Atwood Bee, 22 Sep 1893, p. 2

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-- ; a ETREUSE PERES f « The Dead Pussy-Cat, it was ef no avail. The Greeks had gir OF 228 or Re pe ISSUE NO 38 1893. Of'course we cried-- the horses and laughed at the Turks, who | ® to keep the huge,old- ; The Midmight Mass and ithe Rigid Life of All of us dia wean the pussycat died ; endeavored to overcom=, them on foot, : fashio: pill. Just This Silent Order, om an: a an a -- a, « Why shouldn't we ory, Tid ike to know, Pon higee signe Sie net subenlt, to as soon as you cet it) IT madea visit om the 16th and 17th inat, replying te amy of these advertt r our poor ar 5 memia ploacs mansion this '. And his Uttie round paws and his gent e purr, | to rear and plunge until he ayer i in erat Vhat's pee _ Pica ga ed samtielan anak ae paper 5 Ve ears ~ I'd just Like to ear him say "mce-ow." arenas to abl ogg " "1 bg 2 mone help all al in the oT ime : es oo ame Qutof cs did, when the # t diod,, woes men bears one herve lets --_ oe from S(n Yon My bed (No, 13) was us whe e S8y-Cal For he was so good ; and he kept his claws Eolecine : 5 "poe aoe cast "es m Mle tin}, oe _ | about half as big as that Httle room you and W. e a Away down deep in his sott little paws, ' ae awe Sina ted » Sugar- | T ooonpied at Jeai during our Italian but We made him a wreef of daisies, too ; the thought of death. They knew coe Eran mere plain! As I couldn't aleep And we singed a hymn like the big folks do. |leader would have no pity for them, and You permanent | _ py well, ¥ " and went te mass at e , Snow" Rockaby aby pots and low stil sadder were they at the Ieee of thats good. They act |Te7 var to fl, auyed there nerly two! | Ctidren ° I think he was satisfied With tat 7 aay = herses. Of what ase is a man with-/ ety, and there's no reaction afterward, Con-|houra and then went to bed at 2 & m. He was always such a good-natured cat! out s horse stipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and|Ata few minutes before 11 ¥ THE SENTENCE, = HMANZADE MEHEMED, the rirdar of theauxiliary troops of Tu- ivi, ae rgerouse discipline tha he txercised over his al divr3. "Tb is mob the en- euy yeu muat fear, bat me," he would often remark te the young soldiers sho came te Inorease the rank», Thos bls army was ean army of herocs, who osd no tesr en the busttle- field, bat who trembled In the presonos ef their leader. Tho first campaign in which they fonght was st Albania, in the battle against the rev.1 Greeks, and en that oosssion Me- homed's men prove themselves efficlent, It heppened unas Muhomed one day or- dered efght suldiers to remain io ambush atthe "tive fuuntalon"' ot Arta, at which poins the Greve were likely to open thelr atweck. They wire io atup any one whe aheuit try to pues by, and 'they were girictiy cautioued os to diamounn or fall aslerp. The executed with exact- rese oil their ioetructions. A vebicle whicn st«mpted toward mid- nighd te crose the ice unobserved was dis- covered and uvopped. The man whe had charge of the oxen which drew ib ran away, abandoning his ws,gon. Ono this waggeno wasabarcal Luwas esxy to ascerta'n what the barrel con-sined, even. without dis- mounting and «itnout fauing asles You only bead to open the bucghele to smell the plesaant odor of Hquor cecaplog frem it, And it must have been an excellent I'quer, compoucded iargely of figa acd rawins, The Giaurr! (Caristions) undoubtedly knew what wus yao. The so'diers bad not ben ferbldden if they selz di qaor to drink it, Ant reslly they did a. ucink directiy frem the barrel. (Chey merely suse bulrusnes in it, throogh which they stpped theawest and intexicay ing liquor. Wan is nos narmless to aip-wisn such thin rushes? One could scarcely call that drinking. Bat jaatly does the prophet . remark that wine isa deceltful beverage in which the devil bus bad bis band, s.nse thia drink brings inen to every evil. Firat the soldiers asked "each other why they sheuld eit in thelr hard saddles when the grass made such a soft bed on the grouod. Andif they lay there for only, a shert while nobody woald know it. They could tle the herses to the waggen, and theao certainly could tell no tales. After they had dismounted the infernal drink p2rauaded thom that {y waa a useless task for eight men to remain on gaard. Four would soffice, and the rest cenld slesp. 