THOUGHT FOR TODAY The average husband lays down the law to his wife and then accepts all the amendments. WEATHER REPORT Sunny today and warm. Cloud- ing over la rain, ter with a chance of Price Mot Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1960 She Oshawa Times Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Deportment, Oftowo TWENTY PAGES VOL, 89--NO. 224 Congo Troops Demand Pay LEOPOLDVILLE (CP)--Sev- equivalent of $24 a month, plus eral thousand national Congolese small living allowances. But army troops surrounded United since trouble broke out in the Nations headquarters at Stanley- Congo in early July, many of the ville Monday night and de- troops have gone without their manded their overdue pay. pay due to the administrative Some of the troops invaded the chaos, #8 [UN offices but there was no vio- Leopoldville informants said lence, according to word reach- today a UN Ghana officer had ing Leopoldville. been rebuked for providing a UN officials calmed the troops personal escort for deposed pre. with a promise that pay would mier Patrice Lumumba when be flown in from Leopoldville, jumumba left the premier's res. whose 3,000-man garrison had idence Sunday to cruise through j (previously been paid by the UN. peopoldville streets "to reassure % |Some of the money will come'the public and the military by ¢ [from Congolese funds, the rest my presence." |from the UN Col, Joseph Mobutu, 29, who i i The staloméat game from Sen LE a IR Wim a _ CAPITALIST FARE | The Congolese soldier Bets the staged a coup d'etat Sept. 14, in- | tends to call a roundtable ses- Soviet Premier Nikita S. | North American capitalists. At | to world opinion since his ad- sion of Congo political figures Krushchev glances down at glit- | right is K.'s host, Cleveland fi- dress last week to United Na- Xp orers from throughout the new repub- |? tering tableware as world's No. | nancier, Cyrus Eaton. Krush- | General Asseinbly lic. This would be part of his ef- 1 Communist had lunch in New | chev's address at luncheon was | "00S freneral Assembly, fort to get the squabbling politi- York Monday with a group of | his first formal public appeal (AP Wirephoto) eare fa cos back together ---------------------------- S------------------------------------------ -- . S--, ir orn Reuters news agency said MONTREAL (CP)--The lonely Ghanaian troops made prepara- | ® stretches of the Canadian north {jong today to pull out of the apparently have claimed the Leopoldville area, : 1€ 21 | a of © {lives of four geographers, three The transfer of the Ghana Swedish King Gustaf Adolf y y lof Jem students at Montreal's force was announced Monday by| escorted Queen Sirikit of Thai- eGi Iniversity, : Gen, Indarjit Rikhye, Indian mil-| land during a visit ¢ | Col, Patrick Baird, experi-|jtary adviser to UN Secretary- ancient th 8 » t h ° Ye J enced Arctic explorer, said Mon- General Dag Hammarskjold, He | -- egte 8 the royal eetin O a gay Hire is ad $ hope That also announced that Tunisian UN 4 | Brian ay wood and ndre Gre. ifroops would be ulled out of 4 4 nier, both 25, will be found alive, {roubled Kasai 2 poe at the Flemming Hinted Both studying for master's de. same time, F - grees in geography, they ven- | By DAVE STOCKAND In his speech, Diefenbaker of personal diplomacy, also/tured into the rugged Ungava | orestry Minister Canadian Press Staff Writer sai acceptance of "this bizarre talked at varying lengths Mon. region of Labrador July 5 to HOPALONG | SUSSEX, N.B. (CP)~Progres- Wid YORK (CP) -- Prime proposal" would reduce the UN day with: sudy Sash Jopmations. sive Conservatives of Royal con- inister Diefenbaker gets to-'to "innocuity and i ance," inate ab. Wi . An Jusximo found 1iheir canoe stituenc, F: i jo gether with President . Eisen. oculty 8 impotence President Nkrumah of Ghana, wedged between two boulders on INCAPACITY Sy pss. som) h tod: i fte RETURNS THURSDAY President Nasser of the United rapids in the Korok River 900 uy 8 ower ay in an afternoon A hi " ALPENA ho the Oct. 31 federal byelection and meeting rounding out and 'cli- Diefenbaker flew in from Of. Arab Republic, Foreign Minister|miles north of Montreal. McGill «PENA, Mich, =(AP)-- | o00" (old they bad chosen the maxing the 'Canadian leader's tawa Saturday, Present plans Golda Meir of Israel, Ceylonese sent Col, Baird, supervisor of | Gordon L, Amiott, 22, is dis. , inister of forest pi jowded Manhattan schedule call for him to head eut again tive Sir Flande |tield studies for the geography, covering that the old guns : 7 ate this afternoon for a Fo ammarskjold and President department, fo join the RCMP! singers led truly hazardous ; : co tue ainaier entered ot anos sement in Ottawa but to Frederick Boland of Ireland. 'search and he returned Monday.| lives, {ator A. J, Brooks, whose appoint- be talks heartened by initial re- return to New York Thursday for| "=" - Sut A Mh Aug. 21 his trigger finger {ment tq the Senate created the tion to his United Nations ad- Sod d of UN leall roved faster than hi d {Commons vacancy. d Monday ticking off Soviet @ repeat round ol N_deaungs, hd pro ay nan Nis ceaw 1 sal i i ress y ss] » Eis and he shot himself in the He said Prime Minister Diefen- Premier Khrushchev for, His schedule prior to the Eis- . | f in A : » emier rus : : 3 : f knee while pulling his pistol, |baker had told him he intended attempting to torpedo the United enhower engagement, in the ¥ y oe ¥ [to fill the inv Nations, president's suite at the Waldorf- This week he shoved his |'0 i oe new portiotio with a : or o gi ad. Astoria Hotel, called for a visit gun back in the holster and [an 'Wel Versec in torestry. Diefenbaker swung into his ad 'i vas of the Canadian it went off--shooting him in |The senator added: 'You have dress with wholehearted support to the offi ) € ane | Bg siosen thi 2 " of the aims set forth by Eisen. UN delegation and «a talk with rus C ev cl 1S | the calf, chosen that man tonight. hower accompanied by blistering Norwegian Foreign Minister " Senator Brooks described Mr, criticisms of Soviet demands for Lange. By JOSEPH MacSWEEN the UN afe ubappeti 4 ' | Flemming, 61-year-old lumber- oh y J Mac? ppetizing to neu- | ma as "ad rably suited' steps that would lead to a split- Also on tap was a visit to the yan ndig he Sta iter salinl © Reinga . L R b 1 man, as "admirably suited" by step. ! F Canadian Press Staff Writer |tralist countries as well as to the ' aos e e S [his experience to administer the personality UN secretariat, Diefenbaker suite at the Waldorf, Npw YORK (CP)--President Western powers. / : Eisenhower had attempted to by former US. President piconhower met today WN 10 these circumstances. . the |new government department, open the door to international Hoover, Prime Minister Macmillan to o-| (N's 15th General Assembly be. ut 0d S Mr, Flemming was New Bruns- a x , wick premier for eight years accord, he said. Khrushchev, on| An interesting point of specu- ordinate allied strategy for check- i the other hand, had attempted t0 1ation in the scheduled meeting/ing Nikita Khrushchev's anti. come d sort of Olympics of diplo-| - yiENTIANE Laos (AP)--Capt.|before the Liberal party won the : g \ . macy --- and Prime Minister yg n'3 "AYA arid NAVA. A : slam it shut, deals with a Sept, 16 announce. Western offensive in the Unite wi I v NISLer Kong Le's paratroopers have cut| provincial election last June, UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (CP) The Soviet Union proposed today that five nations . representing Asia, Africa and Latin America be brought into the East-West idsarmament talks, a resolution which would in ef- fect bring the informal 1 group under United Nations aus- pices and open the way for a new The proposal was contained in ser BROADER ARMS TALKS PROPOSED BY RUSSIA Ike-K. Meeting Urged By Nasser Edt Bcc td X 5 a ngness to enter into- t nego- tiations, "We therefore suggest," Nas. semb] arms giandard. of the United Nations, meet either by themselves or to- with whom you select ESCORTS VISITING ROYALTY round of private negotiations, those presen '| The 10 countries represénted in i order Foi Tag to the disarmament negotiations up| under the aegis of the United Na- to mow have been Britain, the|,ne rules for a new at- | d|Diefenbaker was one of the spr " 4 A a 4 or | Ng § * BPriN- | roads leading north and south of NO DEVIATION ment from Ottawa of a 'Hoover Nations, . ters, Savannakhet.. he a d quarters of type" commission to check up on. The president sat down for an Savanna » 21 ead quarters of ) Diefenbaker Joa.» pusters. idl. the efficiency and economy in hour-long breakfast meeting with After meeting India's Jawahar- right wing rebel Gen. Phoumi No- : » Canadia lie Ale N fu . sh . Mp y " ave eo wr wo S a owing the Canadian | ( the federal government, the British leader. Their foreign lal Nehru for their second lunch- savan, Premier Prince Souvanna - laration--calling on the major eon engagement in two days, he Phouma indicated today. ' Hoover carried out a similar policy chiefs, State Secretary powers to get back on the path sr and Lord Home, Planned to confer with Eisen. The paratroopers, who are of fruitful negotiation--that it is kind of inquiry in the U.S, sev. Christian H too early yet to determine the eral years ago, future Soviet course. lig. LUNCH WITH NEHRU je Soted te wis Do indies: Diefenbaker plans for lunch! In the first meeting of the Hen om SH RE art of called for another meeting with Western Big Two since Khrush- slovakia and Albania -- pa Prime Minister Nehru of India. chev scuttled the Summit confer For hel to attack Savannakhet; Souvanna erhaps the least of the activ. gaid their object is to contact ity was aking Pine ¢ on the As pro-Phoumi forces and the rural IE Eg) Sy Jot 'urts 8 ic igh! sembly floor, World leaders of : » area & yin|War baby -¢ 4 the Iron Curtain sandwich ini" myo two leaders met twice ence last May, Macmillan and ly floor, World leaders of all population in the area and win FET - » in Canada's labor force which Diefenbaker spoke--of the A IN| Ricent political complexions were meet-| them over to Souvanna's govern. 'ncrease in Lanadas fa ! y i Monday -- once, briefly, at UN Eisenhower were again con- EE 9 : bosing the problem of successful slightest deviation from the line yo. quarters and again as lunch- fronted by an ultimatum from 8 Privately here and in various ment. posing I gL 4) adqua § AF4n 4 \ y W y New York hotels. Military sources said only a absorption, Deputy Trade Minis-| laid down by Khrushchev. ; ¢ ' sts of Prime Minister the Soviet premier, ' : + Tarps ota 2B fay hay ymanding . eon gues The ih if vin . te ron 9 P .[ter James A. Roberts said today. Khrushchev is demanding sub Macmillan, There were indications that. The Assembly's stamina was token force of troops was in | stitution of a three man body for snbaker. in 2 , Chi hey' re: vine tested Monday night in a record] volved. | The impact will fall on the the post now held by ceretary Diefe nbaker, a2 busy _Wwhirl Khrushe hev S moves Myolving 4% hour speech by Cuban Pre- m ------------------------------------------ manufacturing and trades and Ganetal Dag Hammarsj # mier Fidel Castro N 7 P . services industries Which he the the Soviet view, one member C 'eee Ca¥ at Hons main employers now, he to he should Teplestul we, Communist astro S oe ch | Castro, Se sdf i man . . remier [provincial governments' trade bioe, a gecond he i aster pow {his bearded visage nd hurled . anc incus ry COUN. has ers and a third the neutralist defiance at U.S. monopolies and oming 0 In the light of such shifting nations. : trusts which he blamed for many conditions, it was possible in the of Cuba's ills, He termed the two| WELLINGTON, N.Z. (AP)--|immediate future that the gov-| ------ -------- . 1 [I n th Weak aspirants for the U.S, presidency Prime Minister Walter Nash left ernment might have to 'go be- |, 1 e ' little better than blockheads. |today for the UN General As. yond our present activities and The revolutionary premier, as sembly meeting after announcing|Within given policy decisions in- litiate new programs that will usual. wearing his battle fatigues, his trip was due to the "grossly 1 i help strengthen Canadian in- Editor's note :Robert Ber- marks were not, He jabbed the ;ioq' charges of oppression unjust, violent and damaging at. rellez has reported daily on [air with his fingers and went into |, t the U.S. On worl iid bag nt secretary-General Dag Fidel Castro throughout the [the familiar sawing gesture swith against the U.S, On wor d issues, tacks" on Secretary-Genera ap! romp titive." $ L ; he sided with Algerian rebels|Hammarskjold. pe! h In Russian bearded revolutlonary's re- [both arms, But it was like a..." prance He also con Because of the "vital impor-| Mr. Robert's remarks were 3 fine snug has Fir with Symphony Srcapstra Sumiuetor demned the methods of the UN tance of the assembly meeting contained in a text of his address Ir Ias Stes a an e E32 Sung 4 \ in the Congo--the crisis which/for the UN organization as ajissued to the press before .de- There was perhaps another fac- : xa "oN 3 i oro vas Jerk aps Botha) Fi started the Soviet union's at- whole, Nash told Parliament, livery. Zealand delegation, NA, Austria (CP) of Persons Sica in the UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) The reception he has received in Dag Hatin crash ol an | ustrian . iscoun alr 1 was a relatively subdued Fidel New York so far, including in Rani i liner Real Th Irport Mon- Castro who addressed the United Harlem, has been far under what day nig! t, the Austrian DeWsS Nations General Assembly Mon- he probably anticipated ageiey said today 1% day. There is a noticeable difference He agency shi Bibi Papi The 4%-hour blast against the in the Castro of today and the poi a i hd ae United States lacked much of the one Who came lo the United They ok three military t usual fire Sates on