Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1965, p. 37

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ay Pee oe Ney "JQ THUORHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 24, 1965 STOCK MARKET TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS ... MINES Stock Acad Uran ico Sales 1000 é 2210 9 "4 260 165 1 Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge The Father and Son Banquet of, the 15th Oshawa Scouts and Cubs was held Saturday at the Albert Street United Church Scouts, Cubs, Fathers | Fill Hall For Banquet the fathers of both cubs and scouts. A response was made by Carman White. Ronald Harrison gave thanks to the mothers for all the work plained a little about cubbing and then presented some well- earned proficiency badges to several of the cubs, Mr. Keith McCrimmon, scout Shop Glecoff's where you know the prices are best and the service is the best. Don't 166 4 15a 15a -- 1 Net i i 4 Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 4000 pe See on mn 7 n2 44 $13% 13% 13% + % hws +1 220 $382 38% 38% 1% $10 1010 5 500 575 S75 575 --5 130 $774 774" 77% 3M 31% + % SMe 5 Hall. j The banquet, which was at- tended by a large number of fathers and sons, opened with the Queen and a prayer by the Rev. Helmuth Dyck. A toast to the church was proposed by Lloyd me ern 38% 382 + Vo --) |the Rev. Dyck responded wi gaia leg Bounty Ex 12000 32 2 thanks. He also thanked the 7 7 ae 4 --™|parents' committee, mothers' peed ' auxiliary and leaders of both cub and scout groups for their work done during the year. Tom Hicks proposed a toast to Peers Fete Insurance Executive master, and Mr. Richard Me- Pherson, scout assistant, pre- sented badges to Ted Harrison, Mario Cortes, Lioyd Russell, David Gordon, Thomas Hicks. Mario Cortes also received the badge and certificate of the Religion and Life Award, The evening concluded with a camp fire sing-song. The scouts presented a short skit entitled "Ringo." David Harlow put on the highlight of the evening, pantomiming Al Jol done during the year. Mr. Les Roberts reminded the fathers that this was not just a banquet but an opportun- ity to tell the fathers of events pianned for the coming year, such as camping and hiking. Divisional Commissioner Mr. Maidman congratulated _ the group on the fine turn out, He stressed how important the par- ents were to the scout move- meni. Mr, Gordon, cub master, ex- DISTRICT NEWS : Bonspiel Is Fine Success BLACKSTOCK (TC) ~ A suc- delay, shop Glecoff's where you will find Bary Expl 500 Belcher 500 Belleterre 1500 -1 Bethim 1205 800 +10 it will pay! wo § 4 +6" $00 15 1 15 210 $13% 13% 13%-- 3 500 8383 C. Lencourt 625 25 25 25 _ © Lenert rt " Cantri 1 4 +1% Cent Pat 40 (+1 Cheskirk 3000-12 «12S 12d Chester 1000 15% 15Ya 15! Chib M 6000 55 54 «54 +I Chimo 10200 152 148 150 Coniagas 1700 106 104 106 Coniaur C Bellek C Halli C Mogul yt bd C Morrisn uu 4) Con Negus ' C Northid C Rambler C Regcourt 20% 1% + Ve 47% + % we fe Van Camp and Mrs. Loyd! cessful bonspiel was held Feb.