'lo the four men who were to keep awake the walting for theic tarn seemed too leng, and vhsy agreed that two might sleep while toe other two remaloed true te the orders. Maruf and Safar ware tha two dealgnated te watch for tne rest. " Do you know," asld Sefer to bis friend --" do you know that ene man la of the sams vaius in this case as two? Ib will de jast as well Lf only one-o! ua watches. De you not agree 2" Maraf asaonted. "'T propsse," continaed Safer, ** that we play a game of cheat. - The losar will have to watch, aad the wlaner may eleep." Maruf accepted ths conditions. T'he two Badoulns prepared the ground | front of where they stood, and with thei spears they traced a squire, dividing It into Gi smaller equares. Then they eubstitated for the regular pawoa the frutte of the woods. Thewild pears became kings, the apples qieens; the castles were represented by scorua, the bishops by rose hips, the knights by nuta and 'the pawns by berries. Ths men thua provided, the game began by the light of the campfire. A» firat Befer held the advantage, but that inebriating drink overcame him little by little, so that he was not in condition to distinguish his pawne. He lost his queen and was very moar petng checkmated. 'Sefer, you are in a bad mess," remarked Maraf when he saw that the game was in his hands. "You are right. Iam as sleepy as the » *¢ Well, lie down in the name of Allah. I will watch for yeu." Sefer shook his friend's hand {in gratetal knowledgment of this sacrifice; and he thought he spoke to him, but he only dreamed it, for he fell asleep immediately. Maruf, on the contrary, kept his. eyes f/@pen, and leaning on his gun he looked at his sleeping cempanicn. nt that devilish drink began te murmur seftly : "Why don't yeu eitdown? You ceuld gee juet as well.' As soon a8 he was seated Satan again be- gan te tempt him. " Why do you tire you eyes? If yon shut one of them, you will sce with the ether jast as well as with both." Maruf reflected that if bis eyes were olosed his ears were open, and that he weuld be y toatartat tho smallest danger that might threaten his companiona and . "And with the firm purpose of not falling "asleep he alambered ss heavily as the reat. In the'meantime the hidden Greeks came all ef a sudden upon the sleeping men, un- tled the borses .of the Turks, and. would ly-bave- horse, as though he foreaaw the danger, be "tenelgh. The first to-awaken was Gacat, and-in a few momenta the -rest wereready. They ran to geb thelr arms and stood en the defence, now fully awake and sober. (They threw themselves on the enemy, bub | sentence. | have oaver | sentence. If.} Durin killed--them bed wot Maruf's} 7' T Mortally worried at the punishment they lexpected, they returned to headquarters, and, brought face to face with Ahmanzade, they narrated what had happened, hewthey had ybeyed® his orders, how they had fallen atleep after drinking the liquor, how the last two watchmen played chesr, and finally how they had lost thelr horees. Abmanzade was not in the habit ef making a display ..f puxeion when he had to pass Ia hts immovable face no one could read wha:her hs decreed life or death. "As for efght men there Is only one hors-," he remarked, 'you will agree with me that thece are aeven ef you too many. I resd in the Koran nor fn the Azorut that egh>d men ehould ride one horse, and ag you ure euch good players sit down and let skill decide which of you is te be the man who Is to have the one horses, All the cthera are sentenced te dis." Having sald this, Ahmanzide had four ohessb:acds breught iv, for the Tarks are in the habih. of carrylog chessboards with them, even in war. .Ad soan ss the men were wrranged he ordered the B:douins to begin thelr play. Twelve of the beet marksmen wereready with thelr rifles to shoot the losers. Two or three gavé inabonce to theic stronger adversaries. In oohers deepsir battled with craf{tineea against) the advan'age ef their cere sktifal eppenents, aud vhe former would win when the latter bad viobery in theic banda. Tae losses were immediate'y remaved, aid ube nofee of several state indicated that they had censed to ex at. The Bret tit was over. Four had lost, four were winuera. These lust were paired. New'hopes and new fears. A danger would pass unvbserved, and he woo bai made the error would raise a ory which was his death g Aga'n twe lost, and again two were shot. And now only two remained--Marnof and Sefer. Taey fonad themselves, as they bad been befere, in frant of the campfire. They were the bes: playere. Taey began the gsme with a good dea! of caution, resting thelr forebeads om the palms of their hands, thonghtfally calvalatiog every move, * with- out hesitat. g, bat without huerying. For » long while neither of ths two sao- cveded in eotalainy an advant-«ge. Fer each gain there was wo eyusl sacrifice. lhe spectatore ned te eich other when either oag maxes w orilllent move. Little by litvie the noaber of pswxe on the chesa- board dimin wien; vhe matin figures