Monkton Times, 25 Mar 1910, p. 6

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> SPRING REMINDERS | 5 i os Raw, Damp Weather Starts the Pain, But the Trouble Lies in the Blood. Changeable spring weather, often raw, cold and damp, is pretty sure _ to bring a time of misery to people who suffer from rheumatism. But {t must be borne in mind that it is not the weather that causes rheu- matism, the trouble is rooted in the blood---the damp, changeable weather merely starts the aches and often almost unbearable pains go- ing The trouble must be reached through the blood, and the poison- ous rheumatic acids driven ont. This is @ medical truth every rheu- matic sufferer should realize. Li- niments, outward applications and sv-ealled electric appliances, never did, and never can, cure rheuma- tism. The sufferer is only wasting valuable time and money with this soct of treatment, and all the time the trouble is becoming more firm- ly rooted--and harder to. cure. There is just one sure way to cure rheumatism--Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They act directly on the im- pure, weak, acid-tainted blood. They purify and strengthen it and 80 root out the cause of rheumatism. Mr. John Finnamore, Marysville, OF RHEUMATISM| FILLING THE HOSPITALS MODERATE DRINKING EVIL IS MOST INSIDIOUS, A Doctor Says i fas Same BEffect on Living Tissue asx Aleohol | Pickling. Moderate drinking has the same effect on man's tissues as aleohol pickling does on pathological speci- mens in medical laboratories. Mod- erate drinking is one of the most insidious causes of many of the dis- eases of modern life. This, in sub- stance, is what Dr. W. Gilman Thompson of the Cornell Medical School in New York visiting physi- cian in the Bellevue and Presby- terian hospitals, said to a group of Cornell students at Ithaca the other day. He said: : "Lhe effects of moderate drink- ing are insidious. A man may nev- er in his life become intoxicated and still fall prey to disease because of his indulgence in alcohol. The abuse of aleoholic beverages exerts a pro- found influence upon modern life. Probably men have always drunk too much. NOT HEREDITARY. "No one has a hereditary cray- ing for alcohol. There is no more physiological reason for such an inheritance than for inheriting a N. B,, says:--"I was laid up with rheumatic fever for a year, and for eight months of that time I could not go about. My blood had seemed to turn to water, and the pain I en- dured was at times almost unendur- taste for apple pie. A man may in- herit his grandfather's wine cellar or his mental weakness, but he only displays that weakness when he elaims that he was born with a crav- ing in his throat which makes him alte. the doctor's care I was not regain- ing my strength and I decided to give Dr. Williams' trial. I took altogether nine boxes and they simply worked wonders in| bringing back my lost strength. I still take the Pills occasionally as I am working in a saw mill where the work is pretty heavy.' Not only rheumatic sufferers, but all who have any trouble due to weak, watery blood, will find a cure through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It is because of their direct action on the blood that these Pills cure such troubles as anaemia, indiges- tion, general weakness, neuralgia, and the aches, pains and secret treubles women folk alone know. Give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial, and they will not disappoint yor. or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockvule, Ont, a "------ Mamma--"I am delighted at the | interest my boy is taking in his writing. He spends two hours a day at it." Visitor--' teally ? How Strange! How did you get him to do it?' to write me out a list of everything he wants for his birthday, and he's still at it." 7. -- J. FEFFF FFF Hoses eee eesgy A WORD TO MOTHERS, + No matter whether baby is t sick or well, Baby's Own Tab- Bs lets should be kept in the + home always. They not only + curé the minor troubles to, which babyhood and child-+ hood is subject, but will pre- + vent them coming on if the child is given an occasional + dose of the medicine. Mrs. + Geo. T. Walker, Mascouche t Rapids, Que., says :--"I have + used Baby's Own Tablets for + constipation and other disor- ders of childhood and am so + pleased with them that I al- + ways keep the Tablets in the + house." Sold by medicine + dealers or by mail at 25 cents ¢ a box from The Dr. Williams' + Medicine Co., Brockville, + Ont. p FHFHFFF tresses esos seen irda Mike kee ce THE NATURAL PLACE. "Where should a vesse ter the teeth of a gale?' "T don't know, unless it is in the mouth of a river." we 1 encoun- Marion Bridge, ©. f., May 30, '02. 