etry, the examination of eves, nontael 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 19, 1940 aim THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS BAM. to 5PM MONDAY te FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 J Accountants WE. DEWAR sed Co, Aweoumanis | CLASSIFIED AD RATES anid Auditors, Cedar Glen Bigg. 11 Op toric Street, Oshaws, Oviedo. BA "w wird AR etd % . L 1. HOVEINS AND COMPANY, ' COP JIVE a Publis Accoumtants, 172 kley INSERTIONS 116 Birnet East, Oshawn, Optario. RBA} 8 CONSECUTIVE 53 INSERT IO VALE, FRIEDLANDER, WUNTER and " net pei ] Sor Co, secmintanis and auditors, Licsnesd dd / of MA Trustee in Bankruplsy, MM King Slreet Abe 1018S HY East, Osnaws LL ¥s Ai FV. vader tor eerie Friediander, B Comm Ev id 1616s J ater Qote constitiuies § new origi inal BOB CLANCY'S Ontarie Accounting} sraer Services olier complete Bookkesping Vrotessional ond Bisiness listing services for small tusinese. 184 Bond} 8760 per month for 3 lines oly Birest West, Room 1. Office RA 5-097 Easy edditionsl fine $100 Residence, HA 3760 month " 0 vitio! letter, eborevietion, RONALD F. DB, WIAGN, Crariered | , S060 Inilicl iahier, aborevians Acoouniast, Owmsws, Onigrio. RA | § 604 6 sign, figure ni word, Box charge iting Ml Classified Advertisements MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEBRL, snd § MUST be in by 8 Co., Chartered Accountants, RA 898527. 1 fore oublication L95 Bimeos Birest North; Asx WH 5.5 of day 8-12 vm a REGU tA LON rem risters The Oshawa Times shal HUMPHREYS chyn and Hillman, | ments submit otherwise than In arvisiers, Solicitors BH Hur writing, or for mors then phreve, QC; G8. Boyehyn, BA: W, A ne neariion of ony adver Willman, LLB; Wi King Steet Fast tisemen nor yond the Phones: Office BA 51177; Kes. RA} chargs for a singles insertion $4604 or Whithy MO 82761. RA 552 the ad ement In which Money 10 losn occurs, And else reserve the right JOHN A CAMERON, barvisier lie f or and Notary Publis, 18% King Strest w 7] Ka HA Sum. NHA and private } aid ¢ * f CI os GREER and Kelly ers, 80) f 3 oct ors, Bir Sireet' South Fra oF 2 Dial KA 42278. Renidence phones, J, M ' 3 dvartisis Gre iA dab; Terwnce V pa Kelly, PA, BCL, RA BOR32 ire J : y BALFM JONES, BA id Thos H 4 3 amen! ' ontagined Greer, Associate Barristers and So there Hors HW King Street Fast, RA BA24 Mortgage loans sveilahle La GuUntE 6s 8 185p0n8ihIe "for errors In advertises dane. Free estimpte ng of your sheubs for compleis Garden BA408. Oshaws Home STONE FLA WOCKERY OSHAWA HAULAC 0)/ OREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, B slers, Boligit 8---Building Trades wry Public, Bank of Commerce B 15. { Bimooe biyes oh; TK reighton, Qf QC GK Deynan, 6, | NHA w goper arranged MANNING ¥ AWARTY Barrister Solicitor, Notary. Monsy to loan, Asso cite, Hruce V. Macks BA, Hem Block, 20% King Birest Fast, BA 3460 Residence, dial HA 3-400 SEPTIC TANKS 108E FH 4 MANGAN, QC, Biarrstes SIDEWALK SLABS Wi ' King Mireer "East, Oshaws, HA 8.823 COLORED PATIO enidence, RA 5M f " DURA TES DONALD BLAKS Pobbns Barriste { itor, Wks Wing Mireet Fs CURBIN F'elephon Busines HA 22001. Rest NELL it f £7. SALMEKs, BA, b Ih Bimeoe treet hi Es RE BROOKLIN De LNA ins as sr PRODUCTS Helaiinon And PASTE ad ArH ol J LIMI 1 f n $1,500 fia Wein' 4 QLLiver 5-331 Edgar ¥. B do, Ge THOMAS M RUNDLE Darrister, » GENERAI fing, all kin or and Not bij ive King 8, wondwork, maser hone RA B76 H : ---- ALL [ S--~=Nursing Services " ys, renin oe # t fi i, Gordey SOUTH WAVEN Nursing Home, New castle, Ontario. Private and semi pri Ab) Bid a Mit vale accommodation now available for | ¥hone H Haro Ll) Rar! hed patients, Reasonable rates, |M! ¥ enting : at engine siding, TV, lounge TEAL, # GW WOOK RO, optometrial. Ploase | ANI Kinds of Bulding ane pay accounts at downtown Dominion I bo Blo amORt WO Bank or 74 Burk Street Invalides ex amined at home, Dial RA 5-458 3 NG specialist RICHARD BLACK, Dr of Oplem. WATERFEOOFING si Wi sor € \ MO B2804 enses, 138 Bimeoe North (at Colhorse) evenings bh ------------------ wo (MO 85610. Free sslimates T 7 -=Surveyors Brothers, 38 Hilloaurt Drive, Whithy TF. HORTON and Associates, On dla gl PEELE TED VEENHOF ing t Whithy, MO 8.3081, Afax 728 DONALD WH TROLLOR Ontnrie wi GIN Land Surve Adelaide Avenue Al AN East, RA 5-686 BENIN DONEVAN AND FLEIRCHMAN, On COMPRE R WORF tario Land Surveyor, commercial blue printing, 19 Bloor Street East, RA $081 RA 8-3864 & Neweastle A441, Visors [Ary p ney work appointment, Write Appointment. RA 34101 y ut LEDOZING and excavating 8--Building Trades 11--Business Opportunities GENERAL sTONE a8 Pum DODD & SOUTER er plant, In small village in Feterbor PAINT---WALLPARER four + pigs hathraom, Appraximatel PAINTIP & DECORATINC he acre land. F Pri J Must INTRACTOR ell, WW-health. Far particulars HA 6-426 Ire fimates all . DAYS MO 8.5231 |Last I fo aah by ENING 8.74 NOPPIRG Pla Oshaws. Congest kv E i iG RA Hi A2¢ Hered 0 ald new husiness MeNell / Byron St. 5, Whitby HA 5.0008 or MO #59 - ATORE for rent, area space NORTHEX GRADINC G, asking § onthl area 498 Albe Mires! HA AND EXCAVATINC FISHING and Hunting eamy odges, lakeshore land for earth-m ¢ nen resta ANS sorvipe Lares, is DOGIMIBE KRawarnt ALL FOR ESTIMATES IN y Write for free plots TORONTO PL 7.5211 id GARAGE OLONIAL HOME! ANY king of garden work by © Ohahiv ¢ RA B15 We Riverside 12--Dressmaking DHESSMAKING and alterations i BOA A 84614 PLANT NOW! BUILDER Ceramic tiled bathroom ug ¢ ed and fixed npiete UA f with . fou fitting Large lor ange al Firgt POTTED MUM ' ass trades Phone 5 CACY RAR 1177 VAN BELLE et oHARD GARDENS MACHINE HIGHWAY W . MA 3 : PECIALIZING IN 30" TILE BOWMAN t WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563--MO 8.3809 LANDSCAPIN( 204 CHESTNUT ST. W PI BOX 3 SERVICES CLIFF BROWN Cl ane yh GRAVEL & SAND Rima LOAM " RA k Ph Prompt Delivery BY OSHAWA RA 8-8951 GARDEN SERVICE LANDSCAPING QUIKBRIK | scars i w RA 3.32 THE PLASTERED BRICK | LOAM MAKES OLD HOUSE BEAUTIFUL HOMES GRAVEL - SAND straps i RASS Cooks hmited 1 3--Gardening & Supplies GRANDVIEW SOD SUPPLIES COMPLETE GARDEN SEI | GRAVE! VALLEY FA} TEmple 9-254] Y4--Household Repairs CHEATERFIELDA robul ke new Wh Mattresses 0 0s 30 Bond "JCALL Jos, RA i" | painting and handy mac CHESTERFINLD i ered Ke Maden Uj . Al PAINTING DECORATING lesmar tone work guaranties ¥r RA #1 PLUMBING anu tings, fixture ing from ally, In ¢ Informatie type of pl Dial PROFESSIONAL Guaran erin Al Cor HA PAINTING and 0 v work nteod FURNITURY tered. See our ny. Br n RA 472 YOU'LL i Call RA TET FURNACH AND SERVICE AM RA 5 5098 15--=Instruction PIANO Je PIANO { A } Burk Steel, Oshawa, D VIOLIN Yueh t A O RMT. 1 HA BARVEY DANCE AUADEMY Tap, R A land. Register now. 434 King wld PRIVATE W 16 years' experience \¢t now. RA PRIVATE stud \ RA LILLIAN NM \ } LEARN TO DRIVE At the O Ww 16--Insurance ALLATATY \ HA 17.--~Money To Loan WE HAVE al ; ¥ I CLIENT . \ FiRsy ; nick H "esl Eas, RA +730 13--Gardening & Supplies HEN manure, Worse manure. Two yaid dd 17--~Money To Loan 22--Radio Repairs COINS, sam Al id Rh CEDAR (ress for hednes to live, Any wie. Deli SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT DAY OR NIGHT | T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8- 5286 FOR weed killing, spraying MONEY ro LOAN UL #1 pes 0 per yard, Delivers N. Tulsk PATIO STC AG STO! SAMPSON TV TOWERS OSHAWA GARDEN SERVIC RA 3.3222 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY MONEY TO pletely Installed end gueron RA 88180 OSHAWA TV Z3--Women"s Column RA 3-3528 SEABOARD 160 Mortgage 8 26~~Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock pleked up promptl 27--Fuel & Wood | El ECTROLYSIS a Prop rte T21-=Personal Service 29---Summer Properties 30--Lost & Found 32--Articles Wanted AUTO WRECKING 22-Radio Repairs TV TOWERS GREENBERG & SONS CEDARDALE ™, E nterprise 5 8 0091 -i al -- Personal Sore PE IER PAN DAY NURSERY MONDAY TO FRIDAY. 8:30 AM. TO 530 PM training and afternoon rest 32--Articles Wanted YW King Street West WANTED «= Rollaway bed of conti) neptel bed, in good condition, ress shies, Phone BA (+ wiier § 'y m , Wpplies hana on wid Blemp , 04! hrm your frees sium Land sssocintes 1Ad., A 39--Agents Wanted CHEITHAS Card agents, ell XS a's best suiestion of person. {greeting sorts, Over 36 cords 0 Special business cards. Writs lor private hath snd W. 1, Smith some. Also , Ont 35-~Employment Wanted ROOM 4) ----Room & Boord YOUNG lady reapires house clesting go on" vide of town, RA 8-609 sd work, oF aby siting. BA § TL enre ior preschost children ay home while maths works, Clow AL shopping Cen HA #0213 MivbLE aged widow would Bike (Work of sey Kind, Bousekespmg Pimes PUTCR lsdy would like dey work Phone BA 54004 36--Female Help Wanted [REGISTERED nurse required top Bouth On! Haven Nursing Home, Newcastle Live in or out, five-day week, Phone Newcastle, 444) EARN | EXTRA MONEY Agent i 30 Sell | Canad finest Xma 37d Noveltie ele wer 250 Reli J Velvet Chrome | items inciuanig Deluxe, Everyday and Personal cords. MN rag bor avs, Book D and Jewelry, Many jit ns. Prompt Service ! colored cotalogue. and amples « roval, write ) areeting 1253 King §¢ E MAKI oir own Jewellery" Free wholesale catalogue, Easy to do, be 0 your trineds, Excellent profit nen K for yo free cutnlogue now. 1 LU] Murgatroyd Co, Dept, DB. Agineourt, Ont HELP for accounting department, Neg esniry qualifications are Lyping, eost , IDE, ahi with figures. Apply In own handwriting to Box 47, Oshawa Times RIVINE ngs, experience, and splary ected. References may he required FXFPERIENCED waitress Appl person Between § and South End i rant Bloor Street Kast EARN M8 plus 0 free wardrobe pare Lime, Just show fashion frocks to friends, No investment. can NE. EXPETIENCE Necessary. Wille North American Fashion Frocks, Lid 425 Industrial Blvd, KEI3567, Montreal WOMAN 10 fill position as housekeeper, friendly; Christian home, free room and howurd, smell remuneration, liberal e off. No preference to age LADY take oharge of dower's home. WA 5.0620 EARN 323 plus » frees wardrobe your spare tim fust show fashion frocks to friends No investment, can ABKINE, experience necessary, Write North American Fashion Frocks, Lid 1425 Industrial Blvd, East, 3655, Mont real 8 WAITRESK required for Coffee Shop ' Apply after § pan, Mie, MeArihur, Genoshia Hotel L] WANTED = One woman to live in hours open for diseu ik after | all ehildren ght housekeeping. Apply 741 Beaupre Avenue, Oshawin, RA #5004 GIRLS required for fine Avsombly | fence 43--Wonted To Rent MOTHER desires three room apart benefits. ete App] Stark ment with reliable child care for wark one soldering and wiring, exp components preferred | men ing fa RA #0004 TWO ger home privilege home cooked menls Lunches Packed RA 5704 IN CLEAN, quiet home, good beds home -gooked meals, continuous whiter, close to bouth GM and shopping contre, Bl Park Road South Wo ROOM ang hoard, South distriet, secommaodation, lunehes packed {town [HA 7118 Opportunity for advance ROOM sna hosed for Iady or gentle. UTITIES man pensioner, sheisiner, 96 5 week ose Lo bus. Vhone RA 5508 GOOD, clean, somioriable rooms for p Sontiamen Apply #4 Colborne Brest YOUNG Iad w ad day preferred. Wile Box #2, Os hows | ¥ ROOM snd bosrd dor gentieinass private home, central, Apply 118 Bum mer Blreet. HA BOBS ROOM with board, phone, gsiage, Block from Bouth Bimeoe on bighway Wl HA BW, 86 Third Avenue (BOARD and room, genticinan preter old, wd, one room, we Inends to shares, snlenns twin bed close to downtown Ls ed IROOM snd board lor working man HOOM and hosed for four boys with COnYERIGHLE home cooked meals, 21 Gladsions Avenue. RA 5.0085, BOOM and vosrd for ladies or gentle single ana double rooms, close to lownlown, RA B-3H4 {BOOM and bosrd in new home, park es. Vor Information phone ROOM and In for gentlemen, ¥ood home privilege 6 to down Lown {IA B55 {ROOM ano hour entleman. Home lepoked meals, plenty of bot water lelean, ques German home, 9 Far --| F038 South : + 36--Female Help Wanted BOOM and board far gentlemen Hnuous hot water home privileges y #41 Nilson Rasd South amen 0 share, single 54711 H HOOM 4 word two gentlemen good hor ennKing lunehes packet parking facilitie Apply 708 Carnegie Avene ROOM ane rd for two or thes gentlemen, good home oooking, Appl 92 King Mreet East ¢ ROOM ana board for gentlemen minutes from fou reorners, Phone RA Ment, HoHs24 BOOM or roan ina board mor gentle men, good meals, lunches packed Athol Street East, KA 30541 ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, close down town 23 Wigin Street Fast {RA 37014 " ron two or three rooms, close 16 [ROOM and board for two gentlemen, teachers or day workers. Park Road | TWO North' and Adelside {einit Phone 100m and hathroom HA #4275 ROOMK and rent, with or without HoL BE w= five rooms, garage, modern hoard, 206 King Blreet Kast, near on Road ROOM and board avaliable for sentiemen ntiemen to share eotranio Instruments Lid ax, Ont {Children one school age, Close to HAR STYLIST FEMALE MO 8-5432 TRAILER, two - wheel, new Hiren ay Hal SENIOR INVOICE TYPIST With caledlat Xperience Must be accurate and fast Good selary and attractive | working condition CENTRALAB CANADA LTD WH 2:1540-~AJAX HOUSEWIVES Cash in on the big Fall and Christmas selling season. Be an Avon Represen- tative in your neigh borhood, For im- mediate replace ment call LE 6-0627 collect school and bus, Write Box #8, laws Times THRE 37--Male Help Wanted MALE desk clerk, Apply Genosha Hotel Hotel quir junior students with Grade standing. Britnell and Moore, RA 56481 ot IMMEDIATE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CANADIAN REGULAR ARMY | Age | 43, single, fit and While to meet army enrolment randards WE GIVE VORTHWHILE PAY PENSION AND MEDICAL BENEFIT UV COSY NSURANCE THIRTY DAYS PAI HOLIDAYS A YEAR YOU GET A HALLENGING CAREER WITH COMRADESHIP ADVENTURE AND GOX PPORTUNITIES FOI PROMOTION 31 plans with Recruiting raft ot Oshawa Armourie avery Tuetday 'betweer 0 am, and 3 pm. or write ARMY RECRUITING STATION S67 COLLEGE SY TORONTO WA 4.7348 30 "Agents Wanted MEN «= Pleasant sutdoar werk. Aver age 12 per hour N o sar Write Rawleigh 008 Richelisn, Monpreal flat neces Fey Phone RA For Rent |FURNINHED two room basement | downtown apartment, self-contained, linen 7 L plied, parking, vacant, RA 8.8400 before 18 pom. or after § p,m FOUR and two room apartments, | King newly decorated, separate bath, heat, Hight, water supplied. Apply 2808 Hillside Telephone RA 3.7068 [THREE - rom apartment, sink, hoards in kitchen available now | 3:-9260 FOUR room apartment, sll eonveni |ences, Apply #1 Celina Street, side Estate {door japartment, Apply RA 5.3200 THREE + roo apartment, main floor, hy private entrance, fully equipped, cen! wiring, ouphoards in the kitchen, bath: [LARGE attio room, twin beds, spring (rally located, S68, -RA 5.7279 164 Grenfell [filled mattresses) garage; 200king priv | TWO + bedroom, modern, decorated, hae RA #5053 Appliances supplied, S05 monthly, | mediate possession, on eyonr lease, coy ner of Wentworth and Ravine Road HA Aa THHEY room basement apartment (furnished or unfurnished, Apply Hibbert Street [THREE rooms, private entrance vd hath o BY ullable now; parking eentral RA 24TH UNFURNISHED basement apartment, three rooms and bath, separate trance, also furnished bedroom with | od. Kitehenette, adults, central, parking oliitie facilities. Apply 235 King ¥ast mn JUENTRAL three room unfurnished x ROOM | apartment. heat, lights and washer sup: loeation plied, share bath. RA 8.8493 dor pointment [FOUR = room apartment, ground floor, | most conveniences, adults or will oon | sider small baby, Apply 430 Ritson fwo | Road South ONE three room flat, also fouraroom hoards for reasonable rent, private en (ance, Apply Maple Grove Inn, two |pyyy VIMALE desk olerk, Apply Genosha [miles west of Bowmanville [REAL modern apartment, will suit hus CHARTERED accountants' offige re: |ineas oouple, ving room and bedroom, 13 wall ta wall earpeling, curtains, drapes, supplied witra » modern Kitghen wwe | Wall OVEN, table top stove, south end of 3.7939 oy Private entrance » a 5, BBL after 5.30, RA 5.2006 APARTMENTS One ) ne small, elec trically equipped. For further information phone RA 5.3815 or RA 8-6485 BRIGHT ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom apartments. ADE. LAIDE. MANOR w= Holly wood kitchens, electrically equipped, broadicom, locker hot water and parking ins luded IMMEDIATE OCCU PANCY. Contact R. Vickery Real Estate, 46 King St West, phone RA 8.6228 enings RA 5.6342 OFFICE SPACE FOR «RENT Faisenger elevate service New building. Centrally lo cated n downtown Qred Moderate rent, Leases now aveilable THE TIMES BUILDING nest YL W LION COMPLETELY furnished, es, 4b ¢ Eas, | OM. Tale sell -contain wih, $08 monthly plus lowest down Osh. FURNISHED three «room apartment, RA 85123 after hours nn clean hoards RA kitehan Private central, ltweey 6 and 7 p.m. we Bo x 46, In ground floor apart: |shie for o HA 4408 with private -- Celina [LARGE bright front poom, suit twe . Private sn wirin monthly married couple, one child option dawn North GM continuous hot water apartment, Phone RA 31603, |Ghovers Roud, RA 8.0376 and four build n facllitien, INTCE large furnished room, centrals RA 5:0038 or 68 [close to bus stop, Telephone RA 5.7401, bedroom apartment or house [child while by October 20, Central location, Phone Elgin Street IATA | 44-Houses, Apts., Flots Bake: | Gy AN fumished rooms, singl 410 Chadburn Street to hospital and sup unfurnished apartment THRE} Immediate possession 1 refrigerator HA 84651 of Douglas L. Gower, "Suliabie for SEVEN FOO house with upstairs wouple with one or two children, self: [LOVELY furnished room, suit senile Blvd, [man, private home. Apply 444 Fernhid heavy duty | heated 1 8300 ar three bed an upfurnish oup vontained apartment | walk from downtown, room furnished apartment new ole including Nundey rN TV antenna and parking, Phone two reoms, [Kentlemen. Apply 63% Albert Stree! and ONE Taree housekeeping room, for hone or two gentlemen, Apply 308 Marquette RA 5.223% or after § pm i FURN WAFIRE, (or gen business Phone RA 84048, 373 Highland Avenue. www | LARGE room, close 0 Park Road, Sip 3.3474 RA 8.1296 A4---Houses, Apts, Flots |e Houits, Apts., Flats Re: r Rent pa BASEMENT soriment fess rooms, FURNISHED 100M Mpartment children wel: close 15 hospital, slat snd lees, Avviy 2 4 Simeon Brest North wo | HOUR OO apartment tee MEDIATE "possession, Tovely, tw | rooms, private bath, hesvy Guty wires, wp "e Fast private entrance. Adults, one baby and hoard lor one, Kool meals, | Mer § pom Saturtey, Anime Sunday welopiind. BA 51728 alter § p.m MOPEDS thes wes wpeitment, pr hive room Uniur: vale Bath ond enirapes, Reavy duty private bath snd en. wining, near North Simcoe Sehoot Beavy duty wining Phone RA 80440 : UNFURNISHED or furnished basement willing 16 share furnish. apartment, Taunton Road nesr Hemp Flesss oul ton, witin cuphorrds, tied floors sink and tiet, Available now, CO 32104 upstairs ppnrt. THERES mon ape rtmem, pr Ele TV serial, bath, near South GM. Possession Op Apriy 2 Ww Bb ber 1. A 134 Allert or phone RA 53184 Wo years able October | Centrally locsted. id sgreens, TV Apply side door 70 Elgin 8, W., or paved phone RA 3750 / 364 Mulage Hosa "x room house and garage aval SIX room bungrlow, recrestion room, two- avaliable immediately A BHA hes 1502 Lakefield Street 1 oud mea Winches phoked st 160 Fark automatic heat, refrigerator, radio, sink % Koad North, Under new management, snd cuybos tale. VURNISHED housekesping too, png abst einer and stove, linens furnished, Nesr Sow hone BA 32408 THREE room basement apartment, self contiined, private entrance. Central Park Bivd North. Call RA 39860 4 Avil 10k Kitson Rosd | THREE . room spariment, heavy wire ing, private bathroom, sult two, $68 per month, electric neluded, 227 King Street West gorner King and Burk BA centrally located. Phones KA 3 wfter 5 pom DOth, APARTMENT at 1503 King East, three refrig rooms, upstairs, 540, adults. L. Han Rada cock, RA 51708 room bungelow October 1, VE and bath, | 1262 Simeos Bouin October 1 Baw NICE furnished two-room spartment All conveniences, Central, close north GM and hospital, Store and bus decorated house (at door. RA BHB44 October 1 or evenings, WHitehsll dain Exoom spertment, sipk snd ou aids In Kitchen, private bath, aval ris now, parking. RA B0299 siter § rent, p.m Malleabie THREE rooms clean, comfortable apartment, heavy wining, sink, on bus room niurnished ground floor line, adults. 301 Gibbons Street, RA Cup: 51618 tile floor n nA FIVE room bungalow, threes bedrooms, on Gibb Street, $756 monthly, available November 1. Apply 108 ma treet be SEMIdetached five room brick homes, nicely decorated, 10 minutes from Osh furl gwa, available immediately, $80 month Kitohen |y CO 32226 STORE « Main Street, well establish. ed barbershop, centrally logsted, sults her small business. RA 34348 18dy | aiter § Lele 44a---Rooms For Rent friends, twin beds. 65 Elgin Street East . RA 3.8146 RA TWO large furni 1 rooms, with sink cupboards, rangeite, refrigerator, an use of washing machine, sultabls for coupe or two girls. Apply 248 Toronte '| Avenue NICE furnished room, all conveniences, d 2 Royal Street. HA 58805 "ADDI 131 Oshawa | KITCHEN and ~ Dedroom, Tarnished Sul! one or two sentiemen Close to Shopping Centre, 63 Grenfell Street avallable ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, aval able in private home. 82 Pa Road North, § 7 pom. RA 5.087) 84 LARGE room for two single men or indies, single beds; also 1 single room. leooking privileges. Apply 66 Warren Avenue HOOM, furnished, $5 per week, gentler couple, man only. Telephone NA 32853 Day care given to goign ED room in bachelor houses a 1 TV privileges, Phone RA 1 cooking HRN. sult 10 twin beds, cooking facilities, central, A #A402 fl SwWor0om furnished apartment, rile washroom. private entrance, parkin very oentral also wing pom. Re sonable, Apply 98 Centre Bireet unfurnished, lght housekeep: ng rooms, all conveniences, Apply 34% Hitson Hoad North or RA 3.4817 COMFORTABLE clean; single room, POF 4iso large double room, twin beds, re gentleman, very eentral. = 114 RA 203 DAMBOG igi wast, RA 30767 Located Call Pat Patterson at THREE glean, unfurnished rooms. Real third floor; heavy duty wiring k | ana cupboards, 845 monthly, Apply 14% Agnes Street Blovd,, or phone RA 3.7070 or [lleges, quiet distrigl, Apply 45 Drew or phone RA A-4504 basement apartment, | FURNISHED Dedroom, continuous hot abstainers, water, near King and Ritson, abstain Count er, HA 5.1305, 41 Rowe Street DOURLE room, suitable for two ladies or gentlemen, close to hospital and bus anid North General Motors, 387 Kings tale Avene, RA B63N7 FURNISHED light housekeeping room, private entrance, 97 Albert: Street FURNISHED voom with kitohen, oens fa, tral sult gentleman Telephone RA Ave. | 19894 3 CLEAN, fwinished. yoom, eight minu! central from downtown, sult gentleman, private No. ohiidren, | "ome. RA 5.3248 RA 34088 after 6 pom, TWO large rooms, unfur « oentral location, good sive, rent hed, for Ohild welcor private entrance, Te! phone RA H.5468 TWO rooms, completely furnished for pri: [HER housekeeping, including eleetrie refrigerator, stove and TV, Heat, light bus | And continuous hot water, use of wash ing machine and dryer, Central to downtown and: Shopping Centre. Suit located, working couple, $18 weekly, Phone RA Phone | 5.5397 SINGUE rooms, gentlemen only. Apply one hed: | 138 Celina Street AN WEEKLY, two furnished rooms, cooking privileges, also single rool central, 180 Bruce Street between AIO | p.m pr { girs, FURNISHED rooms, Nght housekeep ing fo entlemen. 31 Celina Street Phone RA &3603 Ap ONE lovely furnished room, suit gentle RA Man, private home. Apply 444 Fernhill Rive, or phone RA 3.7070 > APARTMENT « four rooms, heat, heavy duty, private entrance and bath, bath HAT TWO Partly furnished housekeeping on [Tooms, couple preferred. Apply 48 Drew in Phone | Street ONE room to rent, one or two single Avenue NED room, suitable for Tady oman, housekeeping 0, egos. {One or two can share room. A home {away from home, Call RA 8.4803 ONE neatly furnished bedroom, breaks fast, - optional, central, five minutes {from downtown and factories, Phone RA 83140 fridge, parking Pari oe furnished housekeeping room RA 5-3302 OFFICE SPACE WITH PARKING LOT. 2.4-6.R0OOM UNITS, CENTRAL LOCATION with refrigerator and cupboards. Ap ply 87 Ritson Road South {FUR oom, continuous hot [wate central, Telephone RA [Hous SINGLE rooms, newly furnished, clean, central, RA $0832 or ™ Oshawa Rivd, South BUCKINGHAM MANOR » APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elece trically equipped. best loca tion $100 Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 1S RA R.B8478 i ---- 45--Real Estate For Sale STOREY nd hal wo family Brick tke new. 409 Simoeoe Street North rs 7 i