4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 24, 1960 | Make-Up Will Feature Drama "Shop Session BOWMANVILLE -- The Dur-| UXBRIDGE (Special) -- On- ham Drama Workshop, meeting|tario County 4-H Homemaking Clubs have completed their win- at the Lions' Centre in Bowman- : mn ville, will have as its guest Thurs-| tT project, "Cottons May Be day, March 3, Mrs. Austin Hiltz( Smart'. Colon dresses of every of Oshawa. Mrs. Hiltz will give a 312) 2nd Solop wore Sisplayed at demonstration of make-up, both|%¢ iid : evemen Wiig generzl and character types. This S al Leaverion an xbridge. A an eventy-three 4-H Homemaking meeting should be of interest to Club members. from Ontario anyone involved or interested in North and :5 members from On- play production, and the meeting arin south participated in judg- 1s acon io te DiS: vn in the, Dg classes of £otton dresses and azz ny |selecting suitable fabrics for a community as she taught at Bow- | given in Pi of dress. Each mem- aly ille High Sica under her ber completed a sample of slip- jpna iio Zane, Hilda Rice. Su stitching, suitable to be used for has had much experience in the|the hem of a cotton dress. are of makeup and the demon-| Assisting Wilda Gordon, county stration promises to be of much home economist, with the pro- interest. |gram at Beaverton was Lulu The demonstration will begin|Row, supervisor of the Junior at 9 p.m. in the Lions' Centre, [Clothing Department, Home Eco- Bowmanville, Thursday, March nomics Service, Toronto, and 3. but the regular session of the | Ruth Shaver, home economist for workshop will begin as usual at|Garleton, Grenville ard Leeds 7.45 p.m. Anyone is welcome to Counties. Exhibits were present- come and observe the workshop| ed by Gamebridge, Atherley and |{Udney South clubs. Commenta- i session or to attend at 9 p.m |tors were Mary Jane Howard {for the demonstration. |Kathlen Healy and Anne More- {land respectively. "Co'tons May Be Smart" was | Girls Display 4H Achievement Janet Jones commented on the Mount Zion exhibit "Cotions May Be Smart When Styles Suit the Figure." Lois Noble of Quaker Hill gave the comment for her club exhibit "Cottons May Be Smart When Fashioned for Your Figure." Skits on *'Cottons May Be Smart" were given by Altona and Prince Albert Clubs. Brooklin's skit was called "The Four Sins." Claremont presented a demon- stration on how to shrink fabrics. Forty-three members were pre- sented with certificatesof achievement for having complet- ed two projects. County Honor certificates and pins for the completion of six| projects were presented to Lor-| raine Corrigan, Helen Bickell, | Caroline Newman; Linda Quinn| and Marilyn Wilson of Udney South; Shirley Dunkeld, Altona; Antje Schnabel, Brooklin; Patsy Gray, Brougham; and Donna Me-| Tavish of Quaker Hill, Provincial Honor certificates and pins were presented to Jean Lewis, Altona and Mary McEach- ren, Brooklin, for having com- pleted twelve 4-H Homemaking pletion of the project. a silver 4-H Homemaking ClubGarden Club" project this snm- spoon in rcognition of her com-|mer. Emphasis will be placed - storage of home grown . Ontario County 4-H Homemak- [She training school for jeaders ing clubs will participate in "The|will be held March 29 and Shop WOOLWORTH' First STORE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 9 P.M, Our Counters Are Filled With WONDERFUL VALUES MANY SPECIALS IN THIS PAPER WEDDING BONUS DAY SALE Leap Year 1960--Feb. 25-26-27-29th SEE THURSDAY ADVERTISING the title of the demonstrations ( AKE We bake cakes for large and small weddings. Our delicious light or dark fruit cake with almond ond. royal icing, beautiful Wedding decor- ations. Your favorite design. Choose your ornament from our attractive assortment, 2tier 11.00 3-tier 19.00 DELIVERED Club projects. nrg nnt | (denture | Rathburn clubs. ne 5 | WASHINGTON (AP)--The U.S. i i mi vernment to "pour Stages in Making a Cot-| . lto return its dom wa'er| Junior Homemakers presented More Firmly in Place ] Som I {by Chicago now is discharged|Jackson and Gloria Robertson] uns When you eat. laugh or talk? Den Morris, for "the the addition to |., sin, Minneso'a, Ohio, Pennsyl- | Diwder holds false teeth more firmly | sour. Checks "plate odor" 1930 decree to require the city] ouaY "at | | Government May . znd skits presented by Beaver- . Each member, leader and as- £ ' Step Into Dispute hon, Suzderland, Udney North sistant leader was presented with | The Claremont Queen Bees, a Tuesday per ipew club, presented an exhibit How To Hold intervene in litiga