$2 --Arteles * Wanted 36--Fomele Help Wanted 141--Room and Board ~~ |44--For Rent AS--Resl Estate For Sale | ™ THE OSHAWA TIME, Tiers, BEGGS 4 W001) ROOM and board for three gentlemen, ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avafl- | 57000 Bown, $8900 Fall rT ry [SOMEONE to board two children, ages dista 1 able in private home, 82 Fark Road front, four and six, while mother in hospital. |in private home, walking nce on is , private home fluodera om, Suose J oo bandit col For 4 Bouseksebis, Write Leonard REllis,|South GM. RA 5-5570. 2834 ; ville. PRIVATE home, ome or two gentle. owes dues. 1. RA Eg Tg ; § y Ea ao ai Sout Bone BA ,| avi le J , » men, board optional. 181 Celina Street ) -- 500, i 3-9810, . 2814 ACT QUICK : 2814 | L 'gentlemen, FOUR room apartme | WANTED -- ; oty RRR oe ae ENE Jie ut Yeates wo BH. LLOYD REALTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $500 DOWN - 4 BEDROOMS ' OT Ey Dr nts at "or conveniently Incated. 499 Albert Street. RENTAL AGENCY Close to G.M. Plant, 6 rooms, 2 , hot water water oll heating, m house, downtown Iocation. Our fee is less than a N $15,000.00 DOWN iy sae bt; gl voor ary Syl Saco balance, ym sid 1 4 i | SIX - A ] IO oust: mon vacancy, only screened \ 43--Wanted to Rent smo. 0s mal +. and reliable tenants. Restaurant and living quarters, spotless condition | this is one of the best we is year, hurtyl For appointment DUTCH OF cours with wo children would| ncn s decorated three = room apari- Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. on main street in Newcastle, turnover approximately contact Howard McCabe at RA 5-6544. le wilh 8 Phone BA boc Cdn washing 1 aces 'Avaliable Ds De 101 Simcoe St. N. $60,000.00 yearly. Many extras included in purchase . BUSINESS geniieman desires furnish |cember 15. RA 8.5123 price, owner selling due to poor health. For further DONT DELAY ate PAT FOUR . room i floor duplex. $8,200. FULL PRICE $8,200 Dreakfa. wie Be 5, Oman Tae Adute uly "Prone BA TI. 0 A : '| information call Ozzie Addison at RA 3-2254 any- URGENTLY required two, or three | nme =e aoa. COMBINATION ti Lloyd Avers Realtor. ba : oe Shone RA 30085 or RA|ment. best, Hfhts,' and water, threo DOWS IDE. ova . 283¢| Lt you are looking for a home to pay for itself, : rea, , piece Dah, private entrance, svallable WIN 0) pod nk i neh fii pid , thisis it. 8 fo. and Ni Health Appliances, 239 §imeoe|s5:3623/ ; | agara ates DOORS, AWNINGS, THE Raw furs, live poultry, fea- Street ET CONTAINED, threes - room 3 1 must be seen to realize the value that is bei thers, scrop, iron and metal. (now home), bedvy wiring; BEST FOR LESS. ; ( and buses at door, for details contact Howa: ould you like a job in Toronto? I. TUKNER Avi i Emplors os Unlimitea, 18 Church | HOUSE, Bie Touma: brick, part ge Adults, Near NGM. Parking. FA 378 CALL RA 8-8571 H O Fi D ot RA 5-6544, good location, just outside rage room warmed two ur Whitby MO 8-4891 RA 3-2043 RDRESSERS amr Com Pe 1, 28 iden] Manufactured In Whitby | Associates Ltd. cole enn nape ween | Ee CE, Te Ee 8 fo oe SE "on ANAL I as JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED welcome, SIX - room a rime all convenience- : ae Ay [uaa ES ELECTS ALUMINUM DOWN $2,000.00 DOWN REALTORS--INSURANCE ALE Eileen's Beauty Salon, 259 ; |triet. evenings, days RA CESCRAP mee St. BD Ey this beautiful 3-bedroom brick bungalow en Central Park Simcoe St. S. Phone RA [ground . . - - © Buys SCRAP 8-013. Je APY 3 "Quebec sire Snarimeot, iy spped. 