2 TH CHUAWA TAH, Tn January 12, 1965 "Times Action Want Ads Are Everyones Business ... Use Them Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 + 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wantéd _|20--Reol Estate for Sole deine Ge lorenenc emt EEL en and vn cee SCHOFIELD-AKER s Lafes bere ar, quired for part time work meee eee evenings or Saturdays. Excel- pontine responsible person tak : 2 rge of two-year-old child a lent commissi id daily. ' 723-2265 Tight"duites, tive In or out, Rossland, Siem eh on Accou ; Building Trades Musical Services 2--Personal : : ,* yeas coe ares. Write Box 811, Oshawa Times. TELEPHONE z ae oo AnD CO. es. EXPERT PIANO TUNING and repairs. 1 F 'VaewieN / tee Fe |18--Male Help Wanted GLOBE AND MAIL (Over.a Quarter scones eee re| Quality Carpentry |frsunmaed, strat mnie ers] EA DULL AN cs, 725-4473 Century of Service) , and General Repairs | Optometrist (English Tailor) rmsTRUME ff | ; Alterations, ree rooms: cup. le preqaRe RING -O6THEmGs| CUSTOM TAILORING Aebattuct, CAMERA packing Aopiy CRICGRENTARE Were i nt ll EE iti hein ree bedroom bi boards, floor, ceiling and |Street serif, Sulte 4 Oshaws. Telephone Iteroti GOURD MMIACKED 0 J wall tiles, orborite etc. Sotis- [72419 sult ond oe Sere BOW AND fi DEPARTMENT Soe golow with erie Wving arse le Mendi : a fence . C8 % inside. and out, Recreation fection guaranteed. Plumbing and Heating 10 PRINCE ST 728-5311 SCRAPS- TONS 1 a eterview, write alviag prone number 'e| Room for the children. Gare swe vader. Feta cotchdndadshesn: Ree oN" Toronto H. a 725-8576 |act pLumBine and heating supplies.| HELEN COME HOME. | found out the ARE GOURD ON Man required to ass@me te. omera! oneal bi age and storage space for Ti 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd.,|car weaving th wobbling - wasn plan HIS SOMACH. : HOUSEKEEPER. (NGC Sead a | Dod. Lor 46' x 125', com- i paper-| Pi Heating and Engineering, 225|Wheels were out of alignment. Found selling and related res- |MOUSEKEEPER, reliable, fond of chi tely hedged, Slob patio antral services| Simcoe ret South, with a 2 i checeup at General Tir of a dren for friendly, comfortable home, Ref-| pletely hedged, pat ot ode ALL TYPES of repalrs and remodelling, 4 AQREE§ | ponsibilities of modern erences Call Toronto collect Melrose} rear. In a man residen- De teen (NOW EN Ed materials, Ree 7. xt MB é F 2 tiel area, A fine home wait- YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim-|rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ares ond Barter t 1, \\ WAM camera department in |WomAN to took ater Wores children! ing for someone. ineys built and repaired; gas linings in- . TOASTERS, sti irons, half price, "yy "f \ i i . whe bers a Bor Ke-alalied: roots, repaired. Free estimates.| Rug-Upholstery Service sinks, $4 'olieter '$29.98) "vanities, sii] | 9 HAT Te : \ leading retail store. Sal- {gy tes asa ts wes JUST BELOW private room. bs, $20.7 laundry tubs, pumps, pres- P . | ary commensurate with CAPABLE GIRL TT lal ----e sure systems, pipes, filtings, bests, fralt- ME LONGEST j ry CAPABLE GIRL for general housework. KING ST, EAST Burrows, CA, 728-7554. gee get Ge Ba OSHAWA ie ae Chere. corte' Hileida one LEGGED BIRD a experience. Livesin, fond of children, Private room Bompaik' Be a" ches MONT Re Cow} La ind smal: fobs, L. fond a; Roofi Park South, 723-7088. 1H PROPORTION, 5 MAJORCA, with TV, char kept, Bowmanville, 623- , wa Gourd h fen pe, oe tare a rel aT. iy CLEANERS 05 SIZED me MLAND 2473. boasts 17x 10 ae tam Centre, Suite 2156, Alex, 942-1 : : ' 8--Articles for Sale ° f t and a panelled den 11' x 8 shop ig Ce ee8-a131 a Se ta Rug and Upholstery Cleon- Sth. WRITE TO; 19---Male or Female in basement. 