ae a a 27--Real Estate for Scie 29--Automobiles tor Sale 32--Articles tor Sale. MODERN Storey and a half, 7-room home, 4 bedrooms, living room and din- ba room co' |, kitchen, four-piece | | bath. Asphalt drive and garage, %-acre of land. $10,500 full price, $1,500 down, garries for $75. monthly. Write Box 544, Oshawa Times. Italians Oust GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS 16 SIMCOE ST. 5S. 723-1121 EXTRA GOOD INVESTMENT IN HOME AND INCOME PROPERTY --- Locoted ot 152 Elgin St. E. 2% storey brick, with garage. Nine rooms, hardwood floors throughout, walk 'in closets, Oil heating. Quality built for present owner. Zoned for duplexing, $7,500 FULL PRICE -- for this 3 bedroom bungalow with new forced air. oil fur- nace on Gibbons St. Large 60 «x 150 ft. lot with garage Terms. 2 ACRES -- of land in the city 147 ft, by a depth of 590 ft. Good terms. GOOD HOME -- well looked ofter only four yeors old, Carries for less than rent on 6% N.H.A. mortgage, Ask- ing only $12,500 with low down. payment. IDEAL BUILDING LOT -- on Pork Rd. 40 x 115 Terms, 1% YEAR OLD -- 6 room rug brick bungalow with fin- ished rec. room and base- ment goroge on large 48 x 181 ft. lot. This home listed et less thon construction cost. MARKETERIA, GROCERIES, ETC, -- Privately owned, long history of growth, and profit. Associated with well known independent chain. Three storey brick building, with 14 rooms now provid- ing owner with modernized living quarters, plus income from rented apartment. Lo- cated on a busy highway in village near Oshawa 'or full particulars coll 723-1121! Open daily 9 om. to 9 p.m. 2Z7--Real Estate for Scle (Z7--Keal Estate for Sale 2Z7--feal Estate tor Sale 7 Fes iid three bed- ia LOT 4 x 150°, good location. Partly|i¢7 MERCURY for sale, Open for|MAN'S or boy's CCM ls Baw 5 FER CENT og ot Ave OSHAWA BLVD. s0urE, 258 i jn ere ten: otter, Apply 601 Mashen. Wirect and tubes. Excellent condition, $15. nue, double paved ay a 725-0345. a ry it base- BEDROOM modern bungalow, near/go_ 18 = a ant of books with book ment, with private cooley To eeiect NORTH-WEST--Modern, home| sc! fog re ngs 'vn pares at Side f fora = ia ie Wor onderfl World"; also yh it Phyllis Jubb, 723-3240 or| with rt,two fireplaces, built-in | LAKESH reckers wi ears ching chine. Telephone Fas-ti2 Guide Realty Linaited, oven and burners, B van, 188 Windsor for Highest prices paid. | 728-0025, ty, barge codardined PRIVATE -- Lot for sale, 53 x 133. Ap- : UPRIGHT piano with bench, Williams, Yi Pick yard with patio, Owner city.|oly 298 Elgin Street West, Telephone wood finish. Very good. condition. be pone Pa te be arranged. Tele-/E five, 725-9652; CARS WANTED $200." Telephone" 72855396. A Location $8,500, SOUTH Oshawa near Gimcot|PRESTONVALE on No. 2 Highway: Buying a New Car? Seaaeee pcioes Beis for eed wend ress tx isncntaedets eamtirian. Ownil (tue fone now, renting) newly apariments! Sel! your used Car to "Ted" located 444 Simcoe South only. 725-3371, We Buy the Lot |e mitae i sree ino dh Via" avant peare| Car Deoler ond "SAVE" |wortng. aera Spiced "iat k Co 0 a , nist 5 St naeasas, Cart ia Realtor, For information telephone .728-8906. or nf year, 'elephone 7: North, East, West, South We will build A House To your Design Call Bill Millar CASTLE HOMES 723-1133. INCOME HOME, 8-room, brick house. MOHAWE Street: Semi-spiit, three bed- room brick with attached garage, beau- tiful living room 14 x 20. Screened sun room and carport with built ip cup This home is only eight years Call boards. old, 5% teers cent, NHA mortgage. Very close to Sunset Heights ae Imme-|7 diate possession. Elliott |; 728-0581. Carl Olsen Heaton 728. 1133. Low downpayment. Immediate posses- sion. Many extras. Call Owner, 725-2300. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 Anti-Gaullist ROME (Reuters) -- A police spokesman said today French anti-Gaullist leader Jacques Soustelle was taken to the Aus. trian border Saturday after being expelled from Italy. "We do not know whether he BOAT, Crestliner, of a 1962 model, top, a son motor, Tec-oee trailer, After 6 p.m. 5 BOOM modern bungalow and garage. on 2 acres land, on Taunton Read East. heag for VLA, Call 728-9335 after room brick, storey, near North General Motos aed high school, Telephone 725-1186 LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER DREW STREET } 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW | 9,8 i $9,800 TAXES -- $152 -- TAXES See this one, it has al! the spoce ond conveniences a small family wonts, very mod- ern kitchen with cupboards galore, good size bedroom with full bath, Large recrea- tion room, hondy to all schools and bus service. Hurry call Bill Horner ot 728-5123 WARREN. AVENUE | $9,900 FULL PRICE | Brick storey and one half, | two bedroom home with din | ing room. Oil heated, Paved | drive with gorage. Only ; $1,500. down. Cail Bill Johnston at 728-1066 or 728-5123 GLENFOREST ST 6% RESALE $14,700 FULL PRICE | 5 room brick bungalow with | corport. Fully landscaped and decorated, storms and screens: | Corries for $102. per month, Including taxes. Call Ed. | Drumm now oat 728-5123. | LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LIMITED, REALTOR 728-5123 101 SIMCOE ST- N, OPEN EVERY EVENING J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR 741 KING ST, EAST, OSHAWA -- TEL. 723-4471 Whatever kind of property you want to buy . We have it for sale A BUNGALOW OR SOME ACREAGE FARMS FROM 10 TO 200 ACRES A STORE OR AN INVESTMENT PROPERTY Ask for information, WE STILL WANT NEW LISTINGS AND WE WILL WORK HARD ON IT. METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 8-4678 VLA opportunities --- 2 nice homes between Oshowa ond Bow manville -- $10,000 - $10,500.00 Wolfe St. -- mew 5 room brick bungalow --- $595.00 down King St. E. --- 6 room home Church -- $10,000.00 with $2 Sussex St. -- 5.9% room ranch bungalow with walkout basement beoutiful rear yard. $14,900.00 - Finucane St. --- 6 room split room $16,900.00. New Homes ~-- We have « complete selection in ali parts of the city AFTER 5: Jack Osborne 728-5836 Ken Honn 723-7963 Dick. Borriage 725-6243, with garage -- neor Adventist 500 down $3,900.00 down, level -- attached goroge, rec. 30 CALL: Joe Mage 725-9191 Everett Elliot 723-9290 John Kemp 728-2392 WHITBY CLASSIFIED wr 'care are for children in own' home. Ages 2 and over. nae per week | eg SALESLADY WANTED. Apply Ji and Lovell Drug Store, Whitby Pian, through Friday. FOR RENT -- Furnished three-room apartment, newly decorated. Private en- trance. All conveniences. Central loca- tion. Parking. Telephone MO 8-3242. FOR RENT: Self contained apa four rooms with bath. Gas, heated. butt, * aed for --, , Garage. $60. Available before. Telephone M 8-3476 ns Mo 8-3714 after 6.30 pam, . FOR RENT -- Ground floor oifice space. 1200 square feet. Available im- mediately. Central location, Telephone MO 8-4360. cig room for rent. Board if de- sired. All conveniences. Very central. Apply 400 Dundas Street West. be IM nn FOR RENT -- $65 monthly, three and peal pon vhoabigeey Residential area, lowntown al school. Laundry, parking and children's playground faci!. fies 300 High Street, Whitby. MO LUxUry im Spartment, Wi lington Street, Whitby. MO 8- $40 DUNDAS Street East: Apartment for rent, children welcome. Large play-/ ground. Low rent. Available now. Call! E. Robinson, Apartment No, 1 Wei- | FoR RENT -- iwobeiteons tpartveat iprivate, $85 piety. Available Oct. 1} | Telephone 725-8 TWO-) apartments, i | modern, range, refrigerators, drapes,| kitchen fan, etc., from $95. Mr, Daly, MO 8-4775. FOR RENT: Private apartment, com- fortably furnished. Separate bathroom.) Suit lady abstainers. 