12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Ocrober 7, 1960 == THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [FF RA 3-3492 A 1 Accountants 13---Gordening & Supplies 17---Money To Loan 22---Rodio Repairs 32: Articles Waonted 38--Male or Female Melp | 44---Houses, Apts. Flos A4--Houses, Apts, Flats vaLE. FRIEnLANDER, BUNTER antl] CLASSIFIED AD RATES from weet wing, sorsving sna pun |CHENES imoney 10 loan on Wisk Bork GEORGE'S BY servic, TY aerials, [ANTIQUES wopied ~ glass, ching, Wanted ! For Rent | For Rent : Murt & and paresment of se ' 3 ' - 9., A nd #51 een sed nd of your shrubs BRA evergreens kis WIEREE MHA Fi " Aston " 500 and wp. Aer silver, wig, to buy tor sash. BD) BA a atirah el Tans To £01 Accountants and suditors. Licsnsed ; on fe purchased. BHA morigsge prves d Vree estimates] 3448. or DL 55 {THREE - momed speriment, fs slleaetiyely Aeon pis wh Trustes ; : rant 25 words or les Nios complete Garden Bery Call BAY : i, Popa ud gs | Hows, private enlrance, ample parking | room wpasin kitchen eiwekniastly ' | a " plate A ui seighton, Fraser, Dryness and Muro. A 4 surrounding die IN P C / 3 free pe diy Ess, Oshan y aw Charge § avis, Oshaws Home doch trie 4 4525 or RA 37581. (COINS, semps, supplies bought and E > | Bassonshie APY ThE King Een Ld va f Pit free washer. dst dias f CONS / WILCH Ve 8 per york, Bi B1avel PIRET ond iE pr sold. Boys! Con and Blamp Blore, #4 tad oy oem £ T. BOFKm ll a ¢ INSERTIONS Lis 14 "per yard, Delivered. Special IF soreements purehsss sold. He King Street West : FOOD 2 DRUG fied Pu Aeaniplar 72 , i /E sking Inte and drvewsys. WA SWI9. | nlck and Wennick, Barristers, 3 King, SERY HEM YOU WANT ! Heel East, Ovhaws tarlo i BI 402 ¥, Fulah Bleegt East, RA 37252 ! ' bs - ; | within 7 doy the WEDGINGS snd flowering shrubs, Ex i RADIO AUTO WRECKING CO { $4,380 . $4,920 Bok CLANCY'S Ontario Accountin Car ' i opphy cellent qu esl from the nursery services for amet} asin jos RB Voggph bide ub nese Ein ne rr eis Com. MONEY 10 CAl L RA 8- 9286 Wants cors for wrecking. Ponts | Food and Drug RA 37627 Birest West, Room ed / i i Residence 'RA 3 BO nsertio i © ¥ e of orosmentsl shrub ; 9 / / 4 for sale, also scrap iron end : : ne i F Zz nee big ha BECONE floor apartment, four rooms! . . with bith, private entrance, Forced six PEME - copiained apartment, pevats IWiks or BA ST TWO, snd (hres yom RPRILRELY furnished wr weivspisned, sewly Bech wled, pear Bhs id BURAET two - heligom spartinemt, re [rigermior, stove snd Arapes. Telephone bus servies, 771 Gibbons Strest ! 1 J, we oh copbenl. KA HEHT | SHAW | Immediate possession. Phone BA|IMIABIate Possession ow. Mn | | ] | BABEMENT apartment, piivile #5 fi - ' and pe Pest mn y FURNISHER hase ins #ATLIOA d / 4 £ OL [5 3) ahi 0 . : PA 1 WOIZINGH, » a" puniie § ore Wasek Mursery, %4-mile north LOAN i Wh metals, etc bought, Open Directorate Ey ota Fats Soy Gta: AVY | monthly; ~ unburmivhed, $45, el peeountant and audio King Sts : 0 . > 2 { way No, 2 on Church Street {f ~ ! ROMNICE Saturday doy. Phone heating, bydin, build i KA 8-974 ¢ . shone Wililehs : J {THRE , oi 4 mien, COMex 32) East or § ) per ' da Phone WHIL i 20077 RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR E Dept of National THREK Foomed sell-contained ppust floors, sink, Hampion, COM