STOCK MARKET 1) am, STOCKS Toronto Stock 'E arch 19 Quotations in cents unless marked $. 1--Odd lot, xd---Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xW--x-warrants, Net change /s/ from previous board-lot closing sale. INDUSTRIALS 1 Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) Abitibi 139% 13 «(13 400-400 = 400 338% 38% 384 Stock Versatile Walk GW Webb Knp Well Fin te. ) oNet Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge $20 539% 2 % 6 6 | 325 «(325 325 +10 | $14% \4%-- 14% i Ww 100 $15% 15% 184+ Ve W Supplies Aloo $12 12 12 Weston A 275 $1914 194 19% Weston 8 253 $20% 20% 20% + Ve Wstn 4% pr 25 $99) 99 9 me $114 11% 11% West A wts 477 Woodwd A iad 2% B+ % 4 no 95 WS +5 440 1020 1000 275 20 20 + 2% 3% + Ve 2 2 Zenith Pearson Urged 'To Play It Cool OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min- ister Pearson is being urged to ride out the parliamentary storms for at leasi another 60 days and make no decision on calling a federal election until| third or fourth week of April 3.:AAjourn Parliament in the third week of June until the fall, when the govern- ment could call an election OBITUARY GUNNAR ARVID BECKMAN WHITBY -- The death occur- red at the Toronto General Hos- pital Mar. 18, following a brief sickness, of Gunnar Arvid Beckman, 402 Byron _ street south, Whitby. He was in his 63rd year. Born at Uppland, Sweden, the deceased was a son of the late Arvid and Anna Beckman. He was married in Montreal in 1934 and had lived in Whitby for 21 Autoworker Displacement Object Of Ottawa Inquiry OTTAWA (CP)--Labor Minis- ter MacEachen is Hoping to form a committee of govern- ment, labor and management representatives to look into the Job dislocations that may occur in the Canadian auto industry --Advance warning of any ma- jor changes in the industry that wouid affect employment. --Supplementary pensions for displaced workers who regard themselves as too old for re- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 19,1965 2] Rivard Still Stays Free MONTREAL (CP) -- Police have turned up "'nothing what- jsoever" in the 15-day-old man-|downtown Montreal as a pri- hunt for Lucien Rivard but Claude Wagner, Quebec attor- ney - general, has announced: steps will be taken to prevent similar escapes. 4 Mr. Wagner said Wednesday his department now is ing with the department of-na- tional defence for the right to use the Craig Street armory in son, training. Mr. MacEachen said he hopes|§ the three big auto firms will agree to establish labor-man- agement groups in their plants to investigate such problems. These groups could report their findings to the labor depart- ment's manpower consultative branch and obtain assistance there. With the labor minister at the meeting were Industry, Minister Drury and External Affairs Minister Martin. Motor City Car Club presents $12%2 124 124 $19% 19% 19% $9% We Ve Ve 500 $80 $20 650 $30% 30'2 30% $41% 41 44 -- Va $497% 497% 497% | $6¥a bY 6% $532 532 532 } $16% 165 16% + Ve 100 $53 52% 53 $24 2% 24 + % $27%4 274 27% | $68 68.4 6814 -- Va $8134 81% 8194 -- Ve} $632 63/2 634 $21% 214 21% the fall, informants say, | if neces,ary. Mr Pearson is reported to) A variation of this plan in- have advised colleagues at alyolves trying to get a new} strategy meeting last week thatlsession under way before he is thinking of calling an/Kaster -- Good Friday is April election soun, 116--but much depends on how) Informa ts say the primejmuch longer the Commons de-| minister hasn't reached a firm bates the Canada Pension Plan decision but is closer than hejand the leigth of debate on the} jhas been in two years in office!opting-out legislation, ito seeking a Commons major-! ity