HOW TO OBTAIN GOOD DIGESTION "The Stomach. Must_be Toned and) © rie ae the val pew peered nm in pick - a ak Senciher et until you can eat good, nourishing food. The only way to strengthen the stomach is to enrich the blood, tone up the nerves and give strength to the stomach that will at it to di- gest any kind of f is through a -- use of Dr. Williams' Pink The one mission of. these pills i is to make rich, red-blood that reaches every organ and : every nerve in the body, bringing renewed health and activity. The following nse illustrates the value of Dr. jilliams' Pink _ in curing in- } ion. Mrs. Reid, Orange- e, Ont., says: Ta have much easure in testifying to the relia- lity of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills For: several years T had euffe fered greatly from stomach trouble, Sev- eral doctors prescribed for me but their medicine did not help me. Af- ter etery meal I would suffer great c v d ¥: b pain,*and would often be attac' ' with nausea. I grew weak and had almost lost all hope of recoyery. At this juncture I decided to ee Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, were recommended to me. In See pills I at last found the right medi- cine, and I am once more in good | A health: I° have much pleasure in sending you my testimonial in the hope that it will encourage some eutering, | persons to try this sure Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by the Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ceantiaananfignanoreean SMOKING SUITS FOR LADIES. | New Fashion as Result of Growth of Cigarette Habit. The cigarette habit amongst smart women in England is respon- sible for a curious fashion in smok- ing suits. One that resembles a fancy pierrot suit of black charmeuse is covered with a startling design of emerald green leaves, relieved with flashes of yellow and white. The trousers are loose and baggy, the neck, . slightly decollette, has a large black setin collar and green ruffle. ie. aie er suggests a Chinese v. its background of blue Severed with @ hawthorn design. Handkerchiefs have also suc- cumbed to the craze ig Tuturism. The latest have a wide border of some startling color, with a con- trasting flower in the centre, whose leaves should be black or blue or purple, any color, in fact, that is not usually found in a leaf. On others are embroidered chickens, or beetles, or peacocks, or storks, or elephants, and the like in natural colors. Vegetarians are especially cater- ed for in the handkerchief, which shows a carrot, a head of aspara- gus, a strawberry, and other fruits and vegetables in one corner. hr Magic "Nerviline" < Ends Stiff Neck, Lumbago Any Curable Muscular or Joint Pain is Instantly Relieved by Nerviline GET TRIAL BOTTLE TO-DAY. You don't have to wait all da get the kink out of a stiff neck i rub on Nerviline. And you don't need | : to go around complaining about lum- bago any more. You gan rub sych things away very quickly with Nery 1- line. It's the grandest liniment, the quickest to Mga ies the ba to ease oo ar pain of an One ¢ 'filye cept tral" bottle of Nepriee 'i cure any attack of lum- or lame back. This has been aoe a thousand times, just as {ft was in ae case of to 4 J grog of oe a. r,t we had Nery of the c ets i stitt ae, nig of eh ree e anteliy, it is earache, toothache, cold on "ns chest, ore Maen Nerviline is always ys My husband once cured mselt oi a frightful attack of lum- eryiline, and for a hundred ai Santa that turn up in a Jarge fam- ily Nerviline is by, far the best thing to-have about you, He Got OF: A smart youth, who had tarried , on his vie t ool playing may- : i an b : Bi ore BQ- ed dat e - pier ni 'Ta Tom 1 i ° LR wi Te ou ef the little feller | put } his other hand. "Here pal are, dea * he said. thither, however, 'the mill evil days, a' ye down, and then dismantled. - some miles aa DR. ADAM SHORTT. ag Is Head of Canada's Civil Service Commission. : There are not many the arth -- T am now telling 1 18 of -|such a Hé was*born in the | Village of K Kilworth in in the valley of; |! Thames, and he is yet in -the prime of life. The man is Dr. Adam Shortt, Civil Service Com- missioner, ~ The village in whith Dr. Shortt saw the light was one of the old mill villages of the early days in Ontar- io. It was situated on the River Thames, not far below Springbank, which again is not far below the City of London. London was cho- sen as the site of the capital of Canada by Sir John Graves Simcoe, who was Governor of Canada at the end of the eighteenth. century, and this portion of the