'Cal RA Bivd. _Prce includes eluminum_ stony and scteers, Slumingm | TEORS ; * z 8 282¢|5-6343, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. . 00 aerial, nicely landscaped o roun IRON : : METALS 7 KITCHE Bedroom, unfurnished, LARGE six - room Brick Bouse, aviet BR KLIN oor. "17 includes principal, interest and Sons. For turin dhe Ty treet, esirable focal 0494, PAPERS : : RAGS 37--Male Help Wante Suit couple. Phone 'RA 37174. 203 street, garage, very desirable ioc E1) FARM formation, please call John Zakarow, evenings, fo 3 i . - faraished OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY | AMBITIOUS young Wan Wter 25 iL or 'wnturnished_rooms, private bath, 5. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY cent. 'Nine months #0 - g Jooms, sink, ot 75 productive acres, all work- 282¢ Fg pay. kus 24 S159 [a TEmE fer pube Gee u ere a Sutin He "ha | washing machine, Couple' referred, #| able, 6 acres of Fall wheot. | Having 168' frontage on Oshawa Main Street and close to High: | [OT Tor sale -- wits Garage. on 300 pertonal service" tour ome' Sail AA RES ; 245, Oshawa Times. 278¢|3-2428. He h. Street. Jan.3| Drew Street. RA 34152 after 4 pam. dle Good bank ban and large © | way 401.: Depth of lot is one city block with rear entrance of Alderson "Street, Waithy: Phone oi | 56 PLYMOUTH "V4 four-door sedan, 100 ANNIS STREET | crue ic vous boy ie BH. Io TA| FURNISHED bachelor apartment, prk| brick house with two aport- | 90' on to secondary street. Two huge homes on property, one 1 push button drive, tutone, in' excellent FREE PICK-UP work in modern food store. Apply in|5.9601. 2 Charles Street. 282¢| v fan and bath, Central. ne ments. 6 miles to downtown at front of property and one facing secondary street, Excellent TER - oa Jaxcels, off Taunton Roda © condition. RA 3-4887. Dec. person. Stroud's Food Market, 34 Sim |p paaENT building, three rooms, weekly. Phone | Oshawa. The price is low, location for Hote!, Motel, apartment site. For further informa- LS, Terns, W. Ms viey: Beal CA FONTIAC sedan deluxe, coe North. bathroom, washer, Serial. parking, FY aunt $22,500. We have other tion, please call Bill McFeeters, RA 5-1726, evenings. SAMPLE display cottage at 289 Park pon igh Puifeet Wii accept small CARS WANTED FO A hy Prins South, 282¢| aga Road. 2001] farms, 346 MARY STREET ale South , Basha. Sick #2ie, po {FARIS off of '49 Ford: new generator, 1 ial TWO furnished sleeping rooms. Avail- ollywood muffler, tall h ts, eee or Grade 15 'Gaucation. A §00d| Jett Po uuc, SOOT Re DIY Sif able' mow. 11 Colborn MERV BIRD $11,500 -- 7-room brick in this choice locath jent to spemdometer, lock, reat ux: bikes RA 3.9064 Grade 13 education. A Sond . Ref-|able now. 111 Colborne Street East. RA FOR WRECKING opportunity for a young man who is in f ranean. 'Available. anytime. Phone RA|S-8421 aiter § p.m. i BR K schools, churches, downtown. Nice living room with fireplacs, springs, {ront end, ete. Phone y ferested ping, re ne of gual. |3:3138. 