i 4 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, February 11, 1965 24--Stores, Offices, Storage 26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale Sp gp Saye 30--Automobiles for Sale 30--Automobiles for Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sale OFFICE SPACE H. KEITH LTD. GREENBANK AREA 100 acres clay loam. 72 art fall wheat. Spring. "Cree! Pond. view. 515,000 recently spent 'on property. House is divid- _ed into two complete aport- "ments with two kitchens and two bathrooms. Ideal set up "for two partners who would "like to commute to Oshawa. »Must be seen to be oppre- "ciated. Full price only $27,- » 500 with $8,750 down. -COMMUTER"S FARM 100 acres on paved road near Greenbank. 60 acres work- "able, balance bush and pas- ture (Hunter's Paradise). / 1% storey frame house nice- .ly decorated throughout. All "conveniences, Bonked barn, «36 ft. by 86 ft. Good value! _ Full price, only $19,500 with » $8, down, BLACKSTOCK . 100 acres. Commuter's farm -on paved road corner farm 'with roads on three sides. _ Ideal for subdividing. 2 storey 7 room brick house overlook- Ping valley, new kitchen cup- 'boards, furnace and bath. Very outstanding country house. Banked barn 40 ft. x 80 ft. Steel stanchions. Full price only $20,000 with $10,- 0 n. FARM BUNGALOW In Sunderland. Nearly new. Large modern kitchen. Large dining room. 2 nice bedrooms and bathroom. Oil furnace. Nicely decorated throughout. Ideal home for retirement. Must be sold to close estate. Full price only $9,900 CALL GEORGE S. STONE Port Perry 985-2632 REP. FOR H. KEITH LTD. HOME OWNERS ARE YOU SELLING ? FIVE REASONS why you should contact JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor and Mortgage Broker 833 Simcoe Street South %* We can arrange ALL CASH for you. %& We can refinance your home making it more sale- able. %* We con exchange your home %* We are members of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board Photo Co-Op, giving you maximum sale- ability. %* Our reputotion is your guerantee of satisfaction, CALL 728-7377 Robert W. McEwan Ltd. Builders of Fine Traditional Homes Whitby's newest - residential area. These homes are built among hundreds of apple trees and the Old English and Early American designs lend warmth and character to an already charming area. The homes are different and are strategically placed on all fully serviced lots, for maxi- ~mum effect. Fireplaces, lead- ed glass windows, three wash- rooms, single and double car garages, 3 and 4 bedrooms are common. This is a pres- tige area, yet our down pay- ments start as low os $3,500. We are located on Athol and St. Lawrence ond are OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE Whitby 668-8981 * or 668-5853 5 S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King Street West 728-6286 COUNTRY HOME Four bedroom brick bungalow only 3 years old located on Zion Road close to schools, oil heated, built-in stove and oven in large modern kit- chen, asking only $14,600 with terms. Ask for Bill Sworbrick, LAST YEARS PRICE Only $15,590 for well built 5 room brick bungolow on good size lot located close to Grandview Golf Club. See this one and make an offer. Call Bill Sworbrick. MANY EXTRAS In this 1256 sq. ft bungolow located on large lot in the East End of town, stone fire- place, living room 22' x 13', three lorge bedrooms, sacri- ficed at only $21,500 much below replacement, must be seen, Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick, ' JONES and DOUGAN Real Estate Brokers 668-8841 WHITBY $11,400 with $1200 down, semi-bungalow. AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L.. WILSON At the Times pets Begg ce MN led n'a LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? Check our ads under 'Real Estate For Sale", GUIDE REALTY LTD., Realtors WELLMAN'S ANNIVERSARY SALE GOVERNOR MANSIONS rec room, carries for $110. 00 PLT, $13,300 with $1300 down, brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, newly decorated. Carries for $119.00 P.I.T. $15,100 with $3000 down, brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms. Carries for $101.00 P.I.T, $15,500 with $2300 down, brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, attached garage, | year old. Carries for $120.00 P.1.T All these homes in good oreas. Near schools and shop- ping. Call Lloyd Lofoy. OSHAWA $19,500. This tri-level four bedroom house should appeal to the most fastidious buyer. 