The Oshawa Times, 16 Dec 1958, p. 1

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4 ' THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve-tising RA 3.3492 All other calls ........RA 88474 "WEATHER REPORT Cloudy tonight and Wednesday with snow, Cold tonight, milder Wednesday, winds Hght. -- Oshawa Times AYont Sia Deparment, Snore. w------ El SAILOR SAVES SONS IN PICKERING BLAST "[ JUST FLIPPED" Gas Company Boy, 16, Admits Starts Probe Slaying Of Five took charge of the childrem, "1 Shought te whole place was gor g to blow up, took the child into the bathroom to bandage her and told Eder to ¥ A tiger dav the flame A 1 call a doctor, Instead the youth NTE Cons Gas Com got a pistol from the garage and P 1 umers pany came back and shot the mother, He killed Diage and her truck, The driver, Mark gan, leaped a wooden fence do M7" he brother, Allen, 3, by cutting their home all 1 had |throats with a hunting knife, And went to the rear of the turned off the gas supply, | when David, 9, and Tom, 6, came fire had only just started, home from school he killed them Another neighbor who w the same way, hanging out clothes sald she He was waiting outside when Pendergast came home from his not hepr an explosion, but ss the flames as they eral times but no sound came ob 3 on atrerult" worker 'and She flames | out. Finally be blurted: , [forced him to drive him toward aa wm "1,1 didn't want to, Tom." (gay Diego before the father had al ico ap ~ inks The meeting between Pender-|, «hance to enter the house and aid ames were breaking gast and the 16-year-old runaway eng oo what had happened, Hivough the windows of the bose | York youth he had be «Good TO ME" Whan his, equipment aghive friended came Monday night About the man who had be- a I after Eder was captured In a rrjonded him he sald: "1 didn't fiom | uted. beach community a few miles|yant to kill him, He's been real plot stand ng A Hoth of San Diep. [op to me." tents in estimated at $13,000. The Police had bee looking for him The San Diego Union tele. Ja Sitimaied 48 . The since Friday when the bodles of phoned Eder's parents in Tronde- coupl fnsur, Mrs. Lois Pendergast, 87, and her |quoit, N.Y., a' suburb of Roches: Lost In the fire was all the fam- ildren were found in their|ter, and reported in a copyrighted ily's Christmas presents and $50 |story that his father, Earl Eder, in cash, which was on the kitchen sald he never wanted to see the le. The P| Red Cross hoy again, a "I'm glad they got him." the ou emer, y clothing te: said, "1 don't want to see supplies. The Sassen) now stay. that boy no more; I don't want ing with friends in Toronto, to see him ever again." Unemployment VOL, 87--NO, 295 OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1958 PICKERING (Staff) -- Greg- ory Fitzpatrick, a lakes seaman home on sick leave, snatched up his two children and fled his ome here Monday as an explo. sion set the house ablaze, The explosion woke the Fairport Beach man who was sleeping in a couch in the dining room of the six-room frame house, Consumers Gas Company offi. cials from Oshawa made an im- mediate investigation, They state that the condition of the stove in. dicates that the explosion might have occurred in the stove itself, "The stove is completely burn- ed out, as well as the kitchen in the immediate area of the stove, We can't tell yet what happened, but the explosion did not oceur under the house as was stated in a Toronto newspaper," a spokes. man for the gas company sald, "We are getting engineers in to Investigate. However, there was a three-year-old child play- Ing in the vicinity of the stove and we are therefore not certain about what happened immediate. ly prior to the explosion," Meanwhile two deputies from the Ontario Fire Marshal's office in Toronto are examining the scene, Hon, J. W, Spooner, Minister of Mines, speaking from Queen's Park, today sald that rio Fuel Board engineers would also make an inspection of the prem. SAN DIEGO, Calif, (AP) Thomas Pnddergast started at the lanky, pimplyfaced youth who had just confessed slaving Pendergast's wife and four chil- dren, "Why did you screamed, 'They were in the world." | Young Carl Eder slumped in his chair at the police station, His mouth opened and shut sey- Ay TWO WORKMEN were killed | end 