TRED THO DOCTORS WITH NO BENEFIT Then Dr. Williams' Pink Pills! Wrought a Lasting Cure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have made! } so many remarkable oures in seri- ous cases that people are liable to overlook their value as a tonic for the blood and nerves in debility and general run-dewn conditions. That such conditions are the cause of much misery and unhappiness is fully known to those who suffer from them and the need of curing them is as vital as is relief from diseases with higher sounding names. We commend the follow- ing statement to any one suffering _ from weak, thin blood, or shatter- ed nerves. Mrs. Mae Macabe, Gleichen, Alta., says: "A few years ago I became run down, not seriously ill, but just tired and weak all the time. I consulted our family doctor, who gave me tonic after tonic with no effect. I gradu- ally got weaker and weaker until I could not do my work. Then went to another doctor, who pro- nounced my case one of decline, and recommended a warmer climate with complete rest. This I could not afford, and I began to worry and fret, until I became a complete nervous wreck. One day while visiting a neighbor an old gentle- man who was taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for partial paralysis re- commended them to me. I sent out and got three boxes, but without rgeh faith that they would help me, but before they were gone I noticed an improvement and I continued taking the Pills, con- stantly growing stronger, until I had taken seven or eight boxes, when I was completely cured. I could do my work as easily as ever I had done in my life, and the doc- tor told me that he could scarcely believe the change in me, as he had not had the least hope that I would be strong again. Now I always keep the Pills on hand and if I feel fatigued or weary take them for three or four days so as not to ,get run down.' Sold by all medicine dealers or: by mail at & eents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ------4 "What a hideous ruffian the pri- soner is," whispered the old lady at the police-court. "I feel quite | afraid when I look at him.' "Hush!"' said her husband. "That's | not the prisoner. That's the judge!" A Pill That Lightens Life.--To the man -vho is a victim of indi- gestion the transaction of business | becomes an added misery. He can- not coneentrate his mind upon his tasks and loss and vexation at- tend him. To such a man Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills offer relief. A course of treatment, accomling to directions, will convince him of their great excellence. They are! eonfidently recommended because they will do all that is claimed for, them. A good bait for a rat trap is a, paste, made of cornmeal and) eggs. Every packet of Wilson's Fly, Pads will kill more flies than can: possibly be caught on three hun- dred sheets of sticky paper. "My hair comes out in handfuls. If it keeps on I'll soon be bald Is Eaten by Poor People. ef Most European Countries. _The -- of British commis- stupid. Hundreds of "Free Trade Leag- uers" and "tariff trippers" have sought the secret of German pros- perity, and their junketings have produced deductions wonderfully expressed, as might have been ex- pected, the predilections of the vis- itors have found ample support as a consequence of the investigation. Free traders discovered that Ger- many was not prospering because af protection, and vice versa. Em- ployers of Jabor invariabiy learned that the toiling masses were poor- ly paid and worked more hours 'than at home. In fact, every in- vestigator seemed to discovers what he wished to find. Nearly every delegate published his "report" I|with the result. that England has had a plague of leaflets. Hundreds described what they believed they saw, but one tripper tersely told what he did not see, and this was the best report of the avalanche. Here is what he said of Germany: "No unemployed standing at street corners. No drunkenness or braw)- ing. No nooliganism. No slums of poverty, as in England. No dis- courtesy. No begging or hawking. No deformed persons. No land out of cultivation. No ragged children. No late trains.' The alarming discovery was made that thousands of poor subsist on horseflesh, and, to prove the hor- ror, scores of investigators brought home the public advertisements of horseflesh merchants. These pro- duced an outburst of righteous in- dignation. About a ~ hundredth part of the meat eaten in Germany lis horseflesh. It is sold openly as 'such, and it is held to be whole- some and palatable, and is rigidly companion by health officials. Pro- bably every Continental country has people who eat horseflesh on account of its cheapness (in Ger- many 1+ sells at 8 or 10 cents @ pound). Other British investigat- ors pounced upon the black bread as unfit for human beings, com- paring it detrimentally with ithe armor-coated loaves of rural Eng- land.--- Review of Reviews. | A Powerful Medicine. ---The heal- ing properties in six essential oils 'wre concentrated in every sa of {Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, forming 'one of the most beneficial Hiniments offered to the use of man. testify as to its and many lever {Thousands can power in allying pain, thousands more can certify that they owe their health to it. Its wonderful power is not expressed I by its cheapness. Public baths for dogs have been opened at Munich, in Germany. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. During the month of April, | weighing 18,081 ounces, and value at $373,295 was found in New Zea- | land. | TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulated ee Murine Doesn't Bmart--Soothes.Eye Pain. Druggists Bell Murine Eye emaiy, Liquid, 25¢, 60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in | Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books 'and Eye Advice Free by Mail. | Murine Eye mernusy Co., Chicago. "HU RRAH!" Hurrah '--the dis- THE CRY « | "Hip! Hip! 7 tinctly British ery is surprisingly Nonsense ; if itkeeps op youcan jodern. The "Hip! and the never be bald.' "Hurrah do not seem to have --_---- ome together before the nine- er T0 MOTHER R AND CHILD. teenth ceentury. In the eighteenth dior over $I VEARS by MiLiIONs of | Hip!' amounted to just "Hi!" or MOTHIKS for their HILDREN | WHILE "Hullo! while 'Hurrah!' was ROOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS thet as, |then-usually "Huzza:" It is very ALLAYS all PATS ; CURES WIND COLIC, and | Jike the Cossack shout "Ora!" but is the best remedy for DIAKRHGEA. sab solutely harniless Re sure and wk for * Mrs. it is supposed to have been a Ger- a ce ma poe. ao lake we uther | man cry of the chase, adapted by -German soldiers te war, and bor- QUITE "TRUE. rowed from them by the British, perhaps first of all at the time of "Worry wears ont more people the Thirty Years' War. '*Hurra!"' than work does," said the ready- js said to have been the battle-cry made philosspher. "Of course it of the Prussians in the War of Lib- fees,' replied Mr. Growcher: 'for eration (1812-18). Still, the curious the simple reason that so many of fact that seventeenth and 'eight- as would rather put in our time worrying about work than doing Ye 79 = it. F pos KIDNEY. PILLS ny \\ \~" ~~ KIDNEY ccf, maT! sp ats eenth eentury writers call "Huz- yalua sailors' shout lends support te the conjecture that it may really have been the hoisting cry, "His- sal' . HAD NO CHANCE. A husband was being arraigned in court in a suit brought by his wife for cruelty. "T understand, sir," said coun- sel, addressing tho husband, "that one of the indignities you have showered upon your wife is that Fou have not spoken to her for three years. .Is that so?" oye aa," quickly answered the husband. "Well, eir," -thundered the sounse), "why didn't you speak to hev.: may 1 ask?' "'Bimply," replied the -husband, "lbecause I_didn't want to inter- Frupt, her." Case dismissed. Globetrotter--"You say this is a healthy climate, but look at your graveyard. It's full of graves.' Cowboy--"That ain't got nothin' to do with the climate. None o' them fellers died a natural death." A Safe Pill for Suffering Women. --The secluded life of women which permits of little ren, exercise, is a fruitful cause of rangements of the pains and lassitude that so many .* them experience. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will correct irre- gularities of the digestive organs and restore health and vigor. The most delicate woman can use them with safety, because their action, while effective, is mild and sooth- ing. Mrs. Dunnit--'How did you make your husband~ cut off his beard?" Mrs. Stoppit--"I gave him a diamond scearf-pin for a birthday present." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. "Mamma, mayn't I go to the fancy dress ball as a milkmaid?' "You are too small.' "Well, can't I be a condensed milkmaid Peevish, pale, 'restless, and sickly children owe their "condition to worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator will relieve them and restore health. The way out of trouble is rough- er than the 2 in. Minard's Liniment cures Colds, Etc. HIS BIT OF LUCK. After suffering a roaring tooth- ache for fourteen days, Tommy consented to visit, the dentist's. _ "But he'l! kill me!" asserted the nervous youngster on the verge of tears. 'I know he'll kill me!" gold But it was a case of choosing be- tween two evils. | He went with his nurse, and when he returned, greeted hig, Another | beamingly. | "Not dead ?" bantered mamma. "No," answered Tommy; "'cos i before tho dentist killed me the toof came out!"' A BIT TOO BAD. "You look very tired,"? remarked James to his friend Pilson. "I'm nearly dead,' replied the tired one. "Last night I didn't get a wink of sleep because Johnson's eat was howling so." "'Couldn't you do anything?" "Wait. I got up, opened my window, and heaved a boot at the cat, just as Johnson came out to bring the cat in." "Wasn't that all right?' "No. The boot hit Johnson, and he threw it back over the wall and broke my cucumber frames. But that wasn't the worst." "What happened then?' "Why, he went back indoors and pr left the cat howling away outside! ("That's ) Good"' Is often said of Post Toasties when eaten with ercam or rich milk and a sprinkle of sugar. That's the one for bouse- keepers who want to please the whole family. Post Toasties are ready to serve direct from the package-- Convenient Economical Delicious "The Memory Lingers" SOLD BY GROCERS. 