ex 320 MONTEITH, MONTEVIN, RIEHL, snd gh od o I 4) 87 BLOOD ment, ground Hook privats futon BIK-s00m brick house sid §arage, kam 4 i 4 | ? . i 8 { : | ample parking. Reasonable. Apply Phone £4) 3278 Ca, Charts eountants, RA 35011 Me SODS ty ! DID YOU SEE OUR Health and Welfare | Ki eas. kh vi6m jend. Phone £4) §%04 195 Simeoe Strwet North § Asx WH 0 oA, .] o 11 CASH FOR SCRAP VUREE walernished rooms. Tented 2549 na : / ' NEW ALL GALVANIZED |! ! CASH FOR SCRA Ont | FURNISHED three : room well: comaih | eocond oor, child welcome, $90 man BH. E, DEWAR snd a 5] addition A-1 rolled, weed treated and WE BUY [ wd Aputimen oat oo HH lable Oe iy RA 39178 hd 0 i 7 " } tober 15. Phone BA A ds d Co " ilize § 4 5 . STEE MET A ATTERIES frida vi od ATR 57 be 9 4 fertilized, Field sods, low » / Fo 1 RAD ) 5 i PAPER RAGS, Ei | With graduation from a price Townline N., V4 mile 2 and 1 | RONALD VF, B, WILSON, Charieres | #5 Setwrde north of Taunton Rd, RA ( . qr | O WwW F R S Sk Ih Aceountant, shawa, Ontario HA Gi INE f ( purchased y > A I MC AT ER Pa SON . PAs Yue YO gf Ra ge in TRE 3.9986 ond OL 5.3545 | " p | ( ih ? | pleted courses in chem- reem---- resoonsible 78 In advertise Toronto, : bres room basement Pik FURNISHED Ld with Kitchen Re ith Youn tain basement spark i | | | ole, suitable for Bght housekeeping, | 0007 te pple y Oper fay university with com: |sdults, central, parking achilles, Ap lank' Phone RA soos "00 hot wal | Ply 285 King East uu uo | ONE bed Viner i 8 with Bving room snd kilchen. Apply 74 A 3.7333 308 8 istry, pharmacy, Bae. | Kiker Rusd South sites § bom Barristers ments sb o vise than in ' . 3.4497 ; 4 : 2 HUMPHREYS, B hdd, : 9 OSHAWA ACME ~ . -- 34h Sol teriology or o related | {ro RK - vuom apartment, Jil " "hl ren ow Rog Bg Be B ih REVS, Boych on, incorrect ine 0 " ol - Y ou y f _-- i wards, bethioom, North Osaws. BAL 15 oad en while {athe KW Ho ag B--Loan Wanted uetion Sale science | 57764, 167 Mill Stsuet, { hone BA 80208 tisement 2 ' ] : be K Btiees East, (| FO artcoment Cin HAU LAGE L ID. BXDK ) p | NK double room apd ne single" yoo {¥ VRhibik 0 iment In Chiistien BA § A : Bdvartis 4 YAM p | i 5 Pe Jetail id close to hospital and hus, BGM, cask 1 Fe HA 808) bithy MO B-2761 A ' y fy S180 8 ip the Tia LOAM = GRAVEL MONE ¥ | (®) | OA N 4 4 | AUC | ION SALE Biiramehts smd a! i ing privileges. 301 Kingsdaie, KA 86087 |" , iy, ¥ RA $-07¥ . 4 ; 4 J Hid id 4 FURNISHED three + room spariment, |? A Fiment. hepled, cen " THREE, wm Iw Fog apRItment, A fist. Apply" 7 Verdun Rosd vil io 8 r &: 5 mont Money ta y 3 of FiLl STONE $2,000.00 )0 ; ' DONALD BLAKE DODDS 3 ' pi " 8 ertise gh med 4 Ii g F " | ' ond applicat t Post utilities Jad Kool localion, $65 per) immediate possession. BA B1878 oh ior, 26% King Sire nh A be held 2 NEN J hate JRNIT RE Office il 8 ) month, BA B44 hi J ess RA 3 ' ' f 7] s 1 R A Eg 328 ! / / > THRED mem house at His . 