PILOT CLUB AIDS CRIPPLED CHILDREN Mr. Harold MeNeill looks on while Mrs, Albert Barnes, treasurer of the Pilot Club, puts her signa- ture on a $100 cheque, which the elub will present to him led Children for the Cri The money has been reed by the Pilot Club's telephone arty, a rummage a sale of Christ- bridge sale ané mas candies and donations from various members.This is an annual gift made to the Crippled Children to be used in Uhatevar way the need arises, The presentation was made Monday morning. --Oshawa Times Photo Beaded Shower Curtains New Bathroom By ELEANOR ROSS Shopping for new bathroom glamour? Well those 24 - karat gold- lated faucets are gleamingly Beautitul but we'll settle gladly for the new. shower curtains now coming into the stores. The new importance of the shower curtain as a decorative item is reflected in valances that match or contrast, in hooks that simulate gold roses,| high and tie-backs for two-piece cur- tains made of glittering beads strung on cord. NEW THIS YEAR The all-headed shower curtain (a plastic liner makes it prac- tical) is a new entry this season along with vinyl flecked with color. Embroidered duck, screen printed shantung, braid- trimmed linen and laces typify the trend to luxury But how nice it 'is that all this luxurious beauty is wash- able. Many can go into the washing machine, others are content te be sudsed in the bathtub, rinsed under running water, 'and hung back on the rod to dry. Or, when only slightly dirty, the curtain can just be swabbed down with a well ~ lathered brush or sponge and rinse- wiped without teking it from the red. Clamp several skirt hangers along. the bottom edge to hold the fabric er plastic taut while you do this suds-sponging. DRY ON THE ROD The plastic liners beneath these 'show piece"' curtains can be machine-washed, Omit the final spin and let them dry on the shower rod. New-in bath towels is a softer, more absorbent texture, as well as improved printing tech- niques that permit many more colors in a single design. The softer feel is sometimes achieved by blending colton with rayon, or with ra linen or by new processes in cutting or fluffing. Borders that remain pucker- free even when machine- washed in hot suds and ma- chine-dried make for a big im- and finishes or Decor they are displayed can contrib- ute to bathroam decor. For example, inexpensive hooks or rings can be arranged in an interesting pattern on a wall to distribute color to the best advantage. Or you might construct a lad- der of single wooden rods that can hold a family supply of towels. Or suspend a towel rod on colorful nylon rope, anchored on the wall with a colorful metal rosetie, CLIPPED TO WALL Towel clips which fasten to the wall are also handy when space is limited. They allow mp towels to hang open and dry more quickly. The decorative soap dish is also functional these days, The new ones are designed to let soap drain and dry. Plastic or Be of that 7 thing, fe ANN LANDERS Destroys Love Dear Ann ot You won't print this but I'm writing be- cause I want to get something off my chest, You received many letters roasting mths woman who un- the closet but you 'one letter in her to' speak up in ft' woman: because we have a great dealin com- "i dn undress in the closet, in a different house. ba pari year 1 was mauled, | ueezed pinched, sq and patted i I was on the verge of a ous breakdown. No saatisp wer t _ doing, how I Lge what m --~ hap sick or well, my "hemeeed (whe showed no hint of his enormous carnal appetite before mar- rage) was breathing down my leer panting, pawing until I cou n't stand the sight of him. "Night and Day" was written - him, me it meant only one x A knot on a tree him of @ woman's shape. Mentally he undressed every woman saw, and he never failed to tell me in detail of his reaetions. probably say he is sick, but so far as I know he is still running around loose. I had enough sex in one year te last me a lifetime, I had to leave him to save my sanity, Now you can throw this letter away, but I feel better for hay- ing written it--STATE OF LIB- erty Dear Lib: Your ex-hyshand's morbid preoccupation with sex is indeed sick. But