at the polls. However there is little en- thusiasm for the prospect of a summer e'ection among many} of his suyporters. Many exper-! ienced coleagues have been) urging him to think in terms of concluding the present. record- long session, starting a new one and adjourning it toward the end of June until late Sep- tember or October | - The kind of timetable some of} $3,,|these colleagues have in mind be: BA + goes this way: Atlas Ye ag 1. Complete work on the Banktleld Canada Pension Plan and toning" legislation to permit prov- Bibis inces to stay out of joint ser Bay federal - provincial pro- Bralorne 575 575 --5 | grams without financial ea hag a \"a--%) loss to the provinces. Camfio 365 2. Afler a short Easter break, open a new parlia- mentary session and have Finance Minister Gordon bring down a budget in the as a result of the new Canada- U.S. agreement on auto tariffs. He told a delegation from the United Auto Workers (CLC) Thursday that he intends to approach General Motors, Ford and Chrysler to take part in the study. The union group, headed by George Burt of Windsor, Cana- dian UAW director told the la- bor minister it is worried that some auto workers may be ad- versely affected by the free- years. A carpenter, -Mr, Beckman was an acherent of the Whitby Baptist Church and was a mem- ber of the United Brotherhood niers, . Beckman is survived by his wife, the former Rauha Roosten; a daughter, Mrs. T.| Clements (Barbara) and a son, SEE ADVANTAGES ee, OO Wining, Sise sae Tne election - later advocates|Viving are three grandchildren, see a number of advantages to|@%d_ several sisters and broth- their strategy. a proven | service will be hele ton heal dimage: ton ine|held at the W. C. 'Town Funerai|trade pact. Liberal image from the corrup- Chapel at 2 p.m. Mar. 22. Inter- Some tyves of jobs may dis- tion charges associated with|ment will be in Groveside Cem-|appear ana some workers might ithe Dorion judicial inquiry: letery. Rev J. McLeod, pastor|be forced to move to other cities Mr Pausson alto would "have|°f Whitby Baptist Church, will when Canadian auto plants ad-| lmore time to re-align his cab.| conduct the service, jjust to the new 'situation. As) The jlaternationally Famous linet, a task on which he is said| jprotection, the union asked for| Peg: gee ac anos to have had too little time to) Ips]s . jaction on six points: | JACK LONDON work because of the pressures| Bilingual Raise --Preferential hiring to ensure! and the of the session which opened a} that workers who lose their SPARROWS year ago jobs will be helped to remain DOORS | There are als o Siesta Sought At CBC | Sunday, March 21st OPEN BILTMORE & SUNDAY ll occupy} 6:30 P.M. in the industry. |meetings which wi y| --An earsings-related payment} 8-30 p.m, till 11.30 p.m. i 1:30 P.M. |Mr. Pearson's attention this M ON TREAL (CP)--Em-| to carry workers through] Admission 1.75 Oe ee '$ ag One is : agp a epee mir Pica a in| transfer ur retraining periods.| | AA on atind ate wea prime minister's confer- and Montreal have| _ 7 74 vg } ence June 16 and 17, Another is|asked the royal commission on) --/"!! Larabie a ee an inte national conference|bilingualism and biculturalism|--J0> Protection for older work- here in September of the Inter-|to recommend higher pay for| ©S Who may be displaced. | Parliamentary Union, one of|CBC news staff with knowledge - |the larges* international parlia-/or mastery of a second of Can- . jmentary associations to which |ada's two official languages. ALUMINUM AWNINGS PORCH ENCLOSURES STORM-SCREEN DOORS-WINDOWS Canada belongs. "It is an injustice, in our PRIME WINDOWS --|eyes, that certain employees of |the CBC are required to be