Province was set early in the century that fol- lowed. Kilworth consisted of a mill, @ store, and a half dozen houses, Its reason for existence was the mill, to which the farmers from roundabout brought their grain to have it ground. In the middle of Jast century the mill was ked| Prosperous, and gave a living to two partners, of whom Dr. Shortt's father was one. on had eventually to be few years ago Dr.: Shortt visited his native village, and found not a er rigs standing. Even the old bridge was gone. The only means : identifying the spot were the few emains of foundations that it had not been profitable to carry away. The place has gone, and the name has been picked up and bestowed = another hamlet in a slightly ried form. Kilworth Bridge is in of the Thames, but istant from the ham- let in which the present Civil Ser- vice Commissioner was born, A Broad-Minded Citizen. There is a tendency to consider university men as narrow. Dr. the same valle Dr. Adam Shortt, Bhortt is an outstanding figure among "-- 'ersity men in the Do. minion, Yet, whatever justifica- tion there may be for the tendenay just referred to, there is no justifi- felted for regarding Dr. Shartt as narrow. e came into publio no- tice first as an economist, and per- haps the dry-as-dust reputatien of political economy may haye attach- ed itself to him. But Dr, Shortt was one of those men who was a alculator and economist" from pe ae 1 ap 3 ie first love in the learning was philosophy, and bie turning to political science was an eyidence of his underlying practical 'bent. He wag a gold med- alist in p phy at Queen's Uni- versity; and he began his career as a teacher in the department of og meantime, age ed to the practical . gy science of we teh ay at the end of the eighties he PM ferred. into the department of poli. tieal science, It was while engaged brangh of unive ty i t became a public figure in the minion. Soon after the Bank tion of the Labor Department by the Dominion' Government he was chasen as chairman of oat, philosophy at the same pniyersity. be Ws a at ya _-- the Conciliation Act. ter under the Lemieux Act ie yo end of cdmbined medigtor udge he showed a keen insig t abor troubles, and won a re- mea asa skilful adjuster 6f re- etween employers and em- He entered upgn this work Wires see net CUTICURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment. Their use tends to prevent pore 'clog- ging, pimples, blackheads, red-- ness, roughness and other un- wholesome conditions of the skin. L Cuticura Soap and Ointment are stid throughout the world, A liberal samiple of each, with 32-page booklet on tment of the skin and trea: scalp, sent post-free. Addreas Potter Drug Corp., Dept. 14K, Boston, U. 8. A. putting himself through Queen's by the extra-mural course which has made that university a blessing to 80 many men, who. have had the zeal for knowledge, but not the financial basis or leisure. When he was teaching philosophy he was delving into economics, and when he was teaching economics he was studying the problem of labor and capital at first hand in' Government commissions. Now + he is a civil service commissioner, he is de- voting his evenings to the investi- 'gation of the history of the Domin- ion, If he ever takes to historical study as a means of liyelihood, one may quire some new branch of learning| as a hobby. As civil service commissioner, Adam Shortt is the eynosure of the eyes. of all nd of ail civil servants. He is at which all eciticteed is directed. He is doubtless human, and conse-|: quently. he May err, Bot one : sieve '< st 4 : fi here i's tat abo lp comes ore ne rarity in. our political machinery. He is not afraid of the politician,.- even of the politician in power. He has backbone. If he thinks he is right he is not easily to be moved. Such men are needed if we are to have an efficient. staff of per ser- ance made for other qualities that y hic BeeRecheiiee in ktah et GER ee ' ' be confident that he will ac-| If | ERNE fee just the e isnt set on to that] Bho awtful- mely ook Ue lot so b n she pat ¥? e ba ol, tm a bachelor man. .-T ® womenfolks and cookin' Well as any "other lonesome old ut where's the favor Boing yout Looks to me like hen when the cook isn't feelin' : able, and I wouldn't hanker to, her, she won't let us e her; we've tried that, but F fast simply wouldn't have it. t only hope's in marrying her off, B we thought of you--but I guess nothin' !'"' shouted ®. 