Move Toward Sheila M. Manuel [Petsrt nas im charge ot the A Federal Office Feted By Friends | Of Education Prior To Marriage The Directors of The Cana- ' " i dian Home and School and Miss Sheila Marie Manuel Parent Teacher Jederation whose marriage to Mr. 'Everett nis Mi Ross DeHart takes place today, have approved the principle of Mae 4 an organization to co-ordinate! Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 |nuustewene 6 ee 1 1 tiviti in the oe ee Mrs. R. I. Mark, aunt of the field of education. Ottawa is surprisingly active in what THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 3,1962 7 \nride held a miscellaneous many people think of as a , shower at her home on Rich- provincial monopoly. _ mond street, PERFECT The Federal government is Neighbors and former neigh- concerned with the education of bors entertained at a party held EXECUTIVE Indian and Eskimo children; in the Valleyview Park Club schools in military bases; : fi- House. The bride-elect was pre- nancial suppori for universities) F hie sented with a card table and and for building vocational : j , chairs, a wool blanket and a pair) __ schools; retraining of the un- : oe of towels. | employed; gathering of educa- Fs Se Bie Mrs. Gerald R. Pierson and ba tional statistics; the CBC pdu- ' : Mrs, A. Warner Clark honored|] Homes situated in the finest cational programs and so gn. Miss Manuel at shower held at'f residentio! oreas . . . with olf At present there Is ng one : vat oe . the home of the former on the luxury features so much in minister responsible for these 5 ele Saguenay street, A presentation|| demond by to-day's busy exe- activities and probably no one : of a tea set, several cups andi} 'utives. aware of all of them. Possibly é ; : saucers and also ma ifts for the Federal government shies a oanicy chat tin gh by 2-3-or 4 BEDROOM away from co-ordination be- : ' classmates of the class of 1960, M cause of provincial _ stnsitivi- Spa of the School of Nursing, Osh-|] - ODELS ties in this ficid. fe: \ 4 G ital | Neither Home and School nor BE gh : : 5 friends. nr ee eae Complete with |the Canadian School Trustees, a ' Mrs. Larry Manning enter-| "@ REC ROOMS |who also support the idea of a 5 etecal eice, ape any 6 tained at a miscellaneous show-| @ PATIOS |signs on provincial autonomy. ; i er at the home of her mother, @ CAR PORTS | They want, to regularize an Mrs. Ross DeHart, Whitby. | @ GARAGES lexisting situation and hope that BN, 4 The Operating Room staff of |this wili bring more. efficiency ' : ; ; the Oshawa General Hospital|] Meticulously Cored For Homes : i ti 1 ivalecut the | Brice, both of Whitby into some of the operations. 4 : , de rage i lagi eo ry of crystal) trom : , chair- Pellow, president of the Uni- greeting early arrivals at the , . However, there may be!" 4 " : © the future bride, | wan ie Wine od means versity Women's Club of Osh- theatre. They are Miss Hazel Oshawa Times Photo | opportunities for greater co- A Mrs. William F. Manuel en-/ $17,500 to $27,500 committee, and Miss Margaret awa and District, are seen Worfolk and Miss Mildred _____|operation between Ottawa and on : AS sae tertained at a trousseau tea in| : | jthe provinces in such fields as}| wie a honor of her daughter: Mrs.) ahh . d B Cl b |research, in "1 pytovatian or os : 4 Ross DeHart, mother of the jment of pupils, teacher quali-| : Sie : prospective bridegrom assisted Artistic Film Sponsore y u | CLUB CALENDAR | jfications, vocational training,| * : f : , in receiving the yeotly Those) a P z: | jadult education, and so on. The Be ey ; : pouring tea were Mrs. R. I. Deli ht D emin Audience MONDAY |Home and School and Parent- as x : , Mark, Mrs, U. M. Bullock, Mrs.) 1g Ss 1SC g Mary St. H and S Assoc. |Teacher Federation is studying] ; : : ¥ Lh ae 3 re H, T. Saywell and Mrs. S. .G : 'cularly|Albert St. H and S Assoc. \8 F F jthis complex problem and| > ~ : . ' me Saywell, aunts of the bride-to-be. | "A veritable feast for both thejdecor by ge et hae reid Adelaide McLaughlin H and S\| : x |hopes to come up with helpful 2 } oe Those serving were Miss Bon- a 9 Bind ogg Ml 'the film say of Salvador Daii| Westmount H and S Assoc. RoR RestOne. | ey ee a pg ete Say- viewer's s s | well a F , "Black