| Wright. | 15 at the arena, The winning} Twenty members attended the! rinks were: Harold Swain, Keith| meeting of the Messengers. Eliz- Van Camp, Roy Werry and Jimjabeth Thompson told a story. Gray; Boyd Ayre, Jerry Peter-| Nancy Dorrell introduced the ; son, Albert Rundle and Paul)study of Brazil at the meeting! 2810 $27% 27% Kowal, of Hampton; Neil Mal-jof the Explorers. Taking part| i ae 714 colm, Bob Kenny, Dr. Mce-|in the worship period were: 3500 72 7 " | : ia Master and Ted Lake, of Port|/Dale Van Camp, Leslie Wright, 500 580 580 | Perry; Roy McLaughlin, Frank}Heather Dorrell and Barbara en oe Hoskin, Gerald Kelly and Allan|Wheeler. It was reported $10 350 $1534 15% 15¥a -- Beacock. jwas raised by the sale of cen neon The ONO Club, at its Febru-|¢alendars. | 2570 715. 705 705 ary meeting, decided to change| gp JOHN'S WA 3010 «11 10% . |ST. N'§ ! the date of the family dance to! 'yir< John Hamilton was: host- -- A, ee oT ok . avail' ess for the meeting of the WA } able. The club will cater-for the|or st John's Church. Mrs. H. E. i] Women's . Institute anniversary] «shmore presided. Mrs, Charles banquet in May. Smith took the devotional, The The members were asked to|/members decided pledges would save product labels to assist in|be $115, the same as last year. the purchase of sweaters for| Appreciation was voiced of the the boys' ball team. Joan Gra-jdonations to the spring bale.' ham, Norma Van Camp and|Pjans were made for a. spring Elaine Bailey were named as a|juncheon in April and the Moth- fair committee. Joan Paisley/ers' Day Supper in May. An was appointed to the Parks/exhibit will be placed in. the| Board. fall fair. : | Mrs. Gordon Paisley was host-| Approximately 40 attended the ess for the meeting of the)Town and Country Club skating Candace Unit. Mrs. Romerilj/party at the arena. Those who presented the purpose. did not skate enjoyed games. Two home and three hospital|Prize winners were; Glenn visits were reported at the|Lamer, Barry Fisher, Merrill mecting of the Anna Group.|Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. K. Samells conducted the|Roy McLaughlin. | meeting. Assisting with the| A good crowd attended the| program were Mrs. Carnaghan,|recital given by Mrs, Lorne} Mrs. Duff and Mrs. Samells, |Thompson's 16 piano pupils. Piano solos and duets were in- LETTER READ |terspersed. with vocal solos by Mrs. Van Camp read her lat-|Mrs. Wesley McMahon, of est letter from her daughter,|Pontypool. Gordon Malcolm pre-| Doreen, who is serving injsented a gift to Mrs. Thompson Indore, at the meeting of the|who, in turn, presented gifts to Dorcas Unit. Assisting in the/her two Grade 8 pupils who program were Mrs. +7 2000 20% 20% WY-- a 1400 221 220 221 +3 1000 13 13 1 7000 (14 139% 4000 (42 42 100 $16%4 16% 2000 75 75 1500 22 C Brew xd 2790 CB AIMA CBAIAW Cdn Can A Cc Chem w -@ Curt w C_ Dredge CGE 13%4%--% Deer Horn Delhi Pac Denison Dicknsn Discovery E Amphi East Sull Mar Genex Giant YK Glenn Exp Goldray Granduc Guich 25Va Gunnar 46% Hasiings Sas 1313 eeewey 30 $1064 1062 1064 Hollinger 180 $32 32 i we Vaeve _| Hud Bay 100 $76 764 762 -- %! 100 $20%e 20% 20% -- 4 Irish Cop a2 a 70 bid Iron Bay 173. (178 Iso 40 445 Jaye Exp 1 23 623 Jeiex 1 26V2 264 A+ Ve Joburke 10 9% 10 j Jonsmith 1000 32% 2% 2a-- Vw) Joutel 1000 112 «171: «117s + Kerr Add xd 100 880 880 880 +5 1349 380 380 Kilembe 100 865 885 885 +25 Kirk Min 5040 15% 15 15% + a) Kopan 1000 (13 13 Bn +% L Dufault 640 $16 «15%. 