The At od ee Vol. 22. No 34. ATWOOD. ONT. FRIDAY OCT. 20. 1911. E. H. Swine, PROPRIETOR. This Paper to December 30th, 1911, For 10 Cents. -- - a ----s SSS SSN -- oo | THE CORNER STORE. | LIVE AND LET LIVE ------ Now that house cleaning time is here again-- following are a few things ts make work easy. Amonia Gold Dust Perline - Borax Old Dutch Cleanser and lots of soaps. 1 Just received a shipment of New Raisins and ee: Crown Fruit--Apples. Pears, Bananas, Oranges, Le- : mons and Grapes. (1 Vegetables--Sweet Potatoes. Cabbage, Spanish it Onions, Cooking Onions, Celery. ' Wish--Sult Water Herring, Smoked Red Herr- ing and Cod Fish. ) Flour--Five Rose and Pride of the West. CASH OR TRADE FOR 2 . PRODUCE A Call Solicited. r E. E. Hunniford | a re rj SSS SSS SS SSS THE STAR GROCERY fc in Bhls & Bags AS HOUSE CLEANING SEA- SON IS ACAIN HERE ' ee Pipes 7 Cigars WE QUOTE A FEW OF OUR SPECIAL LINES Hl G Bars Tar Soap......-.cseeeeeceeeeeeesees ener oe 2c 6 Bars Comfort Soap ...... ..-:-seeueeseee eeeeee 28e it 6 Bars Surprise Soap.......---.-eeeeeseeeeeee cee 28e 6 Bars Napthy Soap ....-...eeeeceeeeeeneee tenes 28e i 6 Packages Pearling........--.:eercereceenenreee rs 25c | 3 Cans Dutch Cleanser.......-...seeeeceeeeeenees 25c 3 Cans Gillets's Lye.....cscccesseseeesneeteetenee Q5e fi 3 Packapes AMMCNIM.......-...ceseeeeeeee cee eee Q4e Tin Lunch Pail filled with McCormick's best | sodas, ONLY ...... ccc ee ee eeee ree ree capone eceeeneeees Q5e | Red Herring, per box...........cseecee seeeeeeee es 25c i Labrador Herring, per doz........ serece eeeee eee Qic | Cod Fish, per pound........s0c60 eeeseereeeeterees 10c We pay the Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Potatoes--Cash or Trade ew Fall and inter Goods Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, ete. Clothing Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats 'and Suits. New Furs Fur, Coats, Ruffs, &c. Shoes New Shoes of every description, 8 8k 8 hE SE Behe che Be ciechock 2.2.2. 5. Belle. Natedicitadicietlitat ities ; TOWN and VICINITY. 3 Big alin ss = beth bet years, 6 motths and 28 days. Mount Forest. organ, 6 octave, at J. Rogers. his new house on Main street. Sunshine Oil--Try a gallon. sale at W. Price's Hardware. Canada's population is 7,100, ber 13th. Mrs. Justen, of Inuerkip, Forrest. Hugh Anderson. very ill with typhoid fever. Mr. D. S. Harvey, Scotland, with bis cousin, Mrs. G. E. Cox. Read the lists in another column. this week attending the Fall Assizes. Mr. 'cottage lately vacated by Mr. Stew- 'art. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Ballantyne at- tended the anniversary of the Pres- oun Church, Listowel, last Sun- 7 they last !!! We are clear- ing $14.50 coal heaters at $11.25. {Call and see these bargains at W. Price's Hardware. Mr. Stewart who was forman in the cement works during the summer has secured a position in Montreal, aud moved there last week. J. T. Brown, charged with em- bezzlement by the Mooney Biscuit Company, of Stratford, was acquitted the Grand Jury returning no bill. The social dance given in the music hall on Friday evening last was enjoyed by a large number of young people from vicinity and out- side points. Mrs. Wm. Horn has rented her property in Atwood to Mr. Beldon, who is now living in same, and Mrs. Horn has moved to her farm on the 14th con. Elma. Pay the printer and the preacher. You're sure to get your money back. The printer tells you the news about this world and the preacher tells you nhout the one to come. Theannual meeting of the Maple Leaf Beef Ring will be held at the New Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannettes, Woollen 'home of Mr. W. G. Inglis, on Friday evening, Oct. 27th, at 7.30 p.m., to wind up the business for this year. One farmer in Derby Township, | Grey County, has gathered the mag- nificent sum of $400 from the potat- oes grown on one acre of land. An- other an Amabel township farmer, delivered two loads of potatoes in Owen Sound the other day and re- ceived $105. The awards for the Carter scholar- ships of $200 for the county of Perth donated by Mr. J. I. Carter, of Sar- nia, are announced. One hundred and sixty dollars comes to pupils of tha Stratford Collegiate as follows : First prize, value $100, won by George A. Ballantyne, son of Mr. W. Ballantyne, of Downie. Second prize value $60, won by Miss Mary Kelly, daughter of Mr. Mark Kelly, Water- loo street, Stratford. Preston, Oct. 4.--Fire broke out at 1.40 a.m. in the workroom of B. W. Zieman's tailor shop in the Zie- man block. Mr. Zieman had been in .|Galt, attending a Masonic meeting, and on bis returning home discover- ed his place of business on fire. Ontario's population is 2,519,302. Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, is visiting at For SALE.--A good second-hand Mr. David Hodge has moved into For 000 giyen by the census figures of 1911. Styen by Che census igure ee -- The well-known Firth Concert Co., will be in. the Music Hall on Decem- spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mrs. W. F. Forrest, sold her fine|to brick residence last week to Mr. Mr. John Roger was in Fullerton last week visiting his brother who is of Orkney, is spending a few days Three auction sales next week.-- Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Messrs. H. Porter, H. Peter and Kirby Neustedt, were in Stratford and Mrs. Percy Greensides 'here taken up housekeeping in the He Drep.--In Elma, on Tuesday, Oct. 17th, 911, Jane Ovans, beloyed wife of Arthur Douglas, aged 67 yrs. 4 months ani 24 days. The funeral was held fran her late residence, lot 16 con. 8, Ema, on Thursday, Oct. 19, to ElmaCentre Cemetery. The ElmeCheese & Butter Mfg. Co., Ltd., sipped their last balf of Sept. make of cheese to Messrs. Lovell & (hristmas, Montreal, on Wednesday morning of this week. Amount ralized $4442.74. The | patrons -my receivetheir--eheques; from the 3ecy.-Treas. on and after Monday, Gt. 23rd. Hespele; Oct. 14.--William Bar- ber shot asilver-gray fox on Thars- day outin Puslinch Township, ten miles froc Hespeler. He is now the envy >f all the sportsmen in as he skin of the animal is considerecworth $450. The fox is a beauty, veighing about 25 pounds and is abat seven months old, with afine pelt It measures 533 inches Drep.--In Elma, on Thursday, Oct. 12th, George Posliff, aged 86 over the bdy, and is nearly five feet from tip ¢ tip. CLaIm SETTLED.--A settlement has been ade of the claim of Wm McKenzieof Ingersoll, against the county o Oxford. Mr. McKenzie was workig among the gravel which was beingised on the county roads, when a stne, which another work- man struc and broke, flew into his face and pt his eye out. The orig- inal claimmade against the county was $1,50, but Mr. McKenzie has now agree to accept $275 and pay his own csts. At a veting of the Berlin town council hd Monday night it was de- cided toourchase the Miller farm, along the Grand River, about three miles easiof Berlin, as a site for the proposed Tubesculosis Sufferers' ome. G motion of Messrs. Kranz and Uttly it was decided to take steps to ijorm a county trust to or- ganize a county body 'to fight the white plague, if the other municipal- itios wil! co-operate. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A Freak STEER. -- Net since Bratt produced the big Waechter stee' or since Walkerton gave birth to te five legged one, has anything more curious come to light in the steetline than that now on exhibit- ion « Mr. Ruetz's farm near Dunfield. The atter animal has two tails per- fectly formed and capable of doing grea' service at fly-time. With the two ails swishing its back, the steer ig abe to crop its grass in fattening comfrt, while the other members of the xerd who are not so liberally suppied in this line, grow thin with envyng this two-tailed wonder. The anital would certainly be an attract- ion br a zoological. What's In A Name? Not much ! considering it is the right thing and just what you want if you have a cold. Sure cure and will get you over your trouble quicker than anything else. White Pine Expectorant idé tha é name matter and the medicine is Al. ey E. G. Coghlin DRUGGIST ~- STATIONER. J. M. SCHINBEIN WEEKLY STORE NEWS New Department Extraordinary Values In Coats, Sweaters for men. boys, children, girls, misses and ladies' all combinations from 50c and upwards. We have opened up this week, direct import from Austrin, the latest nov- elties in Stick Pins, Hat Pins, Necklets, Brooch- es, Comb sets, Bond sets, Belt buckles and Tegs--25c. Bitter--2dc. Has--5.80. Cawves--63o. a Ib. Caitle--75c to 5.00 per owt. | Lanbs--Se. a Ib. Bulls--3 to 4c. a lh. As the years go by it is pleasing Mesh bags, strikingly attractive novelties and Men's and Boys' at very low prices. Underwear We handle Four of the best makes-- Remnants Standford Big Bargains in all Watscn kinds of Remnants. We have a table loaded with Turnbull Remnants at half price. Penman If you want the best in Underwear, look us up. Hose We sell the best of Heavy Ribbed, all wool, Goods at low prices. all sizes, at......... .25c Money back if goods All wool Cashmere, are not as represented. heavy, plain, special at ener deweeniovenss ean Shoes 150 Pairs of Children Underwear Traveller samples, all new goods at first cost. See our Men's Blucher 10 Doz. Ladies' Vests and Drawers, reg. 50c job at..........06. 42 25C heavy split shoes at 10 Regular 75c to $1 00 sesscccesneceeees oP Le SD Job ab......sccrsceeees J. M. Schinbein, ----my LISTOWEL = to. note that more farmers write let- ters on printed letterheads and have their cards on their envelops. It was once thought no onecould do this unless he was -engaged in. the prodaction of some specialty or breed- ing some pure-bred farm stock. No one believes that now. Let the farm; be named, and then give that with the name of the owner and his post office address, and the business is done: The cost of printing is trifling in comparison with its ben- efits. Ask the Bee what neatly printed paper and envelopes will cost. THE doornaii THISTLE.--The origin of the thistle as the national badge of Scotland is thus given by tradition : When the Danes invaded Scotland it was deemed unwarlike to attack the enemy by night, instead of pitched battle by day, but on one oc- casion the invaders tried a night at- tack. In order to prevent their 2 SESS SSS EET PEST eT eee ee a ae es es eee SS, Ba hocks cle che ho clecte ie sae ae ie i i ee CLOTHING» eee Winter Overcoats and Suits for old a young people, big people, little people at prices which defy competition. RUBBERS Don't forget we carry them. Special Bargains in many odd lines which we are clearing out. eS rrerwe sere re ete 2254 SSS ee tramp being heard they marched barefooted, and they succeeded in creeping closé up to the Scottish forces unobserved, when one of them stepped on a thistle and uttered a cry of pain. The alarm was given, a rrr. Te. sf We pay the highest prices for Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Chickens and Old Fowl. Live and Let Live--we only solicit a share of immediately awakened his family, who were asleep in the apartments above the store, and then sent the alarm to the fire hall. The fire men responded promptly and soon had We have'a market for all your Eggs, But- ter and Poultry and pay highest price. ot ebb bb dob SS SbOE 4 4444S4FF4 EFSSSSESSSTST ETE TT Ee eee % + your patronage. the fire under control. The entire|and the attack was beaten off. Out| + & ee: stock that was in the workroom was | of gratitude the thistle was adopted| £ Kelly & Bowman ee? burned and the stock of gent's fur-| as the insignia of Scotland. t 3 nishiogs is partially ruined by smoke A + ATWOOD, ONTARIO ba | and water. Mr. Zieman's loss will Children Cry + . t r * t , he heavy, as it was only partly coy- FOR FLETCHER'S i ( Successor to R. M. Ballantyne. ) 3 es ates ae ee: insurance, : Hee aa a tthe ct Jered by CASTORIA a