The Oshawa Times, 13 Dec 1958, p. 4

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Pl Fhe Oshawa Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 57 Simcoe St. 5., Oshawa, Ont, Pogo + 4 Saturday, Dec ember 13, 1958 Bodgies And Beat Boys Respond To Discipline In Canada they're called hoods and rocks, In Britein they're the Teddy boys, in the United States the beat generation, in Australia the bodgles and widgies, in Russia the stilyagas, They are the adolescents whe seem to delight in angering their elders with their slop~ py appearance and bed manners. They do not come firm anv particular class in soclety and they. are only a minority of the teen-agers in their various couns tries, But they are a nolsy and demon« strative lot, Lacking the qualities to ate tract Interested attention or admiration, they feed their egos on notoriety They all have a sort o! Canada and the United quaint boots, jeans, jackets, and uncouth, greasy Australia's bodgies (bovs) wear stoves pipe trousers and belted jackets, the widgies (girls) sloppy and usually dirty sweaters with nondescript" skirts that expose the youthful knobby knees, The Teddy boy get-up is elaborately Fd wardian, Russia's stilvagas ed by their tight trouser uniform, In States it is studded leather hair=-dos, fre recogniz multi=colored socks, thick-soled shoes and long jack= ets, invariably checked and usually in canary yellow, In every case the hair is worn long and greasy Psychologists have begun to probe the motives of these young rebels, What makes them tiek? How did that eon stant chip get on their shoulders? Young people have always heen re hellious, It Is part of the business of growing up. But the hoods, the stilyags GUEST EDITORIAL #8, the Teddy boys can be pretty nasty specimens, They have a liking for vio lence and gang action, Quite clearly, too, they are immensely bored with themselves ind their lives and are starved for attention, Curiously, many of them seem at« tracted hy military=type discipline, In New York City, which has probably the world's worst delinquency problem, a devoted young Negro has had consider able success with several hundred "heat' boys; be instructs them, drills them, and subjects them to a discipli= nary code that is frankly based on that of the USK, Marines, Something of the same sort has been done in Australia, In Western Australis, the child wel fare department asked the army if it could supply drill halls in which bod gies could be Instructed at nights, te keep them off (he streets, Warrant and non=commissioned officers volunteered for the job, Their pupils were boys whe had eome under the child welfare des partment's control and were on parole, Bodgies got points for neatness, attends ance, and so on and were free of their obligation when they reached 2000 points At sentful then, it thelr first the of the BOOMS, nodgles were deeply re military methods, But they came to respect instructors and began to imitate them==crigp hearing, short halreuts neat dress and all These widely separated will provide the valuable elues, experiments peychologists with Perfection And Love Ry The Rev, Alfred Rell Rowmanville Baptist Chureh With the Christmas ing, our minds should dwell with more than usual emphasis on the lave of God for the world, for our.elves a love that Is unfathe mably deep and worthy of the highest thoughts In this time of festivities we should stop and ponder God's concern for us, real enough to send His "only begotten son" to this world to teach, heal and forgive, And God expects us in turn te show this same love to Himself in de» vetion, and our love 'to the world in service Yet to know enly the lave of God in to know only half a truth, and the re= sult af our parila) ignorance ean have SEASON approad jist am sevious results an If we knew one at all CGiod is not only love but also periecs I'his Is even a greater thought, and it seems sad that se few think mueh about God's perfection, This perfection Clod to demand perfection from just as He demands love from us, Jesus taught In His greatest sermon, "He ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is nerfect," (Matthew Ah) If God is to be consistent this is enly a natural request and yet far beyond the power or ability of humanity, and #0 we need to come, In true religion, te tod and seek His help to erase impers fections of the past and to give us the strength te grow hoth more loving and mare perfect tion leads Choosing Factory Site From time to time we have quoted the reasons given by various industrial« {sts for selecting a site in a particular community for the building new factory or place of business shall continue to do so, hecause from these stated reasons comes a pleture of ex actly what the men who have the power of decision look for when they decide to establish themselves In a new location