18--Mele Help Wanted 29---Real Estate for Sale 20--Reel Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Februcry 25,1965 17 ASSISTANT 18--Male Help Wanted YOUNG MAN - 20--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. DeWITH REQUIRED To The PURCHASING AGENT THE JOB--To assist in all phases of purchasing func- tion In a local manufacturing THE MAN = Ideally should have some experience in in- ventor, control. Age bracket 25-30. Grade 12 or 13, This Is. @ challenging position with ample room for the ex- ercise of initiative ond re- sourcefulness, SEND REPLIES TO BOX 826 Oshawa Times which will be held in strictest idenes. Cdifederation Life Offers an opportunity for the right man in the Oshawa area. Continued expansion requires that we add two men be- tween the ages of 25 to 40 to enter sales and service work in this area, Full train- ing programme provided plus management opportun- ity when qualified. CALL D.C. SUTTRELL, C.L.U. Toronto 293-2475 The General Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd. Requires an ACCOUNTANT CREDIT MANAGER For the retail branch in Osh- awa, The accountant must be able to complete a monthly financial statement and month end schedules. Salary from $4,800 to $5,500 de- pending on qualifications, 728-6221 OSHAWA TIMES REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted for Bowmanville- Blackstock area, prefer selling experience. Experi- enced help and every supp- ort. Progressive firm, Con- tact Lloyd G. Lee, Manager, H. Keith Ltd. Realtor, 181 Eglinton Avenue East, Tor- onto, Ontario, HU 7-3333. MAN To train as desk Clerk. Mist have @ood eppesrance and personality. Apply sal s perhievlere to Box 7 oth senvick STATION required. For Permanent Position Cost Accounting Dept. of Large Local Industry Good starting salary ond usu- o} benefits. Reply stating age marital status ond experience to Box 50, Oshawa Times REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wonted for Whitby and Brooklin area, prefer selling experience. Experienced help and every support. Progress- ive firm, Contact Lloyd G. Lee, Manager, H. Keith Limited Realtor, 181 Eglin- ton Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario. HU 7-3333. MAN WITH pl@sant sppearance and ' Frewtayg 4 fo a® as art In cocktall ly Genosha Hi Sareea ful or part Tima for vibe Job print shop. Excellent opportunity right man. For information call 728- a 19--Male or Female Help Wanted Sault Ste. Marie Separate School Board Invites Applications from Qualified Teachers for September, 1965 Category System in effect, 1964 - "65 Salary Schedule Minimum $3400 Maximum $7800 1965-66 Salary Schedule now being negotiated Sports Allowance; P.S.1.; Cumulative Sick Leave Plan. The Board operates 26 mod- ern schools with 16 play- rooms, Kindergarden in all schools, full time Principal Supply Teachers, Music Sup- ervisors, Art Supervisors, Aux- iliary Classes, Guidante Coun- cillor. Openings in all grades. Boarding ond Apartment facilities. Write or telephone, collect giving name and address of last Inspector to: Mr. R. Soltys, Business Administrator, 721 Wellington Street East (Rear) Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Telephone--Office 256-8459 Home 253-4935 Area Code--705 ANY restaurant -- Hotel workers Interes- te' in belonging to the Restaurant Work- ers Un'or are invited W telephone local agent at 728-3996. TELEPHONE canvasser, experienced, to make appoirtments from leeds. Salary and commission. Can work "from own home. Mr. Porter 723-5001. MEN AND WOMEN good opportunity fo make money selling large line dally necessities. Full or part time. No rod [oshentieeg See Mr. K. J. Thompson 7 and 9 p oo ry ee R, e Non 4 "ot phone 7 5888. le to operste tow ine. aeey Cy Sim- pos Street North. lon's Service. PHARMACIST. Pharmacist wanted for pee medical centre in the city of Osh- =. Salary open, Write Box 906, Oshawa noco| 20----Real sae for Sale THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow Cadillac Avenue. Close to schoois and shopping. This home has many extras, at 8 moderate price. Cali Murray Boyle, 723-4270. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS FOR TEEN DOLLS . By ALICE BROOKS It's fun to dress, undress teen dolls in knits -- they have lots of give". Easy! Smart glamor knits for 11%4- in. teer model dolls. Pattern 7106: three-piece suit, kerchief, gown, stole, slacks, shorts, vest; mohair sweater' Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On- tario residents add one cent sales tax. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, NAME, AD- DRESS 1965 NEEDLECRAFT caT.|! ALOG -- 200 designs, three free patterns! Newest knit, crochet fashions, embroidery. 25 cents. Now! Send for elegant, new "Decorate with Needlecraft!" Five beautiful room settings, 25 complete patterns for -decora- tive accessories in one book! Pillows, wall. hangings, cur- tains, appliques, more! 60 cents. Want-Ads Don't Cost - They Pay PRINTED PATTERN 4838 SIZES 12%--24%4 STYLED TO SLIM By ANNE ADAMS Look elegant on Easter and after in a 3-pce. suit with a slimming jacket. 'Note how smart blouse and skirt look. Printed Pattern 4838: Half Sizes 1244, 1414, 16%, 1814, 20%, 22%, 24%. Size 16% jacket, skirt 4% yards 39-in.; blouse FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontario residents add two cents sales tax. Print Plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. COMPLETE FASHION RE- PORT in our new Spring- Summer Pattern .Catalog plus coupon for ONE FREE PAT- TERN! Everything you need for the life you lead -- 350 design ideas! Send 50 cents now. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 le HREE BEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW -- with 'built in extras that are 'par- excelience'. What is usually space in most homes has been. utilized fully here. Other ex- tras include bright modern kitchen, large living room, 4 pc, tiled bathroom, all rooms ottractivel decorated, Locot- ed in preferred north-west crea, a home to be seen to be appreciaied, lie OWNER TRANS- FERRED -- and must sell this home which features ranch type fenced in terraced back lawn with patio' area, attoched garage, charming living room with open. fire- place, separate dining room, unique built in shelved closet area in master bedroom, fin- ished rec room, many other extras you will appreciate up- on a personal inspection, In north-west area, call today for an appointment to in- iil e IDEALLY LOCAT- ED -- close to King St. E., this home is an excellent buy at only 312,900-00. Two bedroom brick bungalow, has living room with firepl family size kitchen, 4 pc., tile bathroom, price also includes aluminum storms and screens. An excellent buy, don't delay, call today' for more particu- lars, Ve ONLY $2,500.00 DOWN -- will purchase this four bedroom. home close to O'Neill Collegiate. A good home for the family with Students, it hos new furnace and new plumbing. Excellent financing available, and a call from you can arronge your personal inspection of this property. Ve BRAND NEW -- and your chance to purchose a quality built 3 bedroom bungalow, in an area where beautiful homes ase a must. Has large living room, beau- tifully designed kitchen, built in vanity in 4 pc. tiled both- room. Easement divided for proposed rec room, extra 2 pc. washroom, We have other brand new homes of various styles in this area, call today for full particulars. Vie MODERN 'LIVING --is yours in this 3 bedroom home located in one of Whit- by's mew subdivisions, and features lovely split entrance, large living room, family size kitchen, 4 pc. tiled bathroom, full basement, all for the low asking. price of only $13,800.00. e Vile WANT TO. BE YOUR OWN BOSS -- Then why not consider this imma- culately clean restaurant. ideally located on Simcoe St. . Good parking facilities. Price includes modern equip- ment, se!f contained 3 bed- room livina quarters with kit- ~ chen and living room. Owner going ebrood, an# would like to see quick action of the sale of this business, Worth your consideration, call today. Vill @ ECONOMICALLY PRICED ---- this older type home on Gladstone Avenue, © quiet residential district, is a solidly brick property. Large separate garage, private drive, has two bedrooms, modern kitchen and 4 pe, bathroom. In well maintain- ed condition, the low asking price makes this. an excel- lent buy. XG * IX e A GOOD INVEST- MENT -- is represented here, on this building with two self: contained apartments, each with separate outside ent- tances. !n a commercially zoned district, close to indus- try, bus service, downtown shopping, this is an unbeat- able