St ae me , ay We i A Sines is ach y q Es pas 5 r . % ae ' { ' ny givens dey or twosfterwarda. A dasl ma- and tried te calm ber ; but she almest VALEABLE PRARLS, '"BRITHS BURMA. 6 IN FRANCK turally makes spy sete ee ee whe | fsinted awey after the exbazstion, and Cs- ---- a . are talked about by their and when | talle, scixing: the opportunity, slipped out | ™™*y Are Found tm @ysters, Bui Net in| There are 190,768 Christians to be Found -- sie of thes, somtimes beth, bet at til: [cosbet A er Sone eiterecdr be Ne SesilstcMloior ainsi sealte of 2 ' some at dil-jclothes, A few days 4 hel Very few ! 7] The detailed results of the census of Bar- On the Favorite' Siavi Ground Of] indies ad geatiemen, ana" Aghts io botie | hecastanes ioset es ini, nein curled eynter fa not in ay was tthe the ehence oah © with 1 ying ladies and gentlemen, sind fights his battle venture, be found in his courrier a which we eat, says a writer in Harper's | because of addition of U; se o'er sgain'---in werds. The greund {s f- a sealed boldly with a ceroast in Young P Ts is of am entirely differen: |:0 the during the aays Gallie Bantams, spccted and everything minutely explained. war. Said the letter : species, axd, as a matter of fact, the shells | Ediv Scoteman. jab ; . hero is applauded by the men and * Dzaz Sie,--I am the friend of of the co called pearl-< are of far more | a'tetal pepalaticn of 8,098,014, of _ " mired by the ladica, who give utterance tei the Marchesa L.. whe esuch a fool of those in * " seme three millions oon- ---- woppreserd shrieks avd exclaim, 'Se yeu] herself at the Varietes.. She told me all than the pearis. extensive - | quered territory, ard the third of a millien FIGHT BETWEEN ACTRESSES. ] toe vere ce mcn hr did yoat Well, 18 | about tt, and I am sshamed of her. Bat | fisheriee se the Gall of Collier ta rd na) eee ee ae ae third of million was very chic anyhow.' -Taen they onddle @ pocte do net bel'eve all the Italian march- of the finest pearls bave been taken from | this is the third oso-bs, aod is was so popu- mae 2 Shineke Lay ple a -- oe nll ng oo these waters. In 1881 one pearl, a black | lar with thé Burmese ard Karens that they 4 the -f one who © ma M : . aaa vetin dptiapen the ristes' Wartin Sate, grated Ger onh ike me nee Sione, waesold fer $10,C00, and every oomp'ained if they thcught themselves over ~The Bead Mau's Gardcun--Beictcricus Niect of Absinthe em the Fremch Con- stitution--Bospitals Filied With Man- facai Inebriates--A Popular Feet and Mis Lady Loves. The Parisian climate of Inte bas been indulging the Parisian chvracter, warm in the morning, het in the afternecn and frigid at night, and vice \, versa. The pnoertainty' ). of the ele a/ has \, baps had muck ye de with {i the fractiousness of man- bc kind, who certainly, so cn far as the better class ef , Parisians gre coresrned, fer the meat part seem te be fighting amongst themeelver. Politioianr, journalists and elnbmen are mainly en the war path, frac- tious to adegree, and more er less meta- phorically singing a ditty with the refrain, Who'll t-ead on the tail pec lly at cafes, or before he knows w. he isa gece ef cardbosrd is flaun!ed fm his-face with an intimation that nething bata sight of his gore will satlefy his aggressive Jackanapes. This . a) epidemic has reached such a stage that hardly s day pases without half a dozsn duels being fought, certainly more or less of /® barmlesa nature, and not as a rale chront- \ gled the conibatante be persens well known in Parisian circles. THE CITY FIGHTING GROUND, I paid » visit the other day accom . by a friend te a famcus restéurant in the of La Grande Jatte, opposite Cour- bevaie, where almost all the duels that take place neazy Paris are fought. The waiter asked us what we would order, and as we hesitated a moment he added, ** Par- hepa you gentlemen have come to arrange aboutadusl?' I winked at my cempanion and answered " Yes. Ploase fotch the pro- pristor." The waiter rushed downstairs and began shenting at the top of h"s veloe, "* Monsieur Martinet! Mensieur Mar- net 1" We fellowod, and were looking ever the establishment, which comprised a ball-room, several dining-roome and tnevit- able cabinets de societe, and s number of rastio bowers, when a jovisl locking indl- vidual, jast abso 50, with o long, falr moustache sprinkled with gray and trained downwards, joiced cs. > ACTRESSES SET TO WITH RAPIERS, "*Ab!" Le exclaimed at once, "it's