20 ™ OIHAWA TIMES, Woednesdey, Dosomber ", "we ==z=| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Ei | 1==Accountants (8=Building Trades 20--Cortage Please Note INDEX - WOR CLANCY'S Onisrie -- | GARFVENTER work, framing, trim, MOVING snd carisge. Berviees offers complete bookkeeping | ming, kitehen cabinets, NHA approved, $7788, Deadlines now In effect for services (or small business, 184 Bond | Alterations and repairs. No jobs toe b) do 8 : . . A TO WANT AD | obs fav bl 21-Personal Service | Breet West, Room 1, Office BA 50007: or (oo. small, Work guaranties this eelumn; . - - Hesidenee, KA 47606 39879. A A ( IN | pS -- {IRONING service, | will do your ron: Births, Memerlams, Cords of CL SSI FIC Tl |%, 1, Wopkine and Campany, Certified) PLANTERING and rep a 178, coment tok: Free a ph ap and avery ed Thori AM SAME DAY wr ACCOUMGNIS | Fublie Aceountants, 172 King Siresl plastering, walsrproofing hisenmonts, 9 Ll a Kant, Oshawn, Ontario, BA 5-3500 alterations, arehways, Hing nore, / Zofia int ' Ww ken = Pr DEATHS == 3 arta {YALE, Friedisnder, Winter and Ca, Workmanship Kuarantesd, A Wovay, RA 30783 wi 11 AM SAME DAY yl Hh Acenints [a Auditors ' LAoensen Mi, LONDON (aller = men's, Tadiey' multe nn pA geddidi dhruntes In Bankruptey, 54 King Bireet a order AMerations, fur costs DIAL RA 3.3497 B=tirnng Sorien in owas 1 ae, Ca) ¥ | 10--Sharpening Service | CHRISTMAS TREES | SANTA'S SHOWCASE GIFTS FOR HER FLOWERS FOR [mia ihiti'h A"isi Vou' n bOpiomenr isi RF riaciandar, ni er F rt I Senin a ger A UUs ONS CHRISTMAS a0 ------ er Past) 7 mSurveyen MONTEITH, Monteith, Riehl and Co, SAWS! SAWS! SAWS! NO, 1 Beoth Pine, retail and whole Churtered Accountants, heensed Tras The most complete automatic |rensonable prices Apply 310 Wet SANTA SUGGESTS YOUR DALGIITER'S Re a a Y JANE BLACK Slenderizing 1 Bg Morigages {| 7a veterinarions oh A Y ford, 'l h BIRTHS B~Building l1ades ih a" ontenth, VALS A Mon. grinding equipment In Oshs Mireat, RA ob "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" ' HOI Ch i f Fl duel VBuiding. Miler! Comm, CA} GW, Kish, CALL Gua for sharpening Hands. |CHIRINEMAR i for wale, Phane RA ristmas riowers | Studio, Slenderizing, reducing, hc ql ¥ Lightfoot, CA; George W, Treth Banc (metol ond | wu A COMPLETE LINE AT Gift of Lessons, In Ballet == R. B. REED & SONS $ Both 4 Ma ¥ San and Doris (nee fo. 1 gr Rfviee (wey, CA: WA 5.9547, 185 Bimeoe Birest | saws, Bondsaws ha. a KMAS trees, Beoteh pine, bulk or in PO / Tap == Baton or Highland, r W teom Bo on 9008, ic anh 11 eBusiness Opporiunings {Norin, Oshawa wood), Lawnmowers, Skates dividual orders rig Bt ugh A WELL S Biehardar, Are happy te Bunce thal 1 1 ge Business pb 2---Barristers ele STAN'S SHARPENING a R 4 Dee, M4 DRUG TORE Frome FLORISTS 45) Simcoe St, South Oshiwn General Hospital, on Tuesday Wanted A SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke |cHRINFMAR trees, No, | Beoleh pine, 35Y Simcoe North HARVEY DANCE Winter Wreaths--Centre Fieces | RA 5.9602 For Appointment December 16, 1068 Many thanks to Ti Dressmaking HUMPHREYS and Boyehyn, Barristers RA 3.3224 spruce And halsam, Reasonsbie prices RA 3 4734 ACADEMY Christmas Corsages hon Goraning & Spots, | Rotors LB" ame ci (Vikan i Wns Woes, Bag, dL RA 5.6122 424 King 31, W, | Phe RA 51131 -- We Deller | Open 10 m= 10 pm Household Repa ! oyenyn, BA nan, LLM, (FY Jew . WW, macwam = Me uaa Mee, Sant] 13 puetan *** nwt ban wot, pm ie VL usinets Opportunies) cop xr nti For Your A renesssnnevennesssnnne|12--R0d10 & TV Repoirs ohm (nee Talle