23 | TWO - room apartment with bathroom, OOKLIN good-size dining room, modern kitchen with plenty of cupboards. WILL TR ADE after 6 pm. oo Dee. pri Scrap iron and metals | eation. to W. Gordon Bunker, Busi-| CENTRAL, private entrance, heated, Private entrance. Central location. Ph 255.W Enclosed brick porch, 3 large bedrooms, new forced air oil fur- i550 CHEV. sedan, heater, radio, dirce- bought. Call ness Administrator, 179 Simeoe Bireet living rom, bedtoom, buitoom snd pls hicl pale Bath, one - nace, nicely shaded back yard and garage. For further infor- FOR OLDER HOME snow tires. ne windshield Wagers gh South, Junana. an parking. APR 34 Athol Sureet, heavy wiring, sult working couple. J. A. WILLOUGBY mation, please call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243. "51 HUDSON, good running order, $250 SHAW S B20} Phos BA\SBW remand + & SONS LIMITED BEFORE 5:00 P.M, -- RA 3-2265 New six room brick, [of best offer. RA 3.294. 23 ERVICE STATION TWO furnished rooms, close to hospi-| APARTMENT two large rooms, fur ' " bho hs ' is CHEV, tion th . od rtment. RA |nished, first Drew Street. Phone BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M. -- RA 8-1624 p bungalow with car port 48 Sood condi roughout, RAG & lneraL MANAGER ES MMGuby = Pe it REALTORS - 2030} On Boer Sree | (Fetee el tr ise C3 pus vod pe - room, Snfuraished down- : Dec. 4.8 Close to Simcoe North | oo srore wai Xi satan 3.000 GOO TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, D_OPPORTUNITY near Poesy Centre. Call RA 5-4373. stairs apartment, tiled bathroom, close miles, 6 cylinder standard radio white RA 5-231 1 Wri B 144, y 107 Fernhill Blvd. 2811 to YWCA, heated, private entrance, TV ¢ rite to Box aerial, 216 Cen- JOH N F. DE WITH JON ES alls back-up lights, clock, AT ed - r , also th 89 Bloor Street East OSHAWA TIMES FOUR Tom Fangtiow, fights (re Street." C&M water supplied. RA 3-7088. Dee. 25 ONE | large furnished housekeeping LS -- Realtor and General Insurance REAL ESTATE |= voun custom tine stor, custom . radio, Fairlane wheel covers, white OPEN SATURDAYS 278¢ Ped iin room, refrigerator, and rangette, down- wall tires, finished in ebony black, ONE large furnished room, mice for 114 Athol East, 280¢ ' ree nt Wanted Fernhill Boulevard or|'OWn area. o . 35 Employme +a|38--Male or Female gestieman. WA Fern ey Dec.4| ROOMS, single beds. Breakfast, lunches CHRISTMAS > Ph 3341 6) Pri BARBER would rent chair, in g Help Want d | ontional. Corner store, William and NEWCASTLE: one Va rince Street $2195. King Neat Motors, opposite shop. Phone Cobourg, FR 2.3404. ae elp Wante FURNISHED room_for lady, bus ser | SFL cof)" an RA 5.6412 or RA 8-1566 |Shopping Centre 2818 GENTLEMAN would like part - FOR extra income after your ciher vice. Phone RA 8:5789 or if no a FIVE room Spare Wentworth TREES 19% METEOR, oi Seon work, Svenings and Saturdays. -|work, supply families in your own Street, Oshawa. Washer, di stove, SALESMEN: 283¢| used car price, lady owner bought new anything di hood wa SIXwroom house, heated with stoves, refrigerator. TV aerial. Ni FREE FREE car, doesn't need this one. Call Whitby "4a. Write Box 301, Oshawa Times. 2816 i gh's, Dept.|vacant $50 a month 97 Nassau Street. |p on™ Market 3.3611, Bowmanville. DONALD MOUNTJOY, BOWMANVILLE -- MA 3-3950 MO' 8-4025 after 8 p.m. Private, 283 GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies. Makes| L-310-HM, 108 Richelien, Montreal, | Apply V8 King West. RA 5-0332. 