Rotary Olub fn Hs campaign | Death Penalty ara wlio did Sa dm PEROEANT CONVIUTIW 3 Tn Js, Wier, Semiw 1: 1198 | "riveS BUREAUS | Rotary Seeks [we sev memes o close DENIAM, Tog, (Restore) | The six new classifications were | Brubsker's. counsel offered no|court martial es Thy H , | declared open at a recent direc-| 1 | Rjax Rjax 426 New Members |' mess. They Sora co Asked In Trial |ovidence ana the dotendant aia |ni6hL found Master bet, Mares John Mills struction, general contracting,| 10S ANGELES (AP) -- Pro. take the stand in his trial perce guilty of murdering his education, public schools, govern: \secutors demanded the death!for the strangling of Mrs, Irene wife with arsenic and committing BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLY, -- feveral , i sew classifications have ba ment, municipal service, hard. \pensity Wednesdsy for Charles P, Morey, 40, divorced secretary adultery with a young English MA 3.7224 ons have been 81: |ware retailing, hotels, and gen-| ¥, Brubaker, 39, as his trial on a|fiom Owen Bound and her nine-|woman, Bentencing was post: nounced hy the Bowmanville eral Insurance, leharge of slaying a Canadian | year-old son, Craig, I poned, R. Cziranka rn -- Co #1 Seniors To \ " 4 Play Host | At B'ville 7 X BOWMANVILLY, -- The closing of Bowmanville High School for the Christmas holidays Friday will he featured by a Christmas program with Grade 13 playing host to the 750 students and : teachers, During the past few years the event has become a ki tradition fn the school | Main attractions will he a spe eial play put on hy members of the staff, and a volleyball game / p 15 A P in the evening between the Grade {13 team and the staff team, 1| Santa Claus will make an Ap '| pearance and an evening supper RE ae raed oo ie Beautifully Tailored Extra Long 4SEATER SOFA " wl wp - "4 the dance which beg t 9 TOMMY BROWN HANDS OVER HIS CRUTCHES A nor a pv $10 Down Delivers Glad To Part oe HOCKEY Rovary Sask ae . FAN IS MISSING | Crippled Kids on With Crutches | sown so | NPD 60 RIES tional director Doug Rigg [erippled children from Bowman PICKERING (Blaff)--A little for an operation to be performed aye mourning the loss of (Ville and surrounding area wer episode occurred at 'the Handi. during the summer by Di Halll "yeh, most beloved rooter (entertained hy Bowmanville eapped Children's Christmas par of the Hospital for Sick ¢ hildren around the Bowmanville are- |Rotary Club this week at the an ' . : It was a complete success,| no fel' fg the most ardent [nual crippled children's Christ ty on Saturday last which almost rommy can now place his fooll gan of them all, When he mas party went unnoticed, During the pre: squarely on the ground and walk can't get to - the arena The dinner party was held In sentation of gifts, a nine-year-okd|yith little trace of his disability. | watches hockey on televi- [the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel boy who was a polio patient five Before the operation he could ion and 54 Rotarians and. thelr wives years Ako walked up to Mrs, only touch his toe to the ground He is a small, brown non- [were on hand for the occasion Tom Wheeler and handed her his| When Mrs, Wheeler began her| descrip dog easily identified |Highlight of the affair was ap erutches, "Here are my [ rutches, water therapy swimming classes, if (here's any hockey being | pearance of Banta Claus, portray perhaps someone else Will need four years age Tommy was one pigyed anywhere If the ed hy Ross Gilhart them Thanks to you and Dr. lof the first children to attend aye is heing televised, he The members of the erippled Hall. oAN walk without them," He has auended EVETY SUMMET| ysually gets around the back |ehildren's committee, headed by since. He has learned to swim! of (he set in an effort to [Jim Btutt, made arrangements The boy is Tommy Brown, eld- and has his Junior Red Croms| make closer contact with the [for the party and fixed up trans ast son of Mr, and Mrs, Tom badge game portation for the youngsters Brown of Royal Road, Pickering Now he is planning to get in He has lived with Doug The program for the evening In Tommy has seven brothers and some skating, He has skates and) Rigg for about a year, after leluded carol singing, favors for sisters. He contracted polio when in exchange for his erofehes Was! he followed the recreational [youngsters and a feature film he was i Tails old, A con: presepted with shin guards and, director home from a hockey | traction of the Achilles tendon hockey pads by friends of the game, He has wandered oft -- y e . » LATCHFORD WANTS BARS of his right leg made it necessary distriet before, but has always re LATCHFORD. Ont, (CP)--This turned after a short absence, |gmpll Jumbering town Thursday This time he has been mish haname the second centre in mg since Sunday, and Mr. mimiskaming district to vote in i I Bp A ts pecia ar Y Rigg would be glad to hear |rayor of cockiall bars, The count f SER I b ! from anyone who might be Jounges war AA nv) ' i i - i ( in favor of liquor sheltering his most faithful |110.53 in a 66 per-cent turnout of ft ' As 5 foo supporter |eligible voters, Larder Lake re 4 is LW ha 4 or 1S) ar £ cently voted in favor of lounges p bt hadi 4 AJAX (Stal) A special sort| that the progress they have made with amma i Jaycees Bring Be [yr COMFORTABLE Thursday evening in the schoo | Before Santa Claus arrived the for retarded ohildren on Brock children distributed gifts to thelr Cc i ! atreet, Over 130 parents and| parents, and a bouquet of