He ecattered te the right aad co the left; the aituation become: plainer; a few more meves, and Sefer wiil tose hia castle ! Maruf has one more cast'e than his ad- versary, and thie meucs a good deal at the present avege of the game. .T1e orawd bo- Neves bhat cne game i+ in his nanda. All ef a anddea great drops of sweat cover-the fershead of Ma-nl--a fear ever- takes him; he wembica through all his body. He has noticed that if his adversary |sacrifices hie quaen instead of his caatle he ean checkmate nim with ths blghop. Weuld Sefer see that move? Oa that depend life and death ! Ssier looks at thea chess) .ard for a long while, His looks batray that he has seen the move tiat will save him. Bus -hs dees not touvh the m:n, ani he sesms to heal- bate. "* Muruf," he ssya, sil of a sudden, '* how many oulldren have you a5 home 2" " Foar," ia the aaswer that coms from trembling lips. "You have a good wife ?" "' An exszellent wife," answered Maruaf, with o sigh. Ssfer pa-sssa hand over his face and beyins to marmuc as though he were praying. Then ho aska for water. Hs washes his eyes, hla hande--first the les hand, then the rightb hand. Uaseen two guardian angels watoh ever by those who pray. "* Yesterday olght you gave ma the game so that I might sluep," he saya. Marnuf does not answer, but bows his head in aseent, '* You have alwaya boen a good friend of mine, Maraf." , Maru{ lets his head drop en bls braseb entirely overooms. Safer toen slowly lifts bis hand to the chessboard and makes a move, nob- with the queen, but with the 'castle. . '* Checkmited !" you hear murmurad oa allsides. Maruf has won and Sefer lost. Sefer rises qaietly, off-ra his hand for the last time to his friend, Maruf, who seems nalled to his place, and «lgaals to the soldiers to be ready. wo peconds later a shot announces that the tournament fs over. But Maruf doge net atir. With intent eye he looks at tho board, and with trem- bling hand he puts the pawns In thelr places, but like one whe dess- nob know which are the places asalgned to them. The other men are confused with the pawas, the white with the black. --_-- " Gob up," exclaimed Ahmanzade. " Ride your horae; you are to live!" The man, however, does pot move and continues with his vacant stafw to arrange the chesaboard, making strange moves with the figures. " What an absurdity!" he exclaims, laughing recklessly. " One has a turban and the other a horse's head !" * Piok him up," orders Mehemed. And two soldiers lift him. Maruf, however, continued to laugh with » lunatic's laggh. Heaven, earth and men were new alike un- known to him. = the lasp move he had become mad. --Tra ed from the Hungarian, She--It is trae that Miss Richlsigh has money, but she is alse very © g. If eu-marry-her, you will have to give up amoking and drinking. He--IfI den't marry her, I shall have to give up eatlog. Misa Upton--Did you tell him that I was not at home? New servant--Yes, mum ; but he didn't seem to belleve me, beln' as I ' all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are vented, relieved, and perma- nently cw They're the smallest, the easiest to and a td they're guaran to give i ion or your money is re You pay only for the good you get. as good" for you to buy. A WANDESEE FEOM SPACE. A Hage Meteoric Stome Alleged te Hav o Fallen im Mississippi. county, who owns an extensive Campbell's Creek, aboub eighteen miles southeastof this place, came in town this mo and told ef a remarkable eccurrence of a huge meteoric stone, which fell. near his house en the night of Jaly 2leb. Mr. Mattex saysabout 10 o'cleck at night he went into his barnyard, as be had been accustomed to do before retiring, to see that everything waa right about kis prem- ises. Tho night was somewhat cloudy, but nod especially dark. He had visited his stables and barnyard and was on the point of returning to his house when he heard a peculiar hissing eacund near, and at the same iostant a lominous glow fell aroun him, as if e moon had suddenly emerged from the clouds. He looked up an al- most paralyzed at the alghd of a brilllant ball of fire descending threugh the with the speed of lightning, and hav a comet-like tall extending far up into the ens. . : The descent was only visible for a second, but in thst brief spsce he ssya he suffered an eternity ef unepsakabie terror. The ball struck the earth with a dull report 390 yards from where he was standing. It was some minutes be- fore he could recover the 'use of his limba, Then, running to the house, be aroused the family and several laborers about the place, te em & camet bad struck the earth and they had enly a few minutes ta Ilve. In shert while the whole plantation