283¢ bee-3il or -auolify . just visit NESTIN NEW--N.H A. --6% 5T MORRIS Oxford sedan Tike rand the perfect Christmas gift. Both sexes THREE rooms, upper duplex; Private yurenyaye possession, nice four: dey home us, Ey DAN. BOEHM, GARDEN HILL -- PHONE 6r new, motor completely FB llent blood lines. A deposit will bath, te entrance, heavy duty rt t, downtown, asher, feet. of excullam Powntown. Immediate posses- dryer, B herial, furnished if desired | Gardens, Stevenson's Rood ROSS DAVIDSON, BETHANY -- PHONE 21ré | OW West Hiotors, oppose Shopping Centre: : : i H i i P i + |] i oh 283b ' til Christ Pickering 578. wiring. + ll un stmas. Pie 23 BOYS! GIRLS! sion, $60 monthly. RA 3-948 after 6 Also a furnished bachelor apartment) North at Annapolis, then 1 " WOMAN would like day work, Monday : aR RA 8.8180. De block west to Elizabeth, h, with 90 1958 CHEVROLET four-door sedan, ex. eel "- ing. Tuesdsy, we] EARN EXTRA CASH [NINE room house st 73 French bE wo - : "room fat, furnished od or unfor. HOMES BY GOLDELL $3,000 down tor his imi Pl = cellent condition. Phone Whitby ' MO +*BETIRED professional man, requires . AFTER SCHOOL North. Phone RA 3-3732 daytime; working couple. RA 57279 after $2 " LOW DOWN etc. 9.roomed brick house with heavy duty wiring. Price DOWN PAYMENTS % GHEY. rp of these poplar m ave white rt time "and evening employment. 5-0704 night. a with drugs and Pharmaceuti- SELL FOUR and three room apartment, oat FURNISHED "bedroom, very large, a PAYMENTS $12,000. models to choose tron have white @als, Mechanically inclined. Phoae RA . lights and water, private bath; also|,oo "Uo" ontral Phone RA 5-28 err Mos, ne "ae 23] Ladies Home Journal [single rooms, gentlemen only. Prone (110114 Ontario Street. anor FROM $12,999.00 $9,500 full asking price for 50-acre farm, commuting distance 2814 $0783. '52 DODGE sedan, standard transmis ines on 1 Years |RA Ss8i. WD d like girl or widow fo : "36--Female Help Wanted Magazines o ONE six room apartment with bath, WO" MOwS TRE EU OF Will ren; MODEL HOME OPEN Oshawa, AQ wares werabie, L-shaped Som, Sve Jhed, "crack: 72 DODGE sedan, standard transrii. WAITRESSES wanted, APPIY HW! Moke enough for those little [bath, heated. Apply Mrs. G. Annis, 03 trance Apply 165 Ritson Road South Sve Ay. Only $2 Xing West 1 6 Subscription Basis unheated; also one four room With uae ground floor, separate. en- 2 P.M. TO DARK Somes j in ever Campbell, Genosha Hotel. Dec. extra Christmas gifts or saye |King Street East, Bowmanville. 283f| ger pm. : ONE OF THE 2 9 'est Motors, opposite Shopping Contre, for the future. It tokes only |FURNISHED room, suit one or two|gGUSE -- four rooms, coms, at Courtice, XCLUSIVE AGENTS 195 MORRIS Oxford sedan, black, Phone between 6 and 10 hone RA 8-6779. 290f . $18,000 full price for 100-acre farm, located north-east Bow- A cl DU PONT OF a few hours each week in |EULOLVD: im t Water Bode. Dione JOHN A, J. manville, large stream, 70 acres workable, 5 acres wood, 100° bith 0 eg 3-4675, 2838 i weekdays; anytime Saturday and i hs ER ert pergn your neighborhood. Sell sub -|Feekqars; SO 35s, UO foe Yom, lose 1h 20, reo ; Ie OE EE a aot Moe -- fon. $5. 3 RA 3-2 200 BOLAHOOD garage; 8-roomed brick house with furnace, heavy duty wiring. 8 138 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, nearly new. nearly new, CANADA gcription "os Christmas Git. |e pursued rooms, second Lie: fo Whitby Plant tite 10 floor, heated and private = downstal rimont. Terms arranged. . » bedroom brick |black, radio, white wall tires. Cash = CLERK- g YPIST ° ATs e Vonas N CO. [omin. courie aio; sisiabie mow, Hg Apr ui" Gunaws Bevievard South| LIMITED -- REALTORS 9 a rrp A bi Mui SRR. A -- : fter 6 p. ) / yA E Toronto 7, Ont. THREE attractively torus Hed Crowns pant --t with private bath, sec- $6,500 full price for 50-acre farm near Kendall with 100° x interest and principal com- oh mileage, shies conto, rods , The 'Whitby plant of our Nome ...ccoienineenane tre Fis. iE esky, 48 'Albert Street. |ond floor. Apply 539 Albert Street. 30' bankbarn, mochine shed, garage; 7-roomed frame house bined, bus ot door: high * Filme Department requires @ | Age ....e.esessssseess |RA 8.0860 283¢| Phone RA 3-2606, 2801 NEW HOMES with 3-piece bath, hot and cold running water, Terms. ere RA 5960 after § pm. Dee L , high school or _techtcal |. Street ..l............. |FHREE room unummed saciment ONE double reel FHL SPL Sgn 1 Ph school graduate, preferably in Cy. . hase. chic. newly Semted, private enitance and Use of kitchen, close to bus, in Cana. Sv $16,000 osking price for 100-acre farm near Rice Lake, 75 McCabe, RA 5.6544 Try the 1959 accounting, with ore o> twa 282b | under 10. Apply $49 Drew Street. _283a dian home. RA 3-2863. 2800 CARAVAN acres workable, 15 acres wood, 2 bhanisarng Vit funning water, cCabe, . Paris' Styled years' experience in clerical & =~ | SJOELY furnished single room, cen- o drive shed, etc; 8-roomed frame house, heavy ty wired. or ENT thi rooms and bath, end occounting records work: |41_Room and Board | eve ant sereeraor, newly dscoried tray locale. A conveniences Phos) oo er pony | Terms arranged. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD | Renault Dauphine espon: ™ 1 to & nan Sa wadkly payroll with om Moto win. "ng mrmaton phone Mr. Cavion. RA 301 FREE rooms $04 Da, esed, un Complete BOARDING HOUSE for 14 pérsons with living quarters LIMITED REALTORS Four doors, 44 miles a gallon, " H 14 wi related reports and miscellan- {lance Apply 1493 Oxford Street off| oer croom a working couple desired. RA 8-837. 2781 50 HOMES and dining room for roomers, built 5 years ago. Located Osh- water cooled. eous clerical functions. | SOO ot bora or 5. | quiet, private home, Inesls optional SINGLE furnished bedroom in quiet awa "with gross income of over $10,000 yearly. All modern CHARLES AT Training in the operating of [tinuous hot water, home privileges. 44 Phone 2831 | oro Dusiaess gepvieman, "Dee.24 3 DIFFERENT po gl 1 6 showers, bathroom, oil furnace, etc. Asking VAN HEUSEN MOTORS a Sureughe SECoUAing Wes ary 301 Reon Ron Seth. Bot HOUSE -- six - Soom, righ, ol | heating, FOR rent or sale -- new six: x MODELS price $32, 000." Terns arranged. RANKINE 149 Kin W. ne, and in office me an ard for in| an arage. A , mear South GM. Apply 254 : and procedures will be pro- |Modern home, home privileges also| now. $100 monthly. Phone RA 4289. | Malaga Road Bee SMOKE SHOP with living quarters, on main street in Bowman- RA 5-3557 ided prior ta the beginnin k Yor. Biprmation, esl BA 3.751; 23 | SNACK b sion in new ty DOWN PAYMENT ONLY REAL ESTATE Dec. 11 po To i BU rooms and Bath, heated, un- alley. the Lakeshore's most modern Us. Ticeliens move, incising. 8 eqvipmen, = Pris and BROKER LOVELY, newly decorated privates nished apartment, light wiring. | size 26° x 36. Apply C. McDonald, Pine 4 yeors old, white frame If you are interested, please |T0om with board for young lady, In|working couple desired, RA 8-8387. 