Tights'"' presented at thejand the costuming evidenced hg fethe o ee : | " F | es Mrs. Ray Soinckan aad Mi eal Regent Theatre on Thursday|the inspired hand of Yves St. Westminster UCW is PERSONALS | : ee ee ad | tittle Saiieb! were Ia Ghatee) night under the auspices of the Laurent from the ani otek Ont. Hospital (Whitby) NAA |b : i wise of the roms where the trots. University Women's Club of Roguish eyes 'ai aK Y |Pleasant Mon. Aft. Club Present at the dinner party seau, wedding gifts and shower| 101 SIMCOE NORTH ours ea esuit Coqucbtaes sold ce soaaa Coe, chselaas tak Sunshine bch] Lodge i 5 B pela. e the Town and Country gifts were displayed. Miss Anna| atre was ; ave ; ;_|St. George's Guil j +|Club, Toronto, recently, in honor j d Mrs. | ' r any film in | Seen cutting the cake are daughter of Mr. an | te doveiod. ne 'club's ccholarshiy which Rego In "Al ruESDAY i : ek go -- or a Mr. ant Mrs. David Fats pork he J ta hag -- : phage HINT | 728-5 123 : ing" used all , | ; i ; ry, who were married re- an r, § 's often possible to nemove | @ Edward. Drumm standing oii todents fo the Ph oesai Aewaniger at the same|WCTU : | Sa ' bbe gern "Chava Koha Mt! cently in King Street United Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Fry, indelible pencil marks by soak-| I pa A trict entering a university. time demonstrated her suprem-|Duke of Edinburgh H var S . ' * rs. Charles Todd. | Church. The bride is the for- Rosseau, Ontario. ing them in alcohol for a few| The single comment summed acy as a ballerina. Wer ook one a En : 5 Mrs. Harold Quantrill: and) Mer Marjorie Jean Cornish, --Aldsworth Photography minutes before washing with) up the reaction of the audience} Miss Charisse must have in- Guess ES le age 4 and S : 7, /) Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, Whitby, mild soap and water. to the skilfully photographed|fected the whole cast with sor-| 7 PS Club -- «| who were delegates at the Cana- C | Honored A gift of money and also a sil-| and exquisitely executed se-lcery for the whole was @ Sexy, F's O's oa oe WINS TROPHY __ Zia", WeTU convention hetd aur-| VOUPLE ver relish dish were given to , bs bl ing the summer at Banff, Al- them by members of the party, quence of four ballets, intro-)saucy, sparkling souffle. Soroptimist Club ] 0 anff, ; s t the knowing, inti-| The final offering was Roland)*) ; : ; rberta, will bring the highlights rise Part Mr. and Mrs- Williams receiv- lly cag pte Christ Church WA Miss Marilyn Picard, 17- | of the trip to the Oshawa WCTU At Surp Y ed flowers and cards from of Maurice Che-|Petit's modern dance version of| >. | -- } Kinette Club year-old daughter of Mr. and jon qyesday at Simcoe Street On Anniversary friends and relatives and also a "List With Lloyd . ... Then Coll Your Mover" Wm. Johnston Lloyd Bolchood i Carman in which the role of the : nd | : "Sommanite was never morelsensuous, pulsating Carmen was peng ero beng Unit) Mrs. W. Picard of RR 4, Osh- | United Church, Mrs, Howard friends and relatives and alan & covers) by Jeanmaire. : awa, recently attended the |pBrown will give the devotional .._|tos of their twenty-five years tight me the =, wis cor oon & tas with Petit as| Victoria Lodge, LTB commencement exercises at |ang Mrs. Willa Sune will] Mr. and Mrs. C: E, Williams] or marriage. é y i for diamonds Partnered by|Don Jose, in which she seduces| 11th Group Committee inte Secondary Scho 1, |be the guest soloist. |were guests of honor at a sur-| Last Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Dirk ° ind Daughter, ot goagiand Belleville, where she was prise dinner party held receat-|williams entertained at their Dirk Sanders, the pair danced/him, mind, body and soul must/ oboe. wa eared te puadmale ae $ wl ; ; ' . : g the guests attending/ly-in the Franz Josef Room of 2, ' with a fluid dag go seal cea gh fan wn ac eee Holy Cross WA Trophy for Best All Round Stu- |the DeJong - Zanker wedding|the Walker House Hotel in To- ut ios Geet ome, pe trasted He « jagletens scat rH ba 1d The eatniat music of|5torie Park Assoc. dent of 1061-62 and also the |which took place last Saturdayjronto on the occasion of theit/anq Mrs Eldon Southwell. Mr. pra ies ot fg on eae Bizet interpreted with intel- Home and School