Clark) are happy wiruehion h i Hes, f i h) y ' . vo gi ie arena of heir im] Vom insurance MO 82761, Money 0 loan (Whithy a bens, 1 Fark Rond Aowth, Piola ys PARTY DRESSES, HATS, "A GIFT OF WARMTH" GIFTS FOR THE FAMILY A A be 0 Open am' mini Hichird Allan, 7 Ibs, 7 ooh on SAE | 7 phoney 10 Loan LOREIGHTON. raver, Diynan wid (ht Kiven, Opportunity for int person, |} $449 8 gLovis BAGS, SKIRTS and "KENWOOD"! i ars Srad's Pah dar, Dacombet 3 Loh: 04 he OM glean Wanted Murdoch, Barristers, Bolioiors, Notary | pind Box 14, Oshawa bid Tu CURITMAS (rons, Aonice and Bal ATERS Moo) blornets Priced ttt tte tat ad on y' rest West, A » awa General Hospith Public, Wank of Commerce Bullding, b| (alogi Coninl (| sam, ; , a ; MacKEEN = Wilhur and Marjorie|] 19=Fersonal Bimoon Hires North NA 1MH0; { ingased, (ms nd meme Toraper ret ovina Raker 1507 a ns RY WORLD ein 50" To $20.95 rom RATS DANG KED TE sompleisly all ae mr " 1 M 0 CITT Creighton, QC N, C, Fraser, QCj G, BK, [Hes throughout Cansda. peoily bird a ' ABY'S NIGH vets, all re ded All on ho hol A (nee Crawford) are happy 10 ARROUNEE] 30 Cary 3g | Deyn iL, Murdoch, NHA nore | and location desired, Deal direct with RA 5.1052 / h the arnival of their son. Hato | arrest 3 stb dob Sirviee Wipes, OL urdoeh nor ov mort Win ana Property M nih CHRISTMAS TREES 5 King Bast Ww A R D S Regular $1.98 for $1.50 from | $20.08) ensy lerms, Welly TV 7 wos hw 14 are, ot the Guna] 3=Radie Repo Wa an udors. a King Supers | ann dhaaciisabinang JT phar ig oY 2 31 Simcoe St, 5, RA 8:1151 HAND SMOCKED WPROTATIIED ails ad lalovinon Tae. tom 33x Vi amares Saket [own Wn mogarr 10% He . high, Scotch Pine the Leader, [BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT DOLLS NIGHTIES, 50 | suioe, i mth Fred Thompson, an Juscnaikes Jove) [ners and Kelly, Warriniors, Satie NEW BEAUTY SALON Wholesale, 40c to 90¢ accords Now $1195, Features the SINGER RA 8-8700 : EE PIERKON Bill and Taellle (nee h=Fals ana Livestock tors, ie. Tv Bimeos Street BOwth ou FOR SALE ing 10 size each. Two hundred world's most popular camera, Wade! are happy to announce the ar || 26==Farmer's Column HA A-4278, Residence phones; ar more 10 one customer Just right for veungsters or | SEWING MACHINES GIFTS FAST TV. SERVICE vival of their baby daughter, Gavel 27..Fusl, Weed Greer, BA, Be, RA H-A363; Terence V Four work stations, Two From A to Z yarmaine, Ihe. 11% ozs, on Tuesdiy, na Ress Kelly, BA, BCE, TA #00325 Duncan B J, R, FOWLER, grown-ups alike, oh, at the Dahawh (ieneral fh But Resorts | hill, 4, Comme RA Ith i i. un 2h uns 192 Verdun Rd, Oshawa MITCHELL'S DRUGS Al low os $119.95 (easy For All The Rormiy Hospital, Many thanks to Dra of, Pf] TCWG or bol (GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, DAF | cop St, § -- 9 Simcoe North e/, WESTERN TIR Guaranteed expert job Maroasis and W, G, Mela Ve=hummer Properties For Sale | Fistors, Boleiors and Notaries Publie; | ou FRED'S DRIVE-IN MAL RA 3.3431 ® Sewing Cabinets and 74 CELINA ST Cc II RA 8 5286 ' a i a Wanted t, RA 84717, Russell A ------ a ib a---- WILLIAMS Bi and rene Wik ll som iost and Found s Hing Stent gash | sg Rg 12--Dressmaking 111 KING §T, W, -- Baskets Toko advantage of Levawey Hams (nee Elliott) are hapy 0 ME op, col por Rent M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Roll. [PLAIN sewing, drapes, mending, #p CHRISTMAS TREES ® Scissors ond Scissor Sets nounee the hirth of "mn Ah I fos Murine. Wanted [Hons Biri de Bid rol oe | re, pant eulls, ehildren's Chines, Order now for waranteed de. COLEMAN ® Buttonhole and Zigr Zog oe Sudo Vien, Free parks OSHAWA ELECTRONICS All 34-=Auction Sales Street Kast, RA 8-176) Jan aan] livery, Also T tubes, Bars Oll end Gas Heaters Attachments -- 4/00, Dial RA 2636 Jan.) [m GIBBON and Bastedo, Barristers, [DRERSMAKING, Indies' a ane pel OO allanle for |WeRr, made-to:measure, and alters BQ chicken. Open till mide ot SINGER SEWING CENTER J ELECTROMOME, Bolieitors, Clients' funds avaliable | WEBBING $ HARDWARE RCA, VICTOR, ADMIRAL, db=Fomale Help Wanted "ir Ji " tons, 846 Olive Avenus, Fhone RAI night ever; night 14 Ont treet h ! 3 EATHS 37m=Male Help Wanted North FHA Ay ( * Median, #5460 Jans Lots of Free Parking HOME APPLIANCES " RA dum, Os iin Drive-in WESTINGHOUSE D tae or Female Help Wanted || GC) Fdgnr # Bastedo, QC [13 Gardening & Supplies RA 6.2533 Soles & Service 22 king By The trast. in: television "and qen anted y oo an [2 pi rR Br eh LEN. Bowlers' landscaping and garden SY _--- --_ 90 Simcoe §, LAMPS ww FANCY CUSHIONS service Hoo ara Board Dial' office WA 47411 vesidence WA | Inf werviesTiawns aseiacc aatied BF | CHRISTMAS TREES, pruned |e... A 5.8332 IMPORTED POTTERY EXCLUSIVE GIFTS PARKWAY TELEVISION Hospital on Puesdny ddd Ha Uiiged, gardens and ploughed, gor and Board Wanted ida oto-tilled. Sidewalk siahs, patio siabs.| Scotch Pine, about 2,000 Choose 0 Gift tor Her from v 1058, Elizabeth hiwin of ) wanted Te Rent JOHN A, MaeDONALD, BA, Harvister | | Everything for your garden, RA B-6783.| Any quantity at 50¢ to 1,00 LOW COST MOVIES our Large Selection ) FOR CHRISTMAS! 918 Simcoe N~ ~RA 3 043 For Rent Bo rs Himes Hiren on, | gecording to size, Priced bes FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY BETTY HAYDL ® Wicker Chairs, wd Wi p i her flat he=Real Estate For Sa y low market, Come early for See ® Stainless Steel Kitchen ane fv i ! Fawn Fi dba~Real Estate Exe alee LR Lio or a HILLSIDE best selection, Cut ready for KARN'S 15 King St E, Wear (lower prices in T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED neral hy, far sorvio J pe Real Estate Wanted tars, 65 Bimooe Street South, KA 5.3538 LANDSCAPING loading, Leroy Hamilton, 5:2686 town) Moved or Repaired He hana on I raves Vem /w=Automaotiies For Sale Mortuaie loans available Grower, Orono, Ont, Phone FOR CAMERAS DRAPERY «= BROADLOOM ® Power Tools And Hand 50-foot tower and head awers gratefully de Autamiobiies Wanted DONALD BLAKE DODDA, Barrister GREEN VELVET SOD supply h (KARN DRUGS LTD) FURNITURE Tools For The Handy Man $113.00 hots» Automabiie. Repairs Foam Hunmesss Wn 'vobols Now| ond laid NURSERY STOCK, 28 KING $1. Nave Ava Parkina'3 MenONALD § Articles For Sale dence, HA 85473 Everything for your garden, CHRISTMAS TREES, beoutl RA 3.4621 " SORES aRRTRRRnRenge | 1 vays Ample Farking pace Wa Lou's bp ' 7844 - MA 3.3942 A ---- ---- ealoy Hospital Faron 0 Monta, || 81 =Swap ana Barter - 1.00" fully filled out, pruned Scotch we-- ' ---- a' on Mo | Sateen anon [YR TOUT Bh to ome LONE RA 27020 | terme tt aio, 1 | CHRISTIVAS SPECIAL + a OR DAD HOBBY CRAFT CLASSIFIED AD RATES [ Ka. HA i3iih NHA and private mort: sur from Ko Ap AL is ) CONCUIEORORO OC ord' Model T.V. AERIALS FL] wir i" | JOREIH 4 MANGAN 4c oil Haar, WII D BIRD fen rene', Orono, Phone Aogiie Tor Bore Tenens ATO RAY OVERS PHILIPS TELEVISION 20 ond nitoled Cash arg Kolloltor oney ta loan i 4 ing 4 Iv] f ONSECUT | ni Atiool Ean, Oshawa, RAB NOW ONLY $14.50 POLLARD'S RADI 20. ; C1 SPR PTY [a To ii SUPPLIES . 