*1, SYLVESTER, president of Fort Hope Rotary Club discus oe the problem of finding work ROTARY WILL HELP MIXED LOOT 6 Port Hope Homes Raided Jehovah Baby Out Of Danger TORONTO (CP)---An eight-day drama which pitted the religions beliefs of a baby's parents) against doctors' struggle for her ite was drawing to a close today PORT HOPE -- Hungry thieves (was gained through the milk broke into six Port Hope homes |hox | over the weekend and made off | Clifford Donaghue, #1 Hope | with a mixed bag which included | street north, reported that about | a roast of beef, a $150 diamond [#41 in cash had heen stolen after | ring and $400 in hearer honds, | thieves broke into his house the E.R. Kennedy, 4 Ralston drive same night via the same milk notified police at 6.30 p.m Satur: boy mathe. warning. Vat day that the rear door had heen |g ie Aggy Blah street, discover: forced that afternoon, and four| TN pf, $100 Dominion of Canada hearer i { bonds, # $150 diamond ring And pon roles, Pu thet fhe. lf 8 coin bank with about $60 in 50 bk gli sig re cent pieces were missing, | F, G, Wilkinson, 90 Elgin street, | reported his home had been ran: |iered over the weekend and $16 sacked Saturday night but noth-|in cash was stolen, Fntry was {Ing was stolen, (gained through the milk box | Reginald Brice, #3 Molson| Police helieve the work to he | street, reported that about $46 in|the operations of an oul of town | leash had heen taken from his|gang which committed all of the home Saturday night, Entrance! break4ns Foils Attempt To Crack Safe for persons on probation with | Northumberland nd Durham 1, Nutter, assistant supervisor | Counties, of the Childrens' Ald relely of v . * » Social . [] . 1 . . » ». M PORT HOPE -- The story of a 1@year-old boy's desperate need tox belleve In the love of a father who beat him when sober and Hh ve him beer when drunk, was to Port Hope Rotarians at the regular weekly meeting Mon day, Douglas Nutter, assistant mipervisor of the Children's Ald fdciety of Northumberland and Dprham, recounted the true case history of a boy who passed trough hs hands 4'1 met the boy five years ago," slid Mr, Nutter, "In my ten years' experience, he Is the only ; I've met who has all the Story Of Delinquent COBOURG ~ Thieves trying to| Inside the store, a safe had rob a Campheliford safe yester: heen pulled out from the wall to the centre of the floor, Marks on day morning were folled by the | ie safe indicated attempts had appearance of a truck driver oni heen made to pry hoth the front ha way to work and the hack open, Neither at John Bull, an employe of Meyer [tempts had heen suc cessful | Transport, Campbhellford, told po-| The thieves are thought to [lice he was walking towards the have been surprised hy the early building about 4 am, Monday appearance of Bull on the street, went along smoothly for four| His father suddenly sohered Up non weveral vouths ran out|No cash was missing from the Worker Tells The soclety lost track of the hoy for a while, hut he turned with Lori Lynn Campbell ap parently out of danger afler re- celving three blood transfusions, The child was given blood Electric Workers Call Strike Vote THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, December 16, 1958 7 rp ------ HAMILTON (CP) = The United Flectrical Workers of America have moved to call a strike vole in their contract dispute with Ch. | nedian Westinghouse, | of six Westl rec. ing strike votes | lim Homan, London snd Tor: | onto, In is pattern-setting Hamilton talks, the unlon has asked for a transfusions to correct an RH factor disorder after a court cons vened In the hospital Saturday ruled her Jehovah's Witness pare them, The court made her a tem porary word of the Children's Ald Boclety, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Camp i of his home had [ents were negligent in denying | ' Hubby From Death Pp. Simmons, 88 Croft street, yoported his home had been en poll both 27, hadrefused to allow | transfusions because thelr Jeho- vah's Witnesses belieks interpret Biblical passages as forbidding the eating of blood, which they relate to blood transfusions, Dr. A, L. Chute, who super: vised the injection of one and a half ounces of blood into the in. fant's blood stream Monday, sald no