df t time in the ' ry | as he scored two goals Inside of at the 11.08 mark, eatching the(Stan Cruwys, For the lesers War. | 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednosdey, December 17, 1958 esa. ov the fire M a ck 0's A g | C m 5 (17) a Aes. to put. Sid's item, defence up the igo" and vey Wilson ook (he major re ' | | (®) e S a e e 42, Man Cruwys assisted | Renaud at their mercy in of the honors with Joe Lack snd * . Hawks taken shack by this hod 4 3. Han Chiwy nets, nT oS en 8 awa a 188 widen ehange of evenly never: H Danny Grey made it 52 as he| Starring for the winners were |bursis of speed Scorer: H, Shaw; theless kept trying and Newell mn 0 er n u ate 00 combined nicely with Al Johnston! Al Johnston, Robert Johnson andiBupervisor: R, Harlow, 0 {with four minutes remaining - ------ - » I ---------------- -- | seore | Macko's A the Neh Win Malcolmson worl % shale 4 4 tives od i nd ly JSatenied iv Tai The Comets took over the lead: |Leish was tops for the losers with the smell of victory sill haw Mercantile heague game ership of the Duplate Hockey along with Pat Mason, 1 " avallable, Dunn's continued 10/0 gunday at (he Bowmanville|league this week ns they nosed| The Comets were nattily sitired "If at first you don't succeed [the final for the coveted Malcolm: ovens. and In a last minute | Arena and the win kept Macko's [out the led Caps by a 20 score, |in thelr new black snd orange « that's the motto the Oshawa|son Trophy, they defeated Mrs. soramble around the Hawk Cage out in front" [These two teams had previously | uniform, courtesy of Bubway : : Curling Club ladies' entry to the J, Buttery's Oakville rink 136, Woodstock poked home the gome| "mis was 8 fast, hard-fought been tied for the top slot, Lunch, snnual Malcolmson Trophy event) The win marked a suceesstul winning goal, to. climax the up y | an " " " " i 4. lgome with the younger Juvenile! In the other game of the doible- WILSON GETS THRE pt The Toronto Curling Club, fol-| climax for "a long try bd the fill fight of the Smoke Rings ime setting the pace and they hoader, Bid's Kids eked out a ha) Despite the TREE te of lowed {0 success, Oshawa entry, and in ia nit Ye BOLAHOODS WIN [piled up & 2-1 lead at the end of [victory over the Viyers to Pt fap, Wilson who scored three Three years ago they won the final game, skip "Maorg' ve TH | a Ii " oe {i # ind vant twat years tuo they |shrond: pulled olf two. clean-cut) Bolahood Real Vatate continued |e it period Win ia wt i Inti place tie in gonl#, the Flyers went down to a finished in the finals -- last year shots on the fifth end to score a|thelr vietory march as they| JA} Se vd hina Asl 0 long ott ool h4 defent at the hands of Sid's d | Ti F fhe event was curtailed -- this|' five" without last rock -- and edged the Garn, Midg, Demons p | Both games were hotly contest: Kids who until then had undis- Reduce n me ror , . / took char; A 1h ame with y PH year, 1056, the Oshawa foursome from there in, the Motor City 54 to remain atop the NPHL, Ohh ate € Potting Han awd and were very cleanly played puted possession of the cellar | four The 4 p der International Mules, |of the Duplate Hockey League, won the trophy foursome stayed well in front, |The Demons belied thelr last Bo Or LT rigs, under In ; Mrs, Geo, Campbell, Mrs, Neill "Another Oukville rink, skipped Place standing In the longue as prossed their attack and won the yar Cava, wil Ets dor. Ie Yirer lose wis panty vo : | Hezelwood, Mrs, Hugh Gor-\by Mrs, A, Garfat, won the sece|they extended the men of Bola-|U C5 [blame on managemen A rig EV Arn rony ondry event, defeating Mrs, [hood to the limit before finally Venti. 