rrr ry ryy 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 18, 1958 | Vessel Movements Toronto, Montreal Stocks Halted By Freeze | z- 11190 Web THEY CALLED id ow FORT WILLIAM (CP)~One of (mel ed east with im. , On Work Sales Migh Low 11 D Wigh Low sm, Chige el vv ~L)ne mis mov east w approxim BILLY THE KID TORONTO I a he ny! a ou Gunnar wis 500 700 700 700 y LB Wh Wy I 4 the fastest freeze-ups on record ately 6,200,000 bushels of wheat.| A cowArpi Un Gas 5 Si 16% 16% Gwilhim 00 Can Malt Pr 400 HD ., has halted vessel movements] Earlier in the week 25 grain Walk GW 5 $32" FA Ha . 1006 C Bk Cm ris 4660 0 75 0 * 3 from the Lakehead after an eight 0 | | (Quotations In mark W Copper $10v4 104 ~ W Hendway uw AS wl We 3% 3% + Y Te A I p carrying vessels departed for #044 Jot, ¥d 4 d Watn 6 pr 0h Hollinger Ei 100 18% 18% -- month season that saw a sharp Great Lakes' points between (he rights, Went 3 Hud Boy 8 Me M : on A 5 increase in grain traffic but a|LakeMvad and Toronto, Industzials Woodward A $i days Exp ith coh on 3 an % [decline In ore shipments, ICE CLOSED LAKES ; p 4 oP 9 Fi Jellicoe 4 y 180 Total grain shipments were es. At the week's end a sudden 833 #) I I Cory A 100 # -W timated at 323,300,000 bushels sharp drop In temperatures Net Anglos Hh Jonsmith ad 4 Coghlin Sock Sales Nigh Low il am Chige Ashesios 50 83 1 Jowsey Alls 180 0h 270 0 . 4 1 Dist 270 cn hug Kerr Add 400 Dist Seay 14 Pe 31 |compared with 276,300,000 last|caused difficulties for vessels en- LL 036% 6s 38% + 4 p 5 400 ADE I Dufsult 1200 56 nD Bridge 2 ' 3 ov i010 " . Yarsom Hod ' Lake Ling 2000 D Fndry #7 Su 4 " year tering and leaving harbor, Ice Alta Dist 70 20 10 Dupont 100 ' 1 Osu 200 26 D Steel ord 200 i Ore shipments totalled 1,339,391 formed almost overnight and by 2% WH Alte Dist 300 200 200 200 Int Ul 1 Wao 1000 » Dom Tar 4 9% 9% + % |tons, more than 1,000,000 less Saturday it was clear the season 124 " % i G Lorado wis 3300 Dom Text ' A A conto hg Ri re fie CO Uv 20 Macasen 1750 Donohue 750 4 than In 1957 was at an end, a day earlier Algoma 836% 35% 5 Oils Mace 100 H 4 Dusen i Ee dd " Shipping closed Saturday than 1957 season closed Atumint faa u 0-H Magner 2000) 9 Aut 194 ' " At the week ended Dec, 100 A, J, Linfoot, district manager Ang Pulp pr won Ale Gas. 00 » Malartie 200 0 Vrnser 50 hte + 6 [Lakehead stocks of grain total:lof the Canada Steamship Lines, 70 Shy 4 " Bailey § A 250° #90 B80 #80 | 'Muvaigo Ld 9 Ba PAG RL ee led 42,500,000 bushels, compared said the speed and severeity with hasta 24 .] Bantl 0 7 7 7 Maybrun 500 Imp Inv A 2180 with 53,500,000 'in store at the which the winter hit had not been 4. 1 Auto Fab A 135 $s Snails Lo » Melntyre 10 Imp OI 209 4 1957 season's end. The board of equalled in 40 years, "A OLIN. PEON 456011 pm reomrm COLOR Rank Mont A858, " pi 2 ; BD - Ment Jo ) in ny 0 Wh h grain commissioners sald that - - sn S15 Sn A 1 ' 3 4 Wah Pow : BM 828'4 26 ' oH a 60 Motu Uran 2400 Ind Ac 275 pr 50 between Dec. 10 and the close of 797 Midrim Mo #7 7 7 Inland C pr 216 'e er, 10% | Rell Phone 354 84 " CEx Gr 130 ; i 950 I rons pr 200 $23 2B 2 shipping three days later, 20 ves Rowal $14 pr 245 " C Homestd 50 Minds $00 4 Int Nickel 800 h I & STARTS TODAY HER 3: % § uy Bi Moly 160 1 int Util 2% 20 29 - A ( Lo | rt y 21 Nealon 1000 Muss Ver 4 Dragon 1 Nes Lah 1000 3 ' Mass Fer pr A 7 4 New Alger 1000 Molson A néw 22% " 7 | Cae 01 Wo N Dicken 3030 247 7 Molson Bn 325 Uncle Charlie" presents Cree Wis a New MHoseo B00 NL Car 178 MA 3 is 1 ! bi Pal 1506 y ! ¥ ' pi " ha, Rie vim ia Jae 4 Ti Niro A CAVALCADE | HN # y New Rouyn 1000 Page Hers a Con "Dorm Woon" 1 a illo, re a 8 eames 13) : N OF COMEDIES 19: Can Bake 3.3 Mill City 4bo0 20 - Noranda 5 9 Prem ron . 