20 others were injured In the foreground is the roof | result of the explosion Monday and wall which collapsed as a | morning, AP Wirephoto i at 11Deat New Christmas Hopes gyebec Blast As Inco Talks Resume 6a Feared SHERBROOKE, Que, Rev, J, J. Delaney, a Roman optimistic," sald Bob Hollywood, ers today continued the task of clearing away the brick and steel | when an explosion occurred on | a building in Sherbrooke, Que, ich ¢ DR. W, C, LOCKHART College Head's Future Seen Uncertain WINNIPEG (CP)--The future of Dr, W, C. Lockhart, principal of United College, is seen uncer tain after a decision by the hoard of regents to reinstate Professor Crowe, It was learned that the decision to reinstate the 36-year-old his. tory professor was made at a board meeting Sunday, : pr. Joukhart sul in a Winnly nterview that h ay Wane It tots a tka $0 Soca nd the love, "Tm glad the whole affalr i ALL FACILITIES™ 1] drawing to a close--tiat ls, if i Tht olfic has isn't Irondy," he maid, ties : CT Ty AIK md public as well as from within [Ret to the of nited College, ing ard angry because one gas situation, al. Deildren. Diane, 4, was making & INHGNATION STANDS though i is a much bifger task lt of noise. He stormed into the y position was intolerable/than was at first an ted, bedroom and threw the girl on and for the good of the college he sald. the floor, cutting her head. I had to leave, My resignation| 'In this case, if the stove is at Mrs, Pendergast rushed against R. J, Daniels, of Oshawa, [till stands despite the statement|fault, then we'll want to know was dismissed this morning by|bY the board of regents. why," he added. Magistrate A, 8, Mitchell in| The board has said it will not| The blast, according to Fitz. SMOG VACATION Oshawa Traffic Court after he|accept his resignation. The three|patrick, came from behind a ruled the charge was non.exist. professors whose resignations natural gas stove in the kitchen one FOR DRUNK ant, were accepted sald they were not where flames had already taken The magistrate sald, "I have approached by the hoard. The a good hold, His three - year . old come to the conclusion that this|other resignations by staff mem- son Stephen was lying face down Charged In | 1:9 Space Prob Chica 0 Fire 1 P ce ro e {plants In Windsor, Oakville and LOS ANGELES (AP)-- Toronto are to take a strike vote 'Don't send me to county |eourt has no jurisdiction and bers were contingent on the rein-jon the floor about 10 feet from \ , | cannot deal with a careless driv-| statement of Prof. Crowe, the stove, bo y CHICAGO (AP) A delay tn! TOS ALAMOS, NM. (AP) vacuum of space it would spread beginning next weekend. it was! Jail," pleaded Duke Collins, a DE er, YT and, #1 Veteran of many arrests, ing charge as the charge is non-| The dispute stirred interest and| Fitzpatrick grabbed the sounding 'a fire alarm and a SUCRUNS eve wh (ALU they iis nll to the puns rays and iourned Monday night. 4 mixup in street addresses were |i 'Urned loose they could rig ajtravel indefinitely under - solar! sy ooh the United Aute| can't stand the smog down- |existant, There is no such of- (provoked statements from teach and ran outside with him, He eited by Chicago's fire commiy.| Solar sail" to propel space ve-power, Workers (CLC) and Ford are| town. fense in law as careless driving. |ers at several other universities, [then returned for his younger SUDBURY (CP) Sudbury's today were as bright as the Catholle priest who Is adminis. secretary-manager of the Cham Christmas lights strung over Elm|tering welfare to more than 1,000 ber of Commerce, rubble left by a migkty blast that otreet, strikers' families, was certain the, 'Both sides are apparently just | killed two, Injured 20 and flat Hit by a $12,000,000 payroll loss fresh «negotiations meant that|as far apart as they were be- tened the partially » completed since the International Nickel ether the union or company fore." wing of a four-storey bullding in Company strike began 84 daysperhaps both -- is prepared to/CHRISTMAS CHEQUES east-end Sherbrooke Monday. , this Northern Ontario min. make new concessions In the| Some of the strikers, aware| Official theories were the ex- fag city of 48,000 looked eagerly wage dispute, that even a quick settlement plosion, which caused between for signs of settlement