18¥2' x 12' living room with open fireplace, Separate din- ing room 10' x 10', 4 pe. tiled bathroom up, plus 2 pc. down. Property is clear. We can arrange exce'lent financ- ing for you. Annapolis Ave. 3 years old, grey brick, split level priced ot $16,800 is excellent value. 3 bedrooms, spacious kitchen, carport, 20' x 14' living room. Features built- in bookcases. Seen by ap- pointment. Call Ken Toms. JONES and DOUGAN Real Estate Brokers 668-8841 DIRECT from builder, $1500 down or trade, three-bedroom bungalow with at- fached garage, large kitchen with built- ication. "Sultable Yr ae tate, hee Ry cheval 2 Bedroom Suite ford, STORE. Suitable any er @ basings s| 1M MEDIATE POSSESSION office, Station Street, Oshawa. Tier ang ee rea street level. street, west. NO RENT! WILL SHARE town, ae for any small business office. For information call 725-1191. SHOP ra RENT, 80° pang as required. Cordova Road. Cal Small shupp' % 4. Apply 723-1101. OFFICE ilps 'tae Tad square second and a ere. square Apply premises rier King store sone x 20°; outside STORE AT 68% Hortop from March 1. ng centre self-contained 11 TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2811 For Appointment CONTINUES FREE PARK LANE APTS. Future Vacancies CONTACT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE 725-7732 25--Houses for Rent THIS WEEK i& 1965 Licence Plates * 25 Gals. Gasoline 27--Rooms for Rent Oshawa's First GARDEN HOMES New concept for Family Living Two and Three bedroom homes Individual patios Full basement Rumpus Room Refrig. - Stove - Dryer So convenient to school and shopping. Location -- Farewell and Poplar St. Rental office at site Open 2 - 5:30 daily Closed Sunday H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-1679 BROCK West, six room house, oll heated, ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m, 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | With the purchase of Every New or Used Car, FEBRUARY CLEARANCE 859 Dundas Street W: ourking, 182 Banting on Highway 2 (just west of Village), Phone anytime 942-3642. bedroom | for gentleman, Apply 574 Crerar. WHITBY: Ore single furnished room centrally located. Dia! 668-2464. WHITBY -- Nicely furnished bed-sitting room and kitchenette. Refrigerator, sink, stove, parking Private entrance. Apply ONE nice large furnished room located | n weates; 1963 PONTIAC FURNISHED room, close fo north GM Suitable gentleman, * STRATO-CHIEF Automatic transmission, radio, aan Divicion 'street. edi * APPIY) white walls, disc. "Like ea rnb u LARG® front in quiet home| "ew. SALE $1,895. LARGE neetly furnished housekeeping Bg ie eges. Near room with hospital 1962 RAMBLER STATION WAGON on with board; private unris. Whitby 668-2067. Call 728-296). Division Stree: FURNISHED single room, Street. Telephone 728-4403. ROOM for gentieman. Willing to share. Twin beds, good home, centrally located. SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25 35 Celina and downtown, $7.50 weekly. Lady pre- K ferred. "abstainers only. 723- 236073. if One owner, 6 cylinder, over- WHITBY -- $10 each, shared motel) rive transmission, radio, accommodation; $22 also! white walls, disc. 'In show- room condition."' SALE $1,795. 1961 VALIANT One owner, 6 cylinder, auto- Realtor 728-7377. CENTRAL. location, good 24 storey brick home with double garage, priced to sell, Call John Kuipers 723-6590. Keith Peters Realtor. rooms from $109.50, four bedrooms from $118.50 monthly. Choice of ravine lots or lakeview. Phone Builder between 1 p.m. and 9 p.m a* 942-1600. 100-ACRE farm with buildings for rent. 21--Farms for Sale District. W. McAuley Realtor, 28 Prince Street, 723-2512. SCUGOG ISLAND FARM Every once ina while among the maze of properties listed comes a genuine bargain, For the Executive who hunts, fishes, or has hobbies, a square 100 acres of scenic land, 35 acres hardwood and cedar bush, which hides a two acre lake where ducks feed and nest. The 9 room brick home, traditional 2 storey square plan, is located on the high ppint of land at the end of a tree lined drive, the well cared for home has' bathroom, furnace and alum- inum storms and screens, The barns and. outbuildings ore all in good condition, Retiring farmer wants to sell, asking $27,000.00, open to offer. Call Lorry Doble, Uxbridge, 852-3787, Fred Cook Real Estote Ltd., Markham, 293- 7922. Two. home, central location, within walking distance of GM north plant. Available March 6. Suit respectable; couple. Onc child welcome. 