'You hold on till I get a crit- peed, and I'li hike right hone u and marry the gal um site, Pas 'll say the wofd. ffs ss have been pesky quiet here : 6 8 nd anyhow, & Soffel Pete mover goes back on a Pr@nise. If an old chum that saved myfornery life at the resk of his ow® makes a p'int of me marryin' a = nky cook, I'll Ss i, without patein' an eye. Come I¥ is pleasant to be Chle to add he barring a few -o ge sk#mishes, Pete and- his wife, the €xfeook, aro now jogging along in a F Bry fair state of felicity, a Depth Nearly Claimed New Brunswick Lady Restored to Her algal Fam- lly When Hope Was Gon 5§. John, N.B., Dec. 15th. mat one tim it was feared that Mrs. J. Grant, yj} no a no -- 31 Wai of ite St., would succumb to the Cagily ravages of advanced ; kidney trouble. "My first attacks ¢? back- ach® and kidney trouble began years agog For six years that dull gnawing paif@ has been present. ertall myself it was mney avec Mey Caught cold the p was unen- durgble. I used most iararyibing, but notBing gave that certain grateful re- lief} that came from Dr. Hamilton's E of Mandrake and Butternut. red i of' being bowed down with pain today I am strong, enjoy splendid appetite, s -sad4 soundly. Lost proper- ties bare bee instilled into. my blood of with di Fi | y 'becaus e@ good health and it's 2 bag sn heaith th comes all who use Dr. Hamilton's M larake and Potternar Pills, } hie Soe | WEIRD HISTORY. Q@&er Version In Use in a Russian School Book, textbook of history, written Py Hajaveki, for Russian schools, Ns. some © inary state- ts, among them these, which the come out on a written test, The don Star translates ; Minister and his deputy have points ble and of view which require considera- in the course tion, But, after all, it is quite im- long reign, owed himself possible to ' @ service ° : ticular] ful in finding ex- politics" unless you have men of| pest mini of finance, backbone Sas e head of the Civil] ang honored by his people, the ion, -- Francis A. arch died suddenly after a E* ors Carman tn Btar Weekly, reign, as the result ae lexy, He wes » [seni Louis XVII., who sae SORREL PETE'S SACRIFICE. du wars, wherein -- thePeaptain of his hosts, the royal How He Made a Sacrifice to Oblige 1, Napoleon Bona: » oon- . a Friend, red a great part of Europe for king. Napoleen, powuery In the door of his ranch ew on a Western prairie, Eldan Har known FF.) rrel Pete--sat op whistling and whittling when his old chum, Mac Towles, rode up the trail and stoppe "Whoo 'oop |" outed Pete. 'Test look who's here] Haven't set eyes pn you since you saved life in that sold flooded mine bees! scm tivo," agreed 3 "and i ing of that, I'm -- right pon 28 a: you of then ; * i reeked es, sir | that any time a 5 re bet you ain't, no such: thing. W at is it? Come, right out with 1 "Well, my wife and I want you --ooIIIllIISSSSE==eEe--~--_--E--E_E={=>K={=¥ ussjas, the s deprived af al his --_--_4+--__ MAPLE BUGAR SOUVENIRS. nger Domipion Dey Be. entered g year every dining car hide wy od aed kas much au me real, Quod "anslibe ohelng fh the eee Flt| e ri dive te a Mag mat ak ) Minietry won't be any trouble ise ex-}the Southern atmosphere. | Odd Street Nanies, Now that the London County Council has sanctioned the trans formation of Periwinkle Street into Ratcliffe Cross Street, the inhabi- precast pegs thn and ne. were hitechapel, and Man's Place adjoined Dirty Lane in Southwark eke aera GUARD BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SUMMER The summer months are the most dangerous to little ones.. The com- plaints of season, which are cholera nee 'diarrhoea dysen on so. quickly that often a "Httle one is beyond aid before the r realizes he is néed| really ill, The mother must be on ae WHY WORRY |! Choose your variety and your grocer for "*Clark's", a FARMS FOR SALE. %. WwW. on bats Minety Colkorno Street, Fr ear ane TO BUY OR SELL A mew, Stock, Grain or peiy Farm, write Ww. Brampton, or 9@ Gainers 8t., Toronto, HX. 'W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto: STOCK SALESMAN. IV 4N ED FOR BEST ALBERT Oil propos en yet. organiz Apply for par W. B. Leitch, ef Ottawa Building, Montreal, r guard to prevent these a ages or, if they do come on sud. » to cure them. No other medicine i is of such aid to the mother during hot weather as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bowels and sto- mach and are absolutely safe. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25. cents a box from' The Dr. Wil- --_ Medicine Oo., Brockville, nt. ----------_-- tr___ THE LION OF THE ROCK. How Gibraltar Affects Imaginations. Gibraltar seen for the first time night from Algeciras is the em- bodiment of romantic mystery, with its rows of lights twinkling on the impregnable fortress rock, whic looms in shadow behind them. Over the shining waters of the Bay it re- mains a fascination by daylight, though the mystery has lifted and the outlines are sharp and clear in Gibral- tar works on all imaginations, and in the matter of zoological compari- son nonsense is often talked. Not infrequently has the rock been com- pared to @ lion, but if a lion it be it is difficult to know at which end of it is to be found what Borrow in language ies called "Ste blasted and perpen- brow. self Bible Society's Different hfnd, says that Gibraltar is "the very 'image of an -enormous lion crouched between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and set there to guard the passage for its Brit- ish mistress." If the lion guards the Straits, its head is presumably turned towards them and Africa, and travellers on the boat between Tangier and Gibraltar are wont to point out that the head looks to- wards Africa and that Europa Point makes the fore-paws. It would be interesting to know the opinion of the majority in, let-us say, a mill- tary mess in Gibraltar. z a ved THOUGHT IT WAS SUICIDE A prominent merchant - was discover- ed-a few -daya ago brandishing a razor at midnight, His wife called for as- hia} sistance, but found her Hubby was only paring his corns, Far better not to risk blood polsoning--use Putnam's Corn Extractor, 250, at all dealers, a Ph ig pat Task. gay to ourselyes, '"'T ladly dg m "duty if I knew e| what i '< Doubtless there are cases in which it ia hard to decide, but ar k of Goethe on the sub- | ha is well worth remembering: "How can we know wy sapett ak Ne- was "bonora| Ver by reflection, but b 1 Do dignities, and a Lommmn a. pen- your $i and d yon wall find ou out the @ was b . Hel- 'But what is asks of far usly, r, and acts we how pleasant you feel 'hen tt fe don ne--and It is nob wholly pr od even in the doing. Mindra's Ziniment Cures Diphtheria. panic His Last Ohance, Olient--My upgele left ali his money to the deserving pgor! What ¥a ld_you advise me to wyer--Tirn oyer a _ leaf and be 0 one of them | Gives it a Mexican Name, 'She's right up on the Mexican situa vig ? sot! aa' She! @ even named her sum- mer oe Wild V3 id Vi fie." write: Patie caiedioeien. Tt owe pagel Bogor r--That's all ges Pi : Being take it in B nape a were cer an ar to agnehiee hae Fou --_--e FOR SALE. Ger. LIVE TOWN LN ort co oe noy Hibs i in gon nnectio ice [ cena ¢ iberal. Wilson 1S ilo. 73 West Adelaide Street, Torente Se TUMORS, Ntartat and ex Dr. Bellm Limited. Collingwood. Ont. Wise. "T don't want to brag about my- self. I've done many -foolish! things in my time, but I've been | wise in éne way. "What's that?" ; "T never had the idea that I could paper a bedroom om myself. " Minard's Liniment Cure Cures Garget in Cows, Just That. , Dr. Buzzar (the dentist)--You must be patient. This is a very' painstaking operation. The Victim--Painstaking! you mean painsgiving? Don't of admirable. energy |- aig wl ip sea at| Ape ain.'? eicray, on the other eh tia, sige, 3 a er | Minard s past ment Co., Bail of applied on aN, 4 a ze ti 4 ~ Saers breast, cured me : e Rossway, Digby Co,, N.5. ; Naturally. Mrs. Jones--Men never know how much they owe to their wives, Now there's Mr. Blank, who is' praised by every one as a success- ful man, but what would he. have been if he, had-never married? Mr. Jones--A bachelor; my dear. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Getting Even. "A little boy had been punished his mother one day, and that t at bedtime he prayed Shuey : 'Bless papa and-Sister Lucy a Brother Frank and Uncle Fred : Aunt Mary, and make me a good' boy. Amen." Then looking up, into his mother' 8 face, he said: "I suppose you noticed that yoX, weren't in i a od ni Try ol eye Remedy for ay Wekk, » Watery Bye ailFree. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chica, The Soft-Lookers. Figg--Beggars shouldn't ba choosers, you know. Fogg--Wrong, my boy. - If | were a beggar, I'd choose the easy marks too| every time. Minard's Liniment Cures Ci id? Eto. Dark | Emptiness. Aunt Liza' s former mistress was talking to het one morning, when suddenly she discovered a little ickanninny standing shyly behind is mother's skirts. "Is this your little boy. Aunt Liza?" she asked. 'Yes, Miss; dat's Prescription." 'Goodness, what a funny name, auntie, for a child! How in the world did you happen to cali him that ?" * 'Ah simply calls him dat becuz Ah has sech hahd wuk gettin' him filled."