OR, THE LOST PATRIMONY, BIVEN UP BY HIS PHYS "FRUIT-A-TIVES", THE, SAMouS FRUIT MEDICINE, SAVES His LIFE. 4 '2 OU APTER Vi (Cont'd) After supper we the old wainscoted logs were thrown ; BP, and we gathered around it. The évening passed easantly, with conversation, music, ete. At eleven o'clock we separated for the night, and Wolfgang himself at- tended me to my room. It was in the' second story. In keeping with all'in the house, it was an old- returned ~ to hall; -- more on the blazing 1, pi ils heavenly loveliness. something like religious devotion moved in my beser;--~end akhost impelled me to kneel before! that image of di- vine beauty, loye and 'sorrow. --[ fell asleep, at last, with my imagin- ation full of thag eclestial counten- ance and my sbul full of prayer. : Suddenly I /awoke with a start! It seemed t§ me that I had been | aroused asyby the shock of a gal- vanic batigry. I trembled even af- ter L wgs awake as with a yague | | | 1 t _ fashioned apartment, the two prin- cipal features being a la ge tent bedstead hung with dark-green da- - mask, and a wide fire-place, in which burned and glowed that in- ovitable country blessing, a good wood fire. ees e215 'How do field ?"' "Yes! that was friendly--was; jt not? You never mentioned Your Sister to me before ; never prep4red & poor teftrow for the danger that lay before him--a regular ambu- seace !" f repented this flippant speech in a moment, when I saw how serious- ly Wolfgang took it. 'Tam no egotist; I never was. do not talk of myself and my fam ily; [ never did," he replied. "Pooh! You mean to accuse me of egotism, because I have talked to you so much about my sister. Well! It is true I thought the very chef d'oeuvre of nature until I saw Miss Wallvaven! She has astonished me! away my with wonder! Can beauty like that exist anywhere else than ideal world of poets and artists' Ca: such rich beauty really live and move and have its being in the ac tual world! be sensible to sight ant touch ?"' Wallraven looked really offended. Come!' said he, "Constantia never up for good looks that ever I heard; has no pretensions to beauty; and, as to rivaling Miss Fairfield in that respect--pshaw! Fairfield. Con- stantia is no subject for jest, let me tell you! When I asked you how you liked my sister, I meant how did you like her as a pretty good altogether ?"' { tell you ge retort your question, you like my sister,' Fair+ , [ set givi, "And that she takes my breath away with her unparal-! leled, her wonderful beauty !"' "LT marvel if you are crazy, o Sarcasecc! r 'earnest--deeply in ear- "When you say Constantia is good- locking ?"' "When I say she is magnificently beautiful !"' "Heaven mend your taste! Why, she is talll, too large, dark !'" too too Regina | in the! most certainly she} | terror, fof which I should have felt jashamé¢d had I not ascribed it to tes bait JAMES SINGWALL, Ese. Williamstown, Ont., July 27th, 1908, "I suffered all my life from Chronic Constipation and no doctor, or remedy, I ever tried helped me, "Frutit-a-tives"' promptly cured me, Also, last sprin Thad a bad attack of BLADDER an KIDNEY TROUBLE and 'the doctor gave we up but "Fruit-a-tives'" saved niy life. Lam now over eighty years of age and I strongly recommend "Fruit-a-tives" for Constipation and Kidney Trouble', | hot Aupper and the nightmare. T | logked around the room aod upon ithe beautiful picture. The fire was | btirning down low, and the: flame Hashed.up and down upon the op- posite portrait, giving a convulsive pemetion to the features, as of sob- | bing. I looked at the sorrowful Sobbing face with a feeling of deep pity, as though it had been the liy- ing sufferer that it seeméd. There , was such an indescribable look of life, love, amguish, on the beautiful jfeatures, I felt a dreamy, mysteri- ous, but intense desire to wipe ;away the tears from that pictured lface. It was:a good while before [ could get to sleep. That beauti- ful countenance, silently conyulsed in the firelight, fascinated me. It | f ti | | { | { [ determinedly closed my eyes, they | | would fly open again, and fix upon ;the pictured sufferer. ; when my eyes were closed, the love jly face still present to my mind, : | and it seemed to me to be heartless | She has taken | breath with admiration! | t« to go to sleep with such an image of beauty, love, and sorrow before [ was too imaginative. the time, place, and circumstances, made me so, At last I fell asleep indeed; but my dreams -- still me