Last week Herbert H Lank of Du Pont of Canade Ltd Sarnia Chamber of Commerce why his company had chosen that eity as the site of a new plant which will manu: facture linear polyethylene, a type of plastic material whieh at present must be imported into Canada "You may have wondered," he sald, "why eur company is coming to Sarnia Or, since many of the advantages here are obvious, what our principal reasons are, One, of course, is the availability of our raw material, ethylene, whieh we will be receiving from Imperial Oil's new petrochemical: unit. And vet, ethylene is available els where in Can ada, so we have to look for additional reasons "There are a of a We president told the number which we weighed carefully, They included nears ness to markets; transportation facilis ties, including «ven the potential of the seaway at your doorstep: the avails Ability of skilled and unskilled labor} The Oshawa Times vb WILSON Publaher and General Manager hs GWYN KINSEY, Edita The Oshawa Times, cembin ) The Oshawa Times (satablished 1871) and he itt adele ard Chronicle (satabliahed 1843) on po shed da v (Sun dave and statutory halidayvy excepted Mempais of Canadian Daily Newspapers Publishen Anociation, The Canadian Pra Audit Burau of Circulation ana the Ontarie Provincial Dailies Anociation, The Canadian Prey 0 excluaively ene titled the cation of all news adspalehe |] LV) he Avogiated Pray sand ne \ published th aie ala en Whee 44 840 Catheart dapatehey ahh al Apasia XK 0! Steet Want, Terente St, Monteal, PQ SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrie In Oshawa Whithy, Alas Poking, Bowmanville, 8 Port Perry, F . Maple € whman y Bay 3 Ennis lien, Ontarie Mangheste News antle \ A " 0 elvewr Nt 1500 pes "AVERAGE DAILY Fe 6.166 the geological eharacte" of the lecation as {t might affect construction; the cost of land and water supply "But there was more, Frankly, we're also sold on your community itself, It offers a generally high standard of public services and of living and a vig» orous spirit, It has always appeared as a pleasant, industrious, forwardsthinks« ing community, ene whieh could ine spire its citizenry to supremacy In pros ductivity ar in football with equal ease." Other Editor's Views TAKE OVER GAS FIRMS (Toronto Telegram) The more facts that come to light res garding the administration of natural gas distrbution, the *'ronger is the case for transferring the whole business te public ownership, Not long age, the Bors den Commission, in its first report on Canada's energy resources, took note o thes large fortunes made by some offis clals of Trans-Canada Pipe Liner Lid. a firm financed in part by public funds, The principles af public service and of« ficiency maintaned by Ontario Hydre could serve in the gas industry. Why not take it aver now? Bible Thoughts Rlessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, ner stands eth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat af the scornful Psalms 1:1, No ane has to place himself in such unhappy company, He hasan alterna tive choice that will bring delight - Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribula= tion, continuing instant in prayer.--Ras mans 12:12 If you fallow this formula you will probably have inner assurance that will support your hope Happy Is the man that tindeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding Proverbs 1:13 No panic or disea, nor misfortune your 8 (10 af wisdom and uns You can take it with vou, can take derstanding oo He is my shield--1 Samuel 16:21 This shield worked all rvihg! three thousand years ago, It will protect us from an amazing number of arrows to day, P/ FRANDENBURG EATE uN! IT y FRMNESS' wR IVES Colfye py UNITED KINGDOM OPINION Vote In Harrow Gives General Election Clue By M, MeINTYRE HOOD Hipecial London (Eng) Correspondent Vor The Times LONDON The by-election in the Harrow constituency 1s one that will hear watching, It 'may have a very definite bearing on when a general election will be held in Great Britain, So MH is going to be fought with gloves off, with hoth Conservatives and Socialists making a supreme ef fort to win the seat Contrary W expeciations, there will be no Liberal candidate In the field, In a cather weak states ment, (he Liberals have ane nounced that they are going to hold back a candidate uniil the general emotion, Bo the Conser: valves and Boclalists will have a slraight fight, as they did mn 10h5 election, when they lost hy #622 voles GAVTRKYL, I, CONVIDENT In an Ierview | had with Hugh Gualtskell, Bocialist leader, and James Griffiths, member of the Roelalist shadow cabinet, | found them highly optimistic about the Harrow election, They feel they have more than an even chance of winning. They are cer tainly going to make a supreme effort to take this seal Away from the Tories, Tht Mr, Gall shell