roses heer To Home 1 : : : i : AIRFOAM CUSHIONS friends of the association were|was presented to Mrs, Wheeler in| a bp. 9h h y present |appreciation of the hours she has {a . It was a heart warming event|spent In furthering the musical BOWMANVILLE -- Members on a light lunch for the group at § Batra lore th ph Seniority and so good lacking, The sefe according to the visitors, The | education of the children of the Oshawa Junior Chamber of [the close of the entertainment, | E I 9 chair have reversi bie alrfoam cushions and are covered youngsters who attend the school| 1t was a party with a differ- Commerce made their annual Monday, Rotarians from Toron- xactly In an attractive tweed fabric, It's evailable in Brown, Beige, Blue, enjoy singing and under Mrs, ence. A eampalgn is on at pres: |visit to Jury House at the Row: to will put on their annual As ll | Green or Charcoal, ' Tom Wheeler they learned sev.|ent to raise funds for a new manville Boya' Training Schodl| Christmas party for the boys not s ustrated Y For Chri 1 eral carols, which they sang for|school, So far donations have fall: this week to take part in the proceeding home for the festival ours ror ristmas $ 0 Down . "oe $10 Monthly the occasion, Another feature of en far. short of the target of $18, Christmas program The event is eagerly anticipated by the boys as one of the year's the evening was music from the|000, The association hopes that| Ahout 40 Jaycees and thelr h ol rhythm band, which brought ap-|more funds will come in before|yiives were on hand for the occa: highlights, according to J, Morri: Smartly Styled SEE OUR SELECTION A Comfortable Chair Is 9 | home plause and praise [the campaign closes, The appeal|gion, which was marked by the|®on. superintendent of the Most of the children just a short|ls being made throughout Pick: presentation of 'a publie address) ™ | DINETTE SUITES Always Appreciated, time ago had little. speech, and ering Township, Ajax and Whitby, |gystem to the boys, The system no particular Interest in anything|the area served by the associa: will permit radio programs te he 4 Pha + around them. The party showed tion, piped from the dormitory into the SU BSCRIBERS . Jo : 2 Biers Suites wit boys' locker room | : \ Vo THE TIMES ' ha 2 " hm Other gifts from the Jayeees to Jury House included a variety | BOWMANVILLE : & d table : 44.75 up of indoor games such as check: | os || FOR MISSED PAPERS AND The hoys staged two short skits ) and two of the boys presented BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST an Indian dance in full tribal | TAX! SERVICE PHONE galla, The Jaycees' segment | of the program included a num STEVEN'S TAXI her of western selections and a Christmas story MA 3.5822 Sh : ae A wide | Later In the evening the NM y ! 1 I hoys of the House joined in with If you have not received your selection ithe supervisors, thelr wives, and || Times phone your carrier boy | of colors the Javeee in singing Christmas| goo 1 you are unable te con from which carols t tact him by 7:00 p.m, 0 choose iv Jaye it The wives of the Jaycees pu TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI COLLEGE MUSEUM | Calls Accepted Between The Ashmolean Museum, old 7 «7130 p.m, Only eat in Rritain, wae built in wn by Oxford University APT. SIZE 3-PCE. CHROME SUITES ~ Perfect where space Is limited. The top measures 24" x KROEHLER ROCKER & AWAKE | 36", , . made of Arbarita with Aluminum moulding, Chairs A Kroehler Rocker Is o family chair and ever b NIGHTS ii are comfortably padded and covered In washable plastie, the family will use it, It looks Bi iy y i pod " COMFORTABLE and it is nicely tailored in @ modern novelty weave fabric. Available in Red, Green, Brown or Beige, Many people never togeta good Healthy Kidneys Alter poisons and night's rest, They toss and turn in excess acids from the blood, If they bed and then are dull and listless slow down and impurities stay in the Colourful throughout the day, system, disturbed rest, tired feeling 4 HASSOCKS All of which may be' and backache often follow, If you A . Ail shepss. 3iaes ond due to a temporary don't rest well at night=il you WIRE ' colours , toxic condition which haven't that sprightly step of health 4 he J calls for the wae of in the daytime use Dodd's Kidney Dodd's Kidney Pills, Pills, You can depend on Dodd's! (1) GIFTS ARE DISTRIRUTED pL ERE " - | w at the Christmas party far re. i - - . IV -- " E A tarded children in Ajax and A \ wa y \ ) YOUR LIFE'S » 3 SMOKING Pickering. Top left 1s Alb oY | \ ) v ry y : Jekering. Bid oe oe : a : MADE EASIER 8 ! Claus is Mrs. N. Echevarria, a | f - through N . Pr STANDS her In the school tard. P-- ' 4 pe ne ACh or retard A Happy Idea for the CLASSIFIED v Photo hy John Milly | A Cy Shere at Christmas ADS IN LEATHERLIKE PLASTIC 2.95 vr 1 GL) " FOR MISSED J Give the youngsters the fun of To solve everyday prob- . finding packages of Wrigley's lems quickly, rareRs © (17) Brunei, (H) Ra $0452 | snoP ToniaHT . . oben TLL 3 Pu. | TABLE LAMPS IN AJAX like delicious Wrigley's Spears g { . DOWNTOWN Hundreds of shapes and styles from which mint. Never spoils the ap. 1# you have net received your 5 " petite. They A . to choose , , , a gift that will really put Times by 7 pm. call } { of ; aan fy njoy it a sparkle in Christmas f i hefore and after meals, 0S A AJAX TAXI It's good for them. Get H WA From ' several hoxea today, LAR EE ERE NEN] ® PHONE Note: Wriglev's Spearmint Gum AJAX 333 | TK p) mb G EPeeR OR WAS, All alls must be placed batare 10 pm,