i i | through tiful, good, | moved another being--a perfect specter, that might have been the consort of Death on the Pale Horse ~an old, decrepid, livid hag, with a malign countenance and gibbering laugh, whose look chilled and whose itouch froze my btood with horror. | Suddeuly a noise, a fall, a smoth- (ered ery, awoke me, and, starting | up in my bed, I saw in the red fire- 'light, between the chimney and the side of my bed, the very hag of my ; dream, livid! malignant! gibbering! | struggling violently against Wolf jgang Wallraven, who, himself an j}embodied typhon, with a wild, an- {gry blaze in his light gray eyes, iheld her. } CHAPTER VI; Unobserved by him, I, after the , |fivst involuntary start, had fallen| | back upon my pillow. | | The conflict was too. unequal to Well! | slowly | moved the image on the wall--beau- | oving, suffering, as I! jfels her to have been; and with her | (Signed) JAMES DINGWALL,. 50¢ a box, 6 for $2.50 --or trial box, 25¢ --at dealers or from ¥Fruit-a-tives | Limited, Ottawa. 3 saw that the dark ifallen in a deluge of rain as had | beer. predicted, but during the still jand silent hours of the night had jnoiselessly descended in one of | those tremendous falls of snow that |furnish paragraphs for the marvel- ;ous department of the newspapers jof the day, and make data in the jhistory of a lifetime. All around stretched fields of frozen snow, the great depth of which might be part- ily guessed at by the tops of high ;8ate-posts sticking a few inches } ' above the surface, and making the site of a buried line of fence--felds iol crusted Nay, even! { | | | | { | and sparkling snow, Which flashed off in undulating ra- diance to the circle of mountains that shut in this white, cup-shaped de}l, and whose icy peaks scintil- ated against the cold, blue hori- 'zon. 'This vast snow-cup, snow-pit, snow-dell--flashing, sparkling, scin- |tillating, dazzling, glanced brighter jin the reflected rays of the morning ;sun than the winter sky above. It was certain that we were im- mured in this snow-glen, within the confines of these closely circling and jise-cumbered mountains, for an in- definite number of days. There and heavy | (clouds of the preceding day had not| CHOKED WITH ASHES. Condensers on New Dreadnoughts Worked Poorly. During the recent trials of the Cclingwood and the special test trip of the Vanguard, battleships of the new Dreadnought class, an extraordinary defect came to light: The trials of both vessels were generally "satisfactory, but in each instance the condensers did not act smocthly. Investigation showed that they were partially choked with ashes, and the cause of the treubles was soon revealed. In the process of improving on to: vessels of the King Edward type the ash expellers were fixed through the bottoms of the two bat- tleships, instead of at the side, as in the case of the King Edward. Tne object of the alteration was to avoid leaving a track of ash dust, as has sometimes occurred in fine weather, when powdered dust has floated on the surface of the water for days, and thus disclosed the vessel's whereabouts. I: was calculated that by plac- ing the expellers in the bottoms of the two vessels the discharged -mass of dust would damp through and sink out of sight. But it now ap- pears that the expellers were plac- ed too near the inlet from which the circulating pump fed the main condensers. The action of the pump caused the discharged ashes to be sucked up into the condens- ers, which could not, therefore, se- cure the required amount of water. the discovery will probably re- sult in the battleships being docked at Devonport with a view to plac- ing the expellers further away from the circulating pump, and this will corsideringably delay their commis- sioning. The Collingwood's engine shafts were also found to be "setting" badly, and considerable alterations have been found necessary. i. WHY YOU ARE THIN; HOW TO GET FLESHY. Discusses Causes of Thinness and Weight and Form, Rounding Out Prescription Accomplishes Wonders A treatment which anyone can prepare cheaply at home, has been found to increase the weight, im- prove the health, round out scraw- ;weuld be no fox-hunting that day, ior that week. That was evident ; jthat I did not regret. Not life ; without, but life within, the home-} ;Stead, absorbed my thoughts, and I turned from the flashing fields of ; Snow and glancing peaks of ice, to jlool: upon the beautiful portrait on | the wall, that had so powerfully at- jtracted me during the night. I | wished to examine it, to test its | powers of fascination by scber day- light. I turned and lookid for it. Ii was gone! | I gazed, doubting my own eyes! | lt was certainly gone! No sign of no pin, screw, or nail, or even hole in the wall, was. to be seen! I look- ed all around in an almost ludicrous state of bewilderment. t half suspeeted the whole train of sister events of the past |to be merely tl a picture ever having been there--! iny figures, improve the bust, bright- fen the eyes and put new color into 'is too thin and bloodless. ; flesh on those who have been always thin whether from disease or natur- al tendency, on those who by heavy eating and diet have in vain tried ; to increase; on those who feel well |but can't get fat; and on those who | have tried every known method in |vain. It is a powerful aid to diges- jticn, nutrition and assimilation. It }assists the blood and nerves to dis- tribute all over the body the flesh elements contained in food, and gives the thin person the same ab- isorbing qualities possessed by the j natu rally fleshy. Everybody is about the same, ;certain elements and organs | | ! | | | but of night | blood and nerves are deficient and j some straight, 1¢ phantasmagoria of , until this is corrected thin people!some T or Y shaped. Gives New Method of Increasing | the tne cheeks and lips of anyone who | It puts} ete for a few months only, don't The twenty-one wholesale dn NA-DRU-CO line. Trade Mark. The formula was pronounced the Camphor Ice easeless Toilet Cream Talcum Powder Tooth Paste Tooth Powder ORuU-co ONLY OUR PRODUCTS BEAR THIS TRADE MARK experimenting with new or untried preparations. Their Origin in the "National" had all of them lengthy careers, some for fiity to one hundred years, prior to the union. Hach firm had acquired or developed a number of valuable formula for medicinal and toilet preparations, all of which became the property of the 'National'. Since the union our expert chensists have carefully gone over these formule and selected the best for the Every formuls has been carefully studied by these experts, improved if possible, and them theroughly tested again, in actual use, before we consider it good enough to bear the NA-DRU-CO An Example A good example of what we mean is NA-DRU-CO Nervozone for Brain Fag or nervous break-down. bination of nerve medicines, but this was enough for us; we had it tried out with a dozen different kind of Brain workers -- Scitool Teachers, Lawyers, Book- keepers--as well as Society leaders and home workers, and everywhere the result was so good that we a it as one of the best of the NA-DRU-CO line. Some NA-DRU-CO Preparations You'll Find Most Satisfactory. Baby's Tablets Carboiic Salve Cascara Laxatives (Tablets) Cod Liver Oil Compound, HALIFAX, think for ininute that ig firms now united Trade Mark. NA-DRU-CO line. bought it and he will too, because we retr back to you. If your druggist most scientific com- dopted branch. Dyspepsia Tablets Headache Wafers Herb Tablets Nervozone Pile Ointment Tasteless (2 Sizes) Wholesale Branches at: ST. JOHN, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. REGINA, CALGARY, NELSON, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. ---- ee Formulae Have Been Well Tried Out Though the NA-DRU-CO line of Medicinal and Toilet Preparations have been on sale in buying NA-DRU-CO™ goods you are There are therefore no experiments among NA-DRU-CO preparations, gether too much time, work and money in the NA-DRU-CO line to take any chances of discrediting it with preparations that might not prove satisfactory. We make absolutely certain that each preparation is satisfactory before we endorse it with the NA-DRU-CO We have invested alto--- . Ask your physician or your druggist about the firm behind NA-DRU-CO preparations and about the They can tell you, for we will furnish them, on request, a full list of the ingredients in any NA-DRU-CO article. | "Money Back" If by any chance you should not be entirely -- satisfied with any NA-DRU-CO article you try, return the unused portion to the druggist from whonr you refund your money--willingly, iru to him every cent he gives should not have the particular NA-DRU-CO article you ask for in stock he can get it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale 4 'si arg Rheumatism Cure © Sugar of Milk Stainless Iodine Ointment Toothache Gum White Liniment National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited OTTAWA, KINGSTON, TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON, ALWAYS LOOK FOR THIS TRADE MARK vee ~ a ---- a anaes a no On the Farm THE GLOVER "CROP. Kivery farmer knows that if he plows up a clover meadow he in- ;ereases the fertility of that field. One of the reasons for this is that clover contains a large store of the valuable fertilizing element, nitro- |gen, and as the clover plants de- cay in the soil, this nitrogen be- comes available for the use of the succeeding crop. The question na- }turally arises, Why is it that the ,clovers add more nitrogen to. the |} soii than other crops? The farmer |may have noticed, as he turned up |the roots of the clover, that there | were scattered along »the roots, especially on the finer rootlets, Jit- tle whitish nodules or bunches. If ihe had cut one of these little no- dules in two with a sharp knife, he would have seen that the inside was jpinkish-white, and if he had a | powerful microscope at hand, he i would find, on examining this pink- |ish-white substance, that. it was |largely a mass of very tiny rods, some curved, and These rods der artificial conditions in bacterio- logical laboratories, and culture of them may be applied to the seed when it is sown, thus. furnishing plenty of the appropriate bacteria }to get into the newly-formed roots jand form the necessary nodules. When there is failure to get a good stand of clovers, or when the erop does not thrive, it indicates, usu- ally, that the necessary bacteria are not present in the soil, and in such cases the treatment of the seed in future seedings, as men- tioned above, usually aids in secur- ing a better crop. Further, the use of such cultures is frequently adyis- able when seed of any clover is sewn on a field that has not previ- ouslyt grown that crop. Kach year since 1905 the Bacter- iological Laberatory of the Ontario Agricultural College, at Guelph, has sent out such cultures to all farmers whe applied. Each year, recipients of the cultures have been asked to report as to whether the treatment of the seed had resulted in benefit or not, and of these re- ports about 65 per cent. stated that the cultures had aided in securing a better stand and increased growth of the crop. The College is prepar- ing to send out cultures of these nitrogen-gathering bacteria during | the coming spring for the inocula- tion of the following seeds: Alfalfa, rea or manunoth clover, alsike clo- ver, white clover, crimson clover, Consider the higher real estate | value of well painted buildings, compared with unpainted ones. Don't postpone painting -- every day does its damage and piles up costs for repairs, Martin-Senour i Paint 4£100°%% Pure '. is the cheapct. Absolutely pure and unadulterated, it wears best, looks better and goes further, gal- lon for gallon, than any other paint ab Any price, winger se cee: Qe : Ifundecided which paint to use, write § us for the name of our dealer nearest you--ask him about the written gurrantee that backs every claim we make for our paint--a guarantee that actually protects you. = ore % Don't exoeriment when certainty PR yi costs buta few cents more. There'sa [a vetches, peas, beans, sweet peas. Hach kind of seed requires a differ- ent culture. The cultures are sent | by mail, with full instructions for their use. 'There is only one-size package prepared, that being suffi- cient to inoculate sixty pounds of seed. There is a nominal charge of | 25 cents for each package of cul- ture to cover cost of preparation anl postage. Farmers intending to! secure these bacterial cultures would do well to send in their ap- |plication early, so that they may TO-l be sure of getting the cuture in iample time for seeding. Applica- Martin-Senour Paint for every purpose-- for house, barn, windmill, pumps, wag- § on, carriage, cultivator and plow--paint for and paint for iron--the best that skill and money can produce. If your dealer cannot sep; notify us and we will gladly ate to where our paints are to be h. ne Decline AU Substitutes My Write for illustrated klet, "Home Beautiful," and interesting color . Free for the asking. artin-Senour Co. i Montreal Pioneers Pure P aah a "So was that wondrous Queen Of last above a minute. - Egypt, for whom the demi-god,|}y, silent struggle. Mare Antony, lost the world!' It was a dead-! a midnight dream, or the creation wil! stay thin. The nutrition stays; are bacteria. These bacteria get He evidently | of a morbidly excited imagination, |in the body after separation by the! into the fine roots when the seed wished to secure without hurting | and T began to make my simple | digestive functions instead of pass-| germinates, grow and multiply her, or making the least floise. e) rscrning toilet. ing through unused, when this valu-| there as the clover plants grow, quickly succeeded in mastering and} | had not got half through, when| able treatment of blended medi-| aud as they grow they draw upon aN 3 ; bearing her out of the room. }a rap at the chamber door arrest-|Cines is used. Practically no one! the nitrogen of the air in the soil : You have been reading poetry. |: Scon he came softly back. I was! ed my attention, and to my "Come} can remain thin who uses it, for it and store this Good-night, I airfield j Daylight, /lying still; he evidently inferred | in!' entered old John--who seemed | Supplies the long felt need. iclover plant. _ breakfast, and a fox-hunt to-mor-/that | was asleep; for, after throw |\to be faetotum to the househokl-- | Mix a half pint bottle, three plant, by the row, will set you right ! Go to ing a quick penetrating glance at) with hot water, towels. and offers; ounces of essence of pepsin, and' is able to grow, and to store up sleep Sree eo Saat ; ; jme and looking. hurriedly around | of service, ! gratefully accepted /three ounces of syrup of rhubarb.! more nitrogen than it needs, and He left me, evidently Simeere in| the chamber, he silently retired,/the hot water and the towels, and; Then add one ounce compound es-| which it ean supply to succeeding | his natural brothefly blindness tO; cautiously closing the door after|as gratefully declined his assist-| sence cardiol. Shake and let stand ereps. Vithout the bacteria, the his sister 8 superb style of beauty. him. | ance at my dressing-table. }two hours. Then add one ounce of! clover plant must get all its nit I was in fact dreadfully wearied You may judge that I slept no He then informed me that break-/tineture cadomene compound (not | gen from the soil, instead of get- | out, and, &5 soon as he had left me,| more that night. TI scarcely knew! fasj would be on the table in half| cardamom). : Shake well and take ting mueh of it from the air, and ||; ne should «state the kind and _ fT threw off : : blew out) with certainty at what point to sep-/ ay hour, and left the room. |a teaspoonful before and after!hence. when the clover is plowed |. % Sant faa 1 a be: treated see the candle, and jumped into bed. | arate my sinster dream from the} A quarter of an hour afterward,|meals. Drink plenty of water be-! under, there is no actual inerease | hv td we aS siege eh snebeed qT could not sleep. 3 : }myst rious reality; and doubts, and | having given the last and most} tween meals and when retiring. lin 'the fertility of the soil. In fact, | fate age meat ae wake Gonut The blazing hickory fire in the even anxious fears agitated me. jgraceful wave to my temple locks, | Weigh before beginning. iclovers make the best growth when i Pr f Q iP gies: Dtasio «Naan illuminated the whole) Who was that malign old hag? How!in honor of my superb "Queen of} te lthere are plenty of bacteria present | inl College: 'Gielph; Sere room with a ere ex 5 ' "Hum! Go to bed, Fairfield."' "She is the only Cleopatra I ever av. or dreamed of !'? ly you, 'ect you ad, nitrogen up in the Hence, the clover aid of these bacteria, eae? A SPINSTER?. NO. Clergyman (to young man who wishes to have the banns of his eom- ing marriage published)---"Is your intended wife a spinster?' Young Man (after pausing as if my clothes, dazzling brilliancy! came she in the dead hours of the ; that would night into my sleeping-room ? 'motive brought her there? had Wolfgang known of her Or, which had come first, and which had followed the other. Or, possibly, had they come together, and for what purpose? What have left the question, even if a female face, beautiful as a houri, had not gazed mournfully at me from the wall Op: posite the blazing fire. It was Constantia's dark face, with less of "lignity and more of love, more of "sorrow, more of religion, in its ex pression. '"fhe were dowy, full of thought and prayer." It was # Madonna countenance, "and the longer [ looked at it, the more I adored it. Yes! it was not a face to be passed over with mere -adiniration, however ardent admiration might be--if was a face to be adored; and as 1 gazed upon Family Cough Syrup Cures Any Cough in Five Hours, NEW PRESCRIPTION THERE. Here is given the most effective cough prescription known to the -- medical world. It is a, mild taxa tive, too, "and this is what a body needs when suffering with cough and cold on the lungs. A cough or cold indicates 6 tem. Causing inflammation anc con- gestion. Nearly all couglt syraps relieve, but make the trouble worse eyes by their constipating effects. This' iption not only relieves quick- j present but it cures any cough that is veurable. Get one-half ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce com- pound essence cardiol and three ounces syrup white pine eompound. Mix in a bottle. Take for acute cough or bronchitis twenty drops every half hour for four hours. Then one-half to one teaspoonful three or four times daily. Give; Idren- less according to age. A} hours' treatment will eure and | the throat and lungs of all but ves. Cut this out and some friend who may re Sa ! arly sleep out of that | poisons in the sys-' { What How visit ? '|meant that deadly struggle ? What | sha-| meant that look of agonized dread | and terrible purpose upon the | ghastly face of Wolfgang. The look of unutterable hatred and deter- "mined malignity upon the fiendish features of the beldame ? { aim no coward, but I siy that ;f turned ice cold with horror--not }so much at what might have hap- jpened to either of the morte! foes, fas at the passion silently raging in | the bosoms of both. All was dark and still in my room fnow. The lurid dull ved glow of ithe smouldering coals on the hearth , revealed nothing. Even the image on the wall was invisible in the ceepentng shadows of that darkest hour that precedes the dawn of day. l lay in the inisery of an energetic acutely anxious mind, fretting it- self against the forced inactivity of 'the body. At length the unknown sounds ithat usher in the earliest dawn of morning began to be heard. li | Egypt, I descended to the hall, As | entered the old wainscoted | | apartment heated, as upon the | previous evening, by an immense | fire of hickory wood----I saw Mr. | | | | | Wallraven, Wolfgang, and old John! | standing on the broad hearth in deep and earnest conversation. "Secured"----"keep her own room" were the broken words that fell ;upon my ear as [ came in, when the | | tiie suddenly separated at my ap- | iproach, and Wolfgang came for- ward to meet me. (To be continued.) I. LOGICAL ECZEMA CURE ENDORSED BY PHYSICLANS. Dr R.- Aw Falkerts, of Duluth, Minn., tells of his success in treat- iny patients with D. D. D. Preserip- tion: j "Lhere was » mar. here svin.ing | ifrem eczema for the last fourteen lyears, and I applied the D. D. D. jtreatment. I also applied it to a jman of West Duluth, Minn., who! ;has been suffering with Eczema in. lhis feet, and the second treatment. in both cases cleared the skin al- | |most absolutely. The first applica. | tion is a balm, and its soothing ef-| fect is beyond expression. | shall 'never be without it, and shall use it among my patients altogether.' No matter how terribly you suf- for from eczema, salt rheum, ring- worm, ete., you will feel instantly socthed and the itch allayed at once when a few drops of this com- pound of oil of wintergreen, thy- mol, glycerine, ete., is applied. The cures all seem to be permanent. For free trial bottle of D. D. D. { | gown, aud taking some dry oak logs coals, which soon kindled them into { idusky, I went to the windows to in pushing open the shutters, for frozen snow fell rattling down to blinded me with light Prescription write to the D. D. D. Laboratory, Department W. L., 23 Jordan St., Toronto, | For sale by all druggists, om You are les vO 1 arose, drew on hy dressing- } i frem a wood pile near the fireplace, threw them upon the smouldering | a cheerful and genial blaze. As, jhowever, the room was yet too 'open the shutters. I had some dif- | ficulty in hoisting the windows and they were blockaded with snow and ice When I did so, however, the the ground, and the sudden daz- zling sunbeams flashing in, nearly When I could look ow however, | s than nothing if you do nothing. -- " 'land once paid me the biggest com- | accompaniment---I PRAISE, INDEED. You could tell from his hair th he was a musician or some the sort. "Yes," he said to the company at large, "the greatest tenor in the | at) thing of | | pliment I could wish." "Oh?"? remarked someone inter- rogatively. "Tt was like this: T sang without always have trcuble with accompanists; they're so unsympathetic, you knaw -- and at the end of 'the song he said to me: 'Do you know, when you be- gan without*an accompanist, I was surprised ; when I heard you, I was astonished ; and when you sat down T was delighted !*"' And the sun shone down and lit uw) the youth's beatific smile of sat- isfaction. NOTHING WRONG, OH, NO! The irate householder smothered his wrath, and -descended to the basement. "Ave vou the plumber?' he ask- ed of a grimy individual who was tinkering with the pipes in the cel- lar. 5 "Yes, guv'nor," replied the man. "Been long at the trade?' "Bout a year, guv'nor." "T suppose you make mistakes now and again?" : "Me, guv'nor? Never! I'm too good a workman for that!' 'Oh, then I suppose it's all right ! I imagined that you had connected up the wrong pipes, for the chan- delier in the drawing-room jis ite daw water like a fountain, and the bathroom tap is on fire |'? Author--"Haye you read my new book?"? Friend--"Yes."7 "What do you think of it?' "Well, to be candid with you, I think the covers * in the soil, as shown by the pres- ence of plenty of nodules on the plant roots. This is explained more fully in Bulletins Nos. 164 and 169 of the Ontario Department of Ag- riculture, Toronto, which may be obtained by addressing that Depart- me t. These bacteria can be grown un SPRING SKIN TROUBLES, Are Cured by Zam-Buk. At this season, scores of people- girls and young women especially find their faces disfigured by pim- ples, dark spots, eruptions, etc. The skin needs attention. Just think what it has gone through! You have been out in rain and sleet and snow. You have been at one moment perspiring from skating, or some other exer- tion. Then you have stood to "cool off." You have spent hours of the day indoors at a tempera- ture equal to summer heat. Then! you have covered up your skin--ex cept your face--and gone out into a temperature away below zero! Don't forget that the skin has to ido work just 'as any other organ! of the body, and if vou overwork it, it gives: out. Zam-Buk is the! remedy. Smear it lightly over the spots, the eruptions, the sallow patches, at night, and notice how quickly your appearance improves. As the rich, refined, herbal essenc- es sink deep into the tissue, the hard, securvy-like patches are re- moved. Better color results. The cells of the skip become transpar- | ent. and the delicate bloom of health replaces the sallowness and pallor of disease. Zam-Buk also cures eczema, ul- | cers, chaps, ringworm, cuts, burns, bruises, children's ashes, piles, etc. All druggists and stores at 50c. box, or Zam-Buk Co., Toron- 'te, for price. stitutes and nada. -_------, ----------- A gentleman travelling stopped at the house of a pious old woman, and, observing her fondness for a pet dog, ventured to ask the name of the animal. The good woman answered by saving that she called in thought)--"No sir; she's 2 dress- maker," Suffragist--'"We believe that a woman should get a man's wages." Married Man--"Well, T know one woman who gets mine,"' 2 him '"'Moreover." "Is not that a strange name'? inquired the gen tleman, "Yes," said the pious lady; "'but T thought it must be a good one as T found it in the Bible.' "Found it in the Bible !'? quoted the gentleman. 'Pray, in. what Camphor ice VASELINE part of the Bible did you find it?" The old lady took down her Bible with the utmost reverence, and, turning to the text, read as follows a "Moreover, the dog came and! licked his sores.' | oe Two heads are better than one ina dvum or a barrel, FOR CHAPPED SKIN AND LIPS COLD SORES, WINDBURN. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes Capsicum, Borated, Mentholated, Carbo. tated, Campborated, ae Oxide of Zine, ete, Each for special purposes, Write Free Vaseline Book. i age oes, CHESEBROUGH MFC. co, (Gons'd) f 370 Oralg St. W., Montrony Fairbanks-Morse These engines are so simple that pecially developed to meet the needs aud help you earn more money farm in an up-te-date way | eatalogue G i 106--W,P.Co. anaverage out of your farm ry eubting out t MONTREAL, ~ « ST. JOHN, N. B. ; CALGARY, Px NAME ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR GENERAL FARM USE. of the farmey, THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS c Gasoline Engines farmhand can operate them. and will enable than ever before. his complete adver They were ev you to reduce labor costs, Get ready now to run your 'tisement and sending for COMPANY, . TORONTO, VANCOUVER | Limited, | WINNIPEG --