Association|in Hebron Christian Church|25th wedding anniversary. land Mrs. William Burnett and and midinettes in a low qu ry eb be WEDNESDAY Trophy presented for making |were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob De-| Those present were their son,| yr, and Mrs, Verne Whitely, of ris. |ligence and the story with its Nae pee | Th "ae de Bergerac, the story eer A tragedy was convey- "sana ee Mi go the greatest. contribution to |Jong and Mr. and Mrs, Ralph|Mr, Richard Williams; and Toronto: Mie. Latiholes wan tie of a noble soul behind an ugly/ed to the spelibound audience in Northminster UCW girls' athletics. Marilyn is now |DeJong, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs./daughter, Miss Joan Williams; |maid of honor and Mr. Burnett : ' thm. attending Courtice District |Sam Knoorr and Mr. John|Mr, Wallis Cain; and Dr. and was best man at Mr. and Mrs. donot hi ceabe vammiiar play at eiter Pee srenident of the Fey or Nee ae bt tag where she ig in |Knoorr "-- oY ar as Mrs, F. > Eee - erent. Williams' wedding twenty-five Z ; r s : , .| Ru . . rade 13. gan; an r. an rs. Dow|The Rev. Dr. F. J. Horwod of- Stratford, Ontario, this season.| University Women's Club wel 10th Group Committee Baker, Pictos. ficiated at the couples' wedding 7°2"*_#8°- Moira Shearer as the divinejcomed the audience and intro- Sed Group. Committee ficiated ; 'onto twenty-five years feleut Gl tn Ber pel deleRaiewan ot the ways, and| Albert Street UCW Ann Horvath Wed | ,Altending the marviage of Ann ago. yore YE"! HOT AND COLD GRASS trois with Roland Petit (Corano) sonas salen whom' she| Ukrainian P and BW Club |Horvath and James Albert!" "the orchestra played 'The| DRONFIELD, England (CP) i : +, ._| White which took place in St. " : IK ti residents of this and George Reich (Christian)|thanked together with members| paupspay To James A. White! acada's Roman Catialle sont Pr ong ol piped Sg --< she floated between the loverjof the club and others who had dar Uni \Church recently were Mrs. and the loved as man's unattain-|made the unique presentation|=va Alexander Unit | to the couple. jtaps they get blades of grass 1 aa r ; King Street UCW At St. Gertrude s {Kamel Kucera, Winnipeg, Mani-|" wr Richard Williams and|with the water. Officials say it able ideal. The _ noteworthy possible. 5th Scout Mother's Aux. | sig nage the bride and also Miss Joan Williams presented|is due to the village's open : "™ \Calvary Baptist WMS | St. Gentrude's Roman Catho-| <0" ino anon rai Turner and|their parents with a silver tray.'water tanks and plan to fit lids, / {Sth Scout Mother's Aux. tie Church was the setting for|°°" '" dae | _|St. George's Eve. Guild jthe marriage recently of Miss} Among Canadian visitors regi-| St. George's Aft. WA jAnn Horvath, daughter of Mr.|stered at Canada House, London, | TR F R 3rd Scout Mother's. Aux. and Mrs. Andrew Horvath, Cour-|last month were the following: | Court Charlene, COF tice and.Mr. James Albert|/Mrs. David W. Armistead, Bow-| ; Navy League Aux. |White, son of Mr- afd Mrs./manville; Mr. Keith Guilmette,| Valleyview Park Aux. James Albert White, Oshawa. Brampton: Mr. F. E. Baucht | Sponsored by NORTHMINSTER U.C.W. 12th Scout Mother's Aux. The ceremony was performed|Galt: Mr. James G , § H : oodlet, 14th Scout Mother's Aux, by the Reverend Stephen Coates|Georgetown; Mr. Kent Noble, Wednesday Nov 7-2:30 p m St. Stephan's UCW with Miss Connie Lucas as or- Guelph; Miss Ruth Chisholm, ' . . eee ganist. Miss Sheila R, Williamson and . : FRIDAY : aS Given in marriage by her fa-|Miss Roberta Moore, Oakville: Home Baking and Delicatessen Centre Street (East Unit) ther, the bride wore a gown of|Miss Beverly Buffitt, Orillia, Aprons, Fancy Goods and Knitting white lace over taffeta withland Mr. C. Johnstone, W L . : roses around the bustle. ae ne Candy and Christmas Gifts UNITS GROUPS veil was held by a cap trim- i Plants, Vegetables and Home Canning ' med with pearls and she carried| Mothers of children at:ending Attic Treasures AUXILIARIES tite carnations and red roses.