The Oshawa Times, 13 Dec 1958, p. 14

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'Z=1 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [Ei 1==Accountants 180--Mortge Please Note | INDEX WOW CLANCY'S Oniarls", Aecouming -- WE WAVE dani gra «oe | TO WANT AD. [E58 SFR FI Fs GPL T fl i rE 606, this columi esidence, Bin, A, cords of [| CLASSIFI" ATION [oe ev a LASTRRING wd voy a7 sam ey i | swAssOUNantS baie amunti, 1 BA b Blastgring, i, Sw, Wiing ug Hd = . " DRIVING Go rns ak he a JH AVE DAY a TO VAL, Friedlander, Hiniar i and To Warkmans ship guaraniond, A, i - _ pra Bap BR LL hl il v DIAL RA 3.3492 Emre. oriew = "oa | en, Poa I alum: siemin| CHRISTMAS TREES | SANTA'S SHOWCASE GIFTS FOR HER PLowias FoR a Ih i bOptometriste ediander, B, Com jou BE I Ee aa Mla HRISTMA fen, Mire," 8" Disney, WA Fambiafvavors Hi ov Cy GRAVEL MAS iota "H "ood pine; 'hulk oe SANTA SUGGESTS YOUR DAUGHTER'S EP atu 1m. dose Re BIRTHS Ta==\eteiir orion one, § aripriiilimeM ER "YARDLEY or TUSSEY" CHOICE WAVE you i aking robert Write Suc atrel 4, Goma £2 | foo Xi ass] oman 49.00 oy wad Rood ou, TE A COMPLETE LINK AT | Git of Lowers, in Ballet -- Chirisimas Flowers tame Avon mons, Box 30 hin i. J ' ol ----- ' ! OLARKE- Harold, and Tileen (naell |TR oe] Be AT aldo + fine end coarse $8.00 per [pies deer if POWELL'S Top gion. o/ Mighvon FLORISTS AvHaNS dad a Ta Puckrin), wish to announce the ari y of "won, on Wednauiay, December 110==Bysinass Opportunition rm load, Be satisfied == Dial soa ST004 HARVEY. DANCE Winter Wreaths=--Centra Places fix Fi Hoan R A val Want pial tie Onlaws Satare; Hos PE iii 00 IN, Pr Drvian 488 pa 85.5279, CHRISTMAS TREES Fw: Da ADEMY Chilstmas Corsages 00 8h Deg, Sven u |3=Gordening & Supplies i 1000 all kinds up to 8 #, RA 5:6122 424 King $1, W, Ph, RA 5.1131 == We Deliver VOTENIC on unber § | deh ousehold Repairs Bimeos Street North, KA 88448 ¥ JACK C. MacDONALD high, Scotch Pine the Leader, For Your aetna | Bem Inatruet ion Creighton, QC; N, = Fraser, GC) 6 ' olesale. 40¢ to 90¢ accord: " " y DEATHS {ieinarugia Marton, NA mort| PAINTER & DECORATOR | 1ororeste: 40s io $c accord FAT, SAIL TY | A Gl cra | GIFTS FOR THR PAMILY Ii 7oMoney 10 Loan ranged, -- Paperhanging and Painting or more to one customer, SWEATERS KENWOOD a ---- Hamilton, Ohare, FERGUSON = Tn Oshawa Hospital || |mkoan Wanted RE ne Gyptex J, R, FOWLER, f aturday, December 13, 1088, Bertha|| |80==Morigages y All wool blankets, Priced LEARN Hairdressing, W nied, Maher wld ie, of oma W, | 19am GRRE sud Ka rar, a. a il Bown _| WLLINERY WORLD CL Ra dsher, heioved wile op Lorie a GREER and Kelly. Barristers, | RA 5.1082 / 'S NI A erguson, loving mother of Mrs, Robert [| 20-Cartage All Werk Guerantesd hu Tay WARD'S Regular $1.98 for $1.50 Hanarsennt Wehaole, enn i A ool Garmin. The Inia" Mra. Ferguson wu vest || 4 ==Porsonal Service RA Vagin Re ae 1 80 Nowou 51. RA 3.7080 FRED'S DRIVE-IN 31 Simeon 51, 8, RA 8.1181 HAND SMOCK fou He. 1 ing at Melntosh Funeral Home, Serv:|| /2=~Radie Repairs Greer, BA, Be. RA B-3163; mw. {Dec 17 14] : y on Kiely BA, HCL. BA 02001 Duncan R, 11) KiNG 87, VW, BROWNIE STAR FLASH OUTFIT , POLLS NIGHTIES, 30s [LEAVING Defiont for Nisiieset In ew fee In the chapel on Monday, Decem: | 25. women's Column it ph RA # her 15000 3 pm. Interment Union | oo pmarker Basket hie 8 ite oho si Win TE 10--Sharpening Service CHRISTMAS TREES Now $1195, Features the SINGER RA B. 8700 for three people. Phone HA 8.1666, 991a || 26==Pats and Livestock sinters, Avid HAVE your lawnmower Aharpened now, Order now for guaranteed de. world's mest popular camera, HYPNOSIS relleve tension, fears, (hiss - f 10, || 26m i insors, knives, ete, Fercy Nell . 