728-6424. to share. Twin beds. Central, close bus. Call between 6 - 8 p.m. 723-5137. mation please telephone after 6 p.m. Banks Flooring 728-1011. ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, will- ing to share, single beds, seven-day week. Lunches packed. Shift workers welcome. Ample parking. Apply 237 Nassau Street. |ROOM ANG BOARD for two gentlemen. bere packed; shift workers weicome. Jeph 728-0159. 26--Apartments for Rent BEAUTIFUL modern apartment, refrig- erator and range, drapes, free parking. Laundry 723-5416. aaWvATE ROOM, centrai location, board, parking. Day er only, Phone 668-4925, Whitby. 29--Wanted to Rent TWO large furnished rooms. Private bath. Very clean. Suitable one couple. Apply 214 Cadillac Avenue South. 22--Lots for Sale LOTS for sale on Keewalin Street South, 45 to. 60 foot Lt ide aaa $100 per foot. Telephone 728-09 BUILDING | Lors -- - North "end of r city, cash or terms. Call Sally Wallace 725- 6297 Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377. 50-ACRE weod lot, five miles north of Coe Hill. Well wooded, a hunter's para-| dise, Full a only $900 cash. Tele-| phone 723-5019 \lights included. Telephone VICINITY OF RITSON, two-room furnish- ed apartment. No children, Telephone 723-6176. ONE-BEDROOM heated apartment, all conveniences, range, refrigerator in- DERN apartment, ry on rhe Ph arate th ad ese f " : " privehe: wirencaar filee peticooen' and URGENTLY NEEDED, 'house or "apart sion. "'Clean and reliable. kiicl appliances. Ci ly. Avail-| ment, rooms, near wa, cy silo nce. Couple. : fore pentane 27. Telephone or write SALE $695. ADELAIDE "Terrace, modern fwo-bed- MoS ¢ ge ~ 9B Mia cake al room roadioom na refrigerator, stove, TV outlet, hot water|SMALL family needs newer two or three| 1958 PONTIAC included. Available March 1. Adults only.|bedroom home, with option to buy, pref- ; Apply 329 Adelaide West, Apartment) erably near § South GM, Reasonable. Tele} LAURENTIAN No. 2. Phone 725-2363. One' owner, automatic trans- TOW furnished rooms, private entrance| WANTED TO RENT with option o mission, radio. "In above and bath, two single girls or married|ing, small farm within 30-mile Bo Byy of everoge. condition." couple preferred. Call Horch Write Bait ey Petal fore 9 . TWO-BEDROOM apartment in apart-|(callon and price to Box No. 723, Osh- SALE $745. ment building, ait id and stove. Central _locat! No small children ; volgen Pht Ep ell ~ i R i on Avail able plex, by ar i, Cl 'ai location, by March 1. 75 ag et ee working mother with one child. Telephone 1958 RAMBLER FURNISHED bedroom and kitchen. All - AMERICAN 5, wipow dere duplex, flat in nice pri- : tray vai ied. sted. Telephone 725570 aA sis vate home, or apartment in small, friend-| Ideal second car, You'll get ly building. For Pturiner information tele- phone 725-7127. TWO-BEDROOM house or self-contained apartment ir Oshawa by March }. Rea- sonable rent. One small child. Telephone Whitby 668-8282. OLDER COUPLE need three-roorh apart- ment, self contained, ir Division Street area, by April 1. Telephone 725-7018. cluded, washing and parking Infant Apply 165 Verdun Road. ONE - BEDROOM apartment, private bathroom and entrance, Townline north. Available March 1. $80 givin heat, 728-7680. LOT 36 x ia on Windsor Avenue. Close to schoois. Ali services. $3,300. Apply 149 Wilson South. LOT for sale, Private 55 x 146° in north west location. For full information. Please call 728-1859. SERVICED Ict, 60' x 116'; fir trees, lo cater in North Oshawa, Telephone 725-9712. 26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 1964 CHEVROLET Impala SS, oe gine, automatic transmission, equipped. One owner. Please call yisr9n afer 5 p. m 1964 CHEVROLET 327 _-- engine, Impala convertible, aufomatic transmission, One owner. Gus Brown THE CAVALIER The Most Modern Medium Rental For Cash Buyer Call BILL JOHNSTON Schofield-Aker Ltd, 728-1066 WE WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE. CALL JOHN F. DeWITH 23--Real Estate Wanted Apartments SELLING! in Oshawa , FEATURING GIVE ' @ Exclusive decorating As Si b b feof! @ Electric heating with fin- y S gertip control, in each A TRY room at no extra cost. @ Convenient to shopping and bus. 728-7576 @ Plenty of free parking Member of 0.D.R.E.B @ Professional full time man- naese 9 Mt, that cares for your comfort. NEED @ Numerous other features. OLDER TYPE HOME : Now! See Our Furnished Two. BEDROOM 2 'apartment, stove, 1 Preterred. $115 