|the Oshawa and District Cere-| Miss Sandra Fabi was the/|bral Palsy School and Clinic 3 TEA ROOM maid of honor with Miss Irene| eld - re party for ae J ' "TERN! WA|Ytowski and Miss Connie Strad-|Delbert Arkless, Central Park ot, BARS AP Seren eski as the bridesmaids. They| boulevard south, at her home| NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH | A Fall Hat Show and Dessert! ore sheath gowns in gold|last Tuesday. Mrs. Arkless was! : Tea was recently held in the/shade with overskirts of taffeta,|one of the organizers of the| CORNER ROSSLAND RD. & SIMCOE ST. parish hall when a wide seiec-|, gold rose held each gold veil|school ten years ago and she é @ BABY SITTING SERVICE. e@ tion of fall hats were shown by|ang they carried gold and rust/and her husband are celebratin ' '|a local milliner. The models \ thet 38th wedsing anal } were Mrs, Clatence Keith, Mrs,|"tysanthemums. 8 anniversary, The bride's brother, Mr, An-|Mrs. Albert Rose and Mrs, Wil- ; MY Kenneth Kerslak2, Mrs. Ronald grew Horvath, was the best manjliam Macy presented her with SEO W Fs hh aw Gourley, Mrs. William Oatway,|with Mr. Jack White and Mr,|@ gift as a token of apprecia- Mrs, Henry Packer, Mrs. Gor-lwitiam Crosmos as ushers tion at a morning coffee party & don Rae and Mrs. Alfred Wool-) my. reception was held at the|and the anniversary cake was cock. Mrs, Arthur Winter was!ciovak Hall with the bride's|made and presente? by Mrs the commentator, mother receiving in a dusty| Harold Beamish. The tea room ~~ Sages rose crepe and lace dress, with! § Hy H by Mrs, Arthur inter with/a matching " hat. - The _ bride- 3 IT S UP T0 You DOWN MEXICO WAY Mrs. Ernest Pope in charge of|groom's mother a: ined in SOCIAL NOTICE « a ay ae ig royal: blue flowered silk dress) Let your thoughts wander. Picture yourself dining and Thursday afternoon a short|and matching accessories. | RECEPTION dancing on the terrace of a modern luxury hotel... lounging business meeting was held when| When the bridal couple left,| Mr. and Mrs. W. Gordo plans were completed for thejthe bride was wearing a dark| Bunker, Pinecrest road RR 2, | in the shade of an Aztec temple. The holiday of a lifetime! And you jet there fastest on your Super DC-8 Jet Empress = r] eas DADDY'S boy : : |Fall Bazaar ae bed ayn poi ncaa gen fur no a will be happy to re- usky youn man is oronto, and great grandson | on aturday, ovember n nh eige accessor-\ ceive their relati : i a Roger Scott Freeland, son of | of Mrs. Charles Taylor, Rich- |the parish hall. The Junior Aux-lies. : |and neighbors at their Btrg | the only non-stop flights from Toronto. Money-saving jet-props Mr. and Mrs. William Free- | mond Hill and Mrs. William |iliary will be going by bus to| On their return fromaa honey-| Tuesday, November 6, from 2.30 | too! Travel in the friendly air... let Canadian Pacific jet land, Oakes avenue. He is the | Freeland, Toronto. Roger was |the White Gift Service in St.|moon trip ot the Yptted States, | to 5.30 and 7.00 to 10.00 p.m. on you there, : Faniee of Mr. and Mrs. Otto | one year old at the time of |James' Cathedral on November|Mr. and Mrs. White wiil live in| the occasion of their 50th wed- | reeland, Thornhill and Mr. | the picture. 3, Oshawa, |ding anniversary, TAKE A LOW COST TOUR OF MEXICO. Example: 7 sune ' = drenched days, only $308.20, Including jet-prop economy round trip, some meals, hotels, sightseeing. See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. and Mrs. Reginald Screen, --Ireland Studio "om am Ts Fi eg bi G2, ys @ TRAINS/TRUCKS/ SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM SO™ of our truly professional prescription service reaches right into -- home. Phone us for FREE pick-up and de- livery service on your next prescription. Jot down our number now. , 3-2245 DRUG STORES |§ CARPET-RUG (7 FANIN OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY & LOVELL LIMITED 728-9581 28.9581 8 KING ST. EAST 723-2245 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Free Pick-Up and Delivery. McCORDICK DRUGS Fast and Friendly Service. 360 WILSON RD. 725-8711 Ansus-Grayvpon Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441 HA TWA Jury E Lovell Ltd. OSHAWA -- WHITBY. -- BOWMANVILLE LAW PHARMACY ; 202 tng We are IN f WE SEND MEDICINE TO EUROPE SPRUE RUERHOAM DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN eo ce" em uese' ae ma | 300 DUNDAS E. WHITBY MO 8-3304 qi 1204 WECKER DR. 725-3525 a (Awe 2