4 cloan game, only elght|™ssing from. thelr line-up, WEre (gum fn electing to try out & new won thelr two games Monday to|McInnis in the final, Mrs, FE, |capitilating to the league leaders | il ® fo game, pi Pht yi outplayed by the ing a goalle instead. of using the advance to the semifinals, Yes: Lemasurier won the "third] The Demons moved into a 20|ka full distance, [Mees Conn Joan " ot ot the "lash Romeo LeBlane, who terday morning they whipped event" In a final game over her|lead by the midway mark of the| yuyENILES: goal, Nicholishen bin the nets, would have| 28 use os forward and appear: " Andy Grant's Unionville Unionville clutynates, skipped by first perio as Welsh at the four an: 5 , Leigh, in the nets, led somewhat out of Ms element 7 iri id the semi-finals and iniMrs, H, D, Coulter, : minute mark Ad Yerguson al Aw Rg i Bs io hon Sadly Yvan by hu' 3 doreny, this unfamiliar position, 1958 Chev. & Pontiac Manual 53. 5 ; ------ ---- ay minutes fired goals to give them yards' Cooper, Sheddon, Mapes, |" | Harvey Wilson opened the scor ne 8 , A 54 d "1 Despite the player edge by the | ' : 1 Myles, the Ioni's op sooner pan tir Cola, Porteous, comets they were. thwarted for lk SLE of lo Hou perid a 7958 Chev, & Pontiac Push-button 72.75 (o a 00 S 1 kept hia Gowln per game record In| MACKO'S: goal, Cirkn; de. WO lh Derlods by the ore effec. frame, 1 took Al Johnson just tact when he heat Blorms in the tence G. Lawrence, Towns and|C. MacLeish y lf riy#ive seconds of the second 3 nee, Awrence, Townk Bnd iu. qefensive play of Pat Mason 0 # Demons' cage near the. end of pdwards; forwards, McGarry | |perfod to knot the count for Sid's H " / } Pi 3 Yi y stemd a|period to knot th f i ue | eaders the frat period, to cut the lead ifubble, Garrard, McLellan jung wither team reg [Kids, He received a pass from 1958 Olds, & Buick Push button 74.95 [te 21 at the period's end Durno, ¥ngland, Welsh, Baker" "neq caps had an oppor Lik feet out from Robert ohm | Elliott in the early minutes of and Romanuk, ) foam ban. (son and roared In on Rickey Kinloch's and Berg's hooked The tle enabled Berg's to fake the last period moved the Jinity Arian Ron Trois wis ay | Renaud, drawing niin fr the' SHO 1957 Chevrolet Push-button 73.95 ap In & see-saw battle which wentlover sole possession of second Demons Into a 31 lead but| yomwy M lond period but Donnie Tilk stop {side and shoving it in from the right down the wire before Berg's (place and kept Kinloch's in the| Hickey eut the margin to, 42 at Y B d t ped the only shot on this occa Opposite side, adminton | 36 seconds remaining in thelthick of the battle for the play-|the five - minute mark; the | Bob Johnson did the trick him. ] With 50 Seon dou ; ver Ao Plank, stalwart defence (elf for the second gonh for Bid's| 1957 Oldsmobile Push-button 84.75 game fired the goal that enabled off berths {Demons regained thelr two-goal them to salvage a 4-all tie with SMOKE RINGS WIN (margin as Pipher at the nine | Pl P ty [man for the Red Caps, netted the Kids with Bill Carr on the assist: the men of Kinloch's | MOKE RING minute mark scored to make ff ans ar It UL Counter at the 6.30 mark of Ing end, At 18.90 Harvey Wilson Playing withqut thelr regular] Dunn's fmoke Rings continued 4.2 and at this me Garn, MIE. mye Oghawa "Y" Badminton) ise third period after MacLelsh|ted it all up again scoring un ANTENNA & INSTALLATION EXTRA netminder, Carl McPherson, Kin thelr mastery over the CKD |poged as a very definite threat 10(cyuh held its annual Christmas had saved brilliantly once only to|A#sisted on a beautiful dipsy M's put up a stout defence in|Hawks as they fought an uphill, itopple the leaders but they wills oy "miecdny December 16 at(phe the aulek [doodling solo rush, ' oo oy subbing Mason in come from behind baltle, to edgelod slightly In face of the charg. the Yrdolnide House at eight Ap Mla 8 Rg : In the third period Al Johnson J op Hawks 6-5 thereby enabling ing men of Bolahood's and the i in. : was again very much in evidence' the nets, and in a penalty-free|the "hth ing o'clock, The only other score of the y first half they held the Warriors them to share third spot in the (Myles Keteolla, |" There was a program of games game came later in the period SIMILAR SAVINGS ! . 