The Oshawa Times, 7 Jul 1960, p. 25

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45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tharsdey, July 7, 1960 25 MUST be sold, three bedroom brick bungalow, lose to school, $77 monthly includes taxes, aluminum storms and Lei , paved drive, landscaped, other extras. Asking only $12,800. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. RA 5-9670. 44a--Rooms For Rent |45--Real Estate For Sale TWO unturuishied or i furnished | LOT for sale -- 70 by ms. Tele- miles on Taunton Road East. 6189. phone RA 81925, |RA ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: able in private home, 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671. TWO rooms for light housekeeping, will furnish Apply side door, upstairs. 165 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. HOUSEKEEPING apartmen table for three gentlemen or girls, also single rooms available, RA 8-0852. 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. TWO rooms, partly Ritson Road. Phone RA 5-9870. SINGLE room, board Options, « 45--Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE SALE Split level on Hillcrest Dr., Whitby. Large kitchen, din- ing and living room, carport, attractive = property, fully landscaped, reasonable terms. MO 8-5710, Lots For Sale Fully Serviced N.H.A. Approved Jones Sub-Division (King East at Athabasca St.) See Our Furnished Model Home U. JONES, Realtor Modelaire Homes BY FRED R. JONES RA 5-6412 RA 3-3383 MODEL FARM Near Rice Lake. 100 acres. Good barns with water ond hydro. Modern 4%2 bedroom home. Tiled 3 piece bath, large kitchen, stainless steel sink, arborite top. Well drained land. Farm and house in first class condition. [ll ness reason for sale. Price 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent TWO large housekeeping rooms" on bath floor, private home or partly furnished, parking. 366 Wind- sor Street. RA 8-0234. FOUR room apartment and bath, un- furnished, central, $75 monthly, water ec adults or couple with one bath 'fridge, stove, washer, dryer,|child. Available August 1. Telephone lockers Central location, Leasing at|RA 8-6434. $100 per month. Parking space. Ready TAREE - room partly furnished apart for by July 15. Phone Jock - room ¥ H heavy wiring, pri- mem, central with stove, refrigefator, y 8. Appleby RA 5 ot or RA 3.3398. John In kitchen, $60 mi ly includ "hate bath TV al, beat, 1 it Be Dy, ants Jun |A. J. Bolshood Lod, Realtors. heat, water, adults only, RA 3.9128 " Apply 2 ade Adelaide: 5 Betephons RA rox oer couple Why Widow, Sire SEVEN room house, available July 10,|X = rent, Rowen irom apartment, frig, room, Cbstainers | mear|oll heated. garage, spacious rard. RA ' fee washer, dryer, 3% outlet, por: North Simcoe School. RA 3-7156. ps or RA 8-0490. Thon ; SMALL room cottage, two - ere furnisheu, suitable for one or Fos light RA 8812 utilities pala $85 per month 8 pn SF Toon Yeside Shah Only A ro as rent. Kitchen, sink and cupboards, Pa rking |ing room room. Wa ig RAS: oh evugle ov Working ilities and storage room. Private fae trance, driveway parking space. One child welcome, near school. $60 per month. For more information phone RA 8-1930 FOUR - room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, near bus. RA 3-3989. Eh bedroo: UPPER flat, unfurnished, three rooms SUBLEY os oy dioom ariment So and bath, completely private, very 55787. » glean, heat and electricity supplied, $65. A 5.5798. 589 Albert Street. TWO three-room furnished apartments, | n- one newly remodelled, with private pon Sth room heated apartment, ce! tral, electric stove, erator, wash. bath, gas stove. Abstainers, Adults. | .'nachine, built in cupboards, private Private parking, RA 5-8352. 5-6992. entrance. RA MODERN, two-bedroom _apartments,| FGUR _ room apartment, private bath available July 1 and August 1, lease|.nq entrance, middle-aged couple pre- required. Montrave Apts. RA 3-4379,| (cred or lady no RA 5-0191. i 91 Ritson' Road North. TWO room furnished apartment, quiet| GNFURNISHED two - room apartment, district, central location. Child care for FU 0 Je cupboards in kitchen, newly decorated, working mother if desired. RA 86034. |TV outlet, heat, water, lights supplied, | FOUR room basement apartment, sink, 50. in new bungalow, RA 5- heavy duty wiring, sink and cupboards cupboards, heavy duty wiring, TV|THREE - room upstairs apartment with in kitchen child welcome. Available outlet, close to SGM. T RA full 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent MODERN three room basement apart ment in new home, private entrance, driveway and bathroom, IV he, UR - room upper duplex, available|heat and hydro, $60. Garr 0 foun L FB iy ' area. RA 5-8107. Tent, adults only. RA 33085 after 1 NEW two-bedroom apartments ated th #4--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent FURNISHED room for two girls, share Sisoteleally eiipped kitchen. Apply 87 215 feet, five Phone 45--Real Estate For Sale OWNER leaving for U.S.A, and must sell five room modern bungalow. At. tached garage, breezeway, natural fire place in Uving room, Nicg quiet sur E large land. scaped lot, fruit and shade trees. Ask. ing $13,300 with reasonable down pay ment, Call 8. Macko Realtor, 84661. FIVE-room 45--Real Estate For Sale SMALL lunch counter for sale on Sim. oe Street, ideal for large family live ood lease, small pay- ment. Contact RA 59931, PICKERING, 7% acres of level corner lot, % acre of fruit, close to highway. RA 5-3716. URGENT We need homes for sale, any area. Cash: clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE PRIVATE WHITBY Three bedroom, two year old brick bungalow, 6% N.H.A., $1,200 down, balance $10,- 550 carries $65 monthly, principal, interest. One block from public schools, also patio MO 8-8125. PRIVATE Looking for something a little different! Split level, three bedroom brick, full price $11,800. Down payment $1,200. NHA. aot 6%. Carries for $65 monthly, principal and interest. North Whitby. MO 8-8094. ARTHUR WEINBERGER REALTOR 32 PARK RD. N. INCOME PROPERTY New beautiful brick Duplex. Income $200 monthly. Ex- ceptional nice location. Very reasonable priced. Can be seen by appointment only, Call please RA 8-5145 even- ings RA 3-7244. ROXBOROUGH 7-room brick, 1%-storey, with stone front, 4 extra large bedrooms, spacious liv~ ing and dining room, fam- ily size kitchen, only a few years old. Owner leaving town. Full price $14,000, down $3,000. Monthly pay- ments $85. Quiet street, school beside. Call please RA 1 7 room home, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, forced air oil heating, convenient to schools, on city bus line. Co- Op No. 810. Full price $12- 800 with $2,500 down pay- ment, 6 years old. decor- pm iled THREE - room furnished basement apartment with refrigerator. Apply 172 net Street. King and 5 acres on good road, near school, 3 bedroom insul-bric bungalow, 3 piece bath, mo- dern kitchen, forced air oil heating, ottached ggrage. Also large poultry house equipped with automatic feed- ers and water fountains to handle 1500 laying hens or 4,000 broilers. Co-Op No. 819. Full price $10,500 with $2,500 down payment. Robert S. McCALLUM REALTOR 521 Rosslond Rd. W. Phone RA 5-6402 PETER FEDDEMA REAL ESTATE BROKER 81 acres with 6 room house, barn 30' x 60', implement shed, garage. Price $12,000. Sentral, e priv- or weekends. LOT 56° x 140°, on Rice Lake Keene For more FRanklin 2-3568, $1400 DOWN detached rec edroom two years old, large lot in new subdivision, full price, One NHA mortgage 6 per vate. MOhawk 8-5205. storey house -- garage with [8 i drive, broadloom, blinds 2nd drapes, centrally located, shaded street, RA 8-0133. from ileges. Telephone RA Ye ROOM for rent. Apply 474 Lakeview Avenue or telephone RA 8-6397. ONE room, in apartment, reasonable to respectable middle-aged lady. Ab- stainer. Kitchen, television privileges, furnished or unfurnished. Victoria, Apt. 9, 291 Simcoe Street South, h style | TWO also kitchen| for light housekeeping. RA 3-3683 or 261 Celina Street. ONE, two - room apartment, alse vie single and double room, central and quiet. Gentleman preferred. Apply 174 Church Street. SINGLE and double rooms, newly de- corated, suit gentleman, five minutes from four corners. Apply 135 Celina Street. ONE single furnished room for gentle- man, behind Ritson Road School, 201 Banting Avenue. RA 3-2439. 45--Real Estate For Sale partly | TW for CENTRAL ~ three - room unfurnished _|apartment with sink and -upboards, heat, light and washer supplied. Apply 7 and 8 eve- 22 Rose Street between 7 nings. Or call RA 8-8493 NEW .. six - room i bungalow, partly furnished, reasonable rent to responsible party. Phone RA -8294. 'WILSON Road North $105, bedroo spartments, BUILDING for sale, 201 x 14, sections, good for garage or Call MA 3-5026. INCOME home -- seven | bathroom, hot water Present rental, $133 $9800. Down payment, $600. Park Road South, new two - in four large living room, sepa- rate dining room, decorated to suit 4 stove and refrigerator, bamboo drapes, cottage ample parking. Occupancy August 1. Call D, Hazlett, HUdson 9-7986. 224 Av- enue Road, Toronto. TEREE rooms and bath, vate one child Fea ia Harmony and Donovan Wee rooms and clean, pu FOR sale or rent, nine-room house, heated by stoves, Fri Rg RANCH BUNGALOW [Apply Box 801_Oshawa Times. " house Wm Er Sl Ge ranc 9! ONE MORTGAGE ranch busin, Ogi by ed $69 MONTHLY THREE Tots on Farewen Avenue, Dis ver 5-308. Decorated in oils, large open - bosement with recreation ORE Sacre room windows. Sodded front ond back. W. T. Lomson sm WEEKLY, two furnished rooms, cooking privileges, also single room, central. 180 Bruce Street between 4&5 p.m. TWO furnished rooms also private apartment, kitchenette, living room, m and bath, car parking. Apply 306 Pacific Avenue. THREE room apartment, 1 | tained, priate bath and entrance, OWNER 'transferred to Toronto must sell or rent, a three bedroom split level brick home on Stone Street, overiook- ing lake, aluminum storms, finished recreation room, immediate possession, low down payment. RA 3-3876. ON Garrard Road, three bedroom bun- six Bosco, Realtor. RA A Fouls small bath, separate July 20. Apply 137 Colborne Street | 5-425 entrance, fenced backyard, $65 monthly. ast | LARGE two - room apartment, furnish. Telephone RA 5-2022. |ed. washroom, refrigerator, stove, pri- FOUR - apartment, vate entrance, parking. Also single | South GM Bloor Street furnished room, 96 _Centre Stree! ished apartment, frig - room FOUR-room upstairs apartment, com- THREE room apartment, share bath, Eh stove, $12 weekly. 15 Colborne modern, closets, three-piece quiet home, couple only. 175 Athol Street East separate entrance, reasonable, E. Afl a FOUR - room unfurnished ap: adults. 273 Etna, FOUR rooms with bath, immediate 203 King Street West, couple THREE unfurnished room m apartment, ne RA 3.2155. | Available immediately. sink and cupboards in kitchen. Apply | roo 5 priv DIATE Oo - re -- , private en- | IMEDIATE occupancy, one-bedroom 71 Warren Avenue. Ch Child welcome. |{ ance and bathroom, couple. No chil-| apartment, self-contained, furnished or dren. Centra) RA 3-4274 unfurnished, modern appliances, wash- BUCKINGHAM THREE - room basement apartment, room private entrance, no' children. Apply 592 Drew Street. apartment, | only. ~ room apartment, "private en. trance and bath, built-in cupboards, room self-contained heavy duty Avenue. RA room apartment, separate en- also garage, private, ball, Phone foal J iate, available immediately. 343. COUNTRY apartment, unfurnished, over store in Leaskdale, modern, newly decorated, separate entrance, paved road, seven miles north of Uxbridge. heated, close to bus and schools. Phone oan BED - sitting room, pi 'bath, ~ room furnished apartment, 2-bedroom Apartments, elec- {home, girl preferred .RA 35-3083. Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; [bath vate entrance, adults please. | BACHELOR apartment, fully equipped, APARTMENT | FOUR - room apartment, newly decor-|5.6173 or 193 Athol East. | ated, available immediately. Apply MER vers bacheior [THREE - bedroom house, close to|RA 5-3938. 68 Wayne Street. kitchen, equipped. Simcoe St. THREE . room apartment, newly de-|and bath, TV outlet, all conveniences, | THREE large - TWO - bedroom house, PARKWOOD August 1, heat, water and hydro sup-/ BACHE LOR : apartment | $79 per month: FIVE - en. | washers, dryers and adequate parking. [Ra Toor, | WILSON h North at Lansdowne Dr., ON | laundry facilities, heavy duty wiring. | |tion, decorated to suit. F-'ly equipped North. DISTRICT) -- TWO - bedroom apartment, Simcoe 5-6343 between 9 and 5. Children welcome. in o modern, fully. equipped drapes, parking, etc. ULster 26711. pp ng facilities, parking, choice location. [rx - room house for rent, garage, oil Simcoe North. RA 5-4452. AAR 16 : RA 56711 between 5.30 - 7.30. : TOON ~apar broadloom, close to hospi every: Ee frig, private entrance, close | thing supplied, privileges, in better |to hospital. Suitable for couple. Avail trically dipped, best loco able July 15. Apply 241 Kendal A tion. Apply: . P MODERN four-room apartment parking space, also store for rent. Tele- RA 8-8676 Apply 527 Mary Street after § phone RA 5-0349 . | TWO - room and bath, furnished apart- ground floor, private entrance, avail ment, $17 a week. Phone RA S5-1339.\3,), "pusut 1, at 20 Drew Street. RA | aS 5 apartments Large two bedroom apart- {Dundas Street East, Whitby | with separate baths, in new building. ment in opartment building, schools, north A and P, bus stop, Pi aE > ODERN "three-room fully furnished aren Welcome Telephone RA i basement apartment, private entrance N., $100 monthly. corated, downtown Oshawa, suit|suit business couple or two girls. RA couple or two girls, $65 monthly. OL 3.290: RA 5-3302 | 5-4959.- se, available Au | apartment, unfurnished, gust. RA 8-5049. [¥izins- Apply 39 Pine FOUR - room upt or "duplex, x, available 5-5363. ed, in Oshawa. King Street West. 2.bedroom $99 per month. Features MANOR [egies 3-2413. |Stove 'ridges, ~broadloom, lockers, Eugene Patterson of Douglas L. Gower APARTMENTS rance, av 41 Gladstone Ave .Phone FIV room apartment, i, ground floor, | $75, one bedroom basement apartment SAGUENAY AVENUE all conveniences, use of half basement, at 549 Lansdowne Dr, Open for inspec: Private entrance. Available August 1.| in Seipiex. Frank Haslett, 3005 Bathurst (PARK RD. & KING ST. Phone RA 5-2997 or 196 Park Road, Toronto RU 3.1733; RU 7.9387, North, kitchen equipped with refrigera. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TWO WEEK'S tor, stove, handy to bus line. Call RA Quiet, residential street, EN 1 & 2.bedroom Apartments. FREE R T Stoves, 'frigs, T.V, outlet, Apartment Building Rents from $85 monthly E RA 5-5787 105 CRAYDON RD., WHITBY PHONE MO 8-4770 440--Rooms For Rent FOR RENT -- Three unfurnished up- stair rooms, kitchen sink, heavy wiring, private bath and entrance. $60 month- ly. Adults only. RA 3-7038 FURNISHED room with housekeeping privileges if desired Continuous hot water, central. RA 3-989 N ONE large room is: twin beds, WHITBY CLASSIFIED gems === Self-contained three-| EMPLOYMENT wanted - Dutch|to North GM. Apply 273 Jarvis Street. Suit cou-|girl wihhes housework by the day, live RA 3.7112. PHON RA 5-7272 FOR RENT '-- roomed furnished apartment. to school and bus sion. 8-3620. REALTORS Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. S Open 9- Whitby MO 8-3414 Toronto. EM 3-9603 SPECIAL The owner has been trans- ferred, so we must sell this 3-bedroom bungalow fast. It is near public dnd high schools and the lot has = frontage. Your down ay= ment is only $1,200.00, ance on one mortgage at 6% for $73.00 monthly. At this give-away price it is worth inspecting this desir- able home. Call Mr. Pari- khal. $10,900.00 Is the full price of a 5-room 2 year old brick home. The living room is 22' long, ond the basement is full of light and dry. For the 6% mort gage you pay only $59.00 per month. Call Mr. Pari- khal HILLCREST DRIVE Desirable residential area in Whitby, 3-bedroom brick bungalow .in tip top condi- tion, beautifully landscaped, with well established peren- nials and flowering shrubs. Basement blocks paint sealed ond professionally partitioned with 2 x 4 ready for panel finishing. Call Mr. Parikhal for an appointment to in- spect. Members of the Oshawa WILSON REALTOR out. Phone MOhawk 8:3674 Whitby. | isGy unfurnished room, Two piece room, private entrance, |FOR SALE, privately, three bedroom bathroom. Telephone RA 5.8181 after ¥n_ respectable home. Cali Nome. Call MO 3-425 a traffi ed is t, near pub- 0 PI. oO ony Pub | FURNISHED room near Houdaille BRICK, block and cement work, For lic school, completely decorated, ol free ona call MOhawk 8-2294,|mortzage. concrete driveway. MO| [tomato and Sout SM, breakfast - op- 1110 Centre Stre Street South South, Whitby. | 8-5633 Jona PFly Simcoe South, RA LIVE poultry, also feathers ple phone MOhawk 8-610. FURNISHED FOR RE Two-bedroom _apart- Li wanted. | ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail Highest market prices paid. Jake |a-2786, 2vailable August 1. Phone MO aoe in private home. 82 Park Road Parker, MOhawk 8-3644 collect. ERED Thee pimton North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671. FU hree - room apartment | FOR RENT -- Two comfortably fur-| |ONE™ furnished light housekeeping nished rooms small Kilcheneite refrig. |, iy Telephone' Quilding. Vacant| room, Apply after 6 p.m, at 77 Ontario erator stove suitable for couple. oslo ana] StTEEE Perry Street. MO 38-4470 -- 2, 3, and 4 roomed | ao ---------------- -------------------- | apartments, close to schools, reason- FURNISHED for light THREE - bedroom, unfurnished apart-| ,\ = Phone MO 8-2828 after 6 p.m. | single room, clean, quiet, central, near ment, centrally located in Whitby. Ap- -- Py frospital Telephone RA 8-5984 ply 272 Ritson Road South, RA 5- 1841. MAN'S wrist watch, lost on John Street EER ate tn between Brock and Kent. Return to 231 EXPERT rootilling for ardens and lawns, Don't call unless you want the (cnt Street. Reward best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614. WRECKING '50 Meteor station wagon, NEW office space in Whitby, 800 8g. ft. a parts for sale cheap. Phone 500 or less, parking lot (facilities. aif |® ay a Whitby Professional Building, MO Tp bedroom apartment, living room 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12|/and use of kitchen, suitable for couple FURNISHED single room in priv. and one child. MO 8-2655 home. Telephone MO 8-4864 Wii EMPLOYMENT wanted, p.m. position as housekeeper Phone MO 8-2446. TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring, | -------- share bathroom. Also one furnished |'53 room for Semlemah, "housekeeping, SHED bedroom, hot water year ntral, gentleman, abstainer, $6 y. 73 Gladstone Avenue. RA 3.9815. | LIGHT housekeeping room, centrally located. 20 Elgin Street East or, RA 15-4150. FURNISHED bedroom, hot water year around, central, gentleman, ab- stainer, $6 weekly. 73 Gladstone Ave- nue, RA 3-9815. FOV) room unfurnished apartment, 203 King Street West, couple only, avai'able immediately. FOUR - room apartment, separate en- trance, heavy duty wiring, vicinity King and Wilson, adults only. Phone RA 8-6279 evenings. RA 3-4992 TWO room apartment, for light house- | keeping will furnish. Phone after # p.m RA 8:1584. ' BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elec- trically equipped, best loca- tion. $100. Apply: 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; RA 8-8676. wishes time, "lady w part STUDEBAKER Champion, very Telephone MO |€00d condition, good as nev' motor and 8-4487 between 5 and paint job. Phone MOhawk 8-2261. 118 --_-- ee Ho kins Stre: t EMPLOYMENT i" -- Day care! i * for children if mother must work or go REPAIRS to washing machines and to hospital. Phone MOhawk 8-4757 other appliances. Dealers for Sim Whitby. city and Kelvinator products. Midtown ee ------ Furniture, hone MOhawk 8- FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom brick bunga-| Mohawk 8- aane w 4981 or low, recently built and well located close | to separate school in Whitby. Apply | ROOM and board for owner MOhawk 8-117 after 3. Walnut Street | CREE colt wave $648 Res" VIED) ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES set by Imaginative stylist. MoNawe] Let us do your shopping for 8-5124 | KOON and board for gentleman at a5 you, the modern way with the HOME ECONOMICS | Wolnut SINGLE furnished room, with private 542 Mary Street East. | 8-2332 FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN, Approximate cost for family of three as little as $13 80 per week, including food and freezer For Information PHONE RA 5-3709 No Obligation Approved by. Good Housekeeping HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT "gentleman at light housekeeping | entrance. Apply Phone MOhawk | WANTED by July 1, : room apartment, | Whitby, handy to school. 8-8347 | FOR RENT -- Small cottage. Apply 840] | Dundas Street East, Whitby pment | Rotten manure or com: | post, and weedless for flow. | ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone | IMO 8-4514 |HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments SacAuley Realtor | IMO 8.3231, Osh 3-2512. |SEPTIC TANKS 3 or 4 large centrally located in Phone MO| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Only 2% miles dway from this ated apartment building, bal- full room. emer modern, centrall - cleaned the | entrolly. Joc |way, new tanks installed Walter Ward, | | 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563 |SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes! from only $279.95. For special prices {on ranges, fridges, washers and dry |ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The [Newest Appliance Dealer in Whitby 8-498) or MO 8.5740. conies, paved parking, equipped laundry Rents start at $85. __ PHONE MO 8- -4547 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevatcr service, New building. Centrally lo- cated in downtown area. Moderate: rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING WILSON = 6-room bungalow, Com- letely finished and landscaped. Would Tents $10 per wk |accept building lot for down payment. Boots & canoes $15 per wk. 118 Hopkins Street. Phone MO 8-2261. OUTBOARD MOTORS r 5 HP $16 per wk. FOR CAL PANY 72a HP ...... $18 per wk Dodd & Souter IS HP ...... $28 per wk Paint & Wallpaper Store 30 HP $40 per wk BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 5 HP $35 per wk. GRAVEL 10 HP $42 per wk 15 HP $47 per wk Cement Gravel -- Driveway Gravel coarse or fine -- also fill. Delivery Monday to Sat noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO 8-2660 We also rent stoves, lanterns, cots, sleeping bags, etc. WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service ntact 1 Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 DON'T TOUCH THAT PHONE UNTIL YOU'VE READ ABOUT THESE TERRIFIC BUYS $895 DOWN buys this beautiful 4-bedroom split-level bungalow on extra large landscaped lot 55' x 210°. Complete with alum- inum storms and screens. For full particulars. call today. IMAGINE ONLY $995 DOWN In the north-east area. ' Five- room rug brick and stone bungalow, JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS $10,500 full price for this 5-room bungalow with at- tached gatage and 5 acres of land, and all facilities for a chicken ranch, Open Evenings and _All Day Saturday LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 BANCROFT AREAS Full price $2,400 with $650 down, 200 acres .