__ ty ee te ie ae eat i eit - a ~ aatheen sian - FP GO me ete nyt ea ae: lee Me ap pas n * » 5 a bad nt -- 7 te ie ve et 7. be at n/t I cata teel .- - Sel - deol a f A aie age © hiss Set _--s ~~ pawn J ee ee ~~ > Terie - - ~--- 4 ote - T* ee ys - Canada From Coast to Coast a ee fe | z ade ong! The Search for Oil in Mackenzie District A etabloscss NBA total of 28 028.3 alain of $1,000,000. Among them | ee £ "The o : ey. , , ene - ? pen season of 1921 in the remains the only one yet brought In, = were --- Ke = Sire Pag spree for the Oe eae Shee ya 7 Mackenzie River oil fields has come and in place of being a prolific gusher, Go <chorstegln Tera egies i rote z Se ee ee eed is fe TOR | ry, and gone," writes Mr, F. H. Kitto of is a rather insignificant Tittle pro- BP er ego Soba rece eae : a i : . Sa A the Natural Resources Intelligence, ducer. However, it actually dces pro- Rearice koa ath Pah hearst Pe gs scien : LERERIN IIS \ js Branch of the Department: of the In-. duce and a very high grade of oil at tural 3, 'Ss caps. Bite wre? es ee hl terior, who has. spent the past two: that, though in limited quantities. It scuiinabeneinemieeteesniemmenti wee '* Institutes Convention The Su nday Sch ool 1BSON _ JANUARY 1ST The last of the series of Institute speaking on Music for Country! Conventions for 1921 was held for} es and Communities, said, "All: The Revolt of Jeroboam, 1 Kings 12: 12-1 726-30. Central Ontario at Toronto. This was}, id en are musical and if they are. Te xt -Ex. 20: : 2 iy also a gathering up of the strands ef! pnt to sleep to the sound of sweet i * 5. Sree a ~. 9 ee eae othe -- a ee! L : * -- - Oats, 284,728 acres, yield 6,905,000) The Pas, Man.--Speckled trout, Gees! ASS - age : ae See 3 os Hey, 'bushels; barley, 8,898, 175,700; buck-| identical with those found in the Nip!- fi aes Yi. fA ) if stip crarts in ae SE RETO meg at reported that the Imperial Oi! are 4 soy é | co-operative unity for all Ontario, fe imu ic, hear fine and dignified music Time--About B. C. 937. hve since David duirieelt belonged to wheat, 49 812; hay was clover, 625,-| gon River, have been caught. in the BEN "Weare ee £ ' a cessation of Ss see, : installing at this 'well five storage J re ee : Se: 'to this gathering came delegates wit ) 'Sunday School, sing glees and melo- Plaee--Shechem, -- Bethel and Dan. [the tribe of Judah. Te your tents. -- 875; 16,192,000; hay and clover, 625,-| Kettle rapids on the Nelson Rivér. # Bh PES ALLS 4 : ers ag os With: Serena Heche Gur tanks of | 4508 Ear ons capacity. cach, ! Why Smith's Ad Didn't Pay. advertisement. Men who make a within ful of the piri gisc uti' n OF) dies from the best composers in day Connecting Links--David succeeded |"Dispense back to your homes." The : anh tame 604,497 'ecres > and} This, # fs-expected. will have the ef- : fa Lee Ae A oe the s nee imps td months of con- end a gasoline distifiation plant with '| John Smith, a dairy farmer, put this business of preparing classified adver- ichool, hear the best riusic .on. me- Meroe a the various Israelite tribes! expression ig. a survival of nomadic | : ene Aa 17,745 acres, 6,202,000 bushels.! fect of diverting some tourist traffic : ee tA ook "ngous Caylight, comes an opportun-|s capecity of from "160 to. 200 gallons gees advertisement in his local farm paper,' tisements check them by a regular set preceding it, accounts of which hav chanical instruments in the homes, 70.2 nation through his masterful days when Israel dwelt in tents. See «: ae ? wise . aS rs s Po Miso ity to review the progress and de- per day and are distilling gasoline for td = f the already been given in these columns. he ; leadership and through fear of their) to thine own house David. Confine | Halif N.S.--The Blu Nova| from Ontario to Northern Manitoba. Shae if E one ; : ee when he had ten heavy milking Hol-! of questions. Here are some of the >»; tney would later want to study music egmm < alifax, enose, Nova Airey | Se fg ve-opment that has been accomplished,! the local river trade. 'These figures » > tv: "D the ad- Here, too, to the seat of the Pro for thems i d, oS Sp RIA ont the Philistines. Solo-| your authority to your er tribe of _ Scotia's champion of the international) The fish are said to be plentiful and bet? es ae and to weigh the situation in the light may be exaggerated. True, the Im- 3 esabeeSbeee Abacus AA vincial Legislait the deleg: least, Mente a? im some cases, at mon succeeded in holding them to- Judah. schooner race, left last week for' of a good size. ee Ss, of additional knowled ined, el mes Oil b ae aia all se t 1 | FOR SALE--Ten cows. Prices reason-} vertisement give complete fiacts; is ti = : eA ete ne - Dipecgge od potion by the thoroughness of his; V. 17. Judah. The tribe to whieh =e - Ponee, Porto Rico, on her first trip; Regina, Sask.--It is reported that Of Ros Tae ee ae eee ag hao fun Pete Gee ot a: 2 able. JOHN SMITH, ----, Ont.