The Oshawa Times, 13 Dec 1958, p. 15

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28-~Pots and Livestock |27--Fuel Wood Wiis Harriers to clear, Karvy DRY beach hardwood, sieve wood Kennels, Orono. Phone 4818, |[length, split, 920 full cord, Delivered in 21 halt cord lots, Also dry eedar, Jhone LA] German "Whepherd, 7|C. Smith, 612 Clarke, an, 3 saw and chain hansehroken, of nesdies, WOOD oulting by buns " ro Vio 614 Dundnasisaw, Snow ploughing. Phone RA 59727, et Fant Jan, 6, Jan, | WENKED Mexiean Chihunhuss for sale, male and femuie, sand and i tha hoids Ww solor, Vhong RA 53211 EANARia w= Coanudian hired Wollers, Wes, dan.) Aran WIngers, Riso young hens i Lovell, 261 Givin reel | 30--Lost and Found WAUTVOIL, budgies, | Low 4 ing, talk aby bude A Mik an ent, vieinity of Ontario Birest rond, 114 Wigin Street Kast A PAIR E Ryn Heap! a," wil held il Heagle bvw Jor eV, GREEN plastic (older omninne I hap 201 [sum of money, lost near Engel's cloth: Hikcavy pony and saddle for sale, ing sore, Reward, Phone nn pply A. Bertrand, BR 1, Port rors B-- ¥, con) rieketias for firepinoes Avaliable BUBGIE and cage with stand, Phone | 3.4828, RA B04, 29) FOX hound aod Jacks, Apply 879 Albert Street, 71 BOXER, purebred, with papers, from I" ohampion sah reasonable to govd "LOST home, HA B3343, wit ' FURERRED Boxer, mals, Nensonable| Library book entitled 0 good home, Phone RA 8.0103, 2871 "JOURNALIS MM' from news bor pups, six weeks old. MArket { the Osh Times 7 Prospeat Sireet, Bowman room of the Oshawe y vil. : _B0M| Please return some, BNE renisiered ollie, female, five Jand months, all shots, 975, RA 5.8623, 201s -- POODLE puppies, white toys, females, | 37 Articles For Rent ¥ weeks, sell an pet, less papers, 78, A Deposit will hold, HO fa8i4 Toronto, WANTA CIaus / 201a | hook early, RA 53204 dleappoiniment HORSES BOARDED 00 IT YOURSELF ! with the power tools and Reasonable Rates equipment you con rent of Stan's Aharening Srvice : (corner Kin urke) Phone 3.3224, Chain Sows; Moy 5 Belt, Disc and Oscillating 5-6808 Sanders; Skill Saws; Electric DEC, 18 Hammers ond many other -- tools, 26---Farmer's Column ---------------------------------- bEAb farm stock 1's hed up promeily RENT # FLOOR hone collect bowianville, MA 2.2679, N > Hs SANDER AND FINISHER toon wrade Holdein cow, second eal trom Dec, 20. Lot 84, Coneessit A fue Deo 20. Lot 94 nesssion "a DO-IT-YOURSELF -------------- HARRISON & KINSMAN 31--Articles For Rent 337 Simcoe St, 5, RA 3.4425 | WEBBING'S RENTAL SERVICE Floor Sanders; Belt, Vibrating end Cireular Sanders; (we hove @ complete line of sdalers and waxes); Clreular Saws; Electric Drills; Staplers; Blow Torches; Soldering Irons; Centrifugal Pump; Pipe Wrenches, Power Trowel, and many other Tools, WEBBING'S HARDWARE DRIVE-IN ALWAYS AMPLE PARKING 282 KING ST, W, RA 3.4873 32--Articles Wanted [32--Articles Wanted WANTED three Guiders uniforma, Ages | GOOD used western anddie Newraile Mi alse Guide uniforms, two sles 12) 3851 Pry and 4 sire 14 HA DADA) nef Fanos wanted Immediately = Any Ake, or sire, cash Ostrander, 17H issn Hiresl East, Torente, HOward 1720 Dee b FRLLING furniture or oleaning out pour basement? You wilt get your high st price when you phone RA BAIA, |. TURNER | he Oshawa Trading Post, 446 Bimeoe | Bireet Routh RA 3-2043 | Bi oo 10 uprights or miniatures « (collect) Il pay eash, Ninte make and price 35--Employment Wanted Scrap and Poultry rite Box 237, Oshawa Times, Dee 20] CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD. trained in all branches, oo MONA store room, Call RA $0730, IRON : : METALS [YOUNG marred woman desires any Nee k._NA_5 8300 PAPERS RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY | RA 85-3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 ONE wir Sime ony "lady Feared pply Elliott's Resta \ ime 100 ANNIS STREET _|Wireer Nori. a FREE PICK.UP * LADY to assist with housework, must have references, and be fond of ehil "= dren, Kleep In, good home for right per. {#on. Phone RA 3.0838 i CARS WANTED [MIDDLE . AGED Iady, pensioner or | Widow, looking for good home, as [companion for semiinvalid lady, do FOR WRECKING {Mane housework. Phone RA 5.0607, 306( | A CAPABLE housekeeper, live In all conveniences. Good wakes, Duties tof Serap ron and metals commence January 5 Phone RA 3.0788 Me bought. Call SHAW IMMEDIATE OPENING RAG & METAL FOR OFFICE CLERK co Experienced cashier, accurate with figures, with general of. RA 5-231] 89 BLOOR STREET EAST OPEN SATURDAYS | 316, Oshawa Times, giving | full details | ence required Phone RA 5.8504 WHITBY CLASSIFIED [ii pie rsa WANTED Reliable haby sitter MO BATA after 6.30 Ply heated no obiection to children [FOR new house, Very reasonable rent. Apply 200 Pine available January 18, 831 Dundas Rast (floor one on ground, RA S431, 200f | Breet Ih Apply John Kochman, RR, 2, Whithy, J SMALL house Tor ren. all eanvenions eigen (og) [MOURNE for rent, four rooms and sum. (es. Appiy 443 Bloor Street East, 2081 WOMAN willing to mind one or two!" 0 Lynhrooke Park 1¢ mer kitehen, Apply 149 Wilson Road gwo bedroom. ult i 1 shildren while mother works, Apply 312 FOR RENT Fiveroom apartment wp | South 20h | pant. Me Ih + adern aba Dovedale Drtve, Whithy Mie! stairs. MO 8.331 Ml [ent saRventedtiy iosated Rens Sop CITHREE room apartment, unfurnished, | ing "Contre; stove and refrigerator, FOR RENT « Attractive room, round FOR pent Note All eonvenionces, | stainless steal sink, heavy wiring, Park: | Automatie laundry facilities, Phone RA floor, with laundry privileges, Lady on 400 highway, Close to Dunlop and | ing space, Apply 42 Ritson Road South | 8.643) wi ORLY, Phone MOR 4and pane General Motors, RA 5.5004 i 2001 | |OARAGE, Simeoe and Rrock Street FOR RENT Anartment. Tarke Ving gon "vent er rer! THREE room apartment, electricity in| now available, Phone RA 5.3904 201 tom WIN fireplace, NtGhen and Dat yadvanm briek, | 800 monihty, | Gon. | ao eds Parking apace, No ehlidren [worn brick, new apiit level, three hed ultable for business woman or eounte yg" hiaven. Phone MORAN d.0py | PPIY M1 Ricor Rtreet West 00! roam home, finished recreation room Central, Phone MOR 3303 i 200h | MINGLE room, furnished, kitehen priv: Datunaney February 1. Phone RA FOR BALE Christman trees, oholee legen, suitable for two. Apply 213 Oxh. | 8:1050 mit Sooteh Pine and Spruce. Free delivery i OI BUR Wiadge, oAR awa Riva, North, RA 30008 after 8 pnel™ room fal, JI Elmer Hawes, 208 Buelid 81; MO in MO 8.4138 ater NW pm [ha - 3900 use of washer, 110 as Streat, ----- | THN rished i uBio iy FOR RENT Rie Fame | Fuh TRENT ix roomed house, | three i Phone RA a alt Soe Jus MN OUETOOI available January 1. Phone MO 833M] MN 0 ApAFIIMONL, Newly decorated, welt eon | in iime we child welcome, Apply 110 Ash Street, Wined, Ries sles BEER roams PAAND re . ha large room, Kitchen, heavy duty | Whitby, south rear door, nde sutiel Paved parking. Immediate yox new three room bungalow, wiring, three . plece bathroem, fur seRNion, Adults, MO BAdRe aie Automatic heat, private drive, decorate nished Nee warm place, separate on {Lana turnished Rousekespiig oom, fon MALY Christman trees, Seoteh party, Write Rox 312 Oshawa Times. | Hospital and High Sohool. Mary Ntroet he, Nursery grown, all siges, Free BATE RA 32104 Noi delivery, Birrell Cook. M8 Mary West TROLS ¥ \ 200 FIVE MO Bd pan oll hurner servive, MEN and VACANT now, large house, 13 Mill heat 1 N - day. St John's Heating Service MO Street $88 monthly, suitable for twe Lh a. Bent "Wire " FOR RENT Two reamed APartment 8 330%, reverse oharges: for long dis | families. Phone RA 33433 ar KA 33087 RA 5.58 snfurnished, Splece bath, heated. MO tance calls Jan, # HABAT after 8.30 pow at FOR RENT . Pine, Spruce One Block north of Rue lod Apply 840 D MERE E AL SunRace Gas Station, Se Ply Dundas east LAS Red AReCay ar EAN Pascoe Free SUPERIOR Aluminum, sell «storing | Daltvery Dee 18 doors BIN A0; hall jalousie, $63.50; any PHRINTMAS trees for sale hy St al Cannel conl, hard 0c | Bathe and Molellan, #1 King Sirest Pull "grown grey Waliase| awers to name of "Tinker", Please HA 50860 2000 - POUND pup, All binck, male, onison Koad Sov {wa yearn, Good an fox | huturiny. Phone WA 89200 ter 91 WAN woman tof Tousework five dvs (37 --Male Help Wanted [ahop experience, Call RA LLL LL Apply 180 Verdun Road, wie YOUNG Indy aseks Roaitian, Wonk a ROOM and board for mentieman, sin a". 44--For Rent double hung window, $10.80, installa (ate possession. Phone RA 22197, 200 MA's AREHean Men's Chih, on sale at 100 Ineluded. Phone MO 83488 or RA MOBKRN anariment 36---Female Help Wented ] _36--Female Pelp Wanted WANTED CLERICAL ASSISTANT For McLaughlin Public Library Qualifications: Grade 13 Certificate' Library Experience APPLY 10 ws The Chief LOWE = Beige colored piason . .u feathered feel, a pet, If seen, oll 13 Librarian (88~~For Rent YOUR. room bungalow, iso Uhres BUILDING lots for sale overlooking lights and Oshawa oir Clb, Park Road < Nort, storey, ofl heate , fireplace, large land. water supplied, KA 37068, Dec, 25/00 or 00 f lly servied HOUBK, nine rooms, brick, part ie. con Birest N modeled, suitable for vest homs, two Phone RA ath bathrooms, good logation, just outside city large garage Hans Taunton, On [TEN . nere sre" parcels, o olf en hinion Koad taro, Jan, 3 West, $6000, UNFURNISHED room suitable for|'or 26 Prince Birest, MA 12502, Jond HEDL housekeeping, nice and clean, very | GENERAL re do orgs Cobras hot lights and water included Ah A 26( | PVA With 100 lockers, 4as pumps, 34) roomed Bpariment, Hest, Vouk 'rooms with private hath, soc. | ness, In good (arming community. This gle room, Oshawa Boulevard, One block irom King, Phone RA 53169, 286/ ONE (woroom and one threeroom ApATImatty A King Street Kast, un furnished, heated, Wot 290¢| a GIRL for Tunch counter, Apply 348 Nit. 0 LY a week, Bleady employment to right person faded boi 1h AVON CALLING Be an Avon representative ond earn a good Income close to home, Port or full time, Write at once. Miss E. Outers bridge 42 Sarunac Blvd, Tare onto 19, Ontario, omplete suits Tor reni,| Nov, 17, 19,2), Dec, 9, 11,13 in A GOOD opportunity for man in sito motive parts stockroom, Apply in writ ing to Box 317, Oshawa Times, tating experience, 01 DO you need extras eash? Can you spare 16 or more hours & week? If vour an ower 18 yes, write Rawleigh's, Dept, LAA10- EX, 4000 Richelieu, Montreal, Wis WANTED = Drummer, sax. and trum pot players for small dance band form: Ing, Write Box 320, Oshawa Times, 201a WANTED = Immediately, experienced barber, Apply § Celina Mrept, anol VULLER™ Brish Co, veauires three partdime and two fulltime men fo handle Christmas sales and fettveries Own ear required. Phone RA ng 39---Agents Wanted | EARN big money Stfodveing main | | Color V, makes ordinary show In [heautiful color, Low 82.98 price, sells [like hot cnkes, Free details, Excellent | | Muys, Ing, 43 Kast 19, New York City in Fp pe and Board 44---For Rent AWKEE™ unfurnished rooms, second floor, heated und electrioity, private hath, couple only, available now, HF) Drew Street, BA 5.7686, ann, 4 "foom apartment and hath, THREE heavy duty wiring, Central Park Bou: lovard, Now ity able, #00 monly "hone RA 5530 pond room Vomit Oshawa Boulevard South 7 4370 $X rooms, three hedrooms, | room, dinette, kitchen and bath, [7 W. Gordon Bunker, RA 5 2000 TWO furnished rooms, es "private apartment, three . piece bath, heavy - duty wiring, WA 3.7680, 01 RA 8 51 55 i] iment, _ pais se, on Mary Birest, wo Nor 4 Shore o mesty: A 3979, fwo 45 Reo! Estate Por Sale _|45--Reol E Estate For Sole SRICK hou '|seaped lot, garage, Call evenings, WA Hg wai Jan, LLOYD REALTY MeAviey, Res) Our fee Is less thon a vaconcy, only screened miles from Oshawa, yer round b lus and reliable tenants, . B90 Albert, Phone RA 3, broparty con be bought with a reason. " le down payment, Tieason for selling, N Ba ur rare TH 0 heith. For, further information, oA 101 Smee 20 * VICKERY & GOYNE ROSE BOWL BLDG. and cold water Mipplied, wired for heavy duty stove, » stop, For informa jos Jotaphione 4-pc, bath down. 2 large room, 3-pc, bath upstairs, Finished rec. ON Wingla" room Tor wenileman, ciose| 'room ond bor, sheltered potie ond deep hedged lot, Beautiful age, oll heated, Pie ng entrance and hath, east end, Phone p10 | 7867 after 6 pm, wn TWO nice rooms, close (0 bus, Iaundry faoilities, Reasonable, Will ore for 1 ahild while mpther works. RA Dee, 40 } Phone A nae, THER Toome and bath, Besied; un.| PUIChoer. furnished apartment, Wght widhk| 6% ROOM RANCH BUNGALOW, LARGE HEDGED LOT, FACING SIMCOE ST, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, Living rom, dining room, kitchen with breakfast nook, hallway" and 3 Bedrooms, oll newly close to south GM, MA 048240 after| ond tastefully decorated, Large basement with rec, room, Wide 200) drive, Price reduced to $12,900 for auick sale, Aluminum storms, wn THIEL room Apariment, separate working couple desired, WA 8-8387, 200 VURNISHED room, hoard optional, one or two gentlemen or ladies to share, 7pm, WRIGHT, one:, and i Apartments By A bal: conles, TV antenna, pasking. Apart. ment 10, 101 Craydon Rond, Whitby, MO 84221 Jang NICW clean, comfortable *onin five minutes from downtown, suit'lady or fn oe, Apply 08 Nassau Blieel wi unfurnished ight housekeeping room one single room, NA AMIN2, 206( TWO partly furniskied rooms, one or two men, or couple with child, Wil [look after ghild while mother works, IA [E am THRE ""Yoom Apartment, "atove, 'frig ™v Antenna, Besied, private nizanee 78 College MINI fT TT RAB 642 pri roun room wolf contained heater Apartment, 385 Mary Street, All mod ern conveniences, Phone RA 5.0047 0 | ROOM or room and board for (hiee [people one sinkle. one double. Near GROUND floor, furnished, ight house [North GM, Home cooking, Phone HA keeping room, with refrigerator, for one WITH gong [Or twa wentlemen, centinl. Apply 2460 Louise Nireet wit [ROOM and hoard, near KAM, parking, | {continuous hot water, privilege to have TWO room apartment, built-in eup sandwich and ten (nh kitehen quielly hoards and sink, 100 Banting Avenue [when on night shift, RA 5.3710, 267 70 ROOM and hoard In new home, eon | THREE « room apartment, two blocks tinuous hot water, home and TV priv. | from downtown heat, water and hydro |1legen, Apply 204 Guelph Sireet, 280¢ *upplied, alan TV aerial, No objection ROOMS Foam and Wear wae to ong child, 866 monthly, Call RA or ream OA Fe "LI D0020 after » | vate home, Phone RA #6083 pt} ym ii ROOM ) { | FIVE . room house, centrally located, | Re Aap ons for dertiomen, an {on heated: adults preferred, Possession ii wis, close to south G OMe sanunry 1, RA 85.0128 PY lage, six days weekly, Apply 147 " Mi Street, Phone RA 5.7784 200( ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: [mOOM and hoard for gentlemen, wood able | (A meals, single beds, continuous hot | in to ) THREE ores Abply 33 Anh Atrest, IA ment, heat, lights, and water, three plece bath, private entrance, available eo In private home, A? Park Road T pm, RA BNO71 + room, melf + contained apart | moom and hoard, good home enoking | now RA 3:4000 Dee.24 | Contrat, 10 minutes' walk from four WANTED | corners, Apply 240 Division Nireet, 2a0f | ROOM and board for gentlemen, close [to downtown, Apply 83 Elgin Kast, | Phone HA 37014, ROOM, board, double, European meals, Close Four Corners, and GM, 20 Elgin Kast, RA 8.5100 Dee 13 conveniences, close to south GM, B4220, Apply B36 Lorraine Ntreet, ROOM and hoard for two ladies, Share IMMEDIATE possession, nice four room In new home In west end, NA room apartment, downtown, washer 1.4009, amet dryer, TV aerial, furnished Wf desired HATRDRERNER "seeks "Soaltion, Wully. | Ji. piNG "seeommodation Tor youn | man, close to downtown, 87 weekly J gle large room, five or seven days a manville distriel, Phone MA 3 TWO . bedroom furnished, anywh Box 318, Oshawa "Imes 200f | TWO partly furnished rooms, working floor, oder, comfortable, stove, TV aerial, unfurnished, Phone RA 5.008) hoards, near AGM 268 Malaga Road ROOMS on ground floor, separile en tranes, will furnish, sink, euphoards, heavy duty wiring, Apply '88 Ritson FIVE room brick bungalow, and ga 0Af | rage, oll heated, centrally located, im [mediate possession References requ'r nED sitting room, In quiet home, Pi ny [well heated, north of hospital my | #4 hane RA 3:4101 Robt N knowied Ann} 8 | all [ONES and two hedroom apartments ice knowledge PRlY BOX day. 819 Christie Avenue 200{ | © . private entrance, NA 5.3352 200 on hus | TWO room apartment, furnished, in 2081 line, OI heated, Phone RA AA128, 200f| basement, suitable for twa or three gentlemen Phone IA 88143 ont or Tefen MA MONTHLY = Kimeoe Street North Road Routh, after § pm after & pom, Katurday and Sunday, TWO "room cottage, winterized, suit able for couple or gentlemen {rive room house, very central, T room hunkafow™ fn "excellent |yeaied, heavy duty stove, bulltin eup FOUR . room duplex "hath, Available Phone LIKE & camera? 30 mm: 13 Joo. | JANUATY 3 ON hotied: Prone a 8.230 | TORK "for Te 01a twin range iy And accessories, Like after § p.m, FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooma,| "ew. MO 84782, _Mitipoun, Available now, Three rooms on second 10 suit tenant, Reasonable for right | trance. Suit couple or single. Close to dowitawn RA a " Simeoe Street [FULLY ori two TOOm apart ~ Apartment, downstaies: THREE vooms, modern apartinent, ment, refrigerator, sult couple + Fart 3) No CHRISTMAS trees for wale, S0oteh (also one on second floor partly furnish. | stove and refrigerator, No children 9 gig person. Very central. Apply ™ [Contre Street 00 IX «room house, oll heating, heavy NE furnished room. suitable for gen Wy wiring, all conveniences, tmmed. | agian, kitohen privileges. 37 Montrave | Avenue after & pm RLU New FRlLEIALr [UNFURNISHED Apartment, twa or hres ronms with sink and duphoards Apply TR Cedar Street. RA 8.4002 280 ehire Nireel pve: Ard, 1E0R Reaek Riveet South, | TIS Dee. Band stove, four rooms and hath: sai Tee dplivery Dee. 3 FOR rent Three + room apartment on|8h® Hr teacher, or warse, private en around level, private bath and en [TANCE Apply 333 Mary Street, ait CROICR - Chelatmas trees, Balsam france. Moh 0 HNL Wiring, between Oshawa [FURNISHED \ Bpriee, Pine Atay he seen Aeros and Whithy 1088 K | am, gentlemen only tom Grand Unian Free delivery. 6G levonings, Kingston Road We, 130 per week. Mahe RA 338% $hia Ravary, MO a0 Dee. 2 not ROOMERN One single roam, one MY \ i DURE for real, seven newly decor [double single bods, all new Marnitire AR sell weed furniture. GE ated rooms, Mader conveniences. cen Apply 47 Nassau Street | Mpniture will pay cash for used ap i [tral close ta school shopping and new Rees, furniture, Apply basement, 181 plants. Phone Oshawa RA 30413 part YOUR room basement apartment, 3 Breck South. MO aan Dee 9 many Hin i pleee hath, separate entrance, | block ! CU ng and alterations, WeA's fram shapning centre, tmmadiate 1 os | Een FURNITUR) savings, orth, [AM lates WAY Arapery Alterations session. no small ehildren. 48 Mares medern heir We, sectional phen TH MacDonald, 1013 Contre South | Avenue, Phone RA 8.4383 21N PHN 2 00 wo, 3 JIA guaranteed Mane, 313800 Re : IMMEDIATE possession, modern | hed MY pee. hei n Myo oy TOME ABATEMeRt electrioally sanipnnd "oy AY \ hp IV aerial. ¢ ) » SPIRE Wattress, $180 PF pines chester | FOR Rn} - Rigen Rompe available, RA WIS} Bell waite, 33% Many mare bargains Shoe 8 buy ar sell clean awed farniture| hOt © guns ave, . ¢ B a MO Raa Mihewn Puraiture] DON ond canoes skill saws o ext 10 Legion) Whithy Dee td POM sDraver y and el Fouriroam apartment, newly j 90° and eles fecoruted. |] venience \ decoruted, all conveniences, SEPTIC tanks cleaned (he sanitary trie), plue dies. cement mixer \ Mob bott Fy BOW LARKS Installed 'Walter Ward | automotive tees separgte entiunce attom Chestnut West. Phone MO 8 23) floor. Laundry, parking. bus Deo. 88) WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SAL WHITBY re "wy She Lo