10. THE RUSSELL RECREATION ASSOCIATION wILL HOLD A GENERAL MEETING AND ELECTION OF NEW DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE FOR THE '76 RECREATIONAL YEAR COMMENCING 1 January 1976 aT 8 P.M, ON DECEMBER 1ST AT THE ARENA COMMUNITY HALL, The new Constitution and Provincial By-Law will explain the relationship between the Province, Township, and the Russell Recreation Association and other committees associated with the R. A. A nominating committee has been seeking candidates to stand for election. If you are interested, contact Marilyn Sullivan at 445-2017. eee oe 1S YOUR COMMUNITY - - WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT BEEFS OR BOUQUETS IN THE DIRECTION, ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION OF THE RECREATION ASSOCIATION. Paul Butler, Secretary, Recreation Association. * * * * * * MAN AND HIS WORLD By Don Woodcock MAN AND HIS TRASH There's a narrow lane not far from our house. It dead-ends in a woodlot. It would make a nice walking trail - except for the garbage. Every few rods someone has dumped a load of garbage. There's a quiet little creek a short drive from home. I like to float my canoe down it's channel - except, wherever Man can get his car close enough, garbage has been dumped over the bank. I know there's nothing very new or startling about dirty river- banks, or trash-strewn country lanes, or dirty campgrounds. Shucks, there's a garbage dump big enough to serve a village on a small wilderness lake I know back of Temagami - a garbage dump made by people running away from the cities for a few days in the "untouched wilds". Nor is the problem limited geographically. I was wandering the big sand dunes of West Florida's magnificent white sand beaches a while back. Those beaches between Pensacola and Panama City are probably the finest in North America but I had to walk carefully for fear of cutting my feet on smashed bottles and rusty tin cans. What mystifies me is - Why? What sort of mental gymnastics allows a person, who takes to the woods to enjoy the green and the air and the clear, pure water, to foul his trail so badly he'd never by choice want