283f Crest Bowl, Port Hope, Ont. 278 Bacifi MACKIE MOTORS tec, pec adult home. North Simcoe district. ; bungalow. Pacific Avenue. telephone Mr. P. Pick at AjoX |ppone RA 5.8013. 280f IAxGE furnished housekeeping room. TWO room basement apartment, fhree- $10,500 asking price for 5-roomed bungalow, east Oshawa, Modern. and oftroctive 1110 ofter 11:00 a.m. Mon- |e poor sentiomeh good man, near hospital and piece bath suitable for working "couple, with attached garage and all modern conveniences. Good-size Priced to sell at $9,500. Will buy good clean cars. day, 8th December, to ar- Wy Apply 542 Simcoe North or|Call RA 5-4087. x he 8 , : eS ects rn or Heals, Angle 2, continous hot RA 3-4376. WH | CEGTRD Toor, Two. Sean uafarain. MODEL HOME OPEN kitchen with cupboards, etc. Down payment, etc, arranged. Good terms. Pay off liens. Sell on cone an intm water. ply ur ' . ge 9 A ' y ed four - ed , sink in kitchen, private en. write giving a brief summary [80723. 282¢ CONFERS a Ore |e er Paes I Sis. DAILY $7.500 7 Tes: down Jor + insdiated. # } with This 6-roomed home on Wil- signment. Trade up or down. of your qualifications to: BOOM, Joud, double, fgle, Gown to reliable douple, Avstainers. Centra Dec. 11 oil' furnace, 3 bedrooms, heavy duty wired. Price $4,500 fom Stre ls zoned commer- NEW LOCATI a »| Charles Stree! rtment, letely : dds 4 cial, Lot 56 x 198, House Du Pont Company |= GM. 38 Eigin Eas. RA asian. | Charles Street. 20 [THREE room apartment, complefely 1 P.M. -9P.M. RB optiorcny A ON of Canada (1956) ROOM and board for geafiemen, good |APPIY 38 Nassau Street. 283a (welcome. Phone RA 8-5332. 78) Floodlights for your $12,000 asking price for almost new, ranch-style bungalow, Priced at $10,000, terms, King St. East 3k meals, single beds, home privileges, HOUSE, available immediately, Apply SOWER duplex, $50 per month. RA east of Oshawa, with all modern conveniences, recreation room W d 778¢ convenience Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in imite pa space, close to all south plants. |201 Bonnie Brae Point. 2831 (5-7081, ; in basement. Large kitchen, 75' x 275' lot, Easy terms. Pickering home, rooms, : Personnel Division . - or a , Dac Targe Three room #round FOUR and fe To ae For modern. $8,750, om RA 5.5743 town, je al rt) ni erator : P.O. Box 660 conveniences, close fo south GM. RA a ashing facilities, Corner of partment, stove ve an reimgerator. RA Information and Appointment $1,000 or less down for 7-roomed frame home near Ennis- Nice . 4-bedroom home In Montreal, Quebec fudasy. Arlt % Loiruiie Streek King and Division. Phone Whithy 20 c Apartment 4. 278 kilien with furnace, hardwood floors, kitchen' with cupboards, Burketon. New * bathroom, ' ROOM or room and board, seven days| 5-239. water under pressure, Full price $6,500. new tiled well, cupboards, 283¢| 3 yee, Apply 3 Oshawa Boulevard LARGE modern apartment, {wo bed- LOVELY ute pg Be gg bed. etc. Priced to sell ot $7, 000 orth gr phions RA 3-6033, rooms, in brand new apartment block, Place . central to GM. |rooms, two bathrooms, $110 a month, MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD | With low down payment. Now. available, $95 monthly, MA i pre Dec.15 283¢ 45 n rkoble. h USED CARS UNFURNISHED oo s acres, all wo WHITBY CLASSIFIED |= erm Fok Sm Lardy to Port Perry - Oshawa Highway, Im- vine, parking race! PP! 701 miles from Oshawa. This . s to Fred ; potential Industrial site is a Fully Winterized