monthly. Washer - facilities. Call 728-6709. Model Suites Open from 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. daily At 400 Grenfell Street at end of Marland Ave. (off Park Rd. S.) 725-9934 - 728-4283 re- frigerator supplied. New building. Adults dryer REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 WAITING clieni for older home in need A CASH OFFER for your home. For fast Pore cal) at once. "Active" Realty! ¢ 28-515 \ ONE-BEDROOM refrigerator, Available immediately. Suit couple. Tele- Phone 723-3841 after 6 evenings. WHITBY: One and tw-bedroom apart- ments, in new building, swimming pool, electrical heating, inter- THREE-ROOM centrally located. Adults only. Available basement stove, apartment, private bathroom. Grapes, hi-fi, fem automatic 1962 CHEVROLET convertible, excellent, ve whi 1962 BUICK La Sabre, four-door hardtop, phone 725-2010. 1963 SUPER 88, four-door hardtop, Olds- mobile, fully loaded, new licence. Tele- phone 725-290e. 1962 MERCURY Meteor, four-door V-8, power Motors, 725-1801. 1963 CHEVROLET Impala two-door hard- top. V8 automatic, fully powered. One vow Telephone 725-4448 after 6 even- ings 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chief stationwagon, 6 cylinder standard shift, ohe owner. heavy duty suspension. Color -- azure aqua. Whitby 668 1963 STRATO CHIEF Pontiac, standard transmission coach, new snow tires,|§95 new muffler, 20,000 original miles, Dark color. $1,800 or best offer in next five days, Phone 728-1395. 1963 BUICK Le Sabre, two-door hardtop, full power equipment, still under a ranty. 17,000 guaranteed original 5S. Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard- EXPERIENCED floor layers. For infor- Fete | ir range-oven, and separate dining room, fi a motic transmission. "Clean two bathrooms, fireplace, many other joe "pueeron. Yalan one 725430," | 28---Room and Board throughout."' extras. Close to iparate, ublic -- High Schools Telephone 725-2911 INCOME house for rent, near agri ROOM AND BOARD in Christian home. 65a. e wl a dee gd Motors. ou be v ised as Pu Md borg Be ean nce Faken % SALE $1,095. ae famil se. Ref-| plied. monthly. ly 728- or ee ea irene: ae erence required, 5125 rc Bean Avenue. Brooklin area. Real value. Robert John-|AJAX -- Three-bedroom ROOM and board for one gentleman, 196] COMET Son 728-2546. Keith Peters Realtor. abd gg! il closed 'in pat. éetiraly Telephone Whitby 668-5287, On 6 lind t JUST LISTED! ideal for large famil ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen. ie owner, cylin, wt stan- four-bedroom, 11% storey homer" Ys| lately. Alax 942-4587 after _6 evenings. Twin. beds. Lunches packed, home cook-| dard, transmission. 'A real living room, large eaten cle close to pub-|/BRAND new homes. Builder prefers to|ing. Shift workers welcome. Phone bargain," lic and separate schools Low taxes and/rent ar pe pitied a Stl rel 723-5956. SALE $995 convenient terms. For appointment calljgrass, and ai' maintenance. ° 2 OOM Is willl ° Murray Boyle, 723-4270. Joseph Bosco|!wo bedroom: from $102.50, three bed-|R0OM AND BOARD for two gir ng 1960 PONTIAC "STATION WAGON Automatic transmission, radio "Ready and willing to give trouble free driving." SALE $1,195. 1959 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF 6 cylinder, standard transmis- up to 30 miles. per gallon with this one. SALE $345, * WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. "Your Authorized RAMBLER DEALER" OPEN EVENINGS TILL 10 P.M. 100 Nonquon Road ____ Phone 728-7351 $25 DOWN, 319 weekly, buys lovely /60 Ford Plymouth,. two-door hardtop. Stit! under factory warranty. Cash, trade or terms at Niecls Motors, Whitby. =. KO. USED CARS 1964 CHEVELLE . MALIBU 2 DOOR HARDTOP 230 -- 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, white- walls, radio, discs, washers, etc. Only 17,000 honest miles on this local automobile. Own- er's mame on request. Lagoon aqua with matching trim. 1963 CHEVROLET COACH 6 cylinder, automatic with radio, whitewalls, padded dash and washers. A lovely one owner car in dark brown, 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DOOR HARDTOP V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission, radio, ~whitewalls, discs, washers, etc. In show- room condition. Black with red interior, Don't miss this one, V-8, automatic transmission with whitewalls, padded dash, safety belts and washers. A real clean car, 4 DOR SEDAN V-8 engine, hydramatic trans- mission, power brakes, steer- ing, windows and seat. Cus- tom radio, whitewall tires. Many other features. Smart Honduras Maroon, 1958 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN 6 cylinder, standard trans- mission, One owner, low mile- age, 1955 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR SEDAN Body and motor A-1, 1955 PONTIAC SEDAN 6 cylinder, standard trans- mission. In top shape, ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. Courtice and Bowmanville 728-6206 623-2556 Open 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 24 HR. TOWING AND LEAGUE ROAD SERVICE 728-7781 Snow plowing, parts and service. DOC'S AUTO 1600 KING E. Speed Custom and Auto Accessories SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 JEEP, 196 closed in body. Good tion throughout. 1956 Pontiac, pollen ne, -- re-built motor. Must sell. we CHEVROLET Bel Air, low mileage, top finished in saddle tan/with trim. Six-cyinder, custom radio, low mileage. Fully guaranteed. Gus Brown Motors, telephone 725-1801. 1963 BEL AIR Chevrolet sedan, 6 cylind- -- transmission. Gus Brown Motors, 15-1801. a CHEVROLET Impala, beige, four- door sedan 6, automatic, radio, 19,000 original mies. Phone Hampton 263-2552. 1962 CHEVROLET Impala, 2-door hard- top, 327 V-8 engine, standard transmis- sion, custom radio. Excellent condition. Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801. 1962 CHEVROLET impaia 2-door hard- top, V-8, automatic, power steering, cus- radio Excellent Brown Motors, 725-1801. 1962 CHEVROLET impala, convertibie, transmission, custom radio, red with red trim and white roof. Show- room condition. Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801. condition. Gus Radio and power Phone 723-7206. 1900 CHEVROLET sedan Bei Air auto- matic, radio, other extras, low mileage. Clean and sharp. Lady owner $1250 or bes* offer. Cell 723-4790 after 5 p.m. steering. $1,29!. $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we 1962 FORD GALAXIE 1961 OLDSMOBILE 88 CLEARING THE LOT OF SELECT USED CARS 1964 RAMBLER AMBASSADOR 2 DR, HARDTOP : A luxury outomobile with two-tone paint, V-8 engine, automatic transmission, pow- er steering and brakes and radio. $2995 1963 RAMBLER SEDAN A good clean cor with 6 cylinder engine and standard transmission, $1695 1962 RAMBLER SEDAN Just traded in on a new Rambler. Radio, standard transmission ond 6 cylinder engine. This automobile shows exceptional 'care. 1495 1961 FALCON STATION WAGON This little wagon is sure to fill your needs. Comes equip- ped with 6 cylinder engine and standard transmission. 95 1960 RAMBLER SEDAN Sing a song of savings with this economical 6 cylinder automobile. Also has radio, end automatic transmission, 2-1960 PONTIACS Take your pick of these pop- ular models. Both have auto- matic transmissions and 6 cylinder engines. $1195 1959 DODGE 2 DOOR HARDTOP You'll approve the sound sel- ection of equipment including V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission, power steering and power brakes, $795 @®e@ ¢@ McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 King Street East, Bowmanville Telephone 623-3356 31--Compect Cars for Sale SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cors 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings PEUGEOT and VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 1962 CORVAIR MONZA 4 DOOR SEDAN Excellent -condition. Maroon, 12,000 miles, automatic transmission, bucket whitewalls. Wheel discs, CALL 728-8206 1964 ACADIAN Beaumont, saddie tan, 2- door hardtop, 15,000 original miles. Own- er must sell. Ajax 942-3694. 1962 VOLKSWAGEN, A-! condition. Best offer, 728-0858. seats, % CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOT: 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and A = 1175 Nelsor Street, ree for pra dg Telephone 725-2162 or aus. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale, tron and bought. 89 Bloor Street East, 725-2311, 34--Automobile Repair EXPERT ¥ broke "service and front end suspension alignment. 226 "Celina street Cal 723-4235 TRANSMISSION specialists, transmissions are our coly 5 business. 1038 Simcoe North, Phone 728-73: oe Entered rest in the family OSHAWA tune-up Centre dept te! enc auto clear ser savicn tes King Street West, 728-0817. 