| it clear, concise, truthful, interesting, "ONS Sent Dy their sister workers, 1) "It is as unsafe to let the children ongenization and by the despotic na-| David belonged. would naturally vee : Re On the whole, in general terms, an! S0me tanks, but perhaps mot of this z " tS logical, convincing, correctly spelled, confer with the heads of the various: choose their own books as to choose ture of his administration. But the main loyal to his successors. Henege Is the address cor-. Government departments, first and heir own food," gsaid~Miss Lilion pate were more conscious of forth there were the two | gg stein grades to turn off because of a and punctuated? toa foreign market, with a cargo of wheat receipts of the Saskatchewan Lf tt se : atmosphere of disappointment is evi- capacity. There is as yet neither the shortage of feed. Then he sat back! rect and complete ? pit j-| Co-operative Elevator Co. for the past POLO ea . : - fish. In her hold were 600 casks, equi pe S dagnecistepea tgyrel ge dent. To the casual observer the field @vailable cil to produce the quantity , | foremost among whom stand the M Sr ith, head of the Children's Depart- heir tribal distinctions than of their that of Israel in the north, sich hana . ee tee valent to 1,800 barrels of fish. season total 22,000.000 bushels. This - » | My. As : Sainte marae ine ne 5 : aaa a N Skt is ASD ¥ is 3,000,000 bushels more than last | "go A Fete AES et. eee So has proved below par and therefore a| of Z ena piper og Bigs nea local and waited for orders. Only a small | These few important little things ste of Agriculture and the Superi E: "of the Toronto Public Library, national nity, and ae ee natural, of Judah in the south. _Sydmey, N.S. reported that a" AY Sate Bl aad failure. Such snap verdicts are to be @emane for any such amount. : percentage of the farmers who read/ will help farmers to write result-get- tendent of Institutes. With these same in a talk on "How to Make the Best nation, but separation ted tribal ake Vv. fhe tig Mie 26-30. ney ot is 27. To offer sacrifices etc. 'ew a a t » hie 4 i that advertisement, and were on the ting advertisements. If it pays to ad- and sympathetic leaders, plans we © Use of the Library," which was follow- visions. The first show of weakness}. Those' 'vertise, and it does; then it pays to, 'discussed for forward work duning th by a demonstration in story telling or unpopularity in ithe kingship would! er.) During the reigns of David and -- year at this time, ie Se ee , expected--in -fact they cannot! be This company is now drilling on the 'Sclomon, t the people had formed the ee - ea and modern machine shop is to ; : oes ; Regina, Sask.--The area sown to ee oy ¢ ) ot Vy; _| avoided. . im av 7 $54 sit sMmor bee ; y \ be erected in Sydney shortly by the The tendency to over-esti-| opposite shore from Discovery Well, 2 market to buy. answered it. f : He es by the Imperial Oil, who-may have orecast are exceedingly optimistic. 'from five to eight rigs at work, and | The summer has resulted in empha- the Fort Norman Oil Co. These. con- laine two main features--the magni- cerns should prove up the Norman tude of the task of developing the oil. field next year. A syndicate of Mont- : : real men, who 'have secured extensive. _ Dominion Steel Corporation. The most ie Phe rp iy: oe Bie pia ane oe é ' Se mate and "boom" that was so ram on Bear Ishand, in midstream, on a Y i comin i: , is a Se ae 2 | a eee wee pane : , who did answer, asked b f | adverti ht. g year. --which made the whole C be the s 1 : - up-to-date machinery is to be installed, waceghagicmatonk mer AL ipeedcietide ga sot a ak Se PY & oo last winter and spring could not fai] line between these points, and at a : peeahreat "a ede = 1 estes ea re advertise rig Then, there was the Convention: feg like Ped eeesos five-year-old for ie Mees ors for Seed nt he conden custom of going up to the royal eatpe | adequate to ae yet icone year. The figures for 1920 tis: 1921 a al FE fA, aie ie to produce a reaction. Whether or Point near Bear rock, a few miles f what breed, what price, what were Tools Are Profitabl see with. its many-sided intrests.|a ma "Re-|of Sclomon's son, Rehoboam. at Jerusalem to offer their sacrifices. : ae required "This -- Riis are 236 155 and 544.488 Sumpeetlarely ete Ie - . a not the field will ultimately prove | coy eyelid A Pied of drillers ( the milk cnn? : } It ieee! oH _ ey ay x 1d The keynote of the proceedings was ac Hike Ae bookis Biss vapid love! I. The People's Request, 12-15, bab cart ae if this 'eus- ee <i ra' y is mean 10 i ve ' . gin: ph memento eee ae «ahs fruitful, the facts that its location is will winter there amd continue opera- 4 Smith had t : 'th lett may be desirable eep e oO happily struck by Lady Falcone ck ries with ths 1 a! V. 12. J ho it m prove seris industrial activity and a swelling Edmonton, Alta.--The story of a Mt Fe ae EEO i. ei far distant from markets and that| tions as long as possible. it 7 ie es idee ptiteteboncmesh: Gadus ko working just as long as possible, when, in her address of welcome she P es oumesles in mys Al « 12, Jeroboam. See ch. 11: 26- -40. bite Sap to his own sovereignty; a er employment, prenounced disability disclosing itself}; .«@ ree, ee os Se eat i | The temnerial Ol wees aritiig ates and wait again for replies, only to! 'but it is not necescarily always the emphasized three nod 2 First, ? PRS. 1 and fable--King Arthur, Gul He attracted the attention of. Solo-|so he planned! to keep the people ee as a valuable asset comes from the Ba ee ansportation will be di bint wake at. Wikkes Paint way the 'at find that a few wanted Jerseys, others | most rofitali2 {hing to do. It must ¢p Pp € ings: Firs ' Robinson Crusoe, Anderson, ™n, who promoted him to the posi-| one by improving their local ralersiegh p Quebec, Que.--The production of Smoky River country along the line | peo eel } poy ane siysuni re: be eataiish, pro: is ' ee : \ wanted fresh cows, others wanted) fs bored a hines ne} tee 80 magnify the art of science Of} Grimm, Aesop, the Jungle Books, ; tion of overseer of the forced labor; YV. 28. Calves of gold; she nil im- "leone in the Province of Quebec has of the E RS Cee Brit- ; : ----------_-- hibit an immediate return Pepin any northwest shore of Great Slave Lake. | purebreds, and still others wanted | be remembered trat machines are con | home-making that it would stand ow enson's work and the stories of in the country of Ephraim. According! q ages overlaid with golid -- calf | 'more than doubled in the last seven of thie cae a im nex? ae ihiciew ahs ie ast kas Hongkong @ nets a "a no farther. The navies|¢&Pital invested. The continuation of this well proved cheaper cows. peas: being improved and the time as offerine the most. liberal ednooniel n a hiwole: eo: thab wher he te. old to an intimation in the Greek version, (properly "bull"") appeal ak ee the -- ears, From 1,500,000 in 1914 y 8 Kowloon ar ! Ms i 3 | : disappointing during the last summer, may come before the machine is WOrn | and greatest career o virogie ¢ ? he fortified his native place of Zereda a, | eS fe ae om. ,000 pounds the road had } tenet eas of defence. é morrow will be defensive navies The usual army of cheap adventur- In the meantime his feed got short, |! , : ' & pen to wo gh the child will unconsciow mind of the people because it signified -- oe annual output has grown to 3 800,- / maintaining the specced Ns thes seni The bold outlines of the Hughes|the sea bases of to-morrow will be ers that gather on such occasions has = en 5 a caine: rd ae concentrates kept climbing ee orice, el ee ; Rout be discarded e-| Second, to bring back the joy in wor <; demand the best himself," she ed oii ee uae nhl oe OS eS 'pounds in 1921, "There plan emerge intact from the grind a ansive b lim: g Be Br aiid Oa te Nl ras a : ted te cad = | CAUKE OF Obeolesvene, which was one of the greatest factors). z ess and caused the people of the river owing to the cont g bases. The stromg hand of} been eliminated, and only the season ¥ et and he. wanted to sell the cows, des- : : 8 " caer t an intention t aes first. year of the war only. 3,200 seine ofl. the ol dds of ke ia thet aero hammering of the conferences<: oe ) rid opinion has made tself. felt and' ed veterans or recruits with sufficient yore Pease Aepih, the: Prospects. were | perately. Finally he sacrificed the ten Sets imeem ria e hig bah: 6) in life. Third, to learn and inculcate! H perintendent "has a way with vigilance of 'Solostions pc aes edna i slit ot Loe Bir ges 82; Rane No" farmers interested in the production are composed. Now it a after' 5-3 ratio is unshaken, ogh Japan Mee halted the wor's's navies where stamina and financial backing remain. owirihe ee and the well was 1 head at about half their true valio tol em? lot. machine is ae Sri self-discipline which leads to sé "and one result of this was that | Was obliged to flee to Egypt" (IT. P.! srael vite : r > _ of honey whilst to-day the number of examinat that fee pares | of saves her. sentiment-financed Mu tst 20 will scrap sixty-eight capi-} The action of the Canadian pacoelants ae es renee 1, 3 | the pyiebnore and the docal shipper. ---- ee, se placa ae ite rand hence 'all-mas The retirit rge group of girls, are Smith). From Egypt he watched de- his G ieee den calves were prob- al | ae sins mee | he ere emt deny he PMP seeped ips Spe frm hn cca «| ein ang ey rulers UW, yyer conser coved Toray «|=, Hee tak hn vm beac nena Ge, oa ul Hoth eee ast coma ais Gir Wank, tna Jer an Tame, nel nd been! aly oe ae ely 7 : sae oe igen! aakaon ets eee: , 2 | | b' Vt | ' | ' SULESS esirabili 0 Insti ession a new kin | co: aynect a _ Provincial Depantiient of cawmere brick. geet "d ee eg and siagige of United States "ity ee Nort 'Dak e an '1,861,643 tons of fighting wil insure the der pgireny, = | ability te speed up work, and on a G they knew the -- pean aid work faster, better, more economical- among the. provinces, ant of a : ona eer Bec iae torokatod +e might offer the chance of. heading "g the pappoe te = of the Pike Se bread, Que. fa the' total volums| r e drain, may ime | ond. the Delaware; and_ i ae bedi eet Pact dn quitthoriieae his Rosiad Gannelian location in the vicinity of Discovery SGU dene & shuve hincin Ss ih * eae | national ideal. com : om ea: y or any-| revolt to his own advantage, he hur-| a "of erin into Montreal port from May sdf ea Prctens een ferme eo keep the three-Power Baise ent or peace in all its long and! Mounted Police to refuse rigkt of Wort. drilicde tole'to & depth.of up- 4 decided that siete 10 not ear aarare 38 cortaimly such ®. tnng #8). In the main, the aims were the same 2 | oo spew od that "-- ae i a Si he ncenle cae of w. compensate the % : | . RES ) ice ancient 1} ; amg Z ! 0 themse i Pee = Dementia' ch me ioe 1st to December ist, the rail route road for some of the trouble it has | O2Y build two super-H oods of a =| wded history. Let the pessimists/entry to parties withcut material | sane Uapet dees Sa 'So is sail = | Certainly it did not pay John Smith. meri she sersour onan eat ising at this fifth Convention as at the fi n > speeches to an audience of five | who had come to Shechem, a combrel | shrines tive th se aan ta, tia Pa hf exceeded the water route by eleven) experienced finitely limited tonnage. : a ak and the prophets of evil find) means of combating the severe ele-'), - oe oe , . ay! Sonn 4 Tom Jones put this advertisement! ~~.» sacar : ile ses © |Health, Education, Recreation, Girls': hundred, much to the delight/ Pont, to confer with the new king would not. want to to Je le ey: a "million. bushels in the biggest grain Alta.--Ca' de The one place where the Hu: such consolation as they can. This| ments and living conditions of the dis-| .