further transfusions will be necessary W Lori Lynn's body be- ging the normal manufacture of her own blood THA / months, The father was not told and obtained employment, If the throug! the front door of a super: |store, hut the $700 safe 1s ald to where the boy was lvng, tn the boy had found a Job things might |. [he damaged heyond repair, hopes that a better Influence have been alright, He couldn't . would gradually work on the boy, (get a job, His reputation was "One night the father, on alagainst him and it was also d RONCARELLI CASE drunken spree, ran Into the hoy, period when johs were scarce, He lured him away with beer! Ope night, in a restaurant in ind the father-and-son relation: port Hope, the hoy ealled Mr. | . . ship was renewed," sald Mr. Nutter over to a booth where he Decision Seen Nutter showed the social worker a 48 revolver . T y y to | up in juvenile court, He admit Mug Mp BURR 0 In Damage Suit ted to stealing money from an lee [order Mr, Duplessis to pay dam rink. Through the efforts of Mr Nutter the boy was placed on and told the police Now the hoy Is In Guelph Re formatory where his letters indi: By BERNARD DUFRESNE CNR in your homecoming p storm, HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Go CNR =the sure, the comfortable way! When you Include 41 = cents - an - hour package In- | |erense, Woman Rescues | HAMILTON (CP) Despite | her own Injuries, a Bloney Creek woman early Sunday dragged her | | unconscious wp, the [mountain brow at Chedoké Valls {after their ear had plunged 30 feet down a steep embankment, | | Admitted to hospital were Alex | Floresco, 87, and his 83-year-old (wife, Ethel, Mrs, Floresco was | reported today in good eondition | [and Mr, Floresco In fale cond: | | tion, He suffered scalp lacerations and a possible concussion and his |wife received scalp, pelvis and [hip injuries and multiple bruises, n lans==you can plan mew/ Let It lot It freexe, let it snow==you'll get home when the folks | Employment Opportunities (Civil Service of Canade! CHIEF OPERATING ENGINEER (with first class Stationary £n- inser's or Engineman's certificate or equivalent), National efence, Gagetown, N.B. $6,480-%7,200 CIVILIAN PERSONNEL TRAINING OFFICER, Notions! De- fence, Ottawa, $6,300.87,020 TECHNICAL ANALYST = ELECTRONICS (to report upon operating characteristics of airborne electronic equipment), National Defence, Ottawa, $6,210-56,660, TECHNICAL OFFICER ~~ HARBOUR STRUCTURES AND DREDGING, Harbours and Rivers Engineering Branch, Publie Works, North Bay, Ont, $5,700-86,180 RANGE BALLISTICS OFFICER (university graduate In math. ematics or statistics with related experience), Inspection Services, National Défence, Nicolet, P.O, $5,520.$5970, SOCIAL WORKERS (university graduates, preferably with master's degree In social work and good professional ex- perience), Northern Affairs and National Resources, various centres In the North, $5,430-45 880 plus substantial Ise- lation allowance, For details, write to Civil Service Com~ mission, Ottawa, and quote competition 58-827, METEOROLOGISTS and METEOROLOGICAL OFFICERS (train. Inga positions for university graduates, including 1959 araduntes, with suitable courses in physies and maothem ties), Transport Department, various centres Starti salaries $4,560 ond $4,380, For details, write to Civi}' Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for elreular 59-174, TREASURY AUBITORS (with responsible accounting er audits Ing experience), Comptroller of the Treasury, Finonees, Toe ronto, Ont, $4,560.85,640 NUTRITIONISTS (university graduates with related experience), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, $3,900-$4,350, For detalls, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, end ask. for elreulor 58-834 LIBRARIANS (with bachelor's degree In library selence), Gove ernment Departments, Ottawa, and other centres $3,750. $4,350. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ot tawa, and ask for elreular 59.2750 HOME ECONOMIST (university graduate), Consumer Branch, Fisheries Department, Ottawa, $3,450-$4,050, For detalls, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, end ask for clreular 58-835 ECONOMISTS, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, and ether centres, $4,200 to $5,580 depending upon qualifications, 1959 graduates may apply, For detalls, write to Civil Ser vice Commission, Ottawa, and ask for elreular 59.28, LIVESTOCK PRODUCTS GRADERS and LIVESTOCK FIELDMEN (training positions for graduates in agriculture, including 1959 graduates), Agriculture Department, various centres, $4,200 to start, For details, write to Civil Service Com- mission, Ottawa, and ask for circulars 59-29 and 59.27 respectively PLANT PRODUCTS INSPECTORS and PLANT PROTECTION OFFICERS, Agriculture Department, varoius centres, Traine Ina positions, 1959 aaricultural gradutes may apply, $4, ) del ymbittere ) p [] Writer [a | ect vou, and you'll enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip! | cate & hardening, embittered per:| Canadian Press Staff r ges expect you, and y joy every |] ¥ p I: Lor deta GIVI! Servity Commission, requisite characteristics of a po probation Another foster home was found taptial delinquent His parenis were divorced Wa was lMving with his father, who was an alcoholle, He had nolo | Wea sy his father, regard: for his mother, who threw De love by hs CAEICH fhe boy oi no th fete of fo! 1 er het th a of Wien ong i iy yo [out of him, but the hoy put the He drift hae ere 10 DiS ipather to hed when he passed father, out from drinking, - and served (The, boy hen Jame uhder He him a plek-me-up in the morn are of e Children's Ald BoCi jpg ety, but it was difficult to find "The boy ran away from a home a foster home for a hig 14-year: iy Toronto, stole a car and drove old hoy, He had an 1Q of 135,110 New York, He appeared in and was capable of many things. [juvenile court in Toronto and Whenever we could get him into Mr. Nutter again had the boy school, he was a good student paroled in his care Finally, a foster home was| "Then came the turning point," found for the boy and everything (said the speake Cobourg Record Building Year COROURG Building permita/in November was a sergeants fasued In Cobourg in November mess, sergeants' quarters, and a but again the father lured him away "The boy still had a need to | sonalily, said Mr, Nutter | Rotarians have decided that a committee should be formed to [study possibilities for helping per | sone on probation to find employ ment TIMES BUREAUS Port Hope TU 5-5357 M. Hackman Cobourg FR 2.5201 lain Macdonald | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Supreme Court of Canada is expected to bring down judgment shortly in a damage suit that has been he fore various courts for more than [11 years, It may yet end up be "n the Privy Counell, | The case, which has religious undertones, involves Premier Du. plessis of Quebec and former [Montreal restaurant owner Frank Roncarelll, It is believed the firs| time a provincial premier has been sued personally for dam | ARN, Mr, Ronearelll ls demanding $00,000 damages on the ground that Mr, Duplessis ordered can Break-in Ge Thiet Nothing COROURG Cobourg police report that thieves broke into the office of Cobourg realtor Mar garet Thompson during the week: cellation of his restaurant liquor licence, putting him out of busi ness, The premier has defended oan. collation of the permit, Dee, 4, 1946, on the ground that Mr, Ron. carelll, an adherent of the Wil: nesses of Jehovah, took part in iwhat Quebec courts then re garded a 'seditious conspiracy" | by the religious sect {MAY GO TO LONDON The decision may not close the Originally, Mr, Ronearelll, who started his damage sult six months after cancellation of the | Heence, sought $118,741 from Mr, | awarded him $6,128 in May, 1081, | about four years later, In April, 1966, the Quebec Court of Appeal { quashed the judgment, NOW WITH SEAWAY Mr, Roncarelll, now an em- ployee of the Bi, Lawrence Sea | way Authority, then took the case to the Supreme Court of Canada, For about two years prior to cancellation of his liquor leence, Mr, Roncarelll had acted as bondsman in 508 arrests of Jeho- vah's Witnesses for distributing pamphlets of the sect without a municipal police permit Duplessin, Quebec Superior Court Make your plans now==get there free from care! Ask about CNR Gift Certificates, ideal for are gol €, §, CORNELIUS, ™ Passenger Attn, 3 King 81, W,, OSHAWA, Ont, Phone! RA 3.4122 Every year, more and more people whe