The Oshawa Times, 5 Dec 1958, p. 1

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THE TIMES TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Adve tising . RA 3-3492 All other calls .. JRA 3-3474 The Osha Times WEATHER an Overcast tonight with some snowflurries, much colder Sate urday, westerly winds, Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy VOL. 87--NO. 286 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1958 Authorized As Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottaweo TWENTY PAGES VER KILLS GIRL FATHER ee o-- BE ------ ---- - yg A ROADSIDE view shows-the swath of destruction plowed by this automobile in Whitby Thursday. The driver, Mrs. | street, Whitby, a housewife, is | in critical condition in the Tor- | onto General Hospital today. Mrs. Willis suffered internal in- Lorraine Willis, of 207 Euclid | juries when she was pinned be- | neath the car after being | thrown through the windshield. The car spun out of control on Cochrane street, near the CPR [ Whitby Woman Injured When Car Drops 20 Feet WHITBY (tSaff) -- A 30-year- wooden bridge which spans the/Dr. F. A. Cuddy, the attending old Whitby housewife is in the CPR. The car crossed the last|physician, pulled Mrs, Willls| 'o o G Hosp in or liovTing an pret ane street, Thursday 'ube vi eriti- half of the bridge almost cross- ways of the road, then struck and knocked over Six |Povinaiy, Later Mrs, Willis. was ng the removed to T' they stated, | out. She was rushed to the Osh. awa General Hospital, as was "oronto, was guide posts, sendi 1 J spun out of control and droppeditwo - inch thick planks flying] Debra Willis was taken to a over a 20-foot bank. | Mrs, Lorraine Willis, 207 Euclid street, suffered severe chest and| internal injuries when she was| ing flung through the windshield shoulder and came to rest with ed but after the car struck a tree just/the back bumper resting at the took considerable coaxing to get north of the CPR bridge. In the hospital 84, of Cochrane street north, a passenger in the car. His condi- tion is said by hospital officials to be not serious. Suffering an abrasion to alits gyrations. In any event, she planking which spanned them,|a Plymouth assembly plant in|architect of the army shot, says cheek was Debra Willis, 3'2, Mrs. Willis' daughter. She was treated py Dr, G. W. Lindsey and allow- ed to return home, Investigating police reported that tire tracks indicated that Mrs. Willis had been proceeding through the air. of three trees, the driver's door hitting the trunk of the largest. It then collided with a clump] with head ing almost straight back towards|car, Injuries is Frank John Povinsky, the roadway from which it had was a come, Police believe that Mrs, Willis was thrown through the wind- shield of her car at some point in house nearby and later taken to Dr. Lindsey's office for an exam- ination. ] "BEAUTY AND BEAST" Princess Grace Displays Wrath By WILLIAM' GLOVER |at the drawing of grand prizes NEW YORK (AP) -- Princess for lucky ticket-holders. Grace of Monaco gave high soci- But although she smiled, she danced no more. ety a surprise sample of royal| displeasure Thursday night -- patrolmen tried vainly to hold with abrupt flight from the dance floor. tators who jammed outside the * y : mn wa hotel entrance for a closeup peep =° Caught in a milling crush of a¢ the Cinderella girl, ; spectators, guards and photogra- There was more of the same / |phers at a ball in her honor, the ths} : in i : + nside, Many women dropped in {former movie star made her sud-|, rtsies as they were introduced den exit with lips set, chin high, Ever | 1 : da Everywhere there were and trailing a slightly bewildered and murmurs and flash bulbs | |ler IIT of Monaco. The princess did manage to get Commits Suicid Six mounted police and a dozen %. back a crowd of about 1,000 spec- > ~ ogles o | n Y ine. % 3 escort, her husband, Prince Rain popping. | A spokesman at the royal box in two brief dancing interludes--| |explained that the princess had|a waltz with Prince Serge Obo- " | found the throng just too much|lensky to the melody of the song West Pr oposes After Phone Call TORONTO (CP) -- A jilted lett returned at 1:30 a.m. Théy lover shot down his girl friend argued and the father closed the and her father today, phoned his front door, mother about it and then turned SHOT THROUGH DOOR . the rifle on himself. Seconds later a bullet crashed Ronnie Haslett, 26, died in-fthrough the glass, striking Mz, stantly as did his girl friend, gytohinson between the eyes. Mrs, Barbara Ann Manning, 21.