°',** ics focketetsar etaheasoce gnaw 4 in his local farm paper: needy Year @ modern corn) Work and Interests, Beautification seniors. Later, the girl before they recognized his claims to 'fi ae ai oe : Soe year the pow has ever experienced. oy foie cana aay fee arte plan was dented and bent is in the! thing - has been done. The Conference! trict, or of others of questionable in-| 1eet deep. Indications of bringing in 4 = planter displaced the old hand-oper-| Home and Community. The trinity a ndin Commi it ee ; "Girls the kingship. Not accepting as yet the aes uth ieee bie @ pessimis- rovisio that for as man ORES 2 ie. Sa e 'the well were reported good, but, ow- i} Fs ae 7 ------ j ated type. The process of displace- effective co- ation as the Onta: f ee bd gh oe tg hereditary right of David's dynast V, 29. It_is too much; an appeal 10 ies ase fe Sas a to. the Montreal Board of | tic prophets of twenty years ago were P Ww f ge le d's has justified the great hopes and met tentions. though raising a storm of, 'ing to lack of casing operations, had | TEN heavy producing grade Holstein ment is continually going on. es SS genet 3 ! to rule, they laid d certain conde indolenice. Beeld thy gods, He attri- es Trade 59,360 bushels of grain ar lacking. in vision in respect to certain and-possibly for six years, England's' th preat issue that summoned it into! protest at the time, is proving effec-| bi Wr deserted Ee anothae & ze | cows, 5 years alld. Price $100 each. Th i '4: * th "uy PRE rae : Hore "alee te Own 'ld ~ | buted Mverance Egypt "to > _ Fived by lake boats as. compared. with| flowers, such as dahlias. The first M@VY yards ma&y work upon the Sie tive. This ; J Beg ne 4 Fresh in September. Forced to sell pl vsetiar wich oie mbes os bh: Institute, the College, the Depa: rt ot Revered steve a oe ice scomae these gods rather than to Jehovah. rae Re , ¥ ae ; bout the extent of actual ) : best and most up-to-date tools and' 1 eee -- 3 _ | Rehoboam's' doversignty. He must re- ehoveh. If Ri. 75,557,069 bushels by rail in 'the same| dahlia pee "Hoods." The U. S. yards m ae ys ----___--_-___---- It now becomes evident to the vi ask te , on account of feed shortage. 3 , P= ment of State, was very apparent alll) ASRS SAR one eae | anything was burned 'upor ee aan "period. The grand "total of grain by fe Ser ees ace teen oe work for some months yet upon the F +h Doctors Sever Tie thinking mane«that the returns fron! oe a fe mae oe au ae oe & JONES, Baia "nes Bis: cee caving Pos nr if < necessity| through the deliberations. a; , ma aoe oe Seah ee ice See yee | sciousness of Israel it was that Fes ae ae pir it Toons enormous} entered. Some of these were from six - Ce wide psu bm ee D ake fail : re in Siamese Twins | '!s source, oe seal hk 2 oor en Beira ade ee Aad , RS the } In the return mail Jones had not ra ee iether bis boetto epmont. ere Sasension. Serrice. aa ctor ot hysical Education wt i i ig He te Prosar nee Viel ore | Bap! faa a egg a sol ine ic. . 'eggregat ; bushels of | to eight inches in diameter and the eee fi | pearing, and that the work o prone Mack + . Wee dn tha Morvan Aeht | "ae ~ Rie mae . pet grits bl a The | orgs ses "There is a growing desire for more! Macdons Institute, Gueliph. "Tt |noboam had demanded t ree -days to! ee ee 'all grains, a volume in excess of all fies wet parti icularly vivid « ste a=! A daevatch from Paris cave: With| Petting and developing will nos be x ue aeeien | ' aan i e si on PaBW Ore, but also offers from | *© e me ie seit Nees ree education," said Mr. W. J. Dunlop.| betben , get ike the oe is < 'a think over their demands, v. 5. -- che beooe to apostasy from Jehovah, * ae other Atlantic ports" combined from] geous, _ pear that she has built the last capit Eetation this heatig bo the Spectacular. There is, however, no .) tas rig 2H t S: oe ee ae deta who wanted just what the Se a ati ae ise aptatt = Director of the Extension Service of tors. Sane 'a en fi - Ss Forsook the old men's coun- but sae iae Bd fee ee ft e 'Halifax elphi an : shores of Great Slave Lake centreing advertisement offered, Holstei profits. The man with the hoe, the | ors was: 'or | se ee v. 7. The old who had cha or -- ts Beni a and Newport 'Vancouver, B.C --Twelve lines 'ef al = ee build other than = iy iy of Medicine by Dr. Le Filli- #80 sole pw ointed. There is on Windy Point, Pine Point and Hay i cows soon to faabat "ab -- Sey scythe and the flail has passed, anid Toronto University, "on the part of, the health, a preparation for life, ei cobalt been Solsenire paket the northern kingdom. Dan; ancther uding the port of New York.| steamships are now passing through mermamanns." o healthy eight.| "0 Mote excuse for & reaction Now Rin Lenses acquired under the | and were willing to pay about $100) the wheels of progress carry the farm- adults for themselves, as well as for' mental stimulant, and an art. The counselled a shrewd moderation. Let ancient heathen feats near the -_ Ottawa, Ont.--Canada's potato crop|the Panama Canal regularly, carrying | ae child, was produced living '4n there was for a boom last spring. toms of the old regulations were sold apiece for th H 2 4 3 er of to-day on a good road to sure! ne children, and eople are begin-| rst wants every toy he sees the king appear to. indulge the peopte | irarca? Of the Jordan at the base of SE hee the past season amounted to 110.- British ¢ Columbia prod ie | 3 ppRes ee 7 The fact is, there never was any: justi- (oe Rae oe Honey piece tor them, He sollid all his stock | Cea ona Cee ee ot ae hil realize that > m2: mself. land serve th 'then Went Mount Hermon, In choosing | 'these es bay : aE produce to the At- . seeentsiits : | PIC a successful operation per-' for as high as $35,000 and are still in 3 within a few dave -.