bi- CMHC ACCEPTED FLEXALUM -» Pressure Put On Gordon _ itstaorssaze : To Ease Corporation Tax SIDING JALOUSIES @ GREAT FAMILY SHOW! Acme Gas Alminex Ang U Dev Asamera CS Pete C Delhi Cent Del Fargo Fr Pete pr Nat Pete NC Oils Permo Place 79% 80 HITS! bl, FANTASTIC! --BUT TRUE! ADVENTURES OF THE FIRST "OCEANAUTS'"" Jacques Yves Cousteau's "WORLD WITHOUT SUN" --_--in-- COLOR RAW, ROUGH and READY FOR ACTION "CAVALRY COMMAND" in COLOR with JOHN AGAR RICHARD ARLEN MYRON HEALY ALICIA VERGEL Provo Gas Ranger Scurry Rain Union Oil U Canso 900 Un Reef P 14300 Wspac 500 Wstates W Decaita Bath P pr Beayv Lum 710 $45 45 Bell Phone 102 $62% 62% 62% Bicks 1100 $11 n nN Bow-M pr 100 $51% 51% 51% + M% Brazil 232 «6 6 6 ---% BA Oil 708 $35 34% 35 BC Forest 75 $29% 29% 29% BC Pack A 250 $1734 1734 17% BC Sugar 25 $452 452 45a Brockville 700 $8 7% 8% +1, $21% 21% 21% 22 Burns Cabol 70 22 22 | 2525 $212 21 2la+ Ve 14 ' $28. 25 28 Ansil Cal Pow Can Bread 750 $14 «(14 z15 j 275 $50% 504 50% + Ye) Area z10 $85 85 8S Armore Rts $15% 15% 15% + Ye A. Arcadia $10 9% Ve-- Ve 300 Cc Brew 16098 $472 47\%4 47' + Ye 11% 1%e-- Vo 275 800 100 MINES Agnico 100 158 158 Am _ Larder 1000 1 7 A Am Moly 600 Ang Rovyn 1800 1200 CD Sug Cl Fndry 4300 C Pack A 5850 CAE SATURDAY > C Brew A pr 200 < Chem w 500 CGE 210 Cdn G inv 425 C Hydro 100 C imp BKC 25 C Ind Gas 420 C ind G Oli 200 CPR 1386 Cdn Pet 187 C Refract 725 Cc Tire A 25 30 $714 71% 71% + Ye $12% 12% 12% $12% 12% 12% $67% 67 67 $14% 14% 14% $17 $44 $87 $70 A ~--v ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING 360 360 Camp RL $212 21% 2+ C Tung W20=«110:«110:«-- 2 C Austral C Jamieson Cdn Keeley Candore Cassiar --6 Chemcell +4 Clairtone Col Cell 1:0. t. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS COURT MOTOR CITY NO. 1248 Saturday, March 20, 1965--8:00 P.M. OPEN DANCE to the Sound of Metro OPEN BAR REFRESHMENTS SERVED Admission: Members F R E E Friends $2.00 per couple. NOTE: the April meeting has been cancelled. D. KOENIGSBERGER, R.S. 728-0134 $10% 10% 10% -- Ve $44%4 44% 4444 -- Yo $442 4d 44% $13% 13% 13% $21.22) 55a 5" Se | 120 120 120 $13% 13%. 1312+ Ve ee BR oF 7 GENUINE Hoo. VENT Ve tilated Alumin AWNINGS LIFETIME Coronation Coron 2 w Cosmos Crestbrk Crush Int 1180 $162 16% 16%+ % Cygnus A 520 455 450 455 Cygnus B 500 $5% 54 Sis-- Ve DaleR Ap 120 $10 10 10 Delta Acc $27 27 27 Dist Seag $38% 38% 38% Dofasco Dom Glass Dom Stores Dom Tar Dover pr 100 Du Pont 595 Eddy Mich 50 300 $23 10 400 }more than one of Canada's offi- \cial languages," the employees ; said in a brief to the commis- sion. The brief, already submitted, was made public Thursday by | the employees, members of the | ;Canadian Wire Service Guild | (CLC), | perform the same type of work jand are not required to know +a -1 OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min-|anything else, his decision ister Gordon is believed to be|could have an important bear-} under increasing pressure toling on the future development! remove the burden of corpor-|of Churchill Falls -- previously| pom | 808 from eee cause Hamilton Falls--in Lab- owned power companies in his' rador. Eady Sr alent sii 13% 137% -- Ye forthcoming budget. Negotiations between the Brit-| The newsroom personnel also Exauite Aw $00 210 10 210, 20 Cusco sie Pi é* 82 How Mr. Gordon feels about/ish Newfoundland Corporation| asked that "the same principles | Fleet Mfg 500 75 75 Ford (US) 100 $58 75 D'Eldona 14 134 H sigh the question, nobody knows. But) and the Quebec government fell| be applied to those employees | as ae Delhi Pac 2 20 20 -- 2 sources say he has likely been| through last year over the pricelwho must, becausé of their | FPE-Pion A230 sitve