holiday giving! ng home for the Christmas Ottawa, and ask for elreular 59-26 TECHNICAL OFFICERS AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS MARKETING, Agriculture Department, various entres, Traine Ing positions for agricultural graduates Including class of 1959, $4,200 to start, For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 59-24, HOSPITAL NURSING ORDERLY (with experience), Indian end Northern Health Services, National Health and Welfare, Moose Factory, Ont. $2,910-53,360 plus Isolation allows ance SUPERVISING HOUSEKEEPER, Indian Health and Welfare, Moose Factory, Ont, plus isolation allowance Except where otherwise Indicated, detalls and application forms at main Post Offices, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices, Hospital, National $2,790:43,180 ! SEE A LIVE DEMONSTRATION totalled $1,164,248, possibly a rec: cafeteria, to be built by Construe ord construction in this/tion Engineering, of London, Ont month, The total was swelled by The month brings total 1080 con.| two contracts let for expansion to struction to date to $2,652,000, an M CoD increase of BM per cent over 1047 First contract waa let Nov. 18, [Tn 1957 construction for the whole when $135,000 was assigned to year totalled only $1,611,000 Ruliff Graff Construction, Near Ruslest month then was Decem hore, for an office and stores her when a permit was Issued for bullding for Royal Canadian Fn. a new wing for Cobourg General gineers at the depot Estimated | Hospital, bringing the total for cost of another COD contract let that month to $012,000 | Roncarelli's claims, -or they can Group Will Fete New pyyresses ke. Canadians At Cobourg A Breaktast | of the Cobourg Council of the Port Hope; Knights of Columbus attended the end, taking nothing and damag:|,ase Either party still may take ing nothing it to the judiclal committee of Entry was reported to have the Privy Council in London, heen made through a window 1t| Canadian appeals to the Privy Is believed the thieves hoped to Council were abolished In 1040, find some way to enter a nearby but the Ronecarelll - sult was drugstore started In 1047 Both the office and the drug: | The nine Supreme Court Judges store are located at Cobourg's have had the case under advise Victoria shopping plaza {ment since early June, They can {dismiss In whole or in part Mr, | -- of the -- "JOLLY JUMPER" Of tje Feddema, 189 Scugog street, Slusaroysk, RR 8, ( Rowmamville \ e y Col aort | 9:90 mass and communion at St Franz and Ilse Gassen, 32 John Ri h oe PHY Leficas. } on Michael's Roman Catholle street, Port Hope; Zynaida Gau:|gohel oof ah B ne hii 400 Church, Sunday and later attend. | vreau, RR 3, Port Hope; Joseph nelius nad Pe awmany wa % ed a communion breakfast at Hoykoop, RR 1, Baltimore; Her- pH" AC in "J Xbpers, Larry's Coffee Shoppe, Guest manus and Johanna Horstman, > nh RiHoe east, ort Hope; Ger speaker was Rev, Father J, COROURG One of the big gest mass naturalization cere monies held In this area will be performed Wednesday by Judge W. A. Miller in county room in the United Counties building, A trude Simmatis, Grafton total of A2 New Canadians from Bowmanville, Orono, Newcastle, Port Hope, Cobourg, Hrighton and other points in the United Counties will be sworn In The Cobourg branch of the Bus RR 8, Newcastle; August Herter 258 Walton street, Port Hope;| Josef Toth, King street, Anna Jurke (Yurke), RR 1, Kn. |Campbellford; Samuel Teleki, RR niskillen: Henry Jurko (Yurke), ® Warkworth; Juroslav and Emi RR 1, Enniskillen; Josepd Kocsis, |!'e Trejbal, Mearns avenue, Bows 25 Bedford street, Port Hope; |manville; Wiadyslaw Tuezkowskl, Peter Moelker, Box 207, Brighton; [0:0 8. Skora, RR 1, Port Hope; "m ol Pearson, assistant priest, The topie of Father Pearson's address was "Juvenile delin quency, its causes, and its steps for prevention," Seated at the head table were Cyril Roddy, Catholle Activities EATON'S win the -- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTR Tuesday, Dec. 16th and Wednesday, Dec. 17th 2 PM. TO 4 PM, iness and Professional Women's Club will later entertain the group and will serve refresh ments to the group and a num ber of prominent civie and gov Srnment officials The new Canadians are Guido Alunni 168 Hibernia