| profit and pleasure in his business ye niversity lt. This spirit, if undirected, ry em, then - gained shri = 895,000 " cording to the Do-|lantic ports of the Ameri cas and to ee aia aig eae k eight years ago to separate. fieation for jumping at conclusions of Goand th bea ak wediiced A pres eee ere a easily, and at his} Sere or ey ' |here to serve the province." He then! w op an adult who wants th e| ther confidence, he may afterwards apeitth nee] which were within easy fam Fruit ptosis heres Novem-| the - United Kingdo d Europea a if site Ge _] Rot. enormous returns, Only a beginning af ra ai sa own price, His well-planned adver- outlined some of the ext Tee ae do with them as he pleased. 5 of the northern, tribes, oo ace Hien The total value of. the ports. Two-thirds iS hes fake: eae? ee a Madcle! mer | has been made and serious prospecting New segs almost going a-beg- tisement required only a few letters The Farm Dumping Place. which rural ey one ee abe eh aga See The ~V. 14. The counsel of the young | boam bs se vee beg Piller = 7 es s | a eine e othert-twin, .°° ~ rt as en ae ging for purchasers irect to real buy Sita tee ra ay ; bring toy cy, to play hous away from Jet Bets San 2 to farmers was estimated arriving at the Calgary elevators dur-| pe . | died following the operation, Dr. Le 2° hardly yet in full swing. The field ar ae a tai may hg Shy ate ae eae mead : ie sh sb rE Me 6 eee wae Pies farmers are|her own doors -- Correspondence}: cam ss the petgeagbrg ba tied SP ad iieai ly sed gece' 2 y. 30 . This ; sae Bie i Nn: "> Sed ee , J. POS ec a8 0D Others, 1S a jn: heir -immediat ; dines Bs peg | ing: the a week were, es shipment} | i i explained that death was due, rege ad patra geile dai and of drilling during the season of 1922, cows were sold. a z ial" Hs eo ee pede sue Siniege hs Teachers or other st ee une be developed fur- thought that. ane : | S | 2 : 3 angie yaar ate nie ents, Night Schools, which were b -| the amatics. Then came the in -- with them from = vering ae os eighties Jones nrob ably figured it out like! yamd : '¢; yard for their old machinery, wagons,| ing organized so that the Art : this: "I will put in my advertisement) etc., gathered there for years, to- might' be taken extramu "u os a all the facts I should want to ih w in) gether as other Vesa ae B Sighs les" 'of lectures. to wor buying-- age, condition, breed,' ! 3 Production, ice, amd reason eet eee. Hn 'holdin: n Rive: few miles" peri acn 0° 2s 1. sea 4 C we D 0 hf ; 0 south shore retin ater Eh iat » 1 rm a baer, - 4 in r ee eee ee VOrns "oe reat Slave Lake, have stated their -- 3 revtiel sell cows to othe Z : feo ahead Pha ce ey Sir age emma hae one eae | ee other farmers, too. 2 pase! place and ke the aod clean! weeks, held a se, ) Fs CONS Salta op (ae ape : aes gold, gold-bearing quartz and intentions of actively prospecting The second advertisement was more! and attractive? oes can aa be ap-! ter. i ae the ede + abidi te silver, lead, zinc, copper and iron their ground during next season. ap red and. seven aoe Oe by the rules." -- | ae twee @s long cas the first and plied to the ri 7 a se Coogee sd ight-of-way along the' came from the counties of t oe ae cost more than twice as much, but| road. Keep the weeds and rubbish! two weeks of combined se ee Health. brought results where the ineonsplete away from the right-of-way and make! mental improvement, among ti 4 : . | nn teanilytor 32 years. McLaren| De: | pe ae ag Cou pee A large number of prospectors, There will possibly be a few ociher thin. he past still has extensiive | holdings om Van.i= os 3 | ee s. SRS e ; a € ou. S.- Dollar Below Par | attracted to the district by the pub. concerns represented, and more tan- T. Convention. 1 rose to its feet, to ; year ae 'different enterprises were couver Island. The deal is one | 5 ie cae 7 lici sulti : iscovery of o% ae 3 k of the . ene ae : icity resulting from the discovery of gible results are hoped for inside the advertisement _ Started in Winnipeg, 'ogeregating ih biggest if the your fe i ai pa | ail gud' midis Uhemmclies Geahle to ccc iene any S a x seat : ---- it look clean and nice. One can al-| ing three grandmothers, two | pay t bute to the work she had done | fit | © one oo ae | A seepatch from Geneva says: participate in its development, have' Though another cee Se LR e a ertising columns! ways tell what kind of a man dene! fathers, some boys--and gins - | fc women, and is doing for the whole: Ss , | aha g difficulties is Fo, new | Effect - f ir h Fre S | : : ae | Al. Switz erland is the only coun- spread to the pak eet ou ees an eat ee Jarm papers offer good mar-| the farm when he seas the barnyard | teens, and a large number | ; world, when. Mrs. Pankhunst appeared f brotherhood in the ao oe ris ree tate ee Armaments Race Ends. j fe, es fae y in the world where the search cf minerals offering quicker re- that wnsePlet 1921 Hk. a enkitiet ts ane DA ely seth mor eile are several! and roadside, and never make a mis-| people, ranging in age from 1 pep the. 'platform. anes Ea ec on se ee "The § "he " a od 'the people, oo the domi na Sous Biers. , : 5 : OS ae . Boy ie she . = PPE OQUae things to remember w 23 Me ls orpion" ; one or ¢ Caney te 7 - bre a on British: Trade Lat baie . #i | United States dollar to- day is be- turns. Already several promising dis- that it may wee ard sehatehs: i Oe ped haat ser when writing the| take in the estimate. | to thirty. This course will be re | | was a ery hier aif leather Re a ee 3 he man Be Cas eo - =r Fi 4 h fr - On Thursday, December 15, 1921, Se es, | ~ = |low par. The dollar was quoted coveries have been reported, and it is ment over anything yet accomplish- ae OS OECTA GIR 8G ea cas ag Paige it sre ed this winter from Februa ary 6: sea a Por for Hs {sand and provided with spikes and | _ qualities, bitches 'sow ed mg sae = SS soe espa ch from London Says: is Race for Arwaments came to an! _. VISCOUNT Y MORLEY. Se t