4 KIDD «= Entered into rest In Toronto, | 24... Farmer's Column 4 King Bireet East has AT uasel HH Rd Py a D '| livery, Alse T.V, tubes, Bar Just right tor veungsters er SEWING MACHINES (Patan, enmplexes, RErvous Pains, hah: Ontario, on Friday, December 18, 1088, || 55°C 00 phy and James A, MacDons 108 BQ chicken. Open till mide rown-ups alike ; 1 reduce weight, stop smoking, help pom or Newman Kidd (Toronto: || 27==Fuel, Q ken, Open till mid 0 p 4 GIFTS CONEENIFALION In SIUGIeK, IMPFOVE BAIS: 7 Bm Resort THOMAS M, RUNDLE, Farisier, Roll: ht, / As low es $119.95 (ean f ne"st The Krmaiong Finest ome: | arming gar bg Nery i Wa, Kng| SAWSI SAWS! SAWS! king MITCHELL'S DRUGS | 5 Y Kori Tom forily [ant we, Samet Edwin, Hebb ty Pahawa, with, memorial service In the | 30 c mmer Properties For Sale Street Ean Bavtede=Tverstern] The most Somelute automotis RA 5.2533 DIAL RA 3: 34) ® Sewing Cabinets and WESTE Wid, 304" Dundas Wont Whithy, Dally [15 interment Oshawa Union Ceme ot Wii } MoGIRRON and od a ga 1 grinding» ulpment in Oh -- Baskets 74 TERN 87, ALT Juiurday, 10am, BNL os ound . ' first mortgages, 80 Simeon Sires awa for sharpening Han ® Scissors ond Scissor Ses Take advantage of Layawe rere " OWTAPICHUR- Entered into yest at] 3! Articles ju Vivid Nartn. RA 83068 Charles CO: MetHibhon, om, Bondsaws (metal and CHRISTMAS TREES, pruned COLEMAN r " of Ring z and Budget Pion, Free parks a residence of her son, Dr, Nicholas || 32==Articies Wan QC; Edaar F. Bastedo, wooed), Lawnmowers, Skates, Scotch Pine, about 2,000, ¢ Buttonhole an Ig-40g ing opposite ore STOP SMOKING Buafichuk, 17 John Street Oshawa. | 34=-Auction Sains #0 WALMERS, BA, Barner Bell ete, © STAN'S SHARPENING | 0 auantity at 80¢ to. 1.00 Oil and Gos Heaters Attachments -- Start the New Year right, Dn Friday, December 18, 38=mEmployment Wanted cltor, ete. 134 Bimeoe Birest SERVICE, Cor, King & Burke aicording 10 aise, Presa Bee ot SINGER SEWING CENTER Use Tobacco Eliminator, a i ; { William © ® rendence RA Bemeniuk, beloved wife o am On [| 3 ein Wanted Dial office RA 83741; residence RA 3.3224 fow market, Come early for HOME APPLIANCES 14 Ontario Street, Oshawa WEBBING'S HARDWARE 7-day guaranteed freatment, tafichuk, age 60 years, Funeral from the Armstrong Funeral Home, Monday, || 37==Male Help Wanted TORN RA 5.5443 . A. MacDONALD, BA, Barrister] 17 we best selection, Cut ready for Drive-In For information, write CW. K Doctmber Vain a LL on hg iii Help Wenied and Ro fork Himeos irest North, Business Doportunities loading, Leroy a Sales & Service EE 282 in ot You Phormcee) Corp. Ltd, Box 88, Church, ab 10 am, Interment 8 [| $3=20 yr Fhone HA 0-801) - [REE aah Tare. nd Imre er | Grower, Orono, Ont, Phone 90 Simcoe §, LAMPS == FANCY CUSHIONS A S.48 Station B, Hamilten Ontario, George's Cemetery 0==Cpp RALPH B, JONES, BA, and Tho ae i ties throughout Canada, Specify type| R16 RA 5.8332 IMPORTED POTTERY Di 13, 27.) ) | 41==Room end Boar Greer, Associate Barristers and Bolo and looation desired, Deal direct with]. -------- . -- " N---- -- LUSIVE 2 i on REA-After a lengthly lines at the || 43 Room and Roard Wanted torn, 66 Simoos Street South, RA BA880, [gum ors Bus ness and Fr erty Month Choose 0 Gifr for Her from dd ' -- residence of her dmughter, Mra J] SSO TE TL Martgage loans available ly, 1717 13th 8, Dept, 1608; Rowing | CHRISTMAS TREES, beats LOW COST MOVIES our Large Selection FOR CHRISTMAS! ELECTROLYSIS Forbes, 1470 Goyeau Street, Windsor, ONALD BLAKE DODDE, Rarrister| Sask h 0 ) en Friday, December 13, 1008, Martha || dé==For Rent pol Naloitor, 90 King Miveet Baw | WN ACK War Tay saline; Kad a fully filled out, pruned Scotch FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY ET Y ® Wicker Chairs hel d wife of the late Thomas S-~Real Estate For Sale quipp P fea, bhaloved wife a Jha inte, Tiemas 4 oa J Ea Telephone: Business, RA 88801; Real |oation, near GMC, Apply 168 Wiiam ine, & feet or hetter, first " 5 K 6 ® Stainless Steel Kitehen Removal of superfluous halr, a oars of Windsor, Tham: || #30==Real Estate Exchang dence, RA 5374 . Street East 4 Wil eut from this fielu, en the KARN'S ne HA ' Wear (lower prices In Marie Murdutt will bs In as of Northern Ireland and David of d6=Real Estate Wanted HUMPHREYA and Boyehyn, Bar| STORE for Tong iy "i Wing Hires! stump at §1 00 Leroy Ham« vi hi Portage La Prairie, Manitoba; In es 47 wwAutomobiies for Sale | ater Solieltors, IX Humphrey, West, RA § LL --tt 18 liven, grower, "Orono, Phone FOR CAMERAS DRAPERY mT 0ADLOOM oy Yool' And Wand Qshawa, Dee, 16, 17, Phone #oth year. Resting at the ner || 4 BewAutomobiies Wanted i oy y i HE AS ing 16 FU TURE ower Tools' An an Genosha Hotel on these dates Home, Wind Then at 1 BA, 6 King West, Phones (KARN DRUGS LTR) BE ar 1. Eda cia. teri, Ae il Ah uf NEW BEAUTY SALON 2 I SE i or Tow ari an | pn, Whithy 'after 8 p.m. Sunday, For ser 9 thy y pe ------ S---- "RA 3.462] PRAGA ways Ample Parkin ce i vies In Bt, John's Churely font Whithy §l==Swap and Barter JOHN A. CAMERON, Rarrister, Sollel Fox FOR SALE Two __ pl GIFTS FOR DAD ¢ 4 Ef 0 pace h "LITRE Parent tans Cemetary In 'ltou|| 83==tega Notices tor and Notary Public, 1414 King Street our: werk Dv AL CHRISTMAS TREES CHRISTMAS SPECIAL |Meeeaeansnesannenene HOBBY CRAFT 0---Cartage r i East. RA 5.8360, NHA and private mor ! , donations to Bt, John's ex RA . Scorch Pine, Whit Mona and earings, Phone hd of Mowers, onatona to 81 John's ex CLASSIFIED AD TES || gti stranded forces sale, Apply 259 Sim Joote Py Bi "nd Red Sonic Sevres AUTO SEAT COVERS Oe Maas ani it oe St. § ' ' yy. footety would be apprysinied 3 words or lens [| IOSEFH None a Ioan fen 144 Soe ut - - and retail, All sizes | to 20 Regular $50 Dance Course FOR CHRISTMAS PHILIPS TELEVISION i er Service wih Holleltor | Cash Charge (TTY 7 ---) King Street East, Oshawa, KA feet NOW ONLY $14.50 IF it's broken = lel fix it ' | A [* CONMRRYIOS 22s a0 [residence RA B300b Wariner To OFFICE FOWLER FORESTRIES Students and minors net Installed after Christmas POLLARD'S RADIO [wa nomi. a N 5 in . hens fou Funvrel f er ¢ CONSRCUINE ams aid I, awAntt amis To ledse, central, twa rooms, 306 King W, RA 5:1685 Rt Shia ' Blankets, Packs, Cushions, AND TELEVISION LONDON tailor enh Jado ie ' Block, 36% King Bireet East, RA 3:4607) Dec, 24 ARTHUR A ARAY, 3 URIOS | etc, 183 Simcoe Street South a. 31 King Street Hg he LEWINGTON'S {I net pai@ within 7 days the Hesidence, Dial 3.4089 furnished, Hydro, heat end |___ rr ------ ree WIDE SELECTION LL WERS Charge rete will apply, 5 (} . ------ ---- -- PHONE RA 3.95812 _--_ ne SOWERS Above. raves sooty on to ort [[4==Dentists | gon Box 305, Oshawa Times CHRISTMAS TREES ot Ey ------------ inal orders for consecutive inser: |(OR, @, T, BOTUK, Offies how (N) 2081 Visit Oshawa's Largest OSH HAT CLEANING 24 King St, East, Oshawa | thal Subseguent Insertions ordered ||Open evenings hy #50 Score Pine, Spruce, Red Pine Downtuwn AWA GIFTS FROM INDIA Ladies' d Gent's Met (2 doors from Karn's Drug || ai" later date constiiute & new | Mimcos"Bireet south, Hane KA asd 12--Dressmoking Wholesale and Retail TOYLAND AUTO-TRIM Genuine handmade Ivory cleaned and blocked, $1.00, inal ' " ' Sore) yh .: and Busine fitings S==Nursing Services | FEATN wewing, dares, mending, af | 2 30 ¥ See our complete selection Cor, Chureh and Bond St, forvings, rosewood Slaghanty Now Hoek, 78¢. Shoe 0 a Vine 786 Ae a AVATLARLE--Practionl nurse, exeel hn hoi pnt oul ehiidren's oth HOWARD MILLSON of toys, w---- -------- bi arving seis, urna shine SHARK y s GERROW FUNERAL Fah initial latter, abbreviation Jail Fularotave, d'or ow oF owl § DRESEMAKING, Tadiow and girl' | Bowmanville -- MA 3.279) COLLIS & SONS brass, vases, trays, ash trays, PALM CIGAR STORE ul -- 1 rr re r-- - CHAPEL A VI RT Hons' 008 "Otive "avons, 'Fons "Rx -- \ 54 King W, RA 85.6311 FREE blanker Sarl Peder, bel 14 Simcoe N., Oshawe 3 ¥ Vie finest service of wiih of ting o Advarthamenty ANDEN NURSING HOME 0-840 Jang CHRISTMAS TREES Opposite Contre Street Tonalin. Sulling, 3iiver Lr Dee, 1} Baily (Licensed) 13---Gardening & Supplies | Nursery grown, Scotch Pine, | EE -----. CHRISTMAS Roly priced, Ta view display. JANE BLACK Slender! : 2987, riaing moderate prices, ublisation, Office hours EST ) 3 Saturday h KING ST, pruce, and Balsam, Sprayed G MOVIES for Christ RA 8-6226 REGULA | IONS LEN Bowlers' landscaping and garden ive or Christmas =~ | h for trees, Drive right Inte loge: | 390 King Street West The Daily Times shall net be || $acliaive wining home peo. Hi Ripiin Seta Han tion, Movie Camera Kits from BONUS Studio, Slenderizing, redueing, responsible for errors in advertises ple (Men and Women), Noto Sidewalk slabs, patio slabs KINGSWAY MOTEL $48.25 up CHRISTMAS PARTIES Steam Bath end Mamage. \ bm d a I har Wing mer fo mora an one (| Nurser "and 'denelons in | Everrine fr your rein RA wr | Kool ROY MOTE JURY & LOVELL | 10 te Wil aie a | "ewe oennoneneeensnes 41 Since 5. South IN MEMORIAM [| incorrect insertion of any ede attendoncs Tray service, HILLSIDE RA 3.7583 for Dad, vou will receive a LITTLE RA 5.9602 For Appointment vartisament, nai bevend 'he price NG 4 radio lounge, "For Ryeryting Photographie" Suburban er Car Cogt abser | Opin 18 0m 10 pum » y -- Wh BE ------ charged for a single