tia itt) | Dome" is $40" gue wo ye Siving the matter weighty con-jof hydro power from the huge! work, know a foreign language | FPE-Pion pr 225 $57% 57% 573% buven 2 9% 9% 9%4--\4\Sideration since, apart from falls. thay than Canada's two ol GS Ya 12a 12) ast Su 3 590 +5 neocon spiced a j ages.' | Sooner TO see tee . ne F Mar 9s --5 Since then there have been) cial languages." | a7 TIES OT ART ay High Low a.m. Ch'ge' and Quebec may have further! TO NIGHT i 100 335 135 200 350 225 +% folelelelelelelalelaletal 32¥2 322 322+ Vs Cop Fields 133 133° «1330 +1 Cop-Man 2 120:«12 td Courvan 2 2 2 +1 Cowich 4 " " $10% 10% 10%+ 2 $54¥e 54%e 54Ve $422 42/2 422 REGLAZING AND RE-SCREENING ALUMINUM DOOR AND WINDOW INSERTS Colorful KoolVenes keep rooms up t0 20° cooler... prevent sun damage to furnishings... give your home new beauty sad alle 1 Goodyr bee a a On oawr vic 11 Net some indications that Brinco aper $23 23 Gr Weg G = 500 Greyhnd Guar Tr Hard Carp A Hawker-S Home A Home B Horne Pf HBC Sales 3100 2500 1500 53 52 53 $15%e 15% 15% Stock ee? pans C1 \ D | Tribag ie | Trin. Chib U Mining U Asbestos 160 Un Buffad 37300 UCL Mine 3000 Un Keno Un Fort Upp Can 168 Glacier Glenn Exp Granduc Gunnar Hastings 23 19% + 13% 319% 19% $13%@ 13% 340. 335 335 12% 12% 12%2--1 252 25 25 negotiations, The previous difficulties in- volved the price of power -- a price that could be shaved closer to Quebec's offer if Brinco did not have to pay 200 7 770 770 $25 525 525 365 365 365 Headway 1 18 Ty 18 Hollinger $31% 31% 31% $782 77% 77% 9 9 30«4112,--s«*722 $64%4 64% $31% 31% 3% $6%e 6% 64%4--"% $22 22 22 +% $23% 23% 23% 305 305. 305 $13% 13% 137 $18 17% 6444 -- Va ot The Undisputed First. Lady of Rythm & Blues Dianne Brooks - PLUS -- LITTLE JOANNE SEE THEM TODAY! Showroom & Factory THIS WEEK - AS USUAL 50c Members @ 75c¢ Non-Members Int Helium 68 + $13% 13% 13% -- 775 775 «(775 $57% 57% 57% $154 15% 15M $25 25 25 +% Iso 370 350 «355 Jonsmith 2" 28 2 Joutel 1 10 110 (110 K Desmond Kerr Add Kopan Lab Min 6363 880 880 13% 13% 134+ % $4012 40% 402 63 880 Wasmac 10 | 54 5% 5% 510 510 510 1585 155 155 ™" 1% % Be WB 334.32 32a +1 corporation tax on its earnings. reed |SAYS COMPETITION UNFAIR | Elimination of the tax would satisfy the pleas of Canada's 30- Yukeno Zenmac Zulapa LUS -- JACK HARDEN + THE SENSATIONAL PLUS . . SILOUETTES Dancing 9 p.m. till 1 DRESS:--Shirt and Tie Same Place . . . Same Time 95 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 $98' 98% 98'4--- % 205° 205 $20 20 160 160 $13 13% $58% 58% 58% $922 92% $322 32% L Dufauit Lorado Louvict Macassa $15% 15¥2 15% 154 154154 9% 9% W%4+ 280 280 «280 «+4 Madsen 218 218 218 +1 Magnet 7 62 b64--" Marchant 192: 191 191 --@ Marcon 10 610. 10 Martin 80 80 80 +1 Matach 5 15 15 awh Mattgmi $20% 20% 20% Maybrun 14% 14a 14a McKen 10%2 10% 10% | Midrim 0 67 66 67 +2 Moneta 900 82 82 82 Mt Wright 60 6 Muiti-M 7 v7 7 New Cal 9 % %6 N Goldvue 84 8 N Harri uO N Hosco New Jason Nick Rim Norbeau 222 «(221 += 221 40% + Norpax 4 4° 4 13¥%e + ve North Exp 267 265 267 275 Northcai 110 110 «+110 Me 9% Northgte 845. 840 840 % 9% + Norvalie 10% W% 10% 13% 13% + O'Brien ? rile | ae 7 2 oa + O'Leary 12% 12 12%4 36% 37% + Opemiska 905 16% 17 + Orchan Osisko rd aN Paramaq Patino Paxint ADMISSION 2.00 Sais te at ee Bie private power companies, who claim that they are up against unfair competition in tax - exempt government- owned power corporations. ne The royal commission on tax- --20 ation heard many of these com- petal 35 +5 | plaints at hearings across Can- Un Keno 20 980 980 --2 'ada in 1963. Inland C pr 1034 Inland G w 400 Int-Clty Gas 100 ac 5 z Int Nickel 870 int Uti 220 inter PL 187 $922 922 922 int Stl P 3505 