4 i ' by ' ORh Rid the a ' me f : ' ¥ d : Sireet West, sil conveniences . y He pic Ls " : ; f The publishes y - npg. A imp { PROPERTY OF ast ' mare inlormation, phone BA B17 oh fons to oun. ne. | 0 epvece of oagriong mone | CROSS TOWN bo TELEVISION oo I APARTMENT t large » 8, hed py N irctly bi assmes 1 JOHN NESBITT : ' room, Kitchen eupbasrids ond | ALARTMEN Block 8 All if any inaceuracies in any « mn "0D J cou " : ink, stove and re W desired 34097 Residence, d i of Advertisement are sontelr SOD SUI | | Y y | ST. EAST 100 COLBORMNE 57 g 35 12 week) By irikereior i devire hath, pr JOSE i Po MANGAN herein ] t -- m-- ond for, privale entrance, three min |" FAR 3 ' ] fertiliz J R/ 0 4 781 OSHAWA 41---Room & Board sie walk 10 bouth GM. RA B-5217 THRE ¢ do | : 5 )/ © ON MONDAY. OCT It Wo & A MODERN, three-room apartment, pric 10 E 1 adi tract | --- ) INDA ) ) » # epirapee and hath, heavy wirin, , y B-~Building Trades ; y TW i" Col hme pris tile and hardwond, bus, close to North FOVR-s0om basement apartment types of carpentry t | LA . Women olumn Tes h ] GM. Available now, 430 Adelaide East. | ' CODE ; ) er 00M and | entlemen to y 2 on ey work, Terms srvanged, Fi 5 i 4 gas Jet sme COBY Tour-soom self-contained # MA A 4 Moor estimates. Phone KA 8.5265 { ) i J n, Auctioneer Nn .. wm p $56 monthly. Quiet couple pre ferred. 194 Church Strest, Apply hog | ON iment, in apart 35-~Employment Wanted |" 6 Wo Filinks. | Church Brest [ment builds be 19 Behools And BULLDOZING and 10 B-8612, Free est p 24 Ae rh A Brothers, 28 dilleoy pd Marke n e AP prkat Basket EXPERIENCED 1d 7 8 maker wel Ble BOWMAN, DAVIDI i § din # 0 ' - FOMATOVS p pe ' ERPETIENCE house shirts Apply 41 oe, $50 monthly oly g svallable Immediately, | Fig ola " monthly ome, On Crersr Avenue ROOM 0 d poard tor wentle.| #150 very large slorage place. BA|BIX - room alow, hear sohonl, is wan Land park, st nd refrigerator," $110 onihly. Ri Brookhin re ele. Phone MO B-4640 h ner Lm nehes packed, 38 4 LADIES leave dren with me ! tried 4 JOHN A. CAMERON f f pes J k 1 . / : 4 while you shop or work, day or eve : 4 BUNGALOW for vent on Blevenson| tor and Not hb g Si t f last ' hard p ' Apu Rensonahle Fates Phone RA BOOM | ny an mesl Road. 555 manthl Near school snd | UNFURNISHED three mom apart I A h rigs b r BA 8-082 shopping. Phone BA B-5770. | ment, Hight w 0 children, suitable ' ' fert | / } or middle ag a Lainers, ¥ " . f ' J A EXPERIENCED gil will di house. | ROOM based syuilable for two FIVE room apartment, private en! 4 ' . GREER ar CARPENTR A ) / keeping, live im. Telephone RA B | Kentiemen f HA 51088 trance and hath, all conveniences t f ] p HA | cant November very | ( OMPI f | f i SH ROOM ar ¥ QURK Kentls enh Ble ae South. Phone RA $0061 ny FLEX f Wo ma cated " dete n aia 1 ) i ' ripidaire ailabie Novem f d GENTLEMAN with own cement mixer MAF l Park Hosd North or | b GARDEN SERVICE ' five 6% would Tike work Free estimates. Fhone | Phone 1 y THREE - room apartment, new Rouss,|b. BA Ke i f [ i d ono p 0 | ee HN y : , HA 7068 ROOM ard tion wand meals inn 8 hot water, reasonable rent, | FREE rent tg October 1. Hepled four Dial HA 32 eside 1 I HA #88 RALPH y ' ambi J i en y ; . i i A ly h ring space Apply 99 Bandri Street! room apartment, kitchenette, hath and Grete. A h f A b d ' EXVERIE NOED di or children | © J | nutes (0 Four Cor sundry roim also healed store, Apart hid f A 4 w A « { ' $40 ivi pin y 0 Of A y h it ht 3 1 esl, Bowmanville, wm Ph iny hae Ot Street MODERN two = bedroom hasement |} od? ing West, Bowmanville MERS © Fi ard fie! apartment, 15 Gibbons Street Available |" ROOM ER ard 108 | Nov. 1. Adulls oF children over 18, Ap-| oh ise, wilh garage, paved 