insertion of the advertisements in which error | §--Optometrists LANDSCAPING BUY YOUR TREE FROM Oshawa==Bowmanville [ tutely FREE, Your Credit n | BUCKAROO RANCH amnoun-in tong mamers of | ort, An Tart he Hl Who deur 'husband, Aniione Armoid, passed | 18 CRIN, editing Jd | Wwe SETHE th GREEN VELVET 30D tun NY D AND D Com 2] Good At | RESERVE NOW FOR YOUR TAILORING jour h Mon, Wed n ond laid NUR . - a RIST Ts Th far pr te | J, Sane home AA BA "Hanning or you soon. | CHRISTMAS TREES a DUNN'S TAILORS | "*S™MGRGARTY nance | Qimgymateials made, un our were ealled from this world of | fa 3 Ring PHONE RA 3. 9020 Scotch Pine and Spruce THE PERFECT GIFT 16 SIMCOE §T, §, Hi-Fi Included Invisible weaving, arrow, may Maine of stars AR K [7--Surveyons ---- TL NoYes WE SPRAY TREES ANY DOWNTUWN OSHAWA | Complete Catering RA 5.2737 Dress Alterations, «Evel remembered by wits Alwiids CED CREE F. 1, DONEVAN and Associates, Land COLOR PORTABLE [RE -------------------- | Fringe Bt Besant Station) Surveying and Engineering, 13 Bloor AJAX SOD SUPPLY Plenty of Parking EEE OOOO mother and grandmother, Louisa Dove opi yn (RERK Charles | 8.5638 Sod delivered and laid, field One Rig Location TYPEWRITER CHRISTMAS FOWL 15 Instruction LEN PULLAN RNR OROOOOOOORONONe DOVE = In loving memory of » dear By G, KILPATRICK Hireel East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA who d December 14, 1939 / ANd 'while she lies In penceiul sleep, Parm has returned to Toronto|q, ¥. WORFON snd Kswswisies, 0n| loading, Loam, sand, fill and 460 PARK RD, SOUTH [Rh EY HE a (English Tailor) Had 2 Rit T.TS Jon 9 Her memory we shall always keen. with his brother, Jim tario Land Surveyors, Professional En.| stone, Grading, asphalting p wlovingly remembered hy her son . dE gineering, 70 Harwood Avenue South, and excavation, riges ax low [wer naw Mr, and Mrs, George Kllpat p - T Y 2 TV I ataat ay Nat at raid rick were in Toronto fant _-- Ha Foose cide J Gatarie an PHONE AJAX 431 or RA 5 7426 79 50 LYMER'S TURKEYS TUTOR, "Sudent "sounweiior, his 22--Radio & Hoge Boog Abraham prot lo Surveyor, 916 Alles Sirest, RA Leal | A 8 M :. °w RA 8--6031 ' Special Jriedted, Wine [Rey thes. Appointment only, Call DOT worinif TN You A nr AX her right leg amputatec (1) . vor, Fr A \ hes ber, midnight, 5 {Dally and 4 esr so. [AR 0» rer ube Se Bulding Yonder Z| vy gio Wing the chien one, | GENERAL PRINTERS | and dives AT LR EC ll But sill the empty ehair resident i od ta ie Yard: AO ill ", ui 0 to get their tres and talk LIMITED OSHAWA RA 8.0217 oeel herabatle brides ane Satu TV TOWERA co olely iRntalind," Reminds us of the face, the smile, ok Johnston. was a patient IN Shane RA 34130 to Santa BOWMANVILLE MA 3. 2049 Masonite (emple, RA 37883 May " year uaraniee, "NA ne bolls, " SU PPLIES ee | A large selection of used and pivots, al welded Al 'ohANNI ACA Of ane Who ance sat thers {Oshawa General Hospital last Ever remembered hy Ralph and) week Ai fit TR rebuilt machines, - . Dee M4 16--Insurance ro WAS eary terms, Kelly TV, BA Audrey Cooper and girls | A presentation was held in the heating and FEEDING STATIONS CHRISTMAS TREES " "| KEERRAYR Aube 1 y MITORELL = In loving memory of | Prospect School Saturday even. |Himeos Sirest South . Priced