ion in which|ton Dress", Barbara Pugh com- FALSE TEETH six states seek to co 1 Chicago |men'ing. Brougham and Scugog pumpage to Lake Michigan. |exhibits titled "Cottons May Be| Dn your false teeth annny and em- Ct IED bi { (¥ Water taken for domestic use/Smart" with comments by Grace| barrass by slipping, dropping or wob. i tits . x : Just sprinkle a little FASTEE Centre. Back row, left er of fe Liberty Bowl, and lint o the Illinois Waterway, Wis- respectively. | your hi This alkaline id tion of the new F. F store on Temy ran e re ot i ile | ia, M.chigan and New York| FEATHERED WHISTLER | ks. pasty tain fering. nummy, t the high court to amend af Sod The piping crow of Australia breath) Get FASTEETH " an, 4 [to return such water, after treat- {known as the "flute player," ean) Yo. | ment, to Lake Michigan. |be taught to whistle tunes, e Cham- {en's Y Thursday --Photo Courte sy C na dian & ier Com munity | a _the chamber Guides, Scouts | Optario County |= Fined lan Cineaq, Take Service F r n 2 Ca a BtDarion [J SIFIRL \CLBEIS, a ence e 1 n 1, 1.30 p 'd Ceci 1 ald By IVY THOMPSON DUNBARTON irl G e months oy morn- r q ra'e R Bax- er he re to face the ki nd charge of having a plac other than in n was dismissed, urt a 12-pint ated from his and he was ipal dates are listec 27, 9.00 a.m. -- o County Hol id hd 03 = th sells only Canada's Finest RED BRAND BEEF : en | Leap-Year-Baby L (J 4 4 5 i . : he . | Probation For | | Gives Ipichena ; Trimmed | { : hawa Youth | Ed wibtiom ¢ ROAST 37 ORT RIB ROAST 49%. 49 LB. 30: | CORNED BEEF 5. | s'arted ERI | TOMATO JUICE ¥. Grade VII OCEAN KING -- FANCY RED _ STCKEYE SALMON = 49: A" REGULAR, BUCKWHEAT 0 or BUTTERMILK PANCAKE MIX 21¢ 118. PKG. ® times. pulled to the south oo of the road in Newton- A 5 lle and wa sl ped ov: Brooklin, Soi and! M onday, Mar : 9.00 a.m th Re 214 W he iy ume oer ment meetin 1 d on cused smelled strongly of alco- 8.00 p.m. Town | br s fron Tio LOountyiy,) ton, Soil and C r their i sary, ect -- is the sieve h 2, 1.30 our thoughts and ship Hall, go, he said Crop Improve e to do my best" --| March 2 t is good enough and Hall, Beaver to Ged. Imnrovemt duty March Meat GUARANTEE to God" -- Gro- birth- y and in the Ps it for her 37 end at the Quebec Win- al and a birthda y party w Sten I am 50 y I am much oper-| = uit will be 1 tion t0|_p]l be able ' she s wever, is re LEAN & MEATY ain Bi SPARE RIBS 1 5 cons % proba- in his LITTLE LINK OR COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE no '1.00 NEW BRUNSWICK TABLE POTATOES CANADA GRADE NOY POJATOES S018. BAG 169 have rece SPECIAL LOW PRICE PINK, FLORIDA NO.1 GRAPEFRUIT 10+ 49¢ BANANAS 11¢ | SIZE 48 Street Icy, So Did Not Stop | BOWMANVILLE (Stafh P D2 J ng of 2 Albert Courtice Troop Ennual Banquet: By MRS. ROBERT COOK cot 'R] TICE The apply Ic c anted to marry white EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 40 OZ. PKG. MONARCH TEABISK VALID TO TUES. MARCH? EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 5 LBS. ONTARIO GROWN CARROTS VALID TO TUES. MARCH 1 EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 5 LBS. ONTARIO GROWN FANCY MACINTOSH SPY OR BUY A SECTION wo APPLES | | A WEEK ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE TO FEB. 27 EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps 50 i eens } {5 WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 40 OZ. PKG. BISQUICK BAKING MIX VALID TO TUES. MARCH | i) EXTRA 5 EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF OLD COLONY OR CAMP 16 OZ. BTL. 7¢ OFF DEAL {MAPLE SYRUP: VALID TO TUES. MARCH 1 WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 218. TIN BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP VALID TO TUES. MARCH | EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 1% 1B. BTL CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP VALID TO TUES. MARCH | annual ASSEMBLE IT YOURSELF AT A FRACTION OF REGULAR COST IN 14 SECTIONS PLUS INDIR NORTH PLAZA AJAX LIVE WIRE NOURISHMENT! FAMOUS ALL-VEGETABLE Yellow QUIK DUNDAS ST. |_Blue || WHITBY : B onnet y i a Lai ai "AN A v ie Li VALID TO TUES. ARCH MARGARINE J Bob AK her quests were Mrs. | i t of Mothers|¢ first vice.|'? district; R.|icy. He y cub master; W.|across the inter Pidduck ACM, J.[S0 he did not bother and C. Carpenter the annual tree plan thanked » mony April 30 Ti s entertained $ the troop kn 3 mpetition. A mp March 4 to 6; ghorn t hike April 23, andiand fishing. WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF 32 OZ. BTL. OLD-TYME TABLE SYRUP VALID TO TUES. MARCH) thoug vith a