0 C Bk Com 2 Nat Pele 100 : A Ba 3 p A a a Ne 000 f roy 8 260 8) B " iw C Bk Cm pt 9290 N Bristol 2000 porate doe 2 Gur Ned 0 , 4 4 Can Wrew © 43h 4 : N Chamb 300 No 1500 | You AV Can 7200 $12 A : # r Alum 2 4 12 N Cont W000 3 i y 5 " WALLOPING Ww Ww , A wis HO 4 3 y N Rank 12200 18 Nou) Bank 500 7 17 th ) dan Celan 200 NCO wis 200 Coll pr #0 y NCO pr 100, Norsp A wit 300 st I Corp Northea! HOO Northep 1000 7 02 HL Cem A 400 4 p Norvalie #25 J 3 Salads 8 7 » » 3 Curt W 4100 Okalta 700 Ww a Shalta 00 1 OKama 1000 ; y Shawin C Drawn pr 30 lok Clon Pac Pete bith 7 orem 2350 Bicks pr 3 dn" abo" uo FILL-A-CARD rm h PATE 1 I} J 28 Con Boks 10 ont Patrol 100 i Patino M418 RY Bone om, me 125 bik Big Corby vt 60 $184 19 . Phillips #00 A p y 1 4 Die Nowy 10 4 dg Phils #4 10 Patino rie Witt Tr Can Pipe 17 Wh GE 0'BRIE 1 bridge 125 821% 21% Richwii 200 5 4 R Pom Elect #0 24% 2544 25 v Royalite ih Jive Ju y . Canadian GEO those hi-jackers n Fndry 70 841% 4144 Sapphire 1300 i A 00 9 " after Tom Sent $90 30 apph debs #0 ; dex cot 80207 Abites 000 40 fl 100 Dom Stores M2 hav Seurry 120 2 4 4 " 00 » R 3 S Dom Tar LN South | 12000 Qua Lon 00 3 f ' 9 Ld THE Inks ww pom frm fawn ou : Watora 10 hapert 10 TOMORROW'S NOS, go In for those hb Fam Play 2 Tidal Hon Rayrock 1800 Ford A Ho 16 Triad Ol} 125 J 1 Con Gas 100 5 | '. i Rexspar 1800 3 0 Fadin pik, " ' tn Oils Aon) Rix Ath xd 1000 Dom Eng " - | Fraser 2" LP JLT) Wshurne 500 Rohe 2000 1 Dom Jone Inth a v Pete pr | oo W Decalta 700 J y 1 ore nen Jatineau 07% ITM ATH Satelit Lug ; Phone 2 GAME "G 5 ve pr "og Sisco ¢ 3000 ! ' Fin Hy i" ' Dynam dd Mines Stanleigh 1510 } Trans Mt , 7 Trans 3 he , aN a § HH 87 ] Algom 186 818% 1844 1 Banigh wis 80 Whierman iy - Wh Gr Wp an h 28 Algom wis 50 425 AN 2h Klanick Fal] Westoel Aide 4 " Anil Kare 2859 16% Ib hi y Bleep WN 1085 #12 Ph 12% 18 31 50 61 Plus Hees p H Smith 6 Anmil 714 4 : sullivan 200 x 3 jlur'bie ut He i : oo ne 19 ay : 20 32 51 63 THE TENNESSEE TWO 8 { Imp Ol v y aa inh fo Ria, 5 ha tha us Yi 28 33 52 64 Monn Ind Adeep 30 39 56 68 ear Johnny Sing imp Tob pr 1100 Alnor 0 Thom L 2000 5 ] Arno I Ac wis A . A 4 = ahi f ; f "Ballad of » Teenage Queen" [an Dap ! Th + wig win i tn ano" gr o Bateman 12 21 41 57 69 Sor Tinga hid That Way" i . ; l i 9 elche, NX) 1 on i 1 rand : Hi Vham' tl Buewater (ot : 14 24 44 60 71 "1 Walk the Ling It's Murder At It's Merriest ! h 70 oul MN of y Wall 2 4 ' ) Mebatt™™ 300 yas 'ma Brumswion, 200 b Wiltaey 1aso0 Lo a wo ig 16h 10 15 16 36 54 74 Big River abl H 3 \ . 1 9 000 2 ' J 1ohG 1 pr M0 4304 2044 Hr OR 78 Yidte Hom 'hm tw Canines. 6 17 35 47 62 BUD LOU LohCo pr LUE] 4" 3 Camp RL 400 10) Yk B #400 Caw 1 : ADDED ATTRACTIONS Foner pr Pht Ho ny " Maja i M oar 20% w Cleveland 3 H H A 22 23 ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MaeMill R100 $34% ' an 1hoi HoH ATE BY TRAY Bo 3 I HT HE RE EC bide ow m+ Son ve lf § an SLIM GOLDEN and " "w 10 0 ow [] atim Lg RE Bh rR ; MONTREAL JER, aA... 1 THE GOLDEN VALLEY I Moore 50 SAGTa RAY, AEN 3 Ayror 100 3 i Gold Age 500 You have until § p.m. the following BOYS Nat Drug BI25 B14 14 14H hib Jae 1008 By The Canadian Press Haitian 8500 4 4 doy to phone If you have o full card BORIS KARLOFF N St Car 1078 8304 20 20 hime 1000 Montreal Stoek Exehange=Dee, 18 Labrador 000 " 1 Bingo excepted), Complete North Star 175 $120 13% 13% + och Will 3000 (quotations fn sents unless marked §, Marple 