15% -- Vo Lakehead 1250 262 262 26%a--1 La Luz 15S $11% 11% 11% Langis 1000' 47% 47% 47'2-- 2 Leitch 470 470. --5 Lorado 186 156 1 MacLeod ws 1S Madsen 213° «213 Maraigo 13% 13% 13% ee 19% < 6% | +7 10 | iy a7! i // 300 370 365 Ml if] 2500 19 «19 ! j 65 Ny Sa 53 5% 5% 14% 1434 Ve % = Dal RA xdpr 400 $10%4 10% 10% + % weelte B pr = 40 $125 125 125 eDist Seag 100 $36%-- 36% 36% + | eD Bridge 50 $25 25% 25% | mDom Elect 260 $11%4 11% 11% = Dofasco 26a 26Va i 10%4 10% 26% 26% + Ve 23 2% + Vl 37% 372 + 2 56% 56% + % 482 482+ 2 100 260 260 260 88 JOHN D GRAHAM K_ Anacon Forty-five years' service to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company was honored at a din- jner -held. at the Annandale Golf Club,. Pickering. John D. Graham, who start- ed with Metropolitan Life in : January, 1920, was hosted by alton se oe) Sle fie {the Oshawa staff. He was ac- 2000 10% 10% 10%+ %/companied at the dinner by his 1000 54 54 54 +3 | wife, 00 if me" «|:SCMr, Graham was promoted to palig of * ed +4 Jassistant manager'in May 193 500 13% 13% 13% +|and Manager in June 1936. He 2100 115 Ns +6 |was manager of the Oshawa 13 ldistrict from September, 1949, juntil his retirement recently. 670 $88 8 2165 $24Ve 24% 251 $88 220 $584 581% EEPEPion A 300 $122 1212 1242 + %4/ 100 $42% 42\4 42% 33$105 104% 105 175 $16%2 1644 16% 605180 180 180 +2 575 $20% 242 Us -- % $274 27% 272 + % #0 455 490 +40 gee ae ee ri $27% 27% 27% y Norbeau Te oh + el Noroold 1 pe , \ jormeta be te | M, Bordn 175 $i Waa Wae-- | North Exp $17% 17% 17% Penge S682 682 Bla -- Hur Erie rt 1050 205200 208) | Northcal jusky 805 $12% 12% 12% Northete Imp Oil 620 $58% SB 58% -- ve) NorspA w Imp Tob 100 $15% 15% 15% Obaske yep Tob pr. $6 6% 6% Opemiska Accep $2 6 OG Pamour Inglis Inind C pr 1BM ue a 58% lobe A Meta Uran Metal Mine Muilti-M Nat Expl New Cal N Hosco iC H BOIS Hur Erie Walterjwon honors in their recent Wright, Mrs. C. Hill, Mrs. S.'examinations Russians, Poles Cordial Voice Of Women Claims | PORK SHOULDER OTTAWA. (CP) -- Voice of| Way. ROAS Ib. 39- ees ie Weak of ten ant Sa asking diplomats to have their|with the women. CHICKEN » 35° HAMBURG 3 iss, 1.00 BACON iainouss us, 39° countries negotiate an immedi-| At the Polish embassy, Am- SHOULDER 2 uss. 1.00 ate cease - fire in Viet Nam|bassador Zygfryd L: Wolniak PORK CHOPS Paramq Int Nickel int Ut Apt r PL SH P Inv Grp xd 1H Ind Itt Ind pr FRYING OR s sata | | ROASTING 20% 21 say they got their most cordial | Promised to send the VoW re- reception at the Polish and| quest to his government imme- Russian embassies. jdiately, and told them private | Soviet Ambassador Ivan F.|negotiations now were in pro-| Shpedko met the 25 women,|8ress in many countries in an mostly from the Montreal|/effort to solve the situation. branch of the women's organ-| Then he insisted that the ization, and heard their state-|women have honey wine and ment asking him to. use the|Chocolate' cakes with him. --s {strength of his government to| ~ RO Fy oe , 10 --5 lobiain a cease - fire immedi-| WW 17% "ee ek | 210 210 210 ately as a preliminary step to| 200 485 485° 485 ~--10 |peace negotiations. N_ Giders? 