60' T.V, Tower nd ing, wall and floor tiles, Te ing. At our plant or in your a : Tee Help Wanted and all alum. storms and Antiques Perry coe 985-2674 ne hose P' ti "~ d ds & Ends" 2 : BOX 907 Ip screens throughout, . Reach HiDDEN CORNER -- Antiques bought| TRADE @ better used car trom : , for this borgain - @ paint "a oa neentuome | CALL 725-9961 Assaults OSHAWA TIMES ROUTEMEN brush in hand will pay great ' ROOFING, painting, lathing, _insulati 94 BRUCE STREET maryilis Bulbs . " ' it ividends. Barristers Speciaiz ae i Cees el et ee Gloxinia Bulbs 9--Market Basket 13--Articles for Rent bibl os ga : ing tile and all kinds of repairs. J. C. pearly date re-upholstered and re- A ; TRICOUNTY Formers' Markel, 1275 Sitm-|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Canoda's largest food DESIRABLE CENTRAL cre NAN, MURDOCH, and| Fo Singler, , 123-6603, pet Free estimate. See our material) Britannia Malt Extract | coe street North. Open to serve you, Frl-|reducing machines, sick room supplies. ing company requires men VICTOR, Berri vesedny id $ Simcoe] ALL nt} bulidi Tepairs and re on reat" Beers Uphoistering, 75 Snow Shovels day, 12 noon to 8 p.m.7 Sateraey, 9 a.m.jAid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, SALESMAN with good appearance. Age LOCATION coe © eons TK. modelling, chimneys, 'new and. repsired, Charis. Sroe' 7237212 Bi : fo 3 p.m. with fresh meat, poultry, vege! CHAIRS, card and banquet fables, church REQUIRED 25-35. Good opportunity for Situated on a large lot. Sere ad Gare et Hemme ceteris] «WIG Bird Mix ele Se ote Seabee nares lace renin, ine far Rei a further advancement. Mini. | Close to separate, public ond pera a crs lat 'Simcoe. 'Street, unflower 'round, ieee. Biren Werth, Coil Fare For local. bronch: of one of 'ction three years | high schools. The back yard PLASTERING and patching, new and pe can 728-645). Free estimates Pole Bird Feeders TAPONS, 6 lbs. and up. Fresh killed, HALL AVAILABLE for private parties, Conbds's lorcedt betel chain ish egg: yea 4 is fevced and has frilt trek. fea. teens TANT on fete OFFER YOUR SERVICE regulariy In the Potting Soil Svan Tas pobveret, ie cock Tae Se hgeennas, Mar feeneimanial| Core" Aone teed te | faah Seteal. Traiger ee een nates. TeeNOne THAT Or 7209250. _ siness id The ! phone M4 : * ; ' . na A ye ag dhl 2 IMPROVEMENTS, rooting, al Times 'Clasfieg Section. Dial 7233072 Liquid Fertilizer BEDROOM SUITE, singie and bunk beds} 21 to 30 years of age with paved drive and finally a loan. Office 14% King iq) tiful fo toon. Ofice cavestroughing ry work, painting now and a friendly, ad-writer will help ice Sal mattresses in good conaition; double bed, 14--Business Opportunities| © successful selling back- PHONE bequti recreation room, ellis, sera puis, Al work guaranteed you. Ww eg eae | dressers, saa re incon § ; ground, Willing to learn var- 728 6961 Asking Age This icy - Re-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- ater So alt x 12 rug, cedar chest, 173 Ritson Roa ious phases.of operation and sai good value - so act quickly, South, : | Cartoge rials: Workmanship posranieed Wve. Years. Flower Pots PRIGIDATRES Capua, 7 aioe ta, EXCELLENT apply himself. An excellent 9AM. to'5 P.M. CUSTOM BUILT '|Roviner cat fal | BF Cartage. jo Free estimates Credit terms. Mattresses self defrosting refrigerator on top; 168 OPPORTUNITY opportunity for advancement, Soii-| insured. ae cheap a6 moving you il