eo Matgl 2s Aeditimen sa aN a r -- 'ei ies a ty, + Weather Report Sunny and cold. Cloudy periods;Sameover =. weekend. Low tonight, 22, High Satur- - day, 35. ' Authorized as Second Class Mall Pent. Office Deportment Ottewa ond for payment of Postage in Cash. Viet 'Turn For Better' Seen From LBJ Talks Four Americans Killed, {PSEUDO STAB, BOGUS BLOOD| Mountain Of Molehill | Six Wounded In Battle / FEATURE APRIL FOOL SNAFU) Taylor Calls Gas-Case. éhake tere, (CP) -- I ee pow Py Ente gS pred 2,000 government troops, but a| Citizens here called it the on him," said Sinclair. "I so j U.S. military spokesman said Concerning any. Communist willingness to talk peace, " The Hometown Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering and neighboring centres, VOL. 94--No. 78 $e Per Weak Home Delivered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1965 TWENTY-TWO PAGES scanners ia SO Ae ee From AP-Reuters SAIGON (CP) -- Four U.S. WASHINGTON (AP) -- John- most bizarre April Fool of wondered if it was real, ayer rode son administration strategists ill ix|fighting was still going on! in Peterborough's history. .. » But when you get a cill nee A oN ll ng Bo Thursday night, | Hotel. desk clerk Murray like that, you don't fool jneared the end of their current|said: ir fighting 20 miles west of Saigon, The spokesman said U.S. Air} gg ge = rend erg en Viet Nam review today amid)' "I have no indication and no a S i kes re-|Force F-100 Super Sabre jets} ooking ou ursday nig AL oF ' Sr a 'als Wf be Gar er oe fee. air samt missions or when he saw one man drag- In hospital, the man with some cautious optimism thatevidence that they are ready ported today. Two U.S. Army helicopters were shot down, Thirty - three U.S. jet fight- ers and bombers made strikes the situation is taking a-turn for the better. Ambassador Maxwell D. Tay- lor was due to brief congres- and willing to negotiate under conditions that would be produc- rs the knife apparently in his | tive and I know of no informa- li | 4 chest sat up on the operating table and said: "It's all an April Fool joke." ging another along the side- walk outside. Mertin Van Tol, the one be- ing dragged, had his shirt the area Thursday. In another part of South Viet Nam, a battalion of govern- tion we have received 'that & 7 sites . {against suspected Viet Cong/ment rangers and regular. in- ' : ; : sional committees bef : sntnatarith Giants Haat ey morons force's two f'vtr reg. lememiratons witht, Southam, accompanied by Amor a, "aket TAD Ne vara al Seas nae ing mh ihe national ecuey| oud inal ay. cote : E ) ' hi ; isers e Se eyes ' . » - : 4 ' ae { hard hat, talks to Negro court house, The marchers istration. joe ang Phas lg (A ioe ite fabs 'Giar wen mouth hanging open and a_ bent outwards, giving the im- |council and President Johnson.|at this time would be produe- hy destroyed a scaler of struc-lout of dense jungle in Kontum| /arge dagger jutting from his pression it had been stuck into | This will about wind up Tay-|tive or would hold out hopes of i tures . oe : province, 290 miles northeast of| Chest. his chest. One hospital spokes- |lor's one-week round of consul-jachieving what we all desire so il bed te RM Saigon a! "I went out... I told the man said the red liquid was |tations here. He is scheduled to|much--peace in the world,' q etermine LY OF 25s ES Rie seme rng ete tA aT Me eo | I; : baeres | hare id ' "Tat Ci . but he just went on, . . olice escorte: Johnson held a press confer- | jince, were fragmentary. Early|battalion blasted the Viet Cong) ,, ° he his brother Walter out of the : Behind this on - the «. record with artillefy from several hun-| Called an ambulance and the fis brother ence Thursday just before &lstatement was a feeling in some reports said five South Vietna- killed and 20 dred yards away, dropping the cops,"' said Hallihan. hospital. session with Taylor and the ad- administration quarters that the meee 't00ne, were Sin- One doctor said he went , wounded. during the first phase|shells on Viet Cong only a few a ree th Lipa gh three red traffic fee dnd Udine alae Communists. may be badkl 8 of the battle Thursday. fet away from government! athered. lights to treat the '"emer- The Sdesk an ik talks off their previous tough de- Helicopters in Saigon were|troops pinned down by mortar) "phe other guy, his brother gency." Ho Bb _ Set ie oe mands for U.S. withdrawalsfrom ready to fly more troops into fire. : : eo - ae -- aie South Viet Nam as a price for a $5,000 reward for the crim-jthem school children--that they|the area. The fighting was on| Thirty Viet Cong were re- pr ag Sg te Fn a vk peac S, CAMDEN, Ala. (AP) -- Civil responsible|were jeopardizing a $65,000,000 the western side of the Vaicojported killed when two Viet 'Defences Line Scrapped ; lose any military plans. 