289) Students and minors not Installed after Christmas © AND RDS RAD ix i ROLAND TV po -- ese eligible, CHRISTMAS TREES ARTHUR MURRAY STupios | Blankets, Packs, Cushions, 153 Simcoe Street South RA 3.4849 daughier; Bonnie Bue pital, London, Ontario, on Dee, 1 sister for Handy Ahem Employment Wanted IRWIN Al Thursday ; Interment 6 Cl f 1IVE MANNING F, SWARTE, Barrister, Roll FEEDING STATIONS Ns ERTI IMS 37s 413 | citar, Notary. Money to loan Henry John's RC omelery 2 aid within day Blook, 26% King Street East, RA 34607) ) of 23! y a fc, 's What paid within}: dav the Healdenve, Dial 3.4080 | Priced from $2.38 end up Scoteh Pine, White and Red RA 8-168) WIDE TION - PHONE RA 3.9912 -- 23-+Women's Column Charge rate will apply, re ---- NO. 1 WILD BIRD SEF nD P p r------ -- m---- fe Une wer a ine, also Spruce. Wholesale UALL RA 80730, Cold \gements See i on 4 Dentists re' XY MIX and retail, All sizes | to 20 Visit Oshawa's Largest ot GIFTS FROM INDIA awh home or mine, W, Conined Nai n aT N Offiee hours 0 ¥ | 0 | E WINGTON'S ny, Hered Open Rt vanink. by Appointment. 430 NO. 1 SUNFLOWER SEED feet Tigi OSHAWA Goring handmade Jon hal wheat permanente . RE Nimeoe Htreel South, Phone 4 4 a FOWLER FORESTRIES YLAND rvings, rosewood elephants, Wd " , 95.80, 4 pt fu IWERS 9533 a and. Suyrast Tutings | S--Nursing Services Enjoy this Colorful 306 King W, RA 5.1688 : , AUTO-TRIM Kashmir carving sets, Gurkha | 308 Pine Avenue. iA Pats air dreseing | Wh for 3 lines daily, | LJ Winter Hobby Dec, 24 06. our complete selection Cor, Church and Bond St, knives, inlaid coffee tables, | =a 24 King St. East, Oshawa Each additional line 75¢ per month . of toys wd! | brass, vases, trays, ash trays, 24---Maorket Basket planters, candly holders, bells, |APPLER =~ Spies by bushel or wl doors from" Karn's Dru ach Initial letier, - abbreviation, ) RS ) + Drug i ANDEN NURSING HOME Cooper Smith Co. CHRISTMAS TREES I, COLLIS & SONS FREE soles, sterling silver | 188 William Hireet Easi, RA W053 Store) § and 6 wgn, hgure, sount es a word, Box charged |bs edditienal (Licensed) 16 =H INA ST, 50.54 King W, RA 5.631) Jewellery, ete, Very reason. [CARROTS and paranips, $1.85 per Hise Scoteh P ) Red P All Classified Advertisements KING ST, WEST 3.2312 pi fie Rad bine. Opposite Centre Street Sblv priced, To view display, a Murnips $1.00 per bushel, A 5 Saturday 8:1 convalescent and elderly peo a u REGULA | IONS ple. (Men and Women), |CHENTERFIELDN rebulit, recovered Phong! == Give MOVIES for Christmas cu gga | MEE A ply 1987 Wiison Road Norn CHAPEL ! [like new, Why pay more? Our rates HOWARD MILLSON Movie Camera. Kits from The finest service at The Daily. Times shall net be Nurses and dieticians In | onable, Batisfaetl ¢ -- : pb CHRISTMAS PARTIES fe on WT. Coxe ' ' responsible Jor anors 'in advertises | attendance, Tray Servis, [toad Maiebees rem Ganans Um | --toNmanyille --= MA 3-279 $48.25 up BONUS EE A AA A Sort, 48 a moderate prices Ath dbmitied. othwite. thon. 1 | ' " -m ments rig ny . WIN Jhen \ radio, T.V, lounge holstering Co, 10 Bond Nireel West 4 With - - EY RA 8-6226 writing, nor for. more "shan "ene (| 195 | Dial KA Boal CHRISTMAS TREES JURY & LOVELL Wour purchase of 9 sult LITTLE APRLEN = Gt of oad, heallh Prom 190 King Street West irierait intertion ot aos . age | 6==Optometrists FURNITURE renairad and reunholater Nutiory: orown,. Statkh. Fine «| for Dad, you will receive @ B directly north Bowmanville ity charged for ale insertion of [CW TUCK, Optometrist, "specialising | jin RB, Dalton, 75 Charles Street, RA| Spruce, and Balsam Sprayed For renting Jhatograpive Suburban or Car Coat