10 820m = RA B-1798 rR oh 36--Female Help Wanted sites gentle » BGM plant | piv 21 Gibbons Sireel Idrive, North ast section. Phone RA 1 WATERY ROOFING SPEC) i GENERAL housekesps wanted, good BASEMENT apartment, two rooms,| v ADDS t . . for right person. Call RA 8.5416, ROOM and hourd for two gentlemen, | finished, linen, sult business couple. MODERN twa + bedroom apartment 1 5 B ville LANDSCAPING y Wo sinkie | of Er COOKINE | two girls or gentlemen, vacant, park ve, veirigerator yer, TV autlet, \ a r ' AITRESS required for eofies shop. Appl Kit reet Bast BE. 1 Banihinwn A fads 4 Road EREIGHTON, FRASS YN PLUMBING and # iy SERVICES ' 3 vs open for discussion, Apply after Ae hi, #07 Bauthlawn Avenue 16 ya Jroniivy. Having Hea MURDOCH Ie f 5, char ¢ f p.m. Mr. McArthur, Genashs Hotel Ron PERS 4 private hath, WO | NEw six-room duplex apartment, com: | 10 or RA 8-5044 tary ¥ 1 f ' sey Veeds treated, field KR ETRTERER T cauired for Boulh | Heke Sram fdowniown. Apply 118 Al | Giotely "private, B0-minute hus service [¥ WAVE houses, apartments, snd siores 3 21---Personal Service | Anders | RO INELIIN BUFSE FORLEEA LF BOE] 2 2 also large furnished bedroom, BA 89561 (ta rent. From $40 per month and up ¢ | he # als Complete ena fa M i ) i, five-day week. [Phone hd A haard 10 adeitieman In NEAR OCVI three sooms, Wie bath, pri. (10 IAePect, call dak Api alas = by it ld | irs, alter : y Io. 444 Private Re vale enivance, Joseph Horeo, Realor | dA A : i ia §-0470 Pp 1} THOMAS M. RUNDLE, | KNOWLTON y nanik H WomAN wanted for housework, Fri oo J : : " : : . ne | - ih Whit: | vs only, Apply 81 Park Rosd South, | IV home, good bes, | gASEMENT apartment -- hres rome, |! Wa four = room, self contained apart i ments, new stove and refrigerator, fur eitor and Lid Hs I ome-conks sals continuo f tor a Cy - 1 - RA 5.6047 GARS ovr | hame-gonk I ale, in a private hath and entrance. children wel: | EEE SEU ECE RA 1.9040 or RA f J | ; J . " entre. BI : 4 South came, Also housekeoping Foam, BIB|g ois 5--Nursin Services z i ROAS T INC 4 CAPOM 1S , c / Celine or phone KA #5259 | Wah 9 I Oshawa Joy 1 AND TURKESS d { ADIES ROOM ni hoard, South district, slash | GPORE = Main Street, well sataniish (FURNISHED Foam GDAFLINENE, y ed havhershop, centrally located, sult i 4 able for other small business, KA 3-4348 0 An Aven "Opportunity" for ROOM and board for gentleman, three | alter § ! PHONE RA i 137 you. Lash in on the big Fall [en treet VRFRORS, APP APARTMENTS = TW, Tires wid fous AN 4 | 68 and Christmas Selling Season, | 1 APAFLIENES In parts pull RA B-3864 : ry fi a ida 4 ROOM and hoard in new home, ness all eanvenlences, laundry Taeilitie | I po entre ' FRANK HOAG Be an Avon Representati south GM, all conveniences, lunches | available immediately, RA 5-308 or 66 | 20PAbIe rent packed, five-day week, KA #2400 Vayne Sireel Rlrest rivate entrance, hath Fh IHReralon TV outlet ' Hght water included Warking couple preferred. RB THREE poms, unfurnished, private, {hath, sink and cupboards, parking, res RA 54057, Apply 30 Elens SOUTH J Val assam . My EN Home Landscaping vate f f Thar r ) RI WW ur neigh rheod If : " y ROOM and hoard for ladies or gentle: THREE oom apartment, private (SIX = Faom twa - slirey hans CAVE Hossland, ( eig, nil he 1, TV ser RICHARD BLACK, | ) a | ye 3 . live in Darlingon Township men, el to downtown and NGM. | hath, near South GM. Possession Og é Dn u ¢ C 25 Po ive Analy 2 in Bast & $648 oh only 854 Mali inl, ideal family home Possession Nov, bation of a» GRAVEL & SAND | Call BAR-B-QUED CHIC i--Pots & Livestock rit K; MacKean, | Abi 30 Kigin East or HA #404 toes 1. Apoly #4 Malaga Hoad I" Phone WA §170 4 at ! : \ . ONE or two rooms for one or Iwo evenings 9 niment \ AA 0 nL . 