was up, and men and ohildren were beard cry- ing and supplicating heaven for mercy. Sue- b nothing further happened, and being a practical man, as svon as his alarm Bimpson arm at three men to accompany him to the'spot. They could not get close: than thirty yards en aoceunt of the heat and norleus fames of sulphur and gas which the stone ealtted. Ib gave out a ruddy glow, which illuminated the atmosphere for some distance arouad, by the light of which thoy coald see the grasa and twigs all about it ina circle of fifty ae more in diameter, burned and singed to ashes. Tho stone asizzled and ateamed, and ahot out jets of steam or vapor {rem ajthousand pores. Mr. Mattox and several neighbors visited it the next day, when he was able to get a closer view. By daylight it showed up a dull dingy black, ani wae fall of pores, which still shot eut jsta of vapar of an offensive amoll, which -almva stifled one. The stone fa evidently embedded in the geound fer soms distance, ani shows only about a foop above the surface. Mr. Mat- tox estimates it to be abaat ths efzsa of a hogshead, and saya when he left thie morn- ing ib wae aethil throwing oud o streng heat, and it would require some days to cool of suffislently to permit ita being dug out. As Mattox ia well knowa in this com- monity there is no doubt whatever of the truth of his statement. Tae stone will bs exhibited at Jackson Park as soen as it can be handled. Mr. Mattox hopes to realiza a handsome sum for it from s9m; of the great societies Interested in meteoris collections. It is certainly the largest wanderer from the realms of apsoe which ever found ite way te earth.--Brandon ( Miss.) Special in the St. Louis Globe- Democrat. Rheamatic Pains Require ne description, since, with rare ex- caption, allatsoms tims have expsrlenced thelr twingea. Rheumatiam fs not oasily | dislodged, enly the most powerfully penstrat- ing remedies reach to lta very foundations. 'The most successful treatment known, an {bp is now fresnantly resorted to by medical men, fs the appilostion of that famous remedy fer pala--Polson's Nervilins. It is safe to say that nothing yet discpvered has afforded equal satisfaction to ths suffering, and no matter how bad the case may be Nerviline is gure to cure it. Seld by drag- gista and country dealers. pe For the Present. reddle: ig a bad boy, aged 6, and his brother Chariie ia 4. Freddie was at his I game of teasing and pinching and bullyragging his brother when his mother interfered. "« Don't you know," she eald reprovingly, '(that you are layiig ap trouble for your- self by and by, bg doing this?" ~ '« Maybe "be replied defiantly, ** but Charlie is getting his now." Corns! Corms! Tender corns, painful cerns, soft corns, bleeding corns, removed in a few days by the obly sure, aafe and painless corn cure-- Potnam's Corn Extractor. Try it. At druggists'. Newipapers. Benjamin Franklin's mother advised her long-headed son not to start a newspaper, '* because there are two newspapers already in the country." Aococordiog te the_latest. edition-of Rowell's Direstery there are now 19,573 newspapers published in the United Statea and Canada, of which 13,983 are weekly publications, 2,886 monthly, 1 dally, 243 semi-menthly, 194 quarterly, 87 bi-weekly, 47 bi-monthly and 39 tri-weekly. Why euffer with teethache when Gibbons am ea stranger. Mebby you'd better go down and tell him yeurself, mum. ' | Teethache Gum will afferd instant relief ? J. K. Mattox, a well-knowa oltizan of on anbeided Mr. Mattox prevailed en two or eas ene of them uttered a word for some time ; then one of them a tb noise as theugh with his en a desk, and the Latin chant of abeut four notes began and continued with slight interruptions for an hour q re- lighted his little lantern, put ent the light held in a Lttle reflector on the breast to light up the book before' him, and as silently as they came they went eff to their cells. There are 40 peres or pretres there and 44 The p more advanced, business stricted, though they never go eutside of the 12 acre walled inclosure withent per- mission, No woman {s ever allowed to inside of that walled inclosure except by written permission from the Pope, and Qasen Victoria was the lar one having that permission. My trip to this convent, through a besutifal mountaineus country, and the Inst nine kilometers at the side of a mountaio torrent, delighted me greatly. There was nothing but a mule path vo this oenvent until 1854, and thelr idea of living "dans une solitade absolue" was well carried out for nearly 800 yearr. It is a e:rangeides of Ged and of the way to get to heaven thao yeu ehould abanden the world and all its triale and duties ao that you may please him and gain a happy hereafter. I used te call thia bandbox virtue, but now [ with- draw condemnation till I know thelr in- dividual griefs and mental makeup. It is av least better than auicide, for time is almost always curative, and reflection and study bring peace and mental equanimity. I willadd thatall the frerea I met were pleasant, intelligent men, charging m moderately and treating me well, and when I lefo the convent between 8 and 9 in the , | mornlag « bright, intelligent brother guard- ing ths outer door with a moneter key, eaid: *« Bon jour, monsieur, eb bon sonvenir de la Giand Chartreuss," before he lockéd the door bshind me.