'I Washington. has kept the door rights demonstrators were de-jinal or criminals Orisstal River tn Viet Conel ; » ss di Fi > y giCong companies jumped aj r open for possible negotiations-- termined today to attempt an-|for a dynamite bemb which ex- industry i pe Lg Pty ed territory. smaller gdyernment force in know of no far-reaching stra- provided the Commnimistsighow other march on the courthouse|ploded in a Negro neighbor-jin Camden. He sai e con- Thua Thien province, 12 miles| tegy that is being suggested or intent to.end the: assault on the of this small southwest Alabama|hood, sd to, Wl to a eid fund a, which was nt aor at FIRE ON RANGERS vest of the old imperial capl- i ion os promulgated," he added, south, town and the mayor was equally|soared to $50,000 within hours/would employ 1,323 persons-- Fighting broke out 'Thursday| tal of Hue and 400 miles north) t t i . determined io povent fle the incident erento them Neon, when helcopters coming dow! Sago er AL 2 OAS us ola tt eae ea dis "Ueieta taies OF Me tone Saar i Py gavar leat, told, the tel the frst ai riiehane cal At least seven seseicaailias| OTTAWA (CP) -- Defence soe nage im te oo non-lethal gas against Viet Cong|on North Viet Nam, was be- o " 7 jsoldiers were killed and 19\qyjnj j .jextremity 0 e Mid-Canada guerrillas, Johnson said "some-|lieved to be ma SE ne nO EID eee ee eee een ee eee ew dne automatic weapons. | wounded celoie conta. waster, tre t eee as at Hopedale, Labrador, had body made a Shonatnin ds a a|Hanoj » reper ie nee. once with smoke bombs. There were no injuries. jner was killed and four other} \718,302 Mid - Canada Warning : The mayor said Thursday he}13-year-old son, Weymouth, suf-| vote.' c "hs ' dling ' "|AFTER EXAMINING that the U.S. was engaging injor Russia if it became too | was responsible for the secur-|fered a cut hand in the blast. | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., |Americans were wounded. One Line after 10 years. of opera Closing down of the entire|Poison-gas warfare, deeply dependent on aid from | ity and general welfare of the j visit to the home of T. L, |well, a Negro accountant whose} gro has the right to register to} Soon aft er the dynamite Cro-| going to come here until the Ne- ipresident of SCLC, zation spearheading the Negro the organl!- helicopter was A U.S. Army helicopter knocked down and apparently destroyed. £UN-\broken off at. dark. U.K. Stand nounced scrapping of the §$227,- tion. The late Group Capt. Charles been shut down, line is in keeping with a recent close examination by the Cana- molehill" with the allegations mander - in - chief of the U.S. He said the president, as com- ful of encroachment by' China them. State Secretary Dean Rusk town of 2,500--which has only} wrecked a garage behind Cro- e ; The: mortar fire lifted ax the ; three full-time policemen--andjwell's house, time bombs were/| voter registration drive in Ala- helivopter phase of the ponttbie'y Limbrick, former RCAF radar|dian and U.S. defence depart-|@ rmed forces would "of|received an appeal from 17 news i did not want to use force. }found and disarmed at thejbama, indicated the group. coupieted, blti-tesvy fight: 2 chief, a few years ago de-|ments of resources committed|¢ourse". know in advance anditral as get for. n ihe The 42-year-old mayor said hejhomes of Mayor Albert Bout-|might carry its non-violent pro- ing cadtinued: on: ihe "ground n er lre scribed the line as an gg to anti-bomber defénces, Mr. be ge cpt jade a use| cc dit - \ was willing to meet with any of|well and Miss Nina Miglionico,|test all over the United States. the Negroes to