9 chi RIDNG horse we ih 328 Gilmour Street, Peler --Ro gI18, OF three - Foam ARAFLMENt, heavy NI four room apariment, private 6 0 TUCK Ro i ple LOAM RA (} 6. 6b h and IB Call A V : [42 om & Board Wanted duty' wiring, self-contained, TV outlet, | aula. or fod ok a HA eed ady, No ehil ply Lor RADORK y pay a rompt Deliver a : LoL A h 4 ARIA} N ¥ \ i al | WHITBY area--For hydra construction | couple preferred. BA 81880 Bank i 1 | $mployees. Bhone eallect Toronto, BE| FRREE rooms newly decorated Base amined a el R | I A 8 ROK ] 14-~Household Repairs 1 ; 4 Sua pi Bisa, NEED extra money? $50.00 LATHE i l ment apartment, fully ap semi-dur | DTREE Ry ha rment Apartment : ---- . LHGISTERED Dag nd p re | in apartment hullding, No ehlldre | h and mare, can easily be ear | nished, reasonable rent including hydrg 1 ' 7 Surveyors STORM windows wished, painted, pti | o Hf mos lve ein: | 43. Wanted To Rent [and water, available Oct. @0. Apply [21085 Apply 108 Wilton Road North, Mack, RA 320% Wi ' ! fth Hitt | ed by showing eur fabulous id Bloor Street East, RA 8.7418, [Apartment § WANTED garage for hoat storage In | - DONEVAN AND EISUHMAN, On| UIKB [YOUR local chimney eleaner, Chim Hane d Christmas gard git toys, tarin Land § ¥ bl RI | and I . 4 --=Radio Repairs | a | Whithy. area. MO B-5117 | THREE oom apartment, self con ! A Q I and 7 red, § lining 22 di f ok and white toy t friends and neighbours woe | LRINEA, sult couple, ane or two small Immediate occupancy, or Nov printing ¥ | ff ces vacuumed. Free esl lear hounds, two ' ¢ urna | i di ( | 4 hid is 3 if V Ei Nn ates, HA 3.2007 A) , Fadia r L 4 i OL 53031 Roy Bur exciting full y ( 4 44... Houses, Apts, Flats Elden Relcame 860 monthly, 187 1st Attractive two-bed 6G T. HORTON \ 5 $ Lidoids 8 : 4 t § i hristmas catalogue makes | | . sa tment . OO taro Land 2 4 MAKES OLD HOMES isd 4 Ag gf rg a aah Tom alt Aver 3 SH x ea jet plenty of order | For Rent THREE - room modern apartment, pri roam apartments, hollywood gl A 3 OLD Ahi ; | 143 Sims } g Ra ALY od y ' > THRES roam apartment, private | Ye entrance and bath, three minites kitches bb HABE sd { } iment six wee 0 BA I 1) N expe ¢ necessary | ta Novth GM, close to downtown sehools ped, broae V TV outlet, Whit 10 A BEAUTIFUL HOMES i tor a tres \ hath a vance, heavy duty wiring, DONALD HW, TROLLOPE, Ontario] | | timate | TV TOWE R > pies be given away tol Send ne money. Write today IV a Wang couple, clase to | 0A shopping, RA 88016 after 7 locker, hot water and parking € 5 8 u IW Inex | \ 4 homes 0 ve weeks old. Phone for samples, en approval, of paspital and Mary Street, RA 33104, | THREE room and twa «ream apart included ll Apt, 1, 309 | and Surv 6 Adelaide Avenue : | | : r A) FAINTING DECORATING byl HA fast | ments, refrigerators and stoves, Sinks 6--Optometrists , CLIFF BROWN ir home \ be 688 | 4 | ellir items