(no build- ings) with 2000 Scotch Pine and 2,000 red pine, good hunting 'area. Full price $3,900 with $1,000 down. 245 acres bordering on a small lake, good hunt- ing and fishing. Full price $4,900 with $500 down. 9 room insul 'brick home, hydro, good well, 100 acres land, about 75 acres workable, good barn and machine shed. Full price $1,200 with $500 down. 100 acres hardwood ond softwood bush, good hunting area Full price $3,800 with $2,- 000 down. 50 acres hard- wood and softwood bush and about 1,900 ft, lokeshore property, Full price $3,500 with $1,- 000 down. 2-bedroom cot- tage on Lake Baptiste, fully furnished, hydro, good well, boat with 6 h.p. motor; ex- cellent fishing RANCH STYLE Spacious = 3-bedroom ranch style bungalow with attached garage on Nash Rd. Close to Seventh Day Adventist Col- lege, only 2 years old, priced right for quick sale at $13,- 500 with $3,700 down, lot 7 225 ft. and extra lond con be purchased if so de- Priore RA 3- 3474 1415 Dundas E. MO 8-3226 sired, galow, on large lot, excellent well, close Immediate posses- Terms arranged. Telephone MO McQUAY & KIDD __ond District Real Estate Board 8-5145, evenings RA 3-7244, $14,700 with $6,700 down ond one first mortgage ot 4Y2%. Only 10 miles from brick, Peterborough. Open for offers. ond Ca It John Broadhurst AX 2-8809 or Riverside 2-4234, BOWES & COCKS Limited, Realtors _ Peterborough INCOME PROPERTY Nearly new 2-storey 82 rooms. Beautiful excellent located. Close to schools, bus and shopping Low priced ond very low down payment. Call please RA 8-5145, evenings RA 3-7244 $1, 500 DOWN 7 room 2 storey brick home with four bedrooms, ofl Living room 15 by 20. Very central handy to school and downtown. Owner Co-op 629. Early Spacius in excellent condition location on Kendal Ave., transferred, See it and make on offer. possession. FAMILY HOME Excelient location just north of Rossland Rd. close to Simcoe St. a 2 storey brick home of six rooms with hardwood floors throughout, fireplace in the living room. Nice lot with garage ond private drive. Asking $12,300 with $2,500 down and one mortgage. $1,500 DOWN Plenty of room with this 2 year old modern semi-detached bungalow with four large bedrooms, Located just off Wilson Rr. South on Dean Ave. Living room 14 by 21, Hardwood and tile floors, nicely planned kitchen, good basement with rec, room facilities, aluminum storms and screens. One N.H.A. mort- goge poyable $68 a month princ. ond int. at 6%. Only $12, 000. Early possession. $2,500 DOWN On Ritson Rd. North we have an immaculate 5 room storey and a half dwelling with a cosy well finished sun room. For the one who likes flowers and gardening the lot is 332 ft. deep with rose bushes, berry bushes, cedar hedges. Large garage, oil heating. Price $11,900. One mortgage on very reasonable terms. $1,500 DOWN Owner's 4 room bungalow, complete in every detail with hard- wood floors, venetian blinds, very nice kitchen 12 by 12 with cupboards, sun porch, oil heating. Nice yard with good garden, lots of berries, Just north of King St. West on Gibbons St. Only $8,500, One mortgage with reasonable terms, ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR RA 5-2363 RA 5-6382 204 KING ST. EAST Kelly Bolahood OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Limited REG. AKER Pres BILL MCcFEETERS, Vice-Pres. 52% MORTGAGE List price $12,900. Well constructed 6 room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4-pce. tiled bath. Completely landscaped and decor- ated, paved driveway, oluminum storms and screens. Monthly payments $84.00, principal, interest and taxes. For further information, call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5-4840, WEST -- SHOPPING CENTRE New 7 room two storey brick home with attached garage, this home features two 4-pce. tiled bathroom, two kitchens and all rooms are large enough and suitable for 2 families. An extra well constructed home in a convenient location. Well worth your time to inspect. Asking $17,600. Terms, call Henry Stinson, evenings RA 5-0243. WILSON RD. SOUTH List price $13,500 -- 5% rooms, brick ranch style bungalow, located close to King St. E.,, 3 bedrooms, oil heated. Lot size 44' x 136', a good home price correctly in a residential area. Call Don Stradeski, evenings RA 8-8423, for further information. BEAU VALLEY We have a few choice lots available in Beau Valley. All services in and paid for, underground telephone and hydro. Full price $4,200. Down payment 25% and balance on monthly payments. If you have a home now and are thinking of a new home, we would be pleased to valuate your present home without obliga- tion or cost. If | may be of service, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board aso RAR-2268 0 OR. - RA 8-1624 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL 8-4678 OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS IT'S COTTAGE TIME AT RICE LAKE Don't waste money renting each year when you can own your own cottage so easily. We have a good selection of. lots and cottages for sale in 3 different built-up subdivisions on the north shore of Rice Lake, only 43 miles from Oshawa, some of which are listed below. LOTS Lakefront = 75' x 200', treed. $1650, $1750, $2250. Lakefront -- 100' x 150° lokefront -- $1500. Back Lots -- 75' x 200', close to water, beautiful lots at $700 with $100 down, COTTAGES Log Siding ranch cottage on concrete slab on level lakefront -- lot v1 plenty of shade, sandy beach, furniture and refrigerator, etc 3-bedroom cottage, Johns-Manville Siding, finished walls inside, modern kitchen, pressure system, hot and cold water, excellent lot. $4500 with $500 down 3-bedroom cottages (new) wired, good lot -- $3,000. Easy terms. Dick Barrioge, RA 8-4678 Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983 docking facilities, Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 Joe Mage, RA 5-919] | Terms. 56 acres, 12 miles from Osh- awa, nice view, trout stream. Price only $3,000. with $1,000 Down. 25 acres with 6 room house, bank barn, two garages. Own- er will sell or trade. See us for information. 100 acres near Sunderland, river frontage, good duck hunting, excellent cottage site. Priced to sell. Easy terms. 11 "acres with frontage on highway No. 2. Owner must sell. Price $3,500. Terms. 2 acres with 4 room bunga- low, full basement, furnace, bath, garage, small barn. All this for only $5,250. Terms. Building lots on sewer and water. See us for information, 3 bedroom bungalow, fully modern, near school. Price $10,500. Terms. On highway No. 2, one mile east of Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-3644. Salesman G. Blyleven MA 00 MA 3-3644 Real Estate Ltd. RA 5-8831° 200 ACRES with camp, near Maynooth, $1800 aioe ful ies Call Walker Fo Mequay and We are planning five owner applicant two bedroom NHA bungalows with vanity and tile bathroom, spacious kit- chen cupboards, storms and screens, etc. These homes will carry for $75.00 per month, principal, interest and toxes. Price $10,360. Down payment from $1,000 to $2,000 JAMES O'MALLEY BUILDER RA 3-7122 JOHN F. Dewith Realtor and General Insurance Phone 3341 Dairy Farm 200 acres com- muting distance to Oshawa, L-shoped bonkbarn, steel stanchions, waterbowls, bulk tank cooler, silo, drive shed, etc. 8 roomed home with all modern conveniences. Price $28,500 with $5,000 down. Dairy Farm, 325 acres, stream, open milk quota, 100° x 40° bankbarn, steel stanchions, waterbowls, silo, bulktank coller, etc. 8 roomed brick house, running water, Including 58 milk- cows. Price $40,000. Easy terms, Newcastle 92 acre farm, 87 acres work- able, 2 ponds, L-shaped bankbarn, drive shed, hen house, garage, silo, 8 roomed home with running water. Asking $16,000 with $5,000 down. Dairy Farm, 200 acres, 140 acres workable, stream, L- shaped bankbarn, water on tap, drive shed, silo, etc. 8 roomed brick house with all modern conveniences. Asking price $25,000. Terms. Dairy farm, 100 acres, all workable, close to a town, 100' x 32' bankbarn, water- bowls, bulktank cooler, drive shed, garage. 8 roomed house with running hot and cold water, furnace. Including 15 milk cows. Price $21,000 with $5,000 down, 120 acre farm, 110 acres workable, L-shaped bankbarn, pond, drive shed, waterbowls, steel stanchions, garage, etc. 7 roomed brick house with all modern conveniences. Price $14,000 with $5,000 down. 60 acre farm, near Bethany, 50 acres workable, 80' x 45° bankbarn, silo. 7 roomed home with water under pressure, Price $6,500, Terms. 50 acre farm near Omemee, barn. 7 roomed home, with hydro. Price $6,500. Terms. 50 acre farm, 6 miles north of Port Perry, with stream, 40 acres workable, large barn, running water, silo, machine shed. 8 roomed brick house with furnace, running hot and cold water, Asking $13,000. Terms. Co- op listing. 40 acre farm on No, 2 High- way, west Bowmanville, all workable, with barn, hen house, etc. 8 roomed house with all. modern conveniences. Over 9,000 feet highway frontage. Will take income home for down payment. 200 acre farm, 160 acres workable, stream, bankbarn, drive shed etc. 8 roomed brick house. Asking price $14,500 with $5,000 down. 5 roomed home on No. 12 highway near Greenbank with good size lot, Price $3,500 with $1,000 down. Donald Mountjoy MA 3-3950 Frank Hunter RA 5-2974 L. A, Perrault, Clarke 223) NN. -- STEPHEN MACKO REALTOR 187 KING ST. E. RA 8-4661 Somerville near Rossland, 1% storey six room brick home. Oil heated. Close to bus and school. Exceptional value ot $10,700 with low down payment. Six room ranch bungalow with garage. Hollywood kit- chen, 3 bedrooms, built-in vanity in bathrooms This well constructed home is now ready for occupancy. $2,930 down payment. Kendalwood, situated on half- acre picturesque lot, large 6 room modern custom-built bungalow with attached gar- age, stone fireplace. Beauti- ful view of Oshawa. Can be bought aot an amazingly good price. Must be sold, owner has other interests. Comfortable modern 5 room bungalow on Huron Street, Very central, close to school, stores and bus. A real buy ot $11,500 For further information, contact Jack Sheriff RA 3-3775 Steve Macko RA 8-4661 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board BOLAHOOD ITED INSURANCE LIM REALTORS 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 EXECUTIVE HOME Beautiful 6 room home, all stone front, attached garage. Immaculately kept. Many extra features. Plus extra bedroom in basement. Lo- cated on Sandra Street. Ask- ing price $17,500. Open to offer. Please phone Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. NORTH-WEST New, 5 room, 3 bedroom stone and brick bungalow with attached garage. Large lot and very good location. If you want something just a little bit better, Call Jack Appleby ot RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. VACANT LOT At Oshawa Shopping Centre, near Stevensons Road and King West, 70 x 110. Zoned for single house or duplex. Call Jack Appleby aot RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. 7%2 ROOMS CENTRAL Brick home with garage. Gleaming hardwood and tile floors, all good size rooms, large modern kitchen, just steps to school, shops. Must be seen. Call now for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342. NEW HOMES NORTH OSHAWA Full price only $12,990 with low down payment, 5V2 rooms, 'brick, all large rooms, large modern kitchen, call now, only 2 left. Ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342, OWNER SAYS SELL Large ranch style brick bun- galow, 5V2 large rooms, large modern kitchen, partly fin- ished rec-room. Patio and landscaped. Aluminum storms and screens and paved drive. Must be seen. Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342, Members of Oshawa & District Real Estate Board $1000 i --- ue buy home, best location. Realtor, 26 MO 8.5765. you a good w. McCauley, ce Street. RA 3.2512 or FIVE - room bungalow with gar paved driveway. Close to prot on dra Street RA 5-3640. PACKAGE deal. Simcoe Street North, lot 50 x plus plank' lumber plus trim. Windows, ete. This makes a real handyman's or builder's special. Price $5900. Call Henry Stinson, clates Lid. RA 3-2265. PRIVATE sale, three bedroom solid brick bungalow, close to SGM, extras. Apply 446 Phill 8-6479. school, bus, low down oth oey Sane building containing five woodworking machines all equip. ped with electric motors in perfect con. dition, plus approximately 7000 feet of evenings RA So p Murray Avenue. RA AJAX -- Three-bedroom semi-detached bungalow, lar kitchen, Full $12,500. Privat le WH 2- family size kitchen, 22' living room, full carried Lauzon: HO MO "wai Brethour Real = $300 FULL DOWN six-room bungalow, home -- garage, $15,500 with $3500 down. Grierson. RA $5-9329, and twe rooms, plus four rooms and two a ning water, hea wiring, plumbing, half mile to iol reasons ably priced. COlfax 3.2377 Hampton. 10-ACRE farm, solid brick house, rum- complete and high schools. Large Apply Box 706 Oshawa Times. «= room house 1% storey, ame inum windows and doors, near publi ving rooms, sewers, water, must sell. for quick sale, RA 3-3807. Oshawa district. Telephone RA 3-487L ONE acre of land, residential Sands SIX - room brick, new home, in North SIX-room brick house, two storey, Ale Dest § Street. Apply 193 Cadillac Avenue uth, INCOME home, seven rooms, hot water heating, Leslie Street, to high and public schools, only $12,900. Baty terms. Jones Real Estate, brick, close FOUR-room brick house Bings 158 Olive Avenue, A aves aw sale BUSINESS location, King Street commercial property with 66° frontage price $16,900, oe this make an offer. Call Henry Stinson, nings RA 5-0243, daytime Schofield Ime surance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2268. $400 DOWN 6% MORTGAGES Solid brick, Decorated, Alumie num storms and screens. 4) T. Lomson Real Estate td, RA 5-8831 Huron Street, beautifully kept 5 room storey and half modern brick home on 70 foot frontage. Grounds nice ly landscaped with fruit trees, flower beds and vegetable garden. Available immediate- ly. Can be bought with $1,500 or $2,000 down pay- ment, one mortgage for the balance. S. MACKO REALTOR RA 8-4661 On Stacey, 2 storey brick home with 6 large rooms. Excellent shape, can also be used as rooming house. $11,500 with low down payment, Call Macke Realtor, RA 8-4661. COLONIAL HOMES Quality Garages. RA 8-4614 134 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa of Manufacturers Cottages, Homes, WANT TO SELL? LIST WITH US! WANT TO BUY? CALL US! We specialize' in homes, farms, businesses. For re- sults, call: JOHN DE WITH Realtor--Insurance NEWCASTLE 3341 OSHAWA F. HUNTER RA 5.2974 BOWMANVILLE D. MOUNTJOY MA 3-3950 46--Real Estote Wanted BUYERS WAITING We have buyers waiting for 4 bedroom homes in a price range from $12,500 to $16,- 500 ih residential location. Call SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. Daytime RA 3-2265 Evening RA 5-0243 or 5-1726 (Continued on Page 26)

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