discuss their|a member of the city. "You can expect us in Balti- through the night. tion,' "colossal blunder" "shameful waste of money." Hellyer said, : The Mid-Canada line, opened Another major battle 35 miles;) LONDON (CP) -- A. young > we Pit Be a1, "they shuld' math Sing the day tnd oth Ea 'angsies-and'Ccego ne sth ofthe key US air bate alarmonstentor e164 prota Hon. Gorges, Pearen, hen in is, ran along th ah omm®. "TA Mang iv come down here Jor the hell ver: turned ir the mayor. |told.a fund: raising rally. in Lae ae red. iis eat pe estan igh a 2 2 Gee hate es Whe ma oF uct ec oe "put there is no reason|come to Southeas aU 'apegoverament fortes, ec gallery' as Prime Minis)|time e -|Creek, B.C, . ued H WARNS: Uinore- where Mie Gxncunvel iT ea away at Comenunistiter Wilson reiterated biy Labor|sential element in & North Gis: 01 toa ¢ aad endian why they should," he said, Thelif they abandon 'nerasion " Birmingham, Gov- The first time Albritton told|committee of the conference is In Thursday's ernor George C. Wallace posted|about 100. marchers--many of|holdings its annual meeting. House, Senate Drive backed by 50 guerrillas, eae Viet Cong guerrillas. South Vietnamese troops, American advisers and U.S. Air Force jets, The government were nine dead, fighting the night, killed) |Tories," the man 64 government's support of Amer- ica's Viet Nam policies in the House of Commons Thursday "You are as bad as the lousy shouted. as |Wilson closed a one-day debate American warning system. Decision to build the line was taken in 1954 and the network went into operation in late 1957. The western half of the line was shut down in January, 1964. The eastern half from Hudson ments in the Pinetree radar sys- tem to the south have made the additional coverage provided by the mid-Canada line no longer necessary. The Mid-Canada line was not radar but an electronic device Waites bs supplied the gas.'there ded and 20 s "Three Selioopter pilots were| killed and 17 other Americans were wounded when the opera- To Finish Off Season hci ile square area between --The opting-out bill, clearingjat 3 p.m. today to study the|Six-mi removed by House stewards, the way for Quebec to with-|interim supply bill and the sup-|!@™ Ky and Que Son, south One or two blows were ex- t Ds jof Da Nang. The Viet Cong oo 'neha Ton se se span a P ga agate OP four U.S. helicopfers|changed between two other grams and carry them on proval. during the fighting. men, one of whom apparently ' got over-excited in attempting to alone with new tax or cash WILL GIVE BREAK OFF CONTACT assist the stewards, while acornggee aig taser i dine The Communists broke off}members of Parliament stared n so q y Bay to Labrador ceased opera- jon foreign affairs. tions March 31, Mr. Hellyer The man furiously scattered) "101 papers over the gallery railing) said in a statement. jinto the well of the Commons| A map of the air defence sys- {tem published March 5 by North American Air Defence Com- Mailers Ready To Return President Tells 3 Papers which sent a beam straight up to detect any aircraft flying|¢ through the electronic "fence." Mr. Hellyer said annual sav- ings from shutdown of the en- tire line willbe $13,000,000. chamber before being forcibly By RONALD LEBEL OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com- mons and Senate moved) quickly Thursday in a drive to} prorogue today the longest ses-! sion in the history of the Cana- dian Parliament. A new. session ASSENT go according { a justice of the gu_|contact Thursday morning after|upward in amazement at the! is expected to be opened Monday by Gov-| bill but have no immediate|Schedule, ernor eneral Venlo. The pg Fa tie w Quebec's|Preme Court of Canada, acting bloody, all-night fighting withlrare scene. Throne Speech is reported to) example. as deputy to the governor- outline a long list of govern-| The Upper Chamber meets) 8eneral, will go to the Senate TORONTO (CP) -- Robert/proposal, but that most of the -- er prnpenis, : me aay 30 Rive. Royal |Earles, president of the Toronto|men--whose walkout was an in- dividual discretion--had asked|-- him to take it up with manage- ment, He said it was discussed at a mailers' executive meeting Thursday attended by