ehboring Cone Ty ar Bek Avecos | EST. 1909 Ibs., separate door, deep freezer - below. Apply by phone for appoint- Sol self, "25980 or § pany, 4 | Like new. 8! Céntral Park South. : a nt. 725-0311. C S : th C our Rei set --ez| High Volume Esso Service | 20--Real Estate for Sale Tee dom bi bunge- rmonveges,| Caterers Sales and Service ooper ~oml 0. lerfields. mattresses, etc. On salel 10 per! Station for Lease in W. FERTILE New white and gold Torgenol '|Wit! cater tor weadinge benauele' "ene | GUARANTEED repairs To all wringer jEasy terms!" Barons' Home 'Furnishings, Town of Whitby FIRESTONE STORE flooring in bathroom and vesti« 16 Cel St 'Can accommodate 150. Also rooms and|Wwashers and ranges. Free estimages, Call ena ° 424 Simcoe south, i e bule. Built-in garage gives on meals. 728-1297 or 723-5521, 728-1742. 723-1139 BECKMAN P. H, metre, laboratory; For further information call 190 King St. East . oir of prestige. Extra flue for himen.| Dentistry Septic Service bags: fc, Telephone 'Ajay sapase. | MR. E.N. GRANT, Oshawa - 725-6566 REALTOR fireplace, x * BIG SALE during J ind February. j i A c BALE, DR <6. -- Denial Surgeon, | SEPTIC Maver yar Creel Pevie| ~ WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER {BIG SALES during Jerwacy ond Bébruary. Imperial Oil Ltd. Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. | ber of extras you will wont to 72- 5842 or Res, 728-844), |V'est, Whi Texaco Furnace Fuel Oil and [wave permanents, $3.98 complete. Towne Downsview, Ont. see. Luxurious living ot @ Stove Oil, FREE Gummer Ser. | srree ies Bond Street West, Ist steer bn ata OG win Alex YOUNG MAN PHONE 623-3950 reasonable price level, 942-588 Dressmaking Surveyors vice. "blee coal" - Cannel J. M. Greer, N and PLRISCHMANN, Ontario . a LARGE size crib and mattress. Also 42- 4 JONES AVENUE "issues Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, | LADIES, Lak Glle caaee heen coed baxverar, Cammemcel toe prints, Soot pores Nese Lloyd baby carriage converts to stroller. To handle stock and to OSHAWA, attarten sr0, gad «2 Gees 5 aoe oe a are tetas Searle Cans : SAWDONS' * | FIREPLACE, ge0e well pump, Targe $179,000 - $179,000} assist in its control. with wacies tent: paved Gries: good 'size living room with DRESSMAKING -- Sulls, coats, dresses, |Surveyors, 11) Elgin Street East. Phone s aeress grate, two antiave Theta laroe piclore Grodé" 10. duction infer: way. Nice, clean home with has rege oe se alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting | 725-6881. 6 ft Number of odd articles. 18 SUITE APARTMENT r rec room, lots of cupboards, rn COmpoe Specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. Trade School (Whitby) wt Thornton Road North, ed. and applicants should Nicely landscaped. Asking is on excellent location, close ag ge ER gh a Bac SS ee ee ee | TOP CATION tal © ernie 108 tan. |" ring 017 Pe, Sat tony hee seat 666-8463, Whitby. ; aaa foe I : " Ri 4 poy cna All kinds of A gpg EARN $10, 000 - $15, 000 SMILE re APT, a ode Route se For more information contact: WRITE pag Brig eBainh ord par Ragtlay Aun tend ae . Woods, 728-3420. wets haan cell @ year as 8 Boom. ; (ae ill. Millar -- 725-118 attached Bathroom t, Gardening and Supplies Ing industries ere continuously sesking bo patna fh tea 10--Farmer's Column ies : -- with vonity.. Double laundry gt Classified Rates TREE to trim? Call "Slim". Or cut them| "en 'rained ano qualified for responsible! =" cheapest. When sell. | WANTED: Used farm tractor, smaller! = WW TL ANSON Oshawa Times tubs. Only $3,000 down. 7 ROOM BRICK jobs. Men who can be a credit to the . 