five francs 12 RSET ae on the Just possible that directly or indirect-' ed, The public should not be surprised a, P he | ~ | | in feeding 26 steers of average beef} the 18th. Ra th. ai er for the sins s of their therefore capable of inflicting worse | disunion in his ki with a busy oa Age eee hae: Aberconway, one of the 'end. "The 'qesutent ain le dim af fhe Veteran Home Ruler in the House ¢ Geneva eee ly the oil stampede may result in the' or stampeded at repcrts of fabulous a. Via "ff 5 V4 Visas "") | type are also set forth. In the fir sit | Other centres were _ . me ce Fr wun, ee manufacturing, pain than a whip. Rehoboam meant hand. Not thet ha pagent Es ies ide © eS ee most prominent figures in the 2 Lords, and twice Secretary for a. Th 1 ta befor h (opening up of one of the greatest discoveries, nor disappointed if new yap oe | three months of the year, 14 of the | "#8Ses locally, and bringing t ie <n cn eee Beare ae their, ee insteas of sentening. their Ope it, but. his oppressive government and ach ee Brit Conference on the Limitations _ of} land, wh g € normal rate before the'... 4] | ; ' Nhile it i Bie amon I occupation. They should teach their Pression he was going to make it still 1 | aoe r ish shipbuilding and coal in- ih a 2 : an who at the age of 8&2. mo a TOSS mining areas of ine north. Among findines are not immediatel: forth- Z v 1G te Th avr. a For COWS to! steers fed on roots and fair clover hay urers out to them. Stre ; e1r A cruel taxation bred sullen discontent -- App iet ie Re: Armament. was reached : Aeon Balfour th war was five francs 15 centimes. ae x tide v. freshen i Der eseerey ; R vi) children a right attitude to Wf 'harder. his a et 3 - dustries, says: Tt Por Crank B ies e House of Lords the adoptio ag £ these prospectors are found some of coming. It is general! ly conceded that eshen in the spring it cannot be said gained in weight a total of 2,703 Ibs,,| Prampton and Cheltenham were each. roe a mis V. 15. A thin the Lo d. Sree Icy This discontent -- act on Peas "The Trish Free State, even ited State pene de va the Un-| the Irish Peace Treaty. It was his | rhe highest rate after the arm- the most experienced men of the Klon-' even with the most gratifying suc- bo be mos! profitable, for in the flush! and 12 of the steers fed on ensil lage | doing this. ae Tight social environment, for young Ver.) Not shed ona vi (Rev. : | > Son ~ with | an exceptionally Jow in- Bre ny oe age i or o im . first appearance after seven years of 4S stice was Signed was five francs dike and other famous fields. icesses evelopment must of nece SSity | time we elways find a lower price, | and marsh hay gained 1,958 Ibs. The, Better Schools. = -- ople, and educate public opinion to boam to his foolish Seeiekon but that! - | 7 : " ot theig. 2 names. ge the text Bien': '. Sg aa I preety: -nine céntimes. |. Interest, of course, focuses on the be slow. It is also well ¢ : while farm work is then most. press-| aves meal mixture was. - bot ___jthe knowledge that if there were no} once made, God used i Hi ; SOD, 'es = come tax, would not offer any at-|of the Three-P. ower 'Naval greement,| ----- = -- Imperial Oil Discovery Well, located d that yes i soy Aegan ing. Mor th an that, ao nf | d, in adiditi i sitar 20 Doth | | Mise B.. Maclintonty Conven ocial evils there would be no venereal, upon. "The writer : wid oe ea 'reap the ase. = - traction to British or foreign fixing the naval ratio and the status wives | : p scovery Well, located mind that a scattered advance guard ihe RNa es ow will pro- tots and, in addition, each steer con-| the Standing Committe Edueati , eR OE ee harvest ia seed had heen 5 80 i (4, 2 1B a 4 r | | = mee from fiftee ; e on Education ase, Dr. Margaret Patterson away from th | mee 2 Gas seat . _ Capital. The British income t of present and future fortifications in THE UNOCCE et a} : i ANDS OF ¢ AN AD A at a oy on the right bank of wae of silent men are searching out the iE gers saci to tw renty -five per sumed 14 Ibs. of navy. per day. De-| drew attention to the work the Inst n books to be used teachi spoke inch me Rie that eee BEDE. his father. -- SRE SL eee Beit a ae a tS ax the P i aa 4 = Mackenzie River about- 45 miles he-! secret hiding places. of other minerals cent. more by fresheninix in the fall. | | bails furnished regarding four of the! tutes were di x sed in teaching the/ was in some way connected with GOB <a ee ee ee oe foe fe whl epee or or be lowered, aes ca shitt; ee. : __|low Norman. Late last fall a gusher' and may be heard from at unexpected Especially is this true if she is given | |Guernseys are of special interest, Of ting and Hoe ae, Ret a a Pe Na to young' people, 'and| Vor) forstold by the Laie a vest of centuries i 3 of oe: 'tyrain es at ae while Southern Ireland will. not}. EES comprom- ss ie e as -:, | Was reported to have been struck here! places and times. An underlying tor good care through the winter. The thes . cee Urey, 0D. bie WOrk ox The: : me Speed van, | 3 b | ae = ; ; aces and times. nde1 @ tone | se, one cow in her full lactation! establish Russia to-day is starving, | ; 3 $ ee be. able to get along without a ne sa ee ae oa 7 rae Lists Available of Areas Sale in Maritime and Prairie | at 2 depth of about 885 feet. Wild/of confidence in the tube os this cow coming fresh im the fall will be a| of 671 days yielded 15,820 ths. of milk,! plays, ies aie De toe dal oN a Depertment: of Health, 40% 2 = ists Revolt, 16-1 -- teauase. rd ed own 'past. Sow ee = $ = retty high income tax.. The fe Perey cha -- ations | Melee Fae nces. | stories were circulated as to the tre-| great district is expressed hiv' those fitable milker during the'season of ; With 967.16 ths. of fat and a percent-; comfortable boarding 3 Syed rodie, of the Department of] evo : ee: i the seeds of suspicion, -- hatred | 'and ail, oe 3 rish Free State will not have | the tine "ef gee ie ay hale Ae es ee = mendous volume of oil encountered.