--Cor. Hartford Courant. Am Old Landmark Gone. Workmen in Glasgow, Ssotland, have of Free Masons. 8 previously on the same site was house of the Eglinton family, used for the collection of daes, rents and ether purposes, avd abeud 1770 was obtaloed by the Masons as thelr lodge-room for Arohibaid, eleventh Ear! of Eglinton. In 1779 the lodge was rebuilt by Daniel Mair, builder, Ievine, The asid Earl was Grand Master from 1771 to 1796. Freemasonry and Kilwinning have been closely cennested alnce 1140, whan the society was formed by the builders of the famous abbsy. In room of the old lodge is to be put up a fine gateway leading to the parish charch, aud a wall with ornamantal railings batween the maiz street ani the churchyard. Tho new lodge is expected to be ready some tims in September. Eouudabout the British Isles. Tae Qaeen's railway bill for her journeys to, and from Scotland comes to £3,000 a oar. ; The Daks of Westminster is credited with possessiag the finest carriage horace. He recantly paid 1,800 galneas for a pair. Thereara no fewer than five Irish peera who take their titles from places thas are netto be found in the map of Irsland. These ara the Dake of Abervorn, the Earl of Sheffield, the E.rl of Darnley, Viscount Bangor and Viscount Hawarden. Tae Prince of Wales pays at the rate of $1,750 a thousand fer his clgara. Those precious weeds ara seven Inchos Jong. The talleat man in the Houses of Commons ia Csptaia Hope. He ts 6 feet 4 inches in height. "Pat on some mere clothes, Mandy," shrisked the elderly aunt ap the soa- shore ; "felka will ses you," she added, horrer atrook. 'Aunt Ju'is," repiled Amanda, as she wend eybsaming the waves with all the trastful = ?goence of a Texas statesman, " what are we here for?" will derive strength and acquire robust health by a persevering use of the great Food Medicine SCOTT'S EMULSION ' "CAUTION."--B-wars of substitutes. Believing' 'Sold by alldroggist eo. tal < Gc. and $L. s , We eeu! the marvelons French Remedy CALTHOS free, an Use t1and paysf satisfied. Address, VON MOHL CO., Sole American Agents, QCecianatl, Obie. WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY OF IT. and re With jossare I give pm beetimen: Me Galve to sufferers mend Eby's orSalb Rheum. My hands wure 'ear. called I c+] ds became I veadvised others to use it for Sore ares, and they have experien beneficial restlbs. Sonthampton, Ont. MES, H. JACKSON. Wha This {s to Peeple Say. that "= be had. . Lb ectedslike a charm. . g Hill, 'Ont DONALD LAMONT. ir oo any Sc . Give Express end Fest Ofice addvess, FT. a. M & CO. Ls ; - "y 5 : a PISO?S "CURE, FOR: ' FAILS. Be eS ee A lies Cond. Use intime Sold by drole tculara, .| Dundas Knitting Maefine Co., Dundas, Ontarte. a FRAZER AXLE sa Gorter GREASE WHEATS WE ARE HEADQUARTERS 'or ,211 the in cultivation. PRIDE OF GENESEE is a new variety never offered before. GENESEE GIANT, WHITE LEADER, AMERICAN BRONZE, 224,00 the othes cultivation. Send for Catalogu i Bee our exhibits ia Dairy and Agricultural Halls at the Western Fair. Addresa JOHN 8. PEARCE & CO, ) London, Ontario. MRS. WINSLOW'S Seguure: Pa pi} | GURE FITS? and porte of madicins sent Free te c iijvese. Mi, catec ? Scfere. Give Exursts sod Pest Ofice ad BOOT. 6 U8 Wess J Senda Poe, T ened. EACHERS AND OLDERSCHOLARS OAN make moaaey canvasilag foc " Farmer Friend and Acoaunt Book." Send far olzoulate William Brigga, Publisher, Toronto, cHeap] OR. SALE 'FARMS tioa of Michigan, on line Write to R, M, PIERCE, of M. C. Rh. Fare paid West Bay Gity, Mich. one way on purchase of LABIE GR. GLUCUM'S COMPOUND PEXNY- ROYAL TEA neve? fails. Pros Sie. by mal SAMPLE TREE, 'acy agents Wanted. T. & SLOGUM a Ov., Toronto, Onturig. FOR SALE. of F w hin most practical family knitter on the market. ehfid can o} e oa = Wanted. Ucolars. gn SONSUMPTION. § $ ¢ > Ss THIS1S GOOD FOR S2=° > ("REELMAN BROS. N= "GEORGETOWN, ONT. |" Please menidem this paper beu replying 12 thie aA vertdemiens,

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