and free 0 complete urnishe 0 | Ww No il BS ™ beautiful N b. tradesm interior or exterior, Roxa:| 40 ft male, one fmeale | ie Hed letel furhished roe me | and ouphanrds. close te Puplate, pri Adelaide St, W., RA 5.6604 tone work guaranteed. Frees estimates | % 4 | eatalogue Monarch Card clean, central, far dependable couple, | JHE (Co Child weleon Appl bef | f 5 8---Building Trades RAH [ | ) ( i weeks old, Phone Port ne HA 3.8810 | va ang eleame poly efore pm, or after tA 4 YU 5-26 Co, Dept, 16, 47 East Ave, | 885 Howard Street p.m ) VN PA ring \ wilt | THREEE-room ai artment pewl p: | 4 ) DOWN PAYMENT » AINTING. and paper hanging { Roa} PING, trimming, bathing, defles Hamilton hidden private | ih, new yp "stave, | FOUR mom, ground flopr apart n-- ment; heated, three:plege hath, fenced osslon 0 Hmale ik L UP T( oh h | hie na i Waubhena Kennels, RA 56431 heated, parking. South end. Abstainers . NATARLeel 018. | yard, ehildre p 4 WwW WAR D MONTHS To PAY jo ! 2 ten hi 0 05 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for 37 "Male Help Wanted RA Hide ( fied, ehildren weleomed, Available Oot PAR K\W( OD WELL DIGGI! J Carpents v work? Lot Andy] ey Homi Ve Mean, ARPLY MIS OARPENTERS required for subgon:| LARGE fourioom modern apartment, | even WoT Rete Tesiiiioa MA VINE \ 172 or RA 5.9591 Sndrew Kroonts: 389° Nessa] TT v | nterprise & In Mireel WAM [Wact work on new housing project, | nrivaie lose la downiown, marking, | ull conyentonces, Taras Jain the Va ~D ; 5 ; Street . (26--Farmer's Column Ahpiy, carn A i lage of Loskard, $50 monthly, Appre MANC R PECIA TRY 11--Business Opportunities fVINIIVRE vei and veuphal 53 Drew St : or Avenue ATTRAGTIVE (hie - room apartment, | ciate references. Hamilton's TRsuranee Wi i BY { sieved, Bee Oup materials for Te0Over {DAT Siray : 5 acren in field, (SOK reiair man Rare or fil time, | Beet level, private three-piece hath: | Servier Orane, Ontario ar phone OFonn nan, par 5 5 5 1 Wp on' 36 | sto Tigers ahsiaing R16 ™ of « " y f FINHING and HUDURE camps, rose ing, Br R. Daltor Charles Street, | (08 fust be gqualified. Apply Baron's, 486 stove, ref | Ahstainers, adult | AP R [ M J | S ps v fod 1-7312 PEAR farm stock picked up promptly, | neae Biieol South. HA 3.4263 Seite, een RA HORTA evenings OF | Got Taam uniurRished apartment A I N J 2 ) CHESTERFIF LDS reeOvVere " - ( 21.8 collect, Hampton, COltax 3.2781. |SALESMAN Ta oanva In ural Hght wiring, adults preferved, $60 a J | El I VISION Urey Fintan, COU areas af Walter tor Totenta Raw | room furnished apartment gon | manihly. Phone HA 3207 ON anper. 80 per cent gommission. Cay | tral, clean, quiet, close to hosplta \ / pay LU | a 384 Simcoe Bir J THREF room unfurnished apartment, Ni | VIC I 2) 27 --Fuel & Waod ssentinl, MO A-2850 Apply 384 Bimeoe Btrest North heavy wiring, private bath and en SAGUENAY AVENL ! A FEW men want [ apartment, complet: | trance, couple preferred. RA 34374 {ing T2--Bremmking PANTING wi asco Free ge] TY-RADIO--HIFL [hie MGR lhc al (01 aks, on, ti Shai ajonwart lh i ARIAL, AL, ONL BEI) sub Gvwom hase aeartmant %| (PARK RD. & KING ST 3 3 XPFR ] livers one RA 6-081 al earning an | B-2079 og tre f STRI mates, work guaranteed. RA 5.7748 EXPERT ERVICE toad d JR. HA : for hetter than iv AiR oe Ln 3 or 2 a a You Cr B11 : Di