at the re-| 'The talks would not have re- won't give them a pay cheque for[$250,000 and $300,000 damage to opening of government-sponsored sumed unless there was some at least two weeks, were hoping the building owned by Raby et|four chi Ho pegotiations by Labor Minister reason for It," he sald Inco would pay Its usual $25/Freres--a furniture store ex: home, The mother ha gor ' Daley of Ontario, TAX COLLECTIONS OFF Christmas bonus, There were re-|tensively damaged a nearby tene-|thgchildren slashed an Sibbed. The news about the new falks| City Controller Willlam gar ports the company had already ment and broke windows a mile he 6-foot-3 toclager ag rec 8 Toronto brought quick relaxa- was "tickled pink' at the pros- begun distributing cheques, away, was started by "a kick-lognized by a residont. o Mission don of the tension resulting from|péet of a settlement when-the| For many families the only back from a gas furnace in the|Beach. After a brie gp oe # baok-to-work movement among|city's tax collections are dropping gifts available are second-hand Raby building." [flance the boy started cry ns he #trikers' wives, land welfare payments are ris- toys shipped in by out-of-town| The explosion came just as admitted he was Eder an o Police throughout the area said ing to nearly triple those of last|unions. Children of strikers from|workmen were preparing for(he had killed Mrs, Penderga #0 more complaints of threaten. winter, {nearby Copper CI were Invited work in the new wing of the and the children, kid ing telephone calls were reported, "I Have higher hopes than Ijto attend an annual Christmas building, "1 just flipped," police quote during the night, {had for the last talks,' he de. movie party scheduled for Satur-| The body of Joseph Laroche, a him as saying. alo Mrs. Leon Breen found her tele clared, |day at our Sudbury theatres. 49-year-old electrician, was re:| At the San Diego police Re lod ringing steadily after she| Said a striker's wile who has/Free transportation, movies and|covered shortly after the: blast/police sald they got a fle P ndy are to Aupplied by the Bok oven 10. Big \ confession from the youth Pen- " one woven organize a mass meeting already told her six children candy won't he oar dergast picked up as a hitch ; covering the bod of Buclide Le fook into ving Charge Lp brun, 40, a cons Tr, bir! Lhe og bo ry Ermey said der Dismissed By Magistrate told them he of the A charge of careless driving And the youth's grandmother, Mrs, Martha Sadra, told the union's reporter, 'the only thing I wish is that they didn't found {him alive." a relief oom: the to $6,188 for . to, 4 optimism in the business com-|in November, 1057. But ald to 10 be settled some|munity, which hak already lost|strikers is forbidden under the not now? This Is the its usual heavy Christmas sales. [terms of provinclal government i Te at a in 9500 Ford Men To Take Strike Vote TORONTO (CP)--About 8.500 workers at Ford of Canada ! A I, Inco ment would fie wl we'd Sudo paid $15,497 in man' to 608 'A . nn Mi for ine dom , Delay, Mixup | Solar Sail May uw, temporary layoff at Nov, practically Se or ag ber and from Nov y A Th increase sloner Monday as two of the rect causes of the deaths of #9 | Had fire fighters reached the|of school as little as three minu earlier, Robert J Dee. 1 fire, there been no lives lost Firemen were able to save ehildren, he added Quinn told a goroner's jury investigating the|into Many of the di. /Meles with power from the sun tes completed in 18 months 160 They sald it could be propelled even The subject is a result of what Such a vehicle, they say, could (is called "pure research.' s and three nuns in the Our probe the region between the/dore Cotter, a scientist heading of the Angels School fire earth and moon, It could be built|the group considerimg the prob materdals now in stock 'and lem, has been for a though Idea the What's needed from either the Atomic working on the allel monetary terms of a recent considerable Theo: year contract a number of issues time laboratory space by existing, tested Primarily concerned with atomic {ions might have rockets, Once launched into the energy development " Is a go-ahead Energy Students at United College dem. onstrated both for Prof, Crowe and Dr, Lockhart, THOUGHT FOR TODAY Caution: Be sure to learn to swim before you burn your bridges behind you, | This court cannot therefore hear any plea or make any adjourn- ment, All this court can do is dis. miss the charge." Magistrate Mitchell reserved smog-free Jail In the San |4,40ment on the case last week in Fernando Valley, order to explore the validity o ! careless driving charges, The judge, who had found Collins guilty of drunkenness Monday, tempered justice with mercy and sentenced him to 30 days in the city's near agreement on a new three- still are In dispute Ford's offer Is reported to par- General Motors of Canada settle.