604 Byron Sireet! \s South, MO 8-3795 after 5. FOR RENT -- Modern two-bedroom | apartments, $96 and $91 per month Call W. Schatzmann Realtor, Brock Building, Whitby, MO 8-3338 evenings MO 8-3253. FOR RENT -- One-bedroom unfurnish- ed apartment, near 401 and Brock St. Hydro, heat, parking, $65, September 1. MO 6-8033. #40 DUNDAS Street East: One unfur- nished housekeeping. room for rent. Apply to Mr. Robinson at Apartment Number One. THREE-ROOM apartment wanted by | -- couple, first week of September, Apply | Oshawa Times, Whitby, Box No. B10. FOR RENT: Two room "apartment monthly. Apply 66 Church Street weit | Pickering. PTIC tanks cleaned. "Waiter Ward, [Mo § vat Street West. Telephone {RECON DHRIONED vod student | typewriters. |Buy early for better choice, Hamilton Office Equip., 137 Brock MO 8. 8.5849. DRESSMAKING: Sui ts, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting & specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. FOR RENT -- Three-room seif-contain- ed apartment, heated, $50. Apply Mr. Say. 209, Brock Street South. MO 8-5947. WHITE newsprint paper in convenient 100 ft. rolls, suitable for picnic tables, Holiday Equipment for Rent ° Canoes, car top boats $15 weekly; boat and trailer $25; inquets, etc, Available at the Circula- tion Department, Oshawa Times. 77c per roll. STUDENTS A super value, approx! mately 630 sheets of letter size typing paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap Ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, lil Dundas Street West. boat, 5 h.p. motor and trail. er $35; boat, 18 h.p. motor, trailer $65; 5 hip. motors $16; 7% h.p. motor $18; 10 h.p. motor $22; Silver liner tent trailer $35; 14 ft. cabin trailer $40; 15 ft. cabin trail- er $45; 9' x 9' tourist tent $8; 9' x 12' tourist tent $10; oy x 9 9 x 12' wall tent $15; stoves, lanterns and coolers . We also rent cots, air mattresses, life jack- ets, etc. Large and small boat and box trailers, p } WILDE RENTAL | Service and Sales ! 1415 Dundes E., Whitby MO 8-3226 i Whitby's only fuel dealer carrying a complete line of FUEL "blue coal".in various sizes, Semet -- Solvay Coke, Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals, "Briquettes and Charcoal | for Grills, Hardwood and Softwood Slabs. | Texaco Fuel ond Stove Oils | SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock St. § MO 8-3524 Whitby | WE Three built-in aatireee This home also has a rec. room, gd and nicely fenced offering for sale one of the nicest. amily Boma on the bytes to- $1500 down. Rented now. Write Box $40 Oshawa Times. : room and modern compact kitchen, ga- yard, Close size with Living room, dining he S J, Phillips Public School and one O'Neill Collegiate. Vendor will consider low down payment with 3400 DOWN -- Four-bedroom home, $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we deol up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD, 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY" MO 8- 8001 double garage, centrally located. Full price $8,900. Telephone 725-4606. 31--Automobile Repairs apply 736 Whitman Crescent or tele-| Phone 725-7292. VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran: teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. 