8 , ' i WORD AD' fe sig tl nice ethan rane firm end who can earn big money. Age| ing or buying used furniture {| 8iz@. Phone 721 ! SENECA AVE, large 5 roomed 2 STOREY HOME ON Cash--! insertion of %& words los | saaionl words nc etch 2 ox; | Instruction macnn ato Ingrant| nd oppllonces phone "726. [DEAD aw, ces Tes Ga | «---REAL ESTATE : brick bungalow "with set. | TWO-ACRES OF LAND aire baatioms af it cory tan an earnest desire to work and learn is} 4401 or come to the store {Tyrone Telephone "Collect Hampton, PRINTING contained and rented base- Just 8 years old. Country Hes iasertlons of 24 words S432, adel | essential. 16% Bond W. 263-2721; Licence 33-C-64 67 KING ST. E., APPRENTICESHIP ment partment, Excellent pibhy with City convenience, have ¢ nd | F | income . Only $4, ust outside Oshawa. 4 Ce woe ef cent additional TUTORING eng yt Sale selected om attlons Wrlinn ae a erted! cme) © Vi--Pets sand Livestock 1 SO ----.| Good opportunity for High down. aaa tan aoa cious. bedrooms, | plus extra ghoroe if not 'soggy gon a, Classes now in session at tions with well-known companies and wejheater; chine cabinets other household| POODLES, quality Toys and Miniatures.| School graduate interested in é washroom, Several fruit trees. words counts as 24 words, each word, | 'Academic Tutoring College. | -an help you too! If you Would like to be|2rticies. Telephone 723-2164 ae ee | BEAUTY SALON a coreer to learn printing GARAGE with showroom and A wonderful place for your initial, figure 'or abbreviation counts | All ages, grades, subjects. trained tor a more highly pald job where|@AS STOVE, Norge, four burner, good|#EAUTIFUL, baby budgies, ready for business, Plaguart® ain 3 apartments. Close to Osh- family. Offers privacy and es ene words phone sumber counts | Reading, Math, English |vey will meet and do business with top onaition, .ven "control. $35. Telephone] training. | talking strain, Apply Mit. FOR SALE conditions: Tactanichi Saini awa. Asking $39,500. Terms. comfort, Asking $17,800.00. two words Science, etc. From student's ite 'at der Gath tol Bhomdl i sith BIRTHS ~ DEATHS -- we tedhodke privn + |men, then write at once COLEMAN gas space heater, fully euto-|CHIMUAHUA pups, brown and black, i facilities, All company bene- BOWMANVILLE, 7 roomed ASK ABOUT BEAU VALLEY $200. per Insertion with 25 cents ad- rou Ce Commercial Training Service | matic, 2-speed fan, used only one winter.| Males, nine weeks old. Telephone Brook-| Well established. Central fits and promising future. brick home with atached gar- A PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE group. : For information. telephone 725-7783, lin 655-4678. i i i wath 1 , Isling Ont. A Must be capable, ha bi- age. All in excellent condi- --_-- lain ACADEMIC 2 Astley Fark Rowe | ELECTRIC iawn mower; Viking reiriger-| MINIATURE black poodle Tor sale. Reg-| downstoir location in Oshawa, | fivst Be capable, have ambi- | age. Asking $14,500, Easy | For full parti IN MEMORIAMS TUTORING COLLEGE TV--Radio Repairs ator, 150 ib. freezer: Viking stove; Ken-| istered with papers. Has had all needies. D iS . Tem ad ta) ull particulars call 723-2268 $2.00 for the first. 3 words and more washing machine; metal ward-|Call_ 723-6306 All modern equipment. Own- TELEPHONE wehbe OPEN DAILY seen gy a Rg ine ot CALL 723-6701 TV TOWERS condition. WNby, ssast, We nn ieea putcion. eneripien bitok er must retire. Reasonable, for 723-2233 local 68 4 BEDROOM bungalow with 9AM. TO 9 P.M. verse 25 additional charge F eh paid within 7 doys. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4@-foot fower|'ines. Stud services, boarding, quarter living room, dining room, CARDS OF THANKS WHITBY dogg all-channel antenna, installed, horses, foals, trailer. Ashburn, Brooklin quick sale. Apply for appointment. kitchen. Modern conven- TV Supply Limited, 361) 655-4062. Irene Brown .... 725-3867 Ssch thersafer, with 3i¢"sdainonsi | DRIVING SCHOOL ECONOMY AND -- | Sibnone'Sireet Yanai" UMN 3 sar sale besa wp pl tin Margoret Lee... 723-2894 creroe ied 'wahin Faays New dual controlled cars DELUXE Oe -- Sone tod Wace Fapairad| Cemneiens Oe taele. 5 weeks old. Sold far BOX 121 4 EXPERIENCED BRICK HOME on main street Charles Chaytor . 723-7996 $2.10 per inch (Display) $1.50 for the Personal courteous service. Priced to suit your budget 9731, ae Oshawa Times with bathroom, Only $1,000, pe rs ipa bist aoe tiae a and Sc each thereafter Fully licenced and insured. TERMS ARRANGED ALL remaining stock of baby carriages,| BEAGLE HOUND, 7 months old. Free to SALESMEN down payment. Neil' Campbell eas 4 Auction alka DIAL 668-4176 Ci Pe OM, ar sane ond beds, pine Rola roeenene ETN. ear |GROCERY STORE: Excellent North Osh- fo ' ue COURTICE area, 8 roomed Steve Macko ... 728-5868 $2.16 per Inch per Insertion JA. OSTERHOUT, Owner | C)SHAWA TV __ [pies aes Secteriens termory "et vic Iromperary"nesdies Wie' fron arseungiteaion: consisting ofa goad brick] for used car lot. cient | home on ¥%4 acres lot. All | Allon Thompson . 728-2870 DEADLINES S | Nath Gowan ee fake Simcoe] black from $65. Phone 726-122, ____|drive, garage Purchase price includes) De Dee Cia Cee mah modern conveniences. Double irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 WORD ADS LEARN TO DRIVE SUPPLY LIMITED Private sale a! v2 retell price, Call Mrg.{HOUNDS two black and tan, Excellent|bullding, eavinment, stock at involee. j er Asking $12,500. Ed Drumm .... 725-9345 5 p.m. day previous at the 361 GIBBONS ST. J. Victor, Prince Albert, 985-7115. hunters, all needies, $25 ach, Telephone| eee gre gl li i aot Af plied. ermns Maible Boudrecu 728-2233 EXECUTIVE TYPE bungalow | Reg: Aker 725-0201 LOST AND FOUND Oshawa Driving School ONE BABY'S CRIB, full size, |W.0, Martin. Realtor Apply in person onl 9 a.m. day of publication j ith mattress, lik » $15. y in pe Yue. BIRTHS: AND DEATHS reasonable rates, standard 728-8180 Kiox 9ans0ee after gem $15: Telephone| 12 Articles Wanted 15 Employment Wael BILL HITTICK with almost 1300. q.. #t. Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 RCA VICTOR 17" TV. Telephone 7233274, bad dba satin Winchester rifle. | pg erie een ee VV TT living space. Attached gar- of publication and automatic cars. : : XPERIENCED bookkeeper - typist de- 1 ee tag has previous 738.0091 | COMBINATION freezer and retrigerator,| ~ : sires -full-time position, preferably small MOTORS age, finished rec. room, S j b b day CsieIES DISPLA Professional instructors A column or larger -- 10 | : chrome Kitchensutte, | Ii A firm. References. Write Box 601 Oshawa ved driveway. Over | acre Evel arions pee ___OSHAWA AND WHITBY | TV TOWERS quantity of clothing. Telephone Tasase. "| 1o----Articles for Rent Times, 1250 Dundas St. E fot, Consider less than $5,000 CORRECTION ATTENTION, serious art studentsi Draw-| RESTAURANT pacts National cash BOY, 18, would like full time work. : ee down REAL ESTATE LTD. re ou Ing Seesions in anstory stating th Oe | egister, apray off drink machine, hot Athorpe Briggs, 149 Celine Street. Tele- Whitby ' 299 Si St S h BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- s0¢ rg istormetion, all Clark' *| and Antenna Repair do mech kitchen. Telephone REN Phone 7 ORONO, 5 roomed bungalow imcoe St. Sout! LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A. Dancing seals 16--Agents Wanted : oo man, ere ae uo re 728-7576 School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre. TRIO an King eels, fates. Honest Cal's, OF ALL KINDS AVON modern "coryertences, 'Aske LAUNDERETTE School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays, Hh tos: through einer faire or delay Jn for, Masonic Temple, 723-7253. HONEST CAL'S Foire 'and appl- SALESLADIES ing $10,000. South-end, completely equip- whether ances. Name brands at biggest discounts i achines Need Money to Bolster Th iad vaste Sysco eames |eney To Loan | TELEVISION anywhere. We carry Restorle and'beee| sanding M , ns ey to Bolster The | NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed, al- |. ped with 14 washers, 6 dry- ------_--__ ly mattress furniture ines. Your author. Plumber's Tool We have two openings for Budget? 4 or 5 hours « do t finished, n brick ers, extractor, water softener, replies uncalled for In 20 days PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? if you have zed GE dealer. Contract Honest Ca umber s [90}8 . Ks ( be Y oes pein P Posie . good credit I'll lend 000 8 on . : j ingalow i 750 gal. capaci water REGULATIONS Gut payments in halt or less Yor comoli| |" | BOND ST. E, OSHAWA |4 King Street West, 72640 * Painter's Equipment experienced sales ladies. | wit bring you @ good income. Alea only. $13, 500° "Eoxy hater Glin iheer cab ane dation or any worthwhile if ONE PAIR Fibergiess ski % 7 . ' iti The Oshawa Times wil! not be re |phone toronto ph lal conde 728-5] 43 bovis, site 7, and. safety harness. Call Welding Equipment APPLY terms. dition, excellent for part time ments submitted otherwise then in | Mortgages san eur nein Builder's Equipment =| KRESGE'S Call 725-9696 ; business, for more informa- iar HARDWOOD 7 5 roomed, new brick bunga- tion call 728-7576. ith inser- » one-foot lengths, ¥ tion ot ua javutaoiaia, on TV SERVICE 7.75 single cord Dial 723-2281 after 4 ain, low with attached garage. Son of tn bavertaenent ie chic USED wringer-type washers for sale; SKATE AND | Oshawa Shopping Centre Close to shopping area, Ask- ESTATE SALE oer "ces ors eg eR MORTGA\ } DAY OR EVENING also washers bought, regardless of con- Ti K ing $15,500. Terms. Lovely 6 room, 1% store Be pete es coer ot es 728-5286 TALE VISION TOWaR--=PECTALI BA. HOCKEY Sora wom g re ETT RTE peer crea TWO, 3 bedroom bungalows' | compact brick home with lots Bence i LOANS OSHAWA installed" ncluding all-channel antenna, EQUIPMENT (17--Female Help Wanted | iindel BonettUcHBA with steve of extras, garage and paved Big, Moog Se oe ee Moneys for first mortgages ELECTRONICS tl parenca, 40 Bg ode 'al 10) EXCHANGE as | LATHE HAND front, Vanity in bath . oo deep lot, sunt be sold, Ble, for) more, Space. than then in : Stas one : ith why not inspect this home Top wages and benefits. Only $2,000 down, Balance ; a sible for more space than than in Interest at 7% ss dae te Cal! 728-514: which the actual error occupies. The : PORTABLE. "typewriter, $35; in easy N.H.A, mortgage. now ond see this nice home. publishers endeavor to reproduce al! Open Mortgages ard, $35. Elect é ; "also ~ stand- ' i. aavertising Cob Pgh eB le | No Bonus N O W ing machine, 83 fwolttet cash recister Now at Stan's you seATE de arta HAMPTON, 5 roomed bun- 3 ACRES any erin In any form are com f No charge for valuations Service Calls Till saving an SELLING