you have a problem, too. Obviously, you don't like sex and you liked your husband even less. Some women would have adored at least some of that attention. Ah! The. unfairness of it all, on stiff petals or have little sup- porting knobs on the inside sur- face. Some of the handsomest fix- tures are being designed with the small bathroom in mind, A new counter - top. fixture features a crescent-shaped lav- atory and faucet at one corner with the result that two can be installed in the space required for the more conventional coun- ter-top. SITTING ROOM New bathtubs, designed with crescent-shaped bathing areas, provide "'sitting room" along the rim. A final nete; Why not put the clothes hamper on wheels so it ean be rolled up to the tub side for use as a table or seat. It's an excellent idea for a small bathroom. It looks like ingenuity and de- sign are making the bath one of the best decorated rooms in the metal flowers support the soap home, You would) to SMELLS # Over-Sexed Mate Dear Ann Landers; Roger and I plan to be married soon. We will be living with his mother. She has a thing a person would want, How can. I let my friends know I will not be needing any appliances or household items, I don't want to be erass or about wedding commercial gifts, but I am a practical arene BRIDE Dear Bride: You don't intend te live with Roger's mother for the rest of your life, do you? Well, don't instruct people to Be a for a-- sad, send you this or not send you that. Accept with grace what- ever you receive, Put away the appliances and household items which you will not be needing now. Later they will come in mighty handy and you'll be der lighted that you have them, ear Ann Landers: You told Mrs. H. W. it takes about 14 years and $38,000 to become a doctor. You are right about the 14 years but my checkbook tells me you are off on the figures, The actual cost is much closer $50,000, I am proud and happy that my son is a doctor, but it's a long and expensive haul, In ad- dition to the schooling, don't forget to include the cost of clothing, transportation, which means one, two or three cars, and last but not least, "spend, ing money" for 14 years. May I ask Mrs. H.W.R. how she'd like te be an intern for a large andlyeyr son, lovely home which has every-\tonks for setting the record Nc decad mich paw byes $12.50 a month and on 24 hour call? Or how she'd like to be connected with a maternity cen- tre for seven months, often working for 72 hours without sleep? Tis life of a doctor may jin Oral Pills Provide Perfect Protection TORONTO (CP)-~All five oraljan article on oral contraceptives licensed for salelin the Canadian Medical Jour: Canada provide them seem glamorous but you canj100 per cent' protection against rest assured it is very hard|pregnancy, says Dr, F. EB. Bry-|the contraceptives as Enovid,ipair future work and it takes many years|#™6 9f Vancouver, "'virtually|nal. Dr. British Columbia, Bryans indentifies Enovid E, two forms 'ef ortho-jand "there the| The | ong do Fog im- Dr. Bryans, head of the ob-|novum, and Norlestrin--all of/the menopause is delayed oF stetrics and gynaecology de|which may cause slight weight|that years of fertility are pro- partment at the University of|gein, nausea, headaches, dizzi- ' has published ness, depression or apathy among some women using ag hesaineeie - Dr. Bryans cau- suffering betes, cardiac or that! gre and plenty of hard money to get there.-- A DOCTOR'S FATHER Dear Dad; Congratulations on the doctor. And straight, although it sounds as if you put your son through on a much grander scale than most fathers couid--or would, CENTRES NO ANSWER LONDON, Ont, (CP) -- Social workers must go out into the streets to reach the tough, alien- ated youths who do not ask for help, James Felstiner of the Toronto University Settlement said, Addressing the United Community-Services group here, he"said this kind of help is more useful than offering recreational facilities, MATERNITY FASHIONS Smart new '65 Fa- shions for spring and summer now in stock. e@ 1 Piece one from .... 0 © 2&3 piece suirs from .... 