728-0591 anytime. is in Austria now, but it is cer- ohn, tain that we accompanied him to the Austrian border on Sat- urday,"' the spokesman 'said. An interior ministry spokes- man said Sunday the 50-year- old former French cabinet min- ister had been escorted to the TWO-piece sectional suite, corner table and " 9x 12. Telephone Whitby, MO 8-3659, : BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, PS shiney irs, stoves, wash- ers. Cali Elmer Wilbur, CO 3-2294, PRIVATE SALE --I91 Cri Ave nue. New 5-room brick "ey cried 2 bedrooms, large Centre ad rocoacle, BROCK ST. E. SPECIAL Beautiful 242 storey home and income. Living and din- ing room, ponelled kitchen and pantry, 6 large bedrooms, immaculate in every woy with gleaming floors and all mod- ern conveniences. Next to GM North Plant and in walk- ing distance of the four corn- ers' Asking price $13,000, down $1,500. Owner will sac- rifice. To inspect call Art Weinberger 723-7244 SCHOFIELD-AKER _LIMITED COMMERCIAL 260 Feet Frontage EXCELLENT TERMS Call Jim McMullan 725-1186 W. T,. LAMSON REAL ESTATE $2 000 DOWN Five Room Bungalow on Lot 50 x 175' with | Garage and private driveway Apply _130 PARK RD, NORTH After 6 p.m LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME a little better a little cheaper a little different little more convenient In a Subdivision Architecturally ¢ontrolled on Rolling terrain with Curved streets and Prepaid services Then you will want to see "DOWNSVIEW PARK by Holshawa -- Contact LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD 40 King St. E 728-4678 ~ BRICK HOME SUNDERLAND VILLAGE FOR SALE 4 bedroom, conveniences, large grounds, nice garden price $8,800 terms, 9 rooms, city treed 'Full 100 acre clay loam, stock. Implements, hoy, grain, 7 room brick home, large barn, lots of water, hydro $18,000 Terms SEE MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR SUNDERLAND or PHONE 303 | NEW BUNGALOW | COMPLETELY DECORATED} 3 LARGE BEDROOMS $800 Down buys. this terrific value. Situated on extra large lot, located near Osh- awa ping Centre. Phone Mrs. Handson 725-1186, W. T. Lamson Reai Estate, NEED AHOME? WE: HAVE SIX FOR YOU! tow Down Payments, com- pletely decorated, built-in oven ond elements. See them, we guorantee satisfaction, Cali + "halal 725.1186 or 725-2 tone Nose 725-1186 CASTLE HOMES MEDALLION LIVING SEEING IS BELIEVING 6-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH ATTACHED GARAGE $12,900 is the full price for this bungalow. Large Holly- wood kitchen. with double sinks, includes hood and exhaust fan. Immediate pos- session. Call? JIM McMULLAN CASTLE HOMES 725-1186 Immediate possession. Call Mrs, Miller, 725-2993. Carl Olsen, Realtor at 723- 3-1133, Apply above. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- $13,300, SIX room bungalow, complete- ly finished in or out, Terms arranged. 728-9754 or the owner, _ Toronto 741-2272. $8700 Three bedrooms, four-piece bath, new, $90 down, easy payments to right party. Taxes $130, Apply 585 Athol Street East. PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 frontier "'of his choice" but de- clined to say where or when. Soustelle was arrested last Friday in Milan on charges of using a false passport. He sub- SAIL boat, 19 centre board; ideal for day sailing and. short overnight trips. Sleeps two, small cabin. 27 Park Road South. 728-0429. APPROXIMATELY 600 square feet of used %-inch hardwood flooring. | Tele- phone MO 8-4103. FURNACES gl complete $239, less burner, $149, 4 per Free delivery. Iasialiation arranged. 