value at the low asking price of $12,900.00. Will show a good return for your money, .call us today: Xe LOCATED EAST OF OSHAWA -- this spocious Split level home, is 'situated on a well landscaped lot. Has lorge bedrooms, with roomy closets, step saving kitchen. An added feature is two bed- room apartment. Enjoy the adventage of country living with city conveniences. Avail- oble for ydur inspection, call today for on appointment. Xie 90 ACRES -- of scenic farm land near Kirby, excellent location. for resort or private club, hes water pond and 150 ft, frontage on Highway 115. Xil e 'LOT -- 330 ft. x 400 ft. of lond, ideo! for the construction of duplexes, ideally located on: Glen Street, close to GM South Plant, and in an area that is developing fast. Toke odvaraage of this excellent investment oppor- tunity. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 Xie SEMI-| nor ge BUNGALOW -- that ideally located close to soe schools, and shopping: plaza in Whitby. Tastefully decor- ated and spotlessly clean throughout, this is worth your investigation. Hos 3 bed- rooms, with two more finished rooms in basement. Fomily size kitchen, and priced at only $14, 900.00. 'Available for inspection now, call today for an appointment. OPEN HOUSE QUALITY BUILT GALAXY, HOMES : BY ROMANIN Three and Four Bedroom homes--variety of styles to choose from. Open daily 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. except Weekends from | p.m, to 6 p.m. Directions--Rossland Rd. W. to Gibbons St, North to Glen- mar--Follow signs to Oper House Model at 413 GLEN- MAR. RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You in a Quiet Atmosphere Spacious 1-2-and-3 bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies. The modern 7 storey build- ing with an elegant entrance, lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- com system and built-in sleeves for your air-condition- er. For March or April occupancy e RENTAL Only a few three bedroom apartments left. The ultimate in apartment living can be yours in beautiful Oxford Park Towers. Ideally located within walking distance to General Motors South Plant. Call Rental Office at 723- 2361 from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. CALL 723-1121. for full PARTICULARS OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. After hours ¢ali-- Leon Monitius Steve Englert Jean Peacock Ernest Mueller Walter P. Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young 728-2754 728-5581 725-4330 728-0208 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 725-4330 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 We list Exclusive and Photo M.L.S. Members. of the O.D.R.E.B. Realtors Sophisticated Adult Living REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. P.O. Box 1226 DAIRY FARM, 200 acres as @ going concern with 65 head of Holstein cattle. Full line of machinery, 804 Ibs. milk quota. = Aski $64,000, Terms arrang DAIRY FARM, 100 acres with 675 Ibs. Holstein milk con- tract. Automatic stable clean- er. Asking $27,000. Easy terms. DAIRY FARM, 185 acres with Guernsey milk contract, Good buildings, Asking $42,- 000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 100 ocres os @ going concern, 20 head of Holstein cattle. Machinery, Priced at $20,000. Terms. 93 acre farm, Columbus orea, 8 , all modern conven- jences. Large stream. Only 10 minutes drive to Oshawa. 150 acre form on Taunton Road, West of Orono. Brick home, 4-piece bath. Good size barn, Stream. Only 20 min- utes drive to Oshawa, HIGHWAY FARM, 89 acre farm with new 6 roomed bungalow. Barn, Stream, Only 20 minutes drive to Oshawa, PORT PERRY AREA: brick building with store ond apart- ment upstairs, Modern con- veniences, Priced at $8,000. Only $2,000 down. » 4¥ roomed bungalow on 3 acres, modern conveniences, with small barn, Asking $12,- 500. Terms. OSHAWA HOMES: Wychwood Street, beautiful 5 roomed brick bungalow in excellent location. Recreation room, etc. Only $3,000 down, Apple Hill area. Nice clean 5% roomed bungalow. Stone front. Finished recreation room. Lots of cupboards. Price reduced to $16,500 for quick sale. Valley Drive, 5 roomed, new brick bungalow with attached garage. Close to G.M.C, Asking $16,300. Low down poyment, Seneca Ave., nm brick bun- galow, Over 00 sq. ft. living space with self-con- tained and rented basement apt. Excellent income proper- ty. Anxious to sell, TAUNTON RD: 6 roomed electrically heated home with ultra modern kitchen, 2 lazy susans, built-in range, indirect lighting in valance, etc, Very anxious to sell NEWCASTLE: 6 roomed, al- most mew bungalow, stone front, Aluminum siding. Elec- trically heated. Extra insulo- tion. Screens and storms all around. Carport. Very easy on heating. Price only $11,- 500. Terms. 