20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 19, 1958 Karachi-Instanbul Journey Highlights Douglas Book Justice Willlam O. Douglas has and personal terms what he has recorded his impressions of a|seen. This is a brilliant book of 7000-mile automobile trip which romance and adventure in the he made from Karachi, West Middle East today. Justice Doug- Pakistan, to Istanbul, Turkey, in las was accompanied by his wife the summer af 1957. |and Mrs, Mary Watkins. The name of his book is "WEST| They crossed the famous OF THE INDUS" (Doubleday of Khyber Pass, wandered among Canada Ltd.), and it establishes|the ruins of ancient towns and the author as one of the leading civilizations which had flourished world travellers without a doubt. and died long before the birth of The author, as Associaté Justice China, traversed hundreds of fn the United States Supreme miles of deeply rutted dirt roads, Court since 1930 who is known experienced the searing heat and as one of 'America's' outstanding choking dust of deserts, marvel- liberal jurists, ance again is re- led at the breath-taking beauty of vealed as a keen observer with|the Hindu Kush and the Patopam- the ability to describe in vivid|isus, came to know the warm- hearted villagers of remote areas. FOLLOWED WINANT They followed the path of Peter |Winant and his fiancee up to the spot of their sinister di - the manner of Russian intriguehistorians ever since, Later BW in those border countries and the pattern of communist infiltration. | This is » top-rate adventure 4 ~ WORTHERN Sh proved by masterful reorganiza-| Manitoba's Miami is an agri- defeated Carthaginian cultural and butter - making vil- tion of the government that he was as fine lage miles southwest of Win- story and is highly r for those who like their adven- ture well-written and informative. Author Harold Lamb, who is famous for his narratives on the ancient colorful East and Near East, has written a new book, "HANNIBAL" (Doubleday of |Canada Ltd, | Everything Hannibal did was done in a magnificent way. He moved | ance in North Afghanistan, He re- traversed many of Marco Polo's trails and most of the routes of Alexander the Great, They pass- ed through many cities that had been sacked and burned by the great conquerors -- Alexandgf, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane, Jus- tice Douglas filled his notebooks with accounts of the local cus- toms and brought back this warm, h t of how the In- TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WROC-TV Channel S5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel é---Buffal¢ 11:30 AM, 4-Clacos. Kid | | 8~Industry on Parade 2:00 PM, 4--Holiday Bowl 2:30 PM, Wrestling Feature Film FRIDAY EVENING b00 P.M, 11-Theatre Sports Hidden Pages FH avhoase Santa Claus Three Stooges worm ~Mighty Mouse Dinner Date Theatre wild Bill Hickoch nw P.M Theatre; News; Weather 6-News 2~Colonel Bleep 2-Faith of Israel 12.00 NOON 6--~Musical Interlude 5--Cartoons 4~News: Weather 2~Zero 1960 "0b PM, 6-~U.N, Review Film Feature 128 v.M, 11--Christophers 6-Good Life Theatre 4--Face the Nation 2-Mary Schomon Bing- 11a 6 3:00 P.M, College Next Fall Basketball 2180 P.M, Cartoon Party ~Frankie Laine 3:45 P.M, Learn To Draw 4:00 Amahl Bowling Wrestling 1 PM, 1b and Visitors 8~News 6---Captain Grief ha Pm 8--Name That Tune 4.2~News; BSporis 0 PM, 44s P.M, 8--~Travel Time ors 1100 P, M, | SATURDAY EVE, 5.00 P.M, 11--Bravo Theatre | 6--Guilty or not Guilty S--~Bowling | 4~Fllm Featurette | 2-Playhouse | 1:30 P.M, | 6-Country Calendar 11-6--Zorro 85-All Star Golf 4~Beat the Champ Na--Bowling \ 80 P.M, | 11°87-Rin Tin Tia | 3~Man Without a Gun r.M 11--Theatre 6-="Tabioio . B--Real McCoys 4--Colonel Flack 2-~Rescus § 180 P.M, 6---Leave It To Beaver 8~Rin Tin Tin 4--Hit Parade 2--Buckskin non PM, Al6--~Here's Duffy 5-2~Ellery Queen 4=Trackdown san PM, 11.6Plouffe Family 4~Jackie Gleason on P.M, 11Oldsmobile Show | "no FM 11--Nation's Business 6--TBA S--Manhattan Musie 4~Wrestling 2-8clence Fiction 8--Mr, Wizard 4~Pro, Football 2:30 P.M, 11-=Living Word B--Basketball 2:45 P.M, | 11~8acred Heart | 3:00 P.M, 11.86-Citizen's Forum | 3:30 P| | 11,6~Heritage 3~8ea Hunt 4100 P.M, 11-This is the Life 6--Twentieth Century 3~Laurel and Hardy 4.30 P.M, 11-Rev. Roberts 6--Lassie 4~Inside Football en PM, 11---Tennesses Ernie 6---Mr. Fixit 3--Yesterday's Newsreel S--Lawrence Welk 6:40 P.M, $4-News; Sports 1.00 P.M, 11--Rifleman . Ivanhoe 4~U of B Round Table S--African Patrol 11-=The Vise 6---8aturday Date 5.3-People Are Funny &~Perry Mason 5.00 P.M, 11,6,5,3-Perry Come 8.30 P. M, 4=Playhouse 10.00 P.M, 114-5-3--Cavaloade of Sports &=The Line-up 10.50 4=Person 10:48 114-Jim Coleman blight Beat 3-8iag Room 11.00 P.M, n4842-News; Sports 1.10 P.M, $-Viewpoint S~=Movie 1. Pa, 11=Wrestling 6~Premiere Perform. 5.00 P.M, 11,6~News Magazine & bus &~Conquest 0.50 P.M. 11-Lassie World of Women 8.00 P.M, 11,6-Bob Cummings 5-~Meet the Press 4=Small World 3--Tughoat Annie 4Wanted, Dead or Alive 0.00 P.M, 11,6--NHL Hockey §-3-8teve Canyon 4~Gale Storm 30 PM, 4---Have Gun Will Travel $3-~Cimarron City 10.00 P.M, 4=Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 11,6-King Whyte 10.50 P.M. 0. M, 11-<Man Behind The Badge Naked City BPat Boone 4--Silent Service 3-Flight 1.0 P.M. 1=N Late Show §-Rescue § 6,4,3-News; Weathers Sports 1.18 P.M. S-Julletle 3-Just Musie r.M, to Person ru, 0.50 P.M, 11,6--Father Knows Best S--~Maverick 420th Century $-Bishop Sheen 1.00 P.M, 11-1 Love Lucy 6----December Bride 4=Lassie 23-8aber of London 7.8 P.M, 11-8--8howtime | 8-3---Northwest Passage 4~Jack Benny 8.00 P. 11---Loretta Young 6,4-Ed Sulllvan | 5:3-Shirley Temple | 8.30 PM ked City PM » M, 11,6-World's Stage 4G .E, Theatre 8,2~Chevy Show vido P.M, 1.80 P. 6-Wrestling 8-=Movie 11-The 4--Playhouse 3-NY Confidential 12.00. Mid-nite 3-Late Watch SUNDAY 10,00 AM, A.8-Howdy Doody 10.30 AM, 5.5-Ruff and Ready habitants of these remote regions live today, their worries and con- cerns, their views of the world struggle for power. He also shows DANCE TONIGHT COUNTRY MUSIC -- NIGHT -- TO RADIO ARTISTS CHUCK FORTUNE And His CHUCK WAGON BOYS Featuring JIMMY AND JOHNNY THE SHEY BROS. RED BARN possibly large odds, He won great battles and he suffered tre- mendous defeats, He is rich meat for a competent historical biographer like Mr. Lamb, In this story, Historian Lamb writes with power and understanding as he recreates the full story of Han- nibal -- the man, the military an unwavering hate for Rome, Hannibal was known for |his military genius, but his over- {land campaign against Rome with [foot soldiers, cavalry, baggage |train, and elephants astonished the ancient world and has amazed ALL-ACTI COLIN PITA Na Notice to Parents NEW WIN literature, Graduates assis WILL COMMENCE at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Monday, Jan. 5, 1959 Only a very limited number of desks available. If | you want your son or daughter to have a complete Business Course, then--act now. Register at once. Phone for counselling appointment -- Ask for FREE 111 SIMCOE ST. S. TER TERM ted in obtaining positions. RA 5-337 4--Alfred Hitchcock 11,6-G.M, Presents 10.00 P.M, 4~Keep Talking §-2-Loretta Young 1 M 9.00 AM. 8-Christian Science 4--Lat's Open The Door #=The Christophers 015 AM $-Industry on Parade "80 AM, Mighty Mouse 11.00 AM, S-Fury 4--Heckle and Jeckle A=Farmer Alfalfa 11.80 AM, B-Circus Boy 4--Robin Hood 3-Watch The Birdie 0.50 P.M, 11,6--Fighting Words 54-What's My Line 2-Boots and Saddles ne P.M 11=News: Late Show 3---Brains and Brawn 6,42 News; Weathen; Sports 1.18 P.M, 6-This Weék $-Late Watch n g 10.00 AM 8-Christophers Lamp Unto My Poet 2-Church Invitation 10:30 AM, 12.00 NOO 8.3-True Story 4~Bugs Bunny nw PM, B-Big Picture , &~Last of the Mohicans 2-Detective's Diary Loo P.M, 8-Close-Up 4---Lone Ranger 8--Dateline 4=Unocle Jerry 2-This Is The Lite 10:45 AM, 5-~Ray Rogers | no AM. 8.4---Chureh Service 3-Morning Gospel | B=Movie 4~=Theatre 11:48 P.M, 6--~Camera Three 2-Dance Party 130 PM, 8--Feature Movie THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore -- "Bride of the Beast shown at 1.00, 3.35 6.10, 8.50 pm. "Beast of Budapest" shown at 2.20, 4.55, 7.30, 10.05 p.m. Last complete show starts at 8.50 pm, Brock (Whitby) -- "Me and the Colonel" shown daily at 7 and 9 p.m, Saturday Matinee 1.30 p.m. Last complete show 9 p.m. Marks -- "Francis Covers The Bigtown" 12.55, 4.55, 9.00 p.m also "Abbott and Costello Meet The Killer" 2.20, 6.20, 10.20 .m. "The Gold Raiders" 3.55 00 pm, Last complete show at 8.00 p.m. Regent -- 'The Sheepman in QinemaScope and Technicolor shown dally at 1.30, 3.35, 5.25, 7.30, 9.35 pm, Last complete show at 855 p.m, Visited CHUM'S | OF DELICIOUS FOOD BR Moderate Prices! CHUM'S AE "27 CELINA ST. FAMOUS WRITER John Galsworthy, the English author who died In 1933, wrote TRADIT Moke your now to IONAL Christmas Dinner reservation enjoy an out. standing dinner Served from 4:00 to 7:30 p.m. Christmas Day. party. PHONE RA 3.464) HOTEL GENOSHA Is first books under the name ohn Sinjohn. Something special that you need? 7? A NIAGARA loan can help indeed! 77 ue. Tos NIAGARA LOANS Lergest All-Canedian Loan Company 37 King Street East, Alger Building (Next to Biltmore Theatre), Suite 22 Phone RA 5.6561 Open Until Noon on Seturdey LIMITED NUMB 8.00 per couple New Year's Eve Dance Knights of Columbus Hall AVAILABLE May Be Purchased At . . . LLOYD REALTY LTD. 101 SIMCOE ST. N. ER OF TICKETS Buffet Luncheon big armies against all but| leader, and the boy who inherited | a stat as soldier. This is a| {great story of the man who has| een called the world's finest sol- |dier by an author who is cele- {brated for his authentic, vivid biographies of military leaders. All the variety, excitement and glory { Hannibal's