for a Guel, Well, there ie the greund behind the swings; twenty metres of splendid ground, quite emoeth and harj., Beantiful treesand ebrabds, plenty ef skade,. quite quist and private, you sce. Over thers on the quay, berderiog the narrow branch of the Seine, is where vhe carriages stop. M. Dehaynin and M. Jacques Lebaudy fught there only the other day. M. Lobandy recsived three centimetres of steel in the middle of the chest. Would you like 1 ore epen ground? Here yon have it. What besutifnl air! How freely one bresthes here! How in- viting this fins eand is ; luat month we bad wan unusnal affair on this very "PO% aA duel between ladies, »nd smart ones, 100, I can tell you. It se-.8 they were actresses. One belongs to .uo Verietes, bub] do not know where tho other ous plays. Love was the cause cf the dispute, and they fought Uke tigressoe. Upon my werd you. would have theught they were mad. The eeconds were elderly gentlemen, both decorated 'and evidently rich. The girls were naked to the waist, and wore fail ridiog breeches. One of them had her breast pierced tures times before she would give in. Sha will have to keep her bed for at l-aaf a month," AN OBLIGING PROPRIETOR. ** Bat, I inqnired," you are not present at the dusis? *' Ob," Le answered reprosch- fally, 'most absolute eoliinde reigns here on those occasions. Ail the- doore are belted and the waiters are sbus up in the cafe \] remain near at tanJ, behind 030 of the bushes, for example, te give assistance if needed. My olients need bring nething with them but thelr armez. I supply every- thing except the doctor and his instruments, of course. Two salad bewis full of carbolic acid apd water to wash the wonnds, bandages, lint, cotton, wool, in fact, all that is required fer the fiict dressing. In a werd, yeu are just as comfortable as if you wereathome. But you have not seen all he ground | have jost pointed out to you wenld net do on 4 rainy dar. In bed weather these affa're are settl-d in the bali- room, which bass beanti'al, smoeth, even flocriog, ss you will ses. Just like a salle @armes. It waa there that the Mores- Meyer <dacl was fonght. © M., Cle- mencean, who is one of my, best rs, will never fight anywhere else. He was bere a few weeks ago to set- tle an affair with a deputy; bat the Oom- . entered by one door, my customer wen? ont by the other and did the business fm Rothschild's park, where M. Clemenceau 'had all the time he required te pu two.or three inches of steel into his adversary's ribs. When M. Ciemenocean {is not here, ethers are. I generally have from twelve te sixteen duels a week." KILLING MADE EASY AND COMFORTABLE. *? And what is the fee 2" "Ob! ge-mere nothing. Ten dollars nervice complet. If it were not for tho re- freehments, it weuld net repay one the trouble, When the affair does not termi- ~~ pate badly the gentlemen often lanch here." "Then {¢-is still customary to shake hands and lunch togsther when the due! is over ' " Oh | ne ; that is not considered correct - Oneef the principals lnnches with two seconds and decter in .ene in as 'many vagaries as- laughter. When b's hilarity bad semewhat | A MODERN MAREK TAPLEY. _How a well reguisted mind can be cheer- fal under the most depressing surroundings ie agg ing te in a public function- ary who alter many years ef gruesome service js sbout to on Tg ledzn with henors and reminiscerces This cfficial is M. Clovis Pierre, regtsirar ab the . r Notwitbstanding the lngobrious surround- ings in which he has lived Pierre has always been. noted for bis urbanity towards on- inquiries at the morguefor missing relatives, but also fer hisgaiety of heart and bis talent ase humerous versifier. A fervent admirer o! eld Reranger, the registrar of the mergue has com over 300 songr, some of which have become as popniar as those ef the late MacNab, one of the bards ef the Uhat Neir, who during bis lifetime was a clerk in the post-cfiice. : BLOSSOMS FROM A DEAD MANS POCKET. Among the moet entertaining of the ballads by '* Abel Cepah," as Pierre himself are 'Tbe Eoglishman at th Morgue," " The Mcrgue- Pigsens," " The Identidcation," "The Abuss of Water," and "* My Honse." In the last mentlened ditty the acthor describes the city dead house in a vein of Moilereeque humer, which is only intelligible te theee whe know Parle well. During his tenure of cffixe at the morgite M. Pierre made» Little garden euteide his rooms, It is full of peablosszoms