reol Investment at only Apply Carnochan, Box 110, Port Perry, Ont. 283, FOR rent -- small apartment, heated, FOR SALE -- Cocker Spaniels, Apply . mcpultable for two or three, alegre 610 Brock South. MO 8-300. Ble i oo *' THREE SPACIOUS ROOMS . $20,000 with $5,000 ii 4 '57 PLYMOUTH Savoy Fore session, 110 Ash Street, side souts ~ear| FOR sale--Cocker Spaniel, two months facilities, Reasonable. Will care for| |n ons of Oshawa's better ove [ | 4 Il S | 1q S 52 King Street West or Sedan; black, radio, of. 1 ree! es automatic ransmission. door. Near bus terminal, 283c| gid: M180 mew welder. Apply 117 Luclid child while mother works. RA 5.0241. homes (Simcos North of YOUNG Dutch woman would like| gow Dec.10 d LQ ne family In Oshawa phone RA 8-1022 i 4-pi sework. Phone Whitby, MO 84853. | "0% NN modern four-room apart- SELF . contained basement R Spariment, Louis), Bovis iisiog sig J " 28% nice size bright rooms, TV outlet, ore berms. Kitchen with cu| utilities paid, low rent. a" A PICTURE B K =| --Len Hibbard ' FOR male -- Gas and wood p oom, tue Hoi 56 PLYMOUTH Suburban white Some, Ary Ein Chestnut 1 ove, Suite. MO Tho 53 J omefiam ponte conn het water pA Phone RA 8-8589 283 Two-door, blue, six cy- after 5 282 sale a her. dl bles. a month, r.S_-- i dual - - 'OR SALE ~-- Duo-Therm space heat. rox new, -- used." Phone in Hampton. MA Ariet_3 2460, - 20 iin FOR LESS THAN RENT A Real Estate Wanted aE +1295 ar, large size, new condition. MO 8-4774.| Whitby MO 8-2708. 283a [SINGLE, unfurnished room, suitable $1,000 down payment for five-roomed Eo ff 3 ig? ' three-bedroom brick house with garage. '55 CHEVROLET Two-door, 6 LE yyw dn pine. Murry grown, si ps "ee Ver Sentral, Hest: He 12d BEST AVARTNIENTS IN EXCLUSIVE . Write Box 247 Oshawa Times. 278f cylinder, - blue, custom sew six-room solid brick bungalow, MO 8.4894. Fo 47--A biles For Sal radio, a suelity ga SKra-modern in every respect. Chose to - room apartment, builtin cup- utomobiles For Sale + Schools, shops and transportation. Im. FOUND -- One small dog. Par ogg Tern Bar Rs faa NOW RENTING '57 PONTIAC deluxe sedan, radio and priced right zis ein Street. OX 3.0673, Yorrilonn, "site Fou office Box 78, hie. 2 2 ari room unfurnished downstairs| 3 BLOCKS NORTH OF KING : ar: wit no "ade. a a 54 CHRYSLER Windsor For- > ranged. Marion Auto Ltd., 25 Grenfell dor, automatic transmis- FOR. rent -- Large four-room apart-|apartment, close to hospital, heated, FOR rent -- TTwo or three-roamed n-| ment, self- contained, front and Part us le ST. ON WILSON RD. NORTH ; furnished apartment. second flo. Also. 18. MO hurees. Imivedinie possession. Apply 3| Private entrances fo upper HERE'S FAMILY LIVING AT ITS BEST! an x deh | Esashi furnished tw \ cM Sion nat; Pant. 3200: i Louisa _ Street, aly and' lower apartments in new automatic, custom radio, showroom MO 8.9065. 281¢| FOR RENT -- Large four roomed FOUR nice clean Fooms, aa private] duplex. Beautifully decorated condition in every way. Royal blue, $895] '53 CHEVROLET Holf - ton NO PIONEERING Raa Raves iio heated, central. Phone MO | home, , kitchen 'cupboards. « CHOICE _ Christmas trees, Balsam, 8.3032, : asic Near BGM. Phone TA 3788. No eni| In pastel colors, 2 blogs, 2 Spruce, Pine. May' be seen across uve POULTRY dren. 219] Coronation public school - isha, ray trom Grand Union. Free delivery. G. Ah paid. ar NEW home, six rooms, $95 monthly foot