furnit i FRIDAY NS ee cot ca ge . os Meh ot rnitur 7 . EB Mortgoges ond Agreements 9 PM. spetencas, CaN Eimer, Hampton aabezzq] Nd HOCKEY lead Bloor St. West Ania el.) | tren he of TER ee er TRI '@) 2 VACUUM repairs, all makes, MENT with a fair allow- We are looking for 6 girl Oshawa level land, for more porticue i oe saad Moneys for second mortgages 'R1.Q. | Television. |brusnes, ate Picton. uaiinete gare ance on New or Used fs a ascaaranea Ine Gok Donald Mountjoy - Guy LeBlanc | lars give us a call at 728- vives ACTION WAM OD Fast service 728-5143 Plecetlty. Vaccum Service, Main Street, Eaui ' Ww | on 4 EXPERIENCED Idso bare - Doss Davidson | 7576. uipmen ral Insurance ice an jlorman Thomas 'Call Classified Direct M. F. SWARTZ [SHY TY TOWERS. antennas, sino re oR _ ; is | PRODUCE MANAGER " BUYING OR SELLING pairs. All work ouarnateed, S}] Dean few quality would like a career in this 725-0500, 723-3492 King St. East Avenue. Telephone ivi tote nis ony S ef A N 4 S field. Attractive opportuni- Full Time NEAT BUNGALOW GIVE SIBBY'S A TRY" hawa, Ontario Well Drilling--Digging A et "at Gees ties for the right person. 1.G.A. STORE INDEX TO 723-4697 WELL BIBING BY proching specaTiing|®=™™ oy CLASSIFICATIONS |__| itnchotige" Gera." chen TYPEWRITERS size comnaniamr| norpening & Rental Lyd APPLY Pickering 942-4191 alts 20 King tts ee ; Sti t, Whi tors, ' 223 King St. West, Oshawa i 437 Fran, 60Ry, Sate Been Peat nal 'd Column Mortgage Money reet Wes: hitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809, Rien furttee wee siren nee un Evenings 942-4373 DOUBLE GA RAGE eas or , ae n's Column Available SSHULNRNRE oe | 2d: Low overhead, low price. inf 1--Women's Column Ice, Largest stock, budget terms. PHONE 723-3224 BOX 747 PERMANENTS on specie. he Halr- Hamilton, Raglan. d ing. iT = Tar eee ee ee hae g 36 Pine Avenue, elephone Buy AND SELL -- Good used Toraltere eee Beapechiond LOT: 132" x 330' IMMEDIATE. POSSESSION ing EiMerre Eauipren Low Interest » 7--Swap ler o--Aviicles ter Sale Members Ontario LADIES! Qualified hairdresser will do Furntere, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327 {ape recorders, : $ Mortgage Brokers Association |Saruantm™ Soler In your home. Calll ONE ECHOLETTE and amplifier a ers, projectors, M.C, work, EXPERIENCED Write Box 717 large bedrooms, taxes _ Master, both almost new. Apply 72 Cadil| P:A, systems, Mobile P.A, CAPABLE WOMAN 94 ie. Sretent. View, pile SUMMERLAND |2--Personal Inc Avene Sou aan a tS OR GIRL ; Savnaias ties for $14,900 for quick sale. FULL DOWN ' soahed Bedroom ates tom Soir eae] music, dances, Hi-Fi Equipe | k inne Please phone Bill Millar: $11,800 Full Price -- 6 SECURITIES Removal of superfluous hair |terfield sets trom $129 'eetiners, $57)| ment. pak On ciao ing te Faller combination Tec trae salary 725-1186 or 725-2557 room bungalows, hollywood 1% D Marie Murduft will be in |Churen' strech son's Furniture, 20 GUDSEON ASSOCIATES Bik Penanank " Pavate 40 hours. Steady employment. kitchens, located in Whitby. Simeoe St, North Oshawa, Jan. 11th, 12th, |sis RoR VOUR prevent door upon TaTaL SOUND EQUIPMENT quarters: $25'weekly, Write Box iis Oshawa Times. W. T. LAMSON Carries interest and Principal Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 and 13th. Phone Genosha lation of self-storing aluminum' storm, 723-5121 TRUCKDRIVER WANTED immediately, REAL ESTATE ot $99.50 monthly. No red diana: tor Sle Kink oe eS tee oe ----|_ PHONE 723-4029 fre ttn Vem eca aan. aa] - tape or qualifications, 22---Lots for Sale pe Sin Rana iaaaliorn es. FULL-TIME