absos UCKAROD RANCH [#ehool (MArket Frio v W FOR YOUR vin whieh evar [lin muscle anomalies, eyesight and | yogly ' 5 hn : Oshawg = A IN MEMORIAM o Riiiigh Bi Ml Eavanis Rianne, Giga HH CALL Joo, RA BM0IR for earpentry, iy the 1160 Inte. logy Whithy futely FREE, Your Credit Is CHRISTMAS PARTY Ih awn classification [Disney Bldg, 31 King East painting and handyman KINGSWAY MOTEL ' Des 24 Good At BANQUET, DANCE |T==Surveyors - MIR 695 King St. East a DUNN'S TAILORS iim hihi Included si79y omplete Catering RA 5. AXTEEL -- In fand memory of Mrs Rebek ah Holds J. DONRVAN and Ausacinigs, Kaa Walled: lirndcas vacuumed. Prow ail) RA 3.7883 THE PERFECT GIFT Ye SIMCOR STS. RARY Budgies, mals 4700 wo Walter (Lily) Axtell wha passed awhy Surveying and Engineering Walley (Hi ar ane afar, 1, Wit | Sit lt SI TO VOUR TREC TRE PORTABLE DOWNTUWN 'OSHAWA | TM a aaa aasaeas 0.) Nadi missed hy the Hendesvous | B86 " : N y GERMAN shepherd puppies (halls €luh membey 1. HORTON and Associates, On| MURICAL instruction on Kpanish D AND D 17--=Money to Loan breed) #8 Phin eo Hs Harmony AXTELL = In loving memory of Lily | nnua dazaar | Wario LAN Karvevors, Professional Kn qullal, Wang seeordion, A CHRISTMAS TREES RENNIN | GENT monier avaliable Tor TTT a) oad North, TA 33064, ere Axtell, wha passed away December 1 a ponG he Heather Rebek Winesrink, 10, Hardon venue Routh, | Will teaeh In pe RO OF or Yams TYPEWRITER CHRISTMAS FOWL and second mortgages, Mortgages and | RLONDE registered socker spaniels 1047 | Deo, 19 Seotch Pine and Spruce Sfroaments of sale purchased, Apply|fdr sale, Phone RA §:8103 "i We little ne w when we awoke that ah Seelal Club held {ts annual DONALD BH. TROLLOPE, Ontario hha WE SPRAY TREES ANY Prices as low as Raa i a aA AER Swarts, Barrister and Nolary | a we day would hii y or, 2 A WARVEY Dance Academy Raton, tap, ¥ FOR sale Pure Dachshund Puppies, he he day whild bring, hruanr and tea In the 100F Hall, [Burvevor, 318 Alice Street, RA b6M1 ay Julie, MW King East, Osawa, RA olght weeks old, male, unregistered, I Royal Aoad Ilet, Highland, Reg! COLOR 2 winners of the draw were 8 B ildi Tre ade [Sor now. 0 KIN Wert: RA 8 th Plent THOR LYMER'S TURKEYS Shui wrens | 888, Phone Brooklin 301W, Mie ane we loved so dear. IMPS, Roy Thompson, Leskard:|¥9=RW ing rades PRs { y 0 CLIENTS money ta loan on first mort. | = : One Big Location ' Fhe. Mortgage and wireement of wile FOR Sale, Boxer pups, pure dred, na emhered hy husband and | Mrs. Keith MacDonald, Mes, Wil [WRICK laying, block 1aving general 10 DRAW CROWDS use Classified 460 PARK RD SOUTH liam Watson and Mrs, Harold | [oement work, A. J; Groen, Bowman: ads Dial RA 33463 for an ad writer 10 flavor, Fresh killed, dressed velghton, Fraser, Drynan and Mup ville, MA 3-8070 make your sale a SUCCESS GENERAL PRINTERS iv. i doo h GOLDEN Netriener fis § vero anes, 0 Chev. BINGHAM In loving memary of a Allen ! ALL PLUMBING and heating supplie nhaslior 1 \ dear mother, Agnes Bingham, wha! Mr, and Mrs, Donald Graham ak RA H4A8 ANT Wark, Ld, eo anh _siuianl " a yan RA 5 7426 LIMITED OSHAWA RA 8.0217 18a~~Mortgages rolet Btre hone & 2.4740 A large selection of used and BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5049 TWO registered AN year and WE HAVE ollents' monies for loans on |p 07 (9% 08 fonship breeding, | Ll old champions Pvt n 1) o) [| MUST be in by 9 am. the day ef ------------------------ GERROW FUNERAL | piplean ne Citi hourk "Bally [| Exclusive nursing home for Towels Repairs 3 ~~ 20 0, : CHRISTMAS he 2941 YOR fils = falas. a