|Haglett walked over the prostri |Her father, Howard 8. Hutchin-|father climbing to stairs to's |son, 42, died two hours later in|room where Mrs. Manning was (hospital, | sleeping. Police said Haslett returned to| Another ar gum ent ensued, {the west-end King Street resl-| erheard by Barbar's cousin in dence with a rifle half an hour|ihe next room, Grant Lee, 24 after he had told Mrs, Manning: | yree shots were fired. One "If you won't take me back, [struck Mrs. Manning in the jaw then I'll kill you." and passed through her head, Mrs. Manning had been seeing Hutterite Sect Haslett since she became separ-| ated from her husband a year | ago. This was how detectives recon- structed the double slaying and when someone stepped on her written for her, The white satin slipper. (Waltz, and a foxtrot with Rainier, The royal wrath subsided| The event was the fdurth an- |swiftly, however, and the girl nual Imperial ball, proceeds of |from Philadelphia remained for which went to the veterans serv- {the midnight "beauty and the|ice of the musicians emergency Deane tableaux, and resided|fund, 'Huge Moon Rocket tracks and then plunged down . | a 20-foot embankment before May Circle Sun Princess coming to rest. suicide: Haslett spent the evening with International / |Mrs. Manning and her mother watching television, Haslett quar- relled with Mrs, Manning when 'Control Pla he left shortly before 1 a.m, , Barbara's SE IVA (AP)--The West to- a. Huschinon, 3 from work |day proposed an international : door when Has- control system to keep perma- and answered the - [nent check on the ground forces| "oe moses 10 the poner] UTUIGUAY GOV' Changed In conference on ways to prevent | surprise attacks was made by Gen, Sir Robert Mansergh of --Oshawa Times photo | Britain, It followed a U.S. plan Under Fire In Alberta LETHBRIDGE, Alta, (CP)= Amid hooting from spectators, & private individual Thursday des scribed Alberta's Hutterite probe lem as "highly charged emotion. ally." He was addressing a gave ernment committee investiga the religious sect in the province. | R. A. Kimmitt of Lethbridge, former school superintendent of Warner County, sald he sympath. ized with criticism of Hutterites bat believed they should not be to block unexpected attacks by Chrysler-URAW Walkouts Tie Up 17,000 sumed in Detroit, Meanwhile, DETROIT (AP)--Some of the 17,000 Chrysler Corporation work- ers made idle in walkouts Thurs- day returned to their johs today and Plymouth assemblies re. Chrysler and the United Auto Workers scheduled a resumption of negotiations to- day in efforts to end a four-day| NEW YORK iAP) -- 2 huge| building up escape velocity--and |long-range aircraft and missiles. U.S. moon rocket short on/so blasting away from the earth) The . brains but long on brawn--may into a possible orbit around the Wiig go TL blast inte space this weekend on|sun, |als, Soviet Deputy Foreign Min. a trip that could take just 34 Such an orbit might last some ister Vassili Kznotsov again at- hours, but might last millions of millions of years--perhaps even |iacked the West's insistence that years, (longer, the conference must only discuss It is the U.S. Army's first shot| This assumes first that all of technicalities of preventing sur- at the moon--and the army hasn't fhe Woop Yockers Fusives will| prise attacks. spared the horses, fire and tha shoot past! gynetsov restated the Soviet This is perhaps the greatest dif-|the moon, view that the conference should ference between the planned, The moon is not an easy target. | army probe and the last three So many things are unknown shots by the U.S. Air Force, one about ifs anass and behavior that | of which reached 79,000 miles. |it can mi easily. United States; Britain, France, The air forde satellite weighed| Just as unpredictable is the be-(1taly and Canada--have firmly about 85 pounds. It was aimed at|havior of the moon rocket itsell.| .ocisted efforts to turn the meet- an orbit or at least a single trip| It is generally conceded that|ing into a general political con- around the moon, the army rocket system has more| ference on disarmament. The 30-pound army shot is less horsepower than the air force| The Soviet delegation is com- ing to fear of surprise attacks. : The Willis' family dog survived strike involving 7,000 workers in ambitious. It too is aimed at the touched off. The air force shot posed of Russia, Poland, Czecho- pinned beneath her car after be-|The car spun clockwise off the the accident apparently unscath-/the company's key plant here, moon with the intention of hit-|was to take 72 hours before it was slovakia, Romania and Albania. certainly frightened, It The vehicle, 1959 model, it is smashed beyond repair, Splinters of wood from smashed 'guide posts and Dodge Main, mouth supply plant, 8,500 { 1 ) The 530 day-shift workers who foot of the bank and the car point- him to leave the totally wrecked walked out of Chrysler's outer| greater glory. incidentally, drive stamping plant here Thurs-| yas § odel, practically |day returned to work today. And with enough power and speed to . rand new, and police say that|with resumption in this key Ply-|overcome the pull of the earth's U M Sh t re-| gravity and escape into the grav- nion an 0 the turned to jobs in Plymouth as. ity domain of the sun. the | sembly and body plants here and | ting the lunar surface. But if all|within moon range. The army works well it may be destined for shot probably will take about 34 United States and Britain are { hours, asking the establishment of an {independent multi - nation com-| | mission to police a worluwide ban| {on nuclear tests. | The army has packed its rocket For Pool Jump | THOUGHT FOR TODAY Dr. Wernher von Braun, chief |discuss political conditions lead- The five Western powers--the In a separate conference, the Phere. Recently they have been Ll Free Elections prevented by law from buying land when and where they are MONTEVIDEO (AP) -- Uru-|able. j guay decided this week, in effect,| The sect, which came to Cais that prosperity is more important ada in 1914 from the United than some of the things In the States, is a fundamentalist group welfare state. founded in 1528 in Ger . Sunday's elections marked a There are 12,000 sect members sharp turn to the right. Thejthe world, 5,000 in Alberta winner was a nationalistic, con-|about " 1,000 in Manitoba and suffering from an economic crisis, INFLATION KEY PROBLEM Sunday they voted to unseat a government that during the last four years -- under Luis Batlle Berres--has failed to halt infla- tion, Uruguayans face a heavy fi (was found at the foot of the were found 40 feet from the acci- bank, one arm pinned down by dent scene. the right rear wheel and the rest] Had the car left the road 60 of her body jammed between the feet farther south it would have | housing of the differential and the toppled to the railway tracks ground, nearly 70 feet below the road. In minutes, nearly a dozen men, The accident was investigated Newark, Del. 'it has a one-intwo chance of be -- By Contract CARELESS DRIVING oY Cont ( i o | ing contractor shot and killed a union official Thursday because | \d * north on Cochrane street when gathered at the scene and they by PC Ernest Stoneman, of the | TOWN Will Fi ht [I wanted him to jump into a her car went into a skid on thelraised the rear of the car while/Whitby Police Department. C {swimming pool to humiliate him- Warden, Break Prison Riot FLORENCE, Ariz. (AP) -- A warden led 25 men storming into barricades at the Arizona state prison Thursday night and res- cued two guards held by rebelli- pus convicts. Despite warnings from the 46 Insurgent prisoners that they would kill their hostages if at- tacked, Warden Frank Eyman de- cided to call their bluff--and won his gamble. Moises Adams, 33, a prisoner convicted of statutory rape, was shot in the back during the as- sault. He is expected to live, "CAPITALISTIC PROFITS" 11,000 UAW Men Settle In U.S. PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The | Budd Company announced Thurs- |day it has agreed with the United About 300 national guardsmen, | Automobile Workers on a master deputies, police o#eers, guards contract for 11,080 workers in and civilian volunteers ringed the plants here, in Detroit and at walls with rifles and automatic| Gary, Ind. weapons to guard aganst new| The settlement does not lif outbreaks. The riot was quelled totally the threat of a strike Dec. at 11 p.m, {11, Individual agreements incor- Guards Calvin Hunt, 33, and porating local problems still must Scott Wright, 30, were held hos- be reached tage for nearly an hour by pris-| Budd said the master contract oners wielding homemade knives. follows the pattern established by Hunt, Wright and_ another UAW agreements with Ford, Gen- guard went to the isolatlomward eral Motors and Chrysler earlier to bring one of the convicts some this year. The Budd contract with medicine. As Hunt and Wright en- the union expired Aug. 2. Mem- [tered the ward, the prisoners bers have been working under an seized them, extension of that pact. 95 Men Berlin Reds Threaten Western Airliners By REINHOLD ENSZ BERLIN (AP) -- The threat of in order," he said. He did not make giant profits' on their bus- | ecutions. . Communist interference mounted joday against American, British 'and French airliners shuttling in self and he refused." Howard Newman, | 36, was To Restore Law Ontario announced Thursday it said he preferred to wait until District Council, | will fight in the courts to restore he had seen a copy of the Mc-| Newman told police he became | the good name of its careless Ruer finding. Attorney - General angry at MacKenzie when the driving law. |Lyon of Manitoba withheld com-|latter pulled a union painter off| At least two other provinces-- ment aside from saying he didn't|a swimming pool painting job be-| Alberta and Saskatchewan--will|think the careless driving sec-|/cause Newman had hired non-un-| be keenly interested in how the|tions of the Manitoba and Ontario |ion workers. validation campaign comes out, acts could be compared, | "I brought a gun to work, Their careless driving legislation| At Quebec City, Deputy Attor-|knowing MacKenzie would re-| |is roughly the same although it|ney - General Charles Edouard turn," Newman said. | {hasn't yet been challenged, |Cantin said Quebec had a care-| "When he did show up I said Chief Justice J. C. McRuer of less driving law on the books but|to myself, 'I'm gonna make that| the Ontario Supreme Court preci-|crown attorneys didn't use it be-|guy walk over to the swimming pitated the consternation Whd-| cause the Supreme Court of Can-|pool.' I wanted him to jump into nesday when he ruled the eare|aug in the past had barred the the pool to humiliate himself. less driving section of the On-|provinces from fields covered by| "I told him to walk, and when tario Highway Traffic Act is in-|the criminal code, In cases where he refused I shot him in the stom- valid because it invades a field|the prosecution