i" CALL | 28-~Summer Properties fy. Experience tn diveet selling helpful, | 13rge ivcirionlly * sulnped | SUREE - room ARATIeNt. private ei OPEN FOR INSPECTION 3 ~ 4 3 .) wd hut not essential. We will train you, | oo § ah je ( { 13--Gardening & Supplies FURNACF SA! ES COTTAGES, oa nomen, acres linge 30 to 0 Tenin. Rent Anpanrases Fadel Jess an, No of aon 30 ehtinien wiring, suitable for young eanple Quiet, residential street BR Tae : 4 AND SERVIC E DAY OR NIGHT cautiful K tha Lakes district, 83and sobrity impartant. ARply Box 08, | "Cail Mes. Trene Veinbergor a Ritson Road South 2. hedre¢ Apartments h live A ¢ ol nr be I | ] A {1 nl Cook For free Jn Oshawa Thnes | h A145 evenings. HA 3.7844 MODERN (hyee om apartment, Ste | out! i ¥ | toves el ) ! OSHAWA RA 8.4241 i 8, he | his kin PRODUCTION nan tar steel auto: | FRRER duplex dern four rooms. | fampletely furnished, heavy duty stove, ! ! ) {mative trim business. night shift, Apply | 6; dlity. Madavate vent. Available frape ng, olf vefrigeratar, sink and cupboards, laun \ 4 HEN oman the . ! Afax, Wiitehall 8-0440 1° Adults only. Phone Ra Ary faeilities, television antenna, use of Rents from $90 monthly | i 1oads ne R B AN p---------- NOVO hs mt | QOWM Mi 2 | phone, very cosy and warm. AbStain MA 3.3 28a~--Trailers [WANTED = liconsed mechani dor OM ors, 147 Ein Street Bast. HA 8-186 PHONE ' ° N . , | A 88 | dealership. Apply Robson Motors Lid, oNE apartment. suitable for couple 7 y IA & ANY kina of garden work by expen, | bor p ; [FOR RENT = Tent trailer by week $35 | Bowmanville Tadion oy Nontiamen. Day SATs KIven | RA 3.7273 RA 5.5787 CALL FOR ESTIMATES | rom NE rrr dates oi peas, Phone MA chi while "mother warke: Agly 18 BUCKINGHAM Cs R ES ATES -- opr 4 ub] | Elgin Street Bast MANOR 2 ep | GRANDVIEW [PRIVATE Teacher, student eounsolior Si I ( [Al 28b--Hunting | BOYS WANTED | YWRER © room apartment, share hah, | APARTMENTS OFFICE SPACE TORONTO PL 7.5211 y C 116 years' experience, hy interview only A AAPM 1€ | auiet home, couple only. 178 Athal "RQ - | SOD SUPPLIES [Act now RA 51084 ON FAMOL REDBONE ¢ hound, {hres hiter 8 pn . One and 2:hedroom Apart FOR GARAGES We specialize In A-1 fertils [HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY --~Hyton SAMPSON Hod TRE 5 Rencaan Lhone 84) FOR RINK HELP | RENTING ments, electrically equipped. RENT | | full time or ey TWO (nr DRESSMAKING and alterations. RA field sod, Prompt des [Mh Royal Academy, taliet, High RR 3 " best logation. $85 and $100 % OFF ive ¢ Oshawa and Dis [shi : --==| Boys wanting jobs as Rink $95 MONTHLY monthly, Simeae St, North ' 10 hd OF ¢ ' q trucks | IFIANG Tontons ROW shmmehoing. 3 Vv 15 WERS 29---Summer Properties Hels Na Chlidren Arena / Ap. 15; RA 8.8676 : Passenger elevator service 4-ro0m apartments, god New building, Centrally Ia COLONIAL HOMIE f al ra or con or evenly lasue " f 40. ft rostruchure For Sale Apply at Arena on Tuesday | cation, stove and fridge ) 2 Cou . Alter 3 BM, 0p Wesker A 13 a October 11th at 4:30 pm | water and heating, bamboo TWO-BEDROOM gated in dawntewn area | dancing sch sin A ad THRE » ¢ irnished | wast | d f drapes, washer and dryer r = Mader¢ en Leas o appointment call Howard Me APAR TMENT | Josgle ven! NW RA 8.8111 LILLIAN Ma Man! ance atu 0 hannal ¢ g : | Kk. Call he Those applying must be over | nn . available rabatle, pre | y t 14 years of age and be strong Saturday. Masoni b wage, trl and willing worker This | Cahe aot RA 5.64544 or ! ketont,| evening wark. Apply te )-4164. John A. J. Bolahood WILSON ROAD ns | ) on A vet . 