President Robert McCormack of striking printers' ITU Local 91 and On- tario international representa- _|tives of the union, whose head office is in Colorado Springs, assent to the pension plan, the opting - out legislation and the money bills He will then read a' speech} from the throne summarfizing| the accomplishments of the long session, which was domin-| ated by the bitter 33-day flag} battle and 26 days of debate on} the pension plan in the Com-| mailers' local of the Interna- tional Typographical Union (CLC), said today he has no- tified the publishers of the three Toronto daily newspapers that the '"'vast majority' of mailers who quit work when ITU print- ers went on strike last July 9 want to go back to work. The 220 employees of the pa some new and some left-overs from the current session. The ensuing eight-day Throne Speech debate will give oppo- sition parties their first open- ings to introduce motions of non-confidence in the govern- ment since a series of scandal charges erupted last winter. The Commons meets at 11 NEWS HIGHLIGHTS World's Fair Seizes Indonesian Pavilion NEW YORK (AP) -- The World's Fair Corporation has seized the $3,000,000 Indonesian pavilion and posted police around the building. The fair management said Wednesday the Indonesians had broken their contract by notifying the fair that they did not intend to participate in the exposi- tion's second season, which starts April 21, a.m. today for the 248th sitting mons. ' ni of the 1964-65 session with only The longest previous session pgp oe ee -- bd ve a scala ase i one item remaining -- extra lasted 174 days in 1960-61, when allowing th to do this when|'he international office had been i spending estimates of $245,581,- a protracted fight developed Canada Jets Get Nuclear Weapons Srlauane eae: The sicare have| advised. '4 000 for the fiscal year ended Wednesday. ment bill to fire James Coyne) Canada are being armed with nuclear weapons, Defence 1680 printers struck. the mailers and printers have PASS INTERIM SUPPLY as governor of the Bank of| Minister Hellyer told the Commons Thursday. He said in Spokesmen for the. two Tor-|Deen drawing $87.60 a week in About one-quarter of the esti Canada. A Senate committee| reply to a question by Gordon Churchill (PC--Winnipeg |onto afternoon papers -- The benefits from the ITU. The mates were approved Thursday) night after the house passed an} interim supply bill authorizing|-- the government to spend ve") 542,000 to meet ordinary ex- penses in April and May: The Senate gave third read-/ * ing Thursday to two of the most} killed the over a Conservative govern-| measure Coyne resigned immediately. A wide range of issues were debated briefly mons Thursday, Harold Winch, (NDP -- Van- couver East) called for a com- plete revision of the Immigra- and Mr.| in the Com- Britain Calls Viet Viewpoints LONDON (AP) -- The British government called today for the views of 11 governments on ways of ending the war OTTAWA (CP) -- Voodoo jet planes of the RCAF in South Centre). that he was not at liberty to say how close the program is to completion. The planes are to carry the U.S. Genie missile. r continued to publish since the Star and The Telegram--said today they are willing to dis- cuss the matter with the mail- ers, There was no immediate comment from the morning Globe and Mail. Since the mailers left work, their jobs have been taken over Since the start of the walkout, printers also have been draw- ing unemployment insurance since last fall, but the mailers do not qualify for this. Shulman important bills of the session: tion Act. Terry Nugent (PC --| ! z ; The contributory Canada CRERAR | DIES /Edmonton - Sicatheaeey criti- | in Viet Nam. Canada was one of the governments consult- ay SON Pee Pension Plan, which willl | Canada's wartime leader, |cized the Crown-owned North-| @4: The foreign office announced that Britain, as co-chairman |ask HIM TO TALK ames / cover about 92 per cent of] Gen. H. D. G. Crerar, died jern 'Transportation Company| © the 195% Indochinese peace conference, had addressed Mr. Earles said there was no | the labor force when it comes| _ into effect next Jan. 1. \ in Ottawa Thursday. He was 16. (See story, page