35--Lost and Found tence anes i i i iit LOST -- Dog, Dasa Apso, grey and white imately. on shaggy one year old. Harmony Roaa and bala San Drive. An- art baat "Harmony". Please telephone WHITE police dog los! Monday, ee! Answers te the name Major, Reward, hone 668-8383 Whitby after 5 p.m. caer -- two German rds, males, black and tan with tare nent Garr: and Rossland area. Fate three weeks. Reward. Telephone 723-4877. ai child's | C Thursday ai 8 p.m Por ig Torani Cecil Jr., General Hospital, | Wednesday, 10, 1965, Cecil Hart be (Veteran 2nd World W: CAR OWNERSHIP card lost on Tuesday, aoe of eet of Tran: : yr Conte," pa rk lot. Telephone 726- 07. ko: Lost -- ia -- bag, Genosha Hotel parking lot area on Friday, Reward. Telephone Whitby 668-5414, LOST: Black Labrador Retriever, "ee grey hag muzzie, vicinity of Darling- jon Bivd. Telephone 728-6854. sport office injhusband of J: Cresc., Ajax; dea Margaret Pat, Joanne and William Hert be! Oi ag dear son of Mrs. Dorothy Hart ind the iate Cecil Hart Sr. dear brother of ages me rene Mrs. Eva Provt, Jack Bruce Hart of Ajax. Resting Fed the ia pe pail Home io, iy ering (just east of tienes Avenue North, Ajax) from 7 ursday evening. Complete service a commit Pas the: Chapel on Satur- Property of Mr. and Mrs. J. Haggitt, Riverside Dr., Pick- ering Township, Turn north before the bridge off No. 2 Highway on past "Ady Park' on turn left after bridge at Riverside Dr. A full line of Household ef- fects, including deep freeze. 21" nearly new, 2 car trail- ers, power lawn mower and tools, many, mony, other articles, property sold. Going to Florida. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. Auctioneer, Loyal Pogue, 38--Coming Events SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO CLUB CAMELOT (King St. E.--one block east of city limits--Opposite "Bad Boys'), FRIDAY, FEB. 12th 37--Auctions oad oon AUCTION SALE om" Sat., Feb. 13 ing Home iN Bi a ener Er- SINCLAIR. Janet Louise (Jessie) Entered into rest at the Open Gate Nurs- or, Wednesday, February 10, 1965, Janet Louise Gourlie, beloved wife of the late William Sinclair of Cheri Ontario, in her 88th year, and dear moth: er of Viola (Mrs. Wesley ran, ot Cherrywood loving grandmother of both of Cherrywood, Blanche (Mrs. Mur- ray Hollinger), pete also omc are nine great-grandchildren. Mrs. clair is resting at McEachnie Runeeel Home, Kingston Road West, Picker- ing. Funeral "yervice in the chapel on Friday, February 12 at 2:30 p.m. terment. Erskine Cemetery. VANDER, Heide, Sybren Suddenly at his residence Port Per Ontario on Wednesday, Lely 10, 1 Sybren Vander Heide. Gate of Hastings, Ont.) dearly loved husband of Aalize Hyma, dear father of Sarah (Mrs. K, Mont ) of Port Hope, Edith (Mrs, T. Fairman) of Welcome, Tina (Mrs. R. Jones) of Weston, Joanne and Alice, both of Port Perry. In his 49th year. Resting rl the chapel of McDermott-Panabaker Port Perry for service on ge Mas at 2 p.m. Interment, Pine Grove Cemetery. Kindness beyond Price, yet Within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral requirments for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 $1200 IN PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 20--$20 GAMES--20 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 2--$250 JACKPOT--2 5--$30 SPECIALS--5 JACKPOT NOS. 52 & 54 ADMISSION $1.00 DOOR PRIZES No Children Please. HOLY CROSS BINGO FREE ADMISSION Friday, February 12th 20. REGULAR GAMES 18 Games at $10 each 1 Game at $30:00 1 Game at $50.00 SPECIAL JACKPOT - $140 in 56 Nos. $20.00 Consolation PLUS $10.00 each horizontal IN MEMORIAM BROWN -- in lovii brother, ing Hamilton seen we ine died na Oshawa Februa: 1963. re aa and ne i Forte Jenny and Mary SMITH -- In loving memory of @ dear husband and father, Grant, who passed away February 11, 1959. Those we tos, 2° out of sight, But never py of mi They are cherished" ir the hearts Of those they leave ind. Loving and kind in ail his ways, Upright and just in all his days; Sincere and true in heart and m Beautifu' memories he left behi --Lovingly r by his wife 'Mary and son Eric. SMITH -- In loving memory of our dear son, Grant, who passed away Feb- ruary 11, 1959. His memory is our keepsake With which we' "ue never Part. --Sadly missed by mother and dad, Mr, Smith. and Mrs. Jesse A great number of Ontario residents have wisely pre- selected properties with per- petual core in MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL. PARK, (with less cost), The deeds ore now with their other valuable estate documents. ire confidentially 723-2633. 