1 have handled MINARD'S LINIMENT daring the past year. It is always the first: Linirnent asked for here, and un- questionably the best seller of all the Notwithstanding I was under | ink Pills a! Sold by all medicine dealers! Mamma--"Oh, I told him! different from other men. Our mod- ern social conditions, from poverty j to affluence, result in an enormous jamcunt of occupational disease, di- lrectly attributable to alcohol. "I do not now refer to the com- 'mon drunkard, but to the kind of cases that fill our hospitals and in- }sane asylums as the result of the jlong continued da y indulgence in too much strong drink. |sidious effects of alcohol could be Popes. : | eliminated from our wards in Bel- | levue Hospital, we would close two- thirds of them. | FILLS HOSPITALS. "'Dropsy, hardening of the liver, }coma, partial paralysis, ete., fill jour hospitals with moderate drink- ) ers. These men do not take enough jto befuddle the brain, but it pro- jduces fatal structural changes in the body. "If you will look in the labora- |tory you will find that to harden € | pathological specimens of tissues of | |the body the professor places them jin alcohol. |his own tissues in alcohol is more islowly, but none the less surely | producing cirrhosis of the tissues of ihis arteries, liver and other organs. CONCERNING FOuD. | "Overindulgence in food may be |as harmful as indulgence in drink. ' ""A large part of modern diseas- | es are caused by the use of illum- inating gas, paint and even cook- jing materials. generally affected. Mercury, ar- senic, lead and tin poisoning is not uncommon. Lead poison first in- capacitates the workman; it may eventually kill him. Periodical ex- amination would saye many work- men from death. Tin poison from focoe is cooked and allowed to stand in tin vessels and copper poisoning from the same cause is dangerous. Zine lined refrigerators also con- tribute their dangers." BRUIN'S BUTTONS. fhe iuspector in a certain school asked "he boys he was examining: "Can you take your warm over- coat off?" 'Yes, sir," was the "Can the bear take overcoat off ?" Wo, sir? "Why not ?' There was silence for a while, and then a little boy spoke up: "'Please, sir, because God's made him without any buttons.' CURED OF LAME BACK WHEN 84, |Mr. Samuel Martin, of Strathroy, Ont., | passed twenty years of his life in misery, suffering tortures from lame_ back. He tried nearly all advertised remedies and household recipes, but received no benefit from any of them. Some months ago, secing Gin Pills ad- vertised, Mr. Martin purchased , a box. The relief which Mr. Martin experienced after he had taken one box, Was 80 great that he knew he had found the right remody at last. He used two mote boxes response, his warm diseases of | If the in-| "The man who habitually bathes| Workmen are most| RHEUMATISM WEATHER THiS BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS AL- WAYS CURE RHEUMATISM. What They Did for W. TW. Craine, and Why They Always Cure Rheumatism--They Remove the Cause. Toronto, Ont., Mar. 21 (Special). --In these days of sudden changes of temperature known to so many suffering people as Rheumatism weather the experience of W. 4. Craine, of 103 Gladstone Ave., this city, is of widespread interest. Mr. Craine sufiered from Rheumatism. He is cured and he knows the cure. It was Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Yes, [ know Dodd's Kidney Pills cured my Rheumatism,' Mr. Craine states. "For after I start- ed taking them I used no other me- ;dicine. I never cease recommend- 'ing Dodd's Kidney Pills to my frie ds."' Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheu- ;matism by putting the Kidneys in condition to strain the uric acid out of the blood. It is uric acid in the blcod that causes Rheumatism. Cold or damp causes it to crystal-) lize at the muscles and joints and then comes -those tortures every jrhcumatic knows only too well | Dodd's Kidney Pills cure Rheuma- jtism by curing the Kidneys. The ;cured Kidneys remove the cause of {the Rheumatism. , RSET Mas * GF cnet Sar inka {TOCKs, Members Toronto Stock Ezchange. Safe Investments Write for our weekly circular on securitias. Refer as to standing to any bank. We have moved to $0 Bay St., To ronto. our new building, "TI wonder if that rich uncle of Wilson's remembered him when he made his will? Wilson used to sing to him.'