| whose qualifications fit them to be the the year; We dairy qroduets sell at | age of 6.35, the produce of butter be-| securing the travelling rir oe Scot hee Sica patss o| ments, a ye - S a> Soe eee tees 7 any adverse etect. ss British Secretary Hughes nad das ie = One of Canada's chief needs, n ic 'eccupied lands in the several gots To be brief, as it now stands, this well best judges. a oe the She will go on grass, ing : 137.82 Ths. and the profit real-| monstration short Out ae ss a ; wie a pare aoe Meth-! 7 : ~ a ee - trade." | As it was set forth on that day, the her most important requisite, is the|imces. These lists give such infc re | singe a ee a We ny Spring ete will again be, ized over cost of feed $427.01. The | the Institutes Branch of the De tg do tae Teaeton i tse of | a Se , sgt 5-5-3 ratio stands, For so long as| increased use of the unoceupied - 3, "Sols "i gekahe es Oe ae nied ae 'CONS TABULAR Y AND Londonderry, capturmg 15 mén and , April Peat Eg sie : When past sia Sree Vit fie ee oe ee pee es from the college, eae . noe S -- th , ; ease ay eae we - eeeeeperess, location of the property, price! : 'marching them off. Pas Wadi aides i vey Way ani June. When pastures! of 7 S. OF MK, and a percentage! Dr. Marty, Ins ae rem en ven ---- ht ogee | Queen Mary' . ak: ee he be ep a Jed rachis a tet eco ONTO = hand terms on which it can be acquired, | SINN F EIN INF iGHT caeenitis soca oe So egpcs ] ieetiré Gry and short and the flies ' in fat of 5.7 in 352 days, at an a -- Toronto, urged eer ie Schools Inetitutes of the Packet Loan Lib-| ealttare chief mpeaker, Su erintendent ore i thei Li a 'Bears B t th d' P - el pledged word Due to absent proprietors, 0: fe quality of soil and area available for' ee Seats er eee ap ets pec Sc etal most troublesome, she will be iny. / age cost for feed of $1 . he e ny ad education: Service in connection with Mas- P ng a, neigitbor ness tothe Fame, = ; Ee etrotned s ortraits naval forces will not be increased i; uality of s | Tyrone, while scouring Sperrin Valley ; Hai e C eed of $175.30, the aver-| the country child for all round hu ibrary, O.A.C,. ereias took the chair, rounds. of ap-} wt, of 'the® ig as evi ¥ : = age | pies above the fixed tonnages that arcwat ee ee as to the cor WG cultivation, distance from railway, atc. ; ' Six Republicans Killed and came across a body of men with ae | ith ke ducts are high eo: mpared' 4ge profit per cow being $182.8. . | living, and to this end comm ir ent + bal Guelph, for any plause broke forth and the whole Con-j - ' , oD Ses x desnntel Peon ee FOES Sg PRN cori Three. Paws pipette unk sf eit the property may be: So far as possible the information has Twenty Wounded While | captives... The spolies gaye battle ond He iat er side gles produce, and the price | 'Particulars are also given in the: Consolidated Coho z ee stabi. --e in Bo die f a vention burst into "For he's a jolly | cs Christmas card of rather novel char-| It is more far-reaching than that, ee SeUiers ee been secured from ee eee Or pe Battling With Police chased the Republicans into the moun- i ; tee oe of ly : Sok ess good until! Teport of nine years' experiments in| Sit the ¢ mn h Bee By ee good fellow," which was merrily re-; acter was used by the Queen. Instead Japan and Britain and the United zene is 'thet ast unproductive ec By agen for the property, with a vrew to | ES : | - \tains, both sides firing as they ran. i REIT, See a A l€ greatest reti urn | 8 grading up dairy cattle, the objec t be-| teachers, but whe * ion pe Foot PAE is . nee ; sponded to by a platform answering of taking the conventional form, the States will stop pouring sities yikes rs otwitnstanaing that muc maximum accuracy. E: ra despatch from Belfast SAYS:--Six) It was durine this engagement that 5 haaains a apes: should have ood | ing' to show the value of using pure-_ hs? Ww whole community life miphine and inetrs re fil NES, @ umor- chorus, "See him smiling, > as the be-t. ward is headed "The Royal Romance."| the dustitind -foleaide! "and dived: bance it is more or less contiguous to | 7 Lists of unoccupied lands have been | RoR were reported killed and) the Republicains suffered their heavy y ranaarice zee ae Se the winter | bred sires of good producing milk) tre educationally and recreations | We use and prea a showing how wildered but gates superintendent | = Of buff-colored board, it contains por-|of the Pacific. Japan will not fortify Nias ; issued for Nova Scotia, New Bruns-| 20 wounded in a battle between Sinn, losses. The captives were released id a be i ee ogw | Tusiies oe tie average dairy. <b. eee ie EE Shae ae th y noes ae ed ee ns gate eee | AE. traits of Princess Mary and Viscount} Formosa against an attack from the With a view to bringing the ow S| wick, Prince Edward Island, I Manitoba, | Feiners and constabulary in the moun-' and the police captured five Sinn F ein. ie iS "0 provide niodern eq uipment ; Two breeds were used for this pur- | Libraries, Music and Stery Telling _ Piaget ee ee them. or ge oe a ey oo: ee Relea: and beldw is attached al Philippines. The United Stites wilt of land and enquirers together, th #| Saskatchewan and Alberta, and these tains of County Tyrone early on Wed-' ers during the fight. nage = Bis Not only will he save; pose, Ayrshires and Holsteins. Full) ic. Comat : dares Tellin efaee TAN Message from the Cabinet. 