10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 19, 1965 By HAL BOUK Associated Press Sports Writer Dr. Strangeglove expoded a couple of baseball bombs and the' fallout reached all the way from: Flerida where Philadel- phia' Phillies are training to Arizona where Boston Red Sox are working out. Dick Stuart, whose fielding feats have earned him a variety of nicknames in previous stops at Pittsburgh and Boston, is a welcome addition to Philadel- phia's cast this season, strange glove and all. Stuart earns his living by hit- ting, not fielding, and the out- spoken first baseman demon- strated his specialty Thursday by helping the Phillies edge De- troit Tigers 6-5 in a 12-inning exhibition game. Boston Red Sox sent Stuart to Philadelphia in. exchange for Dennis Bennett, who had only a 12-14 record last year. The southpaw allowed two runs and four hits in three innings in his first test this spring as Boston lost to Cleveland Indians 7-3. Other first line pitchers were First Line Pitchers Have Their Troubles St. Louis Cincinnati 3 ee man hit a three-run homer as} yee Cincinnati went on to a 4-1 vic-) tory. Sandy Koufax, Los Angeles but then was tagged for home in his final frame, The Dodgers parlayed a 20-hit attack into a 13-5 victory. Moose Skowron's ninth inning homer turned out to be the win- ning run as Chicago White Sox held off a ninth inning New York rally and nipped the Yan- kees 6-5. Bob Veale fired four more shutout innings running his) spring string to seven as Pitts- burgh Pirates downed Kansas) City Athletics 7-1, Bob Turley,| attempting a comeback at 34, was the winning pitcher as) 'Houston Astros came up with lalso being treated unkindly| four runs in the ninth inning and) | Thursday. beat New York Mets 7-4. St. Louis' World Series hero, Jose. Cardenal, traded to the Bob Gibson hurled three hitless| Angels by San Francisco Giants| innings against Cincinnati Reds,|during the winter, tripled in the |but in the fourth the Reds got/10th inning to drive in the win- ltwo men on and Gordie Cole-ning run against his former esa * jmates as Los Angeles won 8-7, ee ders won the last two tour- naments, but was several strokes behind in the first round, issi ONDON after missing a putt on the | NDO ter' 16th green at the Jackson- biggest spending spree ville Open yesterday. San- MISSES PUTT! Doug Sanders, top money winner this year, kicks his foot out OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS | RAINBOW LEAGUE ,Eric Gardner 214, Fern Buechler 212, Team Standing -- Orange 9 Purple 8,| Miro Benak 210, Don Patterson 207, Ev Silver 8 Green 7, Gold 7, Coral 7,| Cleveland 207, Sheila Patterson 205, Don Grey 5, Mauve 5, Beige 5, Rose 5, White | Hottot 205, Tom Hobbs 204, Bob Ash- 4, Red 4, Maroon 4, Brown 4, Black 3,|more 203, Wilf Guindon 201 and Reg! i , Orange 2, Lime 2, Blue 1 and Cooksey 201. ven in nee : There were several lemons this week High Double -- M. Cockerton 555 (285,| but the one most worthy of notice is our 270); H. Gray 484 (257, 227); V. Kennedy |standby, Nancy Robison of Radio. Also 451 (251, 200) and A. Coates 417 (229).|the winner of the Special Draw was ; High Single -- O. Shortt 241, J. Huston | Vern Claus, of 210 Cadillac avenue'man and an American came 219, M. Luke 219, R. Welsh ah Teen south, son 215, N. Burnett 210, D. 'olson | 210, air Mintel 206, fF. Russell 204 LADIES MAJOR "B" LEAGUE (Thursday and led and M. Funk 200. | High Triples -- Pam Knight 733 (282, round of the $57,500 240), Eileen Anderson 708 (299, 244), Mil- # a = NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS LEAGUE Gred Wittrick. 689. (303, 201), Mildrea|Jacksonville . Open golf tourna-| james. Standings -- Group One: Valleyview 15, Unt) Hong Biot: bold bah aa MA abe ment. Fernhill 12, Rundie No. 1, 11, Sunnyside | 210), ive Anderson ¥ , Pear itis yder serio' @ and. Kingside, No. 2, 6.| Peacock 652 (238, 233), Dot McLelian 645| Bernard Hunt, British ade £1.495,000, Group Two -- Kingside No. 1 17, King- eM ma fou pio, 60 ie 213),)Cup golfer, and Garner La in- ide No, 3 12, Eastview 12, Gien Stewart Nancy Brisebois , , Jean} 3-nound veteran play- pire eo tons'7 and. Rundle No. 2, 4 |Brown 620 (273, 180), Phoebe Mullen, 615) 500 Jr., 13 - a eae Village ae i " (218, 211), Ella Long 611 (214, 199), Lois ing out of Valleyview extended their lead with @ 2) 40, 419 (298, 204), Mary Frobel 603 Fla., both put together 34-34 --the £116,000 2-1 win over Rundle No. 1. Fernhill moved \ x Up also with a 3-1 win, the victims being (27, Sivsray Goo (2u7 182). rounds over the 6,906-yard pat- by Roose ie. 2 wile unnysittne tune of , TOP Ten -- Norma Scott 263, Beth/72 before it rained. Denis Law in tng Ve ane " Mines' "No 1 stayed Lymburner 248, Helen Gourlie 244, Hazel Hunt, a late starter had to broken. hy Stone with & 40 shutout over|Weddup 240, Violet Waskin 240, Nelda Unt. mae ' veentans while Eastview and Kingside| Thompson 224, Olga MacDermaid 220, struggle through three fierce; Other Mors In contention, Eastview winning|Doreen Goch 217, Mary McKnight 217\painstorms, one of which|Glazier from Rundie No. 2 40 and Kingside No. 3/290 Betty Campbell <216. | baa as bile ey e / F Lemon League -- Norma Scott 85 and/stopped play temporarily. the | nd of a 31 score, with San sisal. Mach Cay I. wae: & molor| Dicminson and Hunt finished went from Crystal Palace - " r ' ns K agi aig tag ~ wes. han. Yone City 0; Burn's 3, Hormes Esso 17 White's (the first round one stroke aheadicoventry City, for £35,00 w a a 1 follow 3, Mitchell's 1; Nesbitt's 3, Bint's 1; Hen- i Marion Dingman 735 (298, 222, 215), Orve|derson's and Olsen's 2 each. of o Ferree of Sioonen a Bd FP NE op Rg tad RE standing -- Saywell's 22, white's) Ca . oN Z ; a . * | 19, Burn's 18, Henderson's, Nesbitt's and) churc! New ea'tand; 228), Dennis Hughes 679 (275, 203, 201 6, ' it ne Rhinos rg Hobbs 667 (265, 207), Pat Belmonte) 13 Ce names Ene '\Rhyan Jr.' of Columbus, Ohio; | Argyle 451 (250, 207), Leon Davey 620 (236, 231),| The executive for the 1965-66 seasonand Bruce Devlin, of Hilton Tip Buechler 603 (211, 202), Les Leighton |will be president: Isobel Hubbell; vice- Head Island, S.C $12 (254), Dorothy Davey 602 (250), Helen president, Beth Shortt; treasurer, Jean oy a aaigas ' Mink 601 (233), also Marg Lugtenburg|Brown; secretary, Mar| McNeil; press,, The Big Three were back in sivas ep , , the pack--Jack Nicklaus at 72,/GREAT OUTCRY 627 (264, 232). Olive Anderson, Arnold Paimer at 74 and Gary 115 minutes before midnight 1 }Tuesday inon, the Everton and Wales) --(AP Wirephoto) Rough Weathe Mars Tourney JACKSONVILLE, | Fla. \ In wind and rain, an English-|ent season. ,City. the 1962--was topple: the records became 1) ital paid the highest Swansea's Barry Jones. Good singles were Bert Alexander 299, Rus Sargant 250, 207, Isabelle Tilling 249, POST OFFICE LEAGUE pe ned £1 Team standings -- Strikers 