from $2.38 and up, The Best You Can Buy 64 Celina Street CHRISTMAS. TURKEYS 10 30 por i a , For re AL atv Pompeo doar father and grandfather, Benlamin|ing for the newlyweds, Mr. and CARPENTER work, rami sri PHONE RA 3.2233 Jotvonal service ar your hme, eall LUI] Call RA yore) Jan ming, kitohen cabinets, "» NO. | WILD BIRD SEED Nursery Grown 101-2 free. demensvation All quantities, all aaes. n -- Earnest Mitchell, wha passed away De: [nrc "Rav Dearborn and Mr. and Allorations -and repairs. No jobs 100 bi We cannot clasp your hand, father Mrs, Frank Diamond, The Dear o ton small, Work guaranteed, Hy MIX Pruned by professionals, Pine OPEN ON , SATURDAYS Dressed and Delivered, 17 Money to Loan FAST T.V. SERVICE eember 13, 1844 we ". dear, horns were presented with an end | 4 vernal NO. | SUNFLOWER SEED Spruce ond Balsam, Apart. Dee. 24 FIRRT ivi Mevond ML, Inorg "hale Your face we cannot ses; table, a tri-lamp and two table] ALL types dwelling repairs, \ But let this litle token "idl toring And repairs, - Chim ment, table and larger sizes, -- |] Afresments purchased Hen From A to 2 Tell that we il LA thee {lamps; the Diamonds with a TV [ Hig easier 4) Pal RA A T04T, Enjoy this Celarhul Colored==pink, ey white, IR WHATIAM he ad CR gRHers. 31 King --Ever remembered by san Niok, swivel chair and a lamp, [Gordan May, Winter Hobby silver and geld. Lights and A GIFT THAT 912 King St, E, RA 3.9322 Eh a 3 Lol ---- Guaranteed expert: job J ' monies available for fiat danghterin law Hea and ohildren; son N Dorith fT { islt-| " . ---- orris Dorithy 'of Toronto visit: promRiNG and Neatinn, tines, ag ra Cooper Smith Co. dicated tree stands and PLEASES EVERYONE And wecond morteakes. Mortgages and Call RA 8-5286 Wall, daughterin law Reat and ohild ed his aunt Mrs, Larocque Sun: [fixtures, new and used M W ARreements of sale purchased, Apply A CHRIST AS FO L MOF. Bwarts, Barvister and NOAYY a day septio tanks ta sewer a special A stalltions at reasonable rates, Informa 16 CELINA ST, A. W. RUNDLE i oy a pags. PRICE = In loving memory of a ty I Publie, M4 King East, Oshawa, " Bb wart ® Mr, and Mrs, Frank Harris/tion and estimates fres on any (vps lolly ' --- Be phe err Th. wore Sunday afternoon visitars ofiof Pumbing, Bel RA Bat, 3. Pele MA Janis GARDEN CENTRE =» oy CAPONS & Turieys ou Maney 16 loan on Heat mort ELECTROHOME 287 . wa 0 W A ' "No tomar hare Td Mra: Arvued Neston tn TRIMMING T&--Household Repair -- 1013 KING SV. 1ASY remember DELIVERED ano en "outs "tA RCA. VICTOR, ADMIRA Our lives 10 AhATS. . CWERTERWINUDR Tobulll, recovered OPEN EVENINGS our friends | wrehased. NHA mortgages ranged ) by Put In our hearts { U, Blain was a patient In Port KITCHEN CUPBOARDS ike new, PAY more? Our rates a iid FRANK HOAG Selatan, Fraser, Drynan and Mu WESTINGHOUSE ¥ | there Perry : - are Te AOARDIS, Ratistaction a Ty o, | POPTY Hospital this week RECREATION ROOMS toed. 