feels careless ach, | {of criminal law open only to fed- driving has been involved, the of-| 'Even after I shot him the first | eral legislators. {fender is charged with criminal time I still wanted to make him |STRONGER PENALTY negligence. walk to the pool and jump in." "io LATE NEWS FLASHES prosecuted under the criminal U.S. Army Pilot In Red Custody negligence section of the federal criminal code, But to carry this off, police would have to gather much more evidence. And the de- fendant would face a penitenti- BERLIN (AP)--East German police have taken into cus- tody a U.S. Army pilot whose plane made a forced landing, an East German official disclosed today. The pilot presum- ably is Lieut, Richard Mackin of Washington, D.C., who dis. appeared Wednesday while flying a courier plane near the Roderick MacKenzie, 64, business | ing next week. The government "This situation must be brought |Berlin, that "capitalistic airlines say what action the Communists iness with Berlin and "I know of have in mind no agreement which legally sup- oe or p ho | 3 4 " | West German Chancellor Kon-|ports these firms ary term if convicted. border between East and West Germany. Attorney-General Kelso Roberts Search For Missing Plane Delayed announced late Thursday the province would seek leave to ap- MADRID (AP)--Bad weather throughout central Spain today postponed an air search for a Spanish airliner missing peal Chief Justice McRuer's find- case will be handled by W. C. with 21 persons aboard. The four-engined Langudoc was Bowman, director of public pros- Mr. Robérts said he felt "'con- fident our provincial legislation| will stand up." It's strange that even yet, with many thousands of peo- ple travelling by plane, no- body has figured out how to stick a billboard on a cloud. nancial and foreign trade deficit, {and see no immediate prospects of regaining a prosperity which once made their country the Switzerland of South America, by \ partly-deaf Luis Alberto de Her: Tegislatiire forming a four-man been trying to displace the Color- legislation in the Western Hemis-| DAYTON, Ohlo (AP)--The will $200,000,000 estate to the Ketter leaves $175,000 in bequests to re- in General Motors stocks, Business associates sald servative party called the Blan- Saskatchewan. cos, out of power since 1865, Expansion of existing Hutterite rera, an and [investigating committee. veteran of civil wars in the hd GM Pioneer Leaves ado party. Uruguayans have long had of the late Charles F. Kettering, inventor and automotive genius, ing Foundation and a separate charitable trust, The will, filed in latives. Kettering held an estimated his other holdings, including pat. ents on his many inventions, were This party is led fiery, [landholdings led to the Alberta century. Since then his party has about the most advanced social $200 Million leaves the bulk of his more than probate court Thursday, also $165,000,000 worth at least $40,000,000. booked on suspicion of murdering |™* agent for Local 35 of the Painters] and out of isolated West Berlin. rad Adenauer, who addressed an, This was the first specific at-| One of East Germany's leading election rally in another part of tack on the Western airlines. Communists, politburo members| West Berlin, said the Western A spokesman for the Alberta kK 0 ' | said the province was waiting for| Soviet Premier Khrushchev is|a copy of the McRuer ruling. Its| last heard from at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, The plane reported it was over Salamanca, 100 miles northwest of Madrid, and Hermann Matern, told a aight that the airlines American, Air France and Brit- sh European Airways--have no legal right to fly over East Ger- man territory. CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-657 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 Wes! [powers would hold the Russians threatening to hand over Soviet|interest, he added, stemmed from | Berlin election rally Thursday responsible for keeping open allloccupation controls in Berlin to[the fact the Alberta and Ontario Pan routes to Berlin, including the air the East Germans in six months. laws are almost identical, corridors The East Germans have declared| Matern told the rally of 3,500 that the West then would have to| Communists, meeting behind a negotiate with them for access police line in the heart of Westito the city. was having trouble with its communication equipment. | Four More Professors Resign In Dispute Regina Magistrate E. L. Elliott | WINNIPEG (CP)--Four more resignations of teaching said it looked as though the Sask-| staff personnel at United College have been submitted to the atchewan law also could be chal-| college principal as a result of a didpute over the firing of lenged. Attorney-General Walker Professor Harry S. Crowe, LORD ALEXANDER Apparently well recovered from a heart attack suffered FIT AND in Ottawa Oct. 26, Lord Alex- ander, former Canadian gover- nor - general, waves goodbye at SE SMILING Montreal Airport, He and Lady Alexander left for London, --CP Wirephoto COMMUNITY T $30,000 $50,000 $70,000 $90,000 $110,000 $130,000 $175,000 CHEST SCOREBOARD ' |}

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