19, Hot Player at 75. ferrec rom ad Bf 245, 205, Eag Schaefer 243, 'ox h nice Yuilll 242, Jay Shewring 226, Tim) Shots 17, Spoilers 13, Untouchables 11, / Middlesbroug Gvait 219, Nancy Monash 217, 2a\iiar iDecente & end wissiere 4 Al Balding of Toronto shot a Inter-City Wins Berth In Finals | s J ae Industrial Hockey League) is week a ; High Doubles -- Joey Braiden 455 (230, » at Bowmanville,|..s)?tien Burrus at (235, 218) and Li Hugh's Kings evened up the'Brauna 40 ed i i > series by defeating Gus Brows High' Sinalec Vi Collidge 234, Annitell says he is going to demand) Points: Mikita, Chicago, 84. Motors 6-4. Guilliams ou Rose Ellis 223 and Ethel today tha' the World Boxing| Goals: B. The other game saw Keith rads Association force Floyd Patter-| ais. Mikita, 56. Pomme Take Ltr ig to meet him soon in a} | imi oints Taken -- Stars 3, Try Hards 0;|SON : _ Peters Realtors eliminated by) misfits 3, Beatles 0; June Bugs 2, Gutter heavyweight title match Shutouts: the speedy Inter-City sq uad.'Snipes 1; Hawkeyes 2, Go-Getters 1 Winey , he This also puts Inter-City in the . 7¢#™, Standings -- Stars 29, . Gutter The gangly Terrell won the Penalties: finals Snipes 24, June Bugs 22, Try Hards 2,/WBA championship version by,165 minutes. : : Hawkeyes 19, Go-Getters 16, Beatles 12 def i Edd Mach n al-------- The spotlight was on '"Rob- and 'Misfits 12. : siete Pn ie gre af ie" -round decision March 9. ae te ee Pcie FRIDAY WIGHT INDUSTRIAL His demand to meet Patter- , 4 » fe * ji . y pny, dy | Three shutouts were posted this week, son is to be made at a special majorit vote from the with the following teams getting th: * os . fre ies other points -- Quality Fuels, Sanoues and meeting of the Illinois State - a WBA Motor City. In the other match, Dairy! Athletic. Commission ALL EVEN > cof. execulive Queens defeated Harrisons 2-to-1. canny Chatterton rolled a new. high member. ' rs s ;.| Single, with handicap, by bowling 393. id _ Hugh s Kings made the SCMI1-|" High scores this week vee W. Hel The WBA kine rrell final series even, by defeating mecke 821 (311, 283, 227); D. Moss 775 mittee has approved a Terrell- Bhe shorthanded Gus Brown| (Zs 21,,c,stierore ot Gm Ms [Patterson match and gave Pat se < Boer eer pers Wotton, 710 (227,291): B. Gallant ee a unaal es ; " etermine hd O- wi eciaa a ag a 0, 218); M.|period ,enae a J play in the finals, Dave Elliott) 665 (308, 217); &. 'Doyle 665 (234, 250); led the Kings with two goals|A. Vailencourt 638 (269, 231); J. Bell 640| Terrell nas posted a $5,000 and two assists while Bob Rog- q eichera aes onl ey, $9%,,(27% 211 bond as a guarantee for the ers, Joe Daniel, "Rust y"|borne 610 (226, 206)1" J. Heder 'ese' (ox, [proposed fight with Patterson, Craggs, and Don Arscott scored 71), "3am {26 (200 261); R. Poole|who is reported to be interested ry a ; . rr ; : : $. singles. : H. McArdle 602 (266) and F. iNlig doo) only in taking on the winner of For the losers, it was hard- '230 209). lthe May 25 Boston rematch be- ; i Two L ' | i working. Don Craggs, who got pionne bowled 97 and €, Vvistos bowieg tween Cassius Clay and Sonny Liston in on all four goals, scoring *- two and assisting in the other Sipmeumnnan two, that Dan Price scored. PETERS ELIMINATED "Robbie' Mason could have eliminated Keith Peters single- handed by scoring six goals and assisting on two, while Jim) Plews scored two and assisted on five. Ed Archye scored the) singles. For Keith Peters, who now hang the skates up for the year, it was Ed Babin, Bill Duffield, Bill Huard, and the league-scoring champion, "'Bud- dy" Yahn, all with singles. Sunderland for | Over 200 -- Frank Foley 237, 221, Joyce 74- |Ash 210, 210, Jotin Kirkbride 201, Dan Price 217, Lloyd Schram 290, Andy Czere- waty 203, Bill Newell 224, John Gibbs) 203, 276, Eric Pearce 202, Joan Whittaker | 221, Pat Kunkel 206, Dave Kyle 234 and |Don Mills 221, Lemon League -- Janet Kossatz 89, Donna Gibbs 77, R. Longtin 76, Nancy |Schram 99, Sherwood Kossatz 98, Gloria |Moldowan 99 and Kay Mackie 86. | High singles -- Lloyd Schram 290 and Joan Whittaker 221. | High: triples -- John Gibbs 638 and loyce Ash 598 |money ruining soccer. Emie Terrell 2°22 23. Will Demand | For Title Bout CHICAGO (AP)--Ernie Ter- NHL LEADERS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Standings: Detroit, lost 22, tied 6; points 80. Brewer, RECENT ENGINEERING GRADUATES interested in making a career as INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS We are prepared to place you under our Industrial Engineering Supervisor in a position where you will receive interesting and varied assignments. FIRE SEASON More than 1,500 fires need- lessly damage Ontario forests each year. most of them dur- ing the fire season, from April to October. We are a new Company going into massive iron ore mining and processing, and this is an opportunity for you to break new ground and build up industrial engineering experience at the same time, You would be located at our Main Office in Pointe Noire (near Sept Iles). However, some assignments would take you to our Wobush Loke Mine and Mill. Excellent benefits and a good starting salary. Forward resume of qualifications and experience to Employment Supervisor, WABUSH MINES, Pickands Mather & Co., Managing Agent, Box 878, SEPT ItLES, Quebee 723-5241 OSHAWA'S Newest Taxi Oftering Sofe, Courteous Service 46 King St. W. Oshawa Vernon's Transfer Ends Soccer Spending Spree _ (Reuters) -- The in. the In a night game, Minnesota Twins nipped Milwaukee Braves 9-8 on Jimmie Hall's in- field single in the 10th. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT 5 bey \By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The tag of England's highest-} Zanesville, Ohio--Doug Agin. priced player has been worn by 134, Zanesville, outpointed | | | Dodgers" ace, struck out five in|Chicago the first three innings he worked New York John, Bouldin (6) Jones (9), runs by Woodie Held and Brant|Johnston (9) and Heath; Shel. Short ye Baldschun Alyea of Washington Senators/don, Smith (5) Williams (7) : BASEBALL LINESCORES PRESS {Rassas City 000.001 000-- 1 53 Pittsburgh . 101 200 2ix-- 7100 By THE CANADIAN At Tampa, Fla. 010 000 000--- 1 52: Gibson, Briles (5) (7) and Uecker; (7) and Edwards. HR: Cin.-- Coleman. | At Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 000 120 021-- 6 12 2 and Howard, Madden (7). HRs: Chi--Ward, Skowron. At Pompano Beach, Fla. Wash. 000 401 000-- 5 72 Koufax, Reed (5) Tillotson (8) and Roseboro, Torborg (6) Valle (8); Stenhouse, Hannan (4) Craig (6) McCabe. HRs: L.A. -- Fairly; Wash.--Held, Alyea. At St. Petersburg, Fia. Houston New York 001 001 020-- 4 102 Nottebart, Coombs (4) Turley| wood (9) Wantz (10) and Roof; Hendley, Hands (5) Sanford (6) Sparks (10) and Bailey, Haller (6). ; (7). HRs:| At West Palm Beach, Fla. N.Y. -- Flodin.|/ming, 402 101 661 1 Mil. (7) and Bateman, Grote (7); Parsons, Richardson (4) Bethke (7) Sutherland (9) and Stephenson, Flodin Hou. -- White; At Fort Myers, Fla. 000 301 00x-- 4 61/and Bryan; Veale, Friend (5) Francis|Face (8) and Leppert, McFar- Snyder' (7); |!ane (5). HR: Pgh. -- McFar- O'Toole, Craig (5) Davidson !2"e. 'At Clearwater, Fla. | Detroit Phila. . 000 000 104-- 5 19 2|Witz (7) Navarro (8) Hamilton | (11) /Dalrymple, Triandos (6). HRs: "D jart 2. Los Angeles 013 226 02313 20 0,01, Scottsdale, Anu Boston .. ovan ma (6); Kline (8) and/Longbor (7) and Ryan, Nixon (7). At Phoenix, Ariz. L.A, .. .. 000120 0221-- 8 001 110 004-- 7152 San Fran. oh Pena, Dickson (4) Stock (7) 212 000 000 000--.5 12 1 000 004 100 001-- 6 153 Brubaker, Hobbie (4) Nisch- and Freehan; Bunning, (8) Roe- Jackson (12) and t. -- Demeter; Pha, -- Stu- «000 016 00x-- 7101 Kralick, F. Weaver (6) Don- (7) and Carreon, Sims Bennett Stephenson (4) 000 013 003 0-- 7 91 Newman, Lopez (6) Gate- 402 101 001 1-- 91 102 200 300 0-- 8 1 62| 52 | pistachios . | ward, and Dinner is served With cosmopolitan 'savoir faire' at the Canadiana, every guest is a V.I.P. You get preferred pampering from vichysoisse to connoisseur. Make a rendezvous where the . elite meet for a relaxed cocktail and gra- cious dining. Pick up your phone and re- serve your place in the charmed circle soon. Licensed Under the Liquor Licence Act .. @ach course a gourmet re- service that will delight the Grant, Dotter (4) Gregson (7) Klippstein (9) and Battey, Zimmerman (5) Retzer (9); Schneider, Osinski (1) Maxie (3) Umbach (6) Carroll (7) and Torre, Oliver (5). THE BEST JOBS ARE. 6% os Se TODAY AND GONE TOMORROW Check the Help Wanted Columns |history of English soccer ended |dozens of men. since Common's Rudy day and for some it has proved burgh, 8 night when Roy Ver-|a heavy burden. Their play has) Milan italySeivatore Bur- deteriorated and they have del uni 116 Ital inside-forward, signed for Stoke|parted prematurely from top-| Horny, 112%, Belgium, 5 class football. Richardson, 134, Pitts- In Today's... Now Official North Metro Airline Limousine Terminal : the Canddiana stopped Joseph Vernon's transfer, which just through with four-under-par 68s ally closed now because play- first'srs bought after Tuesday arejand Football Association Cup greater) not. permitted to play in vital] and the European Inter - Cities | -- Last season's total was ~ . The only surprise this season Quebec Whips that the individual record ($348,000) paid| Manchester United for not highest- priced goalkeeper when he; Corona, |Leicester's Frank McLintock Bob Charles of Christ-|cost Arsenal £80,000, a record Dickifor a wing-half, and Plymouth feela game of it for the first tw ever for a winger, £45,000 wed rye When Alf Common was trans- to assisted £1,000 injonly seven minutes old. The Reds got this one back on a_ pass 1905, there was a great outcry --__--_____---- |from many football fans about of £70,000 five won 37, Hull, Chicago, 38. Crozier, Detroit, 6 Toronto, r Not so Denis Law, the pres-|Brennan, Bahamas, beat the deadline, was the last ent wearer, He has proved con-|Karl Nikora, New Zealand, 15,| lof the deals which have cost/clusively since he joined Man-|middleweights. Brennan re- English clubs a record sum of! chester that he is one of the tained British Empire middle- well over £1,500,000 ($4,500,000)| createst inside-forwards in the|weight title § (AP)|since the beginning of the pres-/game, and he has