380 375 380 100 $13 13 13 $12% 12% 12% $10 10 10 $14' 14% 14 705 700 700 --5 6 6% 6e+ nS 10 110 $16 16 16 $20% 20% 20% -- Ve Se Se Se $84 8% 8% 500 500 500 $24.2 24a 242 -- ¥ $172 17% 172 % Agnico Dickinson 1000 Gridoil 500 Jowsey 500 55 Kerr Add 885 Macassa 280 FOREIGN TRADING $00 175 175 1 --15 ~8 ROLAND'S STEAK HOUSE 1626 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 725-9111 Specializing in... Steaks - Chicken - Spareribs - Sea Food etc. 5 555 90 ENTERTAINMENT macs) , MONTE 9-18 ST. PATRICK'S DAY In The Beautiful ? D ANCE MELODY : ROOM 4 e (Whitby Hotel) Royal Canadian Legion Hall 90 Centre St., Oshawa Orchestra -- 'Dodsworth Stardusters" SATURDAY, MAR. 20th - 9 to 12 $2.00 PER COUPLE +% ~3 | +1 84+ ) >@COCCCOSEOC Se wy. Block East of Liverpool Road Ph. 668-2692 TWO NEW HITS David Niven and Ben Gazarra "CONQUERED CITY" JAYNE MANSFIELD "PANIC BUTTON" YYVIVITI rr Lakeland w 200 Laura Sec 105 Lau Fin 255 $40% 40% $13% 13 +2 275 275 9% 9 125 +1 BANQUET ROOMS -- Plan now for your Bowling Banquets. For further information on more details please give us a call. Va $95 $13% 200 250 250 Featuring... JOHNNIE McMANN on the MacLean H MB PR 7: M Leaf Mill 3571 Mass-F 3200 ed Stores p 100 OPEN DAILY 11:30 A.M. -- 10:00 P.M. 6 930 +10 34 + a 24 930 930 33% 33% Pce Expl 24 24 Peerless 152 15a 1S¥a+ Va Purdex 1 18 «1B a Que Chib 1' 18 18 +1% Qunston 5 15 + 2 Quemont $10% 10% 10% -- Radiore go 4 4 +1 Raglan 155 185 aS Rayrock 104 100-104 +9 Realm WW nN nN o+1 Rio Algom $13% 13% 13% Roman +15 Salem =~ San Ant = | Sheep Cr | Sherritt Silvmaq Sil Miller Siscoe Starratt Steep R Sullivan Teck Corp Texmont T jont $ 7™% 7% Milt Brick 300 355 355 Molson A 25 $43 "3 Mon Foods. 7225 Montex w 300 Mont Loco 200 Mont Trst 25 Moore 130 Morse A 300 Morse B Ws Nat Contain 25 a Drug 275 leon Nia $ Stl NOMINATED FOR 7 ACADEMY AWARDS! BeTTe DAVIS /OLIWIade HAVILLAND JOSEPH COTTCN SATURDAY NIGHT | DANCE | 8:00 to. 12:00 Midnight Music by THE CONDORS oe at the North Oshawa Ciubhouse Sponsored by the TORQUAYS CAR CLUB DRESS--SHIRT & TIE $14 $15% $25 $66%% $16% $15 $7 $12% 100 $10% 210 $23 $57% AAA Ad ddd $12 YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS Price Bros QN Gas QN Gas pr Reichhoid Rockowr pr Rockwell Ronald F Rothman Royal Bank Royalite pr 150 telephone 728-0192 EPI'S FEATURE Shel! Can 634 ~ Shett | pr 50 Shop Save 100 500 165 Slater Steel 29 Slater A w 250 Slat B 5% 100 Steel Can $134 Steinbg A 26 Texaco 75 Thd CG inp 50 Tor-Dem Bk 35 Tor tron A 100 Tr Can PL 72100 Trans-Mt 366 Trans PPL 150 $10% 10% | Un Ace 2 pr 225 $10 10 Un Acc Rts 180 52. 52 Un Carbide 205 $274 27 29 Un Gas 450 $27% 2712 27;,-- U Gas B pr 25 356 56 56 Versatood 100 280 280 280 +5 $17% $26.4 $182 400 $28'4 $13% 275 $20% $302 3 346% $54% $50 $684 $154 $37'2 $20% 20% 1:30 3:25 5:25 7:20 9:25 LAST }COMPLETE sHOW 9:15 SAT it begins with the most Shocking scene * of all time... and that's only the beginning! SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE To Toronto's * ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Carl Murphy | Dietty bin ; a eid kis A new thrill: @ from the makers of Baby Jane' "SABRES" 'HUSH...HUSH, (j SWeeT CHARLOTTE' 22. featuring pereve rn tome rey my 0 Stamm, Bd Guest stam M50 STARRINS AGNES MOOREHEAD! CECI. KELLAWAYI WILLIAM CAMPBELL| VICTOR BUONO MARY ASTOR ROBERT ALDRICH LARRY THOMPSON : from Black's Harbor, Siwds Tovsy/ New Brunswick Continuous from 2 p.m, RED BARN FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT: 2:10---4:30--6:50--9:15 = CROFT: FINCH Mason CEDRRC HAROWIOKE/ontuete2-me saree JIM DAVIS/DONALD BARRY/MARGO WOODE A KEN KENNEDY PRODUCTION eZ. eo A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE