Atwood Bee, 13 Mar 1896, p. 8

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In the way of one's learning to ride a Bicycle. Owe of the things in tle Way has been the price. We are now pre: ared, however, to offer a First class icycle as perfect as faultless matertal and human skill can make for the low sum of Iam also handling Columbia, Cleye- land, Imperial and Eagle wheels, Alun inum Ktims, Puncture-proot Tires, Ja hLdae bo vCIEITNnE, LISTOWEL, ONT. Agent G. T. R. cae Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Di strict Aleiws. t cag Poole. Miss Nell Chalmers and her brother Will are visiting friends at Harriston 'this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos -Burnet and Miss Shearer ure visiting Mrs, Buruet's parents in Eima, The members of Poole Subbath school, were received last Thursday evening by Miss A. Coltor, when a pleasant and profitable evening Was pent, The entertdinment given in the hall last Wednesday eveniog, under the auspices of Good Teinplars was a com plete success, both financially and socially. The Misses Struthers entertained a large number of their friends last Fri day evening. The evening was most pleasantly spent in games, music, duncing, ete. Listowel, Mr. Ifay, of Listowel, shipped a car load of hurses from Mitchell last: week. The Rink Company have. closed the tink for the season, as it was nut bemy well patronized. Messrs. Hlamiiton Bros., shoe mer chants, Listowel, have decided to give up business on April lst. B. F. Brooks & Son of the woolen mills, are building a large addition to their offices o1 Wallace strevt. W. Arnoldi bas bought W. Howes' barber shop on Maio street and pro- poses addiug a stuck of cigars. The Listowe! Hockey Club defeated the Harriston team iu) Harriston last Friday evening by 6 goals to 0, Tuesday night, about nine o'ciock, J, Chamneys barn, in the tuwnship cf Wallace, about three miles from lown, wus Lutally destroyed by lire caused by a tanternn exploding. Robt: Fallis, who has been for a num- ber of years aclerk wilh Messrs, Car son & Mckee, Listowel, left last: week for Brandon, Mau., where be has secur- ed a lucrative position as clerk in a@ prominent dry goods house. OysTEn SupPER.--The Times of March 6tu Says:--.\ very pleas ant evening's eulertamment took place at Janes Donaldsony, 1c con, of Bruce, last Thursday evening, when a large crowd of loviled guests, Humber iny 89, assembied to respond to the kind hospitality of D. Lamont, ol the firm of Messrs. D. & W. Lamont, of Listowel, the well Known music dealers of this northern cuuntry, Having _Ataiinm, of Miverton, Which weiged Port Elgih | s907qmeinds nnd in Little Misses Bennett and Tindall and Jno. ey h L ' ttl Hoare, of Auburn, were visiting at W. uc i i A. Killough's lust week, The 50 acre farm of Robt, Wallace, west half lot 16, con. 6 was sold last week by F. 8. Scott, Brussels, to John Lamont, jr., for the sum of 2,600, J.J. Coates, wife and family left for Idaho, U.S., lest week, where they pur- wose making their home the futore Mr, Coates wifl engage in sheep ranch- we. ' Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no medi- cine ever contained so great curative power in so small space. They are a whole medicine ways cMficient, always sat- James Lfislop wife and children. left} tsfactory; prevent cold 3russels on Wednesday of last week on the homeward trip te the West after aj sie' headache, Jo07" Mee, constipation, etc. 2. holiday visit here. 'They visited at Dar-| The only P13 to Lake with Lood's Sarsaparilla. rie for a few citys, "Thesday of last week W. FD Ramsiy, wife and children, whe have been visit ing in this locality for the past. few months, started on their return trip to Manitoba. 'Their home is at Killarney The rumor about the change of the Monerieff post office toa point further east is incorrect. as it is stil! at) Joho MeTaggart's. A petition was cirentat ed but ne wétion has been taken upon it us far as removal is concerned, chest, always ready, al- Pi Af Be C or f2ver, enre all Liver fils, 3 Logan. Christian Rock, of Logan, hts soll his fan to Ryaa Rock for the sum of Bd 5:10 Vhe Logan road abounds with suc, deep pitch holes as tom rke fteming and driving both disagreeabie aad dang Peas. Comphtiats are Hue rots aul conusideruble tank is being found with the pathimasters for net having "the fieles im Lyeir respective beats cul down, Brussels. R. G. Wilson has taken the house now occupied by R. MeGowan, Jimes Fox is having the interior of of his. drag store newly papered and printed. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Blashill celebrat ed their silver wedding last) evening, 12th inst. On Wednesday afternoon of List week Wrox-ter junior Curling rinks came over to Brussels and enjoyed a close and. interesting game with our juniors 'The visitors weu by one shoot The partnership existing between Missis Reddick & Smith as miliners ind fame y woods dealers, Has been dis selved De rratual consent, Miss Red ciek will coutione the basiness in the The Court of Appeal commenced its Mareh siting in 'Porenio on Tuesday of this week, 'There are 64 cases in all te be heard, Logan vs Mitchell being the 32nd oo the dist, so Cheet it will be some time before it is reached. This linrgely qcremed docket is obviously the effect of the receot emictinents de ing away with the necessity for secur ity and printing of appeal cases, leufryn. Tia-MrEETING --The Methodist tea meeting test Friday night was a very enjovable affair The attendance wets fajily large, and both the edibles and literary program were nich enjoyed Phe chair was agreeably filled by Mr. old stand, Baker, Atter partaking ef a sumpt Monday evening of last week the }aons tea, the following: program was members of Kev. KR. Patia's cliss in con tyone: throngh: address by Rev. Mr nection with the Methodist ebu chl Bath of Atwood: recitation by Rev. waited on him, at Victoria Cottage. J A. Creighton read an address and 'Thos Currie presented it tine family Dible. Susiness is booming with RG. Wil son whe has secured the following con tracts: To Brussels, brick kitchen te Ziliax's hotel; in Ethel--two stores brick house for Mr Sleminen and Wm Mr. Kaine, janier pastor ot the eireait: iyo gedldress, and a humerous recitation on the "Bievele" by the Revo WLE Kerr. of Wroxeter, Rey WT. Waddel. senior pastor of the cirenit, romde a few closing remarks, An exciting and pleasing: feature of the proceedings wis The suction sale of the antegriaph Hall: in-Grey--two storey brick hous quilt, Which the Ladies had made tos es tor Ganehlin MeNeil and) Rehert the benetit of the Sunday school Each Inglis; in MeKillop--two storey briek | ol the 15. subscribers paid 10 cents for having their aame written en the quill in indelibie uk; abd the quilt, sold a' 85 luce, making a total ef $20.20 re ceived for the quilt, which wil be giver to the Sunday school, 'The proceeds of the tec netted the nite sum of about $20. 'This latter sum will go to swell the circuit funds, house for James Siinpson and James MeCollum Da Tre Miss Emma Rozell spent Saturday in Brussels. The saw mill at Gotham will ressme operations this week, James Hamilion. of Agermont, is visiting friends on the 8th line thi Ww "THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ~ DRESSMAKING. \ ISS M. BAKER & CO. desire to intimate 4 to the Jadies of Atwood and vicinity that they have opened a Dressmaking shop in the Foresters' premises, one door south of the barbershop. The patronage of the ladies is so- licited; perfect fits,and sitisfa tion g teeds, Prices moderate. Don't forget the grand coucert in At wood on Friday evening, 20th inst, Get Ww program, Weare sorry to repert that Wm Meddis laid up witha bad attack of lagrippe. - Cyrus Harvey delivered 60 cords of soft wood to the Newry cheese factory this winter. Chas Spencer was visiting his broth er James, who intends going lo the old country soon, George Rattan, of Elma, was visit ing his grandparents on the Ist coun, vl JUSHI int in the sale 0 Morris bist week. nent the year round. ' ° . ; territory; experience Samuel Leve and Wm, G. Inglis | sured workers; spec were jurymen at the Spring Assizes, | POT Write at once for particulars to in Stratford, last week, ALLEN NURSERY CO., Rochesier,.N. Y. &3m Quite a sleighload of young folks of this line attended a party at Chas Cog! - lin's Wednesday wight of last week, CARSON & McKEE lways Attractive ! lways the Cheapest! Read the Great Bargain List: Re double width grey sheeting } cent factory cotton, now only $0 254 20 ae, " - * * 4 | 2Q5e heavy cottonade only 19 He, - ae 5 I4e ginghams (job tine) only 10 ge, = 6 | loe | whee ging? 8 7 ih, at ss 7 |Se curtain serim onty & 124%c. heavy bleached cotton only 10 | 85r lice curtains per pair only 35 5c, feather tieking only 19 [50° Moire skirting 35 25. table linen . 19 (9. crmron fa nel & Sie. table linen = 89 loc fhameiette, 82 neh w de, 8 ic. towellings i 5 1 9e * 7 4+ seersucker 's 6 [de 4 8: dress chillies 4 6 | ide ceylon flinnelette 10 Priots,anewiotjustin " Bb | ibe twilled do 8 'Oe prints, fast colors, . | Dee, Tilifax tweed f i2ke eretonnue s 1) | Si40 Baek wor ted suet oy 1 03 Hiasdsome pair chenille enrtams 8 25 0 [43° Wnlon carpet (vera Wale) 30 33 inch heavy flour ail cloth only, 25 0 | 22e hemp carpet 1% i2 4 a) fi) |) Sae. tapestry cat pel wb New Canadian tweed per yard: 2 6 bars supreme Bt) fo 25 5 bars surprise soap for 23 |4 bars wlitecaslieror 25 13 bars stiilower soap for 25 4 burs whe te ed ie Seep wb t caus sardines for 95 14 pounds prunes fr 2 3 cans of saimon for 2 14 plays of tol acco tor 25 2 boxes matches for 15) | 30 pounds of Tapioca for rig 5 pounds Rie coffee for 1) [2d potuds of tee for 1 OD 2 ns Corn, peas or tomatoes 15) | 3 pounds evaporated ayy bos for ub 21 Los. best granulated supar i ig hs evaporated perches on Su 30, double width bleached } sheeting, only 95 ly extra bright y bow sugar am-- Special Notice ----= _ Is now given that on Friday Afternoon, Rar. 13th, and following Saturday we will give a FREE EXHIBITION, to be known as Carson & Mckee's great Dress Goods Opening. 'The store will be so arranged as to display our immense stock of New Dress G vods Fabries; and we most cordially invite every Lady to call and inspect the latest novelties. No one will be urged to buy, and it is a free show. 'The store will -be open until 10 p.m. --_- THE COLDEN LION, LISTOWEL. TELEPHONE 71.- AUCTIONE? Es. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Cc. H. MERRYFIELD, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS 2OR THE ol Verth® SMoukton, Ont » moderate. kor particulars ap ply at this office. > DENTAL. J. J. FOSTER, DENTIST, ANY ANAESTHETIC KNOWN TO ae a es the profession used ior the puiniesr BAI LING. extraction of teeth. Satisfaction as ois ee guaranteed, Office over Fleming' wy J.W. Scott, Banker, clothing store, Main street, Listowel. caste niece gen W. M. BRUCE, L. D. So DENTIST. GAS, ELECTRICITY, OR LOCAL Listowel, Paimerston aad Clifford, Misses Sarah Edwards and Jennie Brooks, of Palmerston, are at present the guests of Thomas Llunter and fam- grown trees, berry plants ily roses, shrubs,--he iges,o-1 al-trees, and we seed potatoes, for the only nursery having tast- J--Patrick' and sister, of Galt, are ing orchards in Canada. give you ee ben- Seek re 'les * efit of our experienee, 80 your success is guar- visiting their wie les, Jan. Inglis, 6th 2 If you are not earning $50 per month con, of Elma, and Jas. Dickson, sr, of Atwood Jd exp2nse: particulars. Libera! commissions pald part time men. Farm- , . ' . . ayy | ers sons should look into this! It pays better Wim. G. Inglis sold a four year -old | than working on the farm, and o'Ters a chance for promotion. Apply now and get choice of territory Chester White sow hist week to Mose STONE & WELLINGTON 8-3m 'oronto, Canada. FARM FOR SALE. PF': sile Lot Ne. 26. in the 12th eon, of the township of Eima gp veres cleared and in a high Istate of enltivation, } best farms in the township. This is one of the | the proprietor, ALEX WILSON, or to Arthur Robb has purchased a tvor oughb.ed Darham ball. fram Divid Milae, of Ethel, itis a yearling and a good one of lis breed, 'The party at Mrs, Gibb's was quife a suecess The night being very fine a larve number turned out who spenta very enjoyable evening. placed witiiin the last Lo days a car load of these instruments on the 12th concession aud neighborhood, there Certainly fats been a great fever ins the fine when So many instruments could be placed iu that neighborhood Willi so Short atime. "Phis does not} luok so Vad for the hard tines that are uponus, Mr Lamont receiving such kinduess trem the peaple in the vicin ity could notiet the opportunity pass url without thanking the people for the} potiwell's horse Oliver Wilkes. same and tock this mode of doing 86) Gams is an able horseman and under by giving an oysler supper which he his efficient management Oliver onght did aud of wo mean order. There were} tg make quite a record. four tables spread with the very best which seated sume 20 peopleeach, who sai down-at once at the hour of nine o'clock, After giving ample justice to themselves they adjourned to the par jor where # fine program during the tine the dining cleared. Then the young gentlemen was rendebed | the ruom was| for many years, Apply te W. D. and Mrs, Gray, of Gotham, | quve a party to their friends on Thes | TOS. FULLARTON day evening Phere were about 8)) Pep, 10, 1895. . Atwood present and a splendid time was enjoy uo i ed by all, on David Hamilton moved to the farm he jately purehased from Win. Medd, | 6th con. Friday. Mr. Medd has moved to the 100 acre farm which he owned on the same tine, FARM FOR SALE. OR sale, the north part of Lot 6 Con. 10. Elma, containing 40 aeres, more or less, all cleared well feneed, nud ina high state of cul Good buildings and plenty 216 miles SS: : Mr tivation, of good water on the plice. t Will Gams has management of rom Newry P.O. 'Terms easy. For fuller particulars apply to the yroprie tor ROBY. HAMILTON,. Newry P.O. Notes Lost. OTICE is hereby given that I have lost premissory « netes 4 4in* N James Boyd, of Britton, moved to the farm of James Grieve, M.P., ot Scotch Settlement, last week. They will be greatly missed around here, as y have been residents of these parts Daniel Collings has purchased the I wad sold, payabie in all paris of tac miniou, United Sustes and Grea. Bricai Note: Dis: waited. Deposi.s rovecived, and cu.renl race oO. iaterust auiowed, Aiso aunuesthetics uuministered for pulu- feos exuruction., Artii-ial tezth guur- wnteed to be of the best material nod of first-class workmanship. Of fice over 'Thumpson Bros'. store, Main =treet, Listowel. Will not visit At wood until further notice. Issuer_of Marriage Licenses, A large amount of Private Funds to lend on good farm security at ive Cont. wi privilege of repayii.g annually. 52-9, -- WOMEN" DOUBT PENNYROYAL --_--<--_$_ LEGAL. MORPHY & CARTHEW, BARMISTEKS, SOLICITORS, NO raubity and w-akpow, Caries d'uble, Conveyauncers, Cou i pistes henensleniphley wissioners, euc., Listowel, Ont, Moe Ge AeA E me = yan. 5 20 , . regula onl. c ne Peet tu luun. Uullces over es = bend." All d-nge SoA tbiet aration K-e's store. il. b, Moiphy, . bax. No better remody for women kinowm Lurthew. = STeR IVER The Star Livery is equippsd with first-class rigs, fust und pentle driv- ers, und in every way oduptcd to meet tha requirement: of the irav- elling public, 'Terms rensuniulls, Sta- bics opposite Lrunderbergers Hotel, Atiwool (7~™NDABRR & DUNC INS BN, = 8 Propristoras, s? DARLING & BLEWETT, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NO- turies, etc., Wallace street, Listowel. solicitors 1or Bank of Humilton und scott's Banking House. Office over Scott's (* qak. eS " 'Tiormerly by Dr. Rice, Residence, sever 7 MEDICAL. 95 tf. ' THE PERFECT TEA ONSOON Zon. TER. | FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA cur D. A. KIDD, M. D. C.M. For MG; MiG. & 8. O Physician, Surgeon, Acconchear, F. 'f M.U,, of Trimiy Meaical College, 1d8i M.G.P.&S. U., ot. Medical Counes, 18338 Oulice i Lhe stand occupies und across Ub dvors burth of ollice obrrei. fue THOS. DOUGLAS, M. D. VENERAL Banking business. Drafts bought ° with their sweet damsels began to trip | Griffiris. house the light fantastic until the small hours | and will remove t of the morn, when Mr. Donaldson with) next week. Heh _ his young ladies gave a very fine luneh and coffee. After which the crowd | having rented his dispersed expressing themselves that] ship. this was withont doubt the finest even- | tented here on tt ing's entertainment that they ever had | not surpri on the 12th con. of Bruce, We fear) to Frowbridge, w that Mr. Donaldson has' madea mis youug ladies visit him on Leap Year.| friendships. the 8th con. to his son F and lot in Trowbridge, hither with his fansily ug rented his farm on rank, the latter farm in Grey town- The old gentleman was not cn 1 farm, and we are sed at his yearning to go back here he had spent the , greater part of his life, and among take by having such a fine party of | whose people: he had formed jastiug made by the, following parties IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. in favor of me: By James Thornayke,| ©, ML, FL oT. M. C. M. ©. Pp _ ~ Fea a packed under the superviai for $15; KR... Youug, for B11.75, Geo.) & 3s. vu. formerly of Monkton, suc- orehs Monsoon Tt Diadvertised and sold y theme Jamilton, for $650; Jas. Longmire. | cessor _-§. Cowan. Office in Dr. peer: oF bet avaities cf Indian and Ceylon ror $15; and Thos. Brown, for $30 | Hamilton's old stand, Main street, "Feas eo Tatas Go into Monsoon packages. The public are hereby cautioned not the 'ect Tea, cam be to negotiate for any or all of the above ehe vers erin tea notes xs payment of the same have | sent. Visits Monkton every Thure-) It is put up re mnaled endates of 36 Ib.. 1 tb. and been stopped. oh he ag gre of = pe ae the , and sold ta three flavours at 4oc-» soc. and Gos Set: ' a exidence at the Atwoo rug store, docs not keep it. im to writs xan it. M. BALLANTYNE, where orders I2ft will receive prompt tn EEL HAYTER & CO., 11 and 13 Freat St Dated Mar. 12, 1895. Atwood. attention. ' Bast. Toronto. ' -

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