and flowers. Too seeds of peas were feund in the pocket of a dead person fished out ofthe river. Ths retiring registrar is abou to devote his approaching leisare time te further lyrical preducticns and many amusing songe and ballids are expected frem his fertile pen. ABSINTHE UNDERMINES THE FUTURE FRED CH- MEN. The perz!cieus efsots of absinthe are day by dayb ing PP tnetenlyinthe calerdar of crimer, but upenthe mental and fertucs:e fe:ple who periodically make | pas and presented with the king himself sson the courier was & pesse of started immediately fer the scene of The ropes ing the.royal victim were nig-rrvner Le 4 slightest wante ef the auimal. fans with gilé handles were used to keep the files from it during the embroidered mesqhi'o neb was provided at night. To remove it te the capital, a boat was -- expressly for the magnificent canopy erected over | mented and hadhact palaces. Silk draperies, heavy with silver and gold, enclesed the rayal prisoner ; and in thie state he floated down the river, re- celving the acclamations of the When near the city, the animal was When can I see you?" THE BITER BIT, Ab ab ! thought Mendes, this is square ; one will not faint er ahed absurd sears ; ae mney le and he invited ber te dine with him the} ite 41 buttons; and the husdsod of evening after ab a restaurant a la mode, giv- les for which " -of ri" ing her the number of the little salon where -- mother-of pes "a abeuld wait for her. The table was laid, i the the menu waa >» apd Catnile was ; iz waiting io a tremor ; he heard » little tap and she 1 itself is little under- 4 WHITE ELEPHART. At @nc Time Its Capture Was a Great Thing Ver the Capteurer. In former days the ceremonies attending the capture of a white elephant were very the bh imme- led diately made a mandarin ; recog crm, fr from taxation for the remsinder of his , | large sums of money, as capture was made, a = to the king, les and cords Mandarins atte te the Rich feather day, while a silk 6, and a erna- ked, as were King's ® series ef Inyers of macreous matter physical constitutions of Frenchmen gener- ally snd upon thoes of the cuvrier or work- ing classes in porticolar. A prominent Parisian physician hes givon it aa his opin- fon that ab least 50 per cent. of the cases that come under is obrervation are ttri- butatle toa pernicicsus ne of this poison, which he affirms lsundersspping the vitality the King and his Court going out te meet him and escort him to the clty, where s place had been bailt fer him within the roysl palace greunds. A large tract of land bad been set apsrt for his country chosen from the beet the kingdom afferded. A cabinet of Ministers and & large routine of nobles were appein'ed to attend to his ef the French ratien, and be pelnta o the hespital recortis aaa damning preo! of his astertions. Unless ecms drastic measures, be says, be takozn by Government to put a stop to the ovil the next two generations all Chinese societies. The wanta, The Sam Yup Cempany. This organization is the most pewerful of grest Sam Yup pink, three-cornered note frill of epitneta ; a jady had come all the way from Florence to see kim, live any longer without having heard for once, at least, the sound of his veice, bathed in the -- of his orbs, etc. answorei by a gracione/ccasent, eerding ath the samo time to bis A a loge tor one of the theatres. Pwill develep inean:y soffistent to flood. the whole country with lunatics, apart from puny, under-tized maznikine, useless for ali purposrs, and withort sufficient stamina to centicue the propsgation of the species, TAKING POT SHOTS ON THE SIDEW LKS. A pet ancommon instance of thé effecta of tre poisen upon a Joan, :nsn eccurred a few days #go on tho Fauhoug du Temple. While reeling onward singing snatches of song, the drunksrd was suddenly observe' te take a revelver cut of bis pooket and te point ic straight before him as if he were takingaim at an imsoinary enemy. Then a sbot was beard ard a respectable sbore- ker per who was walking a'org the fanbourg with bis wife ead child :ecsived a ballet in vne of bis thighe. The maniao who was brand'shing bis weapon with an air of triamph wae piviened by some pasters-by before he cenla effect auy more mischief, and was carried like a log to a station. Many of the victims attacked bebave like wild beasts, cla wing and biting like tigers, around fightirg the afr until thoroughly exbausted, when they fal! iota a