'Ntirasses vobulll, Okhawa Up GOOD EATING this Christmas Rossland Road West m= The finest in television and ETA, HOOK In loving memory of a Hook, who passed away December George, Teddy and Dareen J. VANOOSTEROM hal Vy | ' WARD = In loving memory of our Elect Officers ' 13% PRINCE ST. ANITURE rea pi TR ERROR ORNTRE OOOO Books of Famous NEED CASH? PARKWAY TELEVISION od, Nee Rise, whe bussed away Navtinber 6 RA 5.890) Bai hi R "Bitton, 1h " ne Se Treat R Boe 4 ats, They on yg the TOWNLINE TURKEYS \ 3 ' year round and come S S b d ' thd Rh = Of Men S Club - CALL Jou. RA XWIIV RT eaimeniry, RESTAURANT attractively boxed in gift NOW SRESHLY KiLLED ee oeaboar T. V. AERIALS INSTALLED Aved, remembered, Team Always In our memory YOUR Toeal chimney ols small compared with the "The best is your best buy" LOANS UP TO $3.000 Moved or Repaired Maurice Selby (Hattie) stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free " : 80-foot tower and head Claude Burk (Bernice) The box social, under the au mates, LN 0 Chinese food our specialty, be purchased by bath Adults 1h pox. social, ui RA 5.2156 ho purchased bo both Adin | - TICE BA Steed OSHAWA OFFICE $113.00 church basement, Friday evening, | Gravel Y4 stone dpm abil TG | CARD OF THANKS Was a big success Fill, alse tractor and loader [MUNICAL instruction on Spanish ol [ Theatres from Coast to Coast -- -- RA 5.112) RA 5.7844 . MA 3.3942 gram were Mr. and Mrs, Rdgie RA 5.2156 For information phone RA A833 LIVE AND FRESH KILLE X - ona ---- - | i ILLED T.V. AERIA 1 would lke to take this appari PORE, Hal and Kathy, Andy Dew 77 CELINA ST, RA 3.730) ON DELIVERED King Street West Sold and RIALS wn reas nthe (naa Genera) Jon of Claremont: and Walter] g) ninG CONTRACTOR | Muvie Studio for all Instruments goody on the table At the Regent SPECIAL PRICE | SEABOARD FINANCE CO, | 0M oerial $29 and up, of the Children's ward; alsa thanks 10; The Active Service Class will ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES on the label ! ¢ Rev. 1. Zaparyhiuk for his visits eed Wednewiay evening, Deo.| Made like new. Hardwood | New ard Used Paros ---------- ------ yy wb tah RA 3.9012 bk a (tarmerly Bellvue) RA 3.4849 Re b 117, in the church basemen P €.& 8 pA 5 A RE 7%, Yo raion will be an exchange of gifts, Do-| trations, Kitchen cabinets (New and Used) UPTOWN MEAT MARKET | mediate delivery --a--_ ---------- 7.5, Jan 10) 23----Women's Column 3 BOOKS FOR CHILD REN 180--=Mortgages [NPRCIAL = heal POrmANeNS "WN «Always remembered hy Alice, ih & Al Raptr Work 'y + 10 Bond Street Wes Is to give them DIAL RA 5.6837 service dear father and mother, George and Players Theatre Ticks 218 Simcoe N.==RA 3.3043 For always they will he or a yw bg iingriilgoh ind SPECIAL PARR and | handyman, Si (Upstairs) cartonettes, The cost iy: DELIVERED OVEN READY "Your Lending Neighbor p ¥ MRS, LO Ek JO? ; Ever remembered hy ddushiers Mrs BALSAM AND MT. ZION Good Top Soil nox bull and repaired, ns For Christmas pleasure given, Books may DIAL RA 5.4233 pices of the Men's Club, in the Take Out Orders A Es nF A 8% yond 15~Instruction RA 3.9422 able at all Famous Players OSHAWA 2914 Simcoe St. South Len and Lou's T.V, g iar, aeoardion, phone, W vo A -- Those assisting With the pro work Meath tn your name or sur swims | QUALITY BAKERY | NOW TURKEYS COBOURG OFFICE | -- to thank all our friends, neighbors and Rate of Greenwood, Gardon John. | HAYNES For the best Christmas baked SALE | Big Orders? | FR 2.746) Muved and Repaired ¥ RIES urses aides ascoe and Gerald p 1 o ) | HOspIALL alse Rurses and nurses ai \ ; Fine samen: Od Hotn jana Tuning Look tor QUALITY Theatre Box Of | JOHN BODNAR OF CANADA LIMITED | ROLLAND T. V. Special thanks a De. WH A Gi, Dy There | or tiling. Carpenter work ol | shanks to the Red Cross for the blood nations of candy or nuts for the| Our specialty Full selection of all instruments ransfusi and ou incere thanks to o . . b p p n -- . ¥ tal gursen Miss 'Haver Ventrie | Chrisimas tree, Dec. 33, will be CALL RA 3.7194 477 Simcoe Street South 77 Simeon 1, N SIX TICKETS $1.10 | TURKEYS ga YH TN aa Lulu Hill, Mik Ko Lavst, Mrs, Peceived, 11--Busine "off abd ! Aoki i -- ss Opportunities(11--B ers you the best in meat | : | Pad lompson and Mis 8 N. Ooeny WW! The Young People are putting bb A. usinets Opportunities ond assorted cold cuts for BOOKS FOR ADULTS Frosh Killed | MORTGAGES 24---Market Basket #04 Gordon Street on a Candle Light Service Sun-| FROM 2.78 Special for banavets and | CARROTS and parsnine, $1.85 Per Tom 1 wish to thank Dr. Marrs, De Hall he Whi Gift Service will he | COMMERCIAL PROPERTY - Ty mann RY a HONE RA 8 5392 | : nd iN -- ye a - --- . le th 8, friends and neighbors for eh ror. por dross aur: held in the morning in the Sun. | CHRISTMAS AGREEMENTS Nk Arply TF Rin Hon EU RY Wa NWERT Sider aa WY on, OF SALE 1 miles orn of i! fe % WT ng my recent ness. -- Mrs. 8. Wit day Schoal 180 i "ne - [ ~ Hasan Mae) The Men's Club meeting was $ 00 will buy this large lot Lh ned com REACRES TRANSP TATION anna rene | : held tn he basement of ihe| mercial, to service over a thousand homes. Moldgtil | __ LIVING LOVABLES donne tohurch Monday evening, when HM K, ISHI | FOOLING TUNA p RY | The Safe Way to Celubrate - | MIMI MMMNIIMMMMMMMIY Fig ond Second Mortgages [APPLES = GI of good (fm board pictures were shown Suitable fo roxim 0 a Dir Lunch 1s. R LL fb \ y LONDON (AP) -- Moscow Ra:| Rleotion of officers. resulted as e for approximately four stores Th nha Moi i The Holiday Season | Tropical Fish, Aquariums, and i Agreements of Sale a a. PEE a dio reports Russian fishing boats follows: President. Ceell Disney C5 Plenty of Parking CHRISTMAS PARTIES RIDE WITH Canaries, Budgies Gages Jug pi a it an Snag " Sohodl (MATKet $9891) Jan. 18 have been equipped with devices | ied wes el \y Wilsa } ~ . stands, and pet plies of ty ana Farm property anc APPLES «= got yo ¢ equipped led president, Elmed Wilson . | CHRISTMA DINNER MERCURY TAXI al kings pt ker big on r Summer Cottages, $2,000 00 wow. Belicia AA Conia. gp ater on th pa. That seeret al Ca pn q i XK 4 4 to spray water on the sea. Thatlsecretary treasrer, Ralph Call MR. McMULLAN----RA 5.8831 and RA & 4271 depadt will hold tr Chiiste and up OSHAWA ACCEPT. (Dushel al the fav. Genasha re makes tuna think it is ramming! Jone } \ town Line Navid " N ANCE CORP. LTD, 112 OLN RA Je and encourages them to swim fo Mrs. Walter Carson is in the Residence RA 5.0104 NEW YEARS DINNER 45 King § mas Simece 8 stb Nb Ei the surface, where the fishermen Oshawa Hospital recovering from| Phone MA 1.254) OSHAWA'S MOST MODERN PET STOCK SUPPLY ing RA RWS ieee 25--Penr_ and Livestock are walling, (recent surgery, 2090} Propriatress: Mrs. Royal lah TAXI SERVICE [9 Colina St, RA 5.0343 Dee. 18 Neer. hai

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