want } MO AO 24 i aes Pa Phone vas | fog Pee. 18 at door immediate posses sion, Apply 165 Verdun Re RA 3.3096, avot MODPRN showroom, office and ware house for rent, .jproximately A800 sq fool, Parking space. RA D481, 207) 2011 [RINGLE furnished bedroom In qu let home for pusiness gentleman, Apply in ind of employment, Rox 416, Osnoih 43--Wanted to Rent t ANKED = Woune, three bedrooms for | FOR vent or sale Ww p 36--Female Help Wanted [GN employe, Whithy, Oshawa a ow | bungalow; nase South GM." Aboly 34 | Malaga Road Deo. 30 Deo 16 | | GROUND foor, two clean unfurnish artment compistely od rooms, sink In kitchen, private en tn Oshawa, Write trance, No children. Phone RA 4378 "i room house with garage, oll heat Phone RA 5.0800 2001 couple preferred. Call RA 5.2208, 306(| puURNINSHED apartment, consists of THREE room apartment, ground|!'Ving room, bedroom, kitchen and bathroom, with stove, refrigerator washing machine, TV and ocontinuons amit | hot water, Apply 34 Lloyd Street, 200( TWO furnished "rooma, sink and cup | RUILDING apartment, three room four « piece hath, washer, aerial, ark nar Ing, adults, 878 monthly, Near Oshawa Shopping Centre, 212 Stevenson Nonth | Doar. Avaliable now. RA 3.2267 or RA uN, {NEht and heat across from Cadillac Hotel, 301 Simeoe room furnished apartment E{ toe 8. Ask In barber shop. RA LE In SELF CONTAINED. three room| Apartment (hew home), heavy wiring Adults, Near NGM. Parking, RA 27080 Dee 10 - Jans |NIMCOR "North, fout:, and five + room nile, Good apartment, fully equipped, Call RA BOMY, 0 am, «BD pm Jan? FIVE « room apartment, 87 Wentworth |Street, Oshawa. Washer, dryer, stove, RENT In town, single beds, all modern refrigerator TV aerial, Near school RA Phone MArket 8.3611, Bowmanville Deo, 21 Mio LB furnished bachelor Aparimen Deo. 14 olhorne Street West, Dee 24 «= NOW AIX-ro0m Deo, 11 nm entral location, refrigerator and stove hres rooms and private bath, oll th wiitable for office, neluded, good location room apartment, third floor, wr 45--Reol Estate For Sole SELL THE SURPLUS through Class fled ads, Land, livestock, machinery, J. Goyne 5.5378 "nytiing! Dial RA 3.3492 for a Times a-wri MURRAY WARSH many extras, 4.yrs, old, After Hours Please Coll: S. Macko 5-077) RENTAL AGENCY Lieyd Daolty (Pshawa) Ltd, 39 PRINCE ST. UNFURNISHED apartments contrat] $1500 DOWN N.H.A, RESALE 4-YRS, OLD SACRIFICE PRICE obi po Y contained. Phone WA| $10,900, Owner hos moved to Toronto, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, wil family kitchen, living room and 4-pe, bath, Forced oir oll heating, REE room apartment on round) storm windows, lot 50. x 125, Terms $85 per month including floor private entrance, Vacant Deeam:| taxes, ber 15. 178 Alice Street, fd ROOMS, breakfast; lunch optional, Cor. ner store, William and Mary Streets, INCOME or FAMILY 14 STOREY 4.YRS, OLD, 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS, WILSON RD, Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, ire vy id Fronts. shrubs ond stons terrace of front, Listed $12,600 terms to suit R. Vickery 5.6342 2910 brick home, § farm, 150 ae; ™ OSHAWA Time, Saturday, Bocomber 13, 1938 18 45---Real Estate For Sale OWNER built new 6-room ranch bun (FIVE or om _ house alow, low, low payments, Neat 4-room terms, on oF near Mighway, in or res me, 13 ueres, school close, Ten-room sonably close yl Modern dairy |dthein Call Don radeski (NA 51526, Rep. Wilson [ie [Toronta, AX 3-453, JUST TAKE A LOOK AT RA 5-7107 sere Danforth Toad, Toronto Ten room, {going concern with SDarment Lota amd | 46--Roal Estate Wanted v VLA Write hos We hove clients for small or Good down action call Joe Bornoski, 3s Bond 51, W l, 28% THIS PROPERTY Planned, tostefully decor- ated, ond very . carefully finished N.H.A, homes of L, B, Wallis and you will agree this is your dream house, Located in Little Pork area. On Meadowvale Street, two blocks from Simcoe 5, and Ritson Crossing, Open this Saturday and all next week, | MERCURY convertible, 1 fob: 9 overdrive, $228 or best offer. Phone A 3.2044, Bowmanville, 258 0 PONTIAC sedan delivery, new Pant seat covers, and finor gd yory god condiion. 8195. Phone RA 5 'BUICK Riper, four door Warn King ¥ win dae 91467 5 291¢ Chev, $1195; "86 Chev, 87 Ch WILL TRADE FOR OLDER HOME Subdivision, 3 bedrooms, JONES REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE FROM $395 FULL DOWN PAYMENT TO QUALIFIED BUYERS 3.0nd 4-Bedroom Ranch Bungalows In Picturesque Setting BUILDER'S SACRIFICE Loaded with Extras Finished Recreation Room Hollywood Kitchen N.H.A, 6% Mortgage Carries as Rent GO DIRECTLY SOUTH ON PARK TO LAKE, TURN LEFT ON STONE, WATCH FOR MODEL HOME SIGN SALESMEN \ON PROPERTY OVER WEEKEND OPEN HOUSE oe i EES at Gibbon, HOMES BY GOLDELL LOW DOWN PAYMENTS PRICED FROM $13,500 see the model home and be sure, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED-REALTORS-INSURANCE $1,000 DOWN -- $1,000 DOWN REAL ESTATE 2910 A J. SHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY---MO 8.3337 OSHAWA----RA 5.8461 Landsdowne Hepping Centre, on a large lot BO ft, x 188 ft, 2 rooms finished In reasonable taxes, Full price $11,500, PICKERING 590 would consider exchange on commercial property, Colle DESIRED $300 DOWN OZZIE ADDISON-RA 3-2254 ONE NA, NORTGASE Moves you into large 3-bed- Tasty homed on located In oom, finished vat one of Oshawa's fastest-grow= roe Fabiola Gatien LLOYD AYERS REALTOR ing subdivisions, Clos to many extras, For quality and new school, bus service ond volue these cannot be sure 290b churches, To qualify Just visit our model home In Rosslond Manor, on Rossmount Street, just north of Rossland Rood West, turn North These homes feature every convenience for contented living, Country living with elty conveniences, S.-room bungalow near sement, oll heating, 12 x 20 ft, 00r0ge, N.H.A. RESALE -- LOW DOWN PAYMENT é-room brick bungalow, large rooms throughout, master bed. room with builtin furniture, forced air oll heating, asphalt drive, deccrated and landscaped, Full price only $13,200, owner passed To see phone Dorothy Palmer evenings RA 8.5097 11 SUITE APARTMENT New ~~ leased ~-- showing good revenue, Electrically eq« uipped, well located, Investis gate. this dandy investment, FOR RENT. We have an excellent selec. tion of 2.3.4 bedroom houses and apartments in Oshawa, Whitby and Pickering, Call J. Daly evenings MO 8.4775, FARM FOR. SALE 90 acres, excellent subdivision site, having a frontage of ap- proximately 200 rods on Highway 7 and 12. 16 acres on west side of highway can be sold separately, Call Newt Hodgson evenings RA 5.5901 A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP 2 OPEN HOUSE DEC. 12, 13, 14, AT 349 FRONTENAC AVE, Are you Interested In en Income of $260 per month? Then In. vestigate the possibilities of owning en architecturally designed triplex. One building has Just been cémpleted in slag brick, with large panoramic sliding windows, storms and screens, red oak floors In living rooms and bedrooms, tiled 4-plece bathrooms, plug-in telephone and T.V, outlets, natural mahogany doors, sodded' and landscaped, completly decurated, oll heated, ready for neeupaney, Everything here within walking distance of public and high schools, shopping centre and GM. KING DEVELOPMENTS 349 FRONTENAC AVE. ON FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, 91a 290b BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS One bedroom apartment, elec: | trically equipped, good locas | tion. Apph: 498 Simcoe St. | N, Apt. 5, "RA B-867¢ Pec. 25 i PARKWOOD MANOR Park Rd. N. Near King Government controlled. rents, One and two bedrooms, $85 and $90 a month. Many ex | troy. Early possession RA 5.7272 167 Park Rd. N, 2004 Move In By Christmas A PICTURE BOOK HOME FOR LESS THAN RENT IN EXCLUSIVE ROSSLYNN ESTATES HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! NO PIONEERING STREET LIGHTING DOUBLE SASH WATER A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: WILSON REALTOR SCHOFIELD INSURANCE RA 5-6588 RA 3-2265 BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN RA 5-6544 RA 5-6165 VICKERY & GOYNE RA 8.5155 ROADS SEWERS SODDED Dec.2¢ REAL ESTATE 6Y2 Prince St. 47 --Automobiles For Sale bu brakes, springs, front end, heater an frame, etc, Phone RA 39066 after 6 new pani wy $1505 '55 Buick hardtop $1498, Condition gus Antosd, Easy terms st Wellman's, 7) 0e New 6-room brick bungalow with carport, in Apple Hill = 1000 Chev, four-door sedan, ne white with a blue trim and id w washers nd many Phone NA 2000 5 PLEMOUTH oneh, go wood "eendition) 6016, 2001 YOUR Fr --- 3 Fords, "A (Sevro: lets, '52 Dodge, '49 Mercury, Cleirance Ll , King West Motors, oppos'ie Centre nit RA 5.6412 or RA 8.1566 'W DoDar corp; push button a matle transmission, = white-wall pi he heel vse Riistors, one owner, otors, opposite Shopng EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME In excellent north-east resl- room on top level, good size with covered overhang, topes. toms. Phone RA Na 3 OUDRMOBILE, To . a Apply 286 Ballard before four. 'Mw FOP fon and a hall stake "A- © , RA 55310 after § p.m, 200 dential section, three bed- rooms and three-piece bath- den on Intermediate level, combination livingroom end dining room 12 feet by 27 feet. Large kitchen with sep- arate breokfast area. One bedroom ond two-piece bath- room on main level, Finished B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE CRANFIELD MOTORS 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH playroom and laundry room In basement, Home Is com- pletely carpeted in Indian broadioom and includes o beautiful chromestone patie Asking price $23,500, Sub- stantial down payment re quired, Can be seen by ap- pointment only, Phone RA 3380, 291¢ FOR INSPECTION DAY OR EVENING $888 MAY BE ARRANGED IF THEY FEATURE; w= 3 bedrooms, hot water tark, many other extras FOR INFORMATION: RA 8-1338 GUILDCRAFT HOME BUILDERS MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good cleen cor, Pay off liens. Sell on cone signment, Trade up or down, NEW LOCATION Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in MODEL HOMES OPEN FULL DOWN PAYMENT LOWER DOWN PAYMENT Sewers, water, streets in and paid for, sodded fronts, loun- dry tubs, fixtures, tiled bath, sidewalk, grovel drives and Dec.30 $100 DEPOSIT N.H.A. HOMES IN ORCHARD GARDENS Located at 577 Shakespeare Ave, between Wilson Rd. S. and Farewell St, across from Colpus Public School. This house offers the most for the money In: 1. ACTUAL LIVING SPACE. 2. STYLE, QUANTITY AND LAYOUT OF KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, 3. OUTSIDE APPEARANCE, 4, BRIGHT BASEMENT, 5. AIR CONDITION, OIL HEATING, $500 when you move In, low monthly payments like rent, See this house and call builder Collect at Toronto HUdsoin 8-1895 or see your local real estaty agent. Outstanding value, Nice running car, BUYS LAST OF EQUITY AND MANY MORE BUY HER A HILLMAN FOR CHRISTMAS WELLMAN MOTORS HILLMAN--- RAMBLER extras tires MONTHS. MO 8-4851 Due to an error in last week's ad we still have a few ~ REPOSSESSIONS PLUS 1957 FOR 4 DOOR -- Radio, windshield washers, with a 12 month warranty, 1956 OLDS. 88, 2 DCOR, Hard Top, with many 1954 FORD, CUSTOM LINE, 21951 FORD's -- Cars in Al condition 1955 DODGE STATION WAGON -- Priced to soll. 1955 PLYMOUTH 2 DOOR --- Clean car, two ton. We have on our lot 35 cars to choose from, So drop in to-day or phcne MO 8-4851, / WHEN YOU BUY A D, G. SPENCER BONDED CAR, YOUR BOND GUARANTEES LABOR AND PARTS 100% FOR 12 FULL ° SEE US NOW, BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE "STEW" o FRIENDLY SERVICE ® WRITTEN GUARANTEE AS-IS CASH SPECIALS $98 $145 $165 Good motor end tires, $175 BETTER USED CARS $1495 $1648 098 $1098 . $1498. Hardtop, fully equipped, $1748 47--Automobiles For Sale fas To D. G. SPENCER CAR MARKET LTD. 146 BROCK STREET N, WHITBY -- Radio, white wall 290e -- TIERONE , 28, '48 FAIRLANE six Ford Tudor, radio, black with extra Yim ade ih RA 34683 or "o' he and [4

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