comatose state, which lasts for many hours and in "hist ethers rush aimlersly whica meny co! ibem die, TRIBULATIONS OF A POPULAR POET. C.tulle Mendes, the gcstamer poet, is ore ef-the most pesterod among celebriti+vs of Gay Latetia' by womcn's declarations and rendezvous of all sorta ; he fa generally diecrect enough about them, and, being rot devoid of concelt, he takes aa seriously those adventures of paco billets-douz, Oe morning recently he received « little tender har idel; she conld not Mendes tmconnue a coupon de NONPLUSSED BY A BUNDLE OF CLOTHES. , police | werk in the canneries in the North, family is « mpxe4 of hundreds of thenssnds of members and it §*¢. believed that one-half the Chireee jm the United States aro mem- bera or di pendents of this company, which bas ite hesdquarters at No. 825 Dapont street in this city. Chan Ti Chu its the ablest leader in the councils of the S'x Cem panies, and was the foremost mover in the organization ef a vigilance committees amerg the merchants te oppsse the high- bind sr Tongs, whe were went to levy black- wail upon them with impunity. Sinee the estab] shment of that vemmittes, the fertile fielde of plunder have been fenced in against the higbbinders and hard times have followed. The joss-houses were re- cently destroyed by the pelice, and the in- famous bagnios on which they used to levy tribu ce have been clore] and the inmates driven to out-of the-way apartments, fncon- venient for the praction of their calling ; nnombers ef the highbinders left the city to : or were expelled by the pelice authorities, and those who remained have found iba difficult mat- terto gain the means of living. Having reached this fallen state mainly through the instromentality of Choo Ti Chu they have long regarded him with feellogs of hatred which were intensified when it became known that the Geary Act was pronounced constitutional. --Californsa. - A Carlous Preject. The Dake of York has narrowly escapsd ® pew fermof fame. He was asked by Mr. C-acknell to give h's name te a new celeny, and this was acceded te under the impression that the colony was in exiatence. Therecpon Mr. Cracknell {seued a circular inviting contributions for the parpose of securing » tract of land in Canada.and ool- enizing it in the memery of the royal wed- ding. This new a-pect ot the question soon drew s demand from His Royal Highness that Mr. Cracknell should withdraw the oir . The Jatter bas dene zo. Tans theré-will be ne Prince Gacrge's town. \ ' Swimmer's Manual. ** Help! help cried the bather, " I'm Mendes was punctual and arrived after |- the first act ; as usual, he began by taking his little. precautiens. Hiding himself under the baicony of the first floor, he ad- justed his opera g'asses before his eyes made sare that the lady from Flerendewas netan antiquity. Sha was pawable, net teo pretty, but net teo ogly, and telerably young as far as he could jcdze; she had enermous black cyes, which were revir aneasily about the house ; evidently shewas on thorns and highly strung by expectation, Se Catulle, misericordicux and polite, went upand discreetly knocked at the deor of the box,<whioh was preceded by a little salon, A secgnd sfter a bandle of clothes fell om his chest, 20 that he could scaroely shut the door bebicd him; thena patr ef arms encircled his neck, anda rivulet of tears began to'pour down his shirt, jubet and white waistcoat, to his great fer he was going tos soiree at a chere of his, where he intended to appear as freah aa possible. ~ F ad drowning ! 'ose me a line." ** I baven't get a line," shouted the man on shore, "* but if you'll keep up five min- utes I'll run up to- the Le swimmer's mental. It'll tell you what' te dein a case ef this & b t But it was not . A kindly wave came along and washed the bather ashore in safety. ~ - The Sasdpaper Tree. The " sandpaper tree " is one of several » varieties of the order Dilleniscex, ha legves with fibres and surfaces se rou Just think, ". aid Watts impressively; ** ittakes 12,C00 microbes te form a pre- cession an finch long." " 'Lhat information RECRETS ! DESPéiRn!! EXPECTATION ! !! might amount te something," respond:d Menéea tried to free bimeelf, but in vain ;| Petts, "if miorebes were in the habit ef the bundle of clothes' was forming shak'ng along, thé tears were flowing, and he ai ae > hime: at the point of choking. A' leat, by a mere processions instead of attend business." , * "s