725-4729, FIVE-R0OM bungalow, aluminum storm windows and doors. Tiled basement RENAULT---PEUGEOT AUSTIN floor, Lot size 57 ft. x 123 ft. on paved street. Paved driveway. Selling at rea-; sonable price. Apply. at 710 Burns Street | West, Whitby. Telephone MO 8-5726. on Simcoe Street North) iss nsw | Telephone 725-5555. | | 1) | |" SIMCA $475 or best offer, Original | iE TRIUMPH TR2 sports ¢ car, wire | } | } | ___|at 32 Charles Street eR } 28--Real Estate Wanted | CUSTOM BUILT - 2 BEDROOM _ Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Deoler for Renault 59 KING Bey WEST BRICK BUNGALOW NORTH OF KING ST Will Pay Cash WRITE BOX 74] OSHAWA TIMES | ae for Sale SAXOPHONE Crestone, alto ,four months old, new condition with case, $139. ame arranged. Before 6 p.m, MO 8-8791 CHESTERFIELD with slip covers, pri- sequently was declared an un- desirable foreigner and ordered expelled from Italy. In Vienna, an interior minis- try spokesman said here today Soustelle may have slipped across the border illegally. The Austrian spokesman said: "All border police have been alerted and it is impossible that he entered the country offici- ally." wate, good condition and clean, very after 5 T Friday anytime Saturday. 728-8467. WATEE softener, large size, in excel- 35--Legol }lent condition, still under guarantee, Half price _Telephone - 723-4573. GE stove and refrigerator, 10 cu. ft. fe automatic, in excellent condition. | 105,000 ) BIU oil furnace with burner |?' 200. Telephone 725-7081. » electric, on 4 : 10 foot |* |folding table, many Ampii- 6 to 8 p.m., 725-0202, OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- volvers and pistols; also old cartridges. Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. jfier, two 12-inch speakers "can, 'be used | for PA system. 72- 3487. iy 2 , TABLE ; model TV, Crosley. Excel- 29--Automobiles for Sale motoreycle, 250 cc, $350. Call jbetween 5 and 7 p.m, MA 43-5514, |1954 CHEVROLET, two door, , good 'tires, {motor and body, $325. After 5,30 tele. | Phone MO 8-8367 1088 CHEVROLET "coach, blue and | white, radio, perfect condition, $1200 or best offer Telephone 725-8383. 1954 CHRYSLER, automatic, ie, good) motor, radio, $150 or best offer. Teli Phone anytime 728-2249. |1958 CHEVROLET, good mechanically, four new tires, needs paint job. $800. Ke CHEVROLET A-i condition, | TELEVISION, radio, i perfect for cottage or pat set, Telephone 723-3553. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. __|Gleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- jteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- Excel. | Vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543. |DINETTE suite, maple with Welsh dresser, $90. Telephone 'i254 8139. NIAGARA afihritic heat chair, red leather, cost $500. Selling for $300, Tele- 25-9479. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, August 15, 1962, with- out my written consent .-- Howard Gibson, 563 Devon Street ,Oshawa, I will not be responsible tor any debts contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, August 18, 1962, with- out my written consent. jigned Gordon Harvey, RR 1 Ritson Road North, Oshawa. OFFER YOUR services, regularly in the business »ilding marketplace -- Oshawa Times Cl*seified Ads. Dial 23-3492 now an# a fmesdly Ad Writer will help you. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, August 20, 1962 13 By J. D. R. TAYLOR Residents of this Klindike town generally agree a bright future is in store for the Dawson City ended its first seven-week Saturday. However, it may take some time and plenty of hard work. This year's effort, regarded by many as too ambitious an un- dertaking, had its difficulties, financial and otherwise. These problems will be studied in the weeks ahead as the festival foundation's board of directors| meets to plan for next year. Some troubles which beset the festival following its July 1 start are unlikely to recur. For one thing, restoration work on the Palace Grand Theatre and the Keno riverboat, feature attrac- tions of the festival, was not completed in time for the open- ing. Make - shift accommodation and eating facilities were un- able at first to cope with the heavier flow of visitors to the town. Even by the festival's end visiors complained of delays in obtaining service in cafes SCARED OFF VISITORS All of this, festival officials said, resulted in unfavorable press reports that scared off po- tential visitors. Next year the Palace Grand and the Keno will be in shape at the start of the festival for whatever activities are planned. DAWSON CITY, Y.T. (CP)-- Gold Rush Festival, whichjof run| historic site. Costs are also less Yukon Festival Not Discouraged other jobs. Work can continue on a less- frantic pace on the restoration Dawson City as a national of a problem. Restoration of the Palace Grand and the Keno cost about $4,400,000. Another problem not likely to be faced next year is that paying for an expensive musi- cal production such as "Foxy." The show, starring veteran comedian Bert Lahr and _-- New York cast, ran bel grey at the Palace Grand and, when all the bills are paid, will have had a net cost of 1 Comments here and reports from Ottawa indicate a less ex- pensive feature attraction wil! have to suffice next year. 4 Ask Church Help For Information TORONTO (CP)--Chief Con- stable James Mackey has urged clergy in Toronto's foreign-lan- guage churches to appeal to their congregations for informa- tion concerning the death of 16- year-old Julian Wolanski. The pretty commercial stu- dent, whose body was found a week ago in a suburban Eto- bicoke ditch, was beaten, raped and shot to death. one VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. 728-0591 anytime. % inch Marconi, as new, $160, Telephone 728-8592. GOING abroad, must seil ail household | 1961, |furnishings. Stereo console amsm radio, | | Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street 3190; Kroehler rocking chair, $25; 21"| Admiral TV swivel, $75; bedroom guite| and mattress, $125. Telephone MO| \254. GRAVITY ger and pipes, $40, Good condition. Wood panelled double bed and springs, $10, », Telephone 725-8719, DUPLICATORS, hand and-. electric, spirit or stencil, supplies. Hamilton |Ottice Equip., 137 Brock S, MO 8-5849. |WE buy, sell and exchange used furnl- ture .or anything you have. The City South and 31 Bor reet East, 723-1671, |/FILTER Queen 3 and Service, lib- jeral trade-in allowance. Free demon- stration. Khaad an 728- swt signals, new tires, mechanically, per fect, Telephone MO 8-4254. 59 CHEVROLET Diocayen, two-door, standard, low mileage, very clean, cus- tom radio, many extras. Reasonable, | Telphone 728-7156. "66 PONTIAC standard 6, four-door, low mileage, A-1 condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. 728-7156, 33 CHE VROLET, four-door sedan, "good jcondition. Apply 741 Beaupre Avenue, |'b4 CHE VROLET Bel-Air sedan, "excel- lent condition, two-tonoe, radio, $300, Telephone 725-8555. | mileage, 25,000, Apply 83 Ritson Road | South behind Texaco Station, "Si? PLYMOUTH V8 $550 or best offer. Apply 83 Ritson Road South behind | Texaco Station, i956 METEOR, 6 'cylinder: 1958 Cadil- jlac, both A-1 condition .Telephone eve- jnings 725-8552 35 PONTIAC sedan, good condition. \Go 32002" for older car. Hampton 191 NSU Prinz, Good conditio SOP until 9 p.m. for used and machinery. Buy, sell, trade. Skin- ner Appliances. Four miles west of Brooklin on No. 7 highway, Telephone 655-3440. BEDDING" bargains at the new Wilson Furniture Company, Smooth top mat- tresses, hundreds of coils, lovely- tick- ings, sale price $26.88. Continental beds spring filled, large assortment, many styles and sizes, complete from $28.77. Bunk beds, maple or acorn finish, com- Plete with springs, mattresses, guard rail and ladder, $57.83. Spring filled mattresses from $11.88, Foam pillows, $8c. Spring filled crib mattresses, $5.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. rPRee Have your furnace cleaned free this summer ond guaran- teed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from West- ern Oil Co, DIAL 725-1212 Best offer. Apply 310 Park Road South or | telephone 728- 9949, heels, \Joe, 728-1 1958 OL Samoan 8 cylinder, auto- matic, good paint, good mechanically, radio, $675 Telephone 728- 5068. |LADY'S 1960 Vauxhall Victor Deluxe, }low mileage, no trade in. Telephone 723-1249 between 4 and 7 p.m. }1960 VOLKSWAGEN, "deluxe, Fadio, jwhite walls, excellent condition, one owner. 32,000 miles, $1,125. Telephone 728-9968, #1 CORVAIR "Monza, tour-< door sedan, fully 'equipped in excellent conditic=, jafter 6 p.m, Telephone MO 8-2090, Apply | 601 Euclid Street, Whitby '36 CHEVROLET, good condition, radio, peed set of tires. Telephone BOATS Larson, Traveler, Weymouth, Grew Cruisers, Evinrude Mo- tors, OMC 17 Volvo Penta Engines. MARINE Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin -- 655-3641 Open Till 8 Evenings, Weekends TENTS, marine hardware, outboard is emng guns and bicycles, Best prices. Try Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West, TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, ren- tals, terms, service. New and used. Hamil Ss Ast Brock | Southt. MO 8-5849. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates, Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, |5% JOHNSON outboard motor, $125, Al |condition. For further particulars tele- |phone 725-9390. BOAT 14 foot, "cedar "strip, > all equipped, 35 Evinrude electric, with Tee-nee trailer, $795. Telephone 728-6030. REFRIGERATOR and heavy duty, four burner range, rangette, . two is: girls coats and dresses size 3 to years. Reasonable. Apply 77 Gispas Street _before 1 p.m AQUA lung skin diving ~~ equipment, tank, regulator, suit, ete. Used a tew times. $225 or best offer. Phone 728-9833 WALNUT dining room suite, nine pieces, $85; two-piece chestectiot, $50; both in perfect TAKE NOTICE thot the ap- plication of WILLIAM CHARLES PIERSON, of R.R. 1, Raglan, Ontario, to chonge 'his name to WIL- LIAM CHARLES FEARSON and the application of MARY MacLEAN LOGAN PIERSON to chonge her mame to MARY MacLEAN LOGAN PEARSON ond the application of MARIE ANN PIERSON to change her nome to MARIE ANN PEAR. SON will be made on Friday the Fourteenth day of Sept- ember, A.D. 1962 at 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon be- fore His Honour Judge Alex- ander C. Hall, in Chambers, at the Court House ot Whit- by, Ontorio. Doted at Oshowa, this 10th day of August, A.D, 1962. JONES & GREER, Barristers, &c., 130 King St. East, OSHAWA,. Ontario. CHANGE OF NAME ACT | 1960 THE OLD HOME TOWN owentineene By STANLEY ite Solicitors for the App! electric and wood stove, $0. Kitchen cabinet, $10, Telephone 725-8277. STUDENTS, a super value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size paper (newsprint), for only $1.00. Makes won- derful copy paper. Apply Circulation Department, Oshawa Times, or Whitby, 1111 Dundas Street West. |BOAT, motor and trailer, 1960 Scott @ horsepower, electric start, boat neice Telephone 728-1095 or ed, reasonable 728-2456, MAHOGANY frames, stem, transom screws and plans for 16 ft, runabout. Telephone after 6 p.m. 728-3575. TELEVISION aerial, bought new six months ago, $50, selling for $20, Tele- phone 725-1980. BENCH saw ¥%4 hp motor with @-inch A UGUST SPECIALS PAINT SALE cutting blade. Reasonable, Apply 741) Beaupre Avenue. j |new tires. Can be seen from 6 to 9 p.m. os? METEOR, four door hard top, pl one owner, Apply 248 Toronto Avenue | '@2 BEL AIR Chevrolet sedan, Sea Mist | j8reen, with