2A gam [league standings with the Hawks! gmith trio took charge with . . on even terms with each team iv | Smith trio took charg and dancing, followed by re-|off the stick of the same player 0 ES scoring once to establish a 1 pn ho have a game In hand Myles being the trigger man, 85! freshments, [Planke was assisted on his two HOCKEY SC R ON e at the completion of the half,| Hawks moved Into an early ye socounted for three goals In|" Mombers are reminded that|gonls, first. by Ron Simcoe and ud sy Rintoch's ihe leadugad on a goal hy Burgess and ine jas half of the period aly (HOME, [LI0 DY id AND STANDINGS BACK-UP LIGHTS minutes of play but|mereased thelr lead to 20 onl personally put the skids under they on wi 2 no badminton on he | secodiy, by Halon Lig Kl after seven minutes "a orp ' tl p A | / {following dates: hursday, Dec, ri werridan, hard working Bplers of Bergs knotted the count Waller's foal ory Dunn's Wt Demons, The entire Bune Pid 18; Monday, Dec, 22; Wednes-|Red Cap eaptain, got the only By THE CANADIAN PRESS WINDSHIELD WASH ERS some three minutes Inter, o Yi A url oF the fire | PENAItY free and prose n oe Bday, Dec, 28; Thursday, Dee, 261 penally of the third period at 7.48 a var A ' Warriors meved Into ha Ln riod fo make It 2:1 at that pleasing Wpéelucle Li Watch, as Wednesday, Dec, 81, and Thurs-'but again MacLelsh rose mag " WL T ALL OTHER ACCESSORIES y of the # ay ranged fro p , | ve 2 one 11 ~ mingle mart o point, The Hawks continued to DAY on forays day, dan, 1, (nificently to the occasion and Whithy 19 4 2122 0 re she Pp Mason's p py } a 'de Ath his se ne IPollowing these dates the regu. (with the help of Pat 510 8 14 5 49 Anderson ind ler bt "unl LTC, kn With a angi Tob Lon Mylee, (Bb, 41 ine badminton schedule will bo in "benny clearing was able w/iiliCile, a 1 3 "68 0038 | Y, vhs a J do KD) ( 5 . | 1 op 0 ' | maved, Kinloeh's fough mite lgave the Hawks what looked to|Burgess (( KD), Malloy (Dunns), | effect {hold the Comets scoreless Auring| eal) 611 8 60 7116 | i " 0 ' " rg! 2 ("le Tort mb an : . 3 " and wining ot te 17} four | he & comfortable cushion of 4-1 af id Caw ker th i hs x Rom Tournament Director, Ralph the duration of the penalty, Kingston 416 2 76 116 10 | mark ant ( I ut the game onthe completion of the first half on (( KD ' Kel hi " Bol) 14 Harlowe, announces that (hel Stars for he winnets Ware Tuesday's Result minutes later p 8 , . ¢ Rete BOLT, Wi manking Tournaments for Ladies' Roger Planke who scored both | gine oH sven terms at three all, With] Legree for Dunn's cul the [miiott, | Ferguson. (Ga MI in ) |" wr Ladle i AER Kingston 4 Whithy 5 / Singles and Men's Singles ve foals n we (4 p three minutes vemaining Kin margin to 4:2 early In the final eke (CKD), Wallace, (Dunn i A ha Friday's Games 0 ) "heen drawn up and no further played a whale of a game on des oo. wai at Belleville ols got what looked to be the stanza and play stayed close uns |eoonan (Bol ), 12 nba " " ne r the victor p i L | M | T E D tool "goal as Armstrong bal [ti] at the 20 minute mark Malloy | . members will he considered for fence for the victors Ray Ma Hull at Kingston ted in a rebound to make the