'Canadian Pestym Cereal Company,. Limited, stomach and i liver and is accountable for the | operating COULDN'T BELIEVE HIM. Bill was a Far West cowbdy, and noted for his craftiness. It was im- possible to trust him. He got fin- ally 'nto the toils of the law, and at his trial he pleaded guilty. He did well, for the case against was strong and irrefutable. Nevertheless, the jury in its ver- dict declared him innocent. The Judge was thunderstruck. "Innocent !" he said. 'Innocent! But the man himseif pleads guil- t 'We know that," said ithe fore- man of the jury, "but he is such a liar that we can't believe him !" Very many persons die annually Siow cholera and kindred summer saved if proper-remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay mn getting a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial, the me- dicine that never fails to effect a! cure. Those who have used it say t acts promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease. "Don't mope around the house, Tommy. Why don't you go and play with Willie?' "'CosI played with Willie yesterday, and I don't suppose he's well enough yet." Minard's Liniment Co. Limited. Linemen tT hav used MINARD'S IMENT - my Tessel end | 2 my fam- fly for years, and f day ills and 4 eccidenta of life T consider t has no would not start o: ithout it, ri it cost ra dolias a be tHe act = A rs. Schr, "Storke," Bt. Andre, Kamouras Mrs. Hay--"Is your daughter happily married?' {rs. Bee-- "Thank goodness, yes! Her hus- band is scared to death of her." Corns and warts disappear wnen treated with Holloway's Corn Cure without leaving a scar. Minard"s Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. Johnny--"Tho camel can go eight days without water." Freddy --"So could I if ma would let me." complaints, who might have been|: your Teed be Vigorous Health = oP digestive { uloes which are Iackin eagenier Sgn cereus ceniee con sinew. red blood and active at your druggist's or from - 3 ss theaioplo Sy patel Pee Sie ee praeete the fut | dod pleasure--comes only with meat of Agriculture of Onter Infirm ONTARIO VETERINARY C COLLEGE Temperance Street, Toronto Affiliated with the Veiverst? of kobe) Pay 4 the contr or Bisp Animals at the Goliuge: Depart COLLEGE RE-OPENS. "OCTOBER 2nd. i911, N.B.--Calendar on application. . E. A. A. GRANGE, V.S., During last year 476,083 aliens ar- rived in Great Britain. The destruction of the house fly is a public duty. Almost every American State Board of Health is carrying on a crusade against him. His filthy origin and habits, and the fact that his body is gen- erally Jaden with disease-produc- ing germs, makes him one of the greatest enemies of the humaa race If the housekeepers of Can- ada will persistently, this peril would be tremendously reduced. C' by our ome treatment. rite efore th late. Dr. \ Medical Co. Limited, Wie es inet On oe. TUMORS, LUMPS, etc. In- tern x . cured without e mone mekers. ply cul ae Ottaw ree Gr tenees 7 FREE. ._ Genet Fices yp ators at a kinds tted ma. Bend measure ment. Glasses ied VA Write to-day ri ongtee sold first-class. d drug tores Dr. Rellman. Collinewond Ont CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Oan be done perfectly by our French British Amerioan Dyaing Co. Montreal, Toronto, O:tawa and Quebec. The Heart ofa Planoisthe Action. Insist on tho "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action M.S., Principal, FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. F oe want to sell a farm, consult | igs = want to buy a farm, consult | BA AVE --, of the best "Fruit, Stock, ain Dates Farms in Ontario, ae piel "righ H Ww, DA SON, _ ar Colborne e Street, hosed = use Wilson's Fly Pads| th SKAT Hence the ere risk, realise how much of life they have wast- Better write COMMISSION- RADE, Saskatoon, Sae- katchewan, Western Canada. ACENTS WANTED. oT WANTED.--A study of other ency nV roRot itions couvinces us that Stee ca al ours. You will al. ways regret tt Set don't apply for Particulars ravellers' Dept, 228 Albert 8t., Ottaw MISCELLANEOUS. AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto. I UMBER, interior trim, doors, flooring, 4 eash. Price quo at your statian ol i large orders. P. W. T. Boss, Toro: CTE GLASS AT HOME.--Our new Devil" Glass Cutter cuts wired 4 a? es enoks window y 46 "Benoit St, pee aid for prompt return; you, McDuff & Street, Venran 1. oe . E. Potter Saentreal: & Co., WANTED--Highest prices poultry, eggs, rabbits; get price list; it will pay Co., 776 St. Dominique pe BACHE EBT, Fort able or rw heavy, Lathe ike ohing Mills, Engines and Boilers, Mill Euvol 'wll The Manufac -- ng Lid, Weat Street, Hriltia, Onta TON SCALE GUARANTEED. dearly if Scale Worke, 9 Esplanade, Toron Toronto, Aug. 7 was a happy suggestion for t consumer of bread which was made to Mark Bredin, of Toronto, some time ago, which suggestion, taking root, has, with the co-operation and financial assistance of Mr. Cawthra Mulock, resulted in the formation of the Canada Bread Company, Limited. It was only to be expected that sooner or later scientific and sami- tary methods would be adopted in the manufacture of the most essen- tial article in the diet of the