2000 17 1 appear on the back of TWO SHOWS 7" N Star wi 8 350 75 18 nin Lake 3200 yOAd Tol, xd = Exdividend, xreKxe Montuary 1000 4] 7 AND 9:30 P.M, NO NGas P1068 BING 104 10% oldstrm 3000 ahs, sw--E5-warrants,) w 110) Oak Wood 10 L $ 4 Denison 100 \d NW- Amult 3000 f Gen. Adm a 0 Jockey 1000 180 180 Den wis 400 . Onin) 15000 . Benetit of Res. Section 1.7% BI HIT Page ers 220 8314 3) Discovery 2000 [ Industrials Opemiska 500 Ey Pr powell R " ' Ven #2 ! Hi Net Orchan Ho ! CANADIAN FEDERATION , Pile My hho u an Silos 200 I 0 Mork Wales igh Low am, Ch'ge Faudush L OF THE BLIND J 'ramium Alliw 3 f ' ! QO N Gm 200 M0 0% on MSs 208 ' Abitibi MI Me Mw a Que Not aftilioted with the C.N.1.B. OSHAWA, ONT. foe AV Can 3 $1244 12% Mogul 100 f Algoma 010 S30'e AN J Ww Que i Roe AV 0% 0 Wm " Ld Northland 1500 Allimin 3708 B30 9% 1 Que 1 1 Royal Hank 206 A764 ma Hed Pop BOO Alum 2 pr Mi Hy Wue Smelt . 20 20 20 | RHunsell LL IL 1Y 100 Coprand LEA] Argun vl A ws 3 Pert Crest L) 1 ] i Kt, Corp 280 $17 1 17 + Delnite 1000 MM 1 Argus $240 pr 100 : #3 St Law Riv : : f Ty ] St LCp Apr 28 bod Donalda 3500 2 Bank NS rt 3865 | ! A [ Nalada § 1818 $30 0% Atlas Risel © "80 2M R 80 Slaw la ia SHOCKING FACTS Base Metals 2200 If Trib Chih 2000 2 ; y Riley SA Salada wis ARS 1A 14% p Bank Mont 323 Shawin MM n bil Kast Met Bank NAS 180 AKD Mig 300 13% 128 138 Kldrieh " Banque CN 100 i At Pav 75 MAL A El Sol 2000 Bath Pow B 100 " ™ A Nadman 50 AW Ay My Frobisher 400 Bell Phone 14M ™ 2130 Slee! Can LU LL LL Fatima 700 Bowtr Paper 500 L A L 2500 TorDom Bk 240 351% S10 51% Glacier 150 Brazil LA] Valor Lith 1000 Tor Dom rt 1370 30 W™0 150 Glenn Uran 1704 . BA ON LL A Virginia 100 Tor Flev Lo ULES LL LL Gold Pagle 13500 7 | RCE 44 pr LU] Willroy 8200 150 Tor Tron A LIL 2 1 0) Gold Man 1100 : RC Power 40h 1 Fin A 100 843% 4% 4 a rand 10 AN00 Cal Pow 100 A ot 11:30 a.m, Industrials 41,000, Tr Can PL 450 930% 284 2AM Greyhk 4500 + Can Cem 124 3 u and oils 100,000 Association Au wots We) Drilling Rig Operators Asks Union Check | OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian trial Relations and Disputes In-| Metal Mining Association has [vestigation Act, | urged the federal government to| " | make Canadian unions subject to] W. 8. Wansbrough of Toronta, {the Combines Investigation Act|Mmanaging director of the a goes sald later that Mr, to curb thelr "monopolistic ten-|ation, Starr lencles." \ 0 comments on the brief . By KEITH KINCAID gineer with Imperial Oil, said ddficulty because they went out ne luton also sald in a Tale nm bs hour interview with » f p ! / ; during a false econ | : : Canadian Prete Malt Wrter gas, drilling has shown no worl on 4 limb during & false: 6600 10puge' Uri presenied to Labor |» fveman association delegation. | - nel ) L] or Stary \ | "he . '"s z Canada drilling rig operators are rigs used since 1952, despite com' glack periods in the drilling a a Can. Wig h iy lution Bi By big taking a hard look at the future pletion of twe gas pipelines, the industry create hardships in Tr Pe A A Westeonst hn aut voluntary revocable checkoff of and powerful that they should be of the oll and gas industry and Ad m ) ig an stcoastiother sections of the wes obi union dues--collection of dues for|required to become legally re- wondering how they can move Transmission economy, Communities near thei, i,, membership by companies. sponsible bodies subject to provis (MOFFATS LTD.) hall their equipment off the stor. He said there Is no foreseeable qf fields, wholesalers and muni-| =o : sons nti-combines legislation. age