10c and up : d . ) ) 010 ; i | x BUILDERS nese Em. Bc ond up (LEARN TO DRIVE| RA 8-8180 Jilin tid filiibintl Mr. Ron Simcoe with four Realtor NORTH AT | THE TIMES far rane ws iavoscarns |The man 361 GIBBONS ST. BTA ff, fg LA Oshawa Children's Arena | iucot AT ROSSND $105 ahs b+ 0 : ¥ g og, { ation, wil \ H. Gallaghes Mo f rakes 8. 0oms, stove, Stove, frig. washer, diver, 18' anytime ' Maynoath, Oni ---Male or Female Help| : Contagt 1 WILSON " ! y " 40-F1 . -- frig pat: ng, adult $100 living room, huge kitchen, } RA 8.1177 RA 8-0091 CHANNEL MASTER [32----Articles Wanted Wanted PHONE RA 3.2487 baléany overlooking _lovel Phone RA 3-3474 | - ~ PRESSER AT me aturday until 3 y garden wi arge eared 5 » ---- i -- D | | 1 TOWE RS WH ray 32 10 300 for canadian silver hm. HA Pn Tuturdar wh 1 iter 3 AM with lots of cupboards Nee 44a---Rooms For Rent ; ARLE d : ; k akek 1 al A -------- H---- nm bathroom. Located at 58 | . PRECAST ve i DRESSMAKING | 01 pg Aa AEA 39--Agents Wanted APARTMENTS | Lonidowne Brive on main [FLANFNER bedroom, contin 34 ain Aver floor of duplex Possession | A a @ - ! $ | ( " " MEN Pleasant autdoar work, A . ( ON( RETE work ( Ol RSF S | | 1 {ae 32 per hour No experience neces | One large, one small, elees Oct. 1. Go direct for inspec: [1igu HOVSOKOORINE VOM. © CORI RL OPENING OCT. 17 WAN | ED 300 Riener gh Ray FIVE trically equipped. For further tion or call Frank Flaslen RU. [RA Sim ne RA §5.5287 2 | 0 i veekly, M v ) Jak ise I information: Bione 3:1733 or RU 387 or [YHREE uniurnishe Yuos t ( |ORRISTMAS Card Adenia Sell Can 4 write Fank a 3005 A . tin a Pag ay rare deed | RA 5 18 | 5 or Bathurst Street, Toronto OSHAWA SUB- | | fteeting chu, ver 40 sani 'te shoots AT a LIR} yaur free album today. W. L Smith | A 8 6485 A ST! ONTRACTORS | * Chen 0 | FALL TY PERRI £5 ea BRE OFFICE SPACE |i LTH "VSTONE WORK W H All parts ¢ oh Th wid Bo ail APARTMENT AVAILABLE FOR RENT [tits beds closet whe 0A Fi A gentlemen t ! BROOKLIN' | "Wota'iase wiry [To--tmwrance | . CEDARDAL RR i vee OF FOR RENT Wal, ground floor, waiting [PERNIED, tres ro anariien RAP [BOARD and care for elderly ladies room, consulting and treats [east end. Available v ehiiden NLANTATE \ |] BAY ¥ separate roams, private home, clase tol } a | ehurches, shopping, Whithy, MO 8-436. | bedroom on Rossland Rd ment roams, suitable for ply AUR( AN personal ser "a My eall hry , ant: 1 { sician or dentist, or can be TWO furl { 5 pachelur of RA 3.7413 hw ROOMS and board i desived, close to made arty ile , aarders wanted, Bak " RAN " \ 4 3 h NGM. Apply 8% Elgin! $ cht : converted 10 business use. ing. R : he : lowatown and sires! Kas phone RA LIL] p p p articula apply PRODUCTS | Hub di & VT-saray Ye Loo SII OM LXE Se RR | | IV Su She HA & 2 Gladstone i NAN MURDOCH Avenue ROOMS and vent, with or without § Simcoe Street North \ n "| wv 5.13 | ' ten ) § . . a vl : \ Ao 3 hoa § Ring Street East, near Ri Oliver 5-3311 TEmple 9-2541 RA 5.7844 100 ANNIS STREET had By Su Bl wy hr] NINGS 48 Telephone RAndolph 3-3448 [Notn 51 pm RA §