100018 "4 18 5 Quemont 100 $1144 11% 11'%--%| He told them he was com-|Nuestra Senora La Reina de Rayrock 100, 100 "100 100 dng? in favor of what they/Los Angeles de Porciuncula, --1o |were asking, and that he knew!later shortened to Los Angeles. 100 $21% 358 $17% 100 $22 720 $18 125 $8¥% 100 $8% 150 $32 7590 $13 200 $21 780 $35 -1 16600 385. 375 385 2500 23 +%! €, Tompkins, Regional Man- 100 205 205 205 1000 36 36 36 --y \and Miss Comrie and D. Stain- 72000 60 + 1150 199 190 190 | F lt W ts $17%4 17% in Pce Expl 1000 30 30 30 +1 | u on an 200 $314 31% 3i'%e+ wy! Purdex 6500 20 19% 20 + A} 94 We MS MS MS | Rio Algo 12370 814% 14% 14% + %4| CALGARY (CP) Former 100 67 '4 o Ryanor 1000 174 174 a+ ; Ne Te inh |governments should establish | it 145 i4 3WAu 4 *. 100 $11¥4 11" Ile +,%4| zivineg pod ts +\,|two years to consider changes Siscoe 1100 310 305 305 +2| He told a meeting of a Con- Teck Corp 100 600 1 Tombiit 4000 115 (114 sh +4 \dated, created to serve condi- 7700 380 375 375 jrange of substantial changes"' 7000 260 248 260 500 100 405 500 18% 18% 18% Jager, presented Mr, Graham |with his retirement certificate 1000 17:«17--OWW7 | 1975 133 130 133 +2 |ton presented flowers and gifts wee as fae ck ag [Om Denial OF the qouL 1500 12 11% 12 900 845 840 840 +10 14000 (14 13 3 «1 Peerless 1000 15 15 15 2 180 tase Bane 'tee + vp|_ Preston 1550 825 815 820 +10 "1967" P | 100 $94 (94 Quemont 635 $1) 611 oOo | ar ey 1H) 365 265 365 Raglan 5400 170 168 170 70 9% %4 e--y%\ Rockwin 5100 68 Justice Minister Davie Fulton z100 $24 244 Roman 2400 725 690 690 --45 | says the federal and provincial 100 4754754755 | San Ant 1000 22 22 22 +1 i blis 450 $5% My) Seren 1940 540 535 $40 +10 /q centennial conference within Sil Miller 1000 16% 16% 16"2-- |! Si be 5 Sil Stand 300 $32 132 132 jin the 'British North America Steep R 750 685 680 680 Act Sunburst 10200 16 ih} 16 600 600 +10 \servative men's luncheon club Texmont 8100 140 137 1399 Texore 0 6 6 Monday that the act is out- Torbrit 2500 60 40 bidan : ; " Torna 20 2 2 OD jtions existing in 1867, and "a 000 24 24 . idad sale ee is aka should be made. 2 Tribag U Mining Un UCL Mine Un Keno Upp Can Violam e PRODUCE SPECIALS e POTATOES 25-Ib. Bag oa SAVE 50c A BAG DIRECT FROM SUNNY ISRAEL JAFFA 59 ORANGES 4°: c SAVE 30c ON A DOZ. 3000 «(182 182 184 100 975 975 975 600 168 166 168 1700 295 290 295 4500 " nm 500 510 510 100 180 180 150 15900 34 u 34 5000 37 36 1700 33 33 1) Net Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge FOREIGN TRADING 100 «(75 75 75 160 160 160 'WRlaren A MB PR Mass-F 2306 $31% Met Stores 7225 $10' Molson A 50 $4414 Molson B 125 $46 Montex 250 $164 ) 225 $15 Loco Moht Trst 2% $25 Mobre 293 362% Nal Drug Nat Trust 225 $12 245 % Noranda us pon Sales to 11 a.m.: 1,071,000, Nor Phone 1150 $124 / y = -- Ch 400 $5% 50 $30 100 160 25 $31% 25 $38% 2851 $11% 250 $11! Stock Wisconsin West Willroy Windfall Zenmac Zulapa Abacon Agnico A. Arcadia LL Lac Leitch 100 1000 100 ne SHORTENED In 1781 a California townsite 'bore the name El ueblo de NAME e@ GROCERY SPECIALS e SLICED BEETS 1.00 38-02. BQe ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION CAKE MIXES BOX SPECIAL 29° PURE JAMS 2 jars 69° SAVE 13¢ Aa a WAX PAPER CHUM DOG FOOD 10 ,.., 1.00 AYLMER -- SAVE 4c 2 20.01. 