? 'He must have; he didn't leave Wilson a penny." Welcome as Senshine after a storm is the reliof when an obstinate, pitiless cough has been driven away by Allen's Lung Balsam. No opium in it. The good effect lasts. Take a bottle home with you this day. Great story about rubber prices going still higher. This yarn is not stretched. gees TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY: Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine TaBlets, Druggists refund money ifit fails to cure. KH. W. GROVE'S signature ja on each box '25e. A man is never a man until he is married, and then he ceases to be one, There is nothing equal to Mo- thes Graves' Worm Exterminator for destroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfac- tien. Some people's only aim in life is to look for a larger target. Minard's Liniment fer Sale Everywhera. -- TRAPPED. | } \ "T always was lucky," said a 'tramp to his pal. 'I don't see," ireplied the other, "how you can jsay that. Here you are, all run jdown, and not knowin' where your j Next meal's comin' from." "That's ae tI tell you. It's just plain good iluck. Wot if I was healthy, and thad a big appetite ?" PILES CURED at HOMEby 'New Absorption Method | | / i | If you suffer from bleeding, itch- ing, blind or protruding Piles, send ime your address, and I will' tell lyou how to cure yourself at home iby the new absorption treatment; land will also send some of this |home treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality if requested. |permanent cure assured. Send no ;money, but tell others of this of- fer. Write to-day to Mrs. M. Sum- ; mers, Box P. 720, Windsor, Ont. | | | 'a hot old time. | Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. | The man who respects the law | need not fear it. We Mako the Emphatic Statem D&I" Menthol Plaster will | ent that "The do raore to relieve : himbago aud kindred ny other plaster. 250 tins and $1 All druggista, asked | neuralgia, lame back, | troubles than a | yd. rolls. | | Soe Jenks, as he case in hand, "can a cowhide in a boot shop?' Binks wasn't at all slow. 'No,' he said; "'but calf- skin,'? | 1 ft | These Pills Cure Rheumatism.-- |'Tc the many who suffer from theu- | matism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- {table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys: and by regulating the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the ad- mixture of uric acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to direc- tions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence of their beneficial effects. Few men kaye the courage to ad- mit they are cowards. L St n 1 often means sudden illness, Painkiller is all that is needed to ward it off. Unequalled for cramps and diarrhoea Avoid ole hata thore is but one " Painkiller "--Porry via', A Sudgen bhi You might do worse than e gerate the goodness of your frie ae Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. x ON XAaZ nds, Tt doesn't take much work to con- vince a man that he needs a rest. 2 Only One 'BROMO QUININE" That fs LAXATIVE BROMO QUT for the signature of BE. W. GROV world over to Cure a Cold in One D: Look d the 25c, INK. E. Use AY. , Immediate relief and | Cold cash is responsible for many | walked into Bink's shop, sample-} | Your Eyes and in Ba Of the two men standing at a street corner, one was one of those ;smart fellows who are always ach- jing to display their smartness. | "Watch me take a rise out of ihim!? he muttered to his compan- }ion as a ragged old tramp hove in sight, and started to recite the usual tale of pathos. "Why, that's not the same story you told me last time you accosted me," said the brainy one, when the vagrant had run down. The latter looked at him in sor- rowful silence for a moment. Then he asked: 'Mebbe not--mebbe not! But I | don't remember speaking to you. | When was it?' |. "Last week." "That explains it. lton mecting you," | quiet retort. jlast week." I'd. forgot- was the tramp's "T was in prison all es eee set TASTED GOOD. William and Lawrence were in the habit of saving a part of their dessert from ths evening dinner for ;corsumption the next morning, and in accordance with this custom two smal] cakes had been placed in. the evacker-jar for them. William, be- ing the first up on the following |morning and being hungry, went ito the jar. He found only one cake, land a large piece had been bitten jout of that. Full of wrath, he went |up-stairs and roused his brother. i 'Say!' he demanded. "I want to know who took that big bite out} of my cake!' "T did,"' sleepily answered Law- rence, | "'What'd you do that for?' | 'Well, when I tasted it I found jit was your cake, and so I et the other one."' | | i | | es Free to Our Readers, Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, | for 48-page illustrated Eye Book Frea, | Write all about Your Eye Trouble and | they will advise as to the Proper Applica. | tion of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your | Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you | that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength. ;ens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes ; Bye Pain, and sells for 0c. Try It in by's Byes for Scaly tion, | Eyelids and Granula Miss Fisher--"Quite a confiden- tial chat you were having with Miss Kulcher. I fear you'll find me dull by comparison." Mr. Blunt--"Not } atall. It's a relief te talk to a girl} who isn't clev--that is--er--not at all Not*at all.'? \ ONE TO MARY JANE. Mrs. Tartly and Mary Jane had arrived at the parting of the ways, and the mistress thought she could with-safety indulge in a few caustic remarks, "Now that you are going, Mary Jane,"' she said, "I hope you will leave in a respectable manner. You remember when You came your box wes brought in a whéelbarrow. 1 would not have mentioned it, but I am afraid some of our friends might see you." "that's all right, mum," answer- ed Mary Jane serenely. "My new master and missus are waiting for me in their motor-car down the street." "Why don't they drive up to the front door?' asked Mrs. Tartly, "Well, mum," said Mary Jane blandly, "I expect they don't want people to think they are visiting here !"' cox Cemented Holloway's Corn Cure is the me- dicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small sum of twenty-five cents. The small streams that feed a river make its smooth water. By Eribing the Nerves with opium you may stopa cough, but the inflauimation goes from bad to worse. Allen's Lang Balsam, coutaining no opium, goes to the root of the trouble and cures deep-seated aifections of throat aad lungs, Beautiful Widow--"Do you know, I am forty years old to-day?' Gal- fant Bachelor--"Madam, yon just twenty. than half of what I hear." Kidneys Wrong ?---- danger. If they are, you are in 1 disease When through weakness or ' the kidneys fail to filter the im- purities from the blood, trouble comes aft once, Backache, Rhenma- tism, . Sciatica, Gravel, Diabetes, tall Stones and the deadly Bright's Disease are some of the results of neglected kidneys. Dr. | Morse's Indian Root Pills contain a most effective diuretic which strength- ens and stimulates the kidneys so that they do their work thorough- ly and well. Try Dr. Morse's indian Root Pills As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain tubs Out.--Applied to the seat of a& pain in any part of the body the skir absorbs the soothing liniment under brisk friction and the patient obtains almost instant relief. The results of the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil have surprised many Warren, Ont. Aue Feb. 11th. "Y had a horse that had a Spavin for a , long tine aud I had tried nearly every kind of medicine when a neighbor told me to nae Kendall's Spayin Cure, which I did aad it ected wonderiully." M. ROSENTHAL, Kendall's Spavin Cure is no untried experiment, but isthe world's staudard remedy for all Swellings, Soft Bunches and Lameness in horse aad maa. Used the world over for 40 years. Every farmer, stockman, express- man, livery proprictor and horse owner generally should keep it always on hand, i aia Foils OP. sao 3 Pn Ce PR |The Fuias are! § I never believe more | gi t Flavoured "SALADA" is hill-grown tea-- grown. tions high up on the hills in the Island of Ceylo The leaf is small and tender with a rich, full flavo --is always of unvarying good quality. Will you be cor tent with common tea when you. can get "SALADA" A flavoring used the same.ns lemon or By dissolving gtanuinte sugar in water adding Mapleine, a delicfous syrup is made an a syrup better than mapie.. Mapleine is sold! grocers. If not send 50c fi ox. bottle recipe book, Crescent M&. € 0., Seattle, As this very remarkable preparation is | called, is the greatest Constitutional Re: ever known for Brood Mares, Colts, Stall and all other horses; also Distemper ai Dogs and Sheep. This compound ig ma é the purest ingredients and not an atom poisonous or injurious nature enters into composition. Many persons are now ta # SPOHN"S for La Grippe, Colds, Coughs, K fa ney Trouble, etc., and it 'is always safe yexpels the Disease Geri from the- acts directly on the Biroor fs and 3 SPOHN'S is now sold by nearly every dr y gist and harness dealer in the land, and Can get it for you. Fifty cents and $1.00 ® bottle, and $6.00 and $11.00 the dozen. Record of Annual Sales, Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Year Xear Year Year Year Td4th Year mw 15th Year .. oe Send for our "i for fantily 1st 2nd 8ra 4th 6th 6th 7th 8th m 9th ea 10th. m@ 1ith ae 12th # 13th -124,500 -172,485 + 221,760 - 287,620 - 878,962 » 508,720 + 648,260 caneeees 607,854 3ooklet of twelve good recipes. and stock medicines, REE, Distributors All Wholesale Druggists ial ee 3 ' 2 tic mans ot ot eee Spohn Medical Co, Coston, tnctana, <7 Ae ae % «CHEMISTS AND BACTERIOLOGISTS a GOSHEN, INDIANA, U. S. As "Bye, Eptzoattc a g\__,Alarrhat Fever, Rieacioug' iy pois Phasyn and Ze faown eaigs g Sa Lae us $ A Bh. RAMON iste Ye chnesteat Lot al Commies, all domestic noimelge yy, wg Teac ANNES eh PRN ER ial Se Everybedy is astonished at the marvellous gain that comes to their home and to themselves by the use of PANMSAY'S PAINTS Dont y'ou think it would be better for to enquire about these paints 2? Don't use poor paints--they cost too much, Don't use dear paints--they cost too much, Use R:z nsay's Paints, sold at just the right price for correct paint- ing. We issue a handsome booklet on house painting. You should have it. Write us for Booklet "WW. We will mail it free, it Will Astonish You! $1. a bottle--6 for $5. Ask your dealer for free copy of our book "A Treatise On The Horse"--or write us DR. B. J. KENDALL CO. 56 Enosburg Failis, Vermont. as Sa eee ERS Be eS ACES, NC lf Neglected, it soon reaches the Lungs and may Prove Fatal. Mr. G. L. Garrow of 116 Millicent St., oronto, writes under date of September y 13, 1903, "One year ago this spring I con- tracted a severe cold in the chest, which developed into Bronchitis, I took three kinds of medicine and found no improye- # ment. A friend of mine advised me to try B PSYCHiNE and iathree days I feltlikea new mauagain, I desiretolet othersknow what a valuable cure you have in PSY- 8 CHINE for itcured me whereallother med- icines had failed. 1am morethanthankfulto H be well again, andforthesake of others who Fa may beill,you may publish thistestimonial," § «Stop that cold or the results will be serious. Youcan do this by toning upthe system with PSYCHINE. i For Sale by al) Draggists, 59c. & $1 por battle | Dr. T. A. SLOCUM § | LIMITED, 2 TORONTO @ | i who were unacquainted with its qualities, and once known it will) not be rejected. Try it, Tommy--"We're going soon." Sammy--"How know ?"' Tommy--"How do I know ? Didn't me mother lemme break a 1 | { | { | | | | ate Ws ME: RONOUNCED SI-KEEN J | : ' a to move! Mariatt's Hair Promoter do you! 9 | partment, Hair Promoting Co.. Crows Hair on any Bald Head n sale at the Robt. Simpson's Drug De- Toronto, Can., or the Martats Toronto, Canada, A. RAMSAY & SON Co., Kstablished 1812, The Paint Makers, Montreal. EDUCATIONAL, | { EARN THE BARBER TRADE NEW 4 system--constant practice; careful tnstruction; few weeks complete course; tools free;' graduated earn -- twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write for cata: logue. Moler Barber. College, 221 Queen | Fast. Toronto. ARTICLES FOR SALE. FRICAN WARRANTS BOUGUT AND p> ey rnold, good: for 520 geres Westera 'lands, immediate ~ delivery. Rogers. & , Co,, 30 Toronto St., Toronto, College 1989. \ OUTH AFRICAN VETERANS WAR- {h rants bought and sold, 320 acres. | Dickinson, Room 20, 43 Scott St., Toronto. | W ANTED -- SOUTH AFRIGAN WAR- | rants. Highost price paid. Fox & toss, Scott St., Toronto. j | | ee UY YOUR PIANOS BY MATL. AMONG | © our cash bargains in used upright-_ Pianos, some in use less than six months j are Heintzman, $125, Nordheimer, $140. Schumann, $165, Bell, $175. | Milfon, $185. Mason & Risch, $195, Leach, $195, , {instrument warranted. $6 extra for box- ing. Write immediately for particulars, |The Leach Piang Co., Limi sd, Montreal. MACHINERY A ACHINERY : She Sem L SARALNS, BRUISES, BURNS, PSCALBS, CUTS spd CONTU SION : Por Croup, Diphtherta, Influenza, Cra mee 4 Spasms, Barna, Scalds, Ace denta, Bruises, Falls, Gunshet Wounds, Poisonous Bites of Dogs, Snakes, Stings of Lasecta, ote:., use Rad way's Ready Reliey. ls Your Hearing Good ' The HEAR-O-PHONE will benefits of good hearing. booklet, giving particulars of satisfied users. Also Special Offer for a Month's Home Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 384 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. "yo . one of the marvels vt sotgatectrical age. | | Tron and in hroughout the world, rite for cutas | oo 8 = } ait Wee tet OO Acoustic Co,, of Canada, Ltd, |@?sives, boilers, steam) pumps, gasoling lorue, Genera ¢ ' » My | onpine 1? . . na ntara® 468 Yonge Street, Toronto. | CAR INGB, electric motors, contractors - ete. Send for catalogne of | machinery, Z AL VES Raise Them wit Machines, H. W. PRTRIK € > t give you the Send tor. tree and names | e PE FOR THE DEAF--IN ACOUSTICON-- HBEADQUARERRS, wood-working machinery, hout Meh! Tieitog ne , Booklet Free, amited, eronte, Montreal, Vancouver. Steolo,Brigns Seed Co, Ltd., Toronto,{Ons, AGENTS WANTED. \ GENTS--85 A DAY BASY, Ys perience needed, Sells , Absolute necessity to farmers, jof 30 men, Pays for itself i Write today, CG. R. Adame NO BX. on sight Does work in one hour, Co,, Sarnia, THE LINDMAN TRUSS wi!l hold any reducible } borsia. Endorsed by foremost medical. men, Write for particulars, 2, LINDMAN, (Beg'd), Montreal. A GREAT DEMAND Fo Ont, ANTED--LOCAL -- AND GBNERAL WwW DO YOU WANT TO KNOW 1601 eurions (mostly untold) facts about Human Nature? Read Dr. -- Foote's "Wonder" hook on the dcticate snhiects of Love, Marriage, Parentage, Health, Disease, and Freaks. It is the fruit of 50 years' experience of xn successful author and practitioner. Full of advice neces: tary to every man and women. Contains more vital facts thon your doctor woulda ive you for ten dollars. Tu 3 sections, 40 paees ond 40 illnstratioans, Price 10¢. UL. L. Hill Book Co., 129 E.28St.,New York APPENDICITIS Cured without operations, All who are af. flicted with this disease and wish to be cured permanently, safely and quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent post-paid anywhero in the world with fall instructions for using eo as to effect a permanent cure. -Price $2. Address ss John T. Walt, Homeopathic Pharmacy, Arnprior, Canada. i Treat Catarrh FREE For fifteen days. If you do not wish to con- tinue, costs you pothing. T am curing Catarrh, Deafness, Head oises, and Throat 2 troubles, with a remarkable new treatment. I want to send a course of my treatment with two instruments, to every suf- ferer, by mail, all charges pre- paid, to try 15 days. Fae } #8. This is the free Trial Treatment ry Send no money. Write for my free we trial treatment today, giving full de- scription of your case, Coffee, "sos' Des Moines, fa. and is now completely cured 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Free sample if you write & Chemical Co., (De winder t'other day and didn't say ' Agents--Liberal ¢ nothin' ?"' ) deca apes MIXED' UP. A sergeant was onc squad of recruits. credibly ignorant. could not tell his his left. The sergeant proceeded to teach them, and at last attained some degree of suecess. Sergeant--"Now, yer blessed id- iot, hold yer hands in front of yer, and twist them round one over the other. Stop! Now, which is your left hand and which is your right "' Reernit (looking at his hands for a moment)}-- 'Tm blowed if IT know I've gone and mixed 'em!"? * different kinds of Linimont 1 handle. ; NEIL FERGUSON. ontracts to good Continental Life Toronto, Correspon At all dealers. National Drug pt. W. L.) Toronto, R | f k ; men apply by fetter, = | Insurance Company, WASTE PAPER OF ALL GRADES. dense <. : Also Rags, Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Wic, | @ence confidential. N 1 of West Mamboro, in the County of ig PULLAN Adolaide and Moud Sts., * 3 Wentworth, soil, sand and clay loam, 3 Toronto, Oat, Phone for particulars. Main 4¢* storey brick house, frame bank barn, Stone foundation, stabling under, 40x70, ® $ Growing § P public aehoak ae ene 14 it mileg ) J ye? ewe eh, -2 mileg Hardwood Timber Every reader knows to Dundas R. R. Station, and 6 miles to g the inereasing PD scarcity of Hardwood Ilamilten, Price $9,000, : 7 O. 6228-5100 ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP Timber and its consequent increase in value in the near future. of Metcalfe, in the County of Middle. _ Hardwood to-day is as absolutely nee- 80x, soil, clay and sand loam, 1 1-2 storey brick housé, frame barn, on coment walls, essary in the manufactures, as eoul iron and steel. It simply must be had or the stabling under barn, arive barn and other outbuildings, -- telephone end rural frey nations greatest industries are at stake. $$ There are dollars wrapped up in e drilling a They were in- One of them right hand from Minister--'"My dear why don't you get an umbrella?' Jaley--Since pa has stopped go- ing to chtirch he never brings home any more umbreltas," sabes Inexpensive.---To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the di- gestive system, a trial of Parmelee's icin Vegetable Pills is recommended, Smith--"I'm yot very well, thank/sheuld the sufferer he unacquaint- you Nasty paia in my temples---"}ed with them. The trial will be in- Joues--"'Oh, that must be neural-| expensive and the result will be an- gia." Smith- "No; can't be new-| other customer for this excellent raigia--I've had it quite a month." | medicine. So effective is their ac- Cae tior: that many cures can certain- ly be traced to their use where Try this other pills have proved ineffective. aN. AN AWFUL FALL. "Spearing of bad fallsrdl ladadu "Speaking of bad falls,' remark- ed Jones, "'T fell out of a window once, and the sensation was ter- rible. During my transit through the air I really believe I thought of ne every mean act I had ever commit-| A. spay tie ted in- my fife.' : -- oo r f k ee id not pea rides Deatter bine. Sampis card ;,, Hum!" growled and Booklet Free. The Johnaon-Richardson Lo Limited, Dept. 0. Montrou!, ug. wed | tance.'? little boy, ~ '\ O. 6265--90 ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP UNCLE EZRA SAYS: "Some men listen so intent to hear opportunity knock at their doors that they don't hear their wives luggin' in the wood." Ayeanan sonosjoy WuOUTLIT Ss pseuryy Trial is "e) mail delivery, school on farm, on Grave road, 2 niiles to RR. Station. Wil psy change for smaller farm, or for City or Town property, ; every stick of Hardwood thot can This advértisement be grown to 10. inches or over in dinmoter | Newspapers, anytime--anywhere--but when it can be | the papor in grown to this size in 10 years and grown | Vertisemont, too right.on the main lines of railway | The Western Real Estate Excha and within easy reach of tho two greatest | ed manufacturing cities on the Western const, there are still greater values obtainable, $ Would you invest, say $500, if we "What's the use of searching for the North Pole, anyway?" "Why, it would save thousands of dollars if it were found. It wouldn't be necessary to send any more expedi- tions to look for it.'? The merits of Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs and colds are attested by scores who know its power in giving almost instant relief when the throat is sore with coughing, and the whole pulmonary region disordered in consequence. A bot- tle of this world-famed Syrup, will save doctor's billz, and a great deal 25 cents, at all c appears in over Tnquirers. will please which they saw this 200 shaty ad vane Dye Clothes ndas St. London, Ont, aectenemsme could prove to you by a series of nge, Limit. By ing? Oh absolutely correct records of Eucalyptus §! Porthe very beetaond your werktothe -- : Timber growths ? 1st, That these trees * RATION AMERICA BYEING 69," he bad a x gi spon a Og Fee _ Eowh for agent ta pour town, of aend direea, Cg é are worth from 0 $5 cach, " 2nd, that the wood is as hard and durable Sentreal, Teronte, Ottawa, Que as our Canadian Oak 'or Hickory, and ord, that thousands of dollars are being made by growing this 'Timber, and 4th, | that. you are guaranteed three times your original investment at. the end of ten: years. Would you ?» Could-you 2? Then write at once to W. E. Dyer, 114 King West Toronto, ' THE GEST WERIME FOR GuciswGins It is so pleasant to take--stops the cough so quickly, Absolutely safe too and contains no opiates, : All Druggists, 25 cents. . The famous new discovery positively, quickly, completely and cures Gaitre, Thick Nec Swellings, Bunions, i | OG for $5.00, mailed on LY Le MEDICINE CO You don't have to know what your Gouds are made of. §& Thompson ; f an awful dis-|of suffering. Price * | dealers, 695. Lame

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