| 5 ment, but there are some varia. son, Gregory, aged one year, who was in his playpen in the living room. As he got them clear, he watched the flames start to con. sume the home, a $12,000 Christ. mas present in 1057 to his wife, At the time of the fire she was away at work in nearby Toronto, Fitzpatrick told neighbors who'figu change, which was government sald in survey of employment, "Although unemployment was than last, it has 102,000, its year ago," the government sald in a statement accompanying the res. UAW Review Board Commission In Washington or an - Setims ware trapped In their . #scondfloor rooms by heavy,| josond floor | Commends Union CITES DISCREPANCIES [ Quinn said there were "definite neles" as to when the alarm was sounded "There were three persons in olde the school building who knew of the fire and did not give an glarm immediately." he sald He apparently referred to the testimony of Miss Pear! Tristano MM, a fifth-grade teacher, who sid she and one of her pupils smelled smoke between 2:35 and other federal agency concerned [with development In DETROIT (AP) The United plaratles. } «= The Unite: . Auto Workers' publi¢ review 2} EAR TRIP hoard, issuing its first report,| Cotter said a trip to Mars and commended the UAW Monday for |back again, for example, eould its conduct of internal union af /be made in 2% years and ¢here| fairs {would be virtually nothing that The seven-man review hoard, could go wrong to disturb the appointed 1% years ago by the sail's trip | 1,500,000 + member UAW as a] The sail is envisioned as the|'® today in their battle with the watchdog body, reported to Pres: propelling vehicle for leisurely Weather and ice to keep ships ident Walter Reuthor that in no interplanetary space travel. moving toward the Atlantic, case that came before it were | The ship being considered) The powerful ice-hreaker d'Ib. there "any findings of corrup-/would include two parts--a large erville this morning reached 11 2:40 p.m. She notified a teacher tion." flat circular sail and the payload [ocean vessels trapped in the ice 18 an adjoining room. The teacher! Magistrate J. A. Hanrahan of of almost equal weight, attached ff Lanorale, 30 miles down: unsuccessfully for the | Windsor, Ont., is one of the board! to its centre, The payload and the Stream from Montreal, and has mother superior, members, {sall would be connected by a gear tackled the difficult job of getting eee (APFANgOMent, similar to a uni. /them moving toward the ocean, space ex. MONTREAL (CP) -- Mariners (and canal workers scored victor [versal joint, for manoeuvring 800 miles away. purposes, The ships are imprisoned in Malenkov, Molotov Ice Jams St. Lawrence 19 Ocean Ships Barred Tee can't stop the mighty D'Iberville for long, but poor vis. In Montreal, the last of the|ibllity can. She has been plagued ooean vessels was coaxed through|by heavy vapor rising from the the Lachine Canal today, Monday chilled water, and she and the | night and this morning the Cana.|lcebreaker Ernest Lapointe had dian ships Westeliffe Hall and|to drop anchor most of Monday Conlscliffe Hall and the German because of blinding snow that hid ¢ trelghters Tr ans ontario and both river banks. bs Transmichigan escaped from the But three vessels were freed parrow nine-milée-long waterway | Monday from Lake St. Peter, cutting across Montreal Island, (and made a short spurt down. stream to Trois-Rivieres, They But as these gains were being, o ge British freighter Sunkirk (made, a new obstacle developed. [ogo 0 "ond the Liberian All: lee was piling up rapidly in a ' | 4 'marie. Jam across the St, Lawrence River, just downstream from a -_ B.C. Gov't packs of ice as much