family-size living room, / 51 Fine - on, automatie Ravary MO_82s10. Dec. 35) 20,00 MG 83406 Whitby: Jan, 2|with washer and dryer, hardwood and| 2 large bright bedrooms, lots ROADS STREET LIGHTING serine, on, eum ¥adio, JUNI. 152 ; DOD 2 Regent + Fordr, owner. Only $19.95, King West Motors, ar in excellen and sell used . Grixti a tile floors. Phone collect MO 8.2413, of cupboard space, family : : sialyl py can eed a pe Se 2: baby's. a ley Whitby. BU) gized kitchen, table and chair SEWERS DOUBLE SASH opposite Shopping Centre. 2824 mechanical condition Brock South, Mo' 5.4872. Dec 20743 child's white fur Hae area. Tiled ,Dotjweem, 3 SODDED WATER "5 PONTIAC sedan delivery, new seat $595 cease | A conies overiool ove covers, fl ats, w int job in. OsED FURNITURE savings, crib, [FOR RENT -- Santa Claus sult avail- BUCKINGHAM MANOR am opee Oy Children fide and out, motor A: condition. Any| '51 CHEVROLET Two-door, modern room suite, sectional ches-| able anytime without Santa, $5. Avail- APARTMENTS welcome. Stoves, refrigerator, A BEAUTIFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY easaamble oils: soBsideres; Phone e linger, blacks with ud radio. ee an ve it ferfield, guaranteed piano, $159.00. Re. Br practically my ooo: ghes able with Santa, nights and weekends, Orie' bedroom eporiment. des washer, dryer and TV an- FOR MORE LIVING COMFORT ! rice, bed copeeeni----------------------_----, i pring makes, $17; 2 piece chester. | TOR RENT -- 1 room sell trically equipped, good loca. | ene included. SABYAN MOTOR Beld suits, $06; Many more bargains JIL! SPAARETL, Jower Mor ane | - tion. Apply 498 Simcoe St. NOW OPEN FOR Contact Your Rosslyn Agent: "50 STUDEBAKER Champion. clean uw I» v . #al MO 8.4981. Midtown Furniture|Call at 100 Henry Street. Biel N, Apt. 5. RA 8-8676. INSPECTION WILSON REALTOR SCHOFIELD INSURANCE SALES LTD. A fine economy car to Legion) Whitby, Dec.12 PANT cuffing and aiieraiions. men's Dec. 25 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN $ es' wear; tera y . ' SEF it, Se, Se ey 8 EE Tu "ie Ca it Call or Wi RA 5.6588 RA 3-2265 { RITSON RD, SoU MY STR To 'Chestnut West. MO 8.2563, Dee. 21 oll op Wilts ~ 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH CHOOSE FROM Dee. 35 NEW APARTMENTS FRANK HAZLETT OSHAWA, ONT. FOR RENT Solid brick home, on quiet 3005 BATHURST STREET BOLAHOOD REALTOR RISTOW & OLSEN TEL: RAndoloh 3-3461 VAN HEUSEN AVON CALLING Shot guns, decoys, eartop residentiol street," very close © TORONTO boats and 8, skill to downtown. Will alter to 4 ; nd canoes, si saws, RUssell 3:1733 or RA 5 6544 RA 5 6165 CRANFIELD MOT RS MOTORS LTD. rt own ca in the - suit, by arrangements with Seeing ¢ busines Poe aprayers (ga and elec- | oqyit tenants, to provide RUssell 7-9387 331 PARK ROAD § RA 3-2284 149 King St. West iting C: tic busi i i i : wa ng Cosmetie business a8 tric), pipe dies, cement mixer, three very modem attractive 279¢ Write at once Miss E. Outer- Suiomoive oo, apartments. Garage, park- : VICKERY & GOYNE USED CARS ridge, 42 Soranoc Blvd, AND SOA FR YICE ing, moderate rentals. RA |45--Real Estate For Sale B.A. SERVICE RA 5-3557 and 8 es 19, Ont. ) 8-8175 RA 8-5155 RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN 283¢ LOT 40 x 105, water and sewer, north MO 8-3226 : Mow 18,90,23,Dec.2, 4,4 ) Dec. 18 S000 nn." 01 30 with well BA : OE s. 2 SERVICE, (Continued en Page 18) A SU OF UOT rt