Bian the wd Specially selected for fine papers, male, thre p 3 i dod, mortgages vrrangod, or Christman if desired, RA 8.8085, #040 PRRseA AWAY Docomher 1, 1139 Ronnte and Yorma, Oshawa, vis: | plumbing, heating and engineering, 383 [RA § 1004 Boucolul he thy re ( mathe | rod) 5 Simoes Nireet Mouth 1h in sweet 10 hreal TINS wed Yu anf Mrs, I, RB, Whyte [Smee Street Nouth LILLIAN Mae Marsh, Dance Edueator: RA 8--6031 rebuilt machines, Oar 2A ee gus fo I "our Pe! Rss In dife we loved \ Mle Harner ek spent the week: [RANDY gravel, 46.80 per load. Koreen | Daneing Hehool, ballet, tap, baton, pre i 1 ohne of a Teme « Lo a at ad wilh Janice Stroefkivk, [1 band. $030 ward. Also ll 8, 0k | ohool aeronatie. Friday and ara | ps Bring the children Dec. 64 Celina Street -------------------- a -- man, ott 3 ing Brent Tian Ouh. ROARDING, rimming, hang i» AWN, ening, Wa N Ry a dens Phone RA 34130 Deo 80 Mathie Temple, a wine And nonin , MY Pantypool ARNT NT TERIA Tne 0a atupie: RA 3 Vash May 31410 get their tree and talk PHONE RA 3.2233 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS PUR Tor 'sale English conch, five Madge and Mr, and Mrs, Ronald RB, Han |g, 0 ah , NHA A. | to Sant RINGHAM In loving memory of a cack were dinner guests, Sunday ee hivats No John Wo DH Music Studio for all Instruments {emo 2" SN ---- for a free demonstration, onthe, A lovely git, Phone after doar wite and mother, Awnes Boghem or Mp and Mrs, John Cook, To: [OF 100 small. Work guaranteed. RA Plano Tuning ° CHRISTMAS TREES OPEN ON SATURDAYS All quantities, all sizes, MORTGAGES R h wha pas vay Decsinhor 11, 1880. | EE) | " AERRY Bile Terriers 0 oa Kerry roi.to ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES The Best You Can Buy Dec.24 Dressed and Delivered, d Croft Kennels, Orono, Phone # ig an 0 hay Tn We 00s sninved pocketbook Want | How AW welr memory still Mr, and Mrs, Robert Horner, | TONIC for your pocke y Ads. To sell, rent, find a Johdial New and Used Planes ~~ BBE i AWA wt sil Mrs, Robes RA 3040 for ad.witing help | (New ond Used) : P Nursery Grown A GIFTS THAT KIN: WHATTAM AWGIRTERED oo arain ~ When w Ever remembered. hy husband John! GHMer ang mmy OUPICR, | Ay, types dwelling vepairs, voofing runed by professionals, Pi " S months oid, oh al ! Mvisited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harv: | dna Tiastering and rennit, ohm Full selection of all instruments Spruce "i hil y Tbs OLEASES EVERYONE 912 King St, E, RA 3.9322 AGREEMENT lave Ahlidron, hall neys, new and repaired, Dial RA A 72 477 Simcoe Street South ment, table and lar at, r eh Y ger sires, A | UTIFUL haby bi WINGHAM «In loving memory of a Mps. Harold Snell. Danny and [Gordon May Calored==pink, blue, whit CHRISTMAS FOWL OF SALE BEA haby a mother Ros \ \ " TR : t ) \d oll training, talking» He W Robby, Toronto, visited her moth [EAR hn Span, Finn [1 6=--Insurance silver and gold. Lights and Vs oF Rroad, 114 Blgin St IY er, Mrs Kenneth Gamshy emtio (ARKS 10 sewer a specially, In | ALLATATE Auto Insurance. Save up to] decorated tree stands ond way to CAPONS & TURKEYS First and Second Mortgages |coriii pape, KIX wee Avar Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Watson [Stallions ®t reasonable rates, Informa: 30 Por ooRL, Aine months to pay. For] gifey b DRESSED AND ond Agreements of Sale [33084 18 Prospect Str son Tom, and inres. Kenneth Gamshy, FR ryan tion nd estimate . fee on ANY Yio perianal service at your home, oall RA A W. RUNDLE Nem a A bought, sold and arranged on [Vill [of pumbin i 3 your frien