19%62 ACADIAN Beaumont, convertible, 6 cylinder, automatic, white with red bucket th mileage. Gus Brown Motors, 1961 CORVAIR Monza, four-door auto- matic, custom radio, padded dash, 26,000 guaranteed original miles. Lady owned are since new. Gus Brown Motors, deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 $28 DOWN, $15 weekly, buys '59 Lincoln, four-door .hardtop, with all extras, This car original'y is sold for $8,000. Must 1957 METEOR, very good condition, new paint, new seat covers, $395. Was $495. Apply 509 Bloor Street East after 4 p.m. be seen to he appreciated. Cash, trade, terms at Nicol Motors, Whitby 668-3331, 1957 PONTIAC, two-door hard-top, 6 cyl- inder, standard, $325. Telephone 725-2892, TRADE el Bi. a better used car from ig of fi any bargains bb daily in the times t Classified Section 1959 CADILLAC convertible, white with red trim, white roof, fully power equipp- ed. Low mileage' and mechanical condi- ee ly guarantee. Gus Brown, 1957 OLDSMOBILE 88 sedan, radio, washers, snow tires. Good mechanically. Also good body. $225 or best offer. Please call Ajax 942-6552. 1957 PONTIAC Laurentian, matic, radio, washers, white walls, good bod V-8, auto- ly. Telephone Whitby 668-4102 after six. 1959 P PONTIAC) four-door sedan, good con- dition, Will fake best reasonable offer.|' Apply 125 Clarke Street. f 1939 CHEVROLET, é-cylinder standard, ti j » radio, ite- red interior best offer, 723-7482 after 6 p.m. fully powerea, low mileage. After 6 tele- 10. excellent condition. Best offer accepted. 728-4 9a OLDSMOBILE, four-door, 1957 METEOR, 6 cylinder, mission, vacio, original new car condi- n-| $10 DOWN, $7 weekly buys '57 Chevrolet, wo-door hardtop Bel Air. Cash, trade or lerms at Nicols Motors, Whitby 668-3331. trans- 1961 'corvair four-door automatic, radio, pod ae one owner, $1200. Telephone 510 DOWN, $15 weekly buys '60 Chevro- 'et V8, four-door hardtop. Cash, trade or terms at 'Nicols Motors, Whitby. 668-333). piled a oni nth Sandlot nies 1960 RENAULT, very good condition in- side and out. $275. 509 Bloor Street East. Peterhead tefl ht dl 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, black, at rey or besi offer, Whitby 668-8053 after $10 DOWN $6 weekly buys '60 Vauxhall sedan, very economical transportation. --Violet Naylor. OSHAWA JAYCEES BINGO 20 games at $20, 5 games at $30 -- $150 Jackpot 2 - $250 Jackpots NUMBERS 50 and 55 Early Bird Game RED BARN Children under 16 not admitted tio trate or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby. 668-3321. $774 BUYS '60 Triumph Sports car. This is the car for the young at heart. Cash 'rade or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby. 668-3331. $584 FULL PRICE with $10 down, $6 poy, buys this '58 Morris Oxford sta- tionwagon. Cash, trade or Alia At, Nic- ols Motors, Whitby 668-333 ion Fully guaranteed. Terms available. --.|Gus Brown Motors, 725-1801. ~ power | 5 brakes an power steering. Radio A-1, no rust. Phone 725-7887. 32--Trucks for Sale LADIES' AUX. POLICE ASSOCIATION BAKE SALE Sat., Feb, 13 at the Metropolitan Store NHL BIG SEVEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bobby Hull's lead in the Na- T 0 N | G H T tional Hockey League scoring pace gradually being cut down by teammate Stan Mikita of Chicago Black Hawks, espe- cially while Hull remains idle with a knee injury. Mikita added an assist Wed- nesday night giving him 63 points, 19 goals and 44 assists. Hull remains at 67, 38 goals and 29 assists. Norm Uliman of Detroit Red Wings added an assist to bring his total to 49 points, made up of 23 goals and 26 assists. Phil Esposito of the Hawks stepped over Phil Goyette of New York into fourth spot with a goal and an assist for 46 points. Goyette has 45. Gordie Howe went scoreless Wednesday night but retained sixth place with 43 points, while Pierre Pilote of Chicago as- we CHEVROLET four-door, 'ad! snow tires, body good condition. Private. Whitby 668-5152. 1959 CHEVROLET two-door hardiop, V8 radio, white-walls. Excellent condition $1060. or best offer. 668-5007. unfurnished apartment, immediately. Apply 213 Albert Street. THREE-BEDROOM house, outside elly limits, $1,060 down. Required immediate. || ly, preferably with garage. Telephone|i THREE-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, in quiet home, ggg bathroom, park- ing. Non-smok its only. After 1 over $1009. Hampton 263-2138, $25 DOWN, $19 weekly, buys this | lovely '61 Pontiac convertible, terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby. 668-3331 1960 LARK. Very clean, rust free, has new licence plates. price. Motors, Whitby 668-3331. 