5 roomed, new brick bunga- fow with attached garage. Electrically heated, Only $1,- 500. down Don. Mountjoy, Guy LeBlanc Idso Wiersma, Ross Davidson, Lorne C, Duff. MORTGAGES ARRANGED Guide Realty Ltd., ELECTRIC HEAT OSHAWA Brick & Stone $21,900 ATTACHED GARAGE This nearly new prestige bet- ter built bungalow is already to move in with all the mess of a new home cleaned up, landscaping completed and many extras not usually found when the builder hands the keys over. You will be delighted with the fine workmanship and the choice materials used in this 3 bedroom, electrically heat- ed home. The cozy open fire- place in the living room is a standout with a beautiful rug brick mantel while the rough- ed fireplace in the basement is a good start for the recrea- tion room. Walk-out base- ment. Extra washroom down- stairs, Best of all you cori see your little ones come eut of the fine Public School across the road ond know where they are, Need $7,000 down with pay- ments of $131.00 monthly to include Principal, Interest and Taxes. What down poyment hove you? GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 668-8826 |THREE BEDROOM, storey and 8 half; Finished Dial 668- newly decoreated; in Whitby, fi alae room In basement, S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 TRADE Your present home or lot taken in as a down payment on your choice of seven new homes, some with attached garages and walk-out base- ments, all fully broadloomed. For more particulars call Bill Swarbrick. N.H.A. RESALE Just listed this one year old brick: bungalow with carport, inciuded in the purchase price of $17,900. is decor- ating, T.V. Tower, built-in stove ond oven and many other extras. "Phone Bob Stevenson, FOUR BEDROOMS Two storey home consisting of four bedrooms, living and dining room, large kitchen, two washrooms and attached garage. Owner transferred. For more details ask for Doug Gower. NEW HOMES Built by George Lysyk and Sons Ltd. four different mo- dels located in Kingsmere Gardens on serviced lots, all N.H.A. financed. For more information call Glen Mac- Kinnon, $500 OFF Only one left aot this asking price of $15,500. a five room brick bungalow located in choice residential area. Act fast on this one, phone How- ard McCabe, NORTH WEST Four new homes fully com- pleted all with attached gor- ages, built in stove ond ovens, fully decorated and N.H.A. approved. Ask for Jack Sheriff BUILDING LOT Last one available, N.H.A. op- Proved, full price only $2,500 with terms. Hurry on this one by calling Les. Hall. OPEN HOUSE HARMONY VILLAGE 5 NEW EXCITING MODELS From $900 down or trade some ready to move into. Harmony Road South, East of Donevan Collegiate. FRASER BELL BUILDER $6,500. "FULL ASKING PRICE for this! = east of} INCOME HOME -- Centrally located, thy. New 'atorioum: siding, * shermh and| seven good sizea rooms. Low asking price|pointment tc see -- don't miss this unique particu-|opuortunity: Cai Steve Macko of Scho- fleld-Aker Limited, daytime 723-2265, or evenings 728-5868, ix-room screens. Garage and one-acre lot. Terms. Act fast on this one. W. O. Martin, Real-| lars. tor, 728-5103, Joseph SCHOFIELD-AKER AT . 723-2265 (Over a Quarter Century of Service) "RETIRING ?" Attractive and cozy two bed- room bungalow with lovely back yord ond patio. This home has a finished rec, room plus a garage. Call now --only $12,500.00. ; DONEVAN COLLEGIATE AREA 5 room bungalow situated on a large lot. Close to. separate school and public school. The back yard is fenced and has fruit trees. Yes, there is @ garage and paved drive and a beautiful recreation room. Asking $14,500. This one is good value --- so act quickly. MORE. THAN YOU'D EXPECT You may have passed by this house without realizing the exceptional value it a Let us show you con get for on 313.900. Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 4-piece both, lorge finished recrea- tion room. All in spotless condition. Paved drive, large fot, Northwest area close to both public and high schools, bus and shopping. NORTH-EAST OWNER TRANSFERRED Early possession with a low down payment for this one year old, five room modern brick bungalow. Central hall plan, consisting of 17' liv- ing room, 11 x 15° bright, modern kitchen with loads of cupboards, 3 nice bedrooms, 4-piece bath with built-in vanity, walk-out basement with large windows on a lovely' ravine lot with patio and several shade trees. Close to school and bus, Don't miss this unique opportunity--call for an appointment. EAST END QUIET STREET Very desirable 3 bedroom bungalow with carport lo- cated on a 60 x 132 pro- fessionally landscaped lot in the Vincent Massey School Area, Well planned modern home in spic and span con- dition. Completely finished recreation room, plus "extra 2-piece washroom. Owner transferred only. reason for selling. List price $16,900. BROOKLIN Six yeor old brick bungalow on large corner lot with low taxes. 3 bedrooms, plus extra large bedroom or recreation room in basement. Only $76. per month including taxes on pad beouty, Full price $12,- WHITBY -- $13,500 Very attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large family kitchen and living room, Nicely landscaped and fenced lot, patio, paved drive ond many other fine features, Make it a point to see this home NOW. se CUSTOM BUILT MONTEGO 3 'bedroom brick bungalow with a split entrance. New white and gold Torgenol floor- ing in bathroom and vesti- bule. Built-in gorage gives en air of prestige. . Extra flue for fireplace, plus rough- ed-in bath in basement, There dre a number of etxras you will want to see. Luxurious living at @ reasonable price level. BEAU VALLEY Lorge 7 room brick home with aluminum siding ot top. Irreplaceable value is yours when you buy this 4 bed- room -- 2 bathroom home built by one of Oshawo's leading builders, H. Kassin- ger Construction. Immediate possession is obtainable. We will accept trades. So if you want to move up, give us a call ond we will help you move in. For full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Ed Drumm 725-9345 irene Brown 725-3867 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Steve Macko 728-5868 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Charles Chaytor 723-2265 Neil Campbell 725-1015 Marg. Hall 723-1358 Alan Thompson 728-2870 Margoret Lee 723-2894 Reg. Aker. 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St, West CUSTOM HOME 3 Bay Garage Over 2300 sq, ft. Tastefully decorated ranch bungalow situated in Whit- by: broadioomed living and dining room, stone panelled wall with open fireplace, huge master bedroom with the finest broadioom, Pan- elled family* room with bar and bathroom. Specially de- signed kitchen with all built- in units---o woman's dream. Asking $15,000 down with reasonable terms for balance. For further information con- tect Bill Millar--725-1186. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. end convenient 'terms. For full SIX-ROOM ec ee seni five rooms and bath down, up. with $2500 down, we * McAuley Realtor, One large room Prince Street. (723-2512 evenings. 662-5765. i Contact Joe Crawford, Fovion, Bosco, Realtor, le ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 THE ROCK OF GIBRALTAR IS "SHAKY" COMPARED | TO THE VALUE OF ACTIVE REALTY'S LISTINGS $14,900 "EXCEPTIONAL" Value is this lovely brick 3 bedroom 1¥2. storey home, built-in air conditioner, paved drive- and gorage, on well treed lot. Contact 728-5157 for appointment. "COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE" Off Gorrard Road North, ter- rific 3 bedroom bungalow. Lots of closets, very spacious prt Rec room in basement. very good buy at only is 900. 50 full price. Dial 728-5157 for inspection. THIS HOME IS 'So SORRY ~ $17,900 "RESIDENTIAL" Ansley Subdivision. 3 bed- rooms, large sun room off liv- ing room. Lovely landscaped lot. Make your offer now. Hurry call 728-5157. "QUAINT" is the word for this 2 bed- room home close to K Mart. Brand new kitchen. Broad- loom in living room and din- ing area, Lot is 79' x 234' approximately. Don't delay in call 728- 5157 for more de- tails. MORTGAGES ARRANGED Jack. Hughes ... 725-2338 Ralph Vickery .. 