na- tion, namely, bread. When one considers the enormous improve- ments which have been made dur- ing the past decade in nearly every branch of industry, he is simply jastounded'that such an important industry as that of the manufacture of bread should so long have beem neglected. In the iron industry, the textile industry, and in scores of other industries there bas been introduced during the past few years specialization and standard- ization. Economics have been ef- fected either through the merging of various interests in such a man- ner as to distribute operating costs over an enormously larger output than previously, or by various me- thods which the pressure of com- petition. or the strenuous meithods of modern life have brought about It would almost seem as though the only business to be neglected was the most important and basic industry of all, namely, tWat of the manufacture of bread. LARGE CAPITAL REQUIRED. That success would attend the efforts of anyone having the capi- tal and the courage to adopt mod- ern methods im the conduct of the bread industry was a foregone con- clusion, hut for some reason. or other. although the idea had fre- guently been discussed and several efforts were made towards the end: referred to. all of these came to nought until Cawthra Mulock, co- with Mark Bredin and of 50,000,000 Loaves. Financial Position. (Special).--It other enterprising bread manu- facturers, devised a plan to bring together several of the largest and most up-to-date plants in the city of Toronto. In order to get the full advantages for the purchasing department, it was advisable to bring in also as many of the busi- nesses in other cities as were ac- ceptable, the result being that a large Montreal bakery and a large Winnipeg bakery were included. COMPANY IN STRONG POSITION. - The Canada Bread Company starts with an enormous advantage over any other business of a simi- lar character in the Dominion of Canada. At the outset is its enormous requirements, and the advantages which will result in the purchasing department. In a-busi- ness which expects to shortly con- sume such enormous quantities as 520,000 bags of flour, 364,000 pounds cach of compressed yeast and malt extract, and 572,000 pounds each of shortening and sugar, to say no- thing of coal for fuel, readily appreciated what adivant- ages will accrue in the matter of, discounts and cost of material. It should not be forgviten, also, that the business starts with an ample capital to accomplish its financing in the most advantageous manner, After paying for the various plants which are being taken into the consolidation. $1,000,000 will re- main in the treasury of the com- pany for the carrying on of the businesa and for further, exten- sions, from time to time, to plants, as the same may be decided upon. Great as these advantages may be, they are not one whit greater than thoss whioh wil] accrue from 'the adopticn of eviemtific methods of manofactnre and from the pro- per epstematizing of deliveries. Ax' way Yeadily be tmagined, the cost of fue] ts one of the principal items In the cost bread: - Few, how- ever, who have not paid some con- & it can be, BREAD MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY ESTABLISHED ON SOUND BASIS Canada Bread Company, Limited, With Its Plants in Larger Cities of Ganada Will: Have Output of 1,000,000 Loaves Per Week, or Annual Production Company is in Strong siderable atlention to the question, will be aware of the enormous sav ing which can be effected through the use of the modern oven---one in which one batch of bread may fol- furnace, It is stated-on the best of authority that the employment of these "'continuous ovens" re- duces the cos of fuel from 15c. per barre! of flour to 8c per barrel. The prubabilities are, however, that the greatest saving of al] may be effected] in the matter of deliv- ery. It would appear that the wagons of the average small bake- shop deliver an average of 1800 or, say, 2000 loaves of bread per week. It is a certainty that the Canada Bread Company will: deliver at least an average of over 1000 loaves per week. These particulars go te show what necessity there was from the standpoint of the cunsumer for such an organization as the Canada Bread Company, and. at the same | i time, what profits there will be Weis the standpoint of the share- holder. With such econemies as referred ta above, - not &Mcult fo see that an enormous future is in. store for the Contain Bread Company. Reeause of the acloption of the late. type of machinery and most modern systems, 4t will not anly be able to sunny a better quality of bread, but the cost of preduction and devivery will 'be enormously realiced. It is the ex- pectation of the direstors that, from time to time, plants will be established tin. other centres and that the plants already taken over in the cities of Toronto. Montreal and Winnipeg wil®be added to at the earliest possible moment. The company with its existing plants and those which will be im- wediately erected in Monktreal and Winrapeg will shortly haw a week- ly output of 1,000,000 leatver. giv- ing #% an annual production ef over 50 , 000,000 ves. F f low the other without refiring the. by