played an in United's The transfer market is virtu-|present challenge for triple} |honors -- the English League important part Cup. Providence 7-2 QUEBEC (CP)--Quebec Aces d. Bill/broke loose for four unanswered |goals in the final period Thurs- day night to rout the last-place to Providence Reds 7-2 and streng- ,|then their first-place hold "te the lthe eastern division of American Hockey League. and trailed the Ace. 3-2 before the roof fell in. Quebec's Wayne goal with the gam from Jim Bartlett from Pierre Brillant less: tha minutes later. Don Blackburn and ond goal, bec as Leon Rochefort, Gray, Wayne Blackburn all division leaders. The 4,104 fans saw Daoust stop 33 shots for make 37 saves. The Reds managed to 'make 0 Limit Raleigh Ave. S Harmony Rd. S. Hicks opened the scoring with an un- However, | the Aces took advantage of a penalty to Bartlett at 15:54 as. Andre Boudrias combined with veteran Doug Harvey for Quebec's sec- The third period was all Que- Terry Hicks and Don counted for the Andr Pro- vidence wuile Ernie Wakely at the other end was called on to OSHAWA TIMES Auckland, N.Z. -- Gomeo outpointed| MOTOR HOTEL -- Right on Hwy 401 at Kennedy Rad., Interchange 59, Toronto, Ont. | a4 Tel. 291-1171, Area Code 416 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct asphalt pavement with con- crete curb and gutter, granular base and asphalt pavement with concrete curb and gutter, as a local improvement, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work: Owner's cvs Sn Nome of Street To Width Totel Share --Ftge. ASPHALT PAVEMENT ON EXISTING GRANULAR BASE WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER -33'.& 35' $50,752.00 $31,641.62 3.30 $0.45 15,835.00 12,621.13 3.30 17,725.00 11,183.80 3.30 Owner's Annuel Rate Per From Ft. Fege. Wilson Rd. N. 261.45' North of N. Limit Raleigh Ave. 10.08' North of N. Limit Lot 219, Plan 568 Oshawa Blvd. N. 225.5' South of S. Adelaide Ave. E. Farewell St. 46' 35' 0.45 Dean Ave. 179.30' South of 5S. Limit Lot 17, Plan M-51 Pork Rd. S Adelaide Ave. E. Harmony Rd. S. 3.30 3.30 3.30 35' 94,894.66 71,542.91 5'& 46' 54,836.00 47,660.41 33' 26,419.00 13,241.43 King St. E. Centre St. e John St. W. N. Limit Lot 1, Plan 804 Wilson Rd. N. GRANULAR BASE AND ASPHALT PAVEMENT WITH CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER MacDonald-Cartier Cloverleaf Leg ot Harmony Rd. S. 180.5' S. of South Limit Wentworth St. W. n| Harmony Rd. S. 0.90 0.90 3,352.00 2,635.90 6.60 69,403.00 53,635.60 6.60 35" 46' Dean Ave. 1014' South of §. Limit Park Rd. S. Wentworth St. W. . The estimated cost of the work is $333,216.66. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal annual instalments. . Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontario Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the work and and any owner may, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the work being undertaken. . The'said Board may approve of the work being undertaken, but before doing so, it may oppoint a time and ploce when any e objection to the work will be considered. DATED at Oshawa this 19th day of March, 1965. L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshawa. Enjoy yourself..."take five" for fifty ale! C. Winnavott/any word from Patterson. - he | j Make your next ale Canada's fastest growing ale--Labatt's 50 Ale--we think you'll like it! Bil ELS n ni ee Se ae ee eee ast" 6 Aa i AIOE SN NR BBE AANA O ty Nitssaghi