tinted glass, white walls,) discs, radio and automatic, 12,000 miles. be financed. After 6 telephone TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) | 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 | | BUYING OR SELLING q y SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up | or down. Liens paid off; DODD MOTOR aa 314 PARK RD, $ | i | 723-9421 Tilden | CAR AND TRUCK . RENTALS {All Makes and Models CALL 725-6553 14 Albert $ St. VOLVO THE FAMOUS P.V. 544 1962 MODELS | NOW ON DISPLAY | Jake & Bill's Garage FINA SERVICE 449 RITSON S.--728-0921 HERTZ Drive-Y ourself CARS AND TRUCKS ; 728-9493 or 728- "etal Foote's Shell Station 97 King E, Oshawa BRAND NEW ae 1962 Volkswagens AS LOW AS $195.00 DOWN UP TO 36 MONTHS Prices have not yet increased SABYAN Motor Sales Ltd: 334 RITSON RD, $ OSHAWA | Open Evenings 723-3461: | Food For Four $14.95 Weekly FOOD FREEZER | 80% Regular Groceries Included A most pleasant way to Shop and Save TELEPHONE 728-9403 Our Food Counsellors will come into your home and assist you in planning your FOOD SUPPLY to suit Your Family's taste and fit your: | Food Budget needs. | | cipoal experience or Engin- | | } | H 35--Legal NOW'S THE TIME to sell that Boat. | Dial 723-3492 today to start your fast-/ action ad on its way to buyers. | ROAD ISUPERINTENDENT| REQUIRED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING Applicants must have Muni eering degree or equivalent, Township has population of 20,000 and growing rapidly. Regular benefits. Salary bosed on experience Apply To: Ly Johnston, Clerk | Brougham, Ontario. || 32---Articles for Sale SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS | SWAP COLUMN 20% DISCOUNT Highest Quality Exterior | White | ALKYD and LATEX | Regular $6.80 { | Sale $5.49 Special: Cellar, Masonry Floor Paint Gal. $2.99 BARN PAINT Gal. 2.99 Sold at the PARROT Paint Company 1051 Nelson St., Oshawa |OPEN DAILY 10 UNTIL 5:30 Telephone 728-3622 The only Point Monufacturer in Oshawa. The Miller's DINING ROOM and SNACK BAR | CATERINGS SMALL INFORMAL DINNERS We Invite You To Try Our: ROAST BEEF DINNER FISH AND CHIP PLATE SMOKED BEEF SANDWICHES We specialize in Home Cooked Foods, Fresh Home grown Gorden Vegetables, lome Baked Pasteries and Mrs. Miller's Personalized desserts. 2 MILES NORTH OF ORONO HIGHWAY 115 TELEPHONE QRONO 2233 Owners -- Charles | Mid-Summer | i | "Chuck" and Mrs. Miller SALE CLEARING SPECIALS PICNIC TABLES Only $15.95 1000 SHEETS POPULAR UNDERLAY A" x 4 x Att. Per Sheet $1.11 WINDOW FRAMES, SASHES CLEARING AT Yo Price MANY OTHER SPECIALS CASH AND CARRY "BUY YOUR BILL-DING SUPPLIES WHERE SERVICE COMES FIRST" McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO, LTD. 1270 Simcoe Street North OSHAWA--728-4688 SELL THOSE SURPLUS SCHOOL BOOKS! v LIST YOUR NAME -- ---- SCHOOL AN PHONE NUMBER D GRADE HERE ONE INSERTION 50c Books For Sale GRADE IX Jinnie Smith, 286 Tennessee & ED 7-8863 Grade 1X (Gen.) S.C.1.T.S. GRADE X GRADE x! GRADE XII GRADE XIiil Books Wanted GRADE IX GRADE GRADE XI GRADE Xil GRADE Xill HOL DAY SPECIALS CREME OIL COLD WAVES REGULAR $10. NOW COMPLETE $5 $4. TINTING AND BLEACHING SPECIALISTS - WD BACK-TO-SCHOOL COLD WAVES STUDENTS TO AGE 12 YEARS ¥> UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT MR. H. HARVEY | (Formerly with Elizabeth Arden) RONNIE'S HAIR STYLES 184 Ritson Road South NO APPOINTME: 725-7151 NT NECESSARY PETERBORO BOAT New fiberglass, windshields and steering, REGULAR PRICE $778 WILL TAKE $525 FISHING BOAT Moulded plywood, new $200 OTACO TRAILER New, heavy duty, A frome. © tilt end winch, $200 Cash or Terms APPLY LIBERTY NURSERIES 128 LIBERTY ST.'N. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3074 . Pe ROR Oe 5 U