95 @ TOPS from 05 @ SLIMS from 3.98 © SKIRTS from 3.98 Bi A LADIES te 72 Simcoe North 725- pea Open Fri, TIN 9 PM. The important name to look for when buying GINGER ALE "You can tell by the taste it's WILSON'S? COLETTE SHOES from all 3 stores. . ings up to $6 per pair... quality shoes at genuine tremendous saving. SMART FLATTIES HUGE 3 STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE Yes ~ this is the biggest sale ever in our history. Thous- ands of pairs of smart. Shoes on Sale now. Clearances . Many at half price and cost. Sav- Now is the time to stock up on CLEARANCE SALE! FEATURING OUTSTANDING VALUES AT DRAMATIC SAVINGS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT FINAL FINAL CLEARANCE OF LADIES' BLOUSES Many styles te choose from--White and printed ladies' blouses--short er 34 sleeves. Sizes 10 - 20. LADIES' BULKY KNIT CARDIGANS Seve from 2.99 to 4,99 on bulky knit cerdigons in Orion er Acrilen. Wide selection ef styles end colours, Sizes $-M-L, SAVE 4.99 LADIES' DOESKIN STRETCH SLIMS These better quality deeskin stretch slims ere by ene ef Cenado's leading mokers. Aveileble in Bleck, Brown, Novy or Royel Blue. Sizes 8-20. SAVE ON LADIES' JUMPERS Choose from this wide selection of jumpers in plain end novelty all wool fabrics. 'Sheath or action skirts. Sizes 8-16. REGULAR 2,98 and 3.98 REGULAR 8.98 - 10,98 REGULAR 10.98 REGULAR TO 12.98 FRESH SPRING COTTON SLEEPWEAR A lovely assortment of cotton Gowns, Capris, Beby Dells--many styles from which to pce 3g lace trimmed or with tucking. Assorted colours. Sizes: S-M-L, ARNEL TRICOT 'LADIES' 1% SLIPS Beoutiful styles in ornel tricot VY slips. Assorted plain shades and some faney prints included. Sizes; S-M-L. LADIES' ARNEL TRICOT PETTI PANTS Arnel tricot petti pents in assorted lovely styles end eplours. Lece er embroidery trimmed, Sizes: S-M-L. NYLON TRICOT LADIES' BRIEFS By a famous maker--good fitting nylon tricot briefs with esserted lece trims and eppliques, White, Pink, Blue or Vanilla, Sizes; S-M-L. RAYON TRICOT LADIES' BRIEFS A lovely assortment of styles with lace er embroidery trims. Printed tricot briefs included. White, Pink, Blue, Black, Red. Sizes: §-M-L. " REGULAR TO 3.98 REGULAR 1,98 -- REGULAR c 1.49 PAIR PAIR REGULAR TO 79¢ PAIR 2 PAIR Black, brown and a gor- REDUCED FROM STOCK GIRLS' FALL DRESSES po provement. Many adorable styles ond many fabrics to choose from in girls' fall dresses, sno In addition to the beauty of ; the towels themselves, the way TTT @ FREE Ports for your furnace ® FREE Furnece Cleen-out . FREE 24-Hour Service WHEN YOU DEAL WITH Western OIL CO. 725-1212 Where You Cut Your Fuel Costs geous assortment of fa- shion colours. Regular to 5,99. NOW 2.99 Hi-Heels, Illusion Heels and Stack Heels 5-99 BOYS' 2 PIECE SLACK SETS Boys' 2 pc. slack sets, Fully kasha lined slacks and long sleeve T-Shirt in plain or stripes. Broken size and colour range. Sizes 3-6x. JET HEELS, FLATTIES, DRESS SHOES 3°9 Hurry now... this gigantic sale will be on for a limited time only. Rush today for the best values as long as they last and save yourself DOLLARS and DOLLARS. REDUCED FROM STOCK GIRLS' BLOUSES Many adorable styles to choose rfom in girls' cotton er terylene blouses. Short end % sleeve styles. Sizes 3-6x. Black and brown. Regu- lar to 10.99, NOW REGULAR 2.98 Black, brown and many fashion eolours. Regular to 7.99, NOW GIRLS' CRINOLINES oy or styles to choose from at this: low, lew price. Broken size range. izes 2-14 GIRLS' SLIMS Many styles and fabrics to choose from in girls' slims. Broken size end colour range. Sizes 4-14. WINTER BOOTS Medium. and High, Flat heels and stacked heels. Black, Brown, . White and beige: NOW ee eee a PAIR REGULAR 59c - 1.00 PAIR Open 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday You heave only @ short time te get the shoe bargain of your life. We know you won't be disappointed. 1f you hurry new you'll still be able te take advantage of our jrand assortment of styles, colours and sizes. CHILDREN'S '| MITTS AND GLOVES A broken size and colour ronge of girls' mitts and gloves. In bulky knits ond vinyls, SHOE STORES oe te make your feat OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE @| 2 Hamilton Stores 26 King St. W., Oshawa