strictly to busi , A bex of steel costing $1 may be werked springs werth $250,000. feat of stresigth, he pushed the lady on the up inte wateh 1 and "get my re as is also the erro- drawn from it, that the eyster referred to is the edible oyster. The mother-of-pearl js nothing more than ted by the oyster upm the interior of the shell, and the peari itself is a perfectly a:cidental formation: . It is o used r deposit of nacre around some object. This foreign substance may grain of es is of The larges found in eastern i ! t fo Gulf ot Cokiteruke did not exceed an uarter pearis Enurepe, but the highly prized pearls of ail are piak, rao UP iN A MINARET. Climbing Spiral Stairways That Lead (e the Tep ef a Slender Tewer. Entrance te the" morques is rarely refased Christians, except on festivals, and it is to the tep of the highest minaret in the town that we are bound. The narrew spiral stalrcaze affords ne mere than head-and- shoulder room ; the steps are {nll of sum- ed, | mer brown dust, with ben:s breught in by owls and kites, besides ether venerable rubbish, and after what seems interminable ratien, we emerge upon the airy gallery Thich encircles the top ef the sler der tower, place, | says a writer in *' Blackwocd's Magazine." It is a crazy perch, for the whole struc- tare swaye sensibly in the strong wind, and it seome az if a moderate kick would send the frail pet clatte dewn en:the tile reef far below, bat, ifyour head is steady, the view wel repsys the laber of the ascent. Beneath your teat cluster' the flat-roofed houses ; here and there a chimney rises, crowned with an immense sterk's nest, making one wonder bow the domestic econ- emy of the bipeds within the house can be reconciled with that ef the bipeds without. From the desky labyrinth of streets spring 'twenty-six minarets, like silvery bedkins, besides the one to which we are clipg'ng. Then let yeur eye travel over the splendid prospect lying beyond the town. Fall forsy miles the fist -plaia fe spresd esss and west, and five-and-twen torth and south with hardly a tree to bresk the level, save where the peasante' cota cluster round the fortified ges of the land-owners.. The rorthern horizcn is olesod by thé massive rampart ef mountains which marks the latest shrinkage of Otto- man ru'e. ; Dict fer the Diabetic, . The following "rigorous" diet is eaid to be preacribed by the eminent Dujisrdia Beaumetz, of Paris: Eggs, fish, meats of all kinds, peulky; ams, oysters and cheese ; all green vegetables are permitted, excepi beets, carroté and beans ; fatty feeds are recou:mended, such as sardines in oil, her- ring, lard, goess grease, kam fat and caviare; all seups are permitted, when made of meats in combination with cabbage, poached eggs, onlens, but ne bread or tosat isto bein the soup. Oaly dietetic bresds are te be used, and saccharine in place of suger; all starch feeds are strictly for- bidden, as sweet fruite, pastries and choco- lates ; patients may drink claret wine dilated with vichy, but no poor wines, Liquors or spirits are to be used. Dally. exercise, morning and evening, is to ke taken in the open air--fencing and gardening also, and other light exercise. et files, A Stery of a Wasp's Nest. Ps A wasp plague continues to cause great g& inconvenience in the neighberhoed of Dover, England. A curieus inciden 7 e A Friendly Hint. Posteffice Clerk--BSee here, bey! No liv- fog mortal can réad the addrezs on this en- velepe yeu jast handed in. os Boy--Well, if this 'ere posteffice depart- ment wants fine handwritin', why den't yen keep better pens at ghete desks, any? = x -- Me Mad His Suspicions. .. Mre. Van Pelt--Let's go in here and see what th Van fisg, madam quarters of Professor Mom auther, who was 76 years old yesterday, is * bedily, mentally alert, has just celebrated semi-centennial of the degree of Ph. D. at Kiel. He has hed 16 children bern to him, 11 of ty = in Bukarest, the leoked by. the enumerator, and in, many ceees they carved the census numb in *o-dand hung them up-en the . The popalation of Lower Barmah, doubled tince Lord Dalhvuste's time, increased one- foucth im the lest decace, and yet 1b o«n- tains only 45 yer square mile of fertile eei!. The «hole Proviece is new ofthe siz: of Greet Britain avd two Irelands, A cvuriousand attoyether new fact cemes et 'or the first time--tbe Baddhism of the Baimans 1s all +n the suvisce, the mass of the 7 0:0 000 ef our subjects who profess