1953 CHEVROLET, radio, snowtires, very good. condition Monterey. an exceptionally well kept car, $875. Call 725-6728. Cash, trade or terms Nicols . $140. Also 1959 Mercury USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make railers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street) 2 East affer 4, 723-228). of repair. Ary location. Mr, Yeo. 728-5123| com, built ovens includ ny _ faalo, tires, Bolahood Brothers Limited. 668-8: ed. Whitby | stack with red interior, 36,000 miles. obi airs po ow Clean OLDER HOME, under. $10,000, Could | SPA ACIOUN Reeeteun apa Oe plist ccna na ~q|MOUBHOUT. 8750. Telephone 725-2879 arrange all cash. No agents, please.|apartment building, available immediate-| 2961 standard two-door, light] $93 DOWN, si weekly buys "5) Pontia Write Box 421, Oshawa Times. ly, stove, refrigerator, iaundry facilities,|Plue, excellent condition. Call Bowman-|' surentian two-door heedton: Poin THRZE BEDROOMS or more older home|APPly 68 Wayne Street, Apartment 3, Ville 623-5577. jor terms af Nicols Motors, Whitby acceptable in Oshawa. $500 down, Tele-| telephone 725-3938, 1961 DODGE Phoenix « convertible," vs, 668-3331. phone 728-6114, MODERN APARTMENTS, refrigerator,|2utomatic, full power cel-| $10 DOWN, $8 weekly, buys '58 Ford, four URGENTLY NEEDED. 3 or 4 bedroom|Stove. heat, water, drapes included, ele- roi condition, Gus Brown Motors, door hardtop Just like new. Cash, trade home or an income home. Contact Stevelvator service, controlled doors, Adults|725-1801. == dor terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby, Macko, Schofield-Aker Ltd., 723-2265; eve-| Preferred Avoly Suserintendent, 321 Mar-| 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, radio, white-| 668-3331 nings 728-5868 and Avenue, 7: walls. Owner joining RCAF. Best offer) igss CHEVROLET two door coach, V8, cash, trade or automatic, radio, discs, washers, etc., twi-tone red and white, A-1 mechanically, perfect body and paint (definitely no rust) $675. Call 725-5555 before 5 p.m. Lock heater. Must 723-7312, mokers, p.m. call 725-3760, aa Albany Street. $495 cash. Phone Ajax 942-6725, 1958 PONTIAC convertible. Excellent con- dition. New tires, radio. Telephone Bay Smart Business People Sing the Praises of Oshawa Times Classified tires. Brooklin 655-3663. [tlds Pah: 1 iA icc REC RS LOO PICK-UP TRUCK -- $25. down, $8. week- ly buys this '57 Chevrolet, '-ton pick-up. Cash, trade or terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 666-2301. PICK-UP TRUCK. -- $25. down, $8. week-| Proceeds to the crippled 936 CHEVROLET excellent condition,|\y buys this '59 Ford, Va-ton pick-0p.| children's al Help us complete front end put under car. Four Cash, trade or terms at Nicol's Motors, hel :! new tires, Phone Whitby 668-8057. Whitby, 668 3331. to help others. "|$148 FULL PRICE buys '55 Chevrolet;|1957 CHEVROLET, one-ton truck. Wilson $125.1¢ buys '54 Cadillac convertible, full] stake body rack Excellent condition, new NOVEL BINGO at THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) sisted on one goal to retain last spot in the Big Seven, at the same time knocking off Rod Gilbert of New York and Claude Provost of Montreal. The leaders: r Games $6, $12, $20 G A Pts. Fons ike @ charm, $900 cash' Dial 94%:| May be doubled or tripled 204 B, Hull, Chicago 38 29 67 $220 IN JACKPOTS |B. Hull, rapa | 1953 CHEVROLET, half-ton pick-up, Cail Door Prize $15 ihita, Chicago ai SOCIAL ny a Phillip's Church, Ullman, Detroit 2a - 1947 CHEVROLET, tow truck, power -- p's '| Esposito, Chicago 1 25 4 winch, 300 ft cable. Dodge truck, 1949;|Oxford Street and Emerald, prizes. » 6 Lunch ed. Thursday, foray 1,|/Goyette, New York 12 33 45 one ton GMC Dial Hampton 263-2445 of Pan Soman pg Detroit 18 25 43 1947 FORD haif-ton pick-up. Looks Pilote, Chicago 7 34 41 good. Runs good. $140. Dial Ajax 942-6086 Siier five. 33--Automobiles Wanted CAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Ridges, 639-2882, Ads Want-Ads Don't Cost - They Pay 200 Wentworth East, 725-1181, DONNA' SEIGHT YEARS Telivision's Donna Reed se- ries now is beginning its eighth year of production, 's Cl ; EL line. . SHAREthe-WEALTH (CARD OF THANKS Regular Jackpot $200 Pe yg" _ in 58 Nos. cere thanks to Doctors . Sen ban, $20.00 Consolation [fs thlr"care and Kinenn fo the Rey. GOOD PARKING (Bn Baden Gate =, ee eee er ae re NO CHILDREN Sey: We teaplal Jig Gina