April, ly. f that 3 ee 0 y we 'oe ilitary a - 4 ! » sole instance 2 taches--iwo American and. ont : The Cuban revolutionary chief: Cate to tr No Russian Spaceman Yet French--and two Austrian civil tain Rover reached the towering, question him, he appeared ill at LONDON (AP) Moscow radio broadcasts today were ians, Jn ol in n sage that SOMES oes ease and restless. dominated by the "'day-in-the-history of-the-world" theme. But e ove The injured included two assis pT he a fi opens up agains - - . ihe hours wore on with no announcement of a Soviet man in 3 s speeche: " tant military attaches of the U.S. [he United States In his speeches t Space, which any Western observers had eppected. TRC | MONTREAL (CP)--Bailiffs lo. Embassy in Moscow, air force =. F I D I S "day" project's idea was to product a collection of snapshot. |q.y were to start supervising the| Jab Be wots Vani To, ae dis) HH G8 TOY Foor of cyerday ie amyl vee, ori, The niet remove of 200 lon of Shue ton, N.C., and army Maj. Willis R Bt 8 0 F 11 repeals a simiair undertaking carried 0 der the edilor- |i,ral steel from the tense, strike- H. Knipe of Kokomo, Ind delegates -- did not respond as oresters a 27, bound Dominion Bridge Company| | plant in suburban Lachine. A court order to have the steel | l ship of the novelist Maxim Gorky 25 years ago on Sept. 27, Wooten's wife told newspaperdg Uban audiences do may have! STRATFORD (CP) -- Damage 1995. men after a visit to her husband) >€eh a factor. Castro thrives on oiimateq at more than $80,000 in the hospital that he was "not a big cheering section was caused early this morning Canada Pharmacal Co. Sold {removed was one of several filed! too badly off." Knipe suffered! There were perceptible halts in when fire destroyed the 80-year | LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Canada Pharmacal Company Limited |or anticipated in connection with| burns. his oratory when he gave the old Ancient Order of Foresters| has been sold to a group of employees headed by Harold [the strike by the United Steel- | impression he was waiting for the hyilding and damaged two ad-| Cornish, G, Ernest Halpenny announced today Mr. Halpenny, |workers of America (CLC). Havana : a y ext § hs i i in the basement and spread| next six months, The company filed a petition his audience contained people unoccupied floors above. The, KINGSTON (CP) -- Etienne Roussel, 30, escaped from [600 strikers milled about the If thepexplosiveness was lack. printing plant and Adam's furni-| ign Fevelationaty c ha DLS joining buildings member of Parliament for London, has been owner of the firm A 'union meeting was scheduled] CITY EMERGENCY Wat punctuate his speeches in phe fire apparently broke out| since 1948. He. will continue in an advisory capacity for the [gor today, its purpose undisclosed. OTHER POSSIBILITY through the Drama Restaurant il E Gi v [for a temporary injunction to He also might have been aware 00 the main floor and the twe Joycevi le scapee Lives Up |limit picketing immediately after a x POLICE RA 5-1133 whom he considered unfriendly, Stratford Beacon - Herald jo b| Joyceville Penitentiary Farm at noon Monday but gave him- [plants gates Monday when 25 of FIRE DEPT. RA 56574 a ! self up five hours later at the deputy warden's residence. [the 1358 strikers tried to answer] Ip A 2.99 ing, the usual mannerisms he ture store suffered smoke and| Roussel, of Edmundston, N.B., is serving a three-year term [an appeal to return to work. A HOSPITAL RA 3.2211 employs to dramatize his re-| water damage. for robbery with violence in Toronto. hearing was set for Sept. 28, | i [ » were to be called in to join the hower before returning to Ottawa loyal to Souvanna's neutralist| . 4 session later late today, government I Vienijane, are be- W 11 N I THE FIRS of Lor lieved to lack sufficient strength| 1 Oop (0) S IN THE FIRST .., para 2 dI-9 ypprinGgs UNDER WAY y ol Strike-Bound | | United States, France, Canada, toward disa t." and Ttaly for the: West. ang the) omivs towatd disarmament. Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Czecho:| UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (CP) slovakia, Poland and Romania, President t Nuswe r of the United for hte East, ra proposed today | This group was set up by agree-|that the UN General Assembly ment between the big powers and| recommend that President Eisen later endorsed by the general as- hower and Premier Khrushchev sembly last year. It was not a meet face fo face in a new at- UN organ, although it met at the|tempt on disarmament. UN's European headquarters in| Geneva and the UN secretariat) appointed an observer. | The Soviet Union walked out of| Nid u 0 the Geneva falks last summer| i i 1 {and announced it was bringing palace in Drottningholm, Swe- (the whole arms issue to the as- den, The Thai king and queen | sembly, nsurance were on a state visit to Sweden In a policy speech to the 96-na- yo and Norway, tion assembly, the U.A.R. presi- --AP Wirephoto |dent said the delegates had al- Pl So ht an doug . [] Capitalist, Red JOM Cetin ' property-damage coverage under . Ontario's Unsatisfied Judgment : Fund was recommended today alk Big Business > viniise | eration. | NEW YORK (AP) -- Soviet ists and others" as Eaton de-| A brief to the Ontario select Premier Khrushchev, dining off | scribed Hier ationded She well- on au insur- plates a cal Juncheon. in a § mitee on. ane otal | arists, Ray oy that if the ei rod grand ballroom at the Bilt. ance "presen tion [powers disarm and disband their more Hotel, President E, H. S. Piper also |armies he would accept any The guests, many of whom! suggested that ipsurance compan- arma soutrol anyate piven. wished to Xemain AUonymous, ies rather than the government 'he Kremlin boss said he fay- ate consomme with egg custard) ors strict international control of drops, filet of beef with truffle be allowed to. administer and fi disarmament, but, he added: sauce and frozen fresh straw- nance the fund, "We are demanding disarma. berries flavored with rum. White| Another recommendation was ment precisely under control, @nd red wines were served. {ox 3 Jay ok oud 0 decile and not control over arma- whether sus i ments," GOLD PLATE USED itt {have their operators' licences re- Khrushchev made his remarks a, Lae a or turned. 4 at a dazzling luncheon given ido "aon ("the butter knives. | The brief advised that savings Monday by Cyrus Eaton, the Pp Ake '|gained by the abolition of prop- Cleveland financier and industri- It was Khrushchev's first for-erty damage coverage be used to alist Eaton was born in Pug- mal vddress glue Bs United Na- inersase versousl Jabitay lifuits wash, N.S. " : . to ' nclusive from A About 200 American and Cana-| "Indeed," the boss of world for one and $20,000 for two per- dian businessmen--plus a cross- communism told the luncheon, sons, section of '"'scientis education. control over armaments does | Mr, Piper said the property- - ee | not lessen the danger of a sudden 4,200 provisions in the fund outbreak of war. Control over| 4 : armaments is fruitless in the, ere unnecessary and expensive economic sense of the word, ausince mos; people had other in- well, since it does not alleviate ® ge. the burden of the arms race| If these provisions were re- which, in its entirety, lies on the moved, ins urance companies shoulders of the nations." would be willing to operate the The Soviet premier said his fund on a Joint basis with the | primary purpose in coming to the companies paying the costs. nology, he noted that 14-per-cent| UN was to achieve progress on The ACIF represents 220 auto- more workers were in industry | disarmament "in order to rid the mobile, fire and casualty insur in the period 1950-59 and employ-| peoples of the fear of a third ance companies. ment in trade and service sin-| world war." The brief also suggested that Sreaved by 48 per cent in that| «1 say this" he said: "Let us "innocent victims" of automobile The pe 3 | ABT the necessity to reach accidents not be required to pay There seems to be a shift in agree on " : : . : emphasis foday on the planners' agreement on disarmament, and hospital benefits jiiom the insur- approach to industrial develop- after that you are welcome to put, ance money received. ment in Canada, Mr, Roberts jorward your own proposals for It called for a safety responsi. sald. More attention now seemed control and I am sore that it bility law such as is in operation forthcoming on broadening exist. ~ ' ig in all other provinces except ing industry rather than attract- Will be very easy to find com- prince Edward Island and Que- ing new ones. | mon language." |bec, dustry and assist it to be more || By ROBERT BERRELLEZ n't or . , tacks against Secretary-General the cabinet decided he should] Dealing with Canada's indus. | n ure to blast off in usual style, dag Hammarskjold and the UN take over leadership of the New trial growth and modern tech. | AMATEUR MONTREAL - LONGSHORMEN Three office workers of the | Noun vessd Yealisn pita | he Suck Decause wo! a Sispute fre ' its arrival in Montreal Harbor, etween them and a local steve- Home Lines' Montreal office | They were replacing longshore- | doring firm. lend a hand to help moor the | men who were not working on | . --CP Wirephoto r EL rl