tha' belief being sti'l Shamanists or devil worshipers (Animiste). | Like Brahm{nism, pm osi Baddbism atserbs the aberig nal cy} «ith an easy tolerance, rill 3g ad lc+rated thereby. <L'ke Home's phils. eprcal skepticisn, Buddibist latitadinar. isni.m ** most vide enough to include ap honest disavewal of iterlf," Mr. Ealec Taye Of the 120,768 th. so uno:r the Baptists have increased scme 34 rer cent, in ten yesra, and the Remanist 28 p-rc nt. in Lower Barmah. Already of thc Karer.9 10} per thousand were Christian, hot ~f the Barmans only 2 per thousand, !n 1891, CHANGES IN THE DAXCE The Mederm Taste Reverting te the Perica @f Ovid Ths evolution ef the dsnoe a te be in j-rfect accord with the te ef ths ttm. This is toward @ greater freedem in the exercise of all matters tha' appeal te the sensual instinct. The public tas'e is for samething veluptnous that de- ligbte the animal senses, and hence it is tha: thr danseuse keeps abreast of the times by fadalging in various forme of terpsichorear exersise a are quiceeeed a. mee the patrionate male bip: ject i fraught with materia! that should be inte: eat ng to any student of human nature wh: finds plessure ia traciag the conditions tha: arire in civilized cemmunities, or the cane and effec: of fads, customs and habits. Ti any euch student it ne dcubt appears the: civil zed man {fs gradually returning to th: cor ditions that prevai'ed in anclend timex. When Ovid sarg bis love vertes the ancients derived pleasure from diversiona that bavi since been regarded as highly impreper, bu' we of the present day are asse Oop: conduct that it is eur bellef that the old Romans were a very intelligent race ci pe~pie, inasmuch as they knew how te en. joy life. They appreciated female lovell- nets, and doted upon certain styles co: densing that have since been con:idere<! ind cent, bat which of late years are again seeming inte favor; all ef which indicater the Cirection in which we are .drifting. 1° is evideat thes tLe veil bas been lifted, and that ihis An-de-siedle generation has bego™ to realize that life ts worth living, whil« fenaticisn is on a back seat.--Calsfornia World. : ; HIRED EKELATIOSS, Chevalicrs d'industrie Whe Serve a Fathers and Brothers for Pay. Ove of ths curious national branches c' industry which bave grewn to a : tal. oF oumanis, is the noble profession ef ** hirer: elatives," which undertakes to farnish t everybedy in want ef pirente, brothers sisfe:s, aunts, etc., the nicresary persons t: repreeent them. , Persons who deaire to get married, fo: inatance, and have no parents to figure a: their respec:ive weddicgepPor who are i peesseeion of whe decline t& give their conrent te the marriage of their. sons and daughters, neei! do nothing more than station themselver near the entrance to ths Marriage Licensee Bureau. There they will 'seen find them- selves accested by some "' gentleman " or ** lady," whofor « moderate sum ef meney is willing to take the place ef the absen') ; , parr nt, Fer 20 lel ($4) quite-a respectable leoking father can be hired. Fifteen lei is 'paid for « brovher and a fashionably dressed mother costs the asme amount. | tion has dieviosed the fact that seme of these pro- fessional mothers have figered at marrisges 50 tives a year, Tho paiice department is just now devet- ing considerable time to the sn of this pefsricus busipess, which has been flovrishing unmolested fer some time.--Sz. Lous Post- Despatch, , The "Sad Lady." Mre. Matilda Simpeen,. of Harredsburg, Ky., who died recently, bas been known ai) the *'sad Indy" for a third of acentary, éur- ing which time she had never been seen to smite. Her husband's mysterious dieapprar- ance had the effect cf coanging her merry disp: sition of young wt in the twinkling of sneye. Her life hed been de- voted to noble charities. ** Could Pick a Bone With Anyone." A denti+t at Burnley has just been muicted in £50 damages fer the extraction of the She only asked him to extract ene teoth. Previous to the,cperation she teatified she geu.d eat a cruster pick a bone with any- one. . . The Flash and the Fleed. It is popularly supposed that the sadd<n downpour which usuall contrary, probable th tation is the real cause of the flash. cotton seed. Mcat men are like dege--very ferosious bebiad a fence. Horrible news for temperance advozates : - Money Is tizht. We don't envy the alligater, although he has a great enap. whoie of the teeth ef a married woman. - «