'Our own Minister," "Hon. Manning Se cae ene ree ee ; eee ; small calendar bearing the words furthe 'th £ Natural Resources Intelligence Braneh| lists may be had on application to the) nesday morning. 'ime and labor, but through giving particulars are given in the report. SS. VORUEWOFLH,. "Ot lhe Toronto | en on "Department EF »| Doherty, as the home-makenss regard ré cad, peat "eves eae gy ,| 0 no further with trowning Corregi-| of the Int D nk * P Te Sera te Paes Se eet ? better comfort to his ERG wee - Conservatory of Missi ivening, him, was sigh. tio with d ret year is like a loag of br ee eee Fo 'With good wishes, 1922. aes dor or at Cavite. Britain will halt erior Department is comp 'Natural Resources Intelligence Branch,! Alleged Republicans Tuesday night, A kindly Looking is the touch that i vad j us animais, their; referred to. All the cther numerous | fully led th iy Ot ce it~ | With the Institute lecture staff on the 4 K edecaken Guar tS fresh and fair and new, -- : > Ske ean -- ing and publishing Lists of sudh un. Department of the Interior, Ottawa. 'maca a raid near Limava dy, County! never hurts. ; | : The dei aa increased, | activities of the Farm, in sheep and Socios e y eee Biasccte fo Pp wa Porm and the oe = Agri- tion. | | With- 7 uk a tittle 'slice -- ere pore a . 3 a: ae z Seas sige as nei es eke Be. REG LAR FELL ae as four Pe a nen setae Seesmic pees 5 ers best pet pes Ze bigs the farm. | swine breeding and feeding, in poul- | se -- - - _ : wscere| "Anything eee ets the Fosbiibas ; : > you = ae : ca ne > : ELLERS<< ¥ Gene Byrnes ; ii | aio att ie i Te ese trying; try cas in beekeeping, in field! AALS a oe ~ | could do td bring greater efficiency ere eee. tee : oe gee ante Segara ay |: | zeae . » a 3 Pea . are ore WAS 80 Neves. | husbandry, in fruit cultivation, and in| _- Paiute. ete Ap nee the home or lighten the burdens of the! "Ani : i Sg nie 2 3 ONE'S BIGGER. | a nea See | : Z good cows, give them good: flower culture, are Wealt with, : : ee ede * ) would receive the support 'onl oo ahede same ea Age, Ae pape 1.7 WILL You | Caen Pai sae care in modern Stables, and take ad-_ aa oe . ~~ ie 2 * aE OLD : the nt. ¢ 's ds ac anes : "PLEASE ZIMME. A) TWAAN AHE OTHER: VLU WOU Get. os | SURE! Jat . vantage of every opportunity to in.| ieee ae mee ee | i i 33 | the -Governme The financial prob- | "To maike the Be ey > as: z No. MAT TER Hol A et ed We (OF THEM \ : 7 : : Bt crease their production, | Pure-breds promote profits. 43 oa a, og ig raed by hin, which | lems of, cou y were very great, Are raisins holidays: that ee: tg Ss Mid oa ane To APPLES Mom: MUCH [Tr HURTS ee, DIDNCHAL Po | Nou EVEN GET a eee ee FEID EE TIE ea te ae Nile a _at a recent competition at | but alll our work would 'be of little 2 Se le Ser should. a eho ee SRE oc Die OUTSIDE GAY a ey 2 bee SE our CHOICE! ; Valuable E 4 | eonomize by working the "upper | ' ii innipeg Stockyards declared | avail did we not 'bring sunshine to the} 7 =the SES les Hy AN | WANNA | aba sc Bae clo 3 Boe ae \ WHICH DO tes | R xperiments With | forty" during the winter months, ey hy almost an: ideal type for the | homes." His interest was very great The year is like a dost of bread, ig perenae GIVE HUM ae fp =e Ces ae y/ ¢ | WANT THE LIL \- eef and Dairy Cattle. + __ Aa | -- duction of Wiltshire sides, | in the country homes. He had visited| So fresh and new and fair, -- is 3 eG z Tit oa aN fesse se" - NONE! i Although a pure-bred herd of , . age | cnlaee = a ne ee ae remote sections of Old Ontario and And when it's nibbled ail. away ud \ : de , | pe ok are Bee the -dairy,||]| A New Year's Resolution ||} 9 £3) 7. 7 ee, ----_ as a aia! Ontario obs heard} "Another waits you there! Ee ee ees, oe 40d a pure-bred herd of Shop hire 200 Year O bs ph nhs: Hae Tee 'e- rom settlens' wives something of the! | . wn bie: ears . Rad See re ; ¢ a representing tie heef breeds 'were | ; Id benefits they were gebting through the | = Yea a | _ omly established on the Dominion Ex. Resolved to live with all my |[) Institutes. He believed thoroughly in - The e Now ear. ie ' perimental Farm at N appan, Nova} reson while I do live; resolved initiative Shee Boe the homes of 8 fe at _ Scotia, early in the year 1920, sonve | never to lose one moment of {1} il, Bi ip en i Bh ey ges 'the community, however, and thought! va 'i we noteworthy facts regarding thom, nho | time, but improve it in the most |]! 1 | ' ws at wt cet carr Ra "at the part the Government should play. oe = a ne forthcoming in an interim report of | profitable way I possibly can; | | ; ead was to provide the headqua | s RANT -- x i at the Superinten dent covering the year | dre "oe never to do anything || we - to 'co-ordinate the work and| 'A gee bat yet : ete' March 31, 1921. The cost of I] should despise or think -}] | nor te effective over the whole pr¢ In 'silent shade 'neath 7 eed ing is given in detail, along with | _ meanly of in another; resolyed | f : | vince, leaving tho details to be worked A wondrons fountain s " di oe t he quan ti i £2 of the aiff erent feeds BND E to do anything out of Yre- | paves se jis i iM i pi i i P = 'out. 'by the people in each locality, 'He Is ae new Year, ret st elt, ee "snd in the case of the! Bithade r nee never todo any- [1{ 5 ae is iby it ie i | approved of thei interest in building | Rat Ag 7 ae sternceye pevaculars-are supplied of! Ne Wa should be afraid : Mita bs eo Ra fis agriculture, the basic industry of | Ple | ede Ea A ae oC) mike and of the profits | to do if it were the last hour of | pis this peat! A aminty whieh 'they, vate Pass of kindness: 'id cu : ES Os EOS peste. Gf experiments || my life---Jonathan Edwards. : é de | ; of era- | fe : , / & : ei s ae er,