will not speak in the elee tion. 1 asked him if he would he QUEEN'S PARK THE THREE MUSKETEERS OTTAWA REPORT National Airport | Plan Now Pushed A Ry PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA Canada will he ready and eager (0 take full ad vantage of (he jel age The traveller's need, the engin eer's deed, and above all the government's lead have bhenefi cently coincided ta overcome (he disruptive and constraining in fluence of distance in our na tional life Our national aviation policy also alma at attaining another ob jective, more profitable than the earnings of a transportation utils ity and more far-sighted than the convenience of speedier travel This 1s, to add the Important north south dimension to our country; thus unlocking the riches In our Arctic treasure chest, and at the same time pro. claiming to the world that we are sovereign of those "few acres of snow" of newly great strategie and economic importance Prime Minister John Diefen baker won overwhelming support at the polls largely hy firing the voters Imagination with his vision of northern develops ment, by the allure of his word pleture of our sleeping heauty of a northland heing awakened hy ha own Prince Charming kiss AIRCRAFT ESSENTIAL But that awakening can only he achieved through the aeroplane An earlier prime minister had the vision to link the tiny scat: tered communities of writiah North America by means of an east-west transcontinental rail of ate The fulfilment of that vision created Canada as It Ia today, but it involved the diffi eult feats of crossing the muskeg north of Lake Superior, and pen: etrating the Rocky Mountains Distance, terrain and climate would pose insuperable barriers to opening up our northland in a similar manner, Only the aero plane, capable of soaring above lee floe and mountain, independ ent of winter freeze-up and softs ened permafrost, could carry man and materials at any time of year hetween our empty high Arctic and our established south: *oern communities, And 80 today we see the ef forts of the anpropriate govern: < x a é ment departments hent ~ EIngly toward the speedy (mple mentation of our national alrport plan This program does not com prise solely sueh important. shop window work as the construetion of a bigger and better alr (er minal building at Montreal's in ternational alrport JETS AT HITCHING-PONT It alms at the provision of a fully-equipped airport, a "depot" of the Jel age, to serve every community which ean use alr transportation, It includes the in stallation of the latest electronie navigational alds whieh will ex pand Canada's alrways But more significantly, it pro vides for the take-over and oper ation of alvstrips consbiueted in our Avetie by the Americans, And it envisages federal grants tos ward the creation of new alr flelds, wherever these may he needed for the development of our natural resources, and for the convenience of Isolated commun {ties such as will spring up In our northland While this government poliey takes advantage of the arrival of the jet age, the Invaluahle ald transportation system of the past century has been increasingly superseded, HIT RAIL BUSINESS Automobiles now carry an esti mated #0 per cent of Intereity travellevs, while buses outrank trains three to one in (rauaport ing the nonsmotorists; Trucks are progressively eroding perhaps 0 our national disadvantage the short-haul (relght business previously enjoyed hy our rail Ways Within the next 20 years, the familiar green-curtained sleeping ear and the seigniorial parviour ohalr, symbols of long-distance ratl travel, will virtually disap pear But within that same period the aeroplane speeding In dependently of a permanent way expensively laid over eleared terrain and through man-made outtings=will have hecome the workhorse of rieh new provinces n our Northland FOR BETTER HEALTH Baby's Health Depends On That of His Mother NERMAN N, RUNDESEN, MD A NEW mother generally Is mueh mare considerate haby's welfare than she In of her own Now this ls very understand. able and even laudable. But to a certain extent it alse may be a great mistake Your baby's health, you must realize, depends greatly upon your own health, This (8 nae tieularly true If you are nursing For one thing, MW you are tired and worn out you may not he able to produce enough mi'k tor your baby Therefore, it is essential to get ab least eight hour: sleep each night and about an hour's rest some time during the day. This additional daytime nap a pay Hew'arke important ax long a your hahy still arouses you from your sleep for an early morning feeding To help preserve your energy, and to make sure you gel am pe rest, doctors a a rule sug gost that, IF it is at all possible, you lie down for 10 ta 18 min wes between each household ehare, and this includes carving for the baby Eating some fruit or deinking some milk along about the mid dle of the' morning and again m midatternoon may help pre ven! you from heen dng over ted As a rile. the hest way of Raarving Your sirength and hably elp you your breast milk supply Ia to get someone in to her during the first month, ev month and a half, that you are home, Not only will this permit you te take over your household chores radually, but it will allow you 0 enjoy your new haby more Your doctor proba v will caw Hon you against doing inueh any. way, especially elimbl g stairs, for the Hest week or ten days I suggest that you get out doors a little every day as soon as he permits It. Fresh aly Ia important to vour general health Resides, it will do a lot ta help Pek up your spirits, too 1 have listed the foods which nirsing mothers should have se oral times in the past, sa 1 won't 20 to that here BYGONE DAYS ih YIEARN AGO fresh outhreak of Anfluensa me] the closing of Whithy High Behonl Rev, J. Garbutt, J. 1H, Dolan T. H, Everson, W, 1. Holland and I. 1. Mason were asked (0 form # committee for thwn planning and to canvass the town regard Ing the need for if The AYPA elected the follow Ing officers for the ensiing vear honorary president, 17. RB. Mitch ell president A Hartim; vice president, Miss G0 Clarke; se retary, Miss Do Miller: treasu f I. Reason; |} citive, Mrs Colpu Ming 1, Walker and 1 Johnston Rev, Capt. John Garbutt of Kimeoe 81. Methodist ehureh was selected hy (thé Army and Navy Hoard (no go overseas to do ape elal work among the soldiers At a meeting of Oshawa elt gens, the question of work heing started on the harbor was dis cussed. 1 was decided to ask the Government a' Ottawa to proceed an It would provide work for homecoming soldiers Frank Worden won the hronge medal with W 'lam Worth and T. Miller tied for second place at the local elub's trapshooling game Harold Trick, son of Mr, and Mes. WJ Trick, won the frst Carter Scholarship valued at $100 Miss Margaret Fraser, daughter of Rev. J, R, Fraser and student of Uxbridge High School, won the second soholar ship valued at $60. Three schol arships were given each year to Upper School students dairy OREN Local stores advertised butter at 6 cents a pound, al 74 cents a doren. rib roast of heel 28 cents a pound, porter house roast at 20 cents, bacon at A2 cents a pound, ham roast 30 cents a pound PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM It sometimes happens that when you help a person to get hack on his feet, he kicks you In the pants It's against the laws of aero dynamics, but the more inflated the dollar becomes, the faster it travels "Gald 18 the ocean waters 1a worth 38 trillion dollars" Sols ence note. Well, anyway, the world has one great liquid asset A local tightwad has vented a mothball to keep moths out of his pockethook An excellent reason far net having an office Christmas party 1s embodied in the adage, "Famil larity hreeds contempt." Upon finding a $10 bill in a sult that hod heen stored away since last winter, a fellow townsman asked hMmself, "now, haw in the world could 1 have overlooked spending (his? "People are getting wider," says a designer of avditorivm seats. Many of them are also get ting thicker, especially in the head We have no more confidence in the woaly caterpillars long rani weather prodietions for the win ter than we da in those fssued the weather bureau Hen, J Walde Manteith, M PC, FCA Gordon W Robart B, Lighttoar, €.A, Monteith, Monteith, Riehl & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Dial RA 5-3527 135 SIMCOE ST. N, Res. Partner «= RA $4478 Lleaneed Trustees «= AJAX 730 A. Brock Mantaith, 8 Comm, CA Riehl, CA George | Tiethwey, CA, Winter Worries For Government iy DON O'HEARN Kpecial Correspondent tn The Oshawa Times F'ORONTO Pressure are the government the unemploymenl One concerns insurance and the alher mortgages wo points of holkding up against ineldentally to situption Me government has very broad powers in both fields With insurance it can If neces Kary, sol rales And with mortgages 11 can de clare a moratorium it ie reluctant VOARONE I'he to use, for obvious Hut before the winter Is over there may be strong demands for the exercise of them both YEAR'S CHANGE With unemployment rising there are already cases of mort gage payment default Are powel Last year the situation never got severe Most of those laid off pre sumably had a nest egg sufficient to supplement thelr unemploy ment insurance and keep up the payments But this year most of the nes eggs will be gone, And in the conse of many men with families there won't he enough left over from food and other essentials to take care of mortgages GOVERNMENT HOPE About all the government can do 1s hope there won't be a rash of foreclosures hiv, of course, can be guarded against In the case of large mortgage companies They would not want a mora torlum, and the prospect of one should make them lenient In view of general conditions Rut the same can not he ex pected from the thousands of small mortgage holders Snakes are unreliable and unco operative. When a biology teach or was trying to show his stu dents how to handle a snake sale ly, sald snake hauled off and hit him Bk Wo bw constituency W speak, and his answer rathey sur ised me, knowing how party ers Lake part In imilar elec: Tr Execulive and the bus employes, When the bus services were 're educed, many routes being di das an tions In Canadas, "1 never sposk In by-elections," sald Mr, Gal. shell, "If 1 did, 1 would never gel any vest, But | will send the candidate a letter, Additions) reason for the for clalist optimism in the local horough council elections this year, the Bociplists won a major: iy of the seats in Harrow East, TINITED FRONT 'alking with Mr, Gaitskell learned that the British oe toed, ment will present a united front In oppo ition Lo the western pow: ers withdrawing from Berlin, In mply to my questions as to his party's attitude on the situation, he sald, "The western powers must sy in Berlin until there is a reunif eation of Germany, Parliament will present a united front on this obvious threat from Khrush. chev, We must stand together, After all, there are some Issues on which we are In agreement with the government, and this is one of them" LONDON PEOPLE, AROUSED The people of Landon, indeed of all Britain, are not easily aroused on contenthous matters, But they are stirred up to a high piteh of indignation at the London They will see no point in with: holding action, And i enough of them should step in and take hack properties a strong wave of protest can he expected and with It the demand for 8 mora: tovium INSURANCE TOO Nome of the same protest can be expected with fire Insurance Me Insuranee companies, never (oo popular as a class, this year are increasing thelr rates While the government here Ia patisfled that the Increases are Justified, there already has heen some complaint from the publie When new hills go out Jan thin should he Intensified Not ten many people know there In an old act on the hooks which gives powers to sel rates, But enough do (no get some nolse started, And once staried it could grow to a real clamor seonomy measure, the bus crews folded on a "work to rule' pulley, They decided to stand on that ok Jiguid under their agreemen of the effect of thia 0 i" the or ling public, Prom a public slandyoint,, the results have been such as Lo arouse great indignation, Queues of people wall for buses much longer than formerly, Some arose have practically no service, the council of ¥ started a free bus service residents because the reguler buses have been dine: I had to walt from utes for a bus, st & formerly had a bus every 12 mine wes, On one occasion, bus did comm along, we those waiting could not bon because all sents were occupled, and the maximum of five stand: ing passengers had been reached, The comments of my fellows sulferers were not fit to print, SHOREDITCH ELECTION In a by-election In Shoreditch, the Socialist candidate had a majory of 6005 votes over the Conservative, a drastic drop from the 16,284 majority In the 1066 election, Chief reason was that the total vole dropped from 61.6 per cent in 1066 to 26.4 per cont In the recent contest, Appar. ently the Socialist voters looked on the result as a foregone cons clusion and did not take the trous ble to vote In large numbers, Significant fact is that the Socials Ist vole declined by 10,070 voles, while the Tory vole declined by 6007, Tories take comfort from the result, claiming It shows a lot of people In this Boglalist con: situency are satisfied with the government and ity record, ANOTHER TRIUMPH "Lois, the Girl' from Canada, Beores New Triumph' reads a heading In the Dally Mall afier her first concert in England by Lols Marshall after her triumph. ant European tour, Singing in the Albert Hall with the Royal Chor al Boclety In Elgar's oratoro, "he Kiogdom', she achieved a glowing performance, The Mall's oritle wrote "In Russia last month she recelved »anding ova: tions wherever she went, Last night 1 found out why, She has those priceless qualities of sineers ity and dramatic Intensity, Her volee better produced than when she last sang here -- shows ed a darktimbred radiance," EEN PLUMBERS Examinations for Journeymen and Master Plumbers will be held at the City Mall, Oshawa, on Friday, Decem= ber 19, 1958, Applications to be In by 5:00 p.m, Tuesday, December 16, 1958, H. Chapman, Secretary, Plumbers Examining Board, Sun of 0 | 1@ 28 29 hop These Nights gcembe Lin Wad 1h 2 213 9 10 (DE? 13 14 BBOBO. 20 kin bY: Wav D212 30°31 we Open All Day Wednesday In December! 25.26 27 OR IRR

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