tumultuous life lives again in this stirring saga of the mighty Carthaginian |who, even as an old man in exile in Syria, filled. the powerful Romans with drend. Hannibal {lived for 64 years, approximately lone century before Caesar and one century after Alexander, king of Macedonia. | Harold Lamb is at his best in this book which will help to main. | NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY TICKETS NOW ON SALE Kinloch's Mens Wear Jubilee Pavilion [tain his fine reputation as a top- {flight historian, GALA NEW YEAR'S DANCE eo THE U.AW.A. HALL eo MUSIC BY ABBIE DARCH and his ORCHESTRA FAVOURS AND BUFFET LUNCH SERVED DOWNSTAIRS TABLES UPSTAIRS DANCING 9 to ?? $8 PER COUPLE DRESS OPTIONAL | Exotic SPECIAL ON Oriental o DINNERS and ® BANQUETS Canadian ¢ LUNCHEONS Dishes ® CHINESE FOODS 30 MINISTER ARRESTED Kentucky Theological Benool, was TORONTO (CP) -- A former|arrested on a warrant pastor of the African Methodist HEARTBEAT OF TODAY'S YOUTH! Church in Windsor has been ar- {orsing 86 8 presser In & clea while|ing shop, rested in connection with the theft of between $1,000 and $1,500 in church funds, Rev, Wilfred McGruder, 35, a graduate of a *5,000 ' er ------------------ CNB SCOPE TICHMICOLOR® RA 5.5833 SAT, MON, TUE. Adult Entertainment FILL-A-CARD TOMORROW'S NO'S, N42. 0-T0 GAME "G" BINGO 18 31 50 61 20 32 28 33 39 41 44 36 35 40 DAY: HEH! KIDDIES! Meet Santa Claus at the PLAZA THEATRE Saturday, Dec. 20th ® EARLY MATINEE 2 ACTION PICTURES 2 12 14 15 6 7 11 12 You have until 5 p.m. the following doy te phone If you have & full cord Bingo (Sundoy excepted), Complete playing rules appear on the back ef every Bingo cord, 21 24 16 17 22 "Buchanan Rides Again" "Parson and the Outlaw" CHILDREN UNDER 14 -- 20c¢ Benefit of CANADIAN FEDERATION FREE COKES TO FIRST 200 KIDDIES OF THE BLIND Not affiliated with the C.N.1.B, TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 S ; - ", OPEN 7 AM. TILL 2 AM. HOUSE 9 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA STRANGER WITHA GLENN FOR MICKEY SHAUGHNESSY SHIRLEY MacLAINE SHEEPMAN py A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE FRCHRISTMAS / FEATURE DAILY AT... 1:30-3:35.5:25-7:30-9:35 Het® Are some GOOD REASONS to BUY T.V. or HI-FI Ye Parkway Television '® TORONTO PRICES @ LARGEST SELECTION © FREE HOME TRIAL © HIGHEST TRADE-IN © 90 DAYS FREE SERVICE ® WE DO OUR OWN SERVICING Give Us a TRY Before You BUY PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE N. eo RA .3.3043 OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS | WITH ALL YOUR FAVORITE COMEDIANS! va. THE KILLERS" °F AF RAIDERS WILSON & LEE LTD. 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-4706 (Ve A Gift for a Lifetime Beginners Lessons on the Accordion Con only $1.50 including Rental D. see our Studio Supervisor Mr, S. Lash Expert on the Subject F or further information Presenting . . . FINEST AMERICAN ELECTRIC GUITAR For demonstration call . . . RA 5-1501 WE SPECIALIZE IN MUSICAL . INSTRUCTIONS -- The Perfect Gift No one too young or too old to start making music. STUDIO Guitar (Spanish or Hawiian), Accordian, Clarinet, Saxaphone (Aito or Tenor), Popular Piano, Trumpet, Violin, Drums, Reasonablé Rates PIANOS -- ORGANS Alto Music Supplies 447 SIMCOE ST. §. DIAL RA 5-1501