scored for Dunn's and with the WELT FA PW towrnament Purposes | OHANOHA Senior A Bergs then went|Hawk defence wavering Clemens |Rolahood 1 44 20 12] These tournaments will be run| All inembers are advised to he| wi FF AP, S ol -§ 4 floff after Christmas, and will In-lon hand for these tournaments Chatham 0 B85 40M | PART DEPT. 3 40 allude the entire membership of [after Christmas as those to!Kilchener 1106 76 20 4 i" glthe club bo used In Inter-club tournaments Sudbury a M8 8721 | "| There are 52 entries In the|will he chosen from those finish:|8, 8, Marie 0 85 0120 | 140 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA RA 5-6501 4.2 81 06 6 Ladies' Singles and 20 In the ing In the quarter - finals of the| Windsor 3.2 62 9116] 71 0 1{Men's Singles, Irespective tournaments, North Bay [] 0 68121 10 hy the final period on quick goals hy score read 4:3 | ] t yall out offensive and with|seored the tying goal some three Berg's f 4 Bryan, their goaltender, on the minutes later, Then the hie hreak|ckp 4 bench in favor of a sixth forward, came for Dunn's as Tindall in the 4 Jackson with only seconds re (Hawk net completely fanned on . maining fired the shot that re-|a long clearing shot hy Wallace Kinloeh's 2 sulted In the four-all stalemate, (and the Smoke Rings were In the'Garn Mid, EE --_ FAA A A fff AAA A AAA AAA Af of ff ff ff A oA A AA AA AAA AA AAS A AAA AA AAA AAA AAA AAAS AFAR A 54 A124 Dunn's CHRISTMAS GIFTS Dunn's Sensational | | xMdes! Christmas Suggestions x ~ Christmas Offer! BY LAY vs h 4 N Wl hy " k t FLANNEL PYJAMAS MEN'S ALL WOOL MEN'S DRESSING A wonderful selection of fine GREY FLANNELY. . GOWNS \ quality flannel pyjamas == sanfors LT Bly eit 8 ee, hd The Ideal solution oe oe gM ved shrunk for guaranteed fit, A selection of trousers guaranteed to . Problem, Luxurious Tie 3ilks, Flane " please on Christmas morning., Fine nels, Jacquard Silks and Tartans In popular Christmas gift that is alwys all. wool flannels, reasonably priced every shade imaginable Sizes small, leo! Pl had | YOUR CHOICE OF welcome ain shades, gay 21 for gittgiving! 4.95 [edi polis obi we 9.9 CAR COAT or SUBURBAN COAT be A 0 WITH EVERY SUIT All-wool Worsteds, Worsted Flannels, fine serges, textured twists, woal gabe ardines, many Imported from famous Enalish Mills, New fall tones of blue, grey, brown or black, New medium tones, wide choiee ot smart business patterns SPECIAL . , , advance winter purchase all up to Dunn's high standard. Sizes for men and young men 35.50, Short, regular tall and hard to fit stouts AZT LINED SUEDE LEATHER MEN'S CARDIGANS Suits 49 50 a LEATHER GLOVES WINDBREAKERS AN wool ov well os Orkn. Chow iJ' 2 = -_ Ch 44 Rs ji hy a fo i " 2) Mn oT a Te = 3 a - SER -_ Tha Nn _-- rr aw Ly oF Bids -, ru AA a - & Priced - ar IEEE SBOIISE IIS Fine quality leather. gloves in copes The mest popular windbreaker of from a wide variety of new shades, From | ., skin, pigtex and goatskin, Shades all, An ideal Christmas gift! gga rarige from 36 to 46 Come of grey, tan, black and natural. Fur Choose from shades of Navy, Brown Plus your choice of CAR COAT Wight y and Tan, Suey' 36 to 46 instock 0 nd wee them nent Gf lined and wool lined, 2 85 See th owl y See them now From cvvininininnnan or SUBURBAN COAT Free Sizes 8 to 11, From om... ... Sv A USE YOUR w NO DOWN Yr MONTHS di ng ~~ OREDIT PAYMENT T0 PAY x CREDIT ? x JUST ASK! x OPEN A | 16 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH MEN'S YouLL MEET YOUR FRIENDS jy CHARGE | a WEIR CHRISTMAS GIFTS ACCOUNT | | . Sanziaid GALORE! SEEEEIRECEENCECI NICE CONEECECOQORERETETRICK « QUENT CONEIRECINENCICIRERAIINERETRIE COCCRCECERREEOEEER] | A a RE EE TT TL NN NN Ne NY ol WN 2 te We £ i , p- ¥