cashier, 3 to 11 shift. Apply for J. Kirkwooo, 67 KING ST. EAST BAUER skates, ~ ; 3--Real Estate Wonted $ 2 2 The cost of this ELECTROLYSIS mre a Tire gy: Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- iiwrs, wilson, Genoshe Hotel, ACCOUNTANT, capable of Keeping com- 7 MANDERHILL One location only. Pretty Taping, Weddings recorded, | ___ Paved drive, stone front, two record play- MANAGER 4--Stéres, Offices and Storage ad, daily for one 723-464] Bond 'Street Wes es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee | part-tiME WAITRESS, 12 fo 15 houra| plete set of books for a local firm. Must OSHAWA 5--Houses for Rent -- er week, no weekends. Apply Ideal Fish/ be trained in all aspects of accounting. --Apartments for Rent re. veete SPECIAL fyoewriier, poriable,sien-| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal ~|Snd Chipy 17 Athol Street West, In person| Phone for appointment 720-8726. REAL ESTATE JaRooms tor Rent to be noticed? UPSTAIRS apartment, Courtice < on High-|dards and electric. Suitable for udents! Wear, Men's Formals, White | > way 2. Four rooms with bath, separate! and sinesses, All only neem | WOMAN for restaurant. From 5 a.m. an ae ye You're yeading i) entrance, Available February 1 Tee: targe stock fo choose font sacar Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. |RELIABLE housekeeper required to Nay ll 1 Pm, B. Steacy employment. Nut SELLING? LTD. ' ', AAS OSS SS Se phone 359. One year guarantee. Jenkins Business mind one school-age and two pre-school ible. Also waitress Bierones Cats tor Soke FIRST AND SECOND morigages. Sale|300 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY while iiv.| Machines. (Sales and Service), 7267763] SARGEANT'S RENTALS ° [children while, mother works, Tuesday|works Apply. Envoy Restaurant, CALL 668-8951 942-4261 SasTrucks for Sale jagreements purchased and | sold Hennickling in the country. Complete book of /9Pe" evenings -- + oh ee ; ' {through Saturday, live in or out. 3 7asa7e, EXCELLENT WAGES. part-time, § to 10 SPLENDID business opportunily. Cone 3--Automobiles Wanted jend Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street|ideas, $1.00 postpaid. A. J. Charlebols, 210|WE. BUY, sell and exchange used furnk| 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3338 | WAITRESSES required, also short order| evenings. No Sundays. Energetic woman DON HOWE rupciol pragetivr ekchlient Gastown j4---Automobile Repair | ast, 723-7232 Gibb Street, Oshawa, Ontario. ture or anything you have. The City ENTERTAINING -- Gi on eae Apply Mr. Campbell, Genoshalfor small restaurant. Carmichael's Bar- : location with fully equipped butcher S--Lost and Found PRIVATE and corporate monies for alll MODELLING services avaliable for art|T'@ding aan Store, 446 Simeoe Street pois? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| tote! jdeaqver_ Park Road South, 725-0907. REAL ESTATE sture, apartmen: and garage. Full price, 3$ ne Ig cals Burchated. "Crelghion," Brynan feohlen. ond phewseraphy. write fo acs pe 723-167 ets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. START the New Year. Tight v with extra eT ee og thw! with renee 25 7 32 prea se aeaaingse PY th oe -- mn a 0. rock Street West, MEAT freezer end @ op copler for seie. Pecttinies bar, hy aed parking, Rea-|earni: Become @ Beauty Counselior./ wanted for lerm beauty salon, Ask 7 7 ment ir 38--Coming Events Murdoch end Victor. (See "Barvisters.")/or Telephone 668-4497, Telephone 728-2284, sarable retes, 722-2)40. Cail 7B Yo te 4 or 7 09 im Mr, Koras, 728-4286, re Broki U . le