725-6342 Hertha Schmidt . 728-5157 Elaine Lee 668-3068 . 725-6788 Charlie Rankine . 728-3682 Steveo Zurba .. 728-5157 Bessie Crysler .. 723-2925 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Guy Bell .. 728-1070 Steve Lehon .... 728-9326 Doug. Wilson ... 728-5157 Bill Horner ..... 728-2236 Dorothy Wood .. 728-5157 Walter Crawford . 986-4869 ACTIVE REALTY LTD.. 48 Simcoe St. South across from the Post Office METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 RENTAL ONLY. 2,350 sq. ft. of industrial building centrally _ located. TALK ABOUT CLOSE ? A 2 Ac ronye aang 5 room -H. GRIFFIN. REAL ESTATE.BROKER $950 DOWN S19. 980: Full price. Extra large 3 bedroom bungalow. N.H.A. Resale, In immacu- late condition, Aluminum WHITBY N.H.A. RESALE $14,750. Full price. Only 6 Saget gg Roshrepleg close to G.M. plant, schools, nice lond- scoping, paved drive = gor- age, whot more could se want for only di Ling OP x this immoculote home it's too late. MAKE IT A POINT To see our various model homes in Downsview Pork. Your choice <. 6 room bun- galows with ga ' split rine ml electrically heated, Call for more details, RICHMOND ST. EAST $17,900 with reasonable down payment for this lovely six room bunr~low with ot- tached garage, .uturing two i gost ey tion € a li APPLE HILL AREA $2,000.00 DOWN 3 bedroom ronch bungalow with Jorge yen 8 room and o vrev large kitchen for only $12,500.00 -- this one won't last so phone now for appoint- ment to inspect. RAVINE LOT WITH TREES centre, ¢ close to Beautiful 3 bedroom (could be four) front to back split level on deep wooded ravine fot. Natural stone fireplace, attached garage, family room, etc. Have you shopped for ravine lots lately? Then hurry OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 room low. Choice Whit+ by location, Storms ond screens. Extra Hollywood kitchen, double sinks. Vanity in bathroom, Plus many ex- tras, AJAX SPECIAL oy Full down, Extre 3 bedroom N.H.A, re- on breechann Beautiful room dividers, This home is in very --s ~~ dition iemuient, Dre reduced in price to sell 7 $11,200. Immediate - pos- session, $1,500 FULL DOWN $12,800, Full price, well -- 3 bedroom bungalow. eoturing professionally fin- ished irtment. basement apa 4 Paved drive, Storms ond screens. T.V, antenna, Plus mony extras. Located in the heart of Ajax. $10,395 FULL PRICE eels hen hooped canten hoe Coe $80 monthly including taxes. Downtown Ajax. Immediate Possession, $995 FULL DOWN pe bey Full price, Well gi with * maneuie 1. ished recreation room, Im- maculate condition. Choice Ajox location. Carries $99 monthly with taxes, BAY RIDGES $1,042 full down. Nee mortgage. Well iy: socal a Ken Hann, Bob Johnston, Dick Barriage Member of 0.D.R.E.B. Jack Osbome, Joe Maga CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 GRANDVIEW VILLAGE For design, workmanship and location you can't beat a Kassinger Home. We have several completed models ready for immediate occu- pancy built under the Winter Works Program, Don't buy a new home before you have seen these Kassinger Homes located in this choice east location, close to all schools and transportation. CHOICE EAST END One year old immaculate six room bungalow with carport ond walkout basement, con- tains 3 good size bedrooms, lorge living room, dining room, modern kitchen and 4 piece tiled bath, all beautifully decorated throughout, recrea- tion room. partly finished. Your opportunity to hove a finished home at a reason- able price of $16,500. with reasonable down payment. NORTH RESIDENTIAL One yeor old seven room brick home in a desiarble lo- cation. Contains 4 well de- corated bedrooms with ample closets, 2 attarctive tiled bathrooms with vanity, lovely living room, full dining room, a dream of a kitchen with built-in Oven and stove, beou- tiful rec room with stone fireplace. Situated on a nice lot, large carport. A real fam- ily home. Owner leaving city, priced to sell. For information on these and other properties call 723- 1133, after hours call Henry Stinson at 725-0243. 