M4.) |for driving its privately-owned | competitors out of business. messages to all countries involved in the future of Viet Nam. membership vote. among the mailers on the _ back-to-work 'NAZI LEADER, CHRIST PICTURES SIDE BY SIDE Brother Suspended For Revering Hitler Mr. Mathieu sald the brother MONTREAL (CP)--A Roman Catholic teaching brother who cipal of the order's east-end by side above the blackboard was used only in one Grade 7 was well - intentioned and "ap- Wishart said in interviews! i hung drawings of Christ and Montreal school, was dismissed of a Grade:7 classroom class. He said there was no in- parently knew nothing about Thursday a decision on whether/ 4 ' ; for not taking action when noti- : ; ¢ tention of instilling Nazi doc Naziism."" He was '"'naive and to fire Dr. Shulman would be Ai | Hitler side by side in his classé fied of Brother Lahaie's teach- He. compared the two as hav- trine either in the class in ques- certainly very imprudent." made after he has studied the THE TIMES toda room, has been suspended and ing methods ing similar great talents used tion or in any other commis- He said Brother Asselin, 39, coroner's annual report. Vy eee two of his superiors dismissed Brother Hector Asselin, prin- tures of -Christ and Hitler side badly by Hitler and to good said the "emulation" method sion school. who has been teaching for 20 Cotnam TORONTO (CP)--Dr, Morton Shulman, Metropolitan Toronto's chief coroner, Thursday night blamed the attorney-general's department and Ontario super- vising coroner Dr. H. B. Cotnam for current controversy sur- rounding Dr. Shulman, Attorney - General Arthur AA LONG WAY FROM HOME Four - year + old William Martinson, Jr., appears un- concerned as he sits in the Youth Service Centre in Seattle, after being found wandering in a department store. A note in his pocket indicated his mother was ill and would reclaim him later. Police said 's mother, Mrs. Carrie uct Boutilier, was located in San Diego after a customs offi- cer saw Billy's picture. in - the newspapers. Mrs, Bou- tilier's parents live in Mush- aboom, N.S. AP Wirephoto . The report, made public Wed- was / H " ' 8 s § id _~ from their positions. a it senor cng reine d, purpose by Christ. : : years, should have seen the nesday, ériticised the depart: mag agg en ba Okayed P.9 Mare Jarry, president of -the the district embracing: the He promoted pupils for good PUNISHMENT LIGHT dangers of Brother Lahie's ment and Dr, Cotnam on a num- on-Bar Recommended For Cay-Roofs -- P. § Montreal Roman Catholic school, who will take up other behavior by giving them ranks Jean - Marie Mathieu, direc- methods and halted them ber of issues, Wings, Habs Win Playoff Openers ~ P. 6 school commission, . announced dutier. used in Hitler's army and pro- tor of the commission's teach- Mr. Mathieu said Mr. Gir- Dr. Shulman expressed disa- Ann Landers -- 12 Obits -- 21 | the moves Thursday night. moting them to the status of ing service, later told reporters ard, 59, an employee of the ppointment at both Mr. Wishart City News -- 9 Sports Pe | Brother Rene Lahaie of the STUDIED REPORT SS--the Nazi elite corps desig- the punishment given Brother commission for 40 years and and Dr. Cotnam for not object- Classified --~ 18. 19, 20 Television id 15 j Christian Teaching Brothers The decision was made fol- nation--if they were at the top Lahaie was relatively light be- district director for 13 years, ing to his report prior to it be- Comics. 15 Theatre eae 4 ! was suspended for the rest of lowing a 75-minute. meeting at of the class. cause of his youth--22 years-- should not have allowed coming a public document since District Reports -- 17 Whitby News -- 5 {| the school year because of his which the commissioners stud- The slogan "Heil Christ" and his lack of experience Brother Lahaie to continue his it had been sent to the attorney- Editorial -- 4 Women's pay | it 12 "naive and certainly very im- jed a report made of the issue, often used in the class this was his first year of teach- methods after learning of general's department Feb, 10 for! Financial -- 21 Weather --2 ae prudent" teaching methods. Brother Lahaie placed pic- in his. statement, Mr. Jarry ing. them. study,