street, Cobourg; Johannes and Wilhelmina Ronsma RR 3 Kurt R. E. Maahs, 180 Queen Valentin and Salme Tamm, RR street, Campbellford, 2, Grafton; Woo Gee Hong, Box Miecavskaw and Agnes Mal 0, Newcastle: Jan and Adriana klewler, George street, New Wiggers, Smithfield castle; Ceell C€, Mullenix, 31 Avie and Beh Vanderspruit, RR Centre street, Bowmanville; Kd. 2, Orono; Geert and Ettiena Van mund and Kay Patrzek, RR 1, schepen, RR J, Rowmanville; Port Hope; Boleslaw Peplinski, Petrus and Constance Verleysen, 181 Furnace street, Cobourg; Hampton; Hendrik and Willemina! Arend Rumph, 120 Ontario street, Vanderwel, RR 2 Warkworth Burketon; Cornelia and Geer. Cobourg: Wilthemus J. Reljng, RR Gerrit and Janneke Vandermeent, trulda Bos, RR 1, Orono; Johan 1, Fenella; Otto and Waltraut 37 Elgin street Rowimanville; nes and Catherine Brouwer; Glue Richter, 93 Liberty street, Bow. Edward Vandervelde Hampton; seppe Carrer, Ontario street, manville; Wallace Reecayoki, RR William and Maria VandeHeek, Brighton; Arthur P. Doust Campbellford; Hox 34, Port Hope 31 Garry street 3, Campbellford RR 64, Co Chalrman of the K, of C,; Grand | Knight. James Redmond and Past Grand Knight Frank Rerthelet who introduced the speaker Jamei~Qulahen, on hehall of the group, thanked the speaker PUC Workers ' Seek Contract | | 1 Cornelius B. Peter and Hendrika Rheber Enno BH. Venhuisen Amendment Deman, Waverly road, Bowman. gen, Gerrit. Rhebergen, Engbert bourg;: Gerrit and Henriette Van. | 1 | ville: Luntje Deman, Waverly Rhebergen, Henry Rhebergen, all | Houten, 39 Hayward street, Port CoROU RG Accounts total | road, Bowmanville; Hastiaan and of RR 3, Rrighton; Joseph Sing Hope Gerrit and Wilhemina ling HOY were Adproved for Pletje DeMan, RR 2. Rowman: Seto, Rox 331, Rowmanville; Piet- Zweerink, 87 Dorset street west payment at Jast nalts regular ville; Lena Daling, RR 2. Hast: er Sikma, RR North Orono; Port Hope; Kasper and Krosson | eek d of Cobourg Public Utili ings; Enzo Facinl, 219 Hibernia Josef and Helen Schneider, RR 8, #ia Zacher Meredith avenue Hea Jabba ph Water depart street, Cobourg: Pieter and Weel: Brighton; Kazimira and Sofia Erie Park, Cobourg Yole SEIS Were JTW, I Blackstock WMS J ne Donates Bale lie Service Employes that amend ment would he requested for arti BLACKSTOCK - The WMS at the home of presiden Mis cle 21 of the employes' contract The article deals with terminal Cecil Hill, Wednesday afternoon Donations were brought in for a ¥vam agreements. Also mentioned was bale to be sent to Lansdowne! Mrs, Leith Hyers read a poem the fact that the entive contract comes up for discussion in™the Honse and cards were signed to 8nd Lorraine Dayes rendered a be mailed to shut-ins and mls. Mane solo New year Expansion for the D'Arcy street slonaries Refreshments were Mrs group and a so power substation was proposed onto, visited Mr, and Mrs, Clas for 1880. The commissioners felt ence Marlow Saturday that addition of a 3000 kilowatt "Jolly Jumper" Demonstrated the slate of offi J ° accepted, It PERSONALS i} LORA. W W ] / ite $10 1 ' ened sted by the LARA. Winners were workmen building an overpass b 0 h B b rin Explorer girls, Margaret Mrs, Percy Van ( amp and Os for Highway 401 at Ontario steel $ a a a Ies: MP. and Mrs: Mervyn Graham hour transformer and other i of one of the mombe 8 Carag) | \ t bels, \nghan, Helen Swain, Sharon mond Wright : J Ad ght and door prize, had been repaired soon alter the Dorrell (Larmer, Elisabeth Thompson and | Mure, Fred Cowling, \ ge Nancy Dorrell Mrs, Richard Mr, and Mrs Ralph. John and David Larmer attended the CGIT candlelight service Prinity Chuveh, Row manville, Sunday evening Mes. Richard Van Camp spent & few days last week with hee parent ME and Mrs, Roy Mor row, at Hilton, Ont Mr, and Mrs. Welr Swain, To one leader Van Camp, with Harold Swain, and met Devotional was conducted by Rov, Philip Romeril, and Mrs Fred Dayes presided for the pro visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Par equipment might soon he neces Sunday sary at the station Phere were six tables of euchre Manager W.. Waols Puesday night at PArtY spon: that a water mam served hy 0 be ha | Rete { houy Glenn Larmer presented announoed hrokeén hy followed cof h Was ded 1 LRN ded ( the Cancer Fund iy }