55¢ TOMATOES MUFFETS "270%" pox 20° us, 53° SAVE 4e GLECOFF 24-02, 00 8-0Z. BRAND BUTTER SAVE Se BREAD "Sivrice = 5S toaves TINS 79° 4 FOR 85° BEEF STEW 4 ~ DRUGS and CLOTHING CHILI CON CARNE Ist QUALITY SEAMLESS MESH -- REG. 89c t REG, Sle 45 CORN BEEF HASH NYLONS 00% REG. 79¢ 65° 20-02. TINS Siscoe 600 350 345 350 Texmont 500 140 14 140 Ont Steet Oshawa A Pac Pete Pembina Premium 100 205 5 ON Gas 45 $12%e 126 OT Gas pr 157 Reichhold 27% Rothman Rothman Royal Bank Russel H 100-FT. ROSE 9-02. 800 $25 780 $80% JARS 309 $15% 15% 15% + % Safada 12% 12% + Ve Sayvette 350 «350 Selkirk A 7 Shell Can Shell | w $ on Steel 7 18% 18% 635 635 27% 27% 1900 $142 14 4 S00 Bi5 805 8BI5 450 $21% 21 320 $34 ANS $28% 60 $55% 115 $68' 180 $14% 651 $38% 275 $21%4 550 $28'% 100 $26% 500 $12% 385 50 950 $174 400 $15% Tor-Dm Bk TFA A FROZEN FOODS MeCAIN VALLEY FARMS FRENCH FRIES BUY 2 1 FREE Tr Can PL Trans-Mt Un Carbide Un Acc ri Versatile Vie G Tr Walk GW 610 $38% Well Fin A $00 $8 Well Fin B 100 $6% Well Fin te West ind Westcoast Westeei Weston A Weston B 125 $18% White Pass 200 $9 A Z50 $26% 1320 400. 400 OILS 1000 «(12 2 " 1500 233 230 233 1300 = 4 230 $20Ve 20% 20e--- 2000 is $00 9-0Z, PKGS. AND GET 17% 1% + Ve) 9 Woodwd Zenith BY MODESS CAREFREE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Am Leduc Bantt Bata Cal. Ed Calvert CS Pete Cc Delh Cc Ex Gas Cdn Sup Ol Cent Del C West P Dome Pete Fargo Gr Plains 13° 90° CABBAGE ROLLS AND A SPARE 1.19 VALUE VO-5 SHAMPOO 725 700 200 500 400 750 100 YOUTH PROGRAM AT The Youth Fellowship of the Christian and Mission ary Alliance Church, Rich- mond street east, present- ALLIANCE CHURCH Four talks were given, pre- pared entirely by the per- sons who spoke. Miss Pat Maxymuik spoke on the question, "What is a Soul?" "How to Win a Soul." Mr, Mike DeBoski closed with the challenge, "Who Should Win a Soul?" "It was very evident that the Christian's young people in the church, The sanctuary was appro- priately decorated with the slogan, special lighting and the Christian flag. Forming 817% 17% \T% 310 (3N 310 100 $12%4 12% 12% Lu 300 615 6 Midcon 1500 Nat Pete 300 WC Oils S00 Petro! 500 Prova Gas 1800 254 Beurry Rein 728 er 4200 riad OW inion Olt 4 Decaita 'an Can 100 200 500 500 ed a special program en- titled, "He that Winneth Souls is Wise.' This week: of special observances in honor' of «cli- maxed a a choir, the young people sang, 'Can We Know That Jesus Saves Us?" and "We've a Story to Tell to the Nations" and. "On- ward, Christian Soldiers," Mr. Jeff Stockwell told the congregation in the well- filled auditorium, "Why person was effectively por- Win a Soul?' Miss Sharon trayed,"' said the minister Rothenbush presented help- of the church,. Rey. Rich- responsibility. to take the Christian Gospel to every GLECOF 174 RITSON RD. S. F'S svpcrmarxer FREE PARKING ful, practical directions on ard J. Barker. 4

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