DELIVERED City and Farm property and |™ Rainey, William J. Riddell and V0 lati TERWILLEGAR = Tn loving memory FF. Graham attended She Rubwioal JACK C. MacDONALD 17--Money to Loan GARDEN CENTRE i Suave FRANK HOAG Su" Hy WA ACERT POODLES FOR SALE oa dear Dad aw 6 ne 3 pAreiie 100K reception in Cobourg J " FIRAT and second © morlgARe, wale 1015 KING ST, EAST Is to give them Rossland Road West ANCE CORP. LTD M2 Pedigreed French Poodle 1 Viola Naden, Toronto, snent| PAINTER & DECORATOR ARTOOMONtS purohased and Jol. Jan. OPFN EVENINGS Books of Famous DIAL RA 5.6837 Siete. SF North Shiaue Rubs A weal old, 3150 9 ob ' 0) " athie, warts your memory lingers, (he weekend with her mother | Pane thand and Paintin niek and Henntok, Rarvisters 7 Rweelly tender, fond, and ei IMPS, Joh Naden pith 4 Tha 0 [Ment Kast, RA v1 ge Players Theatre Tick Phone RA 8.3566 Col pin, A Jo There In not a day dear father PERSONALS ets, They are good the a That we da Rot INA of vou omy Free Estimate, \ GOOD EATING year round and come Dec, 18 7 Always remembered by daughter fi ME and Aes Harald Be di | All Work Guaranteed Money Available ARAL LLL LEER LLL UT attractively boxed in gift hha 1 HORSES BOARDED Wen, Rav and grandeniidien, Terry Toronto, visited his aunt, cartonettes, The cost is and Janos William Sevmour 80 Nassau St RA 3.7080 Dine At The small compared with DELIVERED OVEN READY HAV FARK Blam? Wri Philip Nigelow and daughter m.w.t.Dec 17 to GRAND Bethe aan i TN hi. 4 "The best is your best buy" [Aleohaiies Anonymous, Bos 10 oseva| R@Qsonable Rates TERWILLE GAR In loviig we nadie part Hope, visited his ary of A dear hushang ' ¢ ) be ha } RE Ter my thet mother, Mrs, John Bigelow GRAVE | Home Owners! RESTA RANT Je purchated by both Adult DIAL RA 5.4233 aNCuRsTE avaliable, Thies, Tour or Phone ie Toy youl bis Mm P) a RE and Mrs. Rupert Carneth ; > Up to $1,000 for any good ine able at all Famous Players TOWNLINE RD. NORTH 1 oud. Wiig dance wusis. tor RA 5.6808 AB Thay perpelial likhe anime when co Fale Aiherta, Who are | Cement $9.00 per head. Road purpose, including down pay CT 1000 on ecialiy. Theatres from Coast to Coast, Sinoes Also avallable New Years ve, DEC. 18 hw \ \ WN ) Always remembered hy wife and guests of Mr, and Mrs, Ceol] fine nd coarse $8.00 per | Ment on home, payment of Take Out Orders Now TURKEYS CAN Jnavin | for a hen, Nova Septie 26--Farmer's Column A000M Moda family Carveth. Neweastle, called on existing mortgage, consalida. RA 3.9422 ON A ' friends In Orono last week load, Be satistied Dial tion of debts or purchases of -- r-- L LIVE AND FRESH KILLED hree py Phone RA 8.3078, 30% [BEAD farm stock ploked wn prom, any kind SALE RARY ailing Bureau oan supply re: [Phone collet Bowmanville, and Mrs. Harald Hancock 3 | Ar and Mrs. Harold Hanoo WA S82 | NO PENALTY QUALITY BAKERY DELIV xperionced women tor baby ait | Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, "to tare for ohlldren or elderly [ S5F 1 amily, Relleville, visited his Faces Trial For a. fom iy, Bel eviile, vin o FOR PREPAYMENT 77 CELINA ST. RA 5.7573 At the Regent Courtice, Highway No, 2 bo or oer in ee [27 Fuel Wood Herbert Rurgess HAYNES NO BONUS For the best Christmas baked Theatre Box Of JOHN BODNAR sonable ay Mrs, 8, Disney, RA ----zt-- aE a-------- fice or Dial RA 3.9012 34901, Offioe hours, § am to 3 pon i [PRY beach hardwood. stove wood ' Mr. and Mrs Brother's Death and Ray Burgess, attended the BUILDING CONTRACTOR For fas), friendly service call gooch on the table 5.2304 for im \ Dec 24 SRO MM 18 