, padded dash, back-up lights, six wheels and tires. | Dial 655-3181. 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Air, | automatic, new plates, $175. East. Mornings or afier four. | 1957 METEOR standard, V-8. New paint,| |seat covers, $395. Apply 509 Bloor East, | mornings or after four. | 1959 PONTIAC four-door sedan, automa- tic, radio and washers. Best offer takes| it, Phone 942-5693, Ajax. | 1955 CHEVROLET standard. Good 'run-| | ning. condition. Needs a little body, work, | $250. Telephone 668-3647 after 6.30 p.m. | i9e0 PONTIAC four-door sedan, econom-| ical 6 cylinder transportation, This car jhas been kept in perfect condition by | Previous owner. Another nice family car! | Gus $ Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375, | Strato-c "sedan, VB |automatic, radio, low mi-eage. Must sell. |Whitby 668-8061. | 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air four-door hard-| top, brand new six cylinder engine, cus- |tom radio. This car is as a new car. Gus | Brown Motors Ltd., 725- 6568 | 1958 CHEVROLET, excelient "condition. | |Can be seen after 6 p.m. Courtice Road} North, 728-8932. 1961 CORVAIR Monza "coupe, "automatic! transmission. Excellent mechanical con- jdition. Reasonable. Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 725-6568. 1961 OLDSMOBILE 98, four-door hardtop,| fully equipped. $1,800. Can finance. Also | 1963 Sunbeam Alpine, low mileage, $1,800. |Call original owner, 725-2911 or see at | 852 Florell Drive. | 6 cylinder, | 509 Bloor } | 1958 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard- oy V-8 automatic, custom radio, white- alls, wheel discs. Finished .in dark blue I tnetaitic Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 728-7375. |terior, automatic. Has to be driven to be appreciated. Gus Brown Motors .Ltd., ~ OOK | 795-6568 sion, custom radio. Satin silver with red} 1960 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, stick shift, 2- automobile./door, blue in color, radio, 31,000 original new rubber, general condition) excellent, Telephone 839-5750, Bay Ridges.) -- {parts for sale 'Somebody Does ! | Buying a New Car? | Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash. to the New. Car Dealer and "Save", TED CAMPIN MOTORS RLS 4494 Res, 725-5574 NTED: Cars for wrecking. Telephone! ts 4549. Robert Nichols. |AKEsHORE AUTO WRECKERS want ars for wrecking. Highest. prices paid. i Wentworth East, 725-1181 SHAW Auto Wrecking Co. Carat bought, Iron and preter bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- jers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for |wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723- 4245, | | 34--Automobile Repair oe TRANSMISSION specialists. Transmis- sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 728-7339, |OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- pert carburetor and auto electric service. 22 King Street _West, 728- 08) 17. 35--Lost and Found POMERANIAN, male, reddish brown. |some teeth missing. Answers to Tiny. | Telephone Whitby taal 8430, "Reward, You Don't Want | i? SELL IT | With a Low Cost | TIMES Classified ACTION AD Don't let things you are not using deteriorate in value by. | AT U.A.W.A. HALL SATURDAY, APRIL 3rd 7:30. P.M 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 __ SHARE THE WEALTH | BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, ARIL 3rd. 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 4 Share the Wealth | 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go | Children Under 16.N Not Admitted BINGO TO-NIGHT HOLY CROSS Jackpots 56 and 56 Easter-Hams as door prizes. ST. JOHN'S PARISH ~~ BINGO Corner Bloor & Simcoe Every Fri. at 7:45 p.m. 20 Games $10 and $15 Jackpot 59 Nos. $190, Two extra games at $25 * Jackpetand Share the Wealth - ANNUAL bazaar and bingo to be held at the Slovak Greek Catholic Parish Hall, 464 Ritson Road South. April 2 and 3, Fri- day and Saturday. Home baking, fancy work, booth open 2 p.m. Friday bingo 7.30. p.m, SOCIAL BINGO St. George's Hall (cor- ner of Albert and ' Jackson) Monday, March 2% 8 o'clock. Lunch and prizes. ADOPTIONS MADE EASIER REGINA (CP) -- Saskatche- ° wan adoption regulations are being eased, says Miss M. EF. Storing them. PHONE A_ Friendly Ad-Taker Will Help Word Your Inexpensive "FOR SALE' Ad Open Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m Sat. 8:00 a.m, to 12:00 p.m. | child welfare. age | dence Battel, provincial director of There are now no limits and a year's resi- is no longer a require- ment. Also, children may be sent hundreds of miles across the province to a good home,