299 King St. West 723-1133 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY Three-plex 2 bedroom apart- ments. Situated on industrial lot 70 ft. x 367 ft. with large double garage. Easy terms. ASKING $21,000 ALL SURVEY REAL ESTATE LTD. 10 RICHMOND E. PHONE 728-7551 |OWNER TRANSFERRED -- Must sell. North-east area. Early possession with a Icw down payment for this one year old, tive-room modern brick bungalow on a lovely ravine fot with shade trees and $9500 patio. Centre hall plan, consisting of 17' living roorr, 11 x 15 bright, modern kitch- en with loads of cupboards, three nice bed: rooms, four-piece bath with vanity, walk-out basement with large windows, sCiose to son "4 and bus. Call for an ap- KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street East OWNER MUST MOVE -- 8 room brick, hardwood floors, large spacious rooms, forced oir with oil, private drive and double garage, near schools and shopping. $13,900.00 full price, Call Will Irvine 728-2868. NORTH END--Starting con- struction on 1200 sq. ft. bungolow with attached gar- age, built-in stove and oven, storms and screens, 2 alu- minum storm doors, stone and clay brick, You get your choice of colours when pur- chased early. Lot 60' x 102' located north of Rossland near Stevenson Rd, Call Earle Allen 725-7782. RESTRICTED INDUSTRIAL - Nineteen acres of good level land, north of No, 2 Slips 5 woy in Whitby. Ratcliffe B55 4457, NORTH OSHAWA -- $14,- 900.00 -- 5 yr. old 6 room brick bungalow in excellent condition $102.00 per month carries including principal, taxes ond interest at 6%, has a good: basement with a private drive on a lot 64' x 100', Call A. Donaldson 725-9882. ONLY $9,900.00 -- 4 bed- rooms, 4 piece bath, forced air oil heating, extra large garage, private drive, fruit trees, west end location. Call fsb Johnson eat 728-2548 for this bargain. $750.00 DOWN -- 1% miles from city limits, 6 room bungalow with % acre lot, paved road. $8,900.00 full price. Call John Kuipers 723- 6590. MOVING TO MONTREAL - Bungalow with attached gar- age, about 2 yeors old con- sisting of 6 rooms with a very large kitchen and a com- pletely finished recreation room, with a shower and two piece bath on extra, Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. kitchen. Storms pei ye Immediate possession, PHONES: Ajox--942-3310 Oshawo--723-6461 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board Bowmanville ----~ cottage ot inville Beach, $1,800 --- $800 down, fr round West Beach--5 room water- front cottage, pegged clean condition. $4,000 -- os 2 art. i home - ingston 100' x 450%, Sirlooo terms. High Street -- 8 yeor old, 5 room bungalow, lot 89' x Pa $13,500 -- terms. Taunton Road =---- Brick 3 bedroom bunoglow with 50 ecres land. Eecellent value ot $21,000 --terms, Highway No. 2 -- east of Bowmanville 2 miles, 7 room frame on lot 300' x 200'. $6,000 -- $2,000 down, Call 623-3393 AFTER 9 P.M. Ken Hockin 623-5055 Y 623-3077 786-2202 655-3853 623-3818 623-3393 Robert W. McEwan Ltd. Builders of Fine Traditional Homes Whitby's newest residential area, These homes are built among hundreds of apple trees and the Old English and Early American designs lend warmth and character to an already charming area, The homes are different and are strategically placed on all fully serviced lots, for moxi- mum effect. Fireplaces, lead- ed glass windows, three wash- rooms, single and double car garages, 3 and 4 bedrooms are common. This is a pres- tige area, yet our down pay- ments start as low as $3,500. We are located on Athol and St. Lawrence and are OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M, OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE Whitby 668-898] or 668-5853 BULLIED Realtor 333 King St. West 723-1168 THREE BEDROOM BRICK-- on well landscaped lot--with paved drive, patio and gar- age--complete with finished rec. room and second wash- room, INDUSTRIAL--1,800 Sq. Fe, Industrial Building with living accommodation. Oil heated and an excellent location for all modes of transportation, John Howson Bob Hobbs Member of 0.D.R.E.B, h ed recreation ioe hedged lot. Call Elmer prea on this one, 728-5103. hind hours, 725-2753. W. 0, altor. WHITBY e $600. @ FULL DOWN $11,450.00 3 bedroom bul? galow: Solid brick -- one 6%4% N.H-A. _ mortgage for balance--no 2nd mort- gage. Carries $95 monthly, interest, principal and taxes. Only 2 available 668-8951 Manderhill Real Estate Ltd, WHITBY -- Large clean two- ing. Featuring four bedrooms. L.: iclous Faby Bh room, 'age on large my $16,500. "uth terms, Martin, 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 18)