TOR. Closed Thursday engin, anil, $90 (1 core, Diilvered in afternoons, dani Ale card lots, Alse dey cedar, Phone funeral of the late Mrs, 1 | o¢ ol " WIARTON (OP) Theodore ner Oro A Fl) mother of | yr experts, Qld foam | SEABOARD : i' or QUALITY mediate delivery, -- HYGIENIC wippiion (rubber "gnods), ©: Smith, 613 Clarke dan, 3 Cutting, 3, was committed for MacKenzie Gould, Woodstock like new. Hardwood | DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD, . - POOKS FOR CHILDREN milled POM PAI in pain sealed on [WOOD cutting by bush saw" and chain . asday on a Arge a J Aro \ oo NG, Carpenter work @ | 2913 Simcoe Street Soutk ~ volopes w price Hat. & samples 33/808. Snow ploughing. Phone RA 59999, trial Tue ay na charge of mur moat Me A n Brawn, Mr ie ican Cabinet ? ne . ise uth UPTOWN MEAT MARKET SIX TICKETS $110 TURKEYS forts I snwinies 8) 00, Mall Order Jan, 13 dering his hrother, Gearge, 29. in ® x bhi i be ' ol a, y 8 1] , Nov uhber Co, Rox 9), ¥ their home at heathy Hepworth AH: 1 vedorick Tamhiva, do hy ALL RA 3.719 Formerly Bellvue) Hy hcans NAN BOOKS FOR ADULTS Fresh Killed Hamillon, Ontailo, Deo, 3 AO ini oliday, Canal sont, Reid \ hi POT Smamblyn, Mr. and Mes, Cav] & 1 7194 mw. flan ® off i : FROM 02.78 Special tor banquets and | WYPNORIN relieve tension, fears, fras [Rathe and Molellan, 81 King Street oct, 3 Tamblyn, Me, and Mrs, Everett 1 "Instruction 15--Instruction on ou Ne Just n ea! Chureh Suppers \tation, completed, narvaus nate, han Weil, Jala and assorted cold cuts tor its reduce welght, stop smoking, help + |30---Lost and Found Rrown, Ivison Tamblyn and fam George Cutting died of heart A | your Christmas Parties CHRISTMAS PHONE RA 8.5392 Stncontration Wn sudion, Wiheave wales damage and bleeding caused by d dt t | a7 » MANKKD ate. Consult Bdwin Heath, in he f stitute of Eihieal Hypnosis, Professional GREEN alate folder containing Th Club Annual Banquet at Rack OSHAWA KA 8.8172 TRANSPORTATION Bide, 304 Dundas West, Whithy, Dally [ing store. Reward, Phone RA S-8888. \ third brother, [stock 1: Was one of the § \ . 1% pm Saturday, 10 | Wht { Aigo Nr ( Ji " 1 a anual COLLEGIATE OF MUSIC o ht ACRES LIVING LOVABLES Phone MO 8400 : . Dos. Wows Sol of Keys In oase, vi -- ' AY \Wisting aronto isle = 0 © Ne ak Rae 6). & Cover | RESTAURANT | The Sate Way to Celebrate | \ S-- - | Wand and Simone Stroet. Tuesday alters . Al ¢ C x | . n ' noon. Bi RA 20008 3 Uo Mes. COA Cummings. Toronto 11 BUCKINGHAM AVE | Dinners, Lunches Banauets, | The Holiday Season Tropical - Fish, Aquariums, ELECTROLYSIS { . A Mureta H d Andrey Rillings | Reserve now tor | RIDE WITH Canaries, Budgies, Coges : LOST"! : \ ¢ sha \ d Mr. and Mrs MODERN INSTRUCTION on Piano, Piano Aes | CHRISTMAS PARTIES | MERCURY TAXI stands, and pet supplies of Removal of supertiuous hair tween Theo WG e. Rw Carl Rillin cordion, Guitar, Drums, Saxaphone, Clarinet CHRISTMA DINNER J / all kinds, Cocker puppies, A Marie Murduft will be In Library book entitled ber Dn vho With " \ , X. Watsor ) : { and RA 5.4771 deposit will hold tll Cheists Oshawa, Dec, 16, 17. Phone "JOURNALISM from news: « « " 0 ' esday bh ont RES < UARA) Q ; | a Ie, it» eancerned 3 ben W pnesday we. RESULTS GUARANTEE Ni Wve ARS DINNER | otrnw a iy GOREN mos Genosha Hotel on these dates room of the Oshawa Times. ores g : ) } Wel ' Phone MA 36256 | 08 S MUST MODER PET STO IPPLY George, ploved at a bakit ya Brighton, | For further information RA 8.632! Propristress: Mm, Roval lLahil TAX! SERVICE ' Po EN i. ™ 5.0042 di Oe 17 a0 satu sow, J 4 Py \ Lal