lots and back to work improvement in oil export. con ¢ipal governments also suffer, | The pri Way pressnled jollows i. of a N com ; ' Statistics compiled by the ditions, Threat of new oll import t the peak period in 1000 Ng a request some time ago hy n no other way can the mon. - L During the peak per 0 Mr. Starr for expressions of opin. opolistic tendencies and practices . EE -- A GL # a" ny | a Re a Fain Canadian Association of Oilwell Fogtrieriony, expreted, ® he un. the drilling association made a jo, hy industry and labor on the of labor unions be curbed," the Dedling Contractors show that on pose y h nited § hl study of the benefits individual | one ration of the Federal Indus association: sald Oth, Dec. 13 only 138 of Western Can: 199, has cut into exploratory oom nities received from the -- ---------- . -------------------- ada's 331 rigs were operating. drilling and will continue to do so industry | Fach cost $200,000. This means for several years > an equipment investment of $M. any y 180 IN 1963? . sot ba srmnd mane ve si canton common' Split Of Stock - : ' can be expected to increase by are unemployed or have been "a0 . ly six per cent a year and pre transferred to other work ony hy t The statistics show a drop of slew by 1083 Were wilY be oud een #8 from the number of rigs work. 180 Figs operating "| NEW YORK (AP)--Directors of d-December last year port picture improves bk - d yy.) Bh o See 8 por cont He suggested ofl, gas and drill. American Telephone and Tele from the autumn of 1956 when 34 INE companies seek more eco graph { 8 inp th Ee unset rlgs were working, an all-time ROM al drilling methods. The recommended a thr X 8 he stock, subject to 3 number of wells depends on pro. Split of 1 geod duction demands but the drilling Stockholder approv al at the an LACK OF INCENTIVE contractor who can cut his cost nual meeting next April 15, and Ollmen and drilling officials releases money for more drilling a 10-per-cent increase in the div say the cause of the idleness is a contracts idend | combination of over-expanswn by Another oil company official This would be the first stock the drilling companies and a lack sald drilling rig operatord over. split In the history of the world's of incentive on the part of oil expanded during the 1066 Suez largest privately-owned company companies 10 hire drillers to crisis when there was a threat. The stock shot up $2 to $204 arch for oll and gas Middle East oil would be cut off today on the New York Stock Fx L/w el Ss a drilling en: Some drilling companies re in change on the stock split news f § Exclusive pre-soak cycle loosens stubborn dirt } Clothes -- are thoroughly washed by the latest, most advanced tumble action method ® Rinse cycle includes three warm Che Meal gift [or Chyistmans | M - Jobe ake Your Plans Now... rinses ® Super-fast low-heat drying is safe for oll fabrics hooks of FAMOUS PLAYERS theatre tickets © All this and many more exclusive features--all in one Packaged in the gay gift cartonette : for Christmas and New Year's iaching=and or Io ny than : Washer and He rode into Social Parties, Banquets, Dances or Family Get- dryer of comparable quality! . Tae |" EASY TERMS PAY AS LITTLE AS 5.00 A WEEK \ i || The Flying Dutchman ST | : Motor Hotel .- MICKEY SHAUGHNESSY " ) Highway 401 «= Bowmanville Cloverleaf *, SHIRLEY MaclAINE : » CinemaScors and Colon y ng Jim Bourke, Manager MArket 3-3373 Tn REGENT $3 [¢ Foc.Recriowwe Limorcre: or Reservations Coll 92 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 5.4711 303 + 3.38 + 7.30 + 9.38 a