as 12 to 18 feet thick, Montreal Island, presenting a fresh barrier for the 19 saltwater ships above it, It added new complications to| MOSCOW (AM Nikita Khrushchev has hurled a bitter few attack at the Malenkov-Mo lotov "'anti-party blam fg it for major shortcomings in Soviet agriculture Khrushchev's new blast, made at a meeting Monday of the So- viet Communist party's central commiltiee, came new press campaign ag five officials Khrushehe yled frfom power NA Kremlin shakeup in July, 1067 Accounts of the speech today in Tass, the Soviet news agency, gave ho indication of whether further measures would be taken against the mer oxpre mers Malenkov and Bulganin, former foreign ministers Molotov after a vinst the five economic crar Lazar Kaganovich All have been banished to ob seure ty | OBSTRUCTION CHARGED Khrushthev claimed Malenkov, Molotov and their disgraced as- sociate 1, "Tried to stifle the patriotic! movement for catching up with| the United States in per capita protluction of livestock produce,' 2. Opposed the virgin lands pro-| lect, a pet Khrushchev scheme which he boasted had proved the key factor in bringing a record grain production of 140,000,000 tons this year, 1. Attempted to "revise the party's general Leninist line on basic issues of the country's de velopment." (In this he said they | Pope John Grants Dispensation LATE NEWS FLASHES W/ VATICAN CITY (AP)---Pope John XXIII has granted Roman Catholics throughout the world special dispensation from the rule of abstinence from eating meat on Friday, Dec. 36, the day after Christmas, A Vatican announcement said the dispensation was granted, at the request of bishops of many lands, because of the Christmas festivals and cele- brations, ive Freight Train Cars Derailed MAXVILLE, Ont. (CP)--Five cars of a Montreal-to-Ot- tawa CNR freight train were reported to have heen derailed early today near this community about 45 miles southeast of Oawa. No one was reported injured. Four of the cars were oll tankers and the other an empty Chancellor Adenauer Recovers BONN, Germany (AP)--Chancellor Koncad Adenauer returned to his office today after nursing a cold at home for eight days. The chancellor, who will be 83 Jan. 5, looked port to get a total of 33 ocean | freighters on their way to the At lantic, 800 miles distant The new jam, three miles long, was growing steadily off Cap St, | Michel as ice pans flowed out of LaPrairie basin off Montreal and rafted up | The icebreaker D'Iberville is to do battle with the jam, but first she must turn her attention to 11 vessels stuck at Lanoraie, 30 miles downstream from Mont. {real | These have been trapped since {last week, when ice clutched them as they gambled on a downstream dash from Montreal The D'Iberville's master hoped to reach them late today "if we plans of the department of trans. | Retains Seat | TRAIL, B.C. (CP)---The gov.| jerning Social Credit party clung| [to Rossland-Trall riding Monday in a provincial hyelection that saw the party's winning margin reduced sharply, The victory was described by | Premier Bennett as the "finest Christmas present any govern. ment ever had." Opposition lead. ers pounced on the winner's re. duced majority as evidence of de-| creasing voter support of the gov-| ernment, Donald Brothers, 35-year-old Trail lawyer, collected 3,120 votes 30 per cent of the 10,396 ball. ols cast His margin was 385 voles over the runner § b B Ra 3 ol py Nady ky A hy & - A ------ BABIES SURVIV Mike Parks, 3, left, and his up, CCF candidate] brother, Eugene Parks, §, -are LS E 42 pital after the car in which they were riding plunged over a 5--F00T PLUNGE FROM CLIFF driver of the car Juian Tay killed in sod Dimitri Shepilov and former | 'failed ingloriously.™) ; hearty and wag In good spirits, get a break from the weather |F. E. (Buddy) DeVito, a Trail al-| watched over hy two nurses at man derman ' the Los Angeles General Hos- 425-foot cliff, The boys' mother, | the accident, Mrs. Sally Parks, 30, and the AP Wirephoto CITY EMERGENCY COMMUNITY $30,000 $50,000